Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 03, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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O Deputy Bhorlff 15. C. Hackott UiIh
week purchased of Howard Urownell
lot 8, block 18, cornor Thirteenth and
Main streets for a consideration of
por cent. Farm aocurlty. U'Ken
& Scnubol.
at lowKt rate, Lutourtsttu'i olllce,
Commercial Dank Dulldlng, Oregon
Found, a black pointer bitch, call
at 101k Horn HtabloH.
Marrlugo HconHo were Issued by
Clerk Green man Monday an follows:
Henrietta Rabl risky and W. 15. Hoi
lumy; l'aullno Wattawa and F. J.
BtmiKle; May Duln and JuIIum Kutner.
Local Events
Wanted, a man for business that
will pay f5 to $20 per day. Call at
room 1, 4H Main street, Oregon City,
r. to Saturday evening
Horn, Saturday, October 2R, to Mr.
and MrH. Leo Krunch at their home at
lircen l'olnt, a Hon.
Wanted a good piano player for
orcheHtra work. Call on or addroHH
Harry M. Shaw, Oregon City.
A marriage license wan granted on
Tuesday to Ora Grace Oorbet and
John Frank 1'hllllpH.
Furnished roornH for rent, apply
flrHt house north aide of Tenth street,
weHt from Main street. tf.
Watches that others have failed to
make run properly especially solicited
by It. F. Caulleld, watchmaker and
jeweler, opposite Huntley llros., Main
street, Oregon City. All work guar
anteed. James Evans, of Canby. has been
appointed administrator of the es
tate of Otto Evans, who died recently
at Canby.
Try Duckeye Extracts Thanks.
Itev. L. M. llaworth, of Clackamas,
will preach In the Elyvlllo church,
Sunday, November 12, at 2 p. m. All
are cordially Invited.
Those who wish to buy millinery to
the greatest advantage, call on Miss
C. tloldsmlth.
Fred Nelson ami Dee Wright have
acquired the ownership of the busi
ness heretofore conducted by Illayney
& Nelson and will conduct the same.
Found 1'urso containing some
money. Owner can have property by
calling at the law ofllco of U'Ken &
Hchuebel, proving property and pay
ing for this notice,
Robert Cook, of 1'ortland, and Miss
Laura Thompson, of this city, were
married by Itev. 1. K. Hammond, In
this city, last Saturday evening.
Wise women uso Huckeye Extracts.
William 15. Haz.ard and Mrs. Isa
bella Thomas of this city were mar
ried Tuesday afternoon at tho Con
gregational manso by tho pastor, Itev.
15. 8. Holllnger. They will reside here.
Houses to rent. Bee J. A Moehnko,
Enterprise building.
First anniversary of the flerman So
ciety will bo celebrated Sunday, No
vember 12, 1905, at tho Armory Hall,
beginning at 2 p. m. Tho Germans
solicit the presence of yourself and
friends. Admission, tickets 25 cents.
11. Seller, secretary.
Buckeye Extracts Happy husband.
Willamette Council, Knights and
Ladles of Security, has bison awarded
the prize banner of the state for se
curing the most members during the
past three months. The local council
will work hard for the coming three
months, In an endeavor to retain the
mentH to the state constitution. So far
he has been meeting with unqualified
success and there seems to be no
doubt the amendments will be submit
ted at tho next general election.
New supply of monthly report cards
Just printed at the Enterprise office.
The attention of the Clackamas coun
ty teachers Is respectfully called to
this announcement.. Orders by mall,
when accompanied by necessary post
age, will receive prompt attention.
0. Etchlson, employe of the Crown-
Columbia Pulp & Paper company,
while working at a machine called a
dlgestor Monday, was severely Injur
ed by tho bursting of a blowpipe at
tached to the machine. A piece or
metal from tho bursting pipe hit Mr.
Etchlson on tho head and made a
scalp wound several Inches long.
Money to loan on Farms. Land Title
examined. Dlmlck t Dlmlck, Lawyers,
Oregon City, Oregon...
Committees have been named by
Oregon City Aerlo, Fraternal order
of Eagles, to arrange for a dance to
be given November 16. The public
will pleasantly remember the Initial
dancing party given under the aus
pices of the Oregon City Eagles last
Spring, as one of the most successrui
affairs ever given In the city.
For Sale or Rent House, barn and
18 acres at Willamette, near motor
line. Inquire at Commercial Bank.
at loweit rates, Latourette'a oflloe, Com
mercial Dank Building, Oregon City.
The ladles of St. John's Catholic
church gave a Halloween party and
dance Tuesday night at Knapp's hall.
A short impromptu program of rausl
cal numbers and recitations was car
rled out, refreshments were served
and tho entertainment was concluded
with a dance. Miss Edna Daulton of
ficiated at tho piano.
Good wife Buckeye Extracts.
Fred M., tho 14-year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. 8. Johns, died at the
family homo at Green Point, at 3:00
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, No
vember 1. Funeral services will be
conducted at the First Congregational
church at 2 o'clock this afternoon
Interment will take place at Moun
tain View cemetery.
credit of those participating, it may
be said that only infrequently did the
pranks take on an objectionable form.
The tendency to damage property in
connection with the observance of the
Halloween season, soerns to have ap
preciably abated.
A reward will be paid for the re
turn to the Enterprise Office of a liver
and white pointer bitch.. Hat suck
ling pups.. Last seen Tuesday, Octo
ber 18.
, I
Sam Stowe and Jos. Goodfellow are
working up foot-ball enthusiasm with
a view to organizing a team from
among the membership of the Eagles
Lodge which offers considerable good
material. When tho team has been
formed, a general challenge to the
other fraternal organizations of the
city, Woodmen of the World preferred,
will be Issued.
Small farm, also timber land near
Oregon City for sale or will trade
for Oregon City property; also small
farm near town for rent for cash. Ad-
dross, J. L. Swafford, Oregon City,
County Treasurer Enos Cahlll says
that the issue of county warrants is
steadily decreasing. In 1903 be in
dorsed county warrants to the value
of $41,452.47, and in 1904 $34,883.54.
Th's year to date ho has indorsed
warrants In the amount of $25,372.85,
leaving a margin of $9510.09 to go on
until the end of tho year. He does
not expect this amount to be equaled,
and in that event last year's recora.
will be broken.
While operating a circle saw Tues
day afternoon, F. L. Oswald, of the
Arm of Oswald & Fredericks, furni
ture manufacturers, suffered the loss
of the Index, finger and the tip of the
second finger on his right hand. The
accident is especially unfortunate to
Mr. Oswald, who with his partner
haB only so recently engaged in the
business in which they give every
promise of building up a substantial
and important Industry.
Several tons of Hubbard squash
ust the thing for fattening hogs for
sale by W. 8. King at the mouth of
the Clackamas. Price $5.00 a ton.
Telephone Main 1710.
As a sequal to a family quarrel in
which Chas. A. Reese was considera
bly worsted, Reese has filed in the
circuit court an action against John
M. Olds, Alblna Olds and Ed. Hlgglns
from whom he seeks to recover Judg
ment for $495 for personal damages.
As a result of the difficulty, Olds and
Hlgglns, were arrested last week on
complaint of Reese, and, upon being
convicted in the Justice court, were
given the maximum fine of $50 each
and costs. An appeal from this Judg
ment has been taken to the circuit
School books for all grade and a full
line of school lupplle it loweit price at
Charman A Co., City Drug Store.
W. S. U'Ren la at Salem obtaining
signatures to the Initiative and refer
endum petition asking that a vote be
taken on several proposed amend-
F. Newton, of Oregon City, ha the
snlv flrt-cla undertaking parlor and
hear In Clackamas county.
through that land.
Evidences of youthful pranks, the
product of the Halloween season,
were observed everywhere about the
city Wednesday morning, but to the
A BanR Book is Evidence
IFtP7! wat fr's evidence of
thriftiness as well as the
various sums that have
been placed to the credit of
its 'owner. Any person
you know to have
is raised in your estima
tion. It's because you associate a man with a
bank account with those who do things..M &
n. . h
17 f t I w
r-7 (,
Lost a Scotch Coolie, sharp nose,
brlndlo color. Last seen in Heinz'
feed yard. Suitable reward offered
for return to George Lazelle, R. F. D.
No. 1, Oregon City, Oregon.
1902, gave the bulk of the estate to F.
M. Lichtenthaler and gave the other
legatees small sums varying from 10
cents to $1. As a matter of fact, it
is alleged, Mr. Lichtenthaler had not
been in mental condition for several
years to make a will. For a consider
able period a guardian was appointed
by tho court to look after his property.
Personal Mention
Among tho features of the Argo
naut for October 30th are a striking
story by Samuel Barclay, entitled,
"The Patricide"; "Cockaigne" writes
from London of the "Tunnel Mystery" Jonn rage, oi siacaaa, was in me
the murder that has shaken all Eng- city Sunday.
land; the most interesting anecdotes Dan Moser, of Redland, was in the
of Irving are collected: in a review of, clty Sunday.
the operatic history of San Francisco,
Porter Garnett tells of the unusual
operas that have been heard in the
J. R. Dockerty spent Sunday with
relatives at Salem.
Harvey Cross was a business visit-
in lom Moore ana letrazzinl in a
revival of the old opera, "Dinorah."
R. L. Holman, leading undertaker.
Next to Harrl' grocery (tore, Oregon
City, Oregon.
West; and Josephine Hart Phelps de- r to Salem Tuesday,
vote her department to Andrew Mack c- N- Walt of Canby, was an Ore
gon City visitor Monday.
Charles Schockley, of Highland, was
In the city Wednesday.
B. S. Kramer, of Molalla, was an
Oregon City visitor Thursday.
A. Kocher, the Canby implement
dealer, was In the city Tuesday.
Sheriff and Mrs. J. R. Shaver vis
ited their farm at Molalla Monday.
B. H. Smith, of Janesville, Wiscon
sin, was in the city a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moody have re
turned from a visit at Lewiston, Idaho
Doc W. Gibson, ex-chief of po
lice of Salem, was in the city Tues
1 All
Economy Leads to Success
Conservative Buyers should turn their footsteps toward our
Ggeat Retiring Sale
Everything Must Go
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Furnish
ing Goods, and Women's, Misses, Men's
and Children's Dress and Working Shoes
If the voters of Oregon do not have
an opportunity to vote on the propo
sition to amend the constitution to
provide for woman suffrage, it will be
no fault of the women of Clackamas
county. Mrs. Clara B. Colby, editor
of The Women's Tribune, of Wash
ington, D. C and of Portland, is in
Oreeon City, circulating an initiative day,
Detltlon for that numose. The Clack- Will Marshall, of Russellville, vis-
amas county women have organized ited Sunday with relatives at Cane-
flourlshine eaual suffrage societies at mata
Oregon City, Canby, Parkplace, Glad-1 Nelson Mulvaney and daughter, Miss
stone, Milwaukie, and other points in ! Eliza, of Union Mills, were in the city
the county. Thev rive out the state-. saunaay.
ment that there is no longer any doubt ' Dr- J- w- Norris was quite serious-
that the necessary signatures will be W 111 this week, being threatened with
secured to have the amendment voted pneumonia.
I tt -rt i t
upon. ueorge n. crown, an extensive po-
ta grower or New Era, was in the city
Messrs. Carlton & Rosenkrans, the
Canby merchants, were in the city
Dee Wright, of Liberal was an Ore
gon City business visitor the first of
the week,
Miss Echo Samson has returned
Buckeye Extracts Many smiles.
Deputy District Attorney C. Schue
bel has filed informations on trans
cript of judgment from justice court
against the following named defend
ants: Clarence Green, criminal
sault: Isaac Gratton and M. G. Nease.
proprietors of the Milwaukie Country ' from a visit with friends at Silverton
Club, conductinc a eamhlinz . resort ' ana Aurora.
and maintaining a nuisance (-two in
formations) ; J. W. Potter, burning a
clashing without having obtained a
permit. There are a number of other
criminal cases pending, including the
sale of liquor without a license, sale
of liquor to minors and minor assault
and battery cases. These will all be
disposed of at the regular November
term of the circuit court which will
be convened in this city next Monday.
New supply monthly report cards
just printed at the Enterprise office.
The attention of Clackamas county
teachers is respectfully called to this
announcement. Orders by mail, when
accompanied by necessary postage,
will receive prompt attention.
, Jn r 4 75 Men's and Boys' Dress and Work' A. A
Men's and Boys Suits 4. to mm m kJ
, ' t c flft Women's Misses and Children's A. . .
Men's and Boys Overcoats 3.UU regular $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes at $1.00
Monarch $1.00 Dress Shirts 85C Men's and Boys' High Grade Hats 95C
Men's and Boys' Regular $1.00 and J'f
and $1.25 Underwear, per suit ' C Men's and Boys' Fancy Caps ana 4UC
I M. Trullinger and W. Gray, of Mo
! lalla, were in the city the latter part
; of last week.
! Mrs. George Hoeye and son, Emer
son, have returned from a visit with
Salem friends.
1 Mrs. Frank Nehren has gone to The
Dalles where she will join Mr. Neh
ren and reside.
Harry M. Shaw, linotype operator
for the Enterprise, spent Sunday with
I friends at Eugene.
Mrs. R. R. McAlpin has returned
from a visit with friends and relatives
at Salem and Albany.
i Miss Leola Dunham, of Independ-
ence, was in the city last Friday, reg
istering at the Electric.
! Attorney and Mrs. John H. Middle
ton and son, of Portland, spent Sun-
I day with Oregon City friends.
Councilman H. E. Straight has been
spending several days on a hunting
trip in the vicinity of Cottage Grove.
Adolph Aschoff, of Marmot, forest
supervisor for this district, was an
Oregon City business visitor Wednes
day. Mrs. P. F. Devereaux, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. A. Nash,
has returned to her home In Minne
sota. George J. Currin, a former resi
dent of this city, but now of Hepp
ner, was In the city visiting old ac
quaintances the latter part of last
Attorney S. T. Richardson and J.
E. Godfrey, of Salem, were In the
city Saturday on their way to Portland.
James J. Gibson and H. D. Harmes,
of Marquam, prominent Clackamaa
county farmers, were in the city the
first of the week.
Mrs. Florence Haynes Pugh, a for
mer Oregon City girl, and now resid
ing at Portland, visited with friends
in this city this week.
H. C. Stevens has returned home
greatly improved in health from Port
land where he has been receiving
treatment for several weeks.
Mayor Wm. Schindler, of Milwau
kie, was in the city Wednesday after
noon and reports, considerable activ
ity in real estate in his live town.
George Randall has returned from
Salem where he was called by the ill
ness of his daughter who is now con
valescing from serious attack or,
typhoid fever.
Dr. Robert Henderson, of Spokane,
Washington, has returned from a vis
It with other relatives up the valley,
and is again visiting his sister, Mrs.
R. R. McAlpin.
Dr. J. W. Thomas, of Molalla, was
in the city Tuesday in attendance on
the meeting of the executive commit
tee that had charge of the Clacka
mas county exhibit at the Lewis and
Clark Fair.
Misses May Hurt and Attie Bray
arrived home Tuesday from Portland
and Oregon City, at which points they
had been visiting for three weeks.
They saw the close of the great Fair.
Corvallis Gazette.
Editor C. S. Jackson, of the Oregon
Daily Journal, accompanied by Mrs.
Jackson and some friends, were Ore
gon City visitors last Friday. During
the afternoon they visited a number
of the large mills.
U. W. Dillard, a mill-wright, visited
relatives in this city this week. Mr.
Dillard has just completed a contract
at Gray's Harbor, Washington, and
goes from here to Salem where he
has another contract to perform.
Drs. Beatle ft Beatle, Dentists, Room
16, 17 18, Welnhard Building.
A Bright Young Man with Light
Tenm in your county, steady work
and good wages, for the right man.
References required. For full particu
lars address 'No? 1
KOCH V. TXo., Winona, Mimn.
Master Fish Warden VanDusen was
in the city Wednesday preparing for I
the term of circuit court which will
be convened here next Monday when
there will be heard some cases for
illegal fishing. The successful take
of 2,000,000 salmon eggs at the Mc
Kenzie station this season is consid
ered abundant evidence of the suc
cess of the fish ladder that was in
stalled at the Falls in this city by
the state last year. Mr. VanDusen
predicts that the catch on the McKen
zie,. next season will easily reach 5,
000,000. Alterations have only re
cently been completed in the fish lad
der by which the upper apartments
of the contrivance are made more
easy of access to the fish which as
cend the ladder with ease. ,
Lost Five months' old Fox Terrior
1 pup, bob-tailed, all white except
j brown spot over right eye. Dlsap-
peared from Sunnyside Wednesday, 1
October 25. A. Hunter, the owner,
I residing on Clackamas R. F. D. No. 1,
offers five dollars reward for return
of dog. I
Sixth MsJn Sts.
One Block South of Suspension Bridge
A second will alleging to be the last
document of the kind signed by him,
disposing of the estate of the late
William C. Lichtenthaler of Wilson-1
! ville, was filed for probate Tuesday j
1 morning. It names James C. Smock
I of Sherwood as executor and provid
es for an equal division of the estate
! said to be valued at $5000 between :
j the following heirs: John Wesley
Lichtenthaler, Ferguson M. Llchten-1
thaler, Nellie Squires, Lucinda F.
I Sloan, Grace Pearce and Josle L..,!
Slater. This will was signed March '
1 31, ' 1904. A previous will was filed
a few days ago and signed August 18,
The following are only a few of the prominent people of Oregon City
and Willamette who have used the BUCKEYE EXTRACTS for over two
years with perfect satisfaction. They say that thy last longer and give
a better flavor than any brand they ever used. They are true to their
name and retain their strength in baking and freezing,
Mrs. E. Mass, Willamette Mrs. G. L. Hedges
Mrs. J. H. Forbes, Oregon City Mrs. C. B. Wilson
Mrs, A. Rkilly, " " Mrs. Morley, Cliff House
.- Mrs. Jacob CasselW Electric Hotel '
The BUCKEYE EXTRACT sales have more than quadrupled in the
last year, which proves their merit. For Sale by the following Grocers.
D. M. KLEMSEN T. J. GARY, Willamette
Ask for
Now on Sale
Most Please or Your Money Refunded