OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER H, 1905. J Oar Correspondents' Corner ? 2 Brief lts of Gossip From AU Partsof the County. Correspondents are requested to to jew their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appoar In these columns every week. A WORD TO CORRESPONDENTS. Nothing Is more annoying than to have proper names mis-spelled. These mistakes are bound to occur at times, but by carefully preparing your manu script and writing all proper names very carefully, those errors can be largely avoided. The Enterprise re quests correspondents to be especial ly careful In this respect. In doing so they will be of great assistance to the printer and will save both them selves, the printer and the proof read er all sorts of censure. CLACKAMAS. Not very lively times at present. The lodges are short of members, and even the station does not have Its usual quota of visitors at train time. Farmers are Improving the fine weather for fall work. Walter Foster, Frank Talbot. Sol Imel and others are employed on the docks In Portland. Others of our townsmen are at the hatchery on White Salmon. Allle Holcomb and family were vis iting relatives here over Sunday. Capt Wilson is ill with a severe at tack of grippe or fever. Mrs. Wash. Smith went east last week on a visit to her mother, who is aged and quite feeble. Mrs. M. E. Prettynian and Grand ma Gruber went down to Portland Monday. Rev. Meyers, recently from Mich igan, occupied the pulpit in the Con gregational church last Sabbath. The Ladies Aid of the. Congrega tional church met last Tuesday af ternoon to sew for Mrs. Hattie Web ster. CONSTIPATION. Health is absolutely impossible, If constipation be present. Many se rious cases of liver and kidney com plaint have sprung from neglected constipation. Such a deplorable con dition Is unnecessary. There is a cure for it Herbine will speedily remedy matters. C. A. Lindsay, P. M., Bronson, Fla., writes, Feb. 1", 1902: "Having used Herbine, I find it a fine medicine for constipation." 50c a bottle. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. NEEDY. The Happy Hooligan party and dance Monday night was a decided success. Miss Zoa Fish has a fine new saddle horse, and says she doesn't intend to walk any more. Mrs. C. Molson went to Portland Tuesday. Miss Edith Jackson returned to Needy Tuesday. R. L Stewart was a Hubbard visi tor Sunday. Mrs. Noblitt's mother and aunt, Mrs. Goucher, and Mrs. Daniels, vis ited at her home Monday. The Literary and Debating Society will reopen Friday evening at the Needy school house and will hereaf ter meet every Friday evening dur ing the winter months. Miss Inis Dillon spent Monday ev- BARGAINS We save yon money. Bring cash, or butter at 48c or 50c, or eggs at 32c, Chick ens, Potatoes, Hay, Etc. We Buy and Ship. 5 Pounds Good Lard 50c, Not 7Cc GROCERIES. Sweet Potatoes pound 22c Fine Raisins 3 pounds 25c Tea, 14c, better 23c, mixed gun powder and Spider leg 40c Spider Leg Tea 40c pound, not 50c Good Flour $1 sack. Fine Syrup, gallon 45c Baking Powder with large blue Lewis and Clark cup and saucer cut to 39c. Cup and saucer alone sells at 50c. Hand soap, lc, 2c 3c Laundry soap 2c, 3V4c 4c Beans 4c; Rice 4cand 5c Peanuts 7V4c and 10c; candy.. 10c Picnic Hams 11c; worth 12i2c 8 qt. galv. pail 15c; 10 qt. pail 22c Clothesline 5c; 5 doz clothespins for 5 cents. SHOES. Men's high top shoes for hard wear and wet weather, $3.29, $3.50 and $4.00. No charge for riveting or circlets. Men's best wet weather shoes, best RED FRONT OREGON CITY, OREGON ening with her sister. Mrs. Alvln Thompson and attended the ilance. A dance will bo given In Thomp son's Hall next Saturday evening, No vember 4th, by the Needy Dancing Club. Everybody Invited to come ami a good time is assured. THE ORIGINAL. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foly's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless im itations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genu ine Foley's Honey and Tar is In a yellow package. Ask for it and re fuse and substitute. It Is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Hunt ly Uros. STAFFORD. Fall plowing and digging spuds is the order of the day. Beautiful weather and good roads make marketing the farmers' products a delight as fair prices are realized. A man was around looking for a cheap horse. Simon Peters was taken suddenly sick, and called in the services of Dr. Sommer, and a child of Mr. Lees man was also quite ill. Both are bet ter. Aside from those mentioned, the health of the community is in a nor mal condition. Mr. Gage's daughter, Mrs. Holton, left for San Francisco on Wednesday morning, where she and her husbanu have made their home for the past year. We heard the guns of charivari on Monday night. Hallowe en passed off quietly. Guess the old boys have left, or married and the younger ones not yet waked up to realize the "fun" of lugging off heavy gates or elevating the farmer's plow to the roof of the barn. NEURALGIA PAINS. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetrating influ ence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It penetrates to the nerves and bone and being absorbed into the blood, its healing properties are con veyed to every part of the body, and effect some wonderful cures. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Huntlev Bros. Co. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Ira Rambo is plastering the new res idence near the church. Mr. Warner was quite poorly last Saturday night and Sunday, but is better now. Mr. Fred Ely is also 111. Mrs. Frank White, a former resi dent here was visiting Mrs. Locke last Monday. Charles Gale and fami ly moved back to their former home near here last Wednesday. Mr Geo. Tayler vacating and moving to Wood- burn where he purchased 10 acres of land and will make a home there. Mrs. Petit had a severe attack of asthma and heart trouble last week, but is better now. Hallowe'en was not so boistrously celebrated here as it was in former times. The Sunday school at this place reelected the same officers; Mrs. Matchett, superintendent; Mrs. Skin- ner, assistant superintendent; Mrs. here means best In erery way $2.79. Boys' heavy wet weather shoes, heavy soles, best in city $1.50 and $1.79. Boys' full stock Shoes, $lt29 and $1.59. Ladies' heavy unlined shoes, best $2.50 value at $1.97 Ladles' $2 calf shoes "Longwear" $1.84. Ladies' Shoes 93c; $1.09; $2.09. Stock is broken but save one fourth. Baby shoes 14c up; child's 47c up. DRY GOODS. Sample golf gloves and winter hose at cut prices Ladies' sample. Waists cut prices. Child's 20c wool hose 13c Ladies' warm underwear 23c 48c Saxony yarn, 4c up. MILLINERY. Millinery at two-thirds or a third less than elsewhere. Street Hats 47c up. Egga Wanted We pay 32c. , ! Pnnemntinn j UllOUlllJJUUll Q There is no specific for consumption. Fresh air, ex ercise, nourishing food and Scott's Emulsion will come pretty near curing it, if there is anything to build on. Mil lions of jeople throughout the world are living and in good health on one lung. Cfl From time immemorial the doctors prescribed cod liver oil for consumption. Of course the patient could not take it in its old form, hence it did very little good. They can take SCOTT'S EMULSION and tolerate it for a long time. There is no oil, not excepting butter, so easily digested and absorbed by the system as cod liver oil in the ' form of Scott's Emulsion, and that is the reason it is so helpful in consumption where its use must be continuous. Q We will send you a sample free. J Be sure that thit fixture in the form of a librl ii on the wrifw I n of eery bottle of hmuljiun you buy. Scott & Bowne Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York roc. indji.alMmgg t,t Gillett, secretary and treasurer. The school Is quite interestinR and attend ance good. But not enough yet, we see so many boys playing jiall on Sunday that one hour in the Sunday School would be of far more moral and physical benefit The church yard is being cleaned up and fence painted. Let all the residents take an Interest in seeing a neat church edifice inside and out. and lend a helping hand. Services next Sunday at 2 o'clock by a minister from Clackamas, Come everybody. Rev. Mollinger vlll also hold services every Sunday In each month. The beautiful worsted quilt on display at Everhart's store will be drawn on Tuesday before Thanks giving providing the numbers are all sold. Somebody will get a prize for 10 cents. The quilt was made by a lady that Is a cripple and in poor health, ho help the afflicted, by buy ing a number. Mr. Harrington is getting well from the severe kick a horse gave him a few weeks ago at Moran & Druly's shop. A disease in the form of a ring worm on the face, has attacked sever al children in this place, and sems to spread over the face causing con siderable irritation, but not serious, some of the school children have had to stay at home. (Cure Take equal parts of com mon fresh lard and pulverized black gun powder; mix thoroughly In form of a paste; and apply to the ring worm. Ed.) A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. It Is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indi gestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, colic, consti pation, etc. Guaranteed at Howell 4 Jones drug store; 2oc. MT. PLEA8ANT. Mr. W. B. Partlow. who ha hn quite ill for some time is not much better. Mrs. Chas. Holmes who has hn visiting at St. Johns for the past week has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. James Parish, of R1t. ville, were risking at Mi. Pleasant last bunaay. Miss Nettle Kelloer of Oregon n was visiting her aunt Mrs Kut, last Friday and Saturday. Miss Anna Marley was calling rn Miss Ruth Braker last Sunday. Mr. Exley has been 111 for some time but U much better now. Lawsuits and trials seem in h tv, order of the day here lately. BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH. Henry D. Baldwin. Kunf rit Wo-1 Works, Shullsburg, Wis., writes, I 1 have tried many kinds of lini ment, but I have never receive mimh benefit until I used Ballard's Snow L,iniment for rheumatism and pains, I think it the best liniment on earth." 25c, 50c and 11.00. Sold bv Knntiov Bros. Co. MULINO. Oct. 30. A great deal of fall plow ing Is being done in this vicinity. Mrs. Ashby spent a few days in Portland last week. Mrs. SoDhla Wallace who haa hn.n I visiting her brother here for the past two montns nas returned to her home at St. Lonls. Claude Howard Is doing some team ing for hit? father. School is progressing nicely under management of Miss Trulllnger. Fred WoodBlde haa moved to Union Mills where he has rented a farm. Chun. Ho) litem Ih building It new house on his place, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I tan Mm have moved into Aug. ICrlcksons bouse. Miss ICilith lluckner Is visiting her cotislu, Agnes Woodiddo, at present. "I THANK THE LORD! " cried Hannah Hunt, of Little Hock, Ark., "for the relief I not from lluck lens Arnica Salve. It cured my four, fill running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which 1 had suf fered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds, tiliarilllteed at Howell & Jones drug store; IlJio. LOGAN. Phivliis seems to be very ' Jupiter busy. Quite u few on the sick list at Stone. Mrs. J. Holcomb, Mr. ami Mrs. Skirvln and another lady who lives liAar the cemetery. The eldest son of Wm. SniKio, who died of typhoid fever, was laid to rest in rieasiint View cemetery last Fri day, Quito a number of the former pat rons of the 1OKan cheese factory have purchased separators and will fiat ion ize the t ( Creamery. The cheese factory will close the lust of this month. Co-operative companies all have their Inside troubles. Somebody has to be "burden bearer", git ahead do the work, see that the business Is kept up. take all the kicks, assume all the responsibility and if It proves a success divide the honors with all. Mrs. Anna Folsom. of Spraguo, 'n . Is visiting her father. V. F. Wilson, of lxt;aii. T. 1'. McCulililn Is very 111 with can cer; seems to he KruwiitK weaker. Mr. Mumpowcr, of Stone. Is UKi'tlt for a new kind of hatchet, do not know if It Is the Carrie Nation brand or not. Mr. Peter Smith will have a sale soon and sell off everything as the Intend to leave Web Foot. CURED CONSUMPTION. I Mrs. H. W. Evans. Clearwater, 'Kans., writes: "My husband lay sick I for three months The doctors naid ; that he bad ipilck consumption. I "We procured a bottle of Mallard's I Horehound Syrup, ami It cured h I at . I "That was six years ao. Since i then we have always kept a bottle In the house We cannot do without It. For coughs and colds It has no equal." 25c. 5c am! $l.oi). Sold by Huntley Ilros. Co. CANBY. Rev. H. F. Rowland, the new Pre siding Elder for the East Portland District. M. E. Church, visited Can by recently and preached an excel lent sermon. Belle Clenio has been on the sick list for a week past. Mr. ami Mrs, Amos Martin return ed t Canby. aftor a six months' visit to their old home In the East, and Canada. We are glad of their return. May C. Kirk was th victim of a surprise party last Friday afternsn. Most of the visitors were lady friends who In this way welcomed Mrs. Kirk bark to Canby. Rev. F. S. Clemo preached to a good congregation In the K. O. T. M. Hall, Macksburg. on Sunday after noon. A Son has Ccimn tit thp naro.m.M home In Canby. U arrived last Mon day morning. October 30. There will bo Methodist Episcopal Church services at Central Point next Sunday morning. November 5th, Can by in the evening. Rev. A. F, Buche left on Monday morning last to take charge of the M. E. Church on the Cottage Grove circuit. A Hallowe'en party was had at the home of Mrs. Graham on Tuesday night. The young people report a good time. The wind of Sunday night and Mon day last did considerable damage to the M. E. Church property. MAN'S UNREASONABLENESS is often aa great as woman's But Thos. S. Austin, Mgr. of the "Ropub lican," of Leavenworth. Ind was not unreasonable, when he refused to al low the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble, "Instend," he eays, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed. and five (5) physician had failed to re lieve her. After taking Electric hit teg, she was perfectly cured. Bid ran now perform all her household du ties" Guaranteed by Howell Jones drugglats, price 50c. PARKPLACE. Oct. 31. The Abernathy Grange held an all day meeting last Satur day and organized themselves Into a literary society for the lecture hour, by choosing sides and each side tak ing alternate months for six months. Mrs. Brayton and Mrs. Ingram are the captains. Each selection counts so many points, and the losing side has to treat the Grange at the end of the contest. It is hoped this plan will add interest to the Grange dur ing the winter months. Guy Purcell and Mr. Kennedy re turned to LaCamas, Tuesday. Mrs. John Smith has been very ill for several days with pleurisy, but is a little better at present. HUIH OP P WATlRPHOOP oiled (LOTHIIG? 5UCKR5. POMMEL 5UCEJ5 ATO HAI3.1 FOLLOWING OUR AUC35M 'AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO AND OTHER eXPOJITIONS W6 WON THE .HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD JJ THE 3T.L0UI5 WORLD'S PAIR . A J TOWW to. co uMireti.rvuijjr'uiit I Mr. and Mrs. 1'niil Freytnir and I daughter Norma, spent Sunday at lOiptaln Smith's. Mil Rivera bus moved from (Hurt- stone Into his new house on Slate street, Mr. SchwnuboHur Is moving Into the Crepe hoilso us tin house where they have lived so long was sold re cently to nn old couple who will oc cupy It soon. Rev. Myer from Hillsdale, Mich., tilled Ir, Hlart'H place In the church at I'arkplacK Sunday night and deliv ered a very Interesting sermon. i lie a miotic I'liin is to give an en tertiiliiiueiit ii ml basltet social Niitur day evening, November II. In the as sembly hull. A large attendance Is desired and a good time Is promised to nil who will come. WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD COLD. You want a reme.lv tlmt um iw,t 'only kIvk quick relief hut effect a per j mauent cure. i "ii want a remedy that will relieve I t1(, Iiiiiks and keen expectoration easy. lou want a remedy that will teract the tendency toward monla. conn pnett You want a remedy that Is ptean. ant and safe to take. Chnmherluln'H Counh Remedy meets all of these requirement nd for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds Htamls without a peer. For nulo by Cio A. llardlMK BEAVER CREEK. Nearly everybody Is through pick IllK potatoes. Rev. R. II Owens called cm II W I'twiy and family last M.mlay. .Miss Lizzie Parry, who has been NpendlttK a few weeks at eSattle, re turned home Inst Sunday. Mrs M. Iuidon, of Citrus, railed on Mr. I). W. Thomas last week. Mr Albert Stiideman has purchas ed a ten m of horses Hive are a terrible torment to the little folks, and to some older one. Kaslly cured. Duan'a Ointment never falls Instant relief, permanent cure. At any dniK store, fid cents. MT. PLEASANT. The members of the Sa ha b Shak espeare Club gave a delightful lunch ein Inst Saturday afternoon at Rose Farm In honor of two of Its most pop ular members, Mrs. C. C. Williams, ami daughter. Miss Ella K. Williams who are leaving mum for North Yak Ima to spend the winter. The attrac tive home of Miss Holmes and Mrs O'Nell was beautiful with a wealth of autumn foliage and green. Shortly after the arrival of the guests. MUs Holmes, President of the club, led the way to the dining room where a delicious luncheon was served The dining room was brilliantly lighted, and decorated In honor of the event and formed a pretty picture. Tin menu served was described by quota tlnns from Shakespeare, ami dainty menu cards wer.j souvenir of ttiu oc casion. , Those present besides the honor guests were Mrs Dan O'Nell. Mm M. H. Hansley. Mrs. W. I). Stafford, Mrs. M. S. II. Lawton, Mrs. William M. Thornton. Mrs. Arthur Warner Miss Mary L. Holmes and Miss Roma G. Stafford The memlx-rn of tf,H iiju art.- beginning their seventh year's work and are loath to give up two of rh.-lr most enthusiastic mem bers, but hope to have them back again soon Mr. and Mrs, Frank H.xtgklns of Vancouver. Wash., upent last Sunday A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER We Will l urulsh the TW ICI'-A-W I LK" Untie of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat wrm Oregon City Por $2.00 Uoth I'aptTH, om, year, only $2.00 The St. Lools Globe-Democrat hould not be classed wuhthe many cheap w.-t-kly paper. Jt is a high-grade Semi-Weekly, or inoro pag, every Way and lriday. jt in l,.yo,,d all comparison the bluest best and cheapest National News and Home Joornal publiHhed n the United States, Jt k strictly Kepablican in politics but in above all A Great Modern Newspaper. It is not made up indiscriminately from the Daily issue. t is carefully edited with especial reference to the needs of the Farmer, the Merchant and iho 1'ro 'essional man who desires to keep ihrouchlv poat.'d without sparing the time to read a large Daily Paper, it also contains a great variety of well selected reading family''111 ak,nK ,l inva,uab, to every member of the This Liberal Clubbing Offer i open to old or new subscribers, but may he with oXr" t'm1' WW "m8t aCeive the cas,h with Send as yoar Subscription with $.00 DO THIS TO-DAY ! We Carry Fine Bath Tot, y ,,, , and everything else In the II,,,, f , class Plumbing Equipment, rim .i lie of modern, absolutely HHIill.r. Plumbing Is Inestimable; u much work ami worry and tMny your life. Ito.i'l endanger Imaltl, ! happiness by living In the ,. Is equipped With old fashlo, , hires. Get our pi I. , your entire house with good Plum' F.CGADKH The Plumber. at The Firs. Mr and Mrs. C. h. Hurst f i.,, Angeles, were KUestn f Mr y ' Arthur Warner last Sunday. Mr ?a Mrs. Hurst are on thir ,. ..." from West Virginia, where ihry ,,.'! ii . inn ,nK ii-iii! ive. Miss Keineht (Jrat nn.1 u, ... Morker, of Portland, spent' Siim! win, ml. u'lin .."'inaay " " 1 lie (.rs I be many friends of Mr W n Partlow will be sorry in I,.,..- .1... 1. Is duiigeroiiHly III tit his home Miss Imogen,, Myres vTlll ,,,.,, hf school nt Heaver Creek next .im,lay MIhh Myres has fully typhoid fever ","B Halloween was observe,! In it.- ..... al manner In this neighborhood but the prank players found a warm r. ceptlon at aeveral ,,!,., ,,,, tn telephone Hundreds of lives saveil . by having Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlp () In the house lust wto.n 1, ( uro croup, heals burns, cuts, and wounds of every sort "I wish to adopt child." said the wealthy woman In th orphan asylum "what have y,,.,?" "Oh. we have thm In all Shades." replied the polllrt Idly sui-rlnt..i.ent, "which do you pre fer?" "I think a blonde rhlld will t, most appropriate." amiwrr4 ths wealthy woman, "my auto Ii finliuVd In blue"- Puck No matter how lung you have had th rough; If It hasn't already devel oped Into consumption. Dr. Wuod'a Norway Pine Syrup will cure It. Mrs JollylHijr How are y art ting along wltb your servant new! Mrs dayboy-Splendidly. We hava made them a present of thehimse, and we are boarding with them. Town Topics. t Leonora- What are you doing, dar ling?" Elsie Studying Espernnto. Leonora Why? 1 Elsie - My husband talks It In hii sleep, and I want to, find out what he Is up to -Ex. nni Enterprise