OBEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1905. 7 Iffl (g)(0) Ik Buss AT OWELL & JONES Owing to the fact we were 7 per cent, lower than our competitors, we received the contract for furnishing the Oregon City school supplies. Now, we feel satisfied we can save you as much if you will give us a chance. Send your children here for everything in school books. an Am (0WB s 0WtA iM m wj-w.iw,firriiii-,ca.Kag5 i if II If F fTS3?a II J II Rl H B. K S T SJ 3 lrZ.dT-iT'artTic! ncf EJ CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. TAKE IT IN TIME. j E. D. Kelly Elected to Succeed Wm. Sheahan as Councilman. Famous at home Generations past; Famous now all over the World. Sole . fop Saie oy - E. MATTHIAS -Agency for Oregon City- PERKINS AWHRICW HERBS Never Sold by Druggists. R. W. BAKER, Agent, Willamette, Or. We Carry Fine Bath Tobs At a regular adjourned meeting of the Oregon City Council Tuesday ev ening, rJ. L. K.eiiy was elected to suc ceed Councilman Wm. Sheahan, of the Second Ward, whose resignation was accepted. J. M. Tracey was the other candidate and the vote was 5 to 3 for Kelly who promptly took the oath of office and received his certifi cate of election which had been made out, "according to program," in ad vance of the meeting. Mr. Kelly will serve until the regular election in December when the vacancy, will be filled. I Councilman Koerner offered a mo , tion asking that the question of grant- ing the proposed freight franchise to the Ov W. P. & Ry. Co., be regularly submitted to a popular vote at the ! municipal election in December, but the proposition was defeated by a j vote of 5 to 3, the detailed vote being: For Knapp, Koerner, and Williams. Against Brandt, Chapman, Justin, Kelly and Mason; not voting, Straight I By the same vote the Council mov ed to adjourn until Friday evening, a motion to the effect that the next meeting of the body be held on the regular meeting night for November being sidetracked by the usual 5 to 3 vote. The contract for improving Fifth street was awarded John Bittner. and everything else in the line of first class Plumbing Equipment. ' The val ue of modern, absolutely sanitary Plumbing is inestimable; it saves much work and worry and may save your life. Don't endanger health and happiness by living in the house that is equipped with old fashioned fix tures. Get our prices on refitting your entire house with good Plumb F. C. GADKE The Plumber. SHIVELY'S OPERA HOUSE Oregon City Roach's Gift Enterprise and Dramatic Company Headed by America's Greatest and Foremost Comedy Artists, MR and MRS. JOHNNIE PR INGLE ONE WEEK COMMENCING Just as Scores of Oregon City People Have. Waiting doesn't pay. If you neglect the aching back, Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely follow. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve back ache. Cure every Kidney ill. , W. H. Kelly, engineer employed on the Union Pacific R. R., living at 391 2d street, Portland, Oregon, says: "For several years I was bothered more or less with kidney trouble, par ticularly if I contracted a cold when it was sure to seat itself in the region of the kidneys. I wasted a lot of time trying medicines which did not help me, but finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box. The first few doses helped me so much that I continued taking them until I had used six boxes They relieved me entire ly and since I stopped taking them there has not been the slightest sign of a recurrence. I have advised oth ers to use Doan's Kidney Pills and shall continue to recommend them." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon City people. Call at C. G. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., " Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name, Doan's, and j take no other. SOME HOT STUFF E. P. CARTER. .THINKS IT'S ABOUT TIME FOR A NEW DEAL. Admonishes Republicans of Danger of Continuing One Man Dictatorship. Editor Enterprise: In reading an account of the Re publican "love feast" held in Portland the other day, I notice that the meet ing decided that it would never do to allow the candidates selected by the direct primary method to go be fore the people until the leaders had held a convention to ratify' the nomi nations and formulate a platform on which to go before the people. Did it never occur to the leaders that the time has come when the great mass of the voters don't care a "tink er's dam," for a platform promulgat ed by a few self appointed leaders, but what they do want is honest, com petent men to fill the county and state offices; men free from control and dictation by these same leaders. For a good many years it has been the custom for a certain class of Re publican leaders, when in search of a nomination, to declare their undying allegiance to the Republican party, and their willingness to support who ever might be nominated for the vari ous offices, regardless of their fitness or unfitness "for office. And not a man in Clackamas County who knows anything about the politics of the county for a number of years past, but knows that these same loyal lead ers have made all kinds of trades and combinations with the several other parties of the county in order to elect their own henchmen and defeat every one not willing to come under their control. The writer ,has always be lieved that loyalty to duty and to the people should come before loyalty to any political party, especially when a party was dominated and controlled by a lot of unprincipled bosses, who had no interests in the welfare of the county and state, except to advance their own political interests. When we look at the condition of I the politics of the state and county, is it not about time that we dispensed with the services of the leaders, in the way of formulating a platform and principles and let the people select their own candidates and elect them on the bj-oad principles of honesty and fitness for the various offices, and dispense with the services of a large share of political deadbeats who, for a number of years back, have been making an election campaign so ex pensive that few men can afford to run for office. There is one thing dead sure If the bosses undertake to defeat the will of the people in regard to the direct primary law they will elect a Demo cratic set of officers at next Spring's election. But what do the bosses care for that? better that, and we can even concieve of their conniving at such an end, than that they should lose their griD on the voters of the county. Reform is in the air and it seems to me that now if ever is the time for the people of Clackamas County and the whole state to break lose from boss rule and corrupt politics and have a general house-cleaning to the end that the Republican party of Clackamas county need not be any longer a laughing stock for the whole state, as a party owned and controlled by one man Yours for a new deal, E. P. CARTER. Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 23, 1905. ried at Portland In July, 1897. In an extended complaint Gumbert accuses his wife with a wholesale interfer ence between himself and his employ ers. Gumbert further complains of the gross extravagance of his wife whom he charges with having man aged to keep him practically penni less the major part of their married life. As an instance of the wife's spendthrifty habits, Gumbert alleges that she purchased at one time a seal skin jacket for which she paid $50. After wearing the garment for a week, it is charged that she sold It to the dealer for $25 and then purchased a similar garment for $60. At another time the wife is accused of having driven the plaintiff from the house in to the street with a mouthful of part ially masticated food. THE ROACH COMPANY ON MON DAY EVENING. Manager Shively announces that the Roach Dramatic Company has been engaged for the week of Octob er 30. The Roach Company will open with the comedy drama in four acts, en titled "My Sweetheart." The play is interspersed with comedy and good situations. The Roach company has been high ly recommended both by the press and public from other cities where they have been playing as the best company in this cast. This company Is direct-from the east and with them they have the ever popular and Cali fornia's favorite, Miss Bessie Court wright. To this company there are two fea tures. The first is the skill and apti tude with which each member of the organization adapts different charac ters represented throughout the week in the different plays. The second feature, like the first is peculiar to the Roach Company, and consists in the distribution of presents to the pa trons of the house Though it may seem startling, it is a fact that during the week nine costly and beautiful presents will be given away absolute ly free to lucky coupon holders. No. 1 present will be a high grade sewing machine, No. 2, ladies' bicy cle; No.' 3, gentleman's bicycle; No. 4, and 5, two talking machines; No. 6 and 7, two cameras; No. 8 and 9, two mandolins. Everybody purchas ing a ticket for the Roach company will have an equal chance of getting one or more of these presents. These handsome gifts are now on exhibition at Miles & McGlashan's grocery store. The prices for this engagement are 15c, 25c and 35c and seats are now on sale at Huntley's drug store. With each children's tick et is given one coupon, with each 25c ticket 2 coupons, and with each 35c reserved seat ticket, 3 coupons. A drawing is conducted each night by the committee appointed from the audience, and some of the above gifts are awarded at each performance, so if coupon holders are disappointed one evening they may be fortunate the next. Get your tickets now. JURY LIST DRAWN THOSE WHO WILL PASS ON CASES IN CIRCUIT COURT. V Milwaukie Gambling Case and More Than 70 Divorce Suits On the Docket. Of general interest is the case against Grattan and Nease, proprie tors of the Milwaukie Country Club, which will be up for jury trial at the November term of the Clack amas county court which will be con vened in this city, Monday, November 6. The defendants are charged with conducting a gambling resort and maintaining a public nuisance. Waiv ing examination in the Milwaukie jus tice court they were held to the cir cuit court. Clerk Greenman and Sheriff Shav er have selected the jury for the term. Those eligible to jury service are : I. D. Larkins, Marquam; E. L. Ken agy, Hubbard; R. L. Ringo, Highland; John Vick, Molalla; R. A. Weights, Maxburg; I. D. Taylor, Oregon City; William Scott, Sherwood; Albert Erb, Hubbard; G. W. Bowdish, Spring water; C. D. F. Wilson, Aurora; Peter Kern, Highland; Spender Thbmas, Ely; J. C. Elliott, Damascus; Arthur H. Boreland, Stafford; Frank Jaggar; Cams; N. H. Darnell, Liberal; Pat rick Harris, Gladstone; Thomas Duf fy, Beaver Creek; Peter Ruhl, George; Chas. Dougherty, Molalla; Frank Vol ner, Canby; James Fullam, Viola; A. B. Cole, Barlow; L. D. Mumpower, Parkplace; Henry Gans, Oswego; Herman Anthony, New Era; C. W. Freidricks, Oregon City; C. F. Zin ser, Clackamas; G. B. Linn, Eagle Creek; Edwin Bates, Garfield; Wm. Beyers, Logan. The criminal docket is not large but more than 70 divorce suits are to be disposed of. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains unexcelled service from the West to the East and South. Making close connections with trains of all trans continental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louis ville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far East. Prospective travelers desiring informa tion as to the lowest rates are invited to correspond with the following represen tatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland .Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY, Trav. Passenger Agent, 142 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. PAUL B. THOMPSON. Passenger Agent. Colman Building, Seattle, Wash. Subscribe to the Enterprise, best local paper In Willamette "Valley. i ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CLEVERNESS AND CHARM. MULE-FOOTED HOGS. MONDAY, OCTOBER, 30 th Changp of Play Each Night Monday Night "MY SWEETHEART' Prices 15, 25, 35 Cents B. E. Moore, a farmer residing near Sherwood, this week marketed with Chas. Albright a number of mule- footed hogs. Other than their hoofs, which are quite similar to those of the mule, these animals do not differ es sentially from the hog family as it is known in this state. The mule footed breed, while rare , and practi cally iunknown in this section is not uncommon in the middle Eastern states. - Originally the breed came from a species of wild hogs in Kentucky. Be ing captured, the raising of this breed proved profitable. The stock from which Mr. Moore's herd was raised, was brought to Oregon five years ago from Illinois and are a ' peculiarly naray animal. It has been the experi ence of Mr. Moores that they are im mune from cholera. While a part of Mr. Moore's herd are but an eighth or a sixteenth breed, they retain the mule-foot feature of the original stock. Woman's Greatest Charm is a Glowing Complexion. Every woman's -aim should be to cultivate a fresh, blooming complex' ion, for while Nature may not have made her attractive in form and fea ture, theh charm of a clear skin and a healthy complexion can be had if she will only try for it. The greatest enemy of a good complexion is consti pation, and if it were known how many Oregon City ladies have im proved their appearance through us ing a simple laxative remedy on sale at Huntley Bros Co.'s drug store it might surprise you. Laxakola Tonic Tablets are a perfect combination of dandelion, cascarin and other vege table extracts known to have a pecu liarly beneflciaUaction upon the skin. They open the pores, enrich the blood, aid the natural changes of the skin, quicken the circulation, put new col or in the cheeks and cure chronic con stipation by regulating and encourag ing the action of the bowels. Huntley Bros, co. would not continue to rec ommend this remedy if it did not pos sess unusual merit, and unless Laxa kola Tonic Tablets do benefit you as claimed we will return your 25 cents without the least argument. WOULD BE STATE PRINTER. No one would ever be bothered with constipation if everyone knew how naturally and quickly Burdock Blood Bitters regulates the stomach and bowels. "Wasn't trying to commit suicide? Why, she jumped off the end of the piec into thirty feet of water and sank Seats on Sale at Huntley's Book Stork like a stone!" "I know, but she just , explained to the man who rescued her that she had learned to swim at a Gifts on Exhibition in the window at correspondence school." Miles and McGlashan Grocery Store Post. Wm. J. Clarke, editor of the Ger vais Star, ' was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Clarke Is an active candidate for the Republican nomination for State Printer and proposes to conduct an active campaign among the people. On the theory that the office of State Printer cannot be abolished until the close of the next printer-elect's term, in event the proposed constitutional amendment abolishing that office is adopted by the people at the June election, Mr. Clarke is making an ac tive canvas for the nomination. Mr. Clarke contends that since the pro posed legislation abolishing the office will not be submitted to a vote of the people until June, when a State Print er Is to be elected for a term of four years, then if the office is abolished, it would not effect the officer-elect. HUSBAND HAS MANY GRIEVANCES. To "knock and queer" one's hus band with his employers Is consider ed ample grounds for divorce by Mor ris Gumbert, a Portland musician, who Houston j has instituted divorce proceedings (..against Ray Gumbert whom he mar- w ! A talk with us will convince du hat ELECTRIC LIGH r is the only light you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building;. Your property will rent more readily, will pay a higher in come, and attract a better class ot tenants IF IT IS EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT. IF you contemplate establishing any business re quiring POWER, it will be to your advantage to talk with us before placing your orders for machinery. THE use of ELECTRIC power means: Lesser cost of operation, smaller amount of space required, and great saving in machinery and initial cost of in stallation of plant. ADVANTAGES in the cost of producing power in Oregon City in comparison with,, other cities of the country, enable us to make lowest rates and give un equalled service. I REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current and information regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE and the FACTORY, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.