OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1905. I new To-day MONET TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Ken & SchubeL MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. at lowest rates, Latourette's office, Commercial Bank Building, City. A reward will be paid for the re turn to the Enterprise Office of a liver and white pointer bitch.. Has suck ling pups.. Last seen Tuesday, Octo ber 16. Several tons of Hubbard squash just the thing for fattening hogs for sale by W. S. King at the. mouth of the Clackamas. Price $5.00 a ton. Telephone Main 1710. Lost a Scotch Coolie, sharp nose, Oregon j brindle color. Last seen in Heinz feed yard. sultaDie rewara paereu for return to George Lazelle, R. F. D. No. 1, Oregon City, Oregon. Local Events Found, a black pointer bitch, at Elk Horn stables. call Furnished rooms for rent, apply first house north side of Tenth street, west from Main street. tf. Houses to. rent. See J. A Moehnke, Enterprise building. ft. P. Walker and Miss lyrtle B. Taylor, both of this city, were married in this city Sunday, Rev. W. H. Wett laufer, officiating. Buckeye Extracts Happy husband. George Randall has sold 50 of the 94 bales representing his 1905 crop to H. I. Miller, of Aurora. The price was 12 cents per pound. Mr. and Mrs. . Harrison Hughes, of Seattle, have announced the engage ment of their sister. Miss Eleanor Blodgett, to Rev. Francis Hill Mixsell, of South Bend, Wash. Mr. Mixsell was formerly pastor of the First Pres byterian church in this city. . ; ; Watches that others have failed to make run properly especially solicited by R. F. Caufield, watchmaker and Jeweler, opposite Huntley Bros., Main street, Oregon City. All work guaranteed. R. l Holman, leading undertaker. Next to Harris grocery store, Oregon City, Oregon. ' Contractor G. A. Brown has prac tically completed the construction of the new Baptist parsonage on jNinin street. The building will be ready for occupancy about November 1. Miss Laura Newbury, daughter of Mrs. J. N. Dustin. of New Era, and Mr. J. Thompson were married at "Vancouver last Wednesday, the 18th inst Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will reside at Rainier. Monday afternoon Mrs. E. A. Som mer entertained the Dickens Club at her home. Next Monday the club will meet the home of Mrs. T. F. Ryan. . MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTAITED at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com mercial Bank' Building, Oregon, City. New supply monthly report cards just printed at the Enterprise office. The attention of Clackamas county teachers is respectfully called to this announcement.. Orders By mail, wnen accompanied by necessary postage, will receive prompt attention. Beginning next Monday at D. M. Klemsen's grocery, Mrs. Kilgore will demonstrate the M. J. B. Coffee for one week. Come and get your coffee and cake free. Remember the place, Klemsen's grocery. While chopping wood last Friday morning at his home on Seventh St., A. Deute had the misfortune to sever the index finger of the left hand. Good wife Buckeye Extracts. U. S. Howland js suing Margaret L. Roberts, administratrix of the es tate of Owen J. Roberts, for the fore closure of a mortgage of $333.50. Two sales of farms near Maple Lane are reported. Prof. Culavin has purchased the Snyder farm of 10 acres for a consideration of $1300. The Shortlidge tract of 15 acres has also been sold to some new arrivals from the east. Buckeye Extracts Many smiles. F. C. Patterson has a petition to present before the county court for a saloon at Oswego. Mr. Patterson Is a young man and expects to expend $1500 in furnishing and equipping a first-class and attractive resort. - School books for all grades and a full line of school supplies at lowest prices at Charman & Co., City Drug Store. ' : Joseph Kuerton has resigned as a member of the Board of Fire Commis sioners. His successor will be named at the November meeting of the Council. ; Arthur, the 19-year old son of Mr. and Mrs.' William Sprague, died of ty phoid fever at the family home five miles from this city last Wednesday night. New supply of monthly report cards just printed at the Enterprise office. The attention of the Clackamas coun ty teachers is respectfully called to this announcement.. Orders by mail, when accompanied by necessary post age, will receive prompt attention. The sermon at the Congregational Church next Sunday evening will be about "The Fellow that Got his Wife in Egypt." For several Suaday even ings pastor Bollinger will preach on themes relating to Christ in. Modern life. . . Giles Sarber, violently Insane, to this city. Sarber was committed to the asylum. - His demented condition is due to an excessive indulgence in liquor and worry over financial affairs. Sarber is 45 years of age and unmar ried. It was first reported that John Stormer ' was the insane man at Springwater, but the mistake result ed from the confusion in telephoning to this city. , ' Money to loan on Farms. Land Titles examined. Dlmlck & Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, 'Oregon... Try Buckeye Extracts Thanks. In the initial foot-ball game be tween the Eastham and the Barclay teams last Friday, the former won by a score of 10 to 0, notwithstanding the fact that the High School team out weighed by 300 pounds in the aggre gate the weight of the plucky young Easthamites. Last evening the Oregon City As sembly United Artisans enjoyed a social visit from a "large delegation of the Sellwood Assembly. An informal program of music and addresses was followed by the serving of cake and coffee and dancing. Those who wish to buy millinery to the greatest advantage, call on Miss C. Goldsmith. For the last six weeks the local plant of the Portland Flouring Mills Company has been running night and day and there are orders on hand suf ficient to keep the mill running con stantly for the next month. The or ders are largely from the Orient, busi ness with which has increased follow ing an adjustment of the disturbed commercial relations in that country resulting from the Russian Japan ese war. Found Purse containing some money. Owner can have property Dy calling at the law office of TJ'Ren & Schuebel, proving property and pay ing for this notice. Mary A.. Shute fell on the. stairs at her home : at Maple Lane Saturday night and seriously injured her hip. While no bones were broken, "Grand ma" Shute by reason of her advanced years, will be bedfast for some time. Work has been renewed on the new road from the Clackamas river coun ty bridge at Gladstoneto Clackamas station. This road is about a mile and one-half in length, and last Sum mer was graded, and work stopped. The thoroughfare is now being grav eled. All of the Damascus and Clack amas county will be opened up into Oregon City by the completion of this road, which has been practically iml passable during the wet season. , Wise women use Buckeye Extracts. Deputy Sheriff Shibley, of Spring water Wednesday evening brought t 0 I 0 . Chas. Hidy and Bertha Zingerling were married at the home of the bride's parents at Clackamas Heights Saturday evening, Rev. P. K. Ham mond, officiating. They will reside at Parkplace. ' ' Ladies of the congregation pf St.' John's Catholic Church gave an en tertainment and social last Wednes day night in Knapp's hall for the ben efit of the fund for the new cement sidewalk fronting the church prop erty. After the programme, dancing was indulged in until a late hour, and refreshments were served. The pro gramme: Song, Rea Norris recita tion, Miss Barry; song, Marie Fred ericks ; recitation, Fred Baker; song, John Finucane, recitation, Miss Sin nott; song, Veta Kelly. , On the grounds of desertion, A May has filed suit for divorce from Grace May, whom he wedded at Kalama, Washington, in 1885. Plaintiff is now a resident of Portland. The Argonaut for October 23d, con tains, among many noteworthy fea tures, another one of Jerome Hart's striking "In Arcadia" articles; a high ly interesting letter from- "R. E. H," in Tokio; a one-act play, entitled, "While Waiting for Harriet," by Kath leen Thompson; a description of a trip through the lake districts of Scot land; and an amusing translation from the Spanish; Josephine Hart Phelps reviews Eleanor Robson In her performance of Browning's "In a Bal cony"; and Porter Garnett writes of "Otello," Harold Bauer, and a new Carmen. The Starting Point of many a successful man's career was his first deposit. There is something about a bank account which cre ates an ambition to make it grow. We invite you to start an account with us. The littleness of your cash need not stand in the way. Many a now wealthy man has commenced with less. "cents added to cents makes DOLLARS" r 1 THE BANK OF OREGON CITY It was not a charivari, but on the contrary a sane expression of sin cere and warm congratulations and best wishes for much happiness and good fortune when about thirty of the friends of the groom called Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rechner. The evening was de lightfully spent in music, vocal and instrumental, a delicious lunch being served.- Mr. and Mrs. Rechner were presented with an elegant cut glass fruit dish by the Invaders who dispersed- shortly before midnight. Small farm, also timber land near Oregon City for sale" or will ' trade for Oregon City property; also small farm near town for rent for cash. Ad dress, J. L. Swafford, Oregon City, Oregon. ETIRMG E Economy Leads to Success All' Conservative Buyers should turn their footsteps toward our Ggeat Retiring Sale EveytMng: Must Go Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Furnish ing Goods, and Women's, Misses, Men's and Children's Dress and Working Shoes The Buckeye Extract - Company, of Olympia, Washington, has established a good business here at Oregon City in the sale of its spices and Baking Powder. In fact it is a case of the goods giving satisfaction or the dis satisfied customer gets his money back. See the Company's advertise ment in the Enterprise. The high bridge across the Clack amas River at Estacada is in such condition that it will probably be nec essary to construct a new bridge next year. The timbers have rotted out and the structure is in an unsafe con dition. J. W. McKay has gone with a force of men to make the necessary repairs to the structure. New ap proaches will be made and the tim bers will be strengthened and many of them replaced. Mr. McKay will be at work all this week and a portion of next week,-and will put the bridge in a condition for the Winter travel. F. Newton, of Oregon City, has the only first-class undertaking parlor and hearse In Clackamas county, through that land. 0 CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Men's and Boys Suits $4.75 M's al!?T 3 . . Shoes ARE BEING CLOSED OUT AT pl.ZU Men's and Boys'. Overcoats 5.00 WoT"Mi"cs i'5 t Aft - regular $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes at ffl.UU SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR HATS AND CAPS Monarch $1.00 Dress Shirts 85c Men's and Boys' High Grade Hats 95C Men's and Boys' Regular $1.00 and $1.45 and $1.25 Underwear, per suit 75C Men's and Boys' Fancy Caps 20 and 40C i ip : One Block South of Suspension Bridge Suit for $10,000 damages was brought against the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company Wednesday by Charles L. Miller, who claims to have sustained permanent injuries while employed in the defendant company's mill in this city last May. Miller was employed in the "wood room" and was injured by being struck on the head by a stick of wood from the chute which he alleges was not prop erly equipped with the ordinary appli ances known as "safety gates." Be cause of this he charges the company with gross carelessness and negli gence in not providing the ordinary protection and acquainting him with the dangerous character of his em ployment. Dimick & Dimick. of this city; J. H. McNary, of Salem and John Ditchburn, of Portland, are at torneys for the plaintiff. Personal Mention G. B. Jacobs has returned to New Tork City. Mrs. T. A. McBride spent Saturday at St. Helens. Sam Gregory, of Carus, was In the city Saturday. B. F. Harless, of Molalla, was in the city Tuesday. Wm. Stubbe, of CurrlnsFille, was In the city this week. W. D. Brown, the Viola merchant, was In the city Monday. Miss Gertrude Bashor spent Sun day with relatives at Salem. R. L. Stewart, a farmer from Needy, was in the city last Saturday. Miss Echo Samson visited this week with friends at Silverton. Dr. Jv W. Powell, of Molalla, was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. N. Dustin, the New Era merchant, was in the city Monday. Mrs. E. Graves, of Canby, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. M. A. Bradley. Mrs. .George Hoeye and son;, Emer son, are visiting witn. Salem mends. Mrs. E. Ford, of Pueblo, Mexico, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M. Howell Mrs. R..L. Holman has returned from a week's visit with friends at Portland. Miss Edna Levy has returned .to Union after a visit with friends in this city. Mayor Wm. Schindler, of Milwau kie, was in the. city one day the first of the week. , . John Samuelson, of Canby, was in the city Monday and registered, at the Electric. Attorney G. B. Dimick had busi ness before the supreme court at Sa lem last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Humphrys spent the week with their son, Charles T. Humphrys at Astoria. Mayor A. L. Goodwillie and Miss Annie Midlam, of Bend, spent Sunday with friends at Canemah. ' Mrs. J. W. Alldredge has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Sophia Miller at Kingsley. Miss Sybil Lippett has gone to Col fax, Washington, where she will spend two weeks visiting her father. Miss Silcox has returned to her home at Oakland, California, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Younger. Ernest P. Rands and party have re turned from Southern, Oregon where a surveying contract was performed. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Guild, and daughter, of Alameda, California, are visiting Mrs. Guild's mother, Mrs. Holden. I. Price has returned from The Dalles and has taken a place in the store conducted by his brothers in this city. Miss Melzena Brown, of Boston, ar rived Saturday and will reside with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Brown at Maple Lane. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schwab have moved from Portland to Oregon City and are living in the McGowan cottage on Seventh street. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams, of Forest Grove, were in the city the first of the week to attend Miss Con yer's farewell concert. Mrs. T. F. Ryan, Grand Worthy Pa tron of the Order of the Eastern Star, has returned from St. Helens where she made an official visit to the local Chapter. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor of the Congregational church in this city, attended the sessions of the Congre gational state association at Forest Grove last week. Mrs. Chas. Albright, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Church, of Lind, Washington, leave tomorrow for a month's sojourn at Red Bluff and other points in California. Miss Sophia Wolf, who participated in the Conyer's concert Monday ev ening, has returned to her home at Silverton, after visiting Mrs. Kathryn Warde Pope for a few days. Mrs. Mary Manning, who conducts the Mulino store, was in the city Monday: Mrs. Manning reports that the new bridge across Milk Creek at Mulino, is practically completed. Wm. J. Clarke, editor of the Ger vais Star, was In the city Tuesday Mr. Clarke is an active candidate for the Republican nomination for State Printer and proposes to conduct, an active campaign among the people, , Mr. and Mrs. George Batdorf have returned from Condon and will re sume their residence in this city.. Af ter a year's residence in the eastern part of the state, they have reached the conclusion that the Willamette Valley is entirely : good . enough .. for them. ... .. . Dr. James Withycombe, of the Stat Agricultural College .at Coryallig,,.wa3! in the city Wednesday , en route to Portland to. confer with, a, committee relative to a number of, prospective farmers' "institutes to be held in the Valley. Dr. Withycombe . is a candi date for the Republican nomination for Governor. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Adams, of Derry, New Hampshire, who have been vis iting their uncle and aunt, Thomas and Mary Shute, near this city, In connection with an extended visit through the western part of the Unit- " ed States, have started on their re turn trip. En route home they will visit in California. Dra. Beatie & Beatlo. Dentists, Rooms 16. 17 18, Weinhard Building. Scald head is an eczema of the scalp very severe sometimes, but it can be cured. Doan's Ointment, quick and permanent in its results. At any drug store. Cures croup, sore throat, pulmon ary troubles Monarch over pain or every sort, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. WANTED A Bright Young Man with Light Team in your county, steady work and j?ood wages, for the right man.1 References required. For full particu lars address Nov 1 KOCH V. T.sCo., Winona, Mimn. EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. Oct. 28 Highland, 3 p. m.; Shubel, 7:30 p. m. Oct. 29 Molalla, 11 a. m.; Canby, 7:30 p. m. , Nov. 2 Maple Lane, 7:30 p. m. Nov. 4 Quarterly conference at 2 p. m., at Oregon City. Nov. 5 Quarterly Meeting Sunday. Oregon City 11:00 a. m, , Shubel 3:00 p. m. I Highland 3:00 p. m. j Oregon City 7:30 p. m. W. H. WETTLAUFER, I Pastor. ' APLEASED CUSTOMER A GOOD ADVERTISER The following are only a few of the prominent people of Oregon City and Willamette who have used the BUCKEYE EXTRACTS for over two years with perfect satisfaction. They say that thy last longer and give a better flavor than any brand they ever tised. They are true to their name and retain their strength in baking and freezing, Mrs. E. Mass, Willamette Mrs. G. L. Hedgks Mrs. J. H. Forbes, Oregon City Mrs. C. B. Wilson Mrs. A. Re illy, " Mrs. Morley, Cliff House Mrs. Jacob Cassell, Electric Hotel The BUCKEYE EXTRACT sales have more than quadrupled in the last year, which proves their merit. For Sale by the following Grocers. V i i WILLS ESTATE TO ONE BROTHER. D. M. KLEMSEN HPRTON & JACK T.J. GARY, Willamette J. E. SEELEY The will of Wm. C. Lichtenthaler, : whose dead body was found a few days ago at his cabin ' near Wilson- i ville, was admitted to probate Tues- j day. By The terms of the instrument, J the estate consisting of real estate I and personal property of the value .of $5000, is practically all left to a I brother, F. M. Lichtenthaler. Among i the "bequests is that of ten cents to i i Dr.- E. A. Pierce, while- the other rela- : I fives are cut off with cash amounts of 'fifty cents and a dollar each. A. ROBERTSON Ask for '. "A dose in time 'saye lives." 1 Dr. ' i YirnA? . t- : t, . . jc " i emeuy mr cougns, coias. pulmonary diseases of every sort.. ' J ' BUCKEYE SPICES AND BAKING POWDER Now on Sale Most Please or Yoor Money Refunded . . BUCKEYE EXTRACT CO. OLYMPIA,. - - WASH.