Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 20, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Statement of Admissions, Free and
Paid During the Exposi
, tion.
While the final reports of the vari
ous departments of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition will not be compiled
and made public for at least two weeks
to come, a full statement of the ad
missions, paid and free, was obtained
by the Oregonian yesterday. The
daily admissions have been announc
ed regularly by the admissions de
partment, but a" comparative state
ment of paid and free admissions has
not before been made public, and holds
considerable of interest as showing
the exact status of the Exposition
from the standpoint of attendance.
The official records of the admis
sions department shows that the paid
admissions during the entire Expos!
tion period amount to 1.580,617, and
the free admissions to 971,163. This
brings the total of 2,551,780, which
represents the exact number of times
the turnstiles have ticked.
The number of tickets sold and not
used is sufficient to bring the figure to
554,848. On Portland day alone there
were more than 1400 tickets old that
did not pass into the ticket machines
at the entrances.
The records for June show that dur
ing the first month there was a total
of 209,368 paid admissions, as against
209,884 free. During the 15 days of
October that the Fair remained open
the paid admissions were nearly as
heavy as during all of June. The re
turns for this period of 15 days shows
204,875 paid admissions and 108,708
A comparative statement by months
is presented in the appended table:
June 209,368
July 325,494
August 373,410
Sept 467,488
Oct 204,857
Totals 1,580,617 971,1632,551,780
While the number of free admis
sions seems large, it is explained by
Exposition officials that most passes
used were those held by employes. A
force of 3500 people was employed at
various parts of the grounds, and a
majority of these employes not only
entered each morning but left at noon
for luncheon, and in many cases re
turned in the evening. Then there
were a large number of free admis
sions on special days to children, pio
neers, soldiers, conventions delegates,
Whatever may be done in the way
of applying the surplus remaining in
the-treasury of the Lewis and Clark
Exposition to creation of a permanent
memorial of the Fair in some form
will" be largely decided by the heads
of the transcontinental railroads and
management of the street railway
companies of Portland. Among the
heaviest subscribers to stock of the
corporation were the railroad systems
centering at Portland, with a total in
vestment in the enterprise of $50,000,
of which the Southern Pacific and O.
R. & N. companies each gave $15,000,
Mr. Hariman subscribing the amount
for the two corporations, and C. S.
Mellen, then president of the Northern
Pacific, subscribed $20,000 for that
company and the Great Northern. The
City and Suburban Company subscrib
Not very many years ago alcohol wa
used for lighting in combination witl
... other fluids unde-
the name of "Can.
phene," but it sul
Tered banishment
because it was to
Alcohol is gener
ally harmful wher
taken in the form
of medicine, espe
cially to a delicate
Dr. Pierce's tissue-rebuilding
function-strengthening plan of treatment
is following after Nature's plan.
lie usps natural remedies, that is native
medicinal roots, prepared by processes
wrought out by the expenditure of much
time and money, without the use of alco
hol, and by skillful combination in the
most exact proportions.
Usod as one of the active ingredients
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
black chkbrybark specially exerts its
influence in cases of lung and bronchial
troubles, and this "discovery " is, there
fore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis,
laryngitis, chronic coughs, catarrh and
kindred ailments.
The mime of the medicinal ingredients
of this world-famous remedy are: Golden
Seal root. Queen's root. Stone root.
Black Cherry bark, Bloodroot and Man
drake root.
"I have had such a wonderful experience
with Dr. Pierre' s Golden Medical Discovery
that I do not hesitate to recommend it, be
lieving it to be a wonderful medicine to build
up the tissues of tiie system." writes Misa
Bessie Brown. Secretary Emerson Literary
Association. 4:!i Kerman Avenue. Appleton.
Wis. " Worry and" nervous troubles had com
pletely run-down my health and strenirth:
had no appetite, slept badly, and was in a
state of nervous collapse. I took twelve
bottles in all. and. each week, knew that I
was getting lietter and stronger, until finally
I was as well and strong as I had ever been.
I have the utmost faith and confidence in
your medicine, and wish to thank you for my
good health, which is a blessing to anyone."
For 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of
mailing, you can get a free copy of the
"Common Sense Medical Adviser," paper
covers ; or cloth-bound for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. i.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be
used with "Golden Medical Discovery"
whenever a laxative is reouired.
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1. 65 to 75 per bushel.
Flour Valley, $4.50 per bbL Hard
wheat $5.15. , -Portland, JL20 per sack.
Howard's, Best, $1.25 per sack.
Oats In sacks. $1.10 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled $10.00$11.00 per
ton; clover $9; oat. $9.00; mixed hay $9.
cheat. $9.
Millstuffs Bran, $21 per ton: shorts
$23.00 per ton; chop $19 per ton; barley
rolled $26 per ton.
Cabbage 40 to 80c per doz.
Onions 75c to $1 sack.
Potatoes 65 75c per hundred. .
. Turnips Carrots 40c dox bunches.
Tomtoes 20 fo 25e per box. :
Grapes Sweetwaters 20c, basket;
Delawares 20c; Concords, 20c.
Crab Apples 22c per lb.
Corn 7c per dozen. -
Pears Fall Butter 75c.
Prunes Green, lc lb.
Quinces 50 to 60c per bu.
Eggs Oregon 27 c per doz.
market , strong.
' Butter Ranch, 45 to 50 separator 60
to 55; creamery, 65 to 70.
Good Apples 50c to 75c bushel. :
-Honey 11 to 12c per pound.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb; Ital
ian, large, 6c per lb; medium, 3c; Silver
Dried Apples Sun dried, quartered,
4c pound; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached,
Dressed Chickens 12 Ho per lb.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live $2.00 to $2.50 per hundred. Hogs
live, 5c; hogs dressed, 7 cents; sheep,
$2.00 to $3.00 per head; dressed 5c; veal
dressed 7 to 7 1-2; lambs, live $2$2.50
per head. ...
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.- -
The John J. Fulton Co. of San Fran
cisco, First In the World to An
nounce' the Cure and present a
Definite Percentage of Recoveries
(87 per cent) and Give Out Lists of
the Cured.'
10:30 a. m.; baby show at 2:30 p. m.;
addresses by prominent speakers at
8:00 p. m.
Saturday, October 21 Award of
premiums, 10:30; auction sale of ex
hibits, 1:30; dance at W. O. W. Hall,
8:00 p. m. Admission to dance, in
cluding lunch, 50c. Refreshments
will be served in the W. O. W. Hall
Sealed proposals for furnishing all
labor and materials and improving
Alley in Block 22 of Oregon City, Or
egon, from the East line of Main
Street easterly a distance of 160 feet
will be received by the Committee on
Streets and Public Property of the
Council of Oregon City, until 4 o'clock
p. m., of Saturday, October 28th, 1905
Specifications containing further in
formation 'will be furnished upon ap
plication to the Recorder of Oregon
Each proposal must be accompanied
by a certified check for a sum equal
during the fair. Admission Free. tn s n- f the total estimate of
! -
Everybody come.
Main Features of Russo-Japanese
Peace Treaty.
The main features of the Russo-Jap
anese peace treaty, as it has been rat
ified by the Emperors, are as follows;:
Russia acknowledges Japan s para
mount interests in Corea and. engages
not to obstruct any measures Japan
may see fit to adopt; Russian subjects
to be accorded treatment equal to that
given subjects of most favored nhrd
Japan and Russia mutually engage
to evacuate Manchuria, except that
portion affected by the Liaotung
leases, and to restore the territory to
China. They agree not to obstruct
China's measures for government of
the territory.
Russia transfers to Japan her leases
of Port Arthur and the Liaotung Pen
insula. Russia cedes to Japan the import
ant railways leading to Port Arthur:
Russia and Japan agree to use their
railways solely for commercial pur
poses, and in no ' wise for strategic
Russia cedes to Japan the southern
portion of the Island of Sakhalin and
adjacent islands, reserving the right
ed $10,000, the Portland Railway Co. for her citizens to retain their resi
$7000 and the Oregon Water Power ' dence and property rights therein.
& Railway Company $3000. The man- ! Russia grants fishing privileges on
agement of the Portland Railway Com- : the northeast coasts to Japanese sub
pny is therefore the present holder ' jects. '
of $17,000 of the stock. These sub- j Renewal of the commercial treaty
scriptions total $70,000, or almost one- I existing before the war is provided
fifth of the total stock of the corpora- ' for.
tion. No official action has been taken I Prisoners of war to be exchanged
by the management of the street rail- ! as soon as the peace treaty becomes
way companies and there is no local j effective. Russia agrees to pay Japan
omcial having authority to act for the the excess paid by Japan for the care
railroads, but doubtless their recom
mendations ' will carry much weight
with the financial heads of the re
spective companies. Oregonian.
the work, which sum will be subject
to forfeiture in case of failure to fur
nish bond and enter into a written
contract if called upon .to do so.
Proposals must be made upon
blanks furnished by the City Engineer.
The right to reject any and all bids
and to accept any bid considered most
favorable to Oregon City is reserved.
All proposals must be addressed to
the Committee on Streets and Public
Property of Oregon City, Oregon, care
W. A..Dimick, Recorder.
By order or the committee on
Streets and Public Property,
Oregon City, Oregon, October 17,
Committee on Streets and Public
Property. Oct. 27
To be Held at Milwaukie Grange Hall,
October 20 and 21.
The programme will be as follows:
Friday, October 20 Fair opens at
j of prisoners above the amount paid
by Russia.
In case of disagreement as to the
interpretation of the French and Eng
lish texts of the treaty, it is agreed
that the French text shall prevail.
An addenda to the treaty provides
for immediate evacuation of Manchur
ia and the delimitation of the inter
national boundary line on the Island
of Sahmalin by a commission.
Sealed proposals for furnishing all
labor and materials and improving
Fifth Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
from the West line of railroad avenue
to the East line of Main street and
from the west line of Main street to
the East line of Water street will be
received by the Committee on Streets
and Public Property of the Council of
Oregon City, until 4 o'clock p. m., of
Tuesday, October 24th, 1905.
Specifications containing further in
formation will be furnished upon ap
plication to the Recorder of Oregon
Each proposal must be accompanied
by a certified check for a sum equal
to 5 per cent of the total estimate of
the work, which sum will be subject
to forfeiture in case of failure to fur
nish bond and enter into a written
contract if called upon to do so.
Proposals must be made upon
blanks furnished by the City Engineer.
The right to reject any and all bids
and to accept any bid considered most
favorable to Oregon -City is reserved.
All proposals must be addressed to
the Committee on Streets and Pub
lic Property of Oregon City, Oregon,
care W. A. Dimick, Recorder.
By order of the Committee on
' Bere are some of the San Francisco rceov
eries. , All of them wore declared by phjalciana
to be inourably ill with Bright's Disease or
Diabetes: N. W. Bpaulding, President Spaulding
Saw Co.; Adolph Weske, founder Cal. Cracker
Co.; Carl D. Zelle, pioneer druggist; . Chas.
Engelke, editor San Francisco Journal; R. M
Wood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Short, of
the Call; C. A. Newton, yardmaster S. P. Co.
(Sacramento); John A. Phelps, Hotel Repeller;
Mrs. M. Empey, 130 stelner St.; Mrs. S. E.
Cline, 1737 Broadway; Mrs. P. Goyhenelx, 038
Fillmore St. (tapped' 38 times); R. C. Pell,
Manager Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.; F. J. Bach
elder, Paoiflo Coast Agt. Seth Thomas Clock
Co.; E. B. Cutler, Attorney. 330 Pine St.; Wm.
Bale, Real Estate, 215 Sansome St.; Mrs. C. C
Matthewson Proprietor Hotel Clifton; Thoa.
Haskins, Merchant (Petaluma); Col. Wm
Hawkins, tJ. S. Quartermaster's Department;
Cn as. F. Wacker, Merchant, 131 0th St.; Mrs.
Thoa. Christol, 420 27th St., and hundreds of
others. Some were at death's door when put on
the compounds, but many such recovered. That
many were in extremis may be learned from
mis: oome recovered who had been tapped
dozens of times; others were already in the
twitchings of uraemic poisoning; many had
from four to six physicians con arm the fatal
diagnosis; several left standard hospitals in
extremis; several had relatives called in for last
interviews, ana a lew recovered who were in a
state oi aDsoiute coma.
In a word about 87 of all eases of Bright'i
Disease and Diabetes, heretofore rjositivelv in.
curable, are now curable under the new Fulton
Compounds. The Renal Compound for Bright's
ana maney Ulsease lsci; lor .Diabetes, Cl.sa
Pamphlet free. We have lust established a.
depot in your city where you will find the Com
pounds ana pamphlets, viz:
Charman & Co., City Drug Store,
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit; -That the bonds of matrimony
existing between yon and the plaintiff
be dissolved.
This summons is published by' the
order of the Hon. Arthur L: Frazer,'
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Multnomah, State of Ore
gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, for six
weeks, commencing Friday, October
13, 1905, and continuing to and includ
ing Friday, November 24, 1905. ;
1905. - .
Attorney for Plaintiff. ,
Streets and Public Property.
Oregon City, Oregon, October 10th,
Committee on Streets and Public
Property. . Oct. 20.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Amanda Yager, Plaintiff,
John H. Yager, Defendant.
To John H. Yager, defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, in the
above named court on or before Sat
urday, November 25, 1905, the. same
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved.
This summons is published by the
order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Multnomah, - State of Ore
gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, for six
weeks, commencing Friday, . October
13, 1905, and continuing to and includ
ing Friday, November 24, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Frieda VanCuren, Plaintiff,
Charles VanCuren, Defendant.
To Charles Van Curen, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby reduired to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above' entitled suit, in the
aabove named court, on or before Sat
urday, November 25, 1905, the same
being six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
Liquor License. .
. Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a renew
al of my saloon license at mj present
place of business, Main and Fifth
streets. L. H. GEORGE.
Liquor License.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next meeting of the Ore
gon City Council for a renewal of
my saloon license at my present place
of business, Eighth street near Main
street." E. MATTHIES.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Lucinda M. Hoffman, Plaintiff,
Burg O. Hoffman, Defendant.
To Burg Q. Hoffman, . the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, in the
aabove named court, on or before Sat
urday, November. 25,. 1905, the same
being 'six weeks from the first publi
cation of this summons, and you will
take notice that if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint
to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony
existing between you and the plaintiff
be dissolved.
This summons is published .by the
order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Multnomah, State of Ore
gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a
weekly newspaper of general circula
tion in Clackamas County, for six
weeks, commencing Friday, October
13, 1905, and continuing to and includ
ing Friday, November 24, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood.
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
i ne Kidneys arq your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work. .
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys: The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
tiw all Hi-ticrcrite in fiftv .
cent and one-dollar
es. You may have a
sample Dome Dy man Home of swamp-Root,
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
8c Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
first publication, thereof is the 6th
day of October, 1905.
... . T. B. McDEVITT,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
-: '
When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing-,
Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY
and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply.
stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con
tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the
lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that
retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND
TAR is 'a safe and never failing remedy for all throat, and '
lung troubles.
Th9 Doctors Said He Had Consumption A Marvelous Cure.
L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con
sumption and I got no better until 1 used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR.
It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the
pain in my lungs and today I am round and well. '
THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, and $1.00 .
We. the undersigned legal voters and
actual residents thereof of th3 Town of
Barton and of Eagle Creek precinct. In
the County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, do hereby petition the Honorable
County Court, and pray that a license
may be Issued to Annie Corrigan to sell
at retail spirituous, malt or vinous liqu
ors in the Town of Barton in said Eagle
Creek precinct, Clackamas County,, Ore.-
T. J. Wirtz.
H. T. Birkenfeld.
J. Nicholson.
A. E. Barr. . '
Dr. C. B. Smith.
Jerry Toung.
J. A. Suter. .
M. L. Sutton. .
K. Larson.
G. C. Winesett.
A. D. "Winesett.
H. W. Parker.
N. E. Stringley.
M. M. Klattsch.
Otto Klattsch. .
P. C. Baltman.
E. L. Meyers.
L. C. Parson.
W. II. Eyman.
i. Hoffmefster.'
Cunningham. John Githens.
James Norris.
William Norris.
Otto Stulke.
T. Stulke. , ' - .
Lewis Freeman.
James Anderson. .
John Zobrit.
H. W. Green.
Joe Suter.
L. W. Vandyke..
R. B. Gibson. '
A. Baker. ' . ..'
W., B. Baker.
Notice is hereby given, that, the undes
igned . will apply to the County Court
of Clackamas County, . State of Oregon,
on November 1, 1905, at. 10 o'clock a m..
or as soon thereafter as the Court may
hear said application for a -license to sell
spirituous, malt or vinous liquors, for a
period of one year In Barton, Eagle
Creek precinct, Clackamas County, Ore-"
gon. : ' i "
Applicant. -
S. A. Douglas.
G. F. Clester.
W. S. Hyde.
H. H. Brackett.
Edward Gray.
E. Robinson.
J. C. Tracy.
M. C. Adkins.
A. Hanene.
Xj. H. Rolfe.
Jno. R. Cassidy.
Ray Havens.
A. Morrow.
B. D. Arnold.
C. F. Howe.
T. C. Crane.
E. L. Warner.
H. Wilbern.
Wm. Delaff.
G. H. Lichtkven.
A. Jones.
W. B. Simmons.
Chas. L. Ferry. .
T. B. Laurance.
T. J. Andre.
F. M. Gantz.
M. H. Richards.
J. F. Lovelace.
John L. Bates.
Edward C; Hunt.
A. F. Stuitz:
L.' S. Baker.
J. H. Hoffmeister.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Carrie C. Jenkins, Plaintiff,
W. B. Jenkins. Defendant.
To W. B. Jenkins, the above-named de
fendant : ' j -
Inthename of the State of Oregon,
you ' are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and suit on
or before the expiration of six weeks
from and after the date of the first pub
licatldn of this summons, to-wlt: On or
before Monday, the 23d day of October,
1905. And if you fail to appear and an
swer said complaint. In default thereef
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In her said com
plaint, on file herein, to-wit: 'that the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant be dis
solved upon the ground of desertion, and
for such other and further relief as to
the' court may seem just and equitable.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, and
said order '.was Inade- and-' entered on the
6th day of September, 1905, and the date
of the first publication thereof is Septem
ber 8th, 1905. -
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
James Gilbreath, Plaintiff, ,
Nellie Gilbreath, Defendant.
To Nellie Gilbreath, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
nd answer the complaint filed against
you in , the above entitled court and
suit oh or before the expiration of six
weeks from and after the date of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: On or before 10th day of Novem
ber, 1905; and if you fail to answer,
for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint on file herein, to
wit: That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, upon the
ground of desertion and abandonment
of the plaintiff by defendant for a pe
riod of more than one year, and for
such other "and further relief as pray
ed for in the complaint and which to
the court ..may . seem, equitable . and
This summons is published by or
der of. the Honorable Thomas A Mc
Bride, a judge of the Circuit Court, of
the State-of ' Oregon, ami the said or--
der was made and dated the '5th'-day
of October, 1905, and the date of the.
In the County Court of the'State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of John C.
McMurry, Deceased.
Notice is herehv eivftn that thi un
dersigned executrix of the above entitled
estate, has filed in the County Court of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon, her
final account as such executrix of said
estate and that the Court has fixed Mon
day; October 16th, 1905... at the hour of
lo o'clock A. M., of said day at the court
room of said Court, in Oregon City, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hearing
any and all objectioni.to sold report and
the final settlement OT said estate.
' " : ' Executrix of Said Estate.
Bruce C- Curry. Attorney few Estate.
In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph
J. G. Beck,. Deceased:
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed administrator of the estate of
Joseph J. G. Beck, deceased, to the
creditors of, and all persons having
claims against said estate to exhibit
them with the necessary vouchers
within six months after the first publication-
of this notice, to me at the
office-of my attorneys, U'Ren & Schu
ebel, in Oregon City, in the County of
Clackamas and State of Oregon.
Dated and the first publication of
this notice September 29th, 1905.
Administrator of the Estate of Joseph
J- G. Beck,, deceased.
U'Ren & Schuebel,. attorneys for said
estate, Oregon City, Oregon.
Give us that, and
we arc sure you
will always send
for us afterwards
when you need a
' Main Street,' near Eighth.
Oregon -City . - , . . Oregou