OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1905. 1 is 1 4 XXX M0)D)L IS PLIES AT HOWELL & JONES wmmmmmmmm i i Owing to the fact we were 7 pet cent, lower than oat competitors, we received the contract for furnishing the Oregon City school supplies. Now, we feel satisfied we can save you. as much if you will give us a chance. Send your children here for everything in school hooks. IBI(D)Wsll aHoiBlCS Reliable KDruggists M AMERICAN MI:RUS I Never Sold by Drugm. H R. W. IJAKHR, Agent, I Willamette, Or. I tit 11 ym ,-fiW't' ' j Famous at home for ! Generations past: f' Famous now all over the World. ror 6i oy E. MATTHIAS Sol Aannoy for Ortgon City. CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. $:io.oo 3G.75 12.00 20.00 25.00 ,0 18.00 10 13.12 3.12 2.5. MJ 11 71 rJ 4PtP I am now located in my new building on Main street be tween Ninth and Tenth Sts. Better prepared than ever to do your plumbing., ' F. C. GADKE i The Plumber, Business Transacted at Regular Oc- tooer rerm. lie It rfniPtiibfred, That at a regular ti-rm of llio County Court or Clarknmna Comity h1d In the Court Houwi In Ore- Kn City, for the purpone of trnnnactlng county business in October, the same bolnn the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of aald court, present lion. Thos, F. Ityan, county Judge presiding; II. Klllln, and Wm. Brobst, Commls- Btonors. when the following proceeainga were had, to-wit: In the matter of supervisor's reports examined and allowed: District No. 1. (1. liarker. .1. Counsell, .las, ('oaten, C. Counsell, V. 11. Counsell. .1. Counsel, W, 11. Counsell, District No. 2. !. Johnson, Frank Doklns. J, C. Paddock, District No. 3. Carl Hanson, 3.00 F. M. Osbtirn, 42.50 Charles Counsell, 4.00 District No. 4. H. S. Gibson, 5.00 District No. 6. Jonsrud llros, 22.80 Melnlg Uros, 1.0.r ,T. O. DeShazor, COO Herman llruns. 4.50 H. Rldderbusch, 2.50 H. Ilevenne, 5.00 District No. 7. Inw Foirles. 4.00 District No. 10. Linn Bros. 4.32 V. R. Oatflcld, 2.50 District No. 11. VV, A. Holmes, 2.00 .1 W. Mlllor. ' 1-30 M TMvnrs. 17.50 n.mnev Miller. 24.98 R. Ulvors. 4.38 n T,. Clvde. 3.50 A. Anderson, District No. 14 s n nallov. 6.00 District NO. 15. Pope & Co., 17.55 Putt t & Co.. a-" Scripture & Beaullau, 3.35 T vi. Moodv. .34 T II MnodV. 42.00 1 A Pimfnr. 24.00 8. M. Thompson, , 20.00 W M Mlllor. 13.12 VV. McCord, ' 15-75 !H. Graser, , lZ- in. winfisotl. 7.87 ii. urn. 12.00 W. Rowland, 9-62 W. Rowland. 7.87 IT Mandrills. 4.12 District No. 18. A. Staehely. 6f0 W. Warner, 3 00 A. Kellenhofer, 6.50 District No. 17. A. Kocher, 5.85 J. Adklns, 25.75 J. Andrews, 1.00 A. H. Knight, , ' 6.00 District No. 18. Clarks Sawmill Co., K, V. Hornshuh. District No. 19. n. L. Trulllnger, J. H. Darnall, District Clarka Sawmill. Ml lo Pollock, Ed. Molntyre, 11. Sullivan, District No. 22. C. L. Staudlnger, 11. J. Rastall, District No. 26. II. N. Everhart, A. Wells. Walter Dibble, Scott Carter. W. J. E. Vlck, District NO. 27. H. A. Hibbard, T. O. Ridings, J. Labour, District No. 31. George Saumm, Z. KUIgsen, II. Elllgsen. 0. Volp. District No. 32. E. Story. Conzleman Bros., .1. S. Barnes, L. Barnea. R, Stahlnacker, 0. Stablnecker, Ernest Camehl, Dan Stahlnecker, H. D. Harms, District No. 33. Will Bard, W, Shannon, Delley Grain, James Moyer, John Kigglns, Wm. Closner, Ed. Closner, District No. 34. O. C. Lumber Co., Thos. .Armstrong, T. Blackmail, Frank Whltten, L. Whltten, J. P. Townsend, J. Armstrong, W. Ford, D. C. Howell, A. K. Ford, District No. 35. W. Scoville, John Straus, M. C. Donahue, Proctor & Beers, Fred Wagner, J. Collins, Shetterly, J. Spiers, W. Iitxith, R, Manary, In the matter of claims and allowed f .1 100.80 3.75 4.32 6.00 17.00 8.83 4.50 iO.OO 21.75 10.25 1.50 4.50 1.50 G.00 3.73 1.50 3.00 2.50 18.46 2.50 1.75 1.75 2.50 25.20 7.50 6.00 , 1.50 3.00 6.00 11.25 3.80 3.00 10.50 .75 .70 3.75 5.25 18.90 189.77 3.50 19. 21.00 24.50 8.75 12.25 10.50 5.25 20.00 23.00 26.09 72.20, 41.00 8.75 7.50 9.10 .50 5.25 examined W. L. Molloy, 8.00 It. O. Ogden, 5.00 Isaac Prlndle, 8.00 Mth. M. Pickens;, , . 10.00 J. II. Hoadarmol, 8.00 Mrs. Rycknian, 5.00 K. W. Hpiuguo, 10.00 C, Jfl. Swann, 4.00 Mrs. Valentine, 7.00 Mrs. II. Woods. 5.00 Mm. Heinz, 15.00 Mm. C. J. Parker, 15.00 T. B. Klllen, 4,25 Frank Ridings, 10.50 Mm. Bradtl, 2.00 Justice Peace. L. Stlpp, 4.95 E. L. Shaw, 3.10 L. Htlpp, 4.95 C. E. Burns, 3.10 L. Stlpp, 4.95 C. E. Burns, 3.10 L. Stlpp, 5.95 C. E. Burns, 3.10 L. Stlpp, 5.95 H. W. Trembath. 7.90 L. Stlpp, 5.95 H. W. TrerobatD, 4.50 J. W. Grasle, 2.55 P. Nebren, Jail, 32.76 Frank Ruach, Jail, .75 H. W. Trembath, Sheriff, 16.00 C. Buchegger, Recorder, 38.00 Glass & Prudhomme, Recorder 17.50 Ednetta Chase, Treaaurer, 20.00 Wm.Brobat, Comm'r., 11.60 T. B. Klllen, Comm'r., 13.70 W. U. Tel. Co., Insane, .50 Fashion Stables, Insane, 4.00 M. C. Strickland, Insane, 5.00 Hugh S. Mount, Insane, 5.00 Livy Stlpp, insane, 5.50 Courier, Printing, 7.G0 Ella Shaver, Tax Dept., 12.00 Telephone Co., rent, 6.5 Road Survey. J. W. Meldrum, Road Survey, 32.20 John Lewellen, 14.20 W. H. Counsell, 14.20 D. R. ntmlck, 4.00 J. L. Thomas, 4.00 T. J. Grimes, 4.00 L. P. Herns, i.'JU J. H. Burns, 4.00 V. R. Hyde, 3.00 J. W. Meldrum, 32.60 John Lewellen, 18.60 W. II. Counsell, 22.60 fj. KIt.mlller, 8.00 Frank Ahnert, 8.00 N. Nelson, 8.00 Enterprise, Printing, 36.75 Huntley Bros. Co., stationery, 4.50 In the matter of the Nelson road: Ordered that the supervisor open aald road for travel. In the matter of the petition of George Stafford for liquor license; Ordered that license Issue to said George Stafford to sell liquor at Os wego for period of one year. . In the matter, of bids for construc tion of Turner and of Koellemeter roads ; No bids having been received, said matter was continued. . In the matter of resignation of J. H. Darnall, road supervisor; Ordered that said resignation be ac cepted. In the matter of appointment of su pervisor for road district No. 19; Ordered that J. J. Mallatt be ap pointed such supervisor. In the matter of petition of T. M. Allison for license to sell liquor; Ordered that license issue to said T. M. Allison to sell liquor at Boring for a period of six months. In the matter of the Barton Bridge; Ordered that said matter be and is hereby dismissed. In the otatter of change in the ur gon City and Hardscrabble road; Ordesed that said roal be opeied hr travel by the supervisor of r ad listrlct In the- mattei- of Julias Fredn:k, ounty charge; Ordered that no further warrants be issued for said charge. In the matter of C. E. Swan, county charge; Ordered that allowance be reduced to $3.00 per month. A HARD ROW And a long pull describes the pathway of a woman allllcted with female weak neH uiilittts she U under the care of a doctor who has had successful experience In the treatment of such cases or else has found the right remedy which can be safely used Independently of the doctor. Forty years ago, br. It. V. Pierce found that women were being grossly mal treated mainly, through Ignorance and carolcMiicHS, aim he determined to devote himself to study and research till he found the real cause of their suffering and a proper remedy for It. He fumul it. and duir from Nature's Laboratory, the earth. Aatwe's remedies for woman s weaknesses and ailments. He found In Lady's Winner root. Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root and (iolden Heal root, the required Ingredients. The remedial virtues of these he ex tracted, combined and preserved by his own peculiar non-alcoholic, glyceric pro cesses, and the compound Is now known the world over, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "The wearing of corsets too tight seemed to have, brought on an abdominal prewture, weakening the liimiienti and resulting In displacement, which troubled me until 1 wm not tit to walk, and at times could hardly stand," writes Mrs. Beverly Hitifresves, of 124 Fulton St.. Han Kraiiclsco, Cal. "A neighbor advised me to try Dr. I'lerce's Favorite 1're scrlntlon. before the first bottle was used I felt' much better. Improvement went steadily on. and within four months I was TO BUILD THE LINE ELECTRIC RAILWAY TO CONNECT PORTLAND AND 8ALEM. Surveyors In the Field and Circuit' out Route Will Penetrate Rich Farming Section. Salem, Or., Oct. 9. It was learned late tonight, and It may be definitely stated on first-class authority, that the electric railway line will be built between this city and Portland within the ensuing year. The preliminary survey of the proposed route, which will be circuitous and traverse the richest farming sections of the Lower Valley between the two points and touch the principal intermediate points is now being made and a crew of sur veyors will start out In a few days to make the actual survey. The Interests behind the project are those which own and operate the Citizens Light & Traction Company of this city, and the Portland Consoli dated Railway Company. Powerful Eastern capital has made this first move of a contemplated project to stretch a line of railway from Port land to the south so far as Eugene, with laterals tapping the principal Interior points along the line. The same interests also own the Eugene like a new and well woman once more. I pant anj extensive water-power rights am now perfectly well and tronf. and ex- onm v j.0lntMnnt nt ln..i vr.ii.fni i vim or viu r illumed on the Santiam for the development oi sumcient power to operate tne oyu- remedy a Ixxm Ui sick women. A Great Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one cent stamps to Dr. Ii. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y to cover mailing and he will send you a free copy of his lOtri-page Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper-covered. Cloth-covered 31 stamps. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the best and safest laxative for the use oi delicate women. HARMONY. tem. NEEDY. A few days of this weather and po tato digging will be well underway. A farewell party was tendered Mr. Chapman and family last Friday even ing and notwithstanding the pouring rain, about sixty-five were present and an enjoyable time was had. Benton Phillips, of Manning, with his wife and daughter, visited rela tives here last week Mr. Phillips also visited his son, Llndln, who Is still confined In the Hospital. V. H. Karr has gone to Gresham, where he is building a church for the Free Methodists. Rev. H. O. Henderson has announc. ed that a series of meetings will profr ably begin here next week on Thurs day evening. Oct. 9. School is progressing nice ly under the management of Miss Nellie Armstrong, as teacher. A number of the Needyltes visited the Fair this week. Mr. Clarence Reames, who has been very low with typhoid fever, is re ported better at this writing. Miss Flora Spagie canea on miss Edith Jachson one day last week. R. L. Stewart made a flying trip to Woodburn Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hurst of Aurora, visited friends here several days last week. Mr. Dave Yoder and family from Marks Prairie, visited relatives here Sunday. OASTOniA, Bears the t1hfl Kinrl You Hate Always Bought Subscribe to the Enterprise, best local paper In Willamette Valley. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The nroDrietors have so much faith In it curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J, Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold bv all Drncelsts. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. MT. PLEASANT. John Avln, Mrs. Bradtl, C. E. Burns, B. F. Forrester, W. T. Gardner, Horton & Jack, A. Imel, J. A. Jones, M. Kritger, W. J. Lewellen, L. Mather3on, Pauper. '8.00 12.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 15.00 6.50 7.00 6.00 7.00 Mrs. Dan O'Nell spent several days last week visiting friends In Port land. Mr. Ernest W. Riggs, of Olympia, was a guest at Locust Farm, last week, Mr. and Mrs. C. Everett Hickman. of Portland, spent Saturday at The Lilacs, visiting Mr. Hickman's sister, Mrs. Arthur Warner. Mrs. Charles Welton, of Falrburg, Nebraska, and Mr. L. Lind and daugh ter Edythe of Spokane, are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R, H . Taber. Dr. and Mrs. Sellers who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. War nack during the summer, are visiting at Sheridan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kremls, of Salem, are expected to visit the family of L. H Andrews this week. Mrs. Krelmls is a niece of Mrs. Andrews. Mrs. C. C. Williams and daughter, Miss Ella, are visiting the Exposition this week. While in Portland they will be the guests of Mrs. Joy. Hunters continue to trespass in this vicinity, they may be seen at any time wandering through1 private ' property where trespass notices are- posted in conspicuous places. We hope to make an example of some of these law-breakers before the hunting sea son closes. 1 I A talk -a ith us will fom ince Dut hat ELECTRIC LIGH T is the only light you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building-. Your property will rent more readily, will pay a higher in come, and attract a better class ot tenants IF IT IS EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT. IF you contemplate establishing any business re quiring POWER, it will be to your advantage to talk with uss before placing your orders for machinery. THE use of ELECTRIC power means: Lesser cost of operation, smaller amount of space required, and great saving in machinery and initial cost of in stallation of plant. ADVANTAGES in the cost of producing power in Oregon City in comparison with other cities of the country, enable us to make lowest rates and give un equalled service. REDUCED RATES FOR CURRENT ON METER BASIS ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current and information regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE and the FACTORY, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.