CI OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FIJI PAY, OOTOHKK l'.'o;,. too (Mil n y v The Kind You Have Always Bought, and nhich has bcm u wr uer av years, has borne the signature of - and has been mado under his per- WixQrft nal supervision Rlnco its Infanrr. m. ww, Allow no one to deceive yoa In thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-pwnl" are tmfc Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Catr OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ot Xarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee It de roys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrha a and Wind Colic It relieve Teething Troubles, curef Ooustipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of He KM You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. aoataa-. Tt atvatuT imn, art. tom err. ( Correct td Weekly.) Wheat No. 1. 5 to 75 per busheL Flour Valley. H 50 pec bbL Hard wheat 15.15. Portland. $l.:o per sack. Howard' Bert, tl.15 per tact Oata In Backs, .1.10 per cental Hay Timothy, baled $10. 00 8 til. 00 per ton; clover $3; oat, $9.00; mixed hay $. cheat, J9. Millatuffa Bran. $n per ton; ahorta $13.00 per ton; chop $19 per ton; barley rolled tiS per ton. Cabbage JO to SOc per doz. Onions T5c to tl sack. Potatoes 6375c per hundred. Turnips. Cairo ta 0c dot bunchea. String Beans 2Hc pound. Tomtoea CO to Cii per box. Grapes Sweetwaters 20c. basket; Delawares 20c; Concords, 20c. Crab Apples :g:,c per lb. Corn Tc per dozen. Pears Fall Butter 75c. Prunes Green, lc lb. Quinces 50 to 60c per bu. Eggs Oregon 274c per doz. market strong. Butter Ranch, 45 to 50 separator 50 to 55; creamer'. C5 to 70. Good Apples SOc to 75c bushel. Honey 11 to 1:14c per pound. Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb; Ital ian, large, 5c per lb; medium, 3c; Silver 4sc. Med Apples Sun dried, quartered, 44c pound; sliced. 6c; fancy bleached. "He. Dressed Chickens 12 14c per lb. Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef, live $2.00 to JS.50 per hundred. Hogs live. 5c; hogs dressed. 7 cents; sheep, $2.00 te I J. 00 per head; dressed 5c; veal dressed 7 to 7 1-2; lambs, live $2 g $2.50 per head. OABTOniA. En Voyage. "Ah." she said, as they were leaning over the rail, "the moon Is coming up." "Gosh, hie." he answered, "I don't hie. know you had " But overcome, he again gave way to his feelings. Can't be perfect health without pure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Tones and invigorates the whole system. A boon to travelers. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysentery, diarrhoea, seasickness, and nausea. Pleasant to take. Acts very promptly. ! A GREAT COMBINATION OFFER We Will Furuish the "TWICE-A-W EEK" Issue of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat WITH THE Oregon City Enterprise For $2.00 Both Papers, one year, only $2.00 The St. Louis Globe-Democrat should not be classed with the many cheap weekly papers. It is a high-grade Semi-Weekly, eight or more pages, every luescay and Friday. U is beyond all comparison the biggest best and cheapest National News and Home Journal published in the United States. It is strictly Republican in politics bat is above all A Great Modern Newspaper. It is not made up indiscriminately from the Daily issue. It is carefully edited with especial reference to the needs of the Farmer, the Merchant and the Pro fessional man who desires to keep throughlv posted without sparing the time to read a large Daily Paper It also contains a great variety of well selected reading matter, making it invaluable to every member of the family. This Liberal Clubbing Offer is open to old or new subscribers, but may be with drawn at any time, and we must receive the cash with order. Send as your Subscription with $2.00 DO THIS TO-DAY! "I Do Not Weep." I do not wwp because the Bummer's o'er. Nor for the youth that may bo mino no more; A Ions the way that I have mine there lie (The wrecks of chances that I let go by Much have i lost that Time may net restore. Their faith I dead who looked on me of yore As one equipped by friendly gods to soar. Put even tf my flight may not bo high I do not weep. A lady ah, the winsome ntulle she wore! Has Just departed Just gone out the door. She had a book that she, came In to try jTo tick me for, but, deaf to coo and sigh. I kept from being taken In! There fore I do not weep. S. E. Kiser. Brights Disease And Diabetes Announcement ot the PUcovcry of the Cure, Baantha ) 1 ltd IS Hm i'mrs Bsqfl ISj-t-JT" GREENWOOD. Last Thursday afternoon a rery pleasant surprise party wu given In honor of Mrs. J. H. Jones, of Oakland. California, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones, before her depart ure for Oakland. The afternoon was spent both In vocal and instrumental music, recita tions and addresses., after which a delicious spread waa served. Mrs. Jones is a beautiful singer and has made many friends In the short time she has been among us. Our school will begin the 1st Mon day in November, the reason that the school did not commence this week, is that Miss Meyers is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Welsmendle spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S Rider. Mrs. J. H. Jones, of Oakland. Cali fornia, sang a solo, "Come I'nto Me," at the B. C. Welsh Church last Sun day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Clark and Miss May spent the evenlngf with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones. The evening was spent In instrumental music by Miss May and Hughie Jones. Mrs. C. V. Stoker is on the sick list. HOUSEHOLD CARES. Tax the Women of Oregon City the same as Elsewhere. Hard to attend to household duties With a constantly aching back. A woman should not have a lad back. And she wouldn't If the kidneys were well. Doan's Kidney rills make well kid neys. Mrs. A. Hill, residing at 33 1st St., Portland. Oregon, says: "I suffered considerable for a year or more from aching pains in my back extending down through the loins and in the region of the kidneys. I had to be careful in doing any work about the which required stooping or lifting, for If I moved suddenly I used to suffer severe twinges of pain in my oacK. I used blasters and sev eral remedies but found little relief until I got Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped me from the first and flnallr cured me." Plenty more proof like Oregon City people. Call Huntley's Drug store and his customers report. For sale by all dealers. cents. Foster-Milburn Cc New York, sole agents for the I'nlted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Tfc Stockholder of t!. Joho J. rultoo Co of Sau Fraoclaoo .cnounco to ttii .r.d lln curability ot Camilla llrlght'i tltaJ and Dttw(t ha 00 bumjrrda of rurv. tul two J.r of douiun'trallun dlacUatluK atul ' )( reecterir. la of thomi n. untoui foci pnwat lb Datura of amut i( tli ' atockhoMera, uJ rfiatJ'al Bo uf ' thi. city, cr.rf one of about b..l to br. pra Ttou. opinion. rrrj and t aiiir.i-d ot In. j gaoulnenoaa of It dlwof.rjr brrnrltivtt!n( to i toil corporation, U: lloo. ILrel.y Ilnilrj, ; Attorney aod i utntr of Uinfreas; Ttrn. ' Klrkpatrtck. c.ptt.lUt; Ilea. I). M. Uuru. ITwlJont CtDd.Urlt Ulnlntf IV; A. C. hb.t- tack, I'oelflo Huu Tjt Foundry; j EJw.rd Mills, I'reiidcnl HnUock Jnr. (U; Cpt KotarU, fltitldrol Hrr.tncnto Tr.ii. I porutlos Co.; U. . Ikod.r. c.plt.llit; Wm. j KS.rp, c.pll.llit; W. II. lirjrid, A!.di I'acketa km.; C W. Clark, rapllallit (Sacra I mnto); W. C. Price, capitalist tPawhlrna ,; (J K. Hatea. Atturnrj; E. O. MUlrr, Attorn.y. ! Chaa. MeLan., A-ooi-y Wrrtr N. Y. l.lfo U. Co.; Jodf. Htg.low, ei Supremo Jutt. Htai. of N.raJa; Col. D. I! ralrhank. C.itilrr lVt. loica Sarin.-. Hank; R. t). Hi-Mlo'na, Atlurucy So. Fac. H. K. Co.. and n-.atiy Tt. lut ft the cured ruue Into bundrd. and Include dmtki.t. and pby.tclana. Ttia 11 ot faUurt- a. lrr:y auiouf cm that n.r. at drain'. dvr and many aucb rFcurtrrd. Tt tSpvclSi-a tbat bar. at !at ponqurrod tbr. dread diwao-. ar known at tba Fulto Coui;wunda. Tb. Ureal CotuivunJ for Urlbt'. and KUury Viwrmm la I ; thn I;!-i- Com pound la II W. V. bar. r.tablltbrtl an affrory In your city and you t)l find pampbleta aaU Com pound, at Charman &, Co., City Drug Stor$. Zack Ellgsen. the road Iwss. has a force of men doing needed repairs on th road towards Tualatin. Mrs Elllgscn'a baby was quite nick last week. Mr. Powell was seen breaking his roadsters to the plow. Henry Schatx has his auction on th coming Saturday, but die not nipect to move to the city till early Spring Their little girl has Iwen quite lrk with stomach trouble causei) by eat ing too many grape and prunen. Mr. dage, who has not been In the best of health, will attend the Fair Saturday. Mr Hethka. the butcher, has been rliling for mutton shei-p. Anally ob taining 21 of Mr (lag. at $.1 per hear Mrs. Sharp's daughter Is vlslMn at the old home, and taking In the Fair. She Is from Washington. nd ok. friends are glad o i"el.-me her bark. this from at ('. c. ask what Price 50 Buffalo, STAFFORD. We. with the rest of Clackamas county, are enjoying the bright, balmy sunny days, and moonlight nights. No hint of frost yet. We are surely the Passadena of Oregon. Curley and family all went to the Fair, and stayed over night. Mr. Oebhart is putting an addition to his home. Frog -pond school house and Crange hall have put on a new roof The Ellegson's have a young cousin visiting them from Canada. The Schat.'s have a brother-in-law from Dakota visiting them and tak ing In the Fair. He married Lizzie PROPOSALS FOR STREET PROVEMENT. IM- Sealcd proposals for furnishing all laUir ami materials and Improving Fifth Street of Oregon City. Oregon, from the Went line of railroad avenue to the Kast line of Main street and from the went line of Main Street to the Kast line of Water street will be received by the Committer on Street-4 and Public Property of tho Council of Oregon City, until 4 o'ebx-k p. m, of Tuesday, October 21th. llo.ri. Specifications containing further In formation will be furnished iin up plication to the Recorder of Oregon City. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check for a sum equal to 5 per cent of the total estimate (,f the work, which sum will be subject to forfeiture In case of failure to fur nish bond and enter Into a written contract If called upon to do so. Proposals must be. made upon blanks furnished by the City Engineer. The right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid considered most favorable to Oregon City U reserved All proposals must be nddresscd to tho Committee on Streets anil Pub lic Property of Oregon City, Oregon, care W. A. Dlmlck, Recorder. II.. . .t omt-r oi win t ommilleo Streets and Public Property. Oregon City, Oregon, October 1905. WM. SHEAHAN. H. E. STRAIGHT. 1. C. WILLIAMS, committee on Streets and Property. on 10th, Public Oct. 20. SUMMONSj In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Sehatz a number of years ago and ! Amanda Yager, Plaintiff, this Is his first visit to Oregon Mr. Wise, a former resident of Stafford, was out this week with a homeseeker. CATARRH Elvs Cream Balm Thl Remetiy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCI. It cloanses, soothes, heals, and protects the ouieaaea memnrane drives awa Restores vs. John H. Yager, Defendant, To John H. Yager, defendant above named. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, In the above named court ou or before Sat urday, November 25, lOor,, the same being six weeks from the first publi cation of this summons, and you will take notice that If you fail to so ap pear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved. This summons Is publlKhod by the order of the Hon. Arthur L. Frazer, Judge of the Circuit Court of the County of Multnomah, State of Ore gon. In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion In Clackamas County, for aix weeks, commencing Friday, October 13, 1)5, and continuing to and Includ ing Friday, November 24. 1!(05. GEO. C. BROWNELL. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. membrane. It cures Catarrh and rn the Circuit Court nf k o... ay a Cold In the Head quickly. Oregon for the Co.mtv of m V the Senses of Taste and HmJl .n' Ior the County of Clacka- Easytouse. Contains no injurious drugs. priHn vi,rr tii . Applied into the nostrils and absorbed. Fr'eda VanJ""-en, Plaintiff, ELY BROTHERS, 56 W.rr.n St., N.w York. nameddSdaS0 CUrt'n' abVe In the mime of Urn Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed BKiilimt you In the above entitled suit, In the Huhove mimed court, on or before Sat urday. November 2,'., I'.Hifi, the same til ing W weeks from the first publi cation of tbU numinous, and you will tnke notice that If .Voil full to so ap pear and miHvter said complaint, the KOCH TEEN plaintiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded In snld complaint to wit: That the bonds of matrimony existing between yoti and the plaintiff be dissolved This summons l published by the order of the Hon Arthur L. Kraer, Judge of the Circuit Court of thn County of Multnomah. Slate of Ore gon, In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion In Clackamas County, for alt weeks, commencing Friday. October H. I'.ei,',, and continuing to and Includ ing Friday. November 21. I!iY l?o,V CEO C nitOWNEt.L. Attorney for plaintiff SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Claeka mas I.ticlnda M Hoffman, plaintiff, v Ilurg O Hoffman, Defendant To llurg O Hoffman, the above named defendant In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint riled attain! yoti In the alwive entitled suit. In the aahove named court on or before Sat urday, November 25, l'.'i'5, the name being sli weeks from the first publi cation of this tuiiiiiiiiiin, and you will take notice that If you fall to an i M-ar ami answer aald complaint, thn plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint to-wit: That the Imnds of matrimony existing betw.x-n you and the plaintiff be dissolved. This summon U published by the order of the Hon Arthur I. Kraer. Judge of the Circuit Court of the County of Multnomah. State of Ore gon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a wet-kly newspaper (,f general circula tion In Clackamas County, for alx weeks, commencing Krlday. OctoU-r 1.1. l'.eir., and continuing to and Includ Ing Krlday. November 2 4. J CEO C IlltOWNELL. Attorney for plaintiff LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION W. th Ui.i1rra!nrt i.ital M.lrr. or,, I actual rr.tdrnt. ttrr-f of tin T"n i f Karton and of Kal. Crrrk p-t-rhu I In th- Cntiiily ef riai-kanmn. Hint- ,,f u,r. Kn, lo hirrby p-tlilon th f,m.raia. County r.iiirt. and pray U,t a rrIH nmy t.r ln.urd t,i Annli aril at ntall aplrlluoua. mult nr Miimu. tt-jia -era In lir Town nf lUrton In .aid ;, frrt-k prr.liut. f'liukamaa Courily. Oic Kin: f A. iKiiKlaa. O K. Clr.trr W. H Mydr. It H. !rn.k.-tt, FMwnrd !ray. K Itet.lll..n. J ' Tuny M ". A.lklti. M A Iliinrfn-. K I.. II. l:olf. (; Jiio It. I'nsnldy. A l!iy llir.nii n A Morrow. Tl ! Arnold. M r. K. tl.,,-. r,,t I ' I". Crsro-. V T" I. Won.-r. V. It Wlll.rrn I. V,'n. 1.:i(T V (1. II Mi hlk-.rn t. W A W. A. Jol,ra. W. H. Hlmnions. L. Fury. Ijiuriinir. J. Andrr-. M. Halill The Cauae of Many ei... i- i in ic is n iiiKcH., ... COtintr V tllimt thilH-rto,,; 1 2HUnl - III II .11 . ""'Ilf, ill m l . i r r- i uan M7.tit "rv llrrt "IS rru'i Ml Mr I. "irUilnc tk tbe vital or,,,,. "I4! Jl-ldaddc. r U,;& in . 1 1. . . nwy I'lmnirr iron oi,-. !. .. . " front a di-iaiigritirio o. ."' a cure ia obtain,,! .......I : f'-'f - 'I'll! apil l, trratmrntof llir kl, .,r. i. " lllg badlv Voi ran .. . "i " l.ti.... I. "'" ".. gr.-atk.dnrv. I,yr,.n? lt corm-Uinal,,!,,,,,, contra that, l'OIIIIKrllr.1 l w.ol!.. h..."1.1 nytht. I he ..M ,d n .ia...!. the i,'Ki,r curra of the ino.t ib.i Swan,,, ko... our dulUr .. ""? aiiMllda l.ll . ... .1 . covrry and, ,,, iHHilarntlrrrlivin,,!. A idi, . mrr A Co lt,..t, Hritiliif ,'i N itffrr I II I lit a. t ... . ... ..... ,-.,r ik.b , lii atakr.blil frinrnil-.n. ;.-. t.. v. ..V : r...,.,r, . .a.iiipKou tj . ! JJOIJJIIUtlUljtl, J,', V v IHIIC. I';au:s. T j it '! J N A V t'r ( Ji-rt-s1 J A U IrU lUrk-nfrid hola..n. 1'ior II Hmllh t!. V.iiirnf, !. Hilton, f jr.., I" 'ln.ri 1 1 Win, W 1-iirk.r V. HtrlnitLy, M Ktnlla. h i Kolll. lialtmiin I. M..r. ',i, M Kwium I lofTm. Itit.-r 'iirmliiK-liaui J. ,!.r tilihi in J.imra Nor i ia C'tiiin T. 1! 1 I- M II. Itl.liat.lii. J K. I.ov. lie .-. John I.. Hiitia. Edward H int. A. K. Htulta. I,. H. liiik.r. J II. Ilofrm....-r. tnttn. William No r(lo Htulk.. V. Htulk.-. Iwla Kr Jam." AiiiL-rreirt. Z...tlt It V. (ir..n. Jo.. Hut.-r I. W. ViirnUkr. I! II fill. .,n. A Kuk-r. W. tl Il;,k.r Ni.tln- Ih lii-n tiy (lv, n, Din! tti iind.-r-algn.-d will apply t,.. fonMy Court "f lni-kiimii Cminiy. Hint.. ,f OrKon. on N.,v.-ml,. r 1. l'ji.r.. at 10 r ,-l.-u , or nx noon thi rntft. r nn tie- Co,i,i rmlv h.-ar F.-.ld application for n lr. ri.. to h. npliltiioiia. mall or vlnoua 1. iiora, for a pulod of mm y..,,r In Hurt,,,,, K,1K Ct.-.k pt., ln, (, ria.-kanina County r.r. Roil. ANNli: COHItliiAN, Applicant. SUMMONS. In the circuit c,)U1.t (lf ,ll( Htato t)regn. f,,r ClackamuH County James (illbreath, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie (illbreath. Defendant To Nell (Hlhroath. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to ,.; nd answer the complaint III,,! against ou In the above entitled court and suit ,, ()r M,fnr, th(i ,.,.,,. weeks from and after the date of the Ilrst publication of this summons, to- l"r, liior.; and if you fall to BnHwer for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap Ply to the court for tho relief prfty,'d wTt. ,n1,YTI,llnt n fll l-reln, to lt. That tho of matrimony now existing between the pn, Z and defemlant be dissolved, upon ho Bnm,id of desertion and m en f ho plaintiff by defendant for ape Hod or more than one year, ami f(,r such other and further relle a "pray' od for In tho complaint and which to SorUrt "eem t,,1Ultttbl BnI' Thla summona la publHhi)d by or Jer of the Honorable Thomas A Me. ride a udgo of the Circuit Court of he State of Oregon, and the aa f'or! der was mado and dated the 5th dav fl s?Cm!bncaH5' T th lftte tS dVyrtoberiOo'r00' 18 Ule th T. D. McDEVITT Attorney for Plaintiff. Notlca of rtnal atii.lZ; i 1 t . . .. f , ... II.HII'I l,,fl ft.t.l. J . ...... .. . . ' liar.iman. itn-rtin .-M.itca ia hrrrt.r .!,. Mui of Ih. ,i.)t, .,. baa nird hla final a cmnl . ami aion.lay in. Kih a.. ia apimlntrd al II rfrt . of aald day at tha Court It,- w i fort Clly. ron. a. th. ttau .... . . or nraniif oDJctlofil, tf aar la a A. R in- Ajminl.tnK n ... Jorin . iMArr, allnrn.. f, aiii u.. tairaior i,. UMU0N1 In Ih. f'lrcuU Court ot th. luu i j fon. for (he County ot CVitou C.rrla (.'. Jrnklna W II Jrnklna. rrfrn44Bt To V II Jrnklna. Ih. km.p..nt ti frndant- I In lh narn of ttn tun nt OtHM you ara hrrrby ttiliH t tftv k( an.w-rr Ih. romplalftt S4 anlrat psj In Iho ahova rnt!tlr4 wrt Iti lull f r h for Ih. riplmtloq of ill tfrtlj frgm and aftrr fi tb! a IS. In fiiri II. at!. in of lhla a imswst O-rlt: On f l -f .tr M m lay. th. ai V of Oelobtt, I''"' And If yno fa t rfs w4 M- wrr .aid complalRt. k WlJt l-"t! th. plaintiff will afij tt tourt to tlit rrl!. f i.tavrd for H ti m'A tn i!olrit. on filft brrrla. te-wtf (Ul Bi h- nd. of niatrttnoor v nWif.l J twrrn Iht. plalntlfT uni Wrtiwt S aolrd i.H.n the,4 of Irtfrtl e, fnr ti oihrr and futtbrf rtllft ' Ih. emi t may arrttl I'-1" "l1 Thla nurnmuni la piiWlhr4 !f rf ih Hon Thn. y ttjin. Jo' ' County I'outt of Hit. Htal. Of Of- .aid otdrr waa rtiaJf and '.th day of RriitrmlM-r. IMS. of ih. nr.l puMI.-atb.n thrr)( l M !r Hth. 13ui. CEO CAMEROS Attorm-y f( H- OfrrJf ttri I r.4 IV i Cimty of Clnl"tt of Hi. Etl J-'! ; NOTICE OF FINAL ItTTLlW, In Ih.. County Contl of th. Bll",1 iron, for I he In thr matter M Murry, ItrcmiMil f Nutlctt la brrrl.y ulv.n Ihat d-ralnnrd wriHHs of th. lwi'" tat, hna flint III lb' CnuniyCtft 'lackumaa Cotinlv. Htitf of 0r: final account atn-h n.-fUtrl , .-.late nmt that I he Court h "' , day, Oetolirr Ifith. l'i'. ki ID o'clock A. M . of anld 'M llbl room of anld Court, In n-B fn 'j Son na the lni arid l-in'" 'l,r urn. i,,t,l ll ,, in unlit rr,"1 ai llli-ment i nll f th. hnnl a. ltt,.m.,rtt . NANCY ANN MeWS-r- . Kxrrtitilx of SJ 'j Urine c. CmTy, Attoimy fr Ew NOTICft OF FINAL SETTLE" tf. In lh. County Court of tt "" gon, for the Comity "' ('l'"',1,E In the mntt.-r of thn ratal f 'l lb-Id, li.-rrimi-d: J Nollco la hereby flwn lly ibralnncd ailmlnlaltati Ix of of Fn-det lck Held. iIithw l nM J the County Court Of CI"' Uam c( Klale of Oregon., hr ft mil aw0"1 aucb ndmlnlHlrntt'ljt of aald llU".w that Monday, tbe ICth il 'V ot W Vm nt tbe hour of 10 o'rlo'k f1 . been hipolnti d by said 'Dint f'"T ' of olijectlona to said report nn4 , tlemi-nt tberi-of. X MUH. 10TIIAN 8M1TH nic Mary Admlnltidatrlx of tbe i-ftate of Held, Heccnttcd. (' i"hkn & 8cnt:r:iiKU Atium')' f Admlnlmratrlx. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of J. 0. Heck, Doceased: '; g Notice la hereby given by the un . signed administrator of tho ostaw. Joseph J. O. Heck, deceased, creditx.ra of, and all persons n claims agnlnat said estate to them with tho necessary youc , Within Kir mnnthu after the Hrfll ' , llcatlon of 'thla notice, to nie it!' . ad- olllco of my attorneys, U'Hi"V,, ehol, In Oregon City, In tho Couw Clackamas and State of OregoS' Dated and the first piibllcatf thlH notice September 2!Hh, l.. Administrator of the Estate of J" ), J. O. Heck, deceased. . - U'Ren & Schuebel, attorneys Wr t eBtate, Oregon City, Oregon- i l It Tp-T-r tn-ntr "-tti t Tl'Tirriryf " purpM3aBm'iW