Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 13, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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per cent. Farm security, U'Ren
A Bchubol.
y oin'OAnrc i)ANfl nkijotiatki).--
t lowost ratM, Iatourptt'i oltloe,
Coinmorclnl Hunk llulldlng, Oregon
Local Events
H. P, Humls lias koI1 C acres of the
V. Klm-rson I). L. C. to Clms. r. Har
ris for i,r.r.
pattern bats, fancy tint n and ruady
to wfar nan, miss i;. uomnmmi.
Horn, Monday, at tlm limn at Vio
la, an 'llit Hinnd boy to Itnv. and
Mi-h. J. J. raltou.
I JolinMon & MrCord. of tbn O. K.
I Hliop. tlil wo-k liiNtnllivl a Klaus front
Bt tliolr placo of biiHtni'ss.
t R. L. Holman, laadlng undsrUksr.
Naxt to Harris' grocery itors, Oregon
CUy, Orsgon.
J. U. Oatfluld ttiU wok sold 9 arn-a
' to Calo I'arolliiH fur $30110. Tho land
1h lorntod In tho Crow I), I. C.
This office prepared for the opening
t of schools this Fall and has on hand a
large stock of report cards. Ths at
tention of the school teachers of the
county Is called to this announcement.
' nv. R. 8. llollltiKcr will conduct
aervWa at tlio KJy ('iriKrKatlnal
Church at 3 p. in. next Sunday.
Monty to loan on Farms. Land Titles
mlned. Dlmlck 4 Dlmlck, Lawyers,
Oregon City, Oregon...
Horn, TiK'mlay to Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. l,ovi.tt at tholr liomn In thla city,
a daiiKhtcr. Chicago and New York
1bpth plcaHo copy.
A. J. Dnvldmm and Mini Lizzie M.
HoMiiiHlratcr, both of Ohwcko, wore
marrli-d In thin city Saturday cvcuIiik
by Htv. K. 8. IlolllnKor,
F. Nswton, of Oregon City, hat the
only flrit-class undertaking parlor and
htane In Clackamas county,
Waiiti'd PoNltlon by an upto-dato
and all round printer In country of
fice Holier ami IndiiatrlotiH. Frank
KvaiiM, Portland. OrcKon.
For Salo Ono aocond hand double
wBRon 3'i Sttidcbakcr, In good condl
f Ion. Will hcII cheap. Inquire of Wm.
(Jardncr & Son, Court Houho block,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Watchcn that others have failed U
tnakii run properly eapeclally aoliclted
by It. F. Caufleld, watchmaker and
Jeweler, oppoHlte Huntley Uro., Main
Mrect. Oregon City. All work guar
anteed, Henry Kahn and Minn Grace Korea t
Vaughn if Portland, wero inarrleil
Monday afternoon Bt the nintiHo of
the Congregational church by Itev. K.
S. Ilolllnger.
k The Woman'H Club will hold ItH flrBt
nnnual meeting at the renhlenco of
M rtt. (!. A. Harding at 2:30 o'clock
ei i est av aucrnoon. i cro her l.v am
tnemborn are reqticHted to attend.
lYi-sona clmlrltin upholHtrrlnir work of
any kliul uliDiild aie J. H. Ducliinty at
IiIh Hliop with IltirkiTs fi-od ntor, enr
iht Main an Elrvenlh etrrt-ta. Mattn-Ha-
ts tnudu and ri'novnled.
For a ensb consideration of $4000,
Elmer St roup haw Hold hla farm of
H(i acreH to JoHcph Reach. The farm
la located between Aurora and Wll
Honvlllo and tho deal was concluded
Thoso who wish to buy millinery to
tho greatest advantage, call on MIhs
C. Goldsmith.
John Tlrown of Vancouver, Washing
ton, and Miss Agnes Unbolt of this
county, were married Wednesday
morning at !:lt0 o'clock at tho Elec
tric Hotel. County Judgo Thomas F.
Ryan performed tho ceremony.
At the regular meeting Monday
night the city school board author!.-
The Starting Point
need not stand in the way. Many a now
wealthy man has commenced with less.
l tho iiiircliiiHO of two rational flaw
for th Barclay and ICaHtham mc.IiooIh.
The 1laga tm oach of thane building
urn about worn out,
MonTQAam loans nkootaited
at lowtttt ratnn, I.atouTitUi' ofTIo, Com
morclKl Bank Building, Oregon City,
The Oregon Water Power & Rail
way Company announces a special
rate of 25 cents for the round trip be
tween Oregon City and Portland for
Saturday, the final day of the Lewis
& Clark Exposition.
Tbern waa uranted a license to wed
Tneaday to Mr. Harry II. Thomaa, of
Portland, and MIhh ICmma M. Aacboff,
daiiKhter of Adolph Aachoff, of Mar
mot. The lirlfleelect l wcdl and fa
vorably known In thin city where abn
maided for some time and attended
t I
Watch the corner window. A great
aurprlse In store for three days only,
October 10, 11 and 12 at Block's Fur
niture Store, Main and Seventh 8ts.
Watch our corner window, It will pay
MIhs Ll.7.1n M. Hoaentreator and
Arthur J. DavldHon, both well known
younic people from Ohwcko, were
united In marrlBK" at the home of
John Cox. brother-in-law of the groom
October 7. Hev. K. 8. llolllnjter, of
tho CoiiKregatlonal church performed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mra. Davldaon
will realdn at Omwpro.
This office prepared for the opening
of schools this Fall and has on hand a
large stock of report cards. The at
tention of the school teachers of the
county Is called to this announcement.
The aeries of Illustrated add reason
on I'llRrlrn'a progresa at tho Congre
gational Church on Sunday evenlngH
la being greatly enjoyed by largo audi
ences. The laat of the aerlen will be
given next Sunday evening. The
journey of Chrlatlana from the Palace
Ileautiful to the Celestial City will bo
lllnatrated by 25 views, many of them
gema of art.
School books for sll grades and a full
line of school supplies st towett prices at
Charman A Co., City Drug 8tore.
A. Knapp, tho German Captain and
all-round genial fellow, and his busi
ness associate, L. A. Nobel, opened
their now saloon In tho Sttr Brewing
Company's now building on Main St.,
oppoHlte Huntley Hroa Co.'a Monday.
Hoth of thcHo gentlemen are woll
known throughout the county and they
Initiate their new and elaborately fur
nlHhed resort with splendid prospects.
A formal opening will Boon be hold.
The Oregon Water Power A. Rail
way Company announces a special rate
of 25 cents for the round trip between
Oregon City and Portland for tomor
row, 8aturday, the final day of the
Lewis & Clark Exposition. '
Herman Moehnko and Miss Hannah
Kllnger were married Tuesday after
noon at 3 o'clock at tho Lutheran
church on Moehnke creek. Hdth tho
bride and the groom belong to promi
nent German families In that com
munity and a very largo number of
people wltneHsed tho marriage. A
splendid dinner wna served at tho
Moehnke home after the wedding, that
waa attcndoil by quite a ronalderahle
part of the German population of Or
egon City.
Exclusive styles,
MIhs C. Goldsmith.
popular prices,
A writer In the Argonaut for Oc
tober 9th comments, under the title
of "Two Great Men Through Women's
Eyes," upon tho Uvea of llayard Tay
lor and Frederick Watts, tho English
painter, as presented In two new bi
ographies, the ono by the widow Hay
aril Taylor, and the other by Mrs.
Harrington, a friend of the artist
Watts. The subjects are In them
selves most attractive, and the com
ment Is full of Information of tho
most Interesting kind.
Watch the corner window. A great
surprise in store for three days only,
October 10, 11 and 12, at Block's Fur
niture Store., Main and Seventh Sts.
Watch our corner window, It will pay
All surfaco cancers are now known
to bo curable, by Hucklen's Arnica
Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffleld, Va.,
writes: "1 had a cancer on my Up for
years, that scorned Incurable, till
Hucklen's Arnica Salve healed It, and
now It Is perfectly well." Guaranteed
cure for cuts and burns. 25 cents at
Howell & Jones' drug store.
of many a successful man's
career was his first deposit.
There is something about
a bank account which cre
ates an ambition to make
it grow. We invite you to
start an account with us.
The littleness of your cash
Personal Mention
Rph Jones, of Cams, was in the city
J. P. Rlngo, of Marfiuam, was In the
city Tuesday. ,
Otis Morris, uf Canby, was In the
city Saturday,
II. 8. Ilainsby, of Molalla, was an
f)rcg(, City visitor Wednesday.
MIhh ICIla Lntz has gone to Seattle
whore she will spend the winter.
Judge Wm. Galloway was a bnsl
nesH visitor to Jefferson Monday,
John 1'. Ridings, a business man of
Mnrfnam, was In the city Monday.
C. T. Howard, the Mullno miller,
was In the city Friday on business.
Mrs. Ll.zlo Roppd was a business
visitor to Aurora the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley and son
have returned from their eastern trip.
W. H. Latoureette, of McMlnnvllle,
was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
Hon. F. X. Matthlen, of Champoeg,
was an Oregon City visitor thlH week.
The Misses Ievy, of Union, were
gueats this week of the Misses Gold
smith. Mrs. J. T). Howell, of Corvallls, was
this week tho guest of relatives In
this city.
Mrs. Mary A. Casebeer, of Salom,
was this week the guest of Mrs. B. 8.
Miss Ava Noblett has returned to
Wood burn after a visit with relatives
In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hess, of Wood
burn, visited this week with Oregon
City friends.
Mrs. 0. M. Strange, of Corvallls,
was this week tho guest of Oregon
City friends.
John C. Nicholson, of Harlow, was
an Oregon City visitor the latter part
of last week.
Miss Maud Halo, of Dectaur, 111.,
Is visiting at tho home of her uncle,
J. A. McGlashan.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Speldel, of Lob
Angeles, have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. L. U Porter.
F. M. Palmer and family, of Mt.
Angel, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. H. Samson.
B. Gates Cochran, of Salem, was
this week visiting his brother, J. W.
Cochran of this city.
Rev. W. 8. Grim and family have
returned to Astoria, after visiting with
friends at Willamette.
Mrs. Annlo Myers, of The Dalles,
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. J.
Marshall at Canemah.
Mrs. O. C. Vaughn, of Chicago, Is
vlBltlng her brother, C. D. Frissell,
Southern Pacific aegnt.
Fred J. Melndl has returned from a
business trip through eastern Oregon,
Washington and Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. James Heatley, of
Gladstone, have returned from a three
months' visit In England.
Miss Julia Yenney haa returned to
her home at Spokane, Washington,
after visiting Miss Ella Shaver.
Mrs. L. T. Harris, of Eugene, was
this week the guest of her sisters,
Miss Heatle and Mrs. J. J. Cooke.
Mrs. Parker has returned to her
home at Albany, after visiting her
aon. Dr. E. T. Parker In this city.
Mrs. Mary Horn and daughters,
Misses Lillian and Alvent, have moved
to Portland where they will reside.
Miss Myrtle Dixon, of Roseburg, re
turned to her home after a visit at the
home of Sheriff Shaver In thla city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moody have been
visiting this week with friends at
Walla Walla, Wn., and Lewiston, Ida
ho. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Goldsmith, of
Eugene, were guests Sunday at the
homo of Mr. Goldsmith's mother In
this city.
Mrs. A. J. Hamblln and children
have returned to their home at Grants
Pass, after visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Pope.
Rev. A. S. Foster, pastor of the
Methodist church at Tillamook, haa
returned to that city after a visit with
relatives In this city.
Rev. I. M. Hoyles, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Florence, and
a former resident of this city, is vis
iting old friends here.
Mrs. Kittle Scobert and Mrs. Myrtle
E. Dodge, of Eugene, were the guests
Sunday and Monday of Mr. and Mrs.
II. M. Shaw in this city.
Mrs. M. J. Davis, of Lake Crystal,
Minnesota, who has been visiting with
the family of W. F. Harris, left yes
terday for her eastern home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Latourette and
Mr. Latourette's sister, Mrs. Worden,
of San Louis Obispo, California, were
tho guests of friends at Eagle Creek
Miss Essie Hlock arrived safely at
Baltimore, Maryland, last Friday and
has resumed her musical stuies at the
Peabody Conservatory of Music in
that city.
Rev. H. B. Robins, Mrs. John W.
Loder and Miss Mary MclLntyre, this
week represented the First Baptist
church of this city at the Baptist state
convention held at Eugene.
County Judgo T. F. Ryan returned
Tuesday evening from his eastern
i trip where he attended the meetings
or the Odd Fellows and Masonic grand
lodges, as a delegate from this state.
Kenneth Latourette, who recently
went east to attend Yale, has written
i relatives In this city that he success-
fully passed the required examina
tion and was admitted to the senior
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fields of Oregon
City, spent Wednesday night In
Brownsville. Mr. Fields Is an appli
cant for the position of railway agent
In this city and was here looking the
ground over. Brownsville Times.
J. H. Vernon, manager of Huntley
Bros, drug store at Molalla, has re
turned to his post of duty, after spend
ing a two weeks' vacation on a pheas
ant hunt up the valley. During his
absence the business was attended to
by Ross Farr, of this city.
Ed. Schwab, book-keeper for the
Oregon City Manufacturing Company,
left Friday night for Chicago, in re
sponse to a telegram announcing the
serious Illness of his father who was
taken dangerously 111 In that city
while on his way home with Mrs.
Schwab, from a trip to Europe. On
Monday, a dispatch reached Portland,
announcing the death of Mr. Schwab,
Wm. Beard Furnlehes The Enterprise
With an Intereeting Account of
Fair and Prize Awards.
Maple Lane Grange No. 2DG, Patrons
of Husbandry, met In regular session
on Saturday, October 7, and also held
Its first annual fair. I say first an
nual, advisedly because we propose
to continue the good work from year
to year, and and we predict that the
good-natnred honest rivalry between
the exhibitors will produce an agri
cultural exhibit that will be second
to none In Clackamas county.
A few of the faithful met at the
hall as per agreement on Friday and
arranged the exhibits. Saturday be
ing our regular meeting day, grange
was called to order at the usual hour
by W. M. Hobble. All the officers
and a goodly number of members
were present.
The usual routine business was
transacted, Including the election to
membership of one applicant, after
which grange closed in regular form.
By common consent of the exhib
itors the following parties were chos
en Judges: Brothers 8. T. Roman
and Chaa. Forbes, Mrs. Forbes, and
Mr. and Mrs. Calavan. It was also
agreed that the decision of the Judges
should be final.
A list of the following awards will
give In a slight measure some Idea
of the variety of products on exhib
Grapes 1st, C. W. Swallow; 2d,
A. Mautz.
Nuts 1st, C. W. Swallow; 2d, Myr
tle E. Darling.
Squashes and Pumpkins 1st, A. J.
Lewis; 2d, W. B. Stafford.
Potatoes 1st A. J. Lewis; 2d, C.
0. Allen.
Apples 1st, A. J. Hobble; 2d, C.
W. Swallow.
Quinces 1st, C. O. Allen; 2d, A. J.
Pears 1st, C. W. Swallow; 2d, A.
Pop Corn 1st, A. Mautz; 2d, C. W.
Grain, General 1st, C. O. Allen; 2d,
Wm. Beard.
Sweet Corn 1st, C. O. Allen; 2d,
Wm. Beard.
Canned Fruits 1st, R. Mautz; 2d,
Anna J. Lewis.
Butter 1st, R. Mautz; 2d, Louise
Bread 1st, Louise Beard; 2d, R.
Cake 1st, A. M. Allen; 2d, Loulse
Mangel Wurtzels 1st W. B. Staf
ford; 2d, A. J. Lewis.
Parsnips 1st, A. J. Lewis; 2d, W.
B. Stafford.
Economy Leads to Success
All Conservative Buyers should turn their footsteps toward our
Ggeat Retiring Sale
Everything Must Go
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Finish
ing Goods, and Women's, Misses, Men's
and Children's Dress and Working Shoes
, . c $4 75 Men's and Boys' Dress and Wcrk'g t. OA
Men's and Boys Suits $4. 10 m
, . ,n . 5 00 Women's Misses and Children's
Men's and Boys Overcoats S.UU reiar $2.00 and $2.50 Shoes at $1.00
Monarch $1.00 Dress Shirts 85C Men's and Boys' High Grade Hats 95c
Men's and Boys' Regular $1.00 and
and $1.25 Underwear, per suit ' C Men's and Boys' Fancy Caps aim 4UC
Carrots 1st, W. B. Stafford; 2d, A.
J. Lewla.
Crook Neck Squash 1st, A. J. Lew
is; 2d, W. B. Stafford.
Rutabegas 1st, A. J. Lewis; 2d W.
13. Stafford.
Beans 1st, A, J. Lewis; 2L Wm.
General Collection, sweepstakes, A.
J. Lewis.
Je.ily, collection of, sweepstakes,
Myrtle E. Darling.
Potatoes sweepstakes, W. B. Staf
ford. Fruit sweepstakes, C. W. Swallow.
Turkeys sweepstakes, A. J. Lewis.
Chickens general 1st, C W. Swal
low; 2d, A. J. Lewis.
Chickens Bantams, 1st, Shirlle
Swallow; 2d, Roscoe Clark.
Sofa Pillows 1st, M. Shelly; 2d, A.
Quilts 1st, Sarah Davles; 2d, E.
A. Seeley.
Slumber Rober 1st, A. B. Allen;
2d, M. 8helly.
1st premium Blue Ribbon.
2d premium Red Ribbon.
Sweepstakes White Ribbon.
It was very gratifying to the com
mittee In charge to note the univer
sal satisfaction at the awards of the
Judges, and the Judges are certainly
entitled to the thanks of all concerned
In this, our first annual fair.
The ladles as usual, were very busy,
and their display of fancy, and toilet
articles was fine. Their booth, taste
fully arranged In one corner of the
hall, trimmed In holly and English
Ivy, draped with lace curtains, and
adorned with natural as well as arti
ficial flowers, was the center of at
traction, and the smiling faces who
presided over all this are certainly
deserving of praise.
The dinner served free to all was
certainly a banquet.
After dinner Mrs. C. O. Allen as
chairman of the entertainment com
mittee, gave a short preliminary ad
dress, followed ' by a well rendered
program, supplemented by some very
appropriate remarks by A. J. Lewis.
Mr. Lewla Is the man who first
proposed an agricultural fair In con
nection with the Clackamas county
District Pomona Grange, and he still
believes In the feasibility and practi
cability of the plan, and Is certainly
In earnest, as evinced by his heroic
efforts to Interest his neighbors In a
purely agricultural fair for Clackamas
Mr. C. O. Allen Is a good wheel
horse in an agricultural exhibit and
It will be neck and neck with him and
C. W. Swallow as to which of them
will carry off the sweepstakes at our
next annual.
In the opinion of your correspondent
this grange fair will be worth ten or
twenty times Its cost, to those par
ticipating in It, and if harmony pre
vails In the future as it does at pres
ent, we predict a great future for
Maple Lane Grange.
'TIsn't safe to be a day without Dr.
Thomas Eclectrlc Oil In the house.
Never can tell what moment an acci
dent is going to happen.
Sixth Folsin Sts
... i
One Block Sooth of Suspension Bridge
Grand Total of County's Obligations
la Being Cut Down and Ex-, ' ,
peneee Curtailed.
That the indebtedness of Clackamas
county during the last year has been
reduced $33,786.39 Is shown In the
semi-annual reports of the county of
ficers published on another page of
this Issue.
On September 30, 1904, the total
outstanding warrants against the
county, together with the estimated
accrued Interest, aggregated $123,001.
02, while the total of these two Items
on the 30th ult was only $89,214.63.
These figures, compared with the
financial condition of the county six
months ago, show an improvement of
about $2000 in the amount of out
standing Indebtedness, at that time.
A saving of more than $6000 in the
current expenses of the county has
been effected during the last twelve
months. For the year ending Sep
tember 30th, last. It cost only $34,
288.59 for the administration of the
county government as against $40,
904.67 for the corresponding period
a year befor.
ra. Beatle & Beatle, Dentist, Rooms
IS, 17 18, Wetnhard Building.
Everybody's liable to Itching plies.
Rich and poor, old and young terri
ble the tortures they suffer. Only one
sure cure. Doan's Ointment Abso
lutely safe; cant' fall.
A Genius.
"Yes, I think my new son-in-law has
a genius for finance."
"Has he been making money on
"No, but he's Just got home after a
three weeks' vacation, with $7.50 In
No such thing as "summer com
plaint where Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry is kept handy. Na
ture's remedy; for looseness of the
A Bright Young Man with Light
Team in your connty, steady work
and good wages, for the right man.
Reference required. For full particu
lars address Nov 1
KOCH V. TXo., Winona, Mimn.