OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, KM OA Y, OCTOKKK 1.1. vm. : Oar Corf esponcents, Corner I Brid of Gossip From All Parts of thr County, p Correspondent are requested to re- t Edward Miller ha been laid tip tew their work. We will furnish all csary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear ia these columns every wee. CARUS. We'd, the rain is all over with for a few days. Now is the time to finish dipping murr-hys. Rebecca Ka'bSelsch is staying with her brother. Mr. App an J Ed. Jones speat a few days with their father. John Jones, la-t week. Albert White and Tommy Evans killed three raccoons last Sunday. Boys, that was pood, luck for yoa. sure. Mrs. Walters of Portland was visit- in? friends here last week. j Moses Thomas has returned from j Heppcer. Oregon. I Mr. Eph. Lewis intends to go to j California soon. j Several of the young girls called , on the "bachelors" Sunday evening Jessie Jackson is staying w;th her an at, Mrs. c. 5pang.er. Mr. Ed Howard and sons went to the mountains last Thursday. Mr. Anderson and family from El dorado, called on Mr. Monroe Irish and family Monday. Mr. William Daniels of Beaver Creek, wa3 the r-est of Sarah Thomas Sunday. Mr. Norman Howard has purchased a new wireless hay-baler from Louis Buckner. A yellow brind'.e. mooley, jersey cow giving milk, has been running in the road by Ed. Howard's for nearly three weeks. Owner please call and get her. HOW TO CURE CORNS AND BUN IONS. First, soak the corn or bunion in luke warm water to soften it; then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily, nibbing vigorously for five minutes at tcu application. A cor piaster . i 4 , , should be worn a few days to protect'10 Crly treatment, but the it from the shoe. As a general lini- ment ior spra.us, orjises. lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm is un equaled. For sale by Geo. A. Harding VIOLA. The fever contracted during the hoppieking. is yet causine the Phys-; iciaas to make frequent tr.ps to this- community. j A. L. Cope'and at time of this writ- j ing. is dangerously ill. Tuesday. H. A. Allen and family of Redland. visited relatives in Viola Mondav. Pon'ad nian Sk.a buiiEes3 lrip 10 , , W. D. Brown lately boueht a piece ' of property of Edward Miller V.'e are glad to know that Mr. Bmwn is ' planning to be a permanent resident among us. Mr. Randolph is reported to be suf-1 fering with a serious inconvenience, People living in other parts of the county Eight think t .at those l:v:ng at v'iola eu? : ill lot blue ecause of so much s: ?kness. 1 jt quite tfct re ver. e. Mr. Grahar and R- v. Pattrn can not help smiiiLg: a new boy has cheered the home? of both. QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS and QUICK SALES and CASH We save you ten to twenty-five per cent, on part of your purchases and furnish coupons for pretty dishes free. With paid purchases of $5 or more in one day you can take 14 lbs. granulated sugar for 50c, or 10 bars Star soap for JOc, or 2 lbs. our best coffee tor JOc. Sacks of sugar, flour or feed do not count 27c. paid for eggs. Butter in demand. DRY GOODS . Ladies' Warm Underwear 23 to 49c j Save rou 10 to 25 Der cent on above ! Yarn.? at 4c and Cc, or less than cost today buy soon. Hosiery at 4c 9c, 11c save one third. Ribbons, 2c, 3c, Cc, up nice saving Hairpins, lc pkg; box 3c. Large Pencil Tablet, 3c not 5c. Ink 3c; Mucilage 4c. Lead Pencils, rubber tip 2 for lc. rrdotfl 1 r4 Oln 7, onH ' ir n-am rZ V, o" i New Outings. New Woolen Waists at a saving. Cotton Blankets. 53c; better, 59c. Pearl Buttons, doz. 4 c. MILLINERY Fine Hat3, save you nearly one third. Street Hats, 79c, 97c, $1.49. GROCERIES Laundry Soap, 2c; Star, 7 for 23c. Broken Rice4c; Fine Rice 5c. Vacuum Fruit Jars cut to 72c and 97c. Keeps fruit perfectly. Arm & Hammer Soda, Cc. Gloss Starch, Cc. Coffees, 10c, 15c; best, 20c. Our 20c Coffee compares with usual 30c to 35c Coffee. Sample free. Teas, 14c, 23c, 44c. Why pay more? 50 pounds fine salt 33c. 6 pounds Beans, 25c. Bacon Sides, 14c; Dry Salt, 13c. RED FRONT, for several weeks with a very sore hand. Mrs Martin of Forest drove is help ing care for the big boy who lately became a resident of our parsonage Mrs Martin is a sister of Rev. Fatton Those living in these parts will be very careful not to pick hops in a ty phoid section net year. We hope by nest issue to report our beautiful community in better health. SOME SEASONABLE ADVICE. It may be a piece of superfluous advice to urge people at this season of the year to lay in a supply of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. It is ai most sure to be needed before win ler Is over, and much more prompt and satisfactory results are obtained when taken as soon as a cold is con tracted and before it has become set tied in the system, which can only be done by keeplns the remedy at hand. This remedy is so widely known and so altogether good that no one sho,uM 'Jt buyin it in by Geo. A. Harding. REDLAND Oct. 9 A great many Redland peo ple are down sick with typhoid fever, twelve cases; Mrs. Schneider and four children, Mrs. Hubert and two child ren. Fred Wilcox. Aha Sprasrue, Fred Pierren and Johnny Hardy. The dis ease was contracted while picking hops at Aurora. Mr. Joseph Hughes, of Portland, was a Redland visitor last Sunday. Miss Maud Stone recently left for Salem to attend Willamette Univer sity. r The season's first cold may be slight mav vield next rn'ii will V"ii on longer it will be more troublesome, too. Un necessary to take chances Emulsion is a preventive ,, r as well as a cure. Take nflflTTI wlien colds abound and VOll'll have no Cold. Take it n - lipntU.l,!;..,,, Del IHe LOUi la Contracted and it checks ir.llamma- i, i , i uon- ueaiS tile the threat lembranes 1X1'. ciCQ drives tue Cold Out. ScrJ for f'tc S GTT & BC iV.VE CI m sis -!-4li Pfarl lirttt Sfw frt 50c and $1.00 Ali drnggUta Lemons, lc and Knives and For set C9c. Malitca plate, Bluing, bottle w atcn, 1 year SHOES! SHOOS! Baby Shoes, 9c, 14c, 24c. 33c up. Child's Shoes. 47c, 49c. 72c Sc. Ladies' $1.40 Shoes, 93c; Slippers C&c. Ladies' $2.50 Fine Shoes, cut to $2.09. Ladles Best Heavy Unlined $1.97. Boys' Calf Shoes, cut to $1.19 and $159. Boys' Full Stock, heavy $1.28 and , 11.53. ' Men's $2.25 Shoes, fine or coarse : $1.94. i Men's Calf Shoes, $1.98. I Men's Napa lan, best winter Shoe, j $2.03. I Men's High Top heavy Shoes out side counters $2.59, $3.97, $4.49 MEN'S FURNISHINGS Men's Sox, 4c; heavy 10c kind 7c. Men's Fine Sox, &c. Clothing at cosl Suspenders, 9c, Canvas Gloves, ' C9c. Collars, lc, 4c, Ties. 4c, to 17( oather, 22c, 29c 0 20c. clean up. Flannel Overshirts, 11.09 up. 50c underwear, only 38c & 43c Boy's Warm Underwear, 29c. All Wool Underwear only 89c. n rmnininu Mill I I V h III II I VI IJ UUUil U LJilULUIUjl OREGON CITY Miss Ora Wilcox. of Oregon City, is at home for a few days Mrs. S S Mosher has rented hor farm to Mr Ritteneur, and is going to move to Salem Mr Hickman is on the sick list Mr Hauet: and wife spent the iivli in attending the Fair. Mrs Jas Fullaiu Is entertaining a nephem from Wisconsin Mr A M Klrchern. who ha hern sojourning in Idaho is expected home shortly Mr Wra Ponney Is engaged in ex tending his telephone system in Ore gon City COUNTERFEITING THE GENUINE. Foley & Co. Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great n:er;t and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless Im itations have similar sounding names. Reare of them The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is in a yellow package Ask for It and refuse any substitute. It Is the Nst remedy for coughs and colds COLTON. School in No 72 failed to begin on the first Monday in October as arrane- ed. on account of the teacher being unexpectedly called aav to Califor nia. J. Phillip and family have moved from the Jones property to the Ham- met farm THIRTEEN" The dance last Saturday evening was not lareely attended, but all en- Joyed themselves The Oswego butcher was in our burg last Tuesday buying cattle. The range cattle are in fine shape now. but the co.J rams are hard on them. Uvrge Gardner and his sister have moved from their summer home In the mountains to Oregon City, to spend the winter. Ward Clark returne-i last Sundav from a long business trip to Eastern Oregon. He expects to leave s.m !h his family far Nebraska on a visit of indefinite length. Mrs Wm. Fionney is at Sherwood. where she was called to attend the sick bed of her aged mother John and H igh Commers of Mar- quam. attended the dance here on the 3"th. A JUDICIOUS INQUIRY. A well known traveling man who visits the drag trade says he has often ard dreirgists Inquire of customers who asked for a cough medicine, whether St was wanted fur a child or for an adult, and if for a child thev almust invariably recommend Cham berlain's Couch Remely. The reason for this is that they know there is no dancer from it and that it always cures. There is not the bast dangr in giving it. and for coughs, colds and cpjud it is unsurnasse.i. Fur saU .r 3eo. A. Harding CANBY. School o;;-r.ed h-r br 2. with "n M'n lay. Oc Prof. Matthews as teacher. Rev. and Mrs C T. McF lerson w-re visitors in this burg during th first oart f last we.-k. Th-y are asign-d ; th wt 'k of the M E. church at i-df( rd this y'ar Ro Rurk-tt- male a Myitis trip to Oretroi City a few day1 ago. :: av h a.' after a license (to hunt I V.i ir.di Taylor, of Marqnam. as i? the ,!ty i fpw days aeo The furr.ace of the M. E. Church has been rebuilt, and made easv to heat the church. The church aN( ha b-en renovated and now ha, an inviting appr-arancc. Rev. and Mrs. Dunlap spent Sun day here among friends. Rev Dun lap preached In the evening to a lart-f cor.greagtion. He is a former pa-tor. FULL OF TRAGIC MEANING. Are thee linen from J. H. Simmons of Casey. Ia. Think what might have resulted from his terrible cough If he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough, that disturbed my night's rem. I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which comnl etelv rnre;1 m... luomuuj n.-iit.- t-s aim perma- nently cures all throat and lung clls- mtin ' InnUnttH , . eases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At Howell & Jones, druggists; guaran- teed; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, NEEDY. The rain has ceased and the farm-'Mrs. ers have commenced plowing. .Blood, of Clackamas Mr. Herbert Johnson is erecting a' Mr. and Mrs. Hayhurst. from Oak new cottage. (irove, we e,.stH at .,. (;aH(, Clarence Reames Is lr,uK- imr,.,.. wnv'a the fore r.nn ,.f ...b ing. Mrs. Helen Elliott returned home irom uregon tlty haturday, where sne nas been visiting the past week. Mrs. Myers and daughter spent Sun- day at Mrs. Gaylor's. Miss -Flora Spagle called on Mrs. Noblitt and Miss Jackson Thursday. James Wyland who has been a resl - dent of Long Creek for the past seven years, was shaking hands with rela - tives and friends last week. R. L. Stewart was out driving in his new buggy Sunday. Mr. Carothers, of Buttevllle, has moved onto his farm at Needy. Mr. C. Molson and familv and Mar. tha Reames spent Sunday at the Fair. 1 PLANS TO GET RICH. Are often frustrated by sudden break ing down, due to dyspepsia, or con stipation. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life PI1U Thev foi ,..,' tV, ': ,, . , ; , ' the materials which are clogging your ene.g.es, ana gne you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At Howell & Jones drugstore. 25 cents, guaranteed. . PARKPLACE. Oct. 10. Mrs. Matchen has heen very ill for some time, hot i. imnrnvincr w i Fwrnitare and Hardware. I Special bargains made at our own Furniture Factory for Mr., Miss ! Price ?6.50 ter to the house across from W store. Holmes' Howard htters lias been confined to the bed for several days with snas- im.wlt f.uin r'SMUii.l t.c .......... 1. 1 .. .. I. 1 1 .'- "'.-uiriii; in- 'ate w riloh evidently contained some ' l"0"0""1 ul.stanc... Dr Messn-r ' t''nld him and he Is now able to be j a1""'1 ai:aln J- P- Mark!t fr," Nampa, Idaho, has! ij.-.-i, njuim him iduhiii. ,ir r.ray- ton, whom he had not seeu for thirty - nve years. He also was a guest of Kellogg of Oregon CM v and Mrs D. W. Fairalda from Walla wii. Washington, and J, Rivers, of Kagl .. , ' . : ". . " Creek, visited at Captain Smith's S iun- day. ! The fish racks which fere In the i Clackamas river below the motor .bridge, was washed away by high ! water and allowed all the salmon to ; escape. That will ruin the work at ; the Hatchery for this season. 1 W. Holmes is building an addition .to his barn and otherwise Improving his property. j Mr. and Mrs. Johnson from Port- land were gne-ts of Mrs. Johnson's , mother, Mrs. Mac Rivers, Sundav. i ' LOGAN. It is quite a treat to see sunshine once more. Everybody is busy In Igan. In fact It Is a busy place at any time. lJ- iu"m is unending fair and poultry show this week. Mrs. U. D. Robblns Is attending the Mrs. Hathaway of Roseburg, was visiting her brother's families, F S and E. W. Hutchlns. last week. She Hay8 tney have not ha(1 any raln th(Jre yet. 1 N. L. Klrchom returned from east ern Washington this week. He says v,r Z" " "1"' 8 "S yet, a months thresh ne vet iinBuc . i n inermonieter went HI I THIS BUREAU r- .i I SB I! and Mrs. Hop Picker: We guarantee every piece ot iurmturc made m our furniture fac tory in Oregon City. Your money will be per manently invested if you buy our furniture. The following prices spak for themselves. . . THIS CHIFFONIER Price $5.50 in three different styles ele gantly finished in golden oak UPBOARD Oak front, extension drawers. A much bet-1 piece of furniture Rt8""p$f2.5o Special Price $9.50i mad" from Mrs. J. C '.to :,2 bu-ibeU per a-re pale J c, Smith. Is being o.ngritulil-Spragu- is eXI,.Tted down i-d on her ani.roa. hlne marrlago. Pr on a vlxit from r,,rv. in ! Mr llenerv HhI.I.t .,i i.vi,.i.. ..... 1....... . . hi imxr reniriled from looking well. Maska. liot.h The Clear Cn-ek Creamery paid of Its patrons the past month at "'1 eenH I"T .iuul net for butter fat Mrs. T. Cerber has tm. relatlvt-s irorn isronsln visiting this week 1 DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. i If la . .... , . t), t . w? ,rst th 'T any,h!"K' Ts r .ubl vh PJwsl,,,y ; r' ' 1S lr""le. When Hick, sore. I ' ' . ' " "" X i'"11" "'i uoiHons (it (1 Vmtftttuf a bll - Bl. llnr Internnl ,nur . i " , '" " I lar internal disorders, don't sit down, onrt 1. ,-,,.l .,.., ,,,,-r yor Hymptoms, but fly for relief to Electric Hitters. Here you w ill find sure and permanent for getfulness of all yur troubles and your U,dy will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At Howell & r!ZJr? St0fe' ,,r,co no w-nta. (luarantecd. GEORGE. Miss Dora Smith, daughter of the sop jinitTdttiOTiKF W'SSLiaEllS J b'i ALL THE rl E$T DEALERS 'JlS I ilf 1 II hi nil1 1 f afaM ' HOP PICKERS i Sise 37 x 58, 5 drawers, 2 of them with locks, ele-j gantly finished in golden oak i "A li v ; ! t than cut shows ( l a fine girl and deserves a gxd hni bund Mr. H A. Sexton, representing large nierchanillse storo In I'ortlmi as out here lat week KxjklnK P location for it store, somewhere I teen hr arid lllssell. The threshing season Is over and all are happy At the last meal the men were agreeably Miirprlsrd hf tx lug served with Ice cream and Jfl'T cage Now. who wouldn't work on the machine? A CARD. This Is to certify that all druggist 'ure authorized to refund your metier 1 If I.. I .. ...pa r oiey H Money Bill I ar rails to . vour r,..ffh J -..m it tnns the cough, heals the lungs and prevents pneumonia ami cimuumntlon l-OO- tains no opiates. Tho genuine Is In yellow package. Refuse nubstltute. WILHOIT. Oct. 8 How does this weather strike you? Isn't it Just fine? Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Mr. n Mrs. Strong are visiting relatives Oregon City. Mr. H. Bowley Is digging potatoes. Mr. Ramsay returned from Oregon City Sunday. The tninters are getting busy no, and some of them are making It In teresting for the farnieru, Instead of Sunday being a rest day to the farm ers, It keeps him busy dodging shots, watching his stock. We wish the hunters all the success and enjoy ment there Is In hunting pheasants, but wo wish thev would have some : consideration for the farmer and not shoot right into a herd of cows. e have to feed the pheasants all the year around, then be bothered B October with the hunters hunting them. a O A.OTOXIX A M fiMrt tfc, lha Ui You Ha 8227 i -Jed S SeAll.aR?tcnaeS ph,S t? SlZl TttlZ