Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 06, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Owing to the fact we were 7 per cent
lower than oar competitors, we received
the contract for furnishing the Oregon City
school supplies Now, we feel satisfied
we can save you as much if you will give
us a chance
Send your children here for everything
in school books
Never Sold by Druggists.
R. W. BAKER, Agent,
Willamette, Or.
ga-Mll i i.i. hl.l.iJ' 'Ml "" " 'h
Famous at home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
the World.
ror Sale oy
Agency for Oregon City.
I am now located in my new
building on Main street be
tween Ninth and Tenth Sts.
Better prepared than ever to
do your plumbing.
The Plumber.
I Our Correspondents' Corner
Brief Hits of Gossip From All Parts of the County.
Correspondents are requested to re-T N. Maule expects to move to Mt.
aew their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
four neighborhood should appear in
'Jiese columns every week.
Pleasant soon
Bertha Spangler spent several days
last week iu Portland.
Bert Lyon of Malino, visited with
Emerson Spatz Saturday.
Willie Davis called on the Howard
family Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dick and John
Graham and wife returned from Butte
ville, Monday, where they were pick
ing hops.
Rev. J. L. Stratford is visiting here
this week.
After a lingering illness of many
months. Otto Evans died last Satur
day. The funeral was conducted on
Monday from the Christian church, by
the Rev. Mr. Ames, under the auspic
es of the local Odd Fellows lodge. In
terment was had in the Zion ceme
tery. The recent Methodist Conference
made a change of pastor at Canby.
Rev. C. A. Housel is assigned to Sea
side, while Rev. F. S. Clemo, recently
of Marquam, comes to Canby. Mr.
Clemo will be here in time to occupy
the pulpit next Sunday, both morning
and evening.
Are these lines from J. H. Simmons
of Casey, la. Think what might have
resulted from his terrible cough if he
had not taken the medicine about
which he writes: "I had a fearful
cough, that disturbed my night's rest.
I tried everything, but nothing would
relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, which completely cured
men." ,Instantly relieves and perma
nently'cures all throat and lung dis
eases; prevents grip and pneumonia.
At Howell & Jones, druggists; guaran
teed; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Once more the toll of the school
bell is heard. Professor Mitts, of
Needy, is teaching.
Will Smith, of Prune Hill, has his
house about finished. Now Will, don't
forget the dance.
There is some one from our burg
goring to the Fair all the time.
Dan Spatz and family have moved
to Beaver Creek.
Lizzie Lewis is going to Oregon
City Monday to go to school.
Several from here attended the
dance at Beaver Creek Friday night,
but all report a bum time.
Mr. Johnny Mulvaney and Miss
White have gone to the coast.
Eph Lewis has returned home, after
a five months' stay at Fort Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. Mcloey and their son
Clinton, from California, have been
visiting with Mr. Inskeep.
It is a bad habit to borrow anything,
but the worst thing you can possibly
borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore,
heavy, weary, and worn out, by the
pains and poisons of dyspepsia, bil
iousness, Bright's Disease, and sim
ilar internal disorders, don't sit down
and brood over your symptoms, but
fly for relief to Electric Bitters. Here
you will find sure and permanent for
getfulness of all your troubles and
your body will not be burdened by a
load of debt disease. At Howell &
Jones drug store. Price 50 cents.
Oct 2. Hop pickers have nearly
all returned home.
Miss Vernie Smith, one of Mulino's
young ladies, was married a few days
Chas. Boynton and wife and H.
Seltzer were the guests of Fred and
Agnes Woodside Sunday.
Tom and Viola Fish were home from
Cazadero on a visit last week.
Mr. F. Erickson and Joe Daniels,
have purchased the Liberal store and
will take possession immediately.
Charley Rauch and wife have moved
into our midst.
Rev. Wiles has his new house almost
Miss Eliza Mulvaney and Mr. Der
rick were married in Portland last
week. They will make their home
near here.
Mrs. Force and daughter Katie have
been visiting here for some time past,
but have returned to their homes.
iting Frank Hilton and his mother
last Sunday.
Mrs. John Molzan's brother is visit
ing her at present. Mrs. Molzan had
not seen him for over 20 years.
There was a dance at Metropolitan
Park last Saturday night.
Mr. John Thomas and Mr. Joseph
Pernnger and their sons took in the
sights at the Lewis and Clark Fair
this last week.
Mr. Alfred Smith was visiting at
Mr. Perringer's today.
Calvin Parker bought a horse from
Wm. Gribble a few days ago.
Mr. Sam Crader, wife and son, of
San Jose, Calif., were visiting his sis
ter, Mrs. John Burns a few days ago.
Mr. Irvin Wheeler, of Prune Hill
has bought two Jersey cows.
Mr. H. S. C. Phelps made a business
trip to Mulino one day this week.
Mr. Martin Richter and wife were
visiting at Mr. Charles Pipke's last
The dust is fast disappearing now
and the mud is taking its place.
A well known traveling man who
visits the drug trade says he has often
heard druggists inquire of customers
who asked for a cough medicine,
whether it was -wanted for a child or
for an adult, and if for a child they
almost invariably recommend Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. The reason
for this is that they know there is
no danger from it and that it always
cures. There is not the least danger
in giving it, and for coughs, colds and
croup it is unsurpassed. For sale by
Geo. A. Harding.
All surface cancers are now known
to be curable, by Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. Jas. Walters, of Duffield, Va.,
writes: "I had a cancer on my lip for
years, that seemed incurable, till
Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed it, and
now it is perfectly well." Guaranteed
cure for cuts and burns. 25 cents at
Howell & Jones' drug store.
School opened at this place October
2d, with Miss Ward as teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jones of the Paine
neighborhood i were visiting at John
Burns last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Helvey were vis-
Mr. Robt. Campbell has returned
from Hood River for a short visit
with his sister, Mrs. R. Clark.
Miss Bessie Clark has gone to Port
land to take up a business course.
Mr. Robt. Parry of Wardner, Idaho,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Mr. Tommy Thomas came from
Portland to spend Sunday with his
Mr. Hobard Eastman is home on a
Mrs. Lottie Penman and children
have returned to their home in east
ern Oregon.
Mrs. J. H. Jones, of Oakland, Cali
fornia, Mrs. W. H. Jones and Gordon
Jones, spent a pleasant evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark and family.
The evening was spent in music and
Gordon Jones has returned to his
place of business in San Francisco,
after a short visit with his parents.
Mrs. J. H. Jones, of Oakland, Calif.,
who is a guest of Mrs. W. H. Jones,
has gone for a few days to visit with
friends in Portland.
Mrs. J. H. Jones and Gordon Jones
called on Mr. Humphrey Jones and
Miss Katie Jones, who was hurt with
the train, and reported them improv
ing rapidly.
It may be a piece of superfluous
advice to urge people at this season
of the year to lay in a supply of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. It is al
most sure to be needed before win
ter is over, and much more prompt
and satisfactory results are obtained
when taken as soon as a cold is con
tracted and before it has become set
tled in the system, which can only
be done by keeping the remedy at
hand. This remedy is so widely known
and so altogether good that no one
should hesitate about buying it in
preference to any other. It is for sale
by Geo. A. Harding.
School commenced Monday with
Miss Nellie Armstrong as teacher.
Mr. Frank Fishs' brother and fami
ly, from Washington, have been visit
ing him the past week.
R. L. Stewart has purchased a new
Mrs. Anna Leach spent a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Clarence Reames is still very low
with typhoid fever.
Miss May Price was a Portland vis
itor for a few, days, as the guest of
her aunt.
Rile Garrett, who was taken serious
ly ill in Portland -with appendicitis,
is expected home this week.
Lewis Spagle is baling hops in this
First, soak the corn or bunion in
luke warm water to soften it; then
pare it down as closely as possible
without drawing blood and apply
Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily,
rubbing vigorously for five minutes at
each application. A corn plaster
should be worn a few days to protect
it from the shoe. As a general lini
ment for sprains, bruises, lameness
and rheumatism, Pain Balm is un
equaled. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Well, we have got home from hop-
picking, attended to the over-ripening
prunes, straightened up the place and
the house, attended the Fair, and
spent a portion of our earnings, and
now settled down to the old routine,
feeling better for our outing.
Mark Baker, who was thrown from
a wagon loaded with hops, by the
team running away, and reported se
riously hurt, was not injured very bad,
according to last week's account and
was about his work as usual. He
must be a faithful employe, as he has
worked in the hop yard for the past
eight years for the same man, and
we, his old neighbors, are glad to hear
that he was not as badly hurt as at
first reported.
Henry Schatz is to sell his person
al property at auction and remove to
Portland for a change. As reported
some weeks ago he has leased his
farm for a year to August Delkar, an
enterprising young man of the neighborhood.
Mr. Condit is moving to his own
place near Jefferson. He and his es
timable wife have made many friends
in the community during their three
years sojourn among us.
Mrs. Ed. White, whose husband is
Mr. Gage's nephew, arrived in Staf
ford on last Monday. Her husband
had expected her to arrive upon the
train which was wrecked Friday night
near Huntington, but- she happened
to be in the next train which arrived
in Portland 25 hours late.
Grapes are ripening beautifully and
will be a full crop if this rain ceases
in time.
The powers are busy about the Or
egon City road again.
Mr. Maehlte's daughter has return
ed to her home in Portland.
It is reported that Oswego Grange
is preparing for a great time on Oc
tober 14th, at their commodious hall
in Oswego, but we have seen no no
tice of it in the county papers.
Grandma Schatz has had a brother
visiting her..
Lonie Toedemyer is running his
chop-mill at the foot of Gage's lane
every Thursday. All hope he will
make a success of it. s
$100 REWARD, $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all its stages,
and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood, and
mucous surfaces of the system, there
by destroying the foundation of the
disease and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith
in it curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Guy Purcell came down from La
Camas, Washington, and is spending
the week visiting the Fair.
Mrs. Holmes has been quite ill for
several days. Dr. Sommers Is tend
ing her.
Mr. Lucas had scarcely got over
suffering from his felon when an ab
cess came on his arm which has laid
him up for several days. "
The Parkplace choir went to Glad
stone last Friday night and serenaded
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rauch in their new
home. They were royally treated by
the host and hostess who invited them
in and served a delicious1 supper. All
spent a pleasant evening and went
away wishing the newly wedded
couple a long and prosperous journey
through life.
Miss Mary Strahbergher of Oregon
City, was a guest of her friend Miss
One disease of thinness in
children is scrofula; in adults,
consumption. Both have poor
iilood ; both need more fat.
These diseases thrive on lean
ness. Fat is the best means of
overcoming them; cod liver oil
makes the best and healthiest
fat and
is the easiest and most effective
form of cod liTer oil. Here's a
natural order of things that
shows why Scott's Emulsion is
of so much value in all cases of
scrofula and consumption. More
fat, more weight, more nourish
ment, that's why.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists
409-415 Pearl Street, New York
50c. and $1.00 :: :: ' :: All druggiita
Wilson, of Parkplace, the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson and
family returned Sunday evening from
their eastern trip. They were ac
companied by Mr. Johnson's father,
from Romulus, Mich., who will spend
the winter with them.
Mrs. Lucas is entertaining her
cousin, -Mrs. Williams, from Albany,
Walter Morris has gone to Lebanon
to visit his parents.
Mrs. Tingle's brother, who has been
spending several weeks with her, re
turned to his home at Centralia, Wn.,
Captain and Mrs. Smith visited the
Fair at Portland a few days ago and
speak highly of the stock exhibit.
Mr. E. Rivers is building a resi
dence on his lot near the Grange hall,
which will be a pretty little home .
when completed. He has also dug a
good well on the lot.
Eor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
f A talk with us will convince you that ELECTRIC
LIGHT is the only' light you can afford to use in your
home, or put in the house you are building'. Your
property will rent more readily, will pay a higher in
come, and attract a better class ot tenants IF IT IS
IF you contemplate establishing any business re
quiring POWER, it will be to your advantage to talk
with us before placing your orders for machinery.
THE use of ELECTRIC power means: Lesser
cost of operation, smaller amount of space required,
and great saving in machinery and initial cost of in
stallation of plant.
ADVANTAGES in the cost of producing power
in Oregon City in comparison with other cities of the
country, enable us to make lowest rates and give un
equalled service.
ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current
and information regarding the use of electricity for
LIGHT or POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE,
the STORE and the FACTORY, promptly furnished
upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's
branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City.
C. C. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.