Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 06, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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The farmer reaps what he has pre
viously sowed. The human body reaps
likewise the natural crop of weakness,
pain and death if the seeds of disease
Lave been sown by bad habits of careless
ness in eating, sleeping and exercising.
Kkkp well if you can and when you
need a little help in keeping well line
Nature remedial, that do not roughly
stimulate but gently quicken the action
of Nature's functions in a natural way.
Nature's laboratory furnishes the follow
ing plants which eater into the manufac-
ture of Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery: Golden Seal root. Queen's root,
Stone root, lslack Cherrybark, Bloodroot
and Mandrake root.
If in doubt, as to vour trouble or need
ing advice, you can consult, free of
charge. Dr. U. . fierce, chief consultin
physician to the" Invalids' Hotel an
Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. Y. All
letters are considered confidential and
answers tearing correct medical advice
returned in securely sealed envelopes,
I suffered for nearly eitrht years." writes
Philip A. Fatch. Esj.. of Mobile, Ala.. Deputy
sheriff, "with malaria, which poisoned mj
entire system and deprived me of my vi
tality. I was cured in three months by using
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
know it was largely due to neglect and
T&id little attention to mv trouble until
became so run-down and weak that I knew
I had to do something at once to reeain my
health. J betran to feel hetter within roui
davs after 1 used the ' Golden Medical DiS'
covery.' and after usimr nine bottles I was
restored to my usual hoalth, feeling better
than for yer.l."
' The most valuable book for both men
and women Is Dr. Fierce s
Common Sense Medical Ad
yjftgsa viser. A splendid 1008-page
volume, witn engravings
and colored plates. A copy,
paper-covered, will be sent
to anyone sending 21 cents
in one-cent stamps, to pay
the cost of mailing only, to
Dr. K. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N.
Y. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps
H N Peo
Oct. 3. Henry Brand, Jr., of Ore
gon City is visiting friends here this
week. '
The German Congregationalists eel
ebrated harvest festival last Sunday.
Rev. Staub, of Portland, former pastor
here, preached the lermon for the oc
School began Monday, with Mrs
Ada Moehnke as teacher. From
sanitary standpoint school should
have been deferred another week and
the school house first given a thorough
Many of our citizens are wonder
ing whether our road supervisor is
alive or not. If he is, it would be
pleasing to many if he would repair
the old Beeson hill road.
Chris Schuebel, of Oregon City, dep
uty district attorney, was out here
on a hunting excursion last Monday,
and he took about all the China pheas
ants around here back with him. Next
time let your gun stay at home Chris
We understand Judge Ryan has
again gone East to attend lodge and
we wonder if it is his intention to ac
cept his $100 on the excuse that he
advertised the county during his ab
sence, when he returns.
Wesley Hill has purchased a new
organ, to take to eastern Oregon with
C3 -A. JS i o n X -A. .
Sean the yf The Kind Vou HavB Always BougK
(Corrected Weekly.)
Wheat No. 1. 65 to 75 per bushel.
Flour Valley, $4.50 per bbl. Hard
wheat $5.15. Portland, $1.20 per sack.
Howard's Best, $1.25 per sack.
Oats In sacks. $1.10 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled $10.00 $11.00 per
ton; clover $9; oat, $9.00; mixed hay $9.
cheat, $9.
Millstuffs Bran, $21 per ton; ' shorta
$23.00 per ton; chop $19 per ton; barley
rolled $26 per ton.
Cabbage 40 to 80c per doz.
Onions 75c to $1 sack.
Potatoes 65 75c per hundred.
Turnips, Carrots 10c doz bunches.
String Beans 2c pound.
Tomtoes 20 to 25c per box.
Grapes Sweetwaters 20c, basket;
Delawares 20c; Concords, 20c.
Crab Apples 22c per lb.
Corn 7c per dozen.
Pears Fall Butter 75c.
Prunes Green, lc lb.
Quinces 50 to 60c per bu.
Eggs Oregon 27c per doz.
market strong.
Butter Ranch, 45 to 50 separator 50
to 55; creamery, 65 to 70.
Good Apples 50c to 75c bushel.
Honey 11 to 12c per pound.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c- per lb; Ital
ian, large, 5c per lb; medium, 3Mc; Silver
Dried Apples Sun dried, quartered,
4c pound; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached,
Dressed Chickens 12c per lb.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live $2.00 to $2.50 per hundred. Hogs
live, 5c; hogs dressed, 7 cents; sheep,
$2.00 to $3.00 per head; dressed 5c; veal
dressed 7 to 7 1-2; lambs, live $2$2.50
per head.
And considerable of this tramping
should be done around the outside.
The tendency is for the air to go down
through the loose silage next the wall
and spoil it .for two or three feet
deep. If the least possible amount of
loss is to be sustained enough water
should be thrown on every few days
to keep the top thoroughly moistened, j
and tramping snouia De done at me
same time. If this practice is fol
lowed up until a mouldy wet rot forms
on top there will be but slight loss.
Decomposition will not penetrate
more than four to eight inches, under
which the silage will come out in
good form.
Do not cut the corn for the silo un
til it is at least half dented, and
many of the lower leaves are dead.
The most common mistake of begin
ners is to put corn into the silo while
it is in the milk stage. Silage made
from green, immature corn is more
inclined to sour, and contains less
nutriment than when permitted to
reach the stage of denting.
Where several silos are to be filled
with one outfit, or if the corn binder
is used in havesting the corn, so that
it will be fed in bundles we would
by all means recommend the use of
a large feed cutter, that will take in
an entire large bundle without divid-
Bright's Disease and
Diabetes News.
The New Fulton Compounds Have a
Record of 87 per cent of Recoveries
Among Chronic Cases of Bright's
Disease and Diabetes, Heretofore
Considered Incurable.
Druggists know that Bright's Disease and
Diabetes have been regarded by physicians as
Incurable and that up to the advent of the
Fulton Compounds that nothing on their shelves
would touch it. It is a proven fact that nearly
nine-tenths of all cases are now curable, and
druggists themselves are taking the new Com
pounds. One of the recoveries was Dr. Zeile
himself, the pioneer druggist of 23 Paclflo
street, San Francisco, and he gave it to over a
dozen others who recovered. Here Is another
Interesting recovery (We copy from the Sacra
mento News of November 18, 1902):
"After a serious illness of over a year Judge
J. R. Allen of this city has recovered and re
gards himself most fortunate in successfully
battling with what is generally regarded as a
fatal malady, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys.
In speaking of his case Judge Allen said: 1
believe that the treatment given me by my
nhvsinfnn vti, in m-RfirdARRA with the twKfc
ing it. ' There is no work more trying methods used 1n the re-.:lnr practice of medi-
tinanma thor, n,,n;n. k,,i cine. Dut it anoraea me no reuei. Bearing oi
apart while putting them into the I to investigate and was soon convinced I should
feed cutter. The use of the small undergo the treatment. It was three months
feed cutter can only be tolerated the medicine faithfully for nearly a year and
where small crews can be gotten to- I can now find no eridenoe of the disease and
trether and but one or two small silos am satisfied it is entirely eliminated. My ap-
are to be filled. St. Paul Farmer.
Huntley Bros Co., Tell of the Remark
able Success of Pepsikola Tablets
in Relieving Indigestion.
petite Is good, I have gained seventeen pounds
in weight and will be Dleased to describe mv
exoerience to anyone who may call or write.' "
Sacramento News. Nov. 16, 1902.
The editor of the News himself was the mend
who told Judge Allen of the Fulton Compounds.
They are the only things known that cure
Bright's Disease and Diabetes. Fulton's Renal
ComDound for Brieht's and Kidney Diseases.
Cl; for Diabetes, tl.50. John J. Fulton Co.,
409 Washington street, San Francisco, sole
compounders. Free analyses for patients.
Bend for Pamphlet. We are the eioluslva
genta lor these Compounds in this city.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
After selling all kinds of remedies
for dyspepsia and indigestion we can
truthfully say that we never knew
anvthiner in fivp such liTiivprcal coh
isfaction as Pensiknla Tablets . Thov Mots 11 & 12, blk 15, Estacada; $425.
not onlv aid disrestion hut thov ant a a Hibernia Savings Bank to J. Riopel
a grand nerve tonic as well. Many lo.ts 17 & 2- blk- 17 Milwaukie Park;
Oregon City people who have not en- A r ' .
joyed a good meal for vears now sav L- A- Woodle to N. E. Rugg, 10 A.
" " IX O .J - n . T . f et
that after usme one or two 25 r-pnr lu Het:- . A . Cj
boxes nf these little tablets thov fool Wm. Dixon to U 1. binciair hall
as if thev could eat a horse and dis-est acre in sec. 5, 3 1, E; $1000.
it too. J- Miller to W. B. Jennings, 5
Huntlev Bros Co has been rWnm. acres in Jennings CI., 22, E ; $1.
mending this erand dvsnensia remedv - aney to JoennKe, lu acres
for nearlv two vears nnw anH fVr. in McCarver Cl. 31, E; $1850
actual Pvnprlor.no Vr,r.ws thoro lo ine -iacKamas ADStract & .'lrust uo.
other remedy so sure to relieve solir Te T1?16 1 the only comPlee Abstract
as to the amount to be paid unto the
said Frank R. Andrews, his succes
sors or assigns, as provided in this
section, then and In such event the
amount' so paid shall be determined
by the City Council of Oregon City.
Section 7. All rights and. privileges
granted under this ordinance shall be
deemed forfeited in the event that the
said Frank R. Andrews, his succes
sors or assigns, shall fail to file with
the Recorder of Oregon City his writ
ten acceptance of this ordinance with
in Twenty days from the date of its
..approval or upon failure to commence
setting poles and stretching wires
thereon under the provisions hereof
prior to January 1, 1906, or upon fail
ure to complete a telephone line as
herein provided upon the entire course
herein prescribed prior to January 1,
1907, or at any time hereafter upon
the failure to comply with all of the
provisions of this ordinance or the
regulations established by said ordi
nance No. 205.
Section 8. Any 'officer of Oregon
City shall at all times be entitled to
the free use of any telephone line
erected hereunder, for official purpo
Section 9. Whenever said tele
phone line shall cross Main Street in
Oregon City, Oregon, the said Coun
cil of Oregon City reserves the right
to compel the said Frank R. Andrews
his successors or assigns, to go un
derneath the pavement with the tele
phone line on said street, or over and
above the pavement thereon, as the
said council may direct.
Section 10. All rights, powers and
privileges granted under this ordi
nance shall fully terminate and ex
pire 25 years from the date of the ap
proval hereof.
Read first time and ordered pub
lished at a regular meeting of the
Oregon City Council, held Wednesday,
October 4, 1905.
By order of the Council of Oregon
the court, may seem equitable and
This summons is published by or
der of the Honorable Thomas A Mc
Bride, a judge of the Circuit Court, of
the State of Oregon, and the said or
der was made and dated the 5th day
of October, 1905, and the date of the
first publication thereof is the 6th
day of October, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that we will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the City Council for a renewal of our
saloon license at our present place
of business. Main and . Sixth streets.
stomach, bad taste in the mouth.
coated tongue, palpatation, sleepless
ness, wind belching, and other dis
plant in Clackamas county. Prompt and
reliable work on short notice, and all
work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money
tressing symptoms ' of indigestion. loand' mortgages foreclosed trusts exe
And Pepsikola Tablets must cure you
or there is nothing to pay. They will
renew your energy, steady your nerves
regulate the action of the heart, im
prove your appetite, put new life in
your stomach, and will do more to
tone up and improve your general
health than anything you ever heard
cuted, estates settled and titles perfect
J. F. Clark, Atty at Law,
President and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
An ordinance granting to Frank R.
Andrews, his successors and assigns,
the right to erect and maintain tele
phone poles and stretch wires thereon
for telephone purposes upon, over,
and along the streets of Oregon City.
Oregon City Does Ordain as Fol-
Voice of the People.
"I hear that old Skinflint has got
"Has he? He must have run across
a chance to cheat somebody else out
of it."
John P. Ring, of Excelsior, asks for
the amount of water that should be
put on top of the silage at the com
pletion of the filling, the stage of ma
turity that the corn should reach be
fore cutting for the silo, and size of
feed cutter that it is most practical
to purchase.
The amount of water necessary to
apply to the top of the silage depends
very much upon the moisture that the
fodder contains. Enough should be
poured on as soon as the filling is
completed to thoroughly wet it down,
so that it will pack well together, in
order to exclude the air. A barrel or
two on a silo that is twelve feet in
diameter will be none too much.
While this water is being put on the 1 5 & 6 blk. 21 Canby; $100.
Furnished Every Week By the Clackamas
Abstract Company.
J. E. Hedges, et al to J. Dahl, lots lows:
6 and 7, blk 16 Canemah, $120. Section 1. It is hereby granted to
J. Sturchler to M. A. Young. 15 1-4 Frank R. Andrews, his successors and
acres in Matlock Cl. 2 2 E: $1800. assigns, the right to erect and mam-
W. Yohan to F. Yohan NE of NE tain poles and stretch wires thereon
of Sec. 25 4 1 E; $5. for telephone purposes upon, over and
Willamette Falls Co., to C. Moehnke, along the following Streets of Oregon
Tract 31 Willamette tracts; $50. City, Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at
E. T. Grider to F. L. Baker 1 acre the intersection of County street in
off W. end tract 32, W. F. Tract; $75. Falls View Addition to Oregon City at
B. C. Lorenz. to E. J. "Batten S 1-2 the Southern limits of the city; thence
of NW. Nl-2 of SW and SW of NE and in a Westerly direction in and along
NW of SE of Section 16 2 5 E; $2000 said County Street to Jackson Street
E. J. Batten to J. Sarsfield same thence down Jackson Street in a
land as last $1. Northerly direction to Sixth Street
J. F. Stidham to L. M. Tollman 50 thence in a Westerly direction on
acres in SW corner of Sec 29. 3 2 E; said Sixth Street to the Willamette
2600. River: also beginning at the inter-
A. Kiesel. to L. A. Woodle. 10 Acres section of Sixth and Washington
in section 34, 1 2 E; $2500. Streets thence North on Washington
L. L. Porter to S. Smyth interest in Streeet to Tenth Street.
100 acres in claim 62 2 1 E; $10. 1 Sec. 2. The said Frank R. Andrews
O. W. P. T. S. Co., to C. C. Albright his successors and assigns, shall have
lot 7. blk 15 and lot 23 blk 7, Estaca- the right to and shall erect the poles
da; $275. and stretch the wires of his said tele-
A. J. Buckman to A. Hagstrom, lot phone line so as not to interfere with
11 blk 20 Estacada: $200. the free and unobstructed use of said
J. C. Gadke to B. A. Towne lots 3 streets of Oregon City for travel and
4 W 1-2 of SE of Sec. 7 3 2 E; shall erect his telephone line and set
$200. " his poles therefor at such points in
B. Warrane to B. A. Towne same said streets, and place the wires of
land as last $2450. his said telephone line at such height
H. A. Lee to M. R. Mitts lot 4, blk. as may be designated by the .Commit
Lees Add to Canby $50. tee on Streets and Public Property.
W. Jagmin to G. Politonski, 24 acres Section 3. The poles to be erected
in section J 4 4, E; $240. . shall be of cedar, as straight as pos-
E. Lyndon to S. L. Casto, lots 1 to sible, dressed smooth and painted ;
blk 100 Oak Grove 975. the erection of the poles and the
k. A. btratton to u. J. btratton lot stretching of the wires, except as
Blk. 12 1st Add Estacada $600. herein provided, shall be in all re-
F. E. Jarl to F. A. Uman 10 acres in snoots subiect to the regulations pre-
Cl. 69 1 3, E; $400. scribed by Ordinance No. 205, of Ore-
f . f oreman to A. corngan tract ron Citv. Oreeon. approved by the
in sec. 14, . o. n,; od. Mavor of said citv November 19. 1897
J. Inglish to Wm. Klaetsch 20 acres Section 4. Whenever it shall be
in Sec. il, o 4; E; $o00. rrme npppssarv In the erection or re-
n. miner to tl. v. L,eBrique S hair r.alr nf said telenbone line for the said
of S W of NW & S half of NE of SW' Frank R. Andrews, his successors or
and b ot.bV ol sec. Z in 4 5 E; $800. assigns, to dig into or in any manner
i. otuDe to w. i. t-ope zuu acres interfere with the nnblic streets, or
in sec. 5, and adjoining in 22, E; $1. anv nart thereof, said Frank R. An-
J. Schneider to J. Sharlstrom, 12.26 drews, his successors or assigns, shall
in jonnson ui. i i, h,; $4o. without delay put the street in as
J. DeShazer to J. G. DeShazer, aract good condition as it was before it was
in sec. 29, 25, E; $450. broken up, dug up or disturbed, and
M. Will et al to C. K. Ekern, 95.22 shall remove all surplus of sand, earth
acres in 41, E; $4000. rubbish or other material from said
M. Will et al to M. O. Rymerson streets.
119 acres in 4 1, E; $4000. Section 5. The right and privilege
M. Will et al to W. O. Bergman herebv granted shall be subject to
95.22 acres in 4 1, E: $4000. modification, limitation and changes
J. E. Corless to C. Corless, 10 acres by the Council of Oregon City, and in
m De Lashmutt Cl. $1.00. so doing the Council shall have due
G. W. Loggie to Frederick & Lange regard for the rights of the said Frank
10G acres in sec 12, 2 5. E; $1. r. Andrews, his successors and as-
A. McAyle to Frederick & Lange, signs,
same; $1250. Section 6. Oregon City reserves the
J. Paquett to Fredrick & Lange, right to grant other franchises for the
same; $1250. establishment and maintenance of
E. F. Riley to Fredrick & Lange, telegraph and telephone lines upon
same; $1.00 the poles erected by the said Frank
J. Zobrist to S. E. Antrim, lot 11 R. Andrews, his successors and as-
blk. 12 Zobrist's Add; $50. signs, under the provisions of this
C. C. Albright to J. W. Reed, lot Ordinance upon the payment to the
7, blk. 15, Estacada; $100. said Frank R. Andrews, his success-
C. E. Short to J. W. Reed, lota 11 ors and assigns, compensation for the
& 12 blk. 15 Estacada; $250. just proportion of the costs of erect-
W. F. Co., to M. A. Baker lot B. blk. ing, replacing and maintaining such
41 Willamette Tracts $180. poles erected under the provisions of
J. C. Hostetler to A. J. Strubhar this Ordinance as may be used by
right of way in Clackamas county; the grantee of such future franchise.
$765. I Should said Frank R. Andrews, his
D. J. Shank to J. Stahlnaker, lots I successors and assigns, and the grant
ee or grantees of such future fran-
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the Oregon City Council for a renewal
of my liquor license at my present
place of business, Main and Fifth
streets. A. J. SURBER.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next meeting of the Ore
gon City Souncil for a renewal of my
saloon license at my present place of
business, Main and Eighth streets.
We, the undersigned ieg:al voters and
actual residents thereof of th-3 Town of
Barton and of Eagle Creek precinct, in
the County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, do hereby petition the Honorable
County Court, and pray that a license
may be Issued to Annie Corrlgan lo sell
at retail spirituous, malt or vinous liqu
ors in the Town of Barton in said Eagle
Creek precinct, Clackamas County. Oregon:
T. J. Wirtz.
H. T. Birkenfeld.
J. Nicholson.
A. E. Barr.
Dr. C. B. Smith.
Jerry Young.
J. A. Suter.
M. L. Sutton.
K. Larson.
G. C. Winesett.
A. D. Winesett.
H. W. Parker.
N. E.: Stringley.
M. M. Klattsch.
Otto Klattsch.
P. C. Baltman.
E. L. Meyers.
Tj. C. Parson.
W. H. Eyman.
D. Hoffmeister.
S. A. Douglas.
G. F. Clester.
W. S. Hyde.
H. H. Brackett.
Edward Gray.
E. Robinson.
J. C. Tracy.
M. C. Adkins.
A. Hanene.
Tj. H. Rolfe.
Jno. R. Cassidy.
Ray Havens.
A. Morrow.
B. D. Arnold.
C. F. Howe.
D. C. Crane.
E. L. Warner.
H. Wilbern.
Wm. DelaflC.
G. H. Lichtkven.
W. A. Cunningham. John Githens.
W. A. Jones.
W. B. Simmons.
Chas. Li. Ferry.
T. B. Laurance.
T. J. Andre.
F. M. Gantz.
M. H. Richards.
J. F. liovelace.
John L. ' Bates.
Edward C. Hunt.
A. F. Stultz.
I,. S. Baker.
J. H. Hoffmeister.
James Norris.
William Norris.
Otto Stulke.
F. Stulke.
Iewis Freeman.
James Anderson.
John Zobrit.
H. W. Green.
Joe Suter.
I, . W. Vandyke.
R. B. Gibson.
A. Baker.
W. B. Baker.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the matter of the estate of Alva L.
Hardman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the ad
ministrator of the above entitled estate
has filed his final account in said estate,
and Monday the 16th day of October,
1905, is appointed at 19 o'clock a. m.,
of said day at the Court House in Ore
gon City, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections, if any, to same.
Administrator of said Estate.
John W. Loder, attorney for said admin
istrator 5 times
I fl I II I ! ip rv
NOTICE is hereby given that certain
lands in tVli flmnHA Ttrtnrto In.ii in
Reservation, situated in Townships 5 and
6. south. Ranges 7 and 8 west, in the
State of Oregon, will be offered for sale
by separate sealed bids, which will be
received by the register and receiver of
the District land office at Portland. Ore
gon. commencing on October 3rd. 1905
at 9a. m., and continuing until October
lutn, iuo, at 11 o ciock a. m., and no bid
will be considered that is not received
during the period mentioned. The bids
win be opened by the reeister and re
ceiverof the land office mentioned, com
mencing at 1 o clock p. m.. of Tuesday.
October 10, 1905. The lands will be sold
in accordance with rules and regulations.
and a schedule particularly describing
the lands to be sold, printed copies of
which may be obtained on application to
tne register -ana receiver or tne land of
fice named, or upon application to the
General Land Office. Washington, D. C.
Each bid must be accompanied by a cer
tified check for twenty per centum of the
amount of such bid, which will be re
tained and credited as part payment of
tne purcnase price snouia tne bid bes,ac
cepted and the purchaser nay the remain
ing amount due, and furnish evidence of
his citizenship, or be forfeited if the bid
is accepted and the amount due and ev
idence of citizenship are not furnished
in accordance with the rules and regula
Approved: Acting Commissioner.
H.. A. H1TU1I.UCK,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Carrie C. Jenkins, Plaintiff,
W. B. Jenkins, Defendant.
To W. B. Jenkins, the above-named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and suit on
or before the expiration of six weeks
from and after the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: On or
before Monday, the 23d day of October,
1905. And if you fall to appear and an
swer said complaint, in default thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in her said com
plaint, on file herein, to-wit: that the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween the plaintiff and defendant be dis
solved upon the ground of desertion, and
for such other and further relief as to
the court may seem just and equitable.
T-V, I ,,iw.mA ta ... , Y.l ! ..V. ,1 V... J 9
the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the I
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive. Many sudden
deaths are caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed to advance
the kidney-poisoned
blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of
the bladder, or the kidnevs themselves
break' down and waste away cell by cell.
Bladder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest by a proper
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and' the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-dollar size bottles. You may have a
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper. Don't make any
mi stake, but remember the name, Swamp
Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the
address, Binghamton, N. Y., oa every
the Committee on Streets and Pub
lic Property of Oregon City, Oregon,
care W. A. Dimick, Recorder.
By order of the Committee on
Streets and Public Property.
Oregon City, Oregon, September 26,
Committed on Streets and Public
Oct 6th.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Frank L. Dixon, Plaintiff,
Ella M. Dixon, Defendant.
To Ella M. Dixon, the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and aswer
the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit, on or before the last
day of the time prescribed in the order
for publication of this summons, to-wit:
On or before the 9th day of October, 1905.
the said day being after the expiration of
six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fail so to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof, plain
tiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint, which is
that the bonds of matrimony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant be
This summons is published by order of
County Court of the State of Oregon, and Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of said
said order was made and entered on the Court, made on August 18th, 1905, by
6tn day of September, 1905, and the date 1 which order it was directed that this
of the first publication thereof is Septem
ber 8th, 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given, that the under
signed will apply to the County Court
of Clackamas County, State of Oregon
on November 1, 1905, at 10 o'clock a m.
or as soon thereafter as the Court may
hear said application for a license to sell
rpirltuoTis. malt or vinous liiioT;?, ' t
period of one year in Barton. Fa.
Creek precinct, Clackamas County, Ore
In th Ci-cuit Court of tne ?tate of
Or-g-n. for niackanias County.
Jarco"! Gilbreath, Plaintiff,
Nellie Gilbreath, Defendant.
To Nellie Gilbreath, Defendant:
In tt name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court and
suit on or before the expiration of six
weeks from and after the date of the
f-st p-iblication of this summon"!, to
wit: On or before 10th day of Novem
ber, 1905; and if you fail to answer,
for v;cat thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to th3 court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint on file herein, to
wit: That the bonds of matrimony
now existing between the plaintiff
and defendant be dissolved, upon the
ground of desertion and abandonment
of the plaintiff by defendant for a pe
riod of more than one year, and for
such other and further relief as pray-
silage should be thoroughly tramped. O. W. P. T. S. Co., to C. E. Short chise or franchises be unable to agree ed for in the complaint and which to
In the matter of the estate of John
Herbst, deceased:
Notice is hereby given that In pursu
ance of an order of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, made on the Eth day of Sep
tember, 1905, In the matter of the estate
of John Herbst, deceased, I will sell, at
private sale, to the highest bidder, for
United States Gold Coin, cash in hand,
from and after the 16th day of October,
1905, all the right, title and interest of
said estate in and to that certain real
property, situate, lying and being In Or
egon City in the County of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, described as follows, to
wit: Lots seven (7) and eight (8) of
block seventy-one (71) of Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon.
Terms of Sale: 10 per cent of the
amount to be paid upon the acceptance
of the bid by said administrator, and
the balance to be paid upon the delivery
by the administrator of a good and suf
ficient deed. All bids to be In writing,
accompanied by a certified check for ten
per cent of the amount bid, addressed
to the undersigned administrator, care
of Bruce T2. Curry, at Oregon City, Ore- j
gon. sale to be subject to confirmation
by the Court.
Dated September 5, 1905.
Administrator of the Estate of John
Herbst, Deceased.
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney.
summons be published once each week for
six successive weeks, and that said de
fendant appear and answer on or before
the 9th day of October, 1905; and the
date of the first publication thereof is
August 25th, 1905, the date named in
the said order for said publication.
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of John C.
McMurry, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the above entitled
estate, has filed In the County Court of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon, her
final account as such executrix of said
estate and that the Court has fixed Mon
day, October 16th. 1905, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M-, of said day at the court
room of said Court, In Oregon City, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hearing
any and all objection to said report and
the final settlement said estate.
Executrix of Said Estate.
Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Estate.
Sealed proposals for furnishing all
labor and materials and improving
Fifth Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
from the West line of railroad avenue
to the East line of Main street and
from the west line of Main street to
the East line of water street, will be
received by the Committee on Streets
and Public Property of Oregon City
until 4 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday, Oc
tober 10th, 1905.
Specifications containing further in
formation will be furnished upon ap
plication to the Recorder of Oregon
In the County Court of the State of Or
egon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the estate of Fredrick
Held, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Frederick Held, deceased has filed in
the County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, her final account as
such administratrix of said estate, and
that Monday,-the 16th day of October,
1905 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. has
been appointed by said court for liearing
of objections to said report and the set
tlement thereof.
MRS. ETHAN SMITH (nee Mary Held.)
Administratrix of the estate of Fredrick
Held. Deceased.
ITREN & SCHUEBEL, Attorneys for
In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph
J. G. Beck, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given by the under
signed administrator of the estate of
Joseph J. G. Beck, deceased, to the
creditors of, and all persons having
claims against said estate to exhibit
Each proposal must be accompanied i them with the necessary vouchers
by a certified check for a sum equal j within six months after the first pub
to 5 per cent of the total estimate of i lication of this notice; to me at the
the work, which sum will be subject office of my attorneys, U'Ren & Schu
to forfeiture in case of failure to fur- ebel, in Oregon City, in the County of
nish bond and enter into a written Clackamas and State of Oregon,
contract if called upon to do so. . I Dated and the first publication of
Proposals must- be made upon this notice September 29th, 1905.
blanks furnished by the Recorder. I . EMIL BECK,
The right to reject any and all bids Administrator of the Estate of Joseph
and to accept any bid considered most j J. G. Beck, deceased.
favorable to Oregon City is reserved. U'Ren & Schuebel, attorneys for sail
All proposals must be addressed to estate, Oregon City, Oregon.