Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 29, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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So LiSo & Mo
and union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and Tour-
1st sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane; touiiKt Bleeping oara dally to
Kansas City; through I'ullnian tourist
sleeping cms (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago. Kansas Cltv, reclln
lng chairs (seats free to the east dally.)
Portland to Chicago
No Change of Cars.
An ordinance providing for the time and
manner of Improving Fifth Street of Or
egon Vlty, Oregon, from the West line of
Railroad Avenue to the Kast line of
Main Street and front the West line of
Main Street (o the Kast line of Water
Oregon City Does Ordain as Follows:
Section 1.
The proposed Improvement of that part
of Fifth Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
lying between the West line of Railroad
Avenue mid the Fast line of Main Si reel
and between the West line of Main
street and between Fast line of Water
street shall be completed within sixty
days alter the signing of the contract by
bo screened so
vegetable lllat
than one-half
removed. The
washed If cou
nty Fnglnoer.
thereto, due notice thereo
given by publication of no
more fully appear by proi
presented and Hied III the
City Recorder.
Depart Time Schedules. A skits
Chicago- Salt l.ke, Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth, Omaha. R.s n m
Special Kansas (.Sty, St. B"6 P m
9:1a a. m Louis, Chicago and
, East 1
Atlantto ,. . .
Express Salt Lake, Denver, i
8:15r.m. t- Worth, Omaha, 8:00 a m.
via. Hunt- Kansas City. Sti
lngton. Louts, Chicago and
. !
8t Paul 1
Fast Mall Walla Walla. Lew!
6:15 p m lston, Spokane, Mln- 715 . m
Via Spo- neapolls, St. Paul ' 1B "
. " v Duluth. Milwaukee, :
Kane. Chicago and East I
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every five daya at
s p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland, Oregon.
8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Dally
ervlce (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Yamhill rivers.
For detailed Information of rates.
The Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co.
your nearest ticket agent or
General Passenger Agent
Portland and The Dalles
Str. "Bailey Gatiert" leaves Portland
7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tues
days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays.
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays
Wednesdays and FY Jays.
Steamers leaving Portland make dally
connection at Lyle with C. R. & N. train
for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley
C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale on
Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at
6:30 A. M., malting connection with
steamer "Regulator" for Portland and
way points.
C. R. & N. train leaves Goldendale 00
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
8:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with
steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con
necting there with O. R. & N. train
East and Wedt
Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th
Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A
M.; leaves The Dalles 2 P. M., arrivn
Cascade Locks ( P. M.
Meals sen-ed on all steamers.
Fine accommodations tor teams and
Landing at Portland at Alder Street
V. P. & G. M.
Gen. Office, Portland. Oregon.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
For May gera, Rainier.
Clatskanie, Westport
Clifton, Astoria, War
ren ton, rlavel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens,
Uearhart Park. Sea
side, Astoria and
Express Dally.
Astoria Express.
9:40 P.M
C. A. STEWART. Comm'I Agt., ii
Alder btreet. Phone Main 906.
J. C. MAYO, G. F. & P. A., Astoria, Or
You Will Be Satisfied
If your tickets read over the Denver
and Kio Grande Railroad, the" Scenic'
Line of the World"
There are so many scenic attractions
and points of interest along the line
between Ogden and Denver that the
trip never becomei! tiresome.
If you are going Kast, write or informa
tion and get a pretty book that will tell you
all about It.
W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent
Bean the ) KM You Have Always Bought
the parties
having horn
tUv as will
thereof duly
ulliiv of tin'
Section 2
The Improvements shall consist as fol
lows :
The street shall lie graded down or till
ed up to the sub-grade as given by the
City Engineer.
Care must be taken to preserve the
proper crown and all soft and spongy
places not affording a firm foundation
shall be dug out and the space refilled
with good earth, sand, gravel or crushed
rock, carefully rammed or rolled so ns to
make such filling compact and solid
The full width to be paved shall he
sprinkled and thoroughly rolled and com
pacted with a steam road roller, of not
less than 10 tons weight, and by ramming
In such places as the roller cannot reach
and if during the process of rolling. In
dentations or sunken places appear, such
shall be tilled with proper material, and
then again rolled, until even surface Is
sucn roiling snnll be completed in sec
tions of at least one block, and shall be
tested and accepted by the City Engineer
before any material for the pavement Is
placed thereon.
On the roadbed thus formed and com
pleted will be spread a layer of clean.
broken stone, free from dirt, not less
than G inches in tiopth at the center
line ami taper uniformly to a depth
of 4 inches at the gutters, after Im'Iiir
thoroughly sprinkled nml rolled.
The stones shall be square faced
quarried rock, uniform In quality and as
nearly approaching the cube In form ns
practicable; of not less than one Inch In
diameter, nor of greater diameter than
will pass through a two and one-half
Ci) Inch ring.
On the above layer of stone will be
spread a layer of screenings, sand or
fine gravel as may be designated by the
City Engineer. In sufficient quantity to
fill up all Interstices, and to bring the
street to the proper grade after being
thoroughly rolled and compacted. And
such sand, grlvel or screenings shall be
sprinkled and rolled until a firm unyield
ing and thoroughly even surface Is ob
tained, which surface shall be the finish
ed grade of the street. Macadam will bo
paid for per cubic yard in place.
The surface of the street will be char
ed of all obstructions Including timbers,
planks, side walks and cross walks. If
such obstructions are not removed by
the owners of the adjacent property
within three days after having been noti
fied by the Superintendent of Streets
they shall become th.? property of the
contractor and shall be removed by him
without additional comp nsation there
for. Fills and Embankments.
No material of a perishable nature will
be placed In the embankment. The earth
taken from excavation will be used to
bring the street and side walks to grade
when necessary', the remainder will be
deposited on Main Street between 11th
and 12th Streets. Grading will be pah!
for per cubic yard for excavation and em
bankment. The waste earth, rock or
other material deposited on Main Street
shall not constitute embankment and
will be paid for In the excavation only.
Transporting Material.
The contractor is required to have the
beds of all wagons, carts or other vehi
cles used In transporting earth, rock or
other material to and from the site of
the work sufficiently tight to prevent
leakage; and to cause all loose materi
al clinging to the beds or running gears
of such vehicles to be I rushed or scraped
off after loading and unloading and take
every precaution to prevent the unneces
sary' strewing of such material upon the
A cidi-walk w'ill be constructed on either
side of the street as follows:
The planking will be 2 Indies thick,
feet long and S Inches wide dressed
on the upper surface and laid upon four
strin g-rs.
Thf stringers will be 4xi Inches and
not less than 12 feet long and will be
laid on edge with broken joints. When
not imbedded in the earth, tie- stringers
will have a firm bearing in every 1; feet
In lepirth of walk. The planking will be
secuii-ly nailed to the stringers using 2
t'2 inch nails In each bearing. The walk
will have a grade or fall toward the curb
of the street of U Inch to each foot In
width of walk. The planking to butt
up against the concrete curb making a
neat joint. See plans.
Lumber and Timbers.
All lumber and timbers used In the
work must be of sound lir timber, square
edged and free from all large loose or un
bound knots, waney edges, splits, and
generally free from sap.
There will be u line of concrete curb
ing placed on either side of the street
twenty (20) feet distant from the center
line. The curb shall be eighteen (18)
inches deep, six (r,) inches In width at
top, and eight (i) Indies at the bottom,
and shall be beveled or rounded on the
upper and outer side.
The space over which the curb Is to
be laid will be excavated to the proper
sub-grade and thoroughly compacted by
ramming. Any objectionable or unsuit
able material below sub-grade will be
removed and the space filled with gravel
or sand, well rammed Into place. The
finished sub-grade shull be parallel with
the surface of the finished curb.
The rock for making the concrete to
be the best hard dark-colored, sound, ba
salt rock, granite, or equally hard stone,
broken In pieces not larger than two
inches, largest diameter, nor nun-
than one-half Inch In diameter, or con
crete gravel of similar sle nmy bo Us
ed instead of lock,
The broken rock shall
that oil dust, cltiy, loam,
tor and pieces smaller
Inch In diameter shall b
rock shall be thoroughly
slilered neccssari hv the
"Clackamas gravel" free from I011111
may bo substituted for crushed rock and
sand, but nil such material must be ap
proved by the Koglncer.
All cement used must be Millllclal
Portland cement, free from lumps and
deterioration on account of exposure to
the weather, and must be approved by
the City Knglncer.
All sand used must be clean, sharp
saiul. known as Columbia Klvcr sand,
The concrete will consist of one part
cement, three parts broken sand and
four parts broken stone or gtavol. All
to be mixed by turning three times dry
and twice after water Is added. Only
the least possible amount of water will
be used III mixing.
All mixing to be done upon a platform
or In a box and In no case upon the
ground, All proportions to be made by
measurement and not by approximation.
It shall be placed III the foinis and at
once thoroughly compacted by ramming
until five mortar appears on the sur
face. The mortar and concrete shall not
be mixed In greater quantities than 1m
required for Immediate use. tmd none
remaining unused until having set shull
be remixed or used In any way. The
whole operation of mixing and laying
each batch of concrete shall be perform
ed as expeditiously as possible. The up
per and outer one-half of an Inch of the
curb will lie a facing composed of one
part cement and one part sand
The forms will be made sufficiently
strong and braced so ns to prevent spring
ing wnlle the tamping Is being done.
All curbing will be paid for per linen!
fool In place.
Cutters 1." Inches wide will be con
structed of concrete along the curb us
shown on plans. The concrete and mor
tar fur gutters will conform In all re
spects to that specified for the curbs.
and will be laid In a similar manner.
Cutters will be paid for per lineal font
In place.
Removal of Rubbish.
All rubbish that may accumulate during
the performance of the work or by rea
son of the work herein provided for shall
be removed by the contractor and the
street left In a clean and good condition
All settlements that may appear In
any portion of the macadam or othe
work before the final acceptance of th
work by the city shall be repaired 11 ml
made good by the contractor at his ex
Obstructions to Travel.
The work must be done In such a man
ner as to obstruct public travel as I tie
s possible. As soon as the macadam Is
ompleto It shall be thrown open to trnv
I, but such opening shall not be deemed
the final acceptance of the work.
Colored Lights.
I olored lights and If necessary night
watchmen are to lie maintained nt nil
obstructions or other places of danger.
1 his win income nay, sand, loam, or
other earthly material and loose storicN
containing less than one cubic font.
This will Include all loose stones ron-
alnlng one cubic foot to one cubic yard.
This will Include all loose rock or bowl
rs containing one cubic yard and up
wards, also nil rock ledires or oilier run .
erlal requiring to be disintegrated by
All work herein provided for will be
ire- In strict corformlty with these spec
ifications and Plans ncc.imt.anvlnir sum..
a thorough and workmanlike manner
to the satisfaction of the City Engineer,
and his decision as to the meaning and
Intent of tin se s neclflea I ions tiii riuni-.,.
nts. computations of quantities per
taining thereto, whether freely specific, I
herein or not shall be final and mucin.
V" between the parlies.
All unfit or condemned material should
he Immediately removed from the site of
the work. In the ev ent of nnV WolUrmin
mployed by the contractor refusing to
omply with the provisions of these spec-
ifieatlons or with the Instructions of O...
'ity Engineer or his assistant or the In
spector in charge of the work, or for
doing his work In an unworkmanlike
manner, shall be discharged by the con
tractor as soon as notified n wrltlnir bv
the Engineer of such neirleet or refine.!
The contractor shall take entire charge
of the work during the progress and shall
responsible for any loss, damage or
to water and sewer pipes to nd
propcrty, or accidents resulting
from any carelessness
i Ft!, nitto. e and
from blasting or
or neglect In doing the work set out In
these plans And specifications, and will
hold the city of Oregon t'Hy Hnd any and
all of the officials thereof free and harm
less therefrom.
The contractor must protect his work
until It Is completed and duly accept
ed, and he must repair any damage dorm
to It by freshets, rains or other accidents
at his own cost. In case of any accident
to water or sewer pipes the contractor
shall Immediately notify the proper au
thorities. Staking Out Work.
The work provided for under these
specifications will be staki'd out by the
Clfy Engineer or his assistants and the
contractor will be required to carefully
preserve all such stakes set.
The right Is reserved by the city coun
cil to make such alterations as may bo
found expedient during the progress of
the work, and In such event there shall
be added to or deducted from the con
tract price such sum as shall represent
the cost of such additional or subtracted
work to bo estimated by the Engineer.
Tho City reserves the right to lay or
relay all or any water or sewer pipes or
connections during the progress of the
Extra Work.
The contractor shall not be entitled to
demand or receive payment for any work
as extra work, unless ordered In writ
ing by the Engineer to do the same and
at the price agreed upon and named In
the written order for such work previous
to Its commencement.
Hardware i
Special bargains made at our
own Furniture Factory for
'ism wi.iumjinsMM naaui".
Mr., Miss and Mrs. Hop Picker: We guarantee'
every piece of furniture made in our furniture fae.i
tory m Uregon vity. x our money will be pCj
manently invested if you buy our furniture. Tt
following prices speak for themselves.
a.u . . a, I m n in, ami nm 1 1 m I, i..lim. isnw nniaPrmiiJt,,
Size 37 x 58, 5 drawers,!
2 of them with locks, ele'i
. 4 r mi. . . I
Price $5.50
in three different styles ele
gantly finished in golden oak
I Price
i '
i. .. -.
'A . .. ,
O - K
r- V-s
Oak front, extension drawers. A much bet
ter piece of furniture than cut shows
p $f j.so Special Price $9.50
All disputes as to the Int. rit and mean
ing of these Spccc,it,,ri Shall be refer
red to the Engineer and Htn-et Coiinnll.
; whose decision shall be final and con
Parties bidding on the work provided
herein must state In their bid the time
required for the completion of the entire
Improvement as herein specified after
tho approval of the contract bv the Mayor
nd should the contractor fall to com
plete the work within the time specifi
ed In the Kalil contract the cltv sluili
have the right to charge the contractor
the sum of live dollars per day as liqui
dated darnagis for eacfl and every day
that tho work shall remain uncompleted
after said specified date ami such sum
shall be deducted from the amount of
tho final payment.
No proposal will be considered when
not accompanied by a certified check
pial to five per cent of the total esll-
mate, which check Khali be forfeited to
the city upon the failure of the success
ful bidder to execute the arrecincnt r.r-,,.
vlded for herein within ten days after
the award of contract
Wank forms upon which all proposals
are to he submitted will be furnished up
on application to the City Engineer
Monthly estimates of the amount of
Si VI Illy
will be
Hie II;
' and
the pel
Old, red
Will be
rent of
at the fllM
Ihen-iift, i
' P-i.
sic h
i In
r tin. let t.ililntt tlw tr
ilm. i
remaining twenty tu,. ,., ,,.. ,,
"' v ui a lump A,,,,, hid,!,,
lays arter the lln.il
entire, eoriiraei when
Ilili Iv
' plan r
imp!. ! 'I
The .-!, , tor will b.. required f,,r.
n!.-h a bond will, .v.-. 1 se,-i.,iv p, ,,,
..... .inioiiiu or 1 1 1 contract price
tloned on the faithful in ,.,,,(,
fi.nnarice of the work In ac or bit
"a Hie stipulations of tie
wllhln the tin,.- named tin
Wherever u. word ' Ijicp,
...i i.. .1
hi uicse spcciiieaiioriH it h nt,, I.. i
"food lo refer lo ,i,e C.y 1;K,.,,. r ,
""' engineer employed an. ...
",v me (ity toiim-ll
, IfHll -"le
ice H'tb
' coriinirt and
lo Mi'pcrliilctul
Wherever III.
CHIN It) heHe
-iHtood to n
word "Corn, nit
upcclflcalloriH It shall
fi t' lo the I ',.n,,. ,lii. ...
nneeiH and Public pio,,.,v
''ollllell of Oregon CHy.
"in-rever the word
H H lllld.-l
io i tin contractor
(or any m.-ini,,,,-
conl rai'i,,," ,,,,
' Ill inese Spec llentliiMu
stood to refer
of contractors
or Una
hereof )
si 111.-,
All th- ii bole woik and iniil.-il.il I"
f'uiibhe.i, shall t. ,,. and fiimluM
the i-atlsfiicHori of the City Kiilnfff
The i 'ny Conn,-!! ,. s. i . the rllhl
n l.-. t any ,l ,p
Hcclloo S Tin. i. n. ... III. . nil 8lrwU
and Public properly lire hereby liiithmi
ed to iidveitiHc fur and tec, -he r
IIS IlfoleM!,!,! ,,A II... it,.... ni,,1 Itd-ord
r shall enter Into roiitt.o ! wllli III I"
i son, firm ,,r cot p.ualloii tu whins ll
! ' Ui 1 1 a i I In . I .y ll,,. City I'"1
fur the lmotol'eiii.,,il uoecl'l.-.l lit !)
' iiillnaiic..,
i Heel Ion 4. Tin. iii(riii't stuitl contain
stipulation to the effect Hint Hie l"'r'
Him or u.... ... ...., ... l be p
'ra. I Is l.-t , hull look for pavim-nt nn
In Ibe sum lo be iiKH.-kiieil iiii ia tin1 11"
! ei iv ll,il,(. t i.hv r,. mi. h iMipoui-imf
mill ,., ,o....i ...i i . ..i i i..... tin en
' ' o ii no tin ei in
Treasury for Hint nurnose ntul th''!'
hot requite Orcion Cltv bv all)"
iiioceNH in- ...i io.. i.. ...o. tin. turn
of anon,,.,- fun, i.
Head Ileal lln... I ..i , I.. i eil
'it a special ineetliiif of Ihc Ciiuiull
11 , . . 1 I 'lllfi H
-noil t ny, m ill Mepleml.cr -i. "
o coini- tip for second reading '"'
piiSMiiue ill ii ui I,, I n.., tlnu- t I"' I"'
"ctob,.,. 1(1 l.M,r ... u ',.o, ll II, "I-
H.V order of the Council nf meg"" 1,11
W, A.
pi. MICK.
,, .......loP.
The child rcn'e
Jayneis Tonic Vermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes stron,. n, .,! muscles.
... O
oives tone, vitality and snap.
Get it from your druggi
'i; srvaci