Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 29, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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tho nuccess of this community's first
attempt at, a Fair? Indeed, thin Fair
will amount to JiiHt what extent the
people make it and If yr,u are not by
ami for tho people In mind, soul and
spirit, without a Kraft, you will prob
ably not remember the date of Oc
tober 7 until too la to to ninth) up your
articles for exhibit.
Owing to the fact we were 7 per cent
lower than our competitors, we received
the contract for furnishing the Oregon City
school supplies. Now, we feel satisfied
we can save you as much if you will give
us a chance
Send your children here for everything
in school books
An Oregon City Woman'i Ambition Real
ized. Nearly every woman In the. wrirld wants
to ),f beautiful and attractive, for If It
wen: only skin deep, beauty Im desirable
from every ntanlpolnt. An! perfect beau
ty rneariH perfeet health, if one'o com
plexion In at fault, It Ik duo In most
caned to Improper diet, a torpid liver,
high living, Impure blood and eonstipa
tlon. After trying lotlorm and skin food
with disappointing results, a prominent
Oregon City lady wan Induced to try
l-axakola tonic tablet and In her cane
they tiave worked wondcrt. They act as
a real tonic, enrich the blood, stimulate
the liver, encouraxe the action of the
bowelh, put new life In tho skin and clear
up the complexion by assisting nature, to
do IIh own perfect work. Huntley Iiro.
have been selling I.axakola tonic tablet
for Borne time now and from the rapidly
Increasing demand Oregon City ladles
rnuHt find them beneficial In every way.
Them Ih absolutely no rink, for a 25
cent package of I.axakola Tonic Tablets
rnuHt do all wo claim or we will promptly
return your money.
citable ruggists
Ncvi-r Sold by I run;;ists.
R. V. HAKKIi, ARtnt.
Willamette, Or.
Our Correspondents' Corner I
i (AY,
1 fcLr'A
r itv u , n't
Famous at home for
Generations past;
Famous now all over
the World.
James f this plum.
Mr. L. Funk and family just return
ed from spending a week at the fair.
Miss Malro Cutting of Portland was
visiting relatives here for a few days
before leaving for Monmouth to at
tend the Slnte Normal school.
ror Saia vy
. E. MATTHIAS -Aganoy
for Oregon City.
. Ill's 1 !! ,
a j
rX J
I am now located in my new
building on Main street be
tween Ninth and Tenth Sts.
Better prepared than ever to
do your plumbing;.
The Plumber,
Of Cholera Morbua with One Small Bot
tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Mr. !. W. Fowler, of miditower, Ala.,
relates an experience ho had while sorv-
Int; on a pelt Jury In a murder case at
KdwardMvllle, county seat of Clebournc
ounty, Alabama. He says: "Whilo there
I ate itomn fresh meat and sonic souse
meat and It Rave mo cholera morbus In
very severe form. I was never more
sli k In my life and sent to the drug store
for a certain cholera mixture, hut the
ilniKfdst sent me a bottle of Chamber
lain's t'ollc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itom
edy Inxtenc!, sayhiK that hu'hnd what I
sent for, but that this medlelna was so
much bitter he would rather semi It to
men In the fix I was In. I took one dose
of It and was better In five minutes. The
second dose cured me entlrelv, Two fol
low Jurors were afflicted In tho same
manner and one small bottle cured the
three of us. " For sale by Goo. A. Hardin
and beaten, In a labor riot, until covered
with sores, a Chicago street car conduc
tor applied liuoltlcn's Arnica Salve, and
was soon sound and well. "I use It In
my family," writes O. J. Welch,- of T6
konsha, Mich., "and find It perfect." Slm-
iilv creat for outs and burns. Only 25c
at Howell & Jones' drug store.
Most of tho hop pickers have, re-
turnod from tho hop. fields and sonic
of them, Mrs. and Miss Hulbert and
Alva Sornirno arc seriously ill wit.li
typhoid fever contracted from the in
fected district that they were picklns?
Mr. Fred rierren, of eastern Ore
Ron, Is vIsitiiiK with us for a few
weeks after an ahsenco of several
Miss Maud Stone and Mr. D. II
Mosher leave for Willamette Univer
sity in a few days.
Mr. Carl firay had his saddle stolen
while picking hops at Aurora. '
Mr. Arthur Barrett is working for
Kalrclough Bros. In hauling machin
ery In to their mine.
Mr. Jack Ftillman and wife of Port
land have boon visiting hla brother
Briff litis of Gossip From All Partsofthe County.
Correspondents are rerjucsted to re
!uv their work. Wo will furnish all
leecssary stationery. The news from
-our neighborhood should appear In
heso columns every week.
Si'i'ond crop of strawberries are
making a big yield this season. Wo
are Informed' that Ilurtnoll has al
ready shipped over $L'ud worth. Henry
Smith says that from his small gar
den patch he will ship berries enough
to buy his supply of wood for the win
ter. If there Is enough October sun
shine to ripen the fruit that Is al
ready formed, the strawberry crop
will last till Christmas.
Miss yievenson, sister of J. S. Stev
enson, and Mrs. Lindsay, a cousin,
who have been spending the summer
here, left Monday for their home in
Northern Ohio.
Miss Kdith Hargreaves has gone
to spend a few weeks with relatives
In Seattle.
Wo hear rumors of a double wed-
ling to take place In the near future.
lust send ye scribe a bit of wedding
alio to dream over, and secure a good
The Fair Is well patronized by tho
people of Clackamas.
Mrs. Ihorn Strelt, who Is undergo
ing a course of treatment with Dr.
Stuart, of Oregon City, Is slowly Im
proving In health.
To the Hdltor:
There Is now being circulated In
Oregon City copies of a letter address
ed to the voters of Oregon City Is
sued at the instance of a committee
appointed by the Oregon City Board
of Trade, and signed by H. C. Stevens,
A. H. Crlessen, W. 15. Caril, E. G. Can
Held, J. U. Campbell, O. W. Eastham
Wm. Andresen and 8 others, which se
riously reflects upon the honor and
Integrity of the committee of the
council appointed to prepare the fran
chise granting certain rights to the
Oregon Water Power & Railway Co.
now pending before the city council,
and, In the opinion of the said com
mittee, requires an answer.
In the said letter it Is Insinuated
that the committee appointed by the
council was Influenced by the railway
company, by improper metnous, to
prepare and "spring" the franchise
on the people without giving them
time to consider or express themselves
on its merits. This statement is ab
solutely and unqualifiedly false.
The proposed franchise was under
consideration by the committee for
two weeks, during which time five
meetings were held, at two of which
Mr. Morris, representing the Railway
Company, was present. After each
of the meetings, by direction of the
committee, full reports of its pro
ceedings were published in the sev
eral newspapers circulating in Ore
gon City and the completed franchise
contains each of the provisions as
given to the newspapers including
the term of the franchise the num
ber of cars permitted to he operated
and the compensation to be paid.
In addition to the publicity given
Hn the' matter by the c6mmittee, the
proposed franchise is now being pub
lished In full in the official newspaper
of Oregon City, which is in accord
ance with the provisions of the city
charter making it absolutely neces
sary to the valid passage of an ordi
nance that it he published in full for
at least one week before it can come
up for final passage, thus giving the
public notice of the measures to be
voted upon by the council.
The proposed franchise was adopted
by the committee, as in Its judgment,
under all the circumstances, for the
best interests of the city; it is the
product of their careful consideration,
and has the approval of the owners
of a majority of the property on Main
street, and. we hope, also that of a
majority of the voters of our city.
Wo cheerfully grant to every man
his inalienable right to act according
to his own honest judgment, but we
resent the unjust, unwarranted, un
true and dishonorable attack made
upon us by the signers of the said
letter, who, in their headlong rusn to
accomplish their ends have been care
less of the means employed and nave
either thoughtlessly or wantonly at
tempted to besmirch the reputations
of tho framers of the measure to
which they are opposed.
E. A. SO MM Eli.
Again the school bell Is heard, and
the merry voices of the children
make music through the land for
school began Monday, September 25,
with Professor L A. Heed as princi
pal, and Miss OlHen, of Portland, Miss
Wilson from Central Lake, Michigan,
Miss Kennedy ami Miss McAnaulty,
of Parkplace and Miss Smith of Glad
stone, as grade teachers. There are
l!tt; pupils enrolled and every thing
promises one (it the most successful
years In the history of the sehrwd.
Mrs. J. McMillan from Seattle, Wn.,
carno Tuesday for a week's visit with
Mrs. G. Hamilton. Mrs. McMillan has
recently returned from the Klondike'
where she has spent 3 years with her
husband, who Is a miner there, and
has many Interesting stories to tell
of miners lives In that wild country.
Mrs. Wood and family from Clack
amas have been spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Brayton.
Walter Morris returned the first of
the week from a four months' trip
In California, Walter says he Is glad
to get back to dear old Oregon and
his many friends are glad of his re
turn. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson of
Gladstone, but who have been In
Michigan for the last three months,
are expected home this week.
Tho Y. P. S. C. E. society held Its
first meeting Thursday evening, after
the summer vacation.
Rev. Lansborough, from the First
Presbyterian church of Oregon City,
exchanged pulpits Sunday evf n!ntr
with Rev. Start, and preached to an
appreciative audience who greatly en
Joyed his sermon.
Frank Lucas returned from his
three weeks' outing a few days ago,
and Is now suffering severely with a
felon on his hand. Dr. Strickland
is tending it, and Frank says It Is the
worst pet he ever had to look after.
Mrs. Mac Rivers and family have
returned from Linn county where they
have been for three weeks.
Miss Eva Smith and Mr. Logan,
from Portland, were guests at Cap
tain Smith's last Saturday.
Charlie Smith has sufficiently re
covered from ,his long Illness of ty
phoid fever to be able to go to work
The Misses Beomen returned to
Eastern Oregon after two weeks' stay
with their sister, Mrs. C. Smith.
Miss Wilson spent several days
with her friend Mrs. Chas. Bramhall
of Troutdale, but returned In time to
begin school Monday. Miss Wilson
teaches 5th grade again in the Park
place school.
When you go to a drug store
and ask for Scott's Emulsion
you know what you want; the
man knows you ought to have
it. Don't be surprised, though,
if you are offered something
else. Wines, cordials, extracts,
etc., of cod liver oil are plenti
ful but don't Imagine you are
getting cod liver oil when you
take them. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing
the sales of Scott's Emulsion.
Why? Because It has always
been better than any substitute
for it.
Send fcr fre? senile
GCOTT ft BOW WE, Chemists
'OS-415 Pearl Ctrof t, flew York
Knc.Pr.rJS1.00. All druggists
He may well think, he has got oft cheap
who, after having contracted constipa
tion or Indigestion, Is still able to per
fectly restore his health. Nothing will do
this but Dr. Klng'B New Life-Pills. A
quick, pleasant, and certain cure for
headache and constipation, etc. 25c at
Howell & Jones' drug store, guaranteed.
The Mt. Pleasant schools opened
Mouday with Miss Roma G. Stafford
In charge. Miss Joseph has the pri
mary department In the south end
of the district.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Moore and daugh
ter Edythe, and Mr. and Mrs. David
Bond of Russell, Iowa, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taber, and Inci
dentally viewing the Lewis and Clark
Fair. -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crow of Col
fax, Washington, are visiting Mr.
Crams's sister, Mrs. E. E. Kellogg.
Mrs. M. S. B. Lawton and son Ward
Barker Lawton, spent last Friday at
the Fair.
Mr. V. B. Partlow and son James,
returned from a visit with friends at
Seaside last Friday.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Roman is convalescent, after a long
siege of typhoid fever. Dr. Carll is
the attending physician.
Mr. Allen Peas has Just finished
drying seven tons of prunes. The
prune crop was much better than was
Mr. and Mrs. John Hinderman and
daughter, were visiting the family of
J. Hendrixon last Thursday.
Takes the burn out; heals the wound;
cures the pain. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrto
Oil, the household remedy.
That Fair Molalla is going to hold
on Saturday, October 7th. what will
it amount to any way? It is going to
bo a reflector of tho energy and get-
up-ive-ness of all the people in all the
Molalla country. We are going to
have exhibits that do not appear at
tho Lewis & Clark Fair: we are go
ing to start off our Molalla Fair this
year, l!)0l. n any person's energetic
endeavors are not reflected at this
Fair it will be their own fault. You
do not have to raise cabbages as
large as a wasntuD or corn ears as
long as fence rails to compete here
Have not got anything to bring to Mo
lalla Fair? Then look about In na
ture's field and gather something al
ready produced. Don't wait until you
are so situated that you can grow
some big affair like St. Lewis' recent
show; start your energies out on a
homo-like scale. Every person should
he largely interested In their own lo
cality. Let not this reflector cast
your image on a blank space. We
want tho assistance of all, that each
one's burden will bo small, and lastly
when you have seen or heard of all
tho things that tho Molalla Fair did
not have nn exhibition, then wash
your face clean and look Into your
homo mirror and ask yourself this
question: What little thing did I turn
my hands to, as an inhabitant of this
beautiful Molalla country, to add to
Medicines Hint aid nature are always
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy acts on this plan, It allays the
cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectora
tion, opens the secretions, and aids na
ture In restoring the system to a healthy
condition. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Surprising Statements Vouched for by
Huntley Bros.
All of us who know Huntley Bros, are
confident that they would make none but
straightforward, honest statements, and
when they tell you of the many Oregon
City people who have suffered for years
with Indigestion and have been cured
through using Pepslkola tablets we must
believe every word Is true. No other
remedy so quickly relieves and cures
sour stomach, heartburn, coated tongue,
nervousness, Insomnia, debility, that run
down, tlred-out feeling, and every other
trouble arising from poor Indigestion.
Huntley Bros continue to sell Pepslko
la tablets with the understanding that
you can have your 25 cents back In case
you are In the least disappointed. In the
face of these facts nobody should hesi
tate an Instant to avail themselves of the
opportunity to regain perfect digestion,
perfect health, renewed energy, new vig
or and new vitality through the use of
a remedy that does not cost a penny
should It fall to do all that is claimed.
There Is no risk to yoi) whatever and
we ask you to try it on Huntley Bros',
guarantee. -
A talk with us will convince you that ELECTRIC
LIGHT is the only light you can afford to use in your
home, or put in the house you are building:. Your
property will rent more readily, will pay a higher in
come, and attract a better class ot tenants IF IT IS
IF you contemplate establishing any business re
quiring POWER, it will be to your advantage to talk
with us before placing your orders for machinery.
THE use of ELECTRIC power means: Lesser
cost of operation, smaller amount of space required,
and great saving in machinery and initial cost of in
stallation of plant.
ADVANTAGES in the cost of producing power
in Oregon City in comparison with other cities of the
country, enable us to make lowest rates and give un
equalled service.
ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current
and information regarding the use of electricity for
LIGHT or POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE,
the STORE and the FACTORY, promptly furnished
upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's
branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City.
C. G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.