i'lEGONT CITY I-NTF.KIMUSK, FIJI PAY, SKl'TKM BFU ?:. !!.. i 1 0 0 0 e o 0 8 9 0 0 9 I) i 9 0 9 I 9 9 A The largest stock of Men's and Boy's Hats, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, and Women's Misses', Children's and Men's and Boys' Shoes in Oregon City to be sold regardless of the cost Remember I A FEW OF 1500 Men's Suits. $7.00, 8.00 328 Boys' Suits. and $2.50. Men's and Boys' dress and working shirts, 3 T 50c, 65c, 75c and $J, must go at OwC I Plain Overalls Men's and Boys' Hats, formerly sold at $2.50 and $3; going at $ .45, $1.70 WE for them. Ladies', 700 OVERCOAT and CRAVENETTE BAR- JJ GAINS. They are whirlers and must be sold regardless of COST. 81 Cl Sixth Mavin Sts. ELEGOFJ CITY, OHEGO One Block South of Suspension Bridge A IL IE OUR STUNNING They are Regular and 9.00 Values They are Worth S 2 Must go 40c I Bib are proprietors ol the Douglas Shoe Store and every shoe must be sold at the price we paid Men's, Children's. Dpi BARGAINS tfj A fZ kiJO $0-95 Overalls 50c i $2 f QA 0 0 vvn.inuT m:KH fuom Wilhoit, OiVKim. Sept :'T. I!"h To tlu IMItur (.f tho Hr. i'.mi City i ti'ipiHi, Oregon City. Piopm. IVar Sir:- S l Well ktlnVVII I IlllVT lll'Oll II clll ii'li nf Cliirliiiniis County ilii.l tt t:i uior thiTiMif for nmiiy yciii'n, anil I am well Known to you ami (tinny ol ti ers, us t ho oponitor and proprietor of the Wlllioit Mineral Spring nt Wit lioit. CliteliHtiiHH County, Orenon. I am hvmuv that Clm'hninu I'onniy, In tho way of natural ivsonrros has no superior In tlo State Wlmt we have lieeileil here for years, has hri'tl a latter population iiipI capital to de velop i'"'l open up the many natural resniirees of the County liirliulitii; the tiiuhei' and farmlui; liimls. Our popu lation lias been very tnneh m-iiI tei o.l, our markets very far apart and It has hern exceedingly hard for a small fanner, living ten. Ill'toeii. twenty or twenty live miles away from the mini ty seat to i;et aloni;. supixnt their fain dies and pay their tuxes The eause ef this latv.ely, Is the fart of the eost and expense of KettlllK what they have for sale to a tuai'Uet at reason aide eost and expense I. for one, and 1 Know from net mil Knowledge and observation that ev ervh,.lv else In the south hair of the eounty. are more than anxious to hae a railroad built out Into this general loeul'.ty. Itallroads. like lii.llv Idnals. are not i:oinc to spend thi-lr nioin-y and inaKi' laryo Investments, utile--, they Know that they are cnln to r.et ret urns As a tax paver for tunny i-ais of I'iaekamas eounty. 1 fori that the metvhants id Orei-nti City. If I am curris-Cy Infurmed. are adopting a v-t unwise ami unpriditalde olley in opposiiik; the i;rau!'ni: of a frau ehlse now asked by the Urem Water I'.over ,- Railway Company Oregon Citv business men hav.- ufM n eoni plained to me that they do nut y,,-t the Hade from the cotititry tlnv mutlit to i;et line ef the- prinelpal reasons Is because the farmers of the south half , of tho comity have no proper f.iclll t'es to ..hip their products to (tte.oll C'tv or to keep In ea.y and quick tuii'l With its Illlsllte-iS p.lett I am salishe.l that if tho people of Oregon City would join hands and tn-s-t this railroad company in a fair way and i;lve them the franchise that t ! ask for. that the taxable prop er'y In Clarkamas county would ilnuh le in value inside of three jrars and that the trade of the merchants in itt-eiron City wouhl lncrea-.e awav be vond the itnairiiiatlon of the average man of today t Von cannot build up (ni;on City nor Its trade by adopting the ii!iry that Is heinc advo-ated now The ef fect of the actions of the business men of drei-oii City, is to drive awav the farmini; tragic of the south half of Clac! atnas County from the tner chants of Or.-o.n City With this f ranch t-c Krantc.i and the electric r.i:!road extended o-it to Wilhoit. and thr.ui;i New I'ra Canby. N !y. Mar- ipiam ami the Molaila country, not only would the fanner prot't by it. but the merchants and business men create a market for what the farmers ral-e and would Incren -e their trade er. a'ly, r.--u!t:t:i: not ou'v ;u I . ' to the cotin'ry piHiple In if in a very h- a!rt: v and pro on-rous condition aini.n.: the buite-s n.eti of vour citv If I vv ;m in Or.-yon City I wo ild vote for and -:i:i;'-e-t f(,e franchise because I believe that by the huiMin;.' of the ritilr-.a ! in' the -. ..;, half of the !!. ' tliiit it will re-oiM in a rreat deVeloptlli'tlt Of tlie CtllltltV. Yours trulv. F W M.Ki- FROM A FARMER. Needy, fire., Sept. l), t'lu", To t!;o M:tor of the ( )r. -on Cjty Kn ferprise, (ireiroti City. Orei'on. I tear Sir:-- I have noticed in various wavs that there SeettM to be some opposition to the ifratititn: of a franchise to the On 'oti Wati r I'mo-r k Kailwav Com pany. It seems to me, a tax -payer, living in the country and mi" who is interested in the development of Clackamas County as a whole, that this imposition, to speak In the very mibb st. way. is very narrow and tin sule tantial. To one liviny in tie country and who Is interested in hav in railroads extended out. to Needy, Molaila and Wilhoit and in fact tbronej, tli. smith half of the county, all opposition onuht to In- withdrawn, and a franchise granted as a matter of course. Tin- Oregon Water I'ower k Kail way Company, ns I have been advised, -by the Imildinir of its railroad up thront;h Kaulo Creek and opening up the Sprim;water country, has been of Inum-nsc use and value to the people all alow? its lines. It lias Increased the value (,f farm lands .'a to ," icr cent. This company has done a i?n-at deal towards developiw; tin.' various interests in Clarkamas county. If it 1 t-'i-ts Its franchise through Oregon City it is bound to build and extend its linos -ii:t. C'-o-";h t'-n so""i hi" ' t' .1 c ill d . ''"Il" i ffei t of t o ., v .' , to lucre is- C e value of fur," I id ! give employment to a large number of j men, create a market for much tlm- " her and In fact iiin-n up and develop Bctrith.. yj 'lie &'.:J Voa Haw Aionvs Caiffl 9ignatr. IS Positive, Comparative, Superlative. have used one of your Fihh Br.nd blicken for five years, and now want a new one, alio one for a friend. I would not be without o.ie fortwice the cot. They are juut as Tar aiicad of a common cont a a common one la ahead of nothing," (Nmni- un application.) mn!i:sTiwu;nVf)?;u'snfR. noi. Be sure you don't get one of the com mon kind -this Is the tfNZ?"t mnrti of excellence. A. J. TOWER CO., i:r&l: BOSTON, U.S.A. 'XtfETjjO TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limiteo, TORONTO, CANADA. 35 Makers of Wet Weather Clothing Hat 3 Tho Kind You Hnvo Alwtiyn In us lor over . yi'iirn, lmtt bonm tho nltrimiur(J t -S? Iuih hvvn nnulo iiikI.t J All CoiinlrrlVKs liiiltiitioiix mid FuK(-nH-rr(Ml, (rw . IhixTliiu'iitM (hat (t ltlo wltli niul oniliincfi r (ho health ItilanU mill Chllilrcn-lliiHTlonco niralittt lhperliiu'ut, What is CASTORIA Custnrlu U ti harinledH MiliMtltnto for Cnitor Oil, lure Korlo, lrw ami Sootliliijf NjrtipH. It IMeiiHtint, toiifuliiH mltlu r Opium. Morphlmt iior (her Narcotln Mihstniiro. Unat'oh Km KU'irtuitro. It dentroy Vof,m niul ulhiyM l'Vvi'i-UhnoHN. It airt Dlurrlni ii un.l Wlutl illr. It relirvt'M Trethhur TroiihleM, aire :iimtlu'm uml riiitulciuy. It iiMMlnillateH (lio I'oimI, rek'tilateH (lie Stoiuiu li anil Itowcls, Klvlntf healthy anil natural Mwn, Tho ChlUlriti'M l'unacea-Tho Mother' TrU-ml. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Scars tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. thi cit ". niiiuT fttr. mtm lomm err?, the ii!0rv ai li.ithini; r!-e can The tr.eM-hants uf (in ,-..n i it v would l-e the olles who Would be benefitted I'V the et.,o of thin companv s lilies It se.-ms to tue, t h il a f lii' i -chant and bu ine., t m(-n In ( eHI I'll) life Ve!V sliolt sii;htld if they do not see that what I ' iari a n a . County nerds, more than anvthlti; else. Is ii broad d:iv, the develop nient of Its resource.! and an if ! . a el population, which means lai.or tuuikeli and more tuele and this wouhl result if n fianchl-e a-i fratit ed It is .1 fai i that i li.-i-nn C tv has VefV little !e V 1th the -oll'll hillf of the cnunt ;. If t he road i an be built out llOo the sni-.th half of !h. 'o-inty and fr. U-ht ear , i un. , ill SALE Our Carnival was a rcat trade potter. We unloaded nearly $5,000 of poods at the lowest prices Oregon City has ever known. Our stock will be clean new and Rfjod. We still have $1,000 worth of broken lots and slow sellers to move at cost or less;, so there will be hun dreds of bargains for you and busy times for us. Nfft' poods are arriving freely. Coupons piven on poods for dishes or silverware. f.liuci Kll.S t in. M tt.mr II v I II !. i, f ,., V ': T..'i-ei'l:v So..;, f.ih Stir Sm;. . r I",.; I'lMe T.ilii t 1 f..r- ...-, . ir: i:'"'. n ,. i : (,,,, jc V.i. .i-.M! ft 'ill j it h !. - '.: -:it ...! . i" th. ' iit.ii ;. . ..nti ;... p. t . - i.t in. .i V- t I. ml. hii l, !1. ; ;, !.!,!,. I ,,.,;! CW. Allll II S.i. I lie; fn,,. ,e,,.,K , ,., I, 6c l''.rr. . I'le I... , l M ;.. I !, .,,. i iiT' i- i i.tn...i-. x mi z t.. 1'iifr. . i..,M,,i,. fi. , .IS I I. . V,;.., I I. , l,y .;,y , . - f.'i imn.. t.it.li. ,,,l 3-jc C i-'i'iieN l.i ;thM 2'iC T..I...H Mh.,k.. hi. I. I., lie, itrv i-.i.t 13c S. w inir M Mi,,, i 1 1 5C t.i tlH.II". li- ..111 L'r l.'.il!.. Lining r,e . I,,ih. ni.in 1 '. lit ill... II Ktilw-N un.l fnikn. M.il.in a iii.it,.. .'.69c S1IOI-S! SHOO! Ital.V hlliim tie. 1 e. :e, X',. ,, rllj I'lilliln HlmeN ITr, I'll-, T.e, y.ir. I.;i.ll.n' $1 ID ShuiH nil tu gzc 1.:i.i-n' f: r,n Hhm H nil In $2.09 l..'i.)l.-n' Im-kI imlln.il h.-inv winter SIhm-h, hrnl In tnwn, were JJ ;!' $1.97 lillVM' 1-,-llf KI M Jl 111 ,Hi! $1,511 wiirtli ene-thli,l in, IIiiim' full ht, k h. mv.v hIiu. x JKn mi'l SI r.'.i, nearly ,r,n,- I, (. t h.in i-lm-w tu-ri.. il'hlM uml i ii Ih Imivh' rhm k Iwn- thlnlM iili. M'-n'M .' '.'.'i hIiui h tin., it r l . ! ri,iui,- $1.9 Men- e.-ilf hIiii.ii w-i-u- $:,tn, pul,. $1.98 Men'j heavy ahoei $1.09 and $1.59 Welti) Jl.f,i atlil $2. un. ( lihlH unit i ih!h lilie, S'h-. M'-ii'h hlnh tup hrst ti!iii;it:m ii,- l'",s $3.3- Men u Niii.iit.-iti, hi hi winter s,,. .- 2.69 Mi-M'M ll!,li tup hniv y hIum h In xt wriiniH $:'.f,:i. $:i.!.; mi $i c, DnvltiB nf $1 a pal,-. Kuhhi-r l'.iiutH J.'.Th up. MKN'S I-UKNISHINCS Men's hox 4e, hnivy "e, worth liir. M'-HH line HHX 9C ClothlliK lit Cunt. Siisp.-mlerH, !te, l!ic uml 21c CiinviiH kIovch 7c, li iithcr 2ir, 63c RED FRONT, ItiKlit, niul MhU h liai bom Signaturo of Uia'.e nioie triole for us ani K ,;' leas.- 1 Itade to the p,-,,pl,. of .j (hi City j I wrl un to i ,..-... !, ,,, n.K.I who 1 am. that I it tit u re rclun! tf 1 ' t a Ketienil (.'ore lit j 'i'li a tax pave- ,,f Cliirl.ntiiiiii tW. I and that I bell. -v.- t,t n,,. p,, 1 i'o'"li 'II v will net vt hiy tii It broad i. pit It Inwards thU I'mups; and itiant the fram hl-.e they .!,, i: wltldn two y.-ars, the ta valilo projw-r will be wore Minn d.nilded C C MOl.HO.V. (in.- . f tintnre'-. ri-im-.H.-n; cmn ! a: VI 'e -: e- ' eett;t!!f,tl fl-Vi :..! ' ' ' uti . un.-.er r.!:.j.?a.nt ;.o.;i;.. or old Ir fuai.-r's llxtriirt (' .. i;d S' - aw he 1 1 'A u ,i. 1 i ells Hi- I- ( s, ,,, : Tn " ! ' : I-. I. nil t-. I l.i'e. I ,,..,!,! s ?! 1 i f it i t.. I- I i :u- hi w --I ' in . . i w . i r , p i ! - w -ii in im l. i w . ;ii- ..... tk n i.. .... 1; I K V C.miiIiS .!! W.IHI1 lill.l. IWi .If -'' 1:..' .! in mi l. i w en i :!'..' K M. n ' iit.il. i w .-.ii f.,r Wc M- ii i. !l vv ,,.. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ih. .e ''!'. Ill'Xe.l ft s' i . v ..'i I'l tu ; :, p. r i nt en V.e n ;,t I,- ,.,,,,1 ,,i , 'i liiiin f"' t" l iv . Iiiiv w.Hin II..-I.I-V .it l'. tie He lif.i- nll'-'l1'"' Itll.li.niM. ;t,-. i, Ihiii i.lns !, ,ku ; Lex ni,(. Mvlti k 'riilml.l. ,-, Him t hi . ii.l anil N. . .11. , .ii.i i- e. ,.i.i r .in 1t Il.unlki I . hi. f )e. He. e ,.7i l.iiiit.- p. mil till, let :te (net Si'1 Ink .1'-; tntniljiKe ....... t.e;i. p. niiiH. rul.l.rr tip f.ir K--I'litHilK I'll-, ;ir, rTr, tie, VVi-n'S"' te Jl Nl-W Weill WiiIhIk nt (l HnvHlK Cetliin lihinki-IM tele; lietti-r 5'H'. 1.iil Ke I'uttiill hlntikrtH 79e t.llI Ke eiiinr,n tx, eettiill tllllllK ,K T'ellll lillttnllH, llnZlll 44 MH.I.IM- ItY Mls Woodi and helpers re bu with new fall Hata. We art "0' InQ the latest and prrttleit Ht They are sold with other goodi o a dry aoods margin A savins a third. Street Hats 79c. 97c. $1.40. NOTIONS Kline litem lr Plllr: 2 pllpi'l" :x' 'f I'Iiim le p.ipi-r, linokM ainl ryi !' l-i ;tiu- Miir liulrpliiH c ik; kiiiii'" Viiti-h, 1 yinr Kiiariinlri' Minors 4x'l, e; iitiuHer, IireHH coinhH Sr porket reinl'i With $5.00 or more of floods bought i nlv '? iui i.linri UI Jluuutv twv . . for 4"' 10c .Hi. pounds of Granulated Sugar or 10 bars of Star Soap for . or 2 pounds best coffee for or rnunr.n. aa hrfore. but ndt bat ' Butter In Demand, 26c paid for EgS"- OREGON CITY VVVWvAVirWvAVVV