Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 22, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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amd union Pacific
Through Pullman .tsndard and Touiv
1st sleeping cat dally to Omaha, Chicago.
Ppokane; tourist sleeping car dally ta
Kansas City: through Pullman tourist
sleeping car (personally conducted)
weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, reclin
ing chairs (seats (res to the ast daily.)
7f) Portland to Chicago
I W No Change of Cars.
Tims Schedules.
Alll TB
Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver,
Portland Ft. Worth. Omaha, k jk d
Special Kansas City. St. p m"
i.li a. m!lxuls, Chicago and
I East.
Atlantic : ,. . ,
Express sJt I-ke, Denver. I
:lt P. m. Worthy Omaha. ! M a m.
via. Hunt- hAn.""rJtlX:r- Sh
Inrton, i Louis, Chicago and,
! East. I
PL Paul ! I
Fast Mall Walla Walla. Lew-1
C:1S p m : lston. Spokane, Mln- v-ig m
via 8po I neapolls, St. Paul "
. Duluth. Milwaukee, ;
kane. Chicago and EstJ
Ocean and River Schedule
For San Francisco Every Ave days at
t p. m. For Astoria, way points and
Portland. Oregon.
I p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. m. Daily
service (water permitting) on Willam
ette and Tamhlu rivers.
For detailed Information of rates.
The Oregon Railroad Navigation Co
your nearest ticket agent, or
General Passenger Agent
Portland and The Dalles
"AOIB 0,"
fitr. "fialley Gatxert" leave Portland
I A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days ; leaves The Dalles 7 A- M. Tues
days. Thusrsdays and Saturdays.
Str. "Regulator" leaves Portland 7 A.
M. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Mondays.
Wednesdays and FriJays.
Steamers leaving Portland make dally
connection at Lyle with C. R. A N. train
for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley
C. R. 4 N. train leaves Goldendale on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at
6:30 A. M., making connection with
steamer "Regulator" for Portland and
way points.
C. R. c N. train leaves Goldendale on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at
8:30 A. M., connecting at Tyle with
steamer "Sadie B." for The Dalles, con
necting there with O. R. A N. trains
East and West
Str. "Sadie B." leaves Cascade Locks
dally (except Sunday) at 7 A. M. for The
Dalles and way points; arrives at 11 A.
M.; leaves The Dalles 2 P. M., arrives
Cascade Locks P. M.
Meals served on all steamers.
Fine accommodations xor teams And
wagons. t
Landing at Portland at Alder Street
V. P. & G. M.
Gen. Office, Portland, Oregon.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
8:00 A.M.
7:00 P.M.
For Maygers, Rainier,
Clatskanle, Westport
carton, Astoria, war
ren ton, navel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens,
Gearhart Park. Sea
side, Astoria and
Express Dally.
Astoria .Express,
any root,
Knows enough lo carry an umbr!t
when It rains, but tin' wisp one Is he
who carries one when It Is only cloudy.
.Int ii id it will
send for a diH'toj
w h o n ho if o t
ixsl-fstst, but the
wiser ono Is lu
h o adopts
proper preen u-1
tionnry, preven-1
1 1 v it ml curatlvf
'A VI measures when
f 7 h ' 1 I'1"1 npHsir th
I ) A f I His Which. If un-
rhecketl mid nil
ciinsl, grow UiW
serious Illness.
Impaired, dlgo
tlon nnd nutrl-
t tori are generally
: the forerunners
of a nervous or functional htvak-dow n.
.Viimv hi poiriidd rviWi' most
abundantly for all such conditions In our
native medicinal plains. With the uso
of chemically pure glycerine, of prer
strength iiml at a proper sustained temp
erature. Or. fierce extracts from Colden
Seal root. Q.uvn's root. Stone root, lilac It
t'herrybarii. Khsslroot and Mandrake
root, medicinal principles which, when
combined In Jut the right proportions,
constitute liis widely famed "troMcn ('!
Uitl iixnivi',' It' restores the tone of
the stomach, the activity of the liver
and the steadiness of the nerves, pouring
vitality Into the 11. khI till the once sick
and debilitated one is so renewed In
health, strength and power that ho can
resume his work, whatever it is, with
vigor and elasticity.
All medical authorities, of whatever
school, agree that llulratis. or lioldeu
Seal one of the essential roots, in the
make-up of hr. Tierce's Colden Medical
Discovery is of very great value as a
pure tonic, and as an alterative valuable
In chronic alVct'iMis (.,( the stomach, In
testines ana LU.wl.-r.
JRV..-,,. ot only Hie Original but the
ww. " L,,lU Uv" t put
V- "t oer 40 yer. ego, by t,Ul
lr li. V. Pleree have N'n
BiKh Imltitcd but never equaled, as thou
t&mis !tet. They'tv pun-ly vrtfelable,
beliuf made up of eoiicentratinl and retined
nwdlclnal prtiwiples. txtrateU from the
roots of American plants. Iki not grlT
Cue or two for stomach currecMve, thme or
tour fur catiiariw.
Loss than four weeks remain In which
to take advantage of the low railroad
rates to go and ee the Lewis and Clark
Exposition and the wonderful Northwest
The lectures on Irrigation by Edmund
T. Perkins, an engineer In the land re
clamation service, draws crowds dally at
the Government building, Lewis and Clark
Exposition. Mr. Perkins' talks are Il
lustrated by stereopticon views of vari
ous localities where government Irriga
tion work has been undertaken. The
pictures and the lecture give one a great
deal of Information about this important
subject. The entertainment is free.
A Mere Supposition.
"Children are a poor man's blessing you
"Yes. I suppose It's because he doesn't
send them to college."
9:40 P.M.
C. A. STEWART, Comm'l Agt, l
Alder street Phone Main 806.
J. C. MATO. O. F. & P. A., Astoria. Or.
You Will Be Satisfied
If your tickets read over the Denver
and Kio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic
Line of the World"
There are so many scenic attractions
and points of interest along the line
between Oxden and Denver that the
trip never becomes tiresome.
If you are golngEa8t, write or informa
tion and get a pretty book that will tell you
all about It.
W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent
Bum the j The Kind You Have Always Bought
An Ordinance authorizing the Oregon
Water Power and Railway Company, its
successors and assigns, to construct,
maintain and operate a railway on Main
Street from the Northern limits of the
City to the Southern point of the termi
nation of said Main street; thence over
and upon the road on the Easterly side
of the basin to the Southern boundary
of said city; and upon Third street fmm
Main street to the Willamette river;
and to operate the same by any
means except steam and to erect
the necessary poles and string the
necessary wires for the operation there
of by electricity, and to carry passengers.
freight and express matter on and over
said railway, and to collect charges and
tolls therefor, and repealing Ordinances
Nos. 131), 201, 211, 2K and 271.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Section 1. That there be and hereby
is granted unto the Oregon Water Power
and Railway Company. Its successors and
assigns, the right and privilege to con
struct, lay down, maintain and operate
a railway along, over and upon Mm In
street from the Northern limits of the
said City, as the same now are or may
hereafter be extended to the Southern
point of termination of said Main Street;
thence over and upon the road on the
Easterly side of the basin to the Southern
limits of said city as the same now are or
may be hereafter extended; and upon
Third street from Main street to the Wil
lamette liver ami to operate freight, ex
press and passenger cars thereover, pro
pelled by any power other than steam,
and to carry freight, and 'express matter,
and passengers thereon and thereover,
and to charge and collect tolls therefor.
And to erect and maintain poles and ap
pliances along, over and upon said streets
between the points aforesaid, and to
stretch wires thereon for the purpose of
transmitting electric power for the op
eration of said railway.
Freight cars or trains of freight or ex
press cars shall not be operated through
said City by said The Oregon Water
Power and Railway Company, Its suc
cessors or assigns, except as follows, to
wlt: The said The Oregon Water Power and
Railway Company, its successors or as
signs, between the hours of 7 o'clock a.
m., and 12 o'clock Meridian of each day,
may operate two freight or express
trains through said City each way, said
trains, to consist of not more than four
4) cars and a motor car. Retween the
hours of 12 o'clock Meridian and 7 o'clock
p. m., each day, the said The Oregon
Water Power and Railway Company, Its
successors or assigns, may operate two
freight or express trains through said
City each way, said trains to consist of
not more than four (4) cars and a motor
car. Retween the hours of 9 o'clock p.
m., and 6:30 a. m., following there shall
be no restriction upon the right of said
The Oregon Water Power and Railway
Company, Its successors or assigns to
operate freight or express trains of any
number of cars through said City. No
cars shall be allowed to stand on Main
street South of Fourteenth street except
during actual switching operations and
to receive and discharge passengers.
Section II. The track of said railway
shall be a single track of steel rails, with
such turn-outs and switches as may be
required for the proper operation of said
railway, which said turn-outs and
switches are hereby authorized to be
constructed, maintained and operated.
The said railway company shall lay and
maintain grooved rails on Main street
between Second and Eleventh streets;
the said livoovcd rails shall be not less
than seven 1 7) Inches In depth, sod
weigh not less than seventy-five
pounds per yard. No switches or turn
outs shall he constructed between Fourth
nod Fourteenth streets, and but one
switch or turn-out between Second nod
Fourth streets. Construction of switches
and turnouts to be the same as main
Sec. HI. The said The Oregon Wster
Power and Hallway Company, Its sue
resworn or assigns, shall construct Us
said tracks on Main 8tre-t between Sec
ond and Eleventh streets In concrete, or
a similar road bed, and shall en said per.
tlon of said strvct lay Kelgluni Illoeks
between the rails and one foot on each
side of the rails, nil on established grade,
The said track between Second and Kiev
tilth streets shall he laid ns near n prac
ticable In the center of the street nnd
shall be completed within one year front
and after the passage of this frnnchlc.
The said The Oregon Water Power urn!
Railway Company. Its successor nnd as
signs, shall keep the said portion of said
street so laid with ltelglum ltlocks In
good order and repair and said Hallway
Company. Its successors nnd iissIkoh.
shall plank, pave with Relglum Rlock,
macadamlie or otherwise Improve all
other portions of said streets or roa.ls.
Including the road on the Easterly side
of said basin, to the Southern limits of
said City wherever the said rnllway tnav
be laid voider this Ordinance, hctwein
the rails and one foot outside the rails,
ns the Municipal Authorities may di
rect, and shall maintain the same In
proper repair satisfactory to the Muni
clpal Authorities. The Oregon Water
Power and Hallway Company. Its suc
cessors and assigns, shall at nil tine s
maintain all bridges on the line of s.u.l
railroad between Third street and the
Southern boundary of Oregon City an I
shall maintain substantial railings be
tween tle "liasln" and the highway, for
the protection of the public. All por
tions of the streets between switches an 1
main track, outside of one foot limit, shall
he maintained by said Hallway Com
pany. Its successors and assigns In proper
repair, satisfactory to the Municipal Au
thorities. The Oregon Water Power and
Hallway Company shall take up present
tracks on Main street within one year
from and after passage of this Ordinance
and shall Immediately repair street sur
face so as to make present location of
tracks conform to remainder of strt
not included in tracks to he laid hereun
der. Main street South of Second street nnd
North of Eleventh street being now part
ly an elevated roadway and partly a
planked roadway. It Is a condition of this
franchise that upon the permanent Im
provement of such portions of Main street
South of Second street nnd North of
Eleventh street the said The Oregon
Water Power nnd Hallway Company, Its
successors or assigns, shall reconstruct
Its roadbed ami lav tracks thereon In the
same manner nnd subject to the same
conditions ns Is provided herein upon
that portion of Main street between Sec
ond and Eleventh streets.
Section IV. It shall be unlawful for
ftnv person or persons to obstruct the
Railway herein provided for either dur
ing the construction or operation of the
same; and any person or persons who
shall carelessly or wilfully violate this
provision shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction there
of before the City Recorder or Mayor,
of said City, shall be punished by a fine
not exceeding Twenty-Hve Dollars (25,
or by Imprisonment In the city Jail not
exceeding twelve days, or both, at the
discretion of the Court for each ami ev
ery such offense. Any conductor or other
employe on the railway herein provided
for. or passenger thereof, or any person
on or about the cars belonging to said
company, who shall, by offensive, Inde
cent, opprobrlus or nbuslve language or
conduct insult, abust or maltreat any pas
senger on said cars, shall on conviction
before said City Recorder or Mayor be
punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty
five dollars t25), or by imprisonment In
the City 3,'ill not exceeding twelve davs
or both, at the discretion of the Court, for
each and every such offense.
Section V. A proper wan-house for
freight and express matter must be pro
vided and maintained by the said Rail
way Company, Its successors nnd assigns,
at some point South of Fourth street.
In order to operate nnd run cars from
Main Street Into said waielionse, the
privilege to lay, maintain and operate
railway tracks from said Main street Into
said warehouse Is hereby granted, with
the necessary switches and connections
with the main tracks running on Main
The tracks from Main Street Into said
warehouse may be of Tee Ralls weigh
ing not less than sixty (i;n) pounds per
yard and so laid as to offer as little ob
struction to travel on said street as prac
ticable; the roadbed for said tracks
from Main street Into said warehouse be
tween the rails and one foot on each
side thereof shall be paveh or otherwise
Improved by said The Oregon
Water Power and Railway Com
pany, Its successors and assigns, nt
the time of changing the location of Its
present (racks In such practicable man
ner as may be satisfactory to the Muni
cipal Authorities and thereafter shall be
maintained In proper repair by said The
Oregon Water Power and Railway Com
pany, its successors and assigns.
No freight or express matter shall be
received or discharged at any point on
Main street between Fourth and Four
teenth streets without permission of the
Mayor or Street Committee of the Com
mon Council.
Section VI. The Oregon Water Power
and Railway Company, its successors
and assigns, shall pay annually in ad
vance to the City of Oregon City, ns a
license for the running and operating of
said passenger, express and freight cars
as aforesaid, the following sums, to-wlt:
For the first five (5) years from the
date of approval of this Ordinance the
sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00)
per annum; for the second five (5) years
the sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars
($1100.00) per annum; for the third five
(5) years the sum of Fourteen Hundred
Dollars ($1400.00) per annum; for the
fourth five years, the sum of Seventeen
Hundred Dollars ($1700.00) per annum;
for the fifth five (5) years the sum
of Two Thousand ($2000.00) Dollars per
annum; for the sixth five (G) years the
sum of Twenty-three Hundred ($2:100.00)
Dollars per annum; for the seventh five
(5) years the. sum of Twenty-six ($2000)
Hundred Dollars per annum.
Section VII. All rights and privileges
hereby conferred shall expire absolutely
at the end of Thirty-five (3G) years from
the date of the approval of this Ordi-
. .... .iiiAlAllillilllAUIilik iauii
Fanitre and Hasdwan
Special bargains made at our HAD plflFDC
own Furniture Factory for Hvl lIUxLlu
Mr., Miss and Mrs. Hop Picker: We guara
every piece ot turmturc made in our iurniture faj
tory in Oregon City. Your money will be c
manently invested if you buy our furniture. TfJ
r 41 . f f i i
lonowmg prices spcaK ior inemscives.
j JJHM tm
Size 37 x 58, 5 draw?
2 of them with locks. !
gantly finished in golden ot'
Price $5.50
in three different styles ele
gantly finished in golden oak
Price $6.50
r- ..
Oak front, extension drawers. A mucifcet
ter piece of furniture than cut sko
Rc8U,ar pt 2.50 Special Price $9.5
1 do
Heetlnll VIII. The Oregon Water Tow
er nnd li.illwiiy Company, ll mic'eifiiirM
and iipxIkiih. uliall within elxty (fid) days
after tin- date of the approval of thin
Ordlnnnei- file In the oHloe of the City
Iteeorder of Oregon City, lt written ne
eeptnnee of the rights and privileges
hereby grunted t,nd eonferred upon t Sut,.
Jeet to the terms, restrletlons nnd eondl
tlorm herein eontalned, and if t nhall
fall Ho to (Ili sueh written neeepf.
once It nhall be diemed to have
abandoned all the rights ami privileges
eonferred by this 01 (llnanee.
Section IX. If the said railway com
pany, Its Niieeessors and iiMHlgns, shall
fall to keep and perform liny or all of
the terms, provisions, restrletlons or
conditions of this Ordinance, the City
Council may notify said Hallway Com
pany, Its successors or assigns of any
such failure, and If said Hallway Com
pany, Its successors or nsslgns, shall for
a period of thirty C!0) days from the re
ception of any such notice fall or ne.
gleet to comply with the terms, provi
sions, restrictions and conditions of this
Ordinance specified in said notice, the
said Council may, by a majority vole,
declare the rights and privileges herein
granted forfeited, ami such vote under
such circumstances shall be an absolute
forfeiture of the rights and privileges con
ferred hereby.
Section X. Ordinance No. 1M, entitled
"An Ordinance iiuthorizlng the Kast Hide
Hallway Company, its successors and
assigns, to construct, maintain and up
eratu a street railway on Main street
In the City of Oregon City Oregon" nnd
Ordinance No. 241, entitled "An ordinance
authorizing 0, C. Fields, his helm or uj,.
signs, lo eonslrint, maintain and operate
a lallway mi Main Mr-it In t begun Ctv.
from the InteiH. rib.,, ,,f M., nod Third
Kucets to the limit ,,f ti. ritv." and
"idlnnrirc No. it,,; entitled, "An Oidl
iiuanee authoi IJim and empower ing
Fled H. Mollis, bin nc ret.H.,i ami as
signs, to conMiurt, maintain and oper
ate n street rallWaV otl the HllecU of the
city of Oregon City, the nKht to , firry
passenger, freight n,,, express, and to
collect charges and tolls therefor," IIU,
Ordinance No, 'J7I, entitled "An Oidl
nance author l.lng the Oregon Water
I'ower and Hallway Company, Its sue
ccssors and assigns, to construct, main
tain ami operate a railway 011 Third
street In Oregon City, a,,.! to erect th,.
necessary poles and string tire necessary
wires for the operation thereof, nnd
carry freight IUI, expires matter on and
over sahl railway on said Third street.
nd on ami over said company's rail
way on Main street In said Oregon
''"' 11,111 eolle.t charges and
tolls for lb.- currying of freight m
press ini,ii,.r," ,,nd Ordinance No,
entitled "An oidtiuince providing for the
payment of lien against the Dust Hide
Hallway Company on account of Main
Klrect Improvement, Kn,nnK Hald
eompany the rigid to run an express cur
on Main Htrcct In said city," be ami they
are hereby repealed.
Head first time and ordered published
1,1 11 " K ' the C(,m. r Oregon
'lt.v, held Heptcmhor IN, liior,, which
meeting WM ,, adjourned Session of the
l'K"llir ting of said Council held
Hepleinber li, 111(15,
lly order of th,. Council f Oregon City.
and bent.-n. In n labor tint, w"'
with sores, a Chicago strwtw
tor applied Itu. kleu Aml' '
1 .t w,ll. "I
my family," writes i. I 'ekK..
1 .,, 1 nml It two"1
. , . . ' ... 1 i.nnn. Oc!
pry sieiii lor 1 in" " -
at Howell & Jones' limit ""
... ... n. liMlilf
Of Cholers Morbus wnn w -tla
of Chsmb.rlsl.v-. Colic. CM1
Dlsrrhoes Remedy.
Mr. J. W. Fowler, of HW'
hi.il ivW 1
relates an experience M
Ing on 11 pelt jury In mui
Kdwunlsvllle, roomy --
county, Aiuintuiii. n1' ,
I ate some fresh meat trnd "
... ,,lrll fW
incut itrxl It gave me ' - ,
a V1.I-V Bevel o fnl m. I . -V
sick In my life .md sent l '
. . ...... miture, "
ror a certain inoicra
druggist sent me a iw u - ,
lulu's Colic. Cholera onu " , ,(i
edy Instead, st.yltiK Hint h ,
sent for, hut that this ni'
much hetler ho would ralhw
men In the fix I wits in. I,0'"rt"
... . ...., av mil111 .
ot 1 una wns nciicr
second dose euro, I me ()(
low Jurors were iiml'l'l ln u
II 1.1 it 1 10 cl" ..
nuinner nnd one smn, - , h
.... I., l.u (li
threu or us. " ror sio -Ing.
fluhserlbn to th BntcrprlM,
paper In Wlllametto Valley.
'gives rosvThecba-rt,, lhVt "SW,."
And it ,s good for their ciders, too.
Ask your druggist for it.