ORMOX CITY KXTKRI'KISK. l-'RUUV, SKITK MIUW ??. I.'O.V SERMON REPORTERS. Briglit's Disease and Diabetes News. Fact That Caused un to Tk th Agency for th Fulton Compounds, the Flmt Known Cur for Bright' DUam and Diabetes. la EncUstt t harch.es Thry Art ! I Adulllfd on Suffvranr. Some one who evkloutly Kjaks froiv knowledge writes iu the llomiletle Re Tlew of "The Experiences of a Sermon Eeporter." His remarks on the differ nt rules lu English tuul American newspapers ou sermon reporting aud his statement tliat It Is necessary to verify Scriptural texts are not without Interest. Possibly there Is a teit for , distinctly ondorttocd thai t sermon not preached by the preach- ; eT,rTOnolihetxiowhniNsni)!iH4 rs in the following paragraph: fcj en or nior ritjtuouni a lnhi i Vivin Reporters are invariably rela-uieJ W.iwiaJchnio0JiMur.M to American churches, for American i ttoW J"" . ,, ,. . , , . j recovery !wi( the frieuus Ibey tola wbo were preachers seem fully alive to the valu Jf, tXletl of the advertisement obtained through f s w spuuinf. Prwidont sr-aukim,- Saw nawspnper notices. Some preacher ! co.,sn KTanciot had nwrrry in hit oa aren maintain their own "press agent" j jscs:y ad told several other who r-.venei. In order to secure the utmost publicity I AJoir-b vrks, capitalist, sa mncix for the occasionally brilliant and. It r.wred bimit aal wid tw trtmU te may be eowutrtc inentt whlA ! they deliver, lu English churvhes th. uwt gM .. 4c4 reporter Is only admitted ou sufferance. ; f 1Te to p,uoll WQO Under an ancient law. which has never j reeo,,. been repealed, the taking of shorthand 1 cjim. Engalk editor of th Grma paper, notes of sermons Is a misdemeanor characterized as "brawling" and pun ishable by lniprisoumeut. In a few American churches special desks ar available for reporters. They ara, In any case, treated with the utmost cour tesy by the ushers and provided with eats Immediately below the pulpit On a rare occasion in a crowded church a reporter has been allowed to eat himself ou the pulpit steps, and on one extraordinary occasion it Is re corded that a stenographer waa con cealed within the pulpit itself. RABBITS AS FOOD. B tare They Art Tosif aad Tava Cook Tkcat Wllk Oalona. Conies, the parent rabbits, were long considered as Indigestible, provocative of melancholy a black meat breeding nightmare but young rabblta have long been approved by thoughtful eat ers. They were once eaten very young, and Topsell protested quaintly against the practice of cutting them out of the mother: "I trust there is no man among Christians so inhumanely glut tonous as once to devise or approve the sweetness of so foul a dish." Tame conies are not so good as the wild ones, for every creature doth partake In taste of the air wherein he llveth, and the air of the rabbit warren is not favorable. The hare was praised extravagantly by Horace and Martial, and Aplclus gave many recipes for dressing it but the rabbit was not much esteemed among the Greeks and Romans. To day there are many ways of cooking the latter brown or white fricassee, young rabbit in curl papers, croquettes, fillets, gelatin, gratln, rabbit pie, pud ding, soup, scallops, mince of rabbit au fumet rabbits a la venltlenne, white glbelots, turban of fillets, kickshaws with Italian sauce, and, best of all how the savor arises as we write! rabbits and onions. But the rabbits must be young those whom the gods loTe eat them young. Boston Herald. Bow Fllea Walk on Window Panes. The microscope reveals the neat con trivance which enables a fly to walk up a window pane or defy the laws of gravity by gliding along, back down ward, on the ceiling. The magnifier shows the foot to be made up of two pads covered with fine, short hair, each pad having a hook above It Behind each pad is a bag filled with a sticky liquid which oozes out whenever the fly puts his foot down. The amount which is pressed out of each foot la very small indeed, but, taken all to gether, it is amply sufficient to hold the insect In any position he chooses. HI Own fJrent Foolishness. Nordy Your wife seems to thlni you'll get bunkoed if she lets you out of her sight. You must have ones done something very foolish to have a woman looking after you like that. Butts I did. I married her. Louis ville Courier-Journal. Hard Work Ahead. Miss Gadd There goes Jack Pow ley. My, he looks as solemn as an un dertaker these days! Mr. Batchellor No wonder. He's going to undertake a wife nest week. Exchange. Baa Francisco, recoTt-ml himself and told II to a number who recovered, ou ot them t lnj Char'.M F. Wacker, the Sixth irrt merchant. R. M. Wood, editor Wine nj Spirit Review, recovered himself and told It to several who recovc'reJ, aiuo tbem twin an old-wboul pbrsiclaa. iA rj Phort of th Ban Franciieo Call rtv eoTprvJ, alw ttiivoof hi trirmlj u.: Wiliiam Martin. CapiaiD Kuttard t( tti Honolulu rout aud WiUiam of tha L". S. Quarter" msstrr'i IxrnartnieBt, Saa Francivik. Joha A. 1 :io;p of the Hold Kepeltrr, SaQ Francisco, and (woof h:sfnpnj. Mrs. M. Eiuper, l.t Steiuir St. (a'.w rwi nwaded il tOM'veral wbo rrooTcred.oD of llirra leaving lie Gnuaa lioepual to go oa u. Irea'.iut-nt ) And hundred of other. lirtt-bi a Disease and ltabet. beretc ro la curable, are now ixmtoij curable audlnuearly lune-teDthiof ail urt If you still hare any doobl clro yeurwlf the benent of the doubt. Fulton's Keoal Compound forUright'tand Kidsey Uitease.tr, fivUtabetea, II W Send for fau.ytub We a.e ika au. local agEV. Charman 4 Co., City Drug Siore. and Ijine. He has been canvrtsnlnft the district rather thorouRhly In pomon. and hna made frequt-nt trip up and clown. Tooie and Moores are having a kien flght in Marion and In the Adjoining countleii like Clackamas and I.lnn. W. I. Vawter hesitated Home time over the question of entering the race. It was announced from his camp a month or so ago that he wouid not be a candi date If Hermann hould run. and now unofficial Information has drifted In from Southern Oregon that his business in terests will keep him out. The same in telligence has been wafted from North Bend, Coos County, where I J. Simpson has had a boom. George W. Wright, of Albany, Is a candidate, but has not ral lied to his support all of the political ele ments of his county. I. II. Bingham, of Eugene, member of the Lower House of the Legislature, had a boom during last Winter's session of the lawsmlths and for a time was considerably talked of, but he has decided not to be a candidate. E. Hofer, of Salem, for a time had the bee in his bonnet, but has deafened his ears to the buzz and is boosting for Tooze. The First District comprises the coun ties of Benton, Clackamas, Coos, Curry. Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln. Marlon, Polk. Til lamook. Washington and Yamhill. Tues day's Oregonlan. ! SaUI bonds shall b Issued In (he fol 'lowing denominations: one bond for t'i I to be dated June U'th. payable ten jyeara ftvm nt., bearing Interest at the j rate of six per cent per annum, payable j semi-annually, said Interest to te evi denced by coupons attached to said bond, j Interest and principal payable In I'nlted ! Slates (3old Coin at the, office of the j Tivasuivr of Oivgon City, Oicgon, pto- l.led. howev er, that Oregon I'ltv re isers cs the HkM to take up and cancel j said bond upon the pa inent of the face j said bond upon the payment of the t too j value thereof, with accrued Interest to the Id.ite of payment, at any semi annual coupon period at or after one year fieni . the date of such bond. Said bond Is Issued under authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of ; Oregon, passed February 1(1. lVlt. enilll j ed "An Bet to provide for the Issuance ! of Kinds for the Improvement of streets j and laying of sewers In Incorporated cldes and for the payment of the cost of auch j Improvements and laying of sewers by In ' stallmenta." as amended by an Act of the I-eglslature of the State of Oregon, approved February ISih, Wt. entitled. "An Act to amend sections 1. I. S. 4, 5. 8. and 7, of art Act entitled. "An Act to provide for the issuance of Kinds for the Improvement of stmts and laying of sewers In Incorporated cities, and for tVo' payment of the cost of such Improve ments and laying of sewers by Install ment." filed In the office of the Secretin of Stale. Feb man- 1'.3: as amended by an Act of the Legislature of the St.Ue of Oregon, filed In the ottloe of the Sec retary of State, February 3d. l!i5. en titled, "An Act to amend Section 1 of an Act entitled "An Act to Amend Scetl..ns 1. I. 3. 4. 5. 6. and T. of an Act entitled, "An Act to provide for the Issuance of bonds for the Improvement of streets and laying of sewers In Incorporated elites, and for the payment of the costs of such Improvement and laying of sewers bv Installment." tiled In the otTlce of the Secretary of State, February I1. Wl. Said bond Is Issued for the payment of a portion of the cost of the Improvement of Third street of Oregon City, Oregon, from the East line of Main street east erly a distance of 179 feet, and shall not exceed the sum of $76 "j In the aggre gate. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved to the undersigned com mittee and the Council of Oregon City. All bids should K addressed to the Finance Committee of the Council, care W. A. IMmick. Recorder. Oregon City. It. KOF.KNEH. WM SHEAHAN, A. KNAIT. Finance Committee, Sept. 1905. gotl. Carrie TROUBLE IN A LONDON CAFE. Her Falling. Bank Cashier You have overdraws your account, minlai;i. Lovely Lady That's jut like me: My husband saya I am always exaggerating everything. Sornervilie Journal WOULD GO TO CONGRESS. Huston, Moores and Tooze Are Leading Candidates. Three candidates for th Republican nomination for Congress in the. First Dis trict have taken the lead In the fight, find other aspirants seem to have withdrawn voluntarily or to have been eliminated. The three are; S. B. Huston, of Hills boio; C. T?. Moores, of Salern, and Walter L. Tooze, of Woodhurn. Uoomers of W. I. Vawter, of Medl'ord, have announced that he will stay out of the race for pri vate business reasons, Those of I. H. Bingham, of Kugene. have done the same; L. J. Simpson, of North Bend, has not yet seen his way clear to become a can didate; W. C. Hawley, of Salem, George W. Wright, of Albany, and B. F. Mul key, of Ashland, do not appear to have de veloped much support; and Linger Her mann, incumbent, does not seem In a good position to wage an effective cam paign, unless the opposition to him shall be split up into many camps. If Her mann should run again for nomination, the opposition of three candidates would probably work in his favor. Moores and Tooze are striving in the same county, Marlon, while Huston is working from Washington County, where he has the Republican elements well united for his support. Huston feels safe in his own county, and has carried the war outside the Washington boundaries into counties like Yamhill, Polk, Benton He was a sad-faced American tourist, aud as he seated himself In a London res taurant he was Immediately attended by an obsequious waiter. "I want two eggs," said the American, "one fried on one side and one on the other." " 'Ow is that, sir?" asked the astound ed waiter. "Two eggs one filed on one side and one on the other." "Very well, sir." Tiie waiter was gone several minutes, and when he returned his face waa a study. "Would you please repeat your horder, sir?" "I said, very distinctly, two eggs one fri-d on one side and one on the other." Oppressive silence, and then a dazed "Very well, sir." This time he was gone longer, and when he returned, he mild anxiously: "Would it be awsking too much, sir, to 'ave you repeat your horder, elr? I cawn't think I 'ave it right,, y know." "Two cgus," said the American, sadly, and patiently; "one fried on one side and one on the other." More oppressive, silence and another fainter "Very well, sir." This time he was gone much longer. When he returned his collar was unbut toned, his hair disheveled, and his face scratched and bleeding. Leaning over the waiting patron, he whispered, be seechingly: "Would you mind trying boil ed heggs, sir? I've 'ad some words with the cook. Baltimore- American. LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION We, the undersigned legal voters and actual residents thereof of th 1 Town of Barton nnd of Eagle Creek p'eclnct. In the County of Clackamas. State of Ore gon, do hereby petition the Honorable County Court, and pray that a license may be Issued to Annie Corrlgan to sell at retail spirituous, malt or vinous liqu ors In the Town of Barton In said Eagle Creek precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon: S. A. Douglas. T. C V. Clester. H. W. 8. Hyde. J. II. H. Brackett. A. Edward firny. Dr E. Robinson. Jerry J. C. Tracy. j. a. M. C. Adklns. M. A. Hanene. K. L. H. Kolfe. r;. Jno. R. Cassldy. A. Hay Havens. H. A. Morrow. N. Ti. I). Arnold. M C. F. Howe D. C. Crane. V. E. L. Warner. E. H. Wllbern. L. Wm. Delaff. W C, H. Lhhtkven. D. W. A. Cunningham. J W. A. Jones. W. B. Simmons. Chas. L, Ferry. T. B. T.aiiinnee. T. J. Andre, F. M. fiantz. M. H. Richards. J. F. Lovelace. John L. Bates. Edward C. Hunt. A. F. Stultz. L. S. Baker. J. H. Hoffmelster, Not li e Is hereby signed will apply of Clackamas on November 1, Itallrymd Avenue and the Fast line of Main street be and the same la hereby repented. liesd til at time and oldeiv.l published at a meeting of the Council of Oregon City, held September 11, lnotk, which meeting was sn adjourned session of the tegular meeting of aald Council held September , Wi. llv older of the Council of Oifgon City. W, A MMICK, Recorder. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- for the County or l lackamaa C. Jenkins. I'lalnllff, s. V, It Jenkins, Defendant, To W. !. Jenkins, the above unmet! de fendant : In the name of the Hlato of Olegon. yon are herrlar required to nppenr and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above rtilltlod couit and suit on or before the exptintlon of all week from and after the date of the nrst pub lication of this autumnal, to-wlt: u or before Monday, the I3d day of October. l'luS. And If you fall to appear and an swer said complaint, In default theieaf the plaintiff w ill apply lo the com t for the relief prayed for In her aald com plaint, on file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds of matrimony now elstlng be tweeti the plaintiff and defendant be dis solved upon the ground of desertion, nnd for suc h other and further relief a to the court may seem Just and equitable This summons la published by older of the Hon Thus. F. Hyatt. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, nnd said order was made and entered on the 6th day of September. 15. and the date of the first publication thereof I Septem ber Mh, l'e.is, GEO. J, CAMERON. Attorney for I'lalnllff. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Notice s hereby given that the tinder signed will nfl'lv o 'he County Court of Clackamas County for n License to sell Spirituous, Malt and Vlnuous liquor for the period of one year fnun the 4tli day of October, 105, at 10 o'clock A. M, and that I will present the following pe tltloii to said court on said day for said License. Dated August Jil. WS. T. M ALLISON ivtlilotirr. Patltlon. To the Honorable County Court of Clack amas County: We. the undersigned, residents and legal voters of Boring precinct. In Clack amas County, State of Oregon, hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to giant to T. M. Allison a License for a period of one year from the 4th day of o. tot.er. 19i.j, to sell spirituous, malt nnd Millions liquids, lu !'is quantities than on, i gallon In the town of Boring. Bor ing l'n clni t, Clnckumua County. State of Oicgoti. J. Wirti. T. Blrkenfeld. Nicholson. E. Barr. c. n. Smith. Young. Suter. L. Sutton. Larson. c. Wlrnsett. D. Wlnesett. W. Barker. E. Strlngley. M. Klattsch. Otto Klattsch. W. E. ICklns. W. W. Wadsworth. F.d. Brown. II L. Kiinkln. J. II. Jonsrud. W Bonn gg r. T. l. HVfclulen. Joseph ttnrde, Adolph Hen. Tony Foster, John Briinnlng. H. Fisher. J. O. Cornell. O. Fisher. E. F Cornell. C. ii. Cornell. J. It. Shandy. W. O Woolen. vV. Wullor. Wm. Singleton. E. S. Ill- key. Muk Hugglns W. T Joyce. D Cartor. S J. ilurnson Janus T. Cosq. J. II. I'ltmiin. U Rltacr. Flunk lrln. S. K. Card. C. I'fyffer. John Mush. Nels Towadln. T. Iled. i niann. W. lledel matin. H Anderson. Joseph Mjinunl. S I'el gusoll, John Simpson. C. II Cog. ! Shermun. C. Baltman. L. Meyers. C. 1 'arson. II. Hyiiurn. Hoffmelster. hn (itthens. James Nori Is. William Norrls. Otto Siulk". F. Stlllke. Lewis Freeman. James Anderson John Zohtlt. H. W. Creen. Slltef, W. Vandyke. B. C,,s,i. Baker. B. Baker. that th 1 . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Jo L. R. A. W glv n, under- to the County Court uunty, State of Oregon, Hie',, at 11 o'clock a m.. SPECIAL FRANCHISE ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that there will be held in Oregon City, Oregon, on Sat urday the 30th day of September, 1905, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock I'. M. of said day, in the roumain nose Company's building on Min Street, between 7th and 8th Streets, of said city, a special franchise election for the purpose of determining as to whether or not the taxpayers of Oregon City desire that the Council grant to the Oregon Water Bower and Railway Com nan v the franchise intro duced, read the first time and ordered published at a regular adjourned ineet ! ing of said Council held September 18, 190.5. liy order of the City Council. RUnOLWI KOEKNRR WILLIAM HIEAHAN A. KNAI'I' Finance Committee PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS, OREGON CITY OREGON. Sealed proposals will bo received by (be undersigned committee at the ofllet. of the Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon, until Wednesday, October 4th, B)0r,, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the sale of not less than par value and accrued intercut, of improvement bonds; of Oregon City, Ore gon, an the name Hiiall be authorized to be Is.sued for the Hum of Sevcnty-Hlx and 25-100 Dollars. or as soon then-after as the Court may hear said application for a license lo sell spirituous, malt or vinous liquors, fur a period of one year In Barton, Eagle Creek precinct, Clackamas County, Ore gon. ANNIE CORRHIAN. Applicant. Notice of Final Settlement. I In the matter of the estate of Alva L. jHardman, deceased, I Notice Is hereby given that the nd-, I mlnifltrator of the above entitled estate has filed his final account In said estate, and Monday the ICth day of October, 1905, Is appointed at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day at the Court House In Ore gon City, Oregon, ns the lime and place for hearing objections, If any, to same.' A. B. HOOD, Administrator of said Estate. John W. Loder. attorney for said admin istrator b Urnes. ORDINANCE NO.... An Ordinance re-estfibllshltig Dir. grade of that, portion of Fifth Street of Ore gon City, Oregon, lying between the West, line of Railroad Avenue and the East line of Main street. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the grade of ia por tion Of Fifth Street lying between the West line of Railroad Avenue and the East line of Main street shall be as fol lows, to-wlt: Beginning at a. point 210 feet east of the Easterly Mo ,,f Main street, at an elevation of J (is feet, and running thence on a descending grade a distance of 144 feet, at an elevation of 9X.i;i) feet, thence on a descending grade to the Easterly line of Main street at un elevation of 97.10 feet. Section 2. That Ordinance ()- J27, approved July 14, 1K91, ns far as per tains to the grade of that port ion of Fifth Street lying between the West line of In the matter of th.. estate of John Hell.Sl. deceased: Notice s herebv given that In pursu ance of an order of the Oountv Coutt of the Sl.lt.. of OtcKoll, fr lb- c.tuntv of Che k.itoas, made on the 5th day of Sep tember, Din.',, In the matter of the estate of John Hetbxt, deceased, I will Sell. t pihalc (.ale, t., the highest bidder, for I'nlbd States Cold Coin, cash In band, from nnd after tin. Kth day of October, Bier,, all the right, title and Interest of said estate la and to that certain real I Plopcl t ., sltll.'lle. I Ini mot I. ..I,,. I., 1,. egon city In the County of Clackamas mid Stale of (IfeKotl. described IIH follows, to- wit: Lots seven (7) and eight (8) of block hi- entv-one (71) of 0cK,,n City, Clackamo County, Olegon. Toiimm of Hale: 10 p,r cent ,,f th amount to be paid upon the acceptance of the bid by s.-,d admlnlMtrator, anil the balance lo be .nbl upon the delivery by the ndulnlHti ator of a good and suf ficient d-ed. All bids to be wilting. .'leoompnillod ,V II cottllled ,-),. ( k for ten per cent of the amount bid, uddnssed lo the undciHlgm-d admlnlstinior, can "f "'' '"ii tv, at Oregon t'lty, Ore gon. Sal to be subject to conliiinatloii by the iurl. l'al-d September 5. IVC,. JACOB WIN 1 1, AdmlnlHtralor of the Eslal- of John llelbst. Ill-ceased. Bruce 1 '. Curry, Attorney. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the fttate of Ore gon, for thf County of f Mackamas. lone Eleanor Buhner, plaintiff, vs. Frank Watson Rainier, Defendant. To Frank Watson Palmer, the above named defendant: In the name of the Hint,, of Oregon, you are hereby required (f) p.i nr and' an swer the complaint tiled against you In the above, entitled suit on or before Mon thly, the 25th day of September, 1905, be ing six weeks after die lKt publication of thlH Bimimons, and If you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will apply ,0 the rourt for the relief prayed for In her said com plaint, viz. for n decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you nnd the plaintiff, ThlH Rimimons is published by order of Ihe Hon. Thou. Mr Bride. Judge of the above named court, made and enter ed on the 4lh dny of August, 190r, The date of the first publication of this sum mons Is the 11th day of August, 1005 and the Inst publication, 22d day of Ben' tcmher. 1905, and the time, ordered fr the publication is six nuocoshIvo weeks from nnd after August , 1905. JOHN F. LOCAN Ofllee 25, 20, 27, Washington Hld'g. Volt- land, Oregon. N' OTK 'W Is hoi chv given Hint rot lain 1 1. 1,1 ilm ilinudK Hondo Indian Reservation, situated In 'lownshlps 6 mid 11. south. Hanileti I and H west, In lh Male, of Olegon, will bo offeied for Sain bv sepal nl" sealed bids, which will bn lecelved bv the n glsler and receiver of the district land utile at rnt'linmi. Me llon comineiiilng on October 3id, I'Jufi, t I'.l 111, and cool lulling until October loth, l6. at II o'clock a. in, nd no hid will Im constdeied that Is not leeched during the pcilod mentioned The bids Will lm opened I'V th" leglnler alld In erUer of the land oftle mentioned, com mencing at I o clock " in , of Tuesday, October li. B'UA The lauds Will bo sold 111 accol dance with rules nod leuulal Ions, and a schedule. pi t Icuhii IV ib s. llblng llis binds lo be sold, plloled copies of which ninv be obtained oil application lo the leglslef and lei elver of Ihu land of. Ilee named, or upon application lo Ihe Ccnotul Land Ottl. e, W iishlngloii, II C, Bttch hid must be accompanied bv a oer tilled check for twenty tier centum of the amount of such bid, wlibh will be le I, iliod and ciedlled ns uiit payment of the plltchlise pi l should the hid b Ac cepted and Ihe put chaser pnv the remain lug amount due, and furnish evidence of his cltUcnshlp. or be foi felted If the bid Is acciplcd nnd th" snioont due ami ev idence of cltUcnshlp air not finnlshsd In ttccoidaitcr with the rules uiol (emula tions J II IIMI'LK. Appioved: Acting Commissioner. H. A HITCHCOCK, Hei teloiy . CITATION. In the County Coutt of the Htste of Ore gon, for the Oountv of Clackamas Intlie Matter of Ihe Eslale. of A, V, llngev. Deceased Th Haiah Ann llngry, Kllta Htehuian, Miiv llatnllloii Alice James nnd ileoiia llugi-v. lawful lo lis of A V Hag. V. dr. erased, and to all oilier nelsons Inter ested In Ihe nboe rolllled rslate lu the name of the Ntnte of I It. k-. .11 ol Slid each of Volt an- hcrrhv ellrd nod lr nulled to appear tn Ihe at.oie entitled -11 t In the County I '11111 1 room lu Ihn Ciiillilv Coutt House. In Olegon OHy, Clackamas Coonlv otrin, on Monday, the 7Mh day of Heplnttiher. A l, lint, nl 10 o'clock a m . of said day, (lien snd llo-te to show cause. If nnv von titivp, Whv the nlmir enllll.d Omnt should llol Kiniit to th Administrator of said relate and order to sell the real ptopntv be. toeiflng tto-rrto as ptawd for In Hie pr lltlon of the said Administrator, now on nie with the Cb-ik of the above f Milled Coutt til witness wlu-rr.if We lisve helelltill) s. t our hands and senl of the County Court this 17th dnv of August. A, D. RH'tV TIB H K II Y A V l!'nll County Judge Atte( K W Cieenumn. County 1'l.tk SUMMONS. In the Cheutt Coutt t.f the Htate of Ore- gon. for the County of Clackamas. Frank L. Dlnon. Plaintiff, t I'.lla M l"lon I'rfmdant To Ell M I'lt.m, tlie above named do frndant ' In the name of the Htate of Oregon, yuti are hereby required to appear and aswrr the complaint nied against you In the above entitled suit, on or twfote the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of this summons, to-wlt On or before the th day of Octotier. Hoi. the said day being after the riplratlon of six week from the first publication of this summons, and If you fatt to ap pear and answer, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In tho complaint, which la that the bonds of matrimony etlsllns; between the plaintiff and defendant I dissolved. This summons Is published by order of Hon Thus A, MrBilde. Judge of said Court, made on August 1Mb, 15'5. by which order It was directed that this summons be published once each. Week for six succraslvn Weeks, and that said de fendant appear and answer on or before the 9th day of October. 19S; and the date of the first publication thereof Is August ;sth. Pius, the dale named In the said order for said publication. O A NT EN I! EI N VEAZIE. Attorneys for I'lalnllff. &'"!ni1. Oregon. Thnnnnrl li nam ftiicii. Trouble and Never Sir 1 WBi CITATION. In the Count" Court of Ihe Htate ,,f Ote- gon, for th.- County of C!ncl(Uns In the tnatt.-r of the estate of Chrlsllnn lot tier, I h e. lSt-d. To W. 1 1 CoMb-r, Annie Dcv i h. k, lb tiry Kbd-r, K.ule Tautf. st, Emma Walsch, p.-ter Klster, P. ail Klsler. John Klst.-r, and William Klst-r, lawful h. Irs of Christina Coithr, .l.-.-.-ns.-d, and to all other petrous Int.-r,-st . , In the above etillti.-d estate: In the ti.-.toe of th- Htai,- of o,,-K,,n, y.m and i a. h of you. arc b. ,, ,y clt.-d and leuulred lo appear In ,.- above entitled CUM, In the County (ou,t ,o,n In the '"""Illy Colllt I Ne. II,,-,;,,, CUy Cla.kairias County, Oi.gon. on Monday the 9th (lav of Ootoh. r. A 1 1 I'.O.'., at 10 " ' lo, k a. m . of said day, th-n and there to sh,,w eauKc, f ,lnv v,, )h(, "hove entitled (,,,! p,ould Hot to the Admlnlstinior of s,,, ..,,.. ,.. der lo sell th.. r,,a ,,..,..,tv b. longing then to, as p,ved for l th,- p, tt,,t, of Ihe said Administrator, ,,oW ou file with h- Cb-ik of lb- above entitled ,,, In witness whereof, ,- have hereunto vet our bands and s, of ,. County 'ouit, this 25th day of August, A I) l ;(",. THOS F. R y A N, 'Heal of the County Court 1 County Judge Altesl - . . I'"- OP.EENMAN, County ('letk. N' i ' i em in r :':i. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMtNT I" the County Curt of the Stale of O,,- Kon. for the County of ciacluunaa, '" "" ":11"' "t the F.slate ,,f John C Mc.Muiiy, lleceased. Nolle,. h, lebv ev, ,,,, ti, () ''"'"'""I executrix of the abole entitled '"'"". bled In ,he 1 ,,, v ,,,,, f ''''",""""H ,,,"""V- H" "'go, be, 1111:11 '"'"""nl as sue), execi,ix r ,,,, '"at- and thai the Court has lx.-d Mn- " "'I';'' A. M , of said day at the court '"" "r ""M mn-l. In o,-,-,;,,,, City n,. '" the I lino and place r. ..- hearing rr "" i'- and "'" octtlomcl said esrat... NANCY ANN McMl ltliv f'lx.-i-ul t lv ,,f Hald Eslnle. ( . Clue.. An... . ... " ""oiliey lor Est li to, SUMMONS, 'n nrcult Court rllrr, Htate of O,,.. (:'"""y ''l"mr.N. ' N. M-dvnlglit, PlalnlllT, vs. iHHebelle McKnlght, Defendant. When,, McKnlght, ,,o , j mimed ilefeiidaiit: y,m ,""",,H "f ,", H""'! "f o.k.,. 1 I W,r :""'Plalnl Illcd against you In nlssi coiivlncim ,,t,M,f t,. ! . Wlaltiti. ..urn r.ir,Wl, ,W Swamii Idsd, the etr.i l Li lllllill.ee..u " ll. mill rvriv tmil ..I ' ' ",, II .'otieci. Urn!,,!.,,- ntl'l maldiiKf pain i . "i rllecUli.ll.iwuti.,, ,.',. vr aiptnvinoiue, irssllv nf Isooi ..... ilillluo, I he day, n,t U) f liinrs ltiiino tl,e nb.i.i T' ' Ihr rtr.t"i,iunty rllctq J, ' is MMlll teull e.l It . , , ' " HII'li!i,, (or its wm. I. i(ul iitetu(!lir; llessine, fa-,, if )I)U M )'il slloiil.l lmvr tlir Isl, ' , r;ltsln Ut .ent 111111011,4 'oi lllav l:,ue a ,,,, . j,,1 I-s.U llt.t tell, all f niaiut il U, lb, ,,,i(. -n. ' L l.v iinut. A.ldreMDr .fjdX Ktlllirt it I o , lan.. "i j Ii.imtoii, V When mtQ wining ineiituui un, p. make any imBt.,U, lmt lKn tmiue, lit. Ililtnefi j,,,',. the -Mir, UinKhamloJj.y Itin abi entll!,,! tl, Ofta day. the JlJIh ,lay ()f .,,,rRW J Big SlI Weeks alr th, of this summon., ami J jrt prar and on.wrr ai4 want thete,f plaintiff ouit for the trllrf it,ye4 ff a s. i-oiuplttliil. hi fr a fc the bonds of n.aii lmuftr tut nt iween i.u and It,, pUlnt This sutiiiuoh. Is (oibiliiH ) -the l,.n Tlo.s M,ltia,. Jt!fl elne named eimtt. mj, w , on the Kit, day of A-t j!. M ililte of the fits! pu!.!li,Uet t lliolis Is the Hlh day of fj and tho last publl. atU.ti k tr leinber, lJi.it. and th, thru the .ul.l. all.ui Is l fwtwt, fiolu and after Aug ist II, ;4 Attorarf ( f. li t" Kenton lildg. I'ottSti Nolle a to Cr4Htei Noth e la hereby glvm tfcu 4 signed has Hied bis flnJ tiiinlstialor of the e,i! t i Th e, drerl.scd, With tlw Ojifl ' Clai kniuas rount). Oter KA 1 tv Court has t Hie Hth ir r"l. ftS the tlnio f, (lefK tep..it L Any persons baOin otleii said repot t am berei.y tmi'64t at the County ( ourl rwxn - I '.til d.iy of ( tnir, al till !' o lo. k a tn , i.1 ma" uy to tiie Couit Dated this :M ibiv fit k'lt' Al.BXASl'Kft T. AdiiiliilstuK-t t'-r t Jot don E lliii-s, Altorney f X Notlca to rtotd uiirt Notice Is hereby itvsa IM be reerlvi-d for Ibe e.,nilrU,tM from Willamette I ills lo (ill i . lubiin,. with oid.rs nuilfhrw1 .ouit at Its Julv session M I nied with the Cnordy OV fore M o'eb., k" n t" . I ,U (ictober, Bin'. l!s older of Ihe County Vwt , K W, 11113?' J IS 51 f'-"' NOTICE OF FINAL liTTI.l,! In II, I-,. only Court of ttl 'llS ..e il,., CunW el 0' .. ... s ... . -.lali tt F: in tlie mailer ill ine rr"" ' 1 1, .1.1 1 1..,--,,., ,! Nolle.. Is heieby glvrn tin' ,i. . i ...loOeiMi utrll W of Kreilell. k Ibid, dec. IlK'd On. Coutilv Couit of i'lv'W Sllile of Oli-Eoll. lor Hm' i, .. ,..i.. i.. i. ,.f unlil CJ1 e.ii ri llilllillliei i ii ii ' .-. - . .1.... i i.... .i,.! Kth ilW ' llllll till 'lllll.J 1 - K.. ... .i... I , ,.r til o'c'ioH5 !.. ,. , told by said court l"' of obleellons to raid lvK)ft i i-iif'iii iii. i' "i u ft' MltH, ETHAN HMI'i'H n A.lmliilsltalrU of th'1 mliile Held, lcecllc.l. C'llEN AV HCIU'EI'I'-'s " Adinlhlsli (ill Ix. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Ihe 8ll(S ,..e OUUIV f '' Carollnu Kuctemcyi r, U'. A. Kucten,,,.,., To YV. A. Kui leineyr. oi-ieniuitii ; j(i In the name of Ihe Ml. , red t c i ou urn li y ' ' j, ,..,.i. it... eoiunlaint MM , ... , ..,oi..,l suit WV I II HII I If I Y II II" II ,ftr i I.,. dun of . tor the .lute of the llist P" u.. ,iv. Bi'P" HUH SUmiUOIIS, Pin' ,r)! . m null' An., ir you KWl-r MIUll COtlluaio , . . ....ii ...,lv tO H" . tlie l III 1 1) I III win iifc.' lb., ...II. .f ...nyeil for l I line lellef piajei it on IioiiiIh of . , , .., t Ill IU "' . 115 ,,$1(1; matrimony , j, ..,.1 lio lie,...,. I in ii a II t n I " - , 1 i . , .... i-i, 'I - id lurinei ,,( i-r in," . . ,ll!l(l IIIHHIIIVeil lipolt tue c'"- .,(, ,.r II... , a ,, I , i it ,y ill, i- - such oihcr un. coui t may sc f Jusl 'Mul promises, . jy rills HUinmoiiH Im puh"!1" ' , the Hon. Thos.: A. lu"' rfff the Circuit Court of tn ' .. e.... ,1.. .1 IV. i or ' iiicKiimiin i ,,,." ,i ... ....... ,f AllaTU1' or onto or j-iii unj , ..,tlun st I"" and i the (lulu of tho '' KUHt 18, 1006. A Attorney for