Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 22, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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.biiori siueneaci fctories.
I h:mni!I.v.toi.i tai iih oi tk wiiiik-s doinoh.
, it "'
r nweiy
j,,,, ( II pi I II I IMT It WHO BI'K IIIOIH l i
t-,. Illllillt liHl1lllll KlM't'lll'l', of
In mi' ih'K'MIhIIiim: fin' II dealr
J,,,,,, n f "I'"" ty III Mil illy Wlicln
.,,,i..-l I.I elect "'"1 .-ttl H II IlllKX
, ill Win I"""" ,i,,iy III
Try II Aualn-.
.liillu Mli'iun ii' " mulling
ulll,, III nun l lit III Ihl city
nfl.iiMi "II III" uriimiil nf
in ti i to it fi irriiimi'iit ii'i.r..iTeii
KllililliK, rt illVul'ee Win Kllllll.'il
i.ii iii ..............
flf,, IHHI .I'lII". lit"
i -, II tfl j I IMl II I IMIIllllH .-lllt.'.1.
, ), 1 1 1 k n n I't'illlllH'lll t'lni'knmn
fi.llll'-l' li'lll'IIHtf " I III! I1IBYIIII.,
( urn
jVilh "f Liberal hud lil k !(-
;(, ),i nl 'I'lilll '1ly Wlllll I1 1 M linldii
i ,, Tl' liiippnr liiniillli-ii ilia
J,.,.l,. int., unK'iii 'lly. mill liinl hi
i,, Itii'' .In bi i III n1 I now kh.
-I, ni'l '"I '1 "'' Mr' Wi-IkIiI win
In uniiii' nililo fur llm I'm Ilinnl
tA i'ii w fill HiioiikIi ii mull
hipI WiIkIiI lint., fll over tlin
Wilulit III). Id limit h.
IM .Ii.ipi I, ,, ,.,ly ,, w ni(.n
'"'in tin. mlnlalry, lu.v w,))Ml,H m
Illill'iM I" In lulu, rrr.rt (liinl,,,,. Ht whl.M
will, I. In family , w, ,,,I(1V, fr(mi tjiH
i lly. A mi M vi. ,,f llf ,)Wl Ui,v
w" " " ''""I''" ''-- i.liini-r having
''"'"""I IIh- I'lulim t 'iiflh,i mi
Ininllig Ulello i., (,, imK ,,,,
'" f"r ::! .., In'i'ii ,.,VI. ,,, ,,,,.
IHI.'1-I..I win H r Mi .1,111,1,, having Hi rv.
"I III- H.'K'.I. City .iinKriKlilliin m ,,.
'"f fur tllf liml iw ,, J(,.v WdoiI'ii
ailoc-amir Iuih i yi t I,,.,.,, ,.,.,,.,)
Nature's Great Invention
it Paralysis of Drain
I, will' ,'f It. N. Hi iiiiIiiiki' illi it
v nf puriih nln nf Mm lunln nt ln-r
J)., ililn ,'iiv liml i iiiim'iiiy. i ii i i'im-
h 1,1 1 family rntli" l' Uu (.in twci
f ,K i ri .mi llllli'.l" niul iml'l. il lit
mini Itinlili'il n IiiikIhiihI. four
nnnh, Iht fill,iii: All,,
mil Ji'lui W, llruiiliuKi', nil nf
en, , ,,il Mm W. J. 1'imiI of III-
Tin- I' l tv linn wi n r,ii wiirili',1 In
f,.r Imiliil
I, , r i j i' 1 1 . i n wi'tr r
;i k-.. M in I'l'' f
i J li l'iiit;
irliirnpil Hiitiir,lii)'
f'lllnWi; li.MilKlil
'ill l,'lll M VI1
h..lu Willi; i!"ftni,l WrlKliI v.
!i c UiUlit Mm W'iIkIiI wiiii
I Hi' itKlii f ri-mimlnic mnl,t'ii
i, Kin. !, ItnMi Th itlvori'K ull
ir r lll. ll vii Clnrh K. Itli h niul
. ! Mum 1 tl". Myi't'M Wrl" Ir-
ln lli- r.iillt li'll,iKlliliPr for thn
f i. mini. my
fhtm to Your FrlnJ
iiwiill illtitliiil,in nrvprnl tlimi-
if tin- It. ..ml nf Tni'li' nilii.lilrl.
! mini t 'In. k'tuntu I'liiinty. It, l-
.f ililn r.iunly who Imvn fill-lulu III
ml wli.i ' "lll'llll'lul,' I'olllllIK Writ
... ill.' , niil, of ihi'Dx mniitit"tn
rr.t.uy I 'iimitM'll, of tin- Ilunnl i,f
Th,' i'nniilil,-lii m-p full of iiiii-li
i ill. .ii , .ii. inline tliln iM-i-i Inn nml
. Ii.i. i "Hint lll, inliir,. tu tin-
Turn Tiki! a Run
tni. .I nl mi n'.i,.ii. tilnK H I1
Hi.- ,,im nf Hi iiiul'lt Hum. nui'li
Ih.iv "ii Mulii ili.-i'l 1'il'liiy nf
i Hi.utlna fmlii thr (1,mi 11h
4 i ii i in.iilli ii). Main ulii'i'l, n ii -
I HMIIHK II I'.1HI..I1 Willi Ull liy-
$ '-UK ii V I. Cli n uiiiin-nK-r nr
) i rr ii"i kIii'i,mI until li. ur Hi.' mli
fi .mlh nf thin rlly. Tin' mily iliiin-
.Mi- .m th" limn liy "In" nf tin'
nf lln- iiIiimh ft mil liU fii't l.i-i iinm'
4 li On' iinliiiiil ln-i nun- mill.' tint
i"l iitti i' miming mrr ih ttm i-ll, ,l
Youna Commlttdd ftuleldn
Wnnt ,n ,.,. n-iiiv,,,) ).,. uf ,hll
mili'lili. I,y IiiiiikIiik nf AiikuhI Voiiiik, nf
Mlimt, Nnrll. ln.Untu, a f,.w yB
Tlii-ii. w-im nn ini.ru y mi YmniK'n Hori.
Inil ii until ,..., ,.,1 Unit l,l wmii, .
fnrwni-ili.it In ,ln lll.. iliiiiK,r, Whn,
Willi h. r iimllH-r . nll,n Ii, ililn , y', .;nly
In AiiKimi Vuimn ri-innv.-.l In thin ,.ty
wiui inn r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - finin fiirviillU. Klim-tlv
iiflnw iinlH. wltlln lulu l, i, i,., i i, i.,.,
hlN wifi. nml M,m iiii.-h,-,, II,. chiiiih.i1
Ml" W,I,,,,K ,,( ,y iy,K tl ,(ivy ,,,,
mill K 1 In k liln wifi- iilioui lln'i Wlth will, I)
In il,m. ,-,i,. I,,-, null fr- iv,i-, Unit wu
(li limllliili-it Tim li nim nf tin, iiK,,-i..
Hunt i.invl.l.'.! II,.. I Yohiik l.-uv th city
whli h I,.. i, linn,,.,!!,,!,.!,., ,U( . tiitnlii(( k
ll.k.-t fr l.liitin.
Both Win Scholamhlpt
Minn limntliy M. 4W anil MIkh Willi
M Wllllunm, iwn tiilmihit ymn wmn.-n
nf IhlH illy, Iiiivb nlri.aily ultiilm-il iIIh-
tliu tlmi lit Chl,ni,i win-in." tli..y wi-nt it
f.-w w. i'kii ii.i tn pin mi,- thi-lr Mt ii'l i-m In
.1... ul Inn mil) miiiiii ri'ii', llvi-ly. In thn
mull-Hi f,,r M-tif lurnli tin nt tin. two In
tllntl.mil tin-in, y.niim wmn.-ii mi ut
l"inllii. Ml., ('in.. ri--.,n',l ni nt Ihiiihih
In n i-.iiit.-iil In whli li n ,ln, n ntl,i-rn ir-tl,-lnili-,l
mi, I i. a n ptlt.. w,oi uwur.li-il
I VI In rimli unit tuition. MIhji Cr.mil who
I a il.-llKhlfiil r,-ii,li-r, n.. t.-,l Hum Hlmi-
.lll' "Itl-llllllflll Wllllllll.-ttl." Mln V.
Iliiiim wu inn ri-mifii In ri- i-H'liiK a half
i hnliimlilii In th" 'lili-uKn f'nlli-Kii nf
Mimlr. MIN t'loHH In rilinlli.. nt th
I'olniiiMii H. h.ml nf Dnitmy.
Ntw InttUutlon for Aurora-"
Th" lir.i.i..iiii i-lty nf Aurnrn la to
linvi. a hunk. Artl l.-a Ini'iirjinrntlnK aik'h
nil liiBtltiitlmi w.T" fll"l In th" (ifflrp of
th" M. ul. ,n minify c.-ik an.l a"cr"tury nf
Hint" )"Hl"nliiy, thi Inrnt "irntnr of rir
nr,l ar" ll-tiry I,. It.-nta of Hut t-v-lltt.. Hint,
ry A, HiiyihT nf Allium, nml W. H. Itirnt
nf lliililninl. Th" ni-w rnnrrm la to h"
ktinwii iih th" Ori-K'in Hint" Hunk ami
I.i kIiih llf.. with a npHiil Httx k of 2&,
i)i". Th" at.M-k la dlv,I",l Into 250 Mmr.-a
of th" jmr vulii" of llOn i-iu li, Th" nhJiTt
nf Hi" .ill)., null. .11 la to ronilti.'t a ,-ni-r.
nl anvltiKH nml .,,iiiin.. rlul hnnklnK hual-iii-hh
ami dm aiiliHtanlliil tiiiHlm-aa nu n lit
th" h"B,l nf th i.iii.'ptii and th" pr.Mii"r-
mia ..nmliy In wtil.h It m hiialiu-Ha la to
h" triiiiHn.tfil In. nr.- th" aiirci-aa of the
im.l.-i tuktiiit Huli-m Htiitimniiin.
!-tlon of Rev. Wood
in. ..f falllnu h.iiltli that h" will
io i. . .i. r nf K. lill.-w li k. riiHli-i ll
iiKt'.ti It. v J llitiry V I Ii it hi
I inn .iii.iint" nf the Kliat Mr-th-
:rica women find relief
f Cue of Mlm Irn Oronby la On
sfbouaanda of Curt Mailt by Lydlai
-l'lnkhum'a VKUbl Compound.
1 'w nmny womvn irallzo that men-
lunn in the balnnuu whi-i-l of
ni'a life, and whilo no woman la
fr"ly frrp fromperiiMllcftl aufTirin(f,
"t th.- plan of nature that women
Viti suitit ho soveroly.
Wusjnne Crosby J
County School Notaa
Many nf th" ('In. k. uiiil Cnunty a.hnnla
ii-tii-. I Mnintiiy tnornliiR ami oth.-ra will
l-n ni'Xl Mi in. lay. Inrlinlltnr thr arhnnla
,.f ilr.-Kiin city. MIhh Ethi'l II, (lllman
Iuih Ix-.-n rl". I.'.l a ti-iirliiT In th" primary
Kin. I., nl (lllman Dlatrli-t ll.inniliiry
Itniii.l will iiii'i-t limine; tho Novi-mtiiT
t.ini nf th" Cnunty f'mirt. wtu-n a niimh.-r
f pi tltliinH fur chaiiK" of "xlallriR 1miih -
itiiili.a nml for th" rriiitlnn nf n.'W (Hh-
trlrta will I," n,'t".l iipnn. Th" hnnnl la
, niiii,mi-,l nf th" ai'hnnl anpi'i Inli'iuli'lit.
I'.iiiiity Jii.Ik" nn.l th" i-nminlMMlimi'm. ami
any pullllmi muni h" pn-ai'iiti'il tn thi
aiipi-ilin,.iih nl li"fnt Nnvi-mlnT In or-,i-r
to Iuhiii" ai'tlnn nt that tlm". I l
lilrt Nn. I"!, riiat f 'ImlliM. whlih Iuih
l..-iii aiiMpiiiili.,1 fur thif" nr four yenra,
will h" ivniKiinl'-'il ttitx Wlntrr fur th"
iiHiiiiipllun nf work.
n M) pfpce euNG)
On .If linnka oh Ar Amnrtn, fur nwny, far awnjr,
Wlmr lir. (.rrii i(lu Auiil l lnwi-rii lodiaduy;
Ah plrkr-l dmr llnwrra III Anifinit In nlr llranil,
An' aid. I'm; u Vuiikre, all i,ii to li dar atill.
AiiKust l'lowrr h the only tne'Iicine
(free from iilcoholic atimiihuita.) that has
licrti aiiciPHsfiil in kcciin tlie entire
thirty-two fi-t-t of ilii-stivc iip;mratua in a
normal cotnlitinii, ami assisting nature's
prori-Hwa of di.-stion, HCmratioii ami ah.
aorption fur Iniililinx ami ri'-tmililinx
hy pn-vciitiii Al.l, iir"f;iiliir or unnatural
causra whirli int'rni)l healthy ami xt
feet nattirnl pron-ises and result in inles
tinal liiiij;fstinii, r:i'.arrhal afTecliont
((nuninx iipjicmli-i',-.a stojipae of tlif
Kll duct), fermentation of it ihealtln
foods, tiervoiia i!yha p. i i, lu-ai' u'he, cm
Htiniilion and other ce iplaiiita, audi r.
colic, hiliiiir.iiess, jainii'i-".-, !.
AtiKUst I'lowr i ti.ituie'a iiilended re
ulator. Two 2;v., 75c. All I rti' ;i f
Charman & Co., City Drug Store
la eiimp"iiBiiti-.l li n-fiiaca to make public
th" n-atill of lila labor, which, however,
It la thniiKht will not materially dlftVr
from that of thn Aaaeaanr'a deputle.
To All Lovers of Good Music
We carry a large stock of the Victor Talking Machines and Victor
Disk Records and Edison Phonograph and Edison Cylinder Records
Politic In Mllwaukla
AlthniiKh the city I'l.'.-tlnii at Mllwaukle
il.M-a not take pliu n until the flint Monday
In iJefctnber, there la quite a movrmvnt
In thn "reform" element and the "reg
iilnra", ami eandldatea aro bclniC men
tinned aa ponalhle. There will likely be
two tlrket and a warm fluht between
th.-an two faction. The "IleRiilar" rep
reaefit the preaent city ("veniment and
It pulley and thn "Hcforiner" the op
imaltlon. Following may be the "He
form" ticket: Mayor, Ilev. K. M. Flaher
nr II. M. Klach; Itecord'T. Mra. J. L.
Johiiann; Murahal, Kred W. lierkemeler;
Treiiaiiter. Mr. O. J. Uoherta; Council,
men. T. II. A. 8,-llwood, II H. Mullen, lien
Irwin, Kred C'lirlann. The "H"Bular"
ticket la nKured out nearly 11a follow:
Mayor, Ouncllman I'hlllp Btmlb, Mayor
William Hchlmller or K. A. lialliird; Ite
cuider, H. C'nnper; Maraball. J. A. Pow
llmc; ('imicllmen, Arthur Webater, John
K"lno, Alexander Klntland, I. 8. Mullun.
The Victor is so perfect that it is often mistaken
X for the human voice. There is no limit to the
variety of selections this matchless instrument will
recite for you.
The Edison has always been a wonderful
device, but Mr. Edison's recent improvements
have placed it In the foremost ranks as a charm
ing musical instrument.
c The
rut n0.
We will sell the Victor Machines at $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, $27.50
$32.50. $35.00 and $45.00.
Victor 7 inch records 50c each or $ 5.00 per dozen
10 " 1.00 " 10.00 "
12 44 44 1.50 44 15.00 4 44
4'iousniiil Nuf A 111111, n n wiimeii. hoW
".lllive found relief from all monthly
:'r!K by tuldiitf Lydla 10. rinkham'.
V''iie i omnounil, an it 1H llio nioNi
"ifli lYiimlo reiftilittor known to
i('it helenc-o. It ouwh the condition
f 'h ciiiiM-s ho much (liHcoinfort and
Hcnstruiition of its U'rrorH.
''Ill Il-l-nii l'nu.1,1, 911 I'linl-ltnn
Enpren Packaoe Stolen
The Wella-l'aiK.i I'ompany' exprea
ear wiih rnhbeil Inat We.lliea.lay llonn
while the inn th-b.iiiml train crew waa
wallliiK for lunch, nml the buinlar Rut
away with llii ami a hank cheek fur
Hoim-thlnu more tliaii I'.:'. The robbery
waa Hinniilhly plnnneil ami waa executed
an auddeiily thai none "f tlm partle
tan, linn mar the train were aware nf
the fuel Unit anvthiim nut uf the nnll
naiy routine of bualiieaa waa KnlniC ml
A atiNplcloiia lookhiK fellow waa nbaerv
HtamlliiK mar the car after the train
crew tin, I K.me I" lunch, rnrtlea who
not iced him take a key from hi pocket
ami unlink the il.mr llinuirht nnthliiK
....ihlnir HtraiiKe aa lie wim preunie.l to be
a train man. ami be was permitted to
enter the car. Ki t the money nml milk.
hlH eacape. - Slh cl tnll Appeal.
Welcomed the Falke
K.K-i'at.taln A. Kimpp. of the (icrman
,,nv ami a member uf the OreKnn City
ii ,,...1 tin Mint iif the week
iniiii. n. . "'
, , An!, ilia, where aa nlllclal repreaen
f tii Herman iiiiiii!allim uf tbl
cliy, he formally r Iveil ami welcomed
of war. r iliac """
nfternoon en
Mr. Knnpp went nvei
Odd Fallow Ar Thriving
At the Nl nt cnmmunlcatlon of the Sov
erelKii Crunil IodK of Odd Kellowa,
which wa convened Monday at Phila
delphia, tho report of (iran.l Hire Vrlnbt
ahnw the total auliordlnnte lodge mem
lierahlp to be l.'JKHii; eucampment mem
beia. 171.HJ9; Hebekah membeTahlp, 474.
059: numlicr of aubordlnatu lodtfe 14,315;
expenditure for relief, 4.G33.49; total
revenue, $13.i;3H,7'.il. total reaourcea.
$37.045.071 . ColitlnulnaT the reMirt tatea;
The Increnae In memberahlp of our aub-
ordlnate Io.Ik" waa 65,71'4; In the encamp
ment branch. 9U90; In the Hebecca branch
I'ii. 391, making- a total Increaae of 102,
105. The patriarch militant will ahow
a decreaae In membemhlp, but that de-
reaae la only nominal ami doubt lea re-
aultafnim a clearliiK out of numea that
would not be repreaentatlve of that
ranch. The Increaae In receipt for the
year wn $751,077. The Increaae In re
aourcea waa $2,974,961, and the Increaae
In relief $307,139.
Too Heavy to Weigh
J. Klofenatlne. who had arranged to
Ick bla hope thla aenaon by welKht.
chattKcd hla plana after a few dnya pick
ing" ami had new ticket made with which
to aupply the picker during- the remaln-
Icr of the harveat. He aaya the hop
weighed on an average of four pound
per box over meaaure, and be preferred
to pick by meaaure In ns much aa the
picker were Juat a well aatlatled. We
have heard other raie tho anme objec
tion. Out of the many who favored the
method of picking- by welgHt. when It
wa flrat auggeated, are A Wolf & Son.
among the lnrgeat growera In this vicin
ity, and It Is undcratood that they are
picking thla aenaon by meaaure. O. D.
Ilowen, Peter Vox, llabcrlya nnd many
other of the large grower are using
the old method nnd It acema to give bet
ter aatlafnctlnn to the picker, so far ns
we ar' able to learn. Some of the grow
ers in thla vicinity are picking by meas
ure, scalea could not be obtained, niul
from all reports we Judge that two-thirds
uf the growera In this part of the country
did not adopt the method of picking hops
ify weight, notwithstanding nil the talk
In favor of that method of gathering the
crop. Sllverton Appeal. ,
the Herman man
reached Astoria Sunday
,,,iii,. in I'urilnml
the bar and HUcccasf ully brought the ves
ael 111. ileinniiHtiatliiK thereby a vnlutibli
, tt.,.,iue of bins generally. This In
, ,i.. ,.. received Sunday evening
HM Mil " ,
i,,l, Vluellus 111 a Wireless ieieKui.,,
from Astoria. I nr
I, Minted Hint While iiwaiiuiK i
.., ,i, r.ern.nii vessel, Mr. Knnpp
IVIII "I "', ,
i i.inmeir with a liig-of-war con
,.,, u'HI, a large ahnrk Hint Is gencn.ll
....U.......1 I,, he l'eHlionslbli'
. ...... i... i,',.,,. .mi Miillliles. of tho illgH
rcceiiiiy .... "'
from bis left
Governor Chamberlain Tries Innovation
Hoverniir Chamberlain has adopted the
practice of holding "court" at the State
Prison once each month, for the purpose
if hearing any grievances the prisoners
may nave or any pennons uh j mn i-
make, if any prisoner thinks he has been
plaint to tho Governor without the pres-
.iioo of prison otllclals. Once a week the
(l.ivcrnor visits the reniieniiury, nnu once
a month be holds a "levee" nr court.
when each prisoner who wishes may talk
with him. The Governor ordered, early
In bis administration, that every letter
addressed by n prisoner to him should be
delivered Just as written. His holding
court is for tho purpose of giving the
prisoner an opportunity to voice Kflev-
!ruireri,,J w Vi , ,,?" ""J' I ' u" . ... j W. MoAnulty I anocs 111 private tnat moy n .g.u i.h
fomon who are trnnhled with tialn- V . ... ' .., enumeration, wish to place In writing. VN hen ne m, kcs
ClllipOl, lllUl me piimim-io !.. ....v.
for a hearing arc brought to him one nt a
time. If they have written letter which
were not delivered, they have nn oppor
tunity to make that fact known. They
health nnd nfm.nn-th hv fiildnir i work of tuo issi "n , .. .., Kven to understand tnat iiny-
K fii.i... . ... ;;A "ifi- n...... 1 ,'t.l the city' popumuo ns Oovp,.nm. Bnni not
j 'iiniiuin a vckTi'muio v"- ...,i.i..,l tncomii etc ami miw - ,. ,
iH nnd then write to Mrs. Pink- estimate was conside d mon i u nuM of Bevtrlty toward
i"tlOast Savnnnuh, hv" writes : I """ "lH
lJ.J'ilia K, I'inkhnni'HVeKotableComix'iind1 M.iHHie
ftruii friend u w an. It haa !. of Clty'i Cen.u. Muddle
?" i'iieMt to mo, curinir me of irrofrular "Hon
I Pwiful menstruation when everything-1 n w
J m fuil.,.1, ,U1, i Kmy reeonimond It to ; Wnm
At. I . ' 1 i... I n.i tu Ann" is easy oi sm..-
r-."...in, io mo. cur nir me or lrregumi - imw . ,
..p.. . " ;i t . . i ii nrii.iie...
hell cnnipiii ' " " ,,
nlng the census oi me,". -
i I . ii i ii r'MlliiiliVll f i
..... ,.,. ...mulcted the enumeration
wi , I
m,.a..iiv's work ciinsisis ... .v
Edison Phonographs at $10.00, $20.00 $30.00 and $50.00.
Edison Records 35c each.
Why not come in and listen to these Machines. Free Concerts daily.
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner.
Approved Mall Boxe Are To Be Number
ed. Carrier Change.
Poatmaater Randall I In receipt of
order from the post oft.ee department at
Washington directing all rural mall car
rier to take the names of all persons,
In their order, who have the approved
mall boxea. This la being: done prepara
tory to numbering boxes aa ha been
decided by the post office department.
The g-overnment 1 alao asking for bid
for carrying the mall between this city
and Molalla and also between this city
nnd Wllaonvllle.
A. 8. Klelnamlth, of route No. 2. has
resigned and David F. Whiteman. of this
city, haa been appointed In his stead.
Wm. T. Smith la the new carrier for
Route No. 1, Chas. A. Andrus having re
signed. An examination of applicants for po
altlona aa niral mall carriers was held In
this city Saturday, there being four who
took the examination; two young men
from Barton, another from Mulino and
the fourth from Oregon City.
demand for the cereal, and with the war
in the East a thing of the past. It
unlikely that the sales will Increase, al- I
though there Is no apparent Indication '
that the price will fall below 66 cents, '
which is one cent more than Is being
paid in Oregon City.
Ellis Hughes Meets Affable Stranger and
Loses $100.
Ellis Hughe, of this city, who attain
ed some notoriety a few months ago by
discovering the famous Willamette me
teorite, the ownership of which was tak
en from him after extensive litigation,
tills week sustained even a more disas
trous disappointment.
While visiting the Fair at Portland, he
wn approached by nn affable stranger
who requested change for a $100 bill
which he produced. Hughes, being of nn
accommodating mood, exchanged cur
rency nnd silver to the amount of the
note which was carefully stored away In
his wallet.
I'pon reaching home in the evening,
Hughes presented the note In payment
nf a grocery bill and received the differ
ence In cash only to be informed on the
Mowing day that the evidence of value
he had received In Portland was a Con
federate note payable "four years after
the signing of the pence treaty between
President Jefferson Pavis of the Confed
erate States nnd President Lincoln."
As compensation for his neeonimodn
tion, Mr. Hushes is out a cold $100.
....mt of the' city's population that was
. tl,., tu.siilcos of the Hoard of
I1IM1II' i
It "h. t ?1N' ,ya!I it tro" , ',.me with the understanding, huwever.
I '"'"inir-.lown" feilin(r, dll- Incidental thereto was
11 lll lltn..u I.,, II. ..!.,., ....rvolia that 111 l""m ....... i.. Tlm
tion or the KM tak. '- VSm wn'.' d - -
f iliate action to ward oft tho Kerb- H-eond cnun.era t on ...
Itoiisciiieneen. nnd l,n restored to H..1 1 of some dlssat sfiu t n
1 ?t health and t.ronifth bv tnklnir work of tho Assess... a n . - .
.toll Hie I ") "
employed to make ft ho
m. Mas., for further free ad- Mr. McAuunlt.v wn ' "ti r McAnultv bus then, on tho part of the prison manage
J, lhuandB have boon cured bj second entimerntlon. ui;t no mwnt.-Bxchftngo.
Full Crop of Grain In Vicinity of Howard's
Mill at Mulino.
Claude S. Howard, of the Howard Flour
Mill, nt Mulino, was in this city this
morning, nnd stntos thnt the mill cannot
run full time, ns It Is a water power.mlll
and the low stage of water will not per
mit the operation of the mill to its full
est capacity, although there is plenty of
wheat to be had, says the Telegram s cor
respondent. The Howard Mill has a ca
ducity of 75 barrels per day.
Mr. Howard says thnt in his section
there is a full crop of wheat, nearly all
of which Is tine quality. The mill Is now
paying 66 cents per bushel for new wheat,
which Is about 9 cents less than the price
of three months ago, and Mr. Howard
does not look for any material change.
The fact that there Is a good crop al
most everywhere, will result In a slack
Fruits, Vegetables, Grain, Stock, etc.,
to be Shown In Competition.
Maple Lane Grange No. 296 will hold
a Fair at their Hall at Maple Lane, on
the date of their next regular meeting,
which will occur on October 7.
All are cordially Invited to help' the
good work along and especially the Grange
membeship. We would like exhibits of
fruits, vegetables, grains, live stock, and
poultry", fancy work, and In fact every
thing that pertains to a first class agri
cultural exhibit.
Engaged people shouTS remember, that,
after marriage, many quarrels can be
avoided, by keeping their digestions In
good condition with Electric Bitters. S.
A. Brown, of Bennettsvllle, S. C, says:
"For years, my wife suffered Intensely
from dyspepsia complicated with a tor
pid liver, until she lost her strength and
vigor, and became a mere wreck of her
former self. Then she tried Electric
Bitters, which helped her at once, and
finally made her entirely well. She Is
now strong and healthy." Howell &
Jones sell and guarantee them, at 60c
a bottle.
Foley & Co.. Chicago, originated Honey
and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and
on account of the great merit and popu
larity of Foley's Honey and Tar many
imitations are offered for the genuine.
These worthless imitations have similar
sounding names. Beware of them. The
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is In a
yellow package. Ask for It and refuse
any substitute. It is the best remedy
for coughs and colds.. Huntley Bros Co.
Read Wherever the English Language I
For the autumn season now at hand
the most valuable paper to you will be
the New Tork Thrlce-a-Week World, be
cause it ofTers you more at the price
than any other paper published anywhere
In the world.
This Is a time of great events. We
are having great wars, and other chang
es of stirring kind are occurring both at
home and abroad. The Thrlce-a-Week
World comes to you every other day, ex
cept Sunday, with all the news, fully,
accurately and promptly told.
The Thrice-a-Week World Is fair In
Its political reports. You can get the
truth from, It columns, whether you are
Republican or Democrat, and that is what
you want.
The Thrice-a-Week World's regular
a serial story running, and it is always
a first-class story by a first-class au
thor. The Thrice-a-Week World pub
lishes better fiction than any other news
paper in the United States. Special at
tention Is also given to markets, and
there are many other valuable features.
The Thrice-a-Weew World's .regular
subscription price is only $1.00 per year,
and this pays for 166 papers. We offer
this unequalled paper and the Enterprise
together one year for $1.65.
The regular price of the two papers is
The feeling of impending doom In the
minds of many victims of Bright's disease
and diabetes has been changed to thank
fulness by the benefit derived from tak
ing Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure
incipient Bright's Disease and Diabetes
and even in the worst cases gives com
fort and relief. Slight disorders are cured
in a few days. "I had diabetes in its
worst form," writes Marlon Lije of Dun
renth, Ind. "I tried eight physicians
without relief. Only three bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well
man." Huntley Bros. Co.
And still arriving one of the largest and most elegant lines of
Dress Goods, Laces and Embroideries, Ribbons, Collars of all de
signs, too numerous to mention, for Fall and Winter wear. Posi
tively the best line of goods that ever came to the city.
Our store is literally packed from floor to ceiling with the pret
tiest materials that ever adorned the fair sex. We understand the
needs of the people of Oregon City and in buying our stock we
have purchased just what you want.
We will be pleased to have you call and look at our immense
stock while it is fresh and before the pretty patterns are all gone.
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