UKHGOT CITY ENTEHriUSK, FIJI PAY. SKl'TKMBKI! VJ 2 KJut vsOt respondents' cornet ; Brief lUts of Gossip From All Parts of th County. 444 Correspondents are requested to re dew their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. UNION MILLS. Mr. McNYry of Itanford, California, was visiting Mr. T. J. Grimes and wife last week. Mr. Frank Hilton's cousin, from Ne braska, was visiting Win during the past wwk. Mr. James Hunts made a business trip to Portland last Monday. Miss Kliia Hums is spending a couple of weeks in Portland, visiting her sister. Wis. K. U. FVobler and going to the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Merger, of eastern Ore gon, are visiting the hitter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. C. Phelps Messrs. John Molian and Orrln Ad klns, are hauling timbers from Clarkes. Miss Mary Molzan. of Portland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Molzan, a few days last week. Fred Molzan returned from Independ ence, where he has been picking hops. Mr. L. P. Burns made a business trip to Oregon City last Saturday. a real tonic, enrich the blood, stimulate the liver, encourage the action of the bowels, put new life In the skin and clear up the complexion by Assisting nature to do its own perfect work. Huntley Pros, have been selling l,axakola tonic tablets for some time now and from the rapidly Increasing demand Oregon City Indies must find them beneficial In every way. Theie Is absolutely no risk, for a 5 cent package of Iixakola Tonic Tablets must do all we claim or we will promptly return your money. CAN BY. LIKE FINDING MONEY. Finding health Is like finding money so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act promptly like V. C. Barber, of Sandy Level. Ya. He says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but after finding no relief in other remedies. I was cured by Pr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medi cine in the world. At Howell & Jones' drug store; 50c and tl. 00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. CARUS. Beaver Creek made a the KaltihYiseh home Hop-picking is all over with In this Vicinity. Everybody seems to be hauling hay now. Miss P.atchel Lewis and Sarah Edwards returned back to Portland Tuesday. Frank Your.g has Ken staying wiih his uncle. H. O. Inskeep, during hop-picking. Pb P.eatie. of business trip to Tuesday morning. Mrs. Ym. Davis is quite sick with lung fever. Dr. Strickland is attending her. Miss Winnifred Howard left for Port land to work. Wedni-sday. John Mulvaney has been staying at Mr. White's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Will King and daughter, are visiting relatives of this place. Mr. Casto went to Portland Saturday to attend the burial of his son Frank Casto. who was shot at his hm.- in Mex ico. H. Jones is no better vet. Wilson Kvans lost a valuable horse last week. A gang of men are In the vicinity, go ing work for the Pucllic States Telephone Company. J. F. lVyne. has titled up the room next door to the post office and It will soon contain an elegant stock of millinery. The proprietress will be Mrs. Kyer. Rev. C. A. House! went to Albany Tues day to attend the Methodist conference. Kev. John Samuelson and Mr. A. J. Hurdette will also be in attendance from Thursday to the close. The conference opened Wednesday morning" and will be adjourned sometime Monday. Mr. and Mrs. tleo, Osborne visited Can by last Sunday. Charley Hates is papering and paint ing the Methodist church this week. Charley knows how. If common report Is to be credited, by the time this reaches our readers, otie of Canby's fairest daughters will have tak en the vows of matrimony. The lady Is Miss Bessie Kvans and the happy man is Herman Burgoyne. It is said that the wedding Is scheduled to take place on Wednesday in Portland. Philip Steinbaeh and wife, of Bethel. Mo., are here visiting relatives. This is their first visit to Oregon and Mr. Steinbaeh thinks he h;is f..i:nd his I'topia. He e.mnot speak In terms too high from climate and other conditions that make life worth living In Oregon. Throat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; adcep breath irritates it; these aire features of a throat cough. They're very de ceptive ami a cough mix ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inrianied membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system .'. .'. .. .. Scott's Emulsion is just such a remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new strength and vigor , ., StiJ fir pn ump't SCOTT & BOItWE, cbtmLu 409-415 V,;7 Strttl, Stw fork j.v. jiJ fr.oo. A'-l Jntfgiui St, Clair, funnel lv of Pendleton, Oicmoii. who will take possession at once Mr 1Ioii contemplates a MU to Califor nia The people are slowly dilftlng hack home fiom the hop field. ! .s school begins next Moudnv ninnv of the scholar are (j.'llliiM ready lo be piexeiil on the opening day. llahv llowaid, Infant "oil "f Mr. anil Mis Ibii liitibhs. passed lo I be splill land September K. tK"'l 7 months, .'un cial sonic were held ill the i lunch Sundav afternoon Hi '.' o'clo, It. I'.'H, .1. W. I'laU officiating, nfler which lh" I e mains were laid to rest In Mountain 'View cenieteiv. Mr. and Mi" liiuhh e tend their sln.eic tliniil," lo the kind fl tends Who assisted litem III the eale and Initial of their babe Mis Matched In eoinpanv wild fi lends from her old home In Indiana. Ulted .Mr. and Mis Chidden at White Salmon. Washington. Miss .h.sle Legale, of Illinois lulled Mrs. Malehi'lt this week Austin Nichols is a hllle better, tuning ' .1 serious lime fiom Uphold fewu. A trained muse Is taking 1 He of him Al 1 pies-nt 1 1 iii there Is ii"l much sick ness III the tlelKhhol hood I Who would have belter w.alher than I We en.l.O al present, Willi our beautiful nccticty and the blooming low. is and .sunshine. Theie nniv he better places , bill tin v ale hald to llnd. 1 OAHTOrtlAi ' (hiiUii lliflKr,i)ruH,b8A'.in8oul. of TV y I SwiinEL. of S. at '.11m last CURED OF LAME BACK AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING. 15 "I had be.-n troubled with lame back for fifteen years and found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's ! Pain Balm," says John C. r.isher. Gillam, I ! Ind. This liniment is also without an i enual for sprains ami bruises. It is for j i sale by Geo. A. Harding. I CLACKAMAS. TRUTH STRANGER THAN FICTION. Surprising Statements Vouched for by Huntley Bros. All of us who know Huntley Bros, are confident that they would make none but straightforward, honest statements, and when they tell you of the many Oregon City people who have suffered for years With indigestion and have been cured through using Pepslkola tablets we must believe every word is true. No other remedy so quickly relieves and cures sour stomach, heartburn, eoatsd tongue, nervousness, insomnia, debility, that run down, tired-out feeling, and every other trouble arising from poor indigestion. Huntley Bros continue to sell Pepslko la tablets with the understanding that you can have your 25 cents back in case you are in the least disappointed. In the face of these facts nobody should hesi tate an instant to avail themselves of the opportunity to regain perfect digestion, perfect health, renewed energy', new vig or and new vitality through the use of a remedy that does not cost a penny should it fall to do all that Is claimed. There is no risk to you whatever and we ask you to try It on Huntley Bros', guarantee. School in district .No. t. b. fat". Monday. September li. The school building has be. i improved by 11, w 11. siring and seats in the primary room, and other neces sary repairs. The district Is to be con gratulated on securing the services of two su.-h excellent teact.eis as Miss Ed na Armstrong and Mrs. KUzabeth Buck. A lecture was delivered last Thursday evening. September H. under the aus pices of the Busy Bees of the M. K. chinch; subject. "That I'.oy." This soci.-ty of little people Is v. ry .te rn - from an ixt.nd.d visit In the vicinity of Salem. Mayor A. K King, of Uwaoo. Wash ington, spent Sunday at Locust r'ariu. Mr. and Mis. pr. d P. Slauffer and daughter. Margaret, spent Hund.ty nl The Lilacs, the guests of Mr. and Mis, Arthur Warner Pr. and Mi . J It 1 'hapmait tie, visited frl. nds at Locust 1 ' Kridav. I Mr. and Mrs. Kail W. Vatty, of Syr.i 'more. Illinois, have be.n the guest of I Mrs. C. C. W illiams and daughter Miss I i:ila. during Hie past week at The Fits. I Mr and Mrs, V.itly are bailing the coast j and are . nthusla.-tlo over the I'regon climate and htautiful mountain scn.-rv. Aft.'r visiting the Lwls and I'luk Pair. Mr. and Mis. Valley for California, where some time and tb. n r. of Salt Lake. Mrs. Mary I'.rundag. last Thursday evening eral service was held Lb lice Satunlav morning aft. remains were, sent to (beg left Monday night they will Spend turn home .y wav dl.-d at her home of paralysis K1111 at the family res- r which the ,n. Illinois. I l.ippl. -king Is over 1111 I ro n bo. Is , "in in k home wllh I'l.-ir pocket : f .11 of 111 .,11. - . one f itiillv mad.- 1 J" I anoth.-r Jl 1'' j Will 1 .I'ld.m of Asloi l.i. Is Wiling bis j tst. r, Mis I! W I lot nshuh ' Mr Ha. of potttaii, I . .,11. -t at P W l i -1 li' l I .ll S liollle S no I r ! Chns .ind otto M... link. ai. I It. mi i II. tin. in , ill. .1 ,,u Hi, I! ,.. r.- I. nds lb 11 j i tilMtlief. S .Pit. lav night 1 . H i Ph.t.m ! ft . st. -id n f a I'm I land t i t. r high . ho..: M- W 1 bo 1 p.i.-s. d ll.i.c,ta ...;r ti:i !-.. dr. j Most of the f !!!!. ' " ; ,ti 1 .. e e I digging ioi,,.. A low-l of v.cet; r ,.ks a-., ml. i.-, at III" '''It!'.' I I. S '1 I IV C,!(:M ". I " J i , 1:1 He ex e!OM; i- .,-,,. ,,i,. , , , t: . , . , , xx is a few'! , .,;! ,. Mi-s ( i .- I who ! fl T-.. l,x I . . 1:1. r (ugh . ;., I We all IX h I., t a pi. as. ii , w.ok M-.H . M o ,:i ;s si ,V,t wild h. i g'.ni !; his Mr .ml Ms i; ,, ,: 'I'h. : - x 0! I.,- 1 a, ;;!, , , .. i, . nt the le.tta I all hll ll II. XI S aid r, ..y l'.--l:rr Is ..n Int.-i esi uaf . ak.r LVinAVyx.vvvVA , AVti . Tho Kind You Hnvfl Alwayii lloujtht, niul MhUh liiuiZ in uno for over 110 yvnrn, lnift liorno tlio Mttnntn -tf iHrii iiuulo i,,(r , s jj??rt """"l miMTvUlon hill, ,, U if&t Allow no ono (o,lo,,V(, "ijjjflf All (Ntiiit(rlVI(N, luilttitlonsi and " JiiNt.iu.KMMina i:x'rliiuiitsj Unit (rlllo with d ndaiiicT tlio 1Wlt lufnnU nnd Children -1'iktIoiico nifaliist lisimrUuc What is CASTORIA Cjii (or la It u liurm1iM4 Htilistltiito for Cuntor Oil p gorlf, Iroo and Hoothlnjf Njni. It I iMi-iuant, "h t'oiitalnit lu'ltlur Opliiin, Morphlito lior il1(.r Xftrpo,! MitiMtaiirc. ItH nifo 1 ltd (riturantco. ' It drxtrny y, nnd nllarrt I VvitIsIuh'kh. It ciirm Ilarrliniim ny Colic. It rcUrvc-i Tccthlnif TroultlcM, cnr-i Com,tiwl(, nnd I'latulrnoy. It njmltnllatc tlio l'ooil, rcKui(ltw Woiium h nnd llowcU, Rlvlnic healthy ami imtiirul UT The Children's I'mmd'a-Tha Mother' rrlemh GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY, Bears tho Slgnaturo of -tuzs-yy. -cut The Kind You Have Always BouJ In Use For Over 30 Years. t""" ,t' ,1'cl ir in M xx C I !'.. e I I , no I s P ,f , I I d IX 1 i I etc XX I I !. k ii .ii of I I. int.. r -.Mli, ' I I.. ".. .Is I. , ..- ... ! v, !i I ' i o.lx d ii I e, li.k ' ll I I I ' Klx e axx . a i. I f 01 x l.i l ad I. I !., I llllllM 111 if . I . I I' e l ,tl! II.. ..I 1 .,, , -a llftxf , ' J ri" i .y ! ! K n j.. .ii. i I u 1 whore intern), nt will take idaee u the family lot. Mr?. Joseph Alexander of Portland nt teiid.d the f'iiieral of her Aunt. Mix. Mary Ihund.m'e last Saturday inornink'. OASTOIIIA. Bn tU lm K nd V 'J Hart Km Bonjfi x! .1. ,11 1 lis f.,lh I ' urn in. nt H. At a r fiom II, 1 . rut! I !' I. lev t-il.-s I , ' I ;l.'kl. nml ..tii .1: it sloi e ,'ec II. -1 I COES TO STATE TREASURY. do lb pi. 1 1. n of at help in lien. vol. n. -. s of their I con -Ibv, the five and h.i trihutintf to ohurch. P.ev. W. Moore attended qimrterly fer.-nce at Damascus last Sabbath. Haworth supplied the pulpit here In absence nt the pastor. K.-v. PandsborotiKh of the Kit fit Pren bytetian I'hureh. Oregon 'ity. will ex change pnlpltH with l'r. II. A. Start, pas tor of the CoriKrek'ational church In thin plao... n.xt Sabbath. September 2t. SPRINGWATER. I I he pastor. I!"r. Allen, ha left Sprint-water rharjfe nnd will attend theological col.Ke nt Prine.i, m. N. I P.ev. Plair will take his place. III'. Shlbley utalted this Week for Spent COLTON. Could anything be grander or purer than our web-foot climate? How do you. HiKhtsi-ers, and backoasters appreciate it? Never ko back to be fried in summer and frozen in winter, and blowed by a howling cyclone. Miss Vaughn, of British Columbia, has been visiting her parents here for the last week. MIsh Hessie Hubbard, of Portland last week with friends In Colton. Huckleberry pickers have ceasf-d to be wince the. rain, although th"re arc still an abundance of the berries. Mrs. D. A. James has returned home after a long visit with her uncle in east ern Oregon. Hop pickers are rolling In from all di rections. Rich? yes, in valley soil and tar weed. School will begin here in District No. 72, the first Monday in October. Prune drying seems to be the latest fad here. , Query Where to the proceeds of hunt ing license go? We are pleased to report that Arthur Hargreaves, who has been under the doctor's care for a couple of weeks is Improving. He has typhoid fever. Mr. Garrett, of Marquam, was doing business in Colton last week. II. Rogers of Clarks, bought a fine work horse from Gorhett Bros, last week. CHANGED HER APPEARANCE. An Oregon City Woman's Ambition Real ized. Nearly every woman in the world wanta to be beautiful and attractive, for if It were only akin deep, beauty is desirable from every standpoint. And perfsct beau ty means perfect health. If one's com plexion is at fault, it Is due In most cases to improper diet, a torpid liver, high living, impure blood and constipa tion. After trying lotions and skin foods With disappointing results, a prominent Oregon City lady was induced to try Lazakola tonic tablets and In her case they have worked wonders. They act as CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH AIDS NATURE. REMEDY Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectora tion, opens the secretions, and aids na ture in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. the the J his home In Arkansas after liming ult-nded the Lewis and Clark Pair, Karl Shlbley has returned fro southern Oregon. John Stormer Is having n new house built. P. Hall and Earl 8hibley are the builders. As the have not there Will for pig f. The writer has and reports a Mm -.'loll. "I. go., P-htoi Put. i p. Is. A eed.S of the hunting I,. , si p.s- -pippi: .Ml !o...tS fiom Has S.eil.e f,,r j warded by lb.- xail , is . ., aitx . i , I the slit. tr. ;,oo. I- at Si!, in ;,e a I hi to a fund known as i!- fish ,n,. K,, j prole, don fond. In fl ., ma e.iamv theie h.H e ., , j ., ,,., ,,, ,,, p.- f ,,.,. ill.. Iis.s "Tollimv. XXl.X B It ll x W.IXK ISghtH K With Hllle Wl.d- P.'l- klik'" "''aiis. I,- . m l run s f ,t ;i snd I ran lick him " oi ,l. I v , I,,. !, In .! i I., f uici : 1 1 .,) 'IX, ' -I. t'l S ,1111 o!:!:; (,, ; ixx 11 .1 I ., , '. . .,. !,. , ll" I X. (. . C .,; .... , . fo! . . . I . -I I I e,t C.u- !., I)..- I ! f I, ,, ,n,,,, . ' " 1 ' "' i 1 '.i. it.:.- !-.. I ll ( - 1 ' ' ' " Ho I' 1 O'l. Ui ,1. II. XIII Ki - I!., mi ,) fall I ,...( ... ..i:(( , .,, IIUiU. p..- .-1 I 1 , I ... "II, ;, ,,t si, i, . I. I,U. j l I ,...l. H I fl xilt for l.ll X lull. in ll . V .iii.a . ,o a . , , i, to Jt , -, II is 11(1 i nt! ..i a! , , , , ), s I , . 1 I I U e . P.j, . , ,. M t 1x1:1 n fl.. . .. .i i, ! -;i , ,, I.t ..I I Mi I iiis. "i lo . ..' i'o. (., lr , ,ol . . X f. 11,11 a, , , ! ,,, , i, , i( ,. K'o.! ,.f II. 'o . .t. . -.iitnlil, i II .x .an In (,. wr, ..f f-i;iii (a j, a f ix,...l.le h.iw:im -II I!..- fift li-W ,m:'l 'o.nlv at II.U llliiif I.'otvir.l.." of fl Ull , 1 t..., , ,,-U left )! . .oi l ., r Hi I .- i. , . ;.,. mv ,h He ! x , .r I II..H a o . U to t o,i II . . !... u fioii, tl.i, , ,.i,t, 1 1, sufferers from the forest fires had their buildings restored, be a large ipiantlty of fruit go e,l. been taking In the fair display and some very fine sto. k at the stork show. BEAVER CREEK. NEEDY. Miss Mary Spagle returned to Salem Saturday. Mr. C. C Molson made a business trip to Portland, Monday. Clarence P.-airies is still very low wdth typhoid fever. Mr. R. I.. Stuart's sister and husband from Nebraska, are visiting him. Miss Minnie p,oyles and Jack f'oiigle rnan of Oregon City, visited at Mrs. C. Noblitt's Saturday. A grand ball will be given In the Odd Fellow's hall next Saturday night, Sep tember 2". GOT OFF CHEAP. He may well think, he has got off cheap who, after having contracted constipa tion or indigestion, Is still able to per fectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but lv. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache and constipation, etc. 25c at Howell & Jones' drug store, guaranteed. MT. PLEASANT.' Miss Clementina 1 rail ford has return ed to Portland after a month's visit wltti friends at J,ooUst Farm. Mr. and Mrs. AVard li. I.awton spent Sunday nt the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mrs. Jennie Shibly has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Jones of li.aver Creek Store, were pleasantly surprised last Monday afternoon, when about thirty persons gathered together to show their good friendship towards Mr. and Mrs. Jon.-s on their departure for Coral, Ne braska. A delicious lunch was served. The evening was spent In music, recita tions and games. The programme Vocal solo Recitation Vocal Solo Sp h' Vocal Solo as follows: Mr. 1. Jones T. Thomas J. It. Lewis ... Rev. It. Owens . Mrs. J. II. Jones Vocal Ouett .. Misses Lewis and Kdwards The German Zither was cleverly play ed by Miss Mary Jones, Red Oak. Iowa. The most Interesting feature was a mock marriage between Mr. Thus. M. Thomas and Miss Mary Jones, Prof. C. Kaklaok acting as best man and Miss Margaret Melilnnlth as maid of honor. We ngret that Mr. and Mrs. Jones are leaving us, Hut we all wish them much .success in their new home. The program was closed by the singing of our National Anthem by Mr. Win. II. Joins. O-A.STOn.lA. Bean the "The Kind Viiii Have Always BougM Signature , J. ft WET WEATHER. WI5D0M! THE ORIGINAL a it SLICKER bL ACS. 09 YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE cataloqucs rstt L IINC OF QARMCNT AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO, , BOSTON, MASS., U.S A TOWH CANADIAN CO., 'TO., TORONTO, CANADA. SHOWING fill MOUNTAIN VIEW. The shower of (he past few days have truly been acceptable and pastures and gardens are looking fresh. Hop pick ing Is completed In the Held near town and yield was good. J. K. Heely of the people's grocery, has opener a branch store In the Wily May building formerly occupied by fieo. Kly, and now If we had our little poslolllce hack would not care much If it did rain, It makes It very Inconvenient to those not on the rural route, Mrs. Ralrd, a cousin of Mrs. MeOeehun, Is visiting here nt present. J. If. Marrow, wife and son Adna, have returned home from a pleasant trip to Independence and other places, hav ing driven through with horso and bug Ky. The jolly friends of the Currlns fam ily have departed for their home in Iowa. Mr. Win, Houghton, of Marshlleld, O., was a visitor in our city a few days. Wm. Dixon sold his residence to Mr. DON'T WAIT. Take Advantage of Oregon City Cltlicn'i Experience Before If, too Late. When Hie I,.,, k ,.!., .,, ,., I 1'otl t wall 10,111 1,.,, k.,, . 1 , ,,.,, chronic; I Till TloliS kldllev double ,. v, ,,, 1 'I'll' iirlnaiy doubles ,, ,i,,lV i,Ki,i'H ! rest. : Olof Johnson, who Is a K:.(.,r ,v occupation, Ihing at the ion,. i ,,f i:,n, ! and It streets. Noitl, Hal.-m, Oregon, h.imi ! "Kidney ro,ai, H i,,, ,,, w thing for' men. J have i,e.. l.oih.i.d .,(T and on 1 from a discolored condition ,,f m... iiI. I neys for In or 1.' Jen,. ,, ,,, Hllfr,.. so mucii rioin l.ackaclie as n,-t ) ,,,. do who have kidney iions wlib l, ,.. both distressing and HKgiaviii ing. Th. n was a scalding sensation n passing, and a heavy htlck-dusl like ,,. pear.-.l after standing In the v.Hs. m,.r night. I had attacks of dizziness In my head, nnd oft-times a Miming would up. pear before my eyes, ami I could liaidly see. I tiled numerous lemcd). h, but nil III vain linlll I .hw Iian Kidney pills highly recommended for Just such ti,,ub les. I will say that In all my experience with doctor's prescription,, iin,I dllTeient kidney remedies nothing has given me the amount of relief that I have leceh . d from Iionn's Kidney pills." Plenty more proof like this from On--gon City people. Call on C, u. Huntley and ask what his customcm report. For sale by all dealers. Price Sn cents. Foster-Mill, ui n Co., Ilufialo. N, w York! sole agents r.,r I!,,. I nlted States. Remember the name, I loans, and take no other. At the Dance. "Oh dear," she exclaim, .,1, gets on my nerves." "How?" "With both feet." "thai man AGRICULTURAL DAYS AT THE FAIR Oregon Producers To Show What Is Rain, ed In Thla Section. Thursday and Friday, Hcptember -Nth and li'lth, have bee,, designated , apart as Agricultural day al tlx. l,,.wls and Clark Centennial Imposition I ,,,.. lug this time the Agricultural cn,h, com posed of the exhibitors In the Agrlcnltur "I building, propose lo gv wiiv four thousand valuable presents. i ,(,lin to Ihls, they will give away live car loads or choicest Oregon fiuH, The llrst day's parade will l.g , 10:.K) a. m uiul will .lernonstrale t. cvoltillon of Hgrl,.lt,i,e from 1 Him t Ul(. present time, nnd will he participated , e.r - apiains i.ewis and Clark, Hnoajcwa ndlan scouts ,! cin.p-followeiH, tl,i the premium ,t(.k 1)f th(. K ,,, how then In session. Music fr this oc caslim will he furnished by (he original ABJ-P SALE Our was a prcat trade pctter. We unlodti nearly $5,000 of goods at the lowest prices Oregon City has ever known. Our stock will be clean and new ad good. We still have $1,000 worth of broken lots ani slow sellers to move at cost or less, so there will be hun dreds of bargains for you and busy times for us. New goods are arriving freely. Coupons given on goods lot dishes or silverware. l.autidiy Honp fall r.l;oci;in..s ,. ,., Wlm.r k-liord and tuiim up "'" " ' " f .n icoih,,. ),.. d, ,,, 1.04 , Tle c. Te , I ,-leIIII Up H,,,r Hoai. ! I liiiuiel ov. i.hln. llni mi irl for 2Se viiluen 5 f"' : -tcoc uii.l. iwear Sh.- and P.ok. n Rice I, . . c ' Al. wool ondeiweai, .al- ,"";:" I'"" J;""- k"" I-." lU,s wr, uiide.w.,,, .u! W .... I y , and woiih ::, p..r cm ,,.. . ijky (;ood.s ll. st laud, bulk Me; r,. ,, pu 61c : ,.,,,,1. wm .,..,,, ;ir Aim nt Hoda .;, , .. kUmn ,, , gc ,B- w,m lm...,-w. 3iO f " ' '""' "" i .' f.'- i.iidciweai for 1 ""'l'"l' s win, n ;;; ; m..' w .!.., wer. 'Oflees, sample dee i ,,,, '.ft "" - ;''' "r: W,IV l-ay none-: h.,w. Vo id i., "J, ,,..r .-.-nt on"1" l ' 1 '"'H1 33c V,, 4,. ,, C r ).-.. Ihu I lodav ...,e la,,,,,, ...nokcl t.,. ,, ,, . m(1 . , . ., ... on,.lhiri H'-wIng Machine ml demons, c and ''llllng r,c-colhespl,,H I cent do, ,,, -s and f,ks. Ma,,c, a plate, .Be RlbhoiiH, 5c, 3c, i'.c, up. nl"' Htl' ! Hair pins te pkg ; hex 'rhlinbles e, silk thread if tnd Needles psper c; pap. r phm llallilkelehlefs c. .1,', b " Set CHOI'S! SHoos! liaby slioes !,c, l,,, :i;, ' 1 shoes Te, ph., v. Ladles' f p, H,.H l.mli...' . r ,. .,, ,JC l.adleH' I,, mi ,,..n , . 9 ,. i.i ,. ., i, .a M r.-i..- I..Mer 6to IICIIVV Will lee n. . 'IC ; t.alge (lellcll talilel 11 c I Hot S'" for If' ! W Ink ,c; itiiiclliiK.. I Lead pencils, rubber S Corsets pic, :ic, arc, r.ic, I io ii I New wool waists at a savin I97 Larue Cotliui blankets ' Large loinfuits, rolloii (HI iiitf. 1'cail buttons, do.ei, ' MH.I.INIi UV HI,,,,.. l...u. ,.. . .. ' '" o, umil, weie J'J ;p, san Hoys' calf H,es Ji n, , 5,, worth oiie-thlrd m,,re. IlllVS' fllll Ml, ...I, I , '" " oeavy siloes J i h, "d n.r,',, nearly r,Uc less than MlM W00"' ncl hel""', m- elsewhe,,.. with new fall Hat. We f'dds and ends boys' shoes two- ' ln0 th8 tlei n,, P''8""" , lilrds pile,.. They are told with other gM M'-n's J.LT, shoes line and coarse J1 9.1 ar 00O', mar0ln A Uln' ""is ,:l,if hes were Jj,.,i, ,,. $198 ; third M.n. i, - ' ' - ..cvX mom i.09 an(1 j, 59 worth Jl.r.i) ntid l' fn, Odds and ends il'ie, k;,,., '"P best ,,, , p. I" i n Street Hati 79o, 07c, NOTIONS ,( Hhoe ,.,.H 1,. pair: 2 pnl'-'f" '"'" a ". M-!'V and $,u, mtvlng f $ a Imll. Ilnhher tH () MKN'H l'UUNlSIIINGS M-n; w.x ir. heavy 7c, worth lllc, Men H line sox Clothing at Cost, H'lHpenders, !)c, Ifio i,d .... ,1r l""vnH K'"V"H 7, leuther 2.' V... 69o I'llIM ll Itlttittl' IwuiltM 1111(1 Men's Napalan, best wln'i'e'r' shoes 2 ai ,,,,,,',,M" 1,! ",K: Men's IIKh top heavy sb..u .. . I W,"''h' 1 ''''"- Kuaralitce ...oioin 'IX'l, 1c; sti, a,, ei, lhess eoinbs Sc pocket ' nmh" c' With $5.00 or more of a"i "l for ca.h or produce we will B' ' 10c 10c for caih or produce we win ' pound of Granulated Sua, ((j nn i n I . I f. . Crtin fOf iv vmi9 u, si, ' or 2 pound! beat coffee for. or counona before, but A" Butter In Demand, 26c pld RED FRONT nppr-rw riTY t r -wvw va i i