UEEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. Oregon City Enterprise ?E2S CITY AKb COUNTY OFFICIAL. PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates: One year $1.50 Blx months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postofSce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. PENNY-WISE ECONOMY. Mrs. John Lane, Girding, in an Eng lish interview, at the false economies of her sex, relates the story of "a woman of massive intellect" who sav ed sevenpence by going to the subur ban wilds of Shepherd's Bush to buy Brussels sprouts, and in the process so exhausted her energies that it took several days of rest and a fashionable physician to restore her. The type is not unknown in America. Countless indigestions are acquired by shopping all day in a department store, lunch ing meanwhile on the free food of the demonstration counters. The expo nents or such economy are precisely the women who endure miserable weeks of rapid-fire servants rather than give one of them an extra after noon off, or extend to her the liberty These men appeared as link with a great past. To people of imagination and sensi bility their mere presence there to gether was an inspired teaching that told of the mighty crisis of the civil war ,the saving of the Union, the un precedented growth and glory of the nation after a reunion that has made all sections one in a much truer sense than was ever possible before the trial of arms. Probably the desire of the veterans to march is very largely explained by their own loyalty to the observance as a kind of symbolism, and we may be sure that the ceremony will not be abandoned except under the pressure of extreme necessity. But the pathetic aspects of the case become more con spicuous every year. It is plain that the exertion taxes the strength of many of the participants almost be yond endurance. It is plain, also, when comparisons are extended to the past, that we are dealing with a mere fraction of what was once the Grand Army of the Republic. And not only are the ranks greatly di minished but the years are counting now against men far beyond their prime. Such is the record from one meeting to another that the thoughts of the veterans must be more and more fixed on time's remorseless changes and the splendid host that has gone before. Chicago Record Herald. : 0 IS MONEY EVERYTHING? Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. He knows all about this cough medicine. "We hare ued Arer"! Cherry Pectoral In oar family for 25 Tears for throat and lung troubles, and we think no medicine equals it. Mrs. A. Poxbkot. Appleton, Minn. t 4 JL HUsir BS.S 25c., 50c.. 91 .00. AH drnepfitR. for ?. C. ITER CO., Trowel 1. Mas. Weak Throats Ayer's Pills greatly aid recovery. f ureiy vegetable, gently laxative. We exterminated the Indians be cause the land they occupied was needed. The superior race could not work out its opportunities except by sending the red man to his happy hunting ground. We are now engaged in forclne toward starvation a race in regard to whom no excuse exists. They do not occupy land the white man needs. We acquired control of them by accident. -They were under rulers before who neither despised them socially, as the Americans de spise them, nor what is more import- of the tea-chest or the ice-box for her ant. passed laws such as those which visitine friends. When it pnmpa tn are stealing away their food. What buying a dollar's worth for 99 cents Mr. Taft has really been about, in his the most massive intellect crumbles, triumphal tour, is not known, but his and when there is a question of shav- past record makes us hope he will ing two dollars off the monthly bills bring new force to bear on congress the kindest heart becomes steel. in the winter, on Congress, which is This is one feminine foible, how- responsible for the sale of a distant ever, with the responsibility of which she is not to be charged. The art of spending a dollar to save two is ac quired only by the habit of large deal ing, and is impossible to any one in the position of economic dependence. people's welfare to enable already bloated tobacco and sugar magnates to wow more bloated. We boasted profusely of the "boom" that would begin its exhilarating career when once the star-spangiea Banner pre few wives have any settled allowance sided over the destinies of these is- and fewer still are made to feel that lands. We boasted, and then we pas- they have an equal interest in the sed the Frye bill, making the rnin family disbursements. pines territory sufficiently ioreign to A tea and coffee merchant in Chi cago, whose economic sense was larg er than his knowledge of human na- Rhnns nn,i nffor his wrPS fnr twmtv DrinciDle. not only oi sympathy, but delinquency on the part of the local gonian. Clackamas has been controlled by a certain political power that has looked more for personal aggrandize ment than to get the county on good financial footing. Homeseekers are careful to inquire into the indebt edness of a county. The people are to be censured; for at every election they have had an opportunity to make a change for the better. A splendid chance presents itself at next Spring i Direct Primary election. Woodburn Independent. 0 Of course' the several hundred rural telephone subscribers to the various mutual systems that are in operation throughout the county are in no hurry to gain communication with the bus iness people of Oregon City. This completing link in the extensive tele phone system of the county was as sured the rural subscribers by the Board of Trade some time ago and it was largely on this assurance that the rural lines enjoyed such a remarkable growth. But, presumably on account of the conflicting interests of several private telephone corporations that have largely usurped the privileges of entering this city over the different county roads, there has been nothing doing in this direction and on this ac count an injustice continues to be done the subscribers on the interior ElBfla pound with tariff laws and sufficiently of the county. It is about time the American to be forbidden cheap trans- outside subscribers were being given r-tati, Tt is PTPed mire and sim- connection with Oregon City or that pie, to which we are sacrificing every a reasonable excuse be given for the per cent below the current rates. The of the merest justice. XNOtnmg snort refill ntirm ha nnnminiH QnH nuito I of free trade with us will be even a truly, was made possible by the fact pretence of fairness, but if that is too tnat ne gave no trading stamps or other premiums. The experiment cost him many thousands of dollars. His customers said that the money they saved with him stayed in their hus band's pockets, and could not be en ticed thence for the purchase of nec essary china, to say nothing of the brrc-a-brac so passionately desired. That the husband's temper was en dangered by bad coffee and the family wealth diminished in the process was a consideration beyond the servant wife's comprehension or care. Women will cease to save at the spigot when men allow them to save at the bunghole. Saturday Evening Jfost. much for the fat monopolists who con trol our Congress, let us at least make commercial organization that is sup posed to be representative of the busi ness interests in the city. o Judge Thomas A. McBride of this again the fight that was lost last win- I district circuit is now thought to be ter, and endeavor to secure a reduc tion from the present deadly rates. Colliers. - O- A PROPER CRITICISM. THE INSURANCE INVESTIGATION The New York Insurance investi gation has started out right. That is. it has begun by bringing out certain important facts without any appar ent favor or discrimination as between the big life companies toward which public interest is directed. it is certainly a desirable fact to make plain at the beginning of the investigation that the management of the great companies is self-perpetuat ing and that their policy-holders in the memory of man have never active ly intervened to shift the control un der any circumstances. It is not that this is news to observers of the insur ance methods, but that it is a funda mental truth. It establishes a point from which all proposals of legisla tion must set out. The laws should, of course, provide for the greatest possible freedom on the part of the policy-holders in controlling the man agement, and should make sure that full and exact information about com pany affairs is always at the policy holder's command, But they should go further than this and provide nnh- iift control over the management, just as li no control Dy the policy-holders was poSlble, either theoretically or practically. The facts about the manv hieh sal aries paid by the big companies and the nepotism shown in the distribu tion of the fat places are old, but they are as unpleasant reading as ever. The investigating committee will doubtless have difficulty in suggest ing legislation by which adequate pay for the officials burdened with the con servation of the huge properties of the companies can be granted and at the same time . unnecessary salaries to favorites can be prevented. Per haps if a way can be found to hit at the system of high commissions and of rivalry for "bigness" the source of the spirit of wastefulness will have been reached. -Exchange. o A pair of two-legged brutes are scheduled to hammer each other to a finish at San Francisco this afternoon for one of the largest purses that has been hung up in many years. There are the usual predictions that crooked work may be expected, and unless there is more money to be made by playing fair, the rumors will probab ly be confirmed. Several centuries of civilization have not served to eradi cate from the mind of man the desire to witness the infliction of physical pain on his fellow-man. Men who are lacking the advantages of education and breeding feel this desire much stronger than those who have lived in a higher civilization. For this reason the slugging match today will attract as select an audience of plugguglies and all-round bad men as has ever gathered around a. ringside. Sand wiched in with them, cheek by jowl, will be found a number of prominent men who stand so high in the affairs of commerce and state that their names will be carefully withheld from the list of those present. It is but fair to the Bat Mastersons and others of their ilk to state that their high toned friends will enjoy the "mill" equally with the bad men from the country's numerous Bitter Creeks. Saturday's Oregonian. But think how the "manly art" of self defence is promoted by these exhibitions! the man likely to receive the appoint ment as federal judge for Oregon. Judge Bean of the State Supreme Court seemed to be assured of the place a few weeks ago, but for some reason President Kooseveit nas not acted, and that is now interpreted to show that he is not looking favorable to Judge Bean, but is looking for an other man. McBride has the support of Senator Fulton and other leading politicians and his many friends are very hoperul oi his selection. ine Judge is very popular in this county and his friends will regret to lose him, even to go -to the federal bench. For est Grove Times. o CURED OF LAME BACK AFTER 15 YEARS OF SUFFERING. "I had been troubled with lame back for fifteen years and found a complete recovery in the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says John G. Basher, Gillam, Ind. This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale by Geo. A. Harding. Make yotfi work a pleasure make your washing and cleaning a delightful pastime by the use of -A. US Sosjp It is so interesting and delightful to see dirt . disappear as if by magic to see everything take on a clean, bright, new, fresh, beautiful, shin ing appearance from the marvelous operations of this wonder-worker, -.this labor-saver, this household delight. Your clothing, your linen, dishes, bathtubs everything that ought to be clean-will become clean with little effect on your part by the use of the now famous A. B. Soap. i '' t j One trial will make it your life-long friend. For sale by Ho P. BRIGHTBILL 5s si - - I I: PHONE t26. 509 MAIN T GRANGE PICNIC AT BARTON. The Eagle Creek Grange No. 297 will give a Picnic at Barton Park, September 3d, 1905. There will be dancing after noon and at night in the Hall. The day's program will consist of speaking and songs. Come all and have a good time. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. FEEL IMPENDING DOOM OTHER SHIPS BLOW UP ALSO. PARENTAL FOLLY. THE MARCHING OF THE GRAND ARMY. Reports from the Grand Army En campment at Denver tell the expected story of the annual parade. Many veterans could not join the proces sion; others who made the start drop ped out before the marching was over. There were, however, some 15,000 in line, which is a large number for any description of street parade. It was large enough to make an im pression from size alone, and of course the emotional interest that was ex cited was extraordinary. No one could gaze upon the line without hav ing a keener realization of the coun- The fact that so many of our child ren of school age are not getting a full common school education is a seri ous matter; far more serious than the size of our navy or the Panama Canal or even the wordy campaigns of our trust-busters. But it is not so seri ous as it would be, were the school only, or even the chief, source of ed ucation nowadays. Like all large words, education is at once full and empty of meaning. And lamentably, often it is as near to a perfect vacuum as the efforts of men can induce Nature to tolerate. The very air we both young and old breathe nowadays is surcharged with the materials of education. And whether we go to school or not, we absorb and assimilate at an early age more valuable knowledge than the most learned could acquire a hun dred years ago. The function of the school, high and low, is to teach, as it were, the mind to breathe properly, to draw in the right materials and to assimilate them thoroughly. And un less our children whose parents are ignorant or worse still, chock full of silly prejudices go to school, they are more liable to grow up with what they absorb doing them a minimum of good and much harm. Exchange. o AS WOODBURN SEES IT. The population of Clackamas Coun ty, as shown by the State census, is 20877. The gain is less than expect ed, since the population in 1900 was 19,658. Clatsop, which had 12,765 five years ago, now has 16,045. Ore- Admiral Togo's Flag Ship Goes Down With 600 Admiral Escapes.' TOKIO, Sept. 12. The Navy Depart ment announces that the battleship Mik asa has been destroyed by fire and the explosion of her magazine causing the loss of 599 lives .including men of other ships who went to the rescue. The fire started from an unknown cause at mid night on Sunday night, September 10. Before the officers could be. rescued the fire reached the after magazine, which exploded, blowing a hole in the port side of the vessel below the water line and causing the ship to sink. An investiga tion ia now being held to determine the cause of the fire. The feeling of Impending doom in the minds of many victims of Bright's disease and diabetes has been changed to thank fulness by the benefit derived from tak ing Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure incipient Bright's Disease and Diabetes and even in the worst cases gives com fort and relief. Slight disorders are cured in a few days. "I had diabetes in its worst form," writes Marion Lee of Dun reath, Ind. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." Huntley Bros. Co. CATARRIXI Leave Portland 6:45 a. m. daily (except Sunday) for Salem and way points. Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Independence, Al bany and Corvallis, stages of water permitting. DAILY RIVER EXCURSIONS OF OREGON CITY BOATS JOHN YOUNGER, iMear Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Mlkasa Bore TIME CARD Week Days a. m. a. xn. p.m. Leave Portland 8:00 11:30 3:30 a., ill. p. tn. p.m. Leave Oregon City.. 10:00 1:30 5:30 ROUND TRIP 45c" Tickets exchanged with O.W. P. & Ry. cars. C. I - Greenman, " PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE, L-J ELLO Brunt of Battle In Japan Sea. Tokio, Sept. 12. In the battle of the Sea of Japan the Mikasa was the heaviest loser of the Japanese ships, having 63 killed and wounded. She led the Japan ese fleet into action and approached nearer to the Russians than any other battleship. . The Mikasa was also the flagship of Admiral Togo after the great naval battle fought off Port Arthur on August 10, 1904, on which occasion the Japanese flagship also suffered the most but continued in the fighting line. that occasion the Mikasa had four of- I Largo Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by fleers and twenty-nine men killed, six niail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. officers and twenty-nine men severely wounded and four officers and twenty nine men slightly wounded. SPECIAL Sunday Excursions ROUND TRIP 25o Leave a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Portland 8:30 9:30 11:30 1:30 3:30 Lea-ve a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. r. City 10:00 11:30 1:30 3:30 5:30 3 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses', soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cores Catarrh and drives away a Gold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL asy to use. Contains no injurious drnes. On i Applied into tne nostrils ana absorbed. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrtn St., New York. One of the Finest Ships of Japan's Navy. The Mikasa was one of the largest and most powerful vessels in the Japanese navy. She was built at Barrow, England, and was launched in 1902. She had a dis placement of 15,200 tons, and her speed was 18 1-2 knots, with 16,431 indicated horsepower. Her armament consisted of four 12-inch, fourteen 6-inch, twenty 12 pounders, eight three-pounders, four two and one-half-pounders and eight milli meter guns. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock: Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 4a Sean the SigBStUB of The Kind You Have Always BongM Maintains unexcelled service from the West to - the East and South. Making close connections with trains of all trans continental lines, passengers are given their choice of routes to Chicago. Louis ville. Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to the far East. Prospective travelers desiring informa tion as to the lowest rates are invited to correspond with the following represen tatives: B. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial -Agent, 142 .Third Street, Portland .Oregon. J. C. LINDSEY, Trav. Passenger Agent. 142 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. PAUL B. THOMPSON, Passenger Agent, Colman Building, Seattle, "Wash. 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. uiainuvv no enect to a t clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Hardins Druar Store. IF You Don't Forget to Mail It A letter can save you lots of time, trouble and travel. We will be glad to call up on you promptly, if so requested. Find out just what you want and in a day or two, we will send you our low estimate covering the cost of any large or small plumbing job, on which you desire figures. A. MIHLSTIN, ' Main Street, near Eighth Oregon City - - , Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of Its local Institutions depend entirely on the loyalty of its people. It Is well enough to preach "patronize home industry" but except the service given at a home institution equals that of out-of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and Is entirely disrerarf- ed, as It should be. But with Oregon City people It is different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the o... cade Laundry. It is equipped with the latest Improved machinery and la rtn turning out work that is equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that is being done In Jortir, Being a home institution and Wih. employment for many Oregon City people It Is enjoying an Immense patronage. The high standard of the work tu.tr, done commends It to the general public. Laundry left at the O. K. barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered tn any part of the city. Telenhnn. iiu Oregon E. L. Johnson, proprietor. Z I?