OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1905. j NEW TO-DAY MONET TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 pgr cent. Farm security. URen & SchubeL MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. at lowest rates, Latourette'a office. Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City. , Morning prayer and sermon on "Christ- February. 1842. When 19 . years- of age ian Brotherhood" at 11. Evening prayer ! she was wedded to Mr. Trembath and in and sermon on , "Good Examples," at 1871 came direct to Oregon locating at 7:45. I Oregon City, where she has resided con- r i tinuously. Nine children were born, six MORTGAGE - LOANS NEGOTAITED 0f whom, three daughters and three sons, at lowest rates, Latourette's office. Com- together with husband, survive her. The merclal Bank Building, Oregon City. children are: Constable Harry W. Trem bath. Mrs. Chas. E. Murray, Thomas Local Events Watch for our Fall millinery opening announcement. Miss C. Goldsmith. School books for all grades and a full line of school supplies at lowest prices at Charman & Co., City Drug Store. Last Thursday evening at her home on the hill. Miss Antoinette Walden enter tained a score of young people at cards. During my absence, accounts due. are payable to Hedges & Griffith. Dr. L. L. Pickens. St. John's Parochial and High School opened Monday morning with an increas ed attendance for the ensuing ten months term. James Hannegan. the Liberal merchant Trembath, Frank Trembath, Mrs. J. G. who was committed to the asylum at I Beauliau and Miss Lillian Trembath, all Salem, abodt two weeks ago, died Wed- I 0f Oregon City. Funeral services will nesday afternoon at that institution. The J be held at the late home today. Rev. P. remains arrived here yesterday morning k. Hammond officiating. Interment at and were prepared for burial by Funeral j Maintain ,yiew cemetery. uirector iNewton. Call Friday, September 22 and Inspect Deputy Sheriff Harry Trembath - made I our pattern hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. futile trip . to Portland Monday armed with John Doe warrants searching fori Every Californian who is interested in persons who stole a fishing-boat from art, music, and the drama, should be William Dyer of Oswego, several weeks I sure to secure a copy of the Argonaut for ago. Information was received to tne September 11th. which is a handsomely effect that the boat had been seen in I illustrated special number. It will con North Portland but the deputy sheriff tain a wide miscellany of interesting failed to find it. I reading matter, especially planned to show the artists, actors, singers, an Grand millinery display, Friday, Sep- I playwrights which California has given tember 22. Miss C. Goldsmith. I to the world. Jerome A. Hart will con tribute an historical article on "The Paris Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, in her capacity upera ; i-orier uaraeu wm wnie aooui as president of the Sacajawea assocla- 1 e poetic. M.usic-jramas 01 tne bo tion, gave a reception Thursday evening hemlan Club Midsummer Jinks"; Profes in the Oreeon state building at the Lew- sor Keeler will discuss the Greek Thea Is and Clark exposition in honor of Miss tre at Berkeley; Josephine Hart Phelps Cooper, of Denver, the talented sculptor I has written an entertaining Summary of who made the Sacajawea bronze statue, the notable caiuornia actors, singers, and Mr. Paxson, the artist. The recep- i and playwrights; Captain Robert Howe tion was largely attended by the people Fletcher's article will deal with Art in of the state generally who desired to San Francisco." Other notable features meet the distinguished artists in whose I will be an interview with the venerable Personal Mention F. Newton, of Oregon City, has the only first-class undertaking parlor and tiearse In Clackamas county. David Caufleld has been awarded the contract for painting the Eastham school building. Mr. Caufleld has contracted to perform the work for $187. Money to loan on Farms. Land Titles examined. Dlmlck & Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Oregon, Funeral services over the remains of the late Edward Stroup, aged 25 years, who died at his home at Aurora last week were held at Aurora Sunday. Miss Wood and assistants are busy with Fall Hats. They are beauties to see them is to be pleased economi cally priced too. Red Front. Mrs. Wanda Gessner, wife of H. C. Gessner, died Monday night at the fam ily home at Oswego. Burial took . place at Oswego Wednesday forenoon. - Miss Eva Benson, Portland Oregon, Teacher of Piano, will teach in Oregon City on Saturdays. Address care of Mrs. C. G. Miller; Phone 1721. 9-29 Dexter Roberts, of Umatilla county, and Miss Alpha Nicholson, of Clackamas, were married in this city Monday morn ing, Justice of the Peace Stlpp officiating. New Fall and Winter styles of ladies and children's hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. W. V. Culver, of Wichita, Kansas, on Tuesday night delivered a lecture on temperance at the Presbyterian church. The lecturer illustrated his address with a number of cartoons. CLEAN UP SALE at the Red Front see their ad. Besides hundreds of bargains they offer with $5.00 pur chase 12 pounds sugar 45c; 10 bars soap 10c; or 2 pounds best Coffee for 10c. 25 cents paid for eggs. The Milwaukie public schools will open next Monday with the folowing corps of teachers: Mildred Ruegg, principal; Miss Ella Castro, instructor; Miss Marian Har rington second primary; and Miss Kate Casto, first primary. Gage tailored hats, Friday, 22. Miss C. Goldsmith. September honor the function was held. High grade whiskies and Weinhard'B celebrated Columbia, beer at the Planet where the proprietors, Kelly & Ruconlch have provided a merchant's noon-day lunch that is served daily from 11 o'clock to 1:30 p. m. actress, Mrs. Saunders; reminiscences o: the famous California Stock Company an anecdote article on Joseph Jefferson and a brief sketch of the career of Isa dora Duncan, the charming San Francis co girl who has conquered Europe with her novel dances. The subscription price of the Argonaut is $4.00 per year; $2.25 six months; $1.30, three months, , I A bar-grain Bay team, weight 2400 evening at me nome 01 our. ttiiu 111 a. 1 , , , , w t du k -b-. diu I pounds, eight years old, good pullers ,'., aAa , TJ,n rry,' , I a new harness; a splendid easy running, a mock marriage in which the principals were: Miss Helen Bollinger, groom; Miss Essie Block, bride; Miss Neita Harding, best man; Charles Bollinger, clergyman. A charivari was then given the bride and groom. Among those present were: Miss es Harding, Goetling, Lundenburg, John son, Meyers, and Messrs. Deute, Robin' son, Bollinger, Merrill and' R. Smith. strong 3i wagon with combination beds and one good canopy top, two-seated hack. Address "M" care Enterprise 9-8 Latest styles in millinery for FFall and Winter. Misa C. Goldsmith. Sunday afternoon a company of young boys was sitting 'on the bank ' of the Willamette river In the residence part of this city. Unmindful that their remarks could be heard by persons seated on their reunlon of the Royal Arch Masona of the County Judge Thos. F. Ryan left this week for Philadelphia, Pa., to attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, being senior representative from this state which he has represented at four consecutive Grand Lodge sessions. Judge Ryan's colleagues, J. A. Mills, of Salem Wm. Green, of Eugene; and Jos. Micelli, of Roseburg, started several days ago. After attending the sessions of the I. O. " O. , F. Grand Lodge, which conducts its sessions, September, 17-23. the Clack amas County Judge goes to Providence, Rhode Island, as an Invited guest to a porches in the vicinity, the little fellows New England States. During his visit were in turn relating what they would do m the E&a where ne w,n be abaent If in possession of all of the money in the world. Various, indeed, were the uses to which the money would be placed but it remained for the last member of the group, a bright-eyed little fellow of about seven year, to suggest the truly boyish Idea. "If I had all the money in the world," asserted the little felow, "I would go to the Lewis & Clark Fair and take in every one of those darned shows on the Trail. The latest importations Miss C. Goldsmith. in millinery. If you do not have time to go home for lunch, drop wi at the Planet and en Joy the merchant's lunch that is served every day from 11 o'clock to 1:30 p. m. Only the highest grade whiskies and liquors carried. about four weeks. Judge Ryan will de liver two public addresses on Oregon and its resources, one address to be made at Providence, R. I., and the other at Lowell, Massachusetts. Following the fraternal meetings, Judge Ryan will be joined at Boston by Chas. Coopey, president of the Albany, Oregon, Woolen Mills when machinery for re-equipping this factory, recently damaged by fire will be pur chased. Upon returning to Oregon, Judge Ryan will Immediately' direct his atten tion towards promoting his candidacy for the Republican nomination for State Treasurer. The Schumann Singing Society, organ ized last winter under the direction of Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodie, was reor ganized for the winter's work at a meet ing of the members held Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Harding. Fine farm for sale 60 acres 1 miles from Aurora, consisting of two fine hop yards, orchard and garden; 30 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture with run ning water and two good wells, fine hop house and other buildings on good county road: a money maker. Will give terms. Address Mrs. Lizzie Roppel, Oregon City, or O. P. M. Jamison, 503 Marquam Bldg., Portland, Oregon. At St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rector the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy com munion at p. m. Sunday school at 10. Carl Denton, organist and cholrmas ter of Trinity Church, Portland, has ar ranged to open a studio in the parlors of the Electric Hotel on Saturdays. Pu pils received for instruction on Violin and Piano. Arrangements can be made Monday evening, next, Jos. Goodfellow I at the Hotel on Saturdays from 10 to will open his popular bowling alleys for 1 4 o'clock beginning on the 16th inst, or the winter season. This interesting sport I with Rev. P. K. Hammond at any time. which was so thoroughly enjoyed by the young men of the city last winter, will I When descending the Fourth street be Inauaguated Monday evening with a I steps last Sunday evening, two young match contest between the Garde and the I ladies of this city were grossly insulted by Samson boarding houses and the winning I a brace of drunken Indians. It is not team will be the guests of Mr. Goodfellow I an uncommon scene to witness these at a theatre party to be held at Portland I Indians in a drunken condition on the soon. In connection with the alleys. Mr. streets of the city, notwithstanding the Goodfellow has acquired possession of fact that it is illegal for any drug store the rooms recently occupied by Miss or saloon to dispose of intoxicants to Wisner's photo studio, immediately over these people. But they get it and get it his place of business. These rooms have I whenever they desire it and can scrape been fitted up as club rooms and equip- up tne necessary two-bits with which ped with billiard tables and otherwise a cheap grade of alcohol is purchased arranged to be placed at the disposal of an(j diluted sufficiently for drinking. The the patrons of the resort. Pleasant en- iaw ln tnla regard, is violated frequently tertainment is thus assured during the Dut the transgressing dealer in stimu- long winter season that has already be- ienta is apparently an unknown quantity. sun. I at any rate, one does not hear of his ar rest and the imposing of a fine for the offense. On the other hand, the Indian population continues to make a spectacle of itself, at times even terrorizing the res ldents of the suburbs. They invariably wind up In the city jail and are Jerked before some tribunal and sentenced to a R. L. Holman, leading undertaker. Next to Harris' grocery store, Oregon City, Oregon. blood poisoning resulting from an ab scess. Martha Wills was native of Corn wall, England where she was born in There's No Disputing It when you have a can celled check as evidence. Payment of accounts by checks save annoyance and litigation. It's much better than being your own banker. USE THIS BANK for deposits and our check books when pay iny your. bills. Don't take chances on dis puted accounts. Our vaults are secure, office safes are not. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY Martha, aged 63 years, wife of John R. Trembath. Sr.. died suddenly at fam ily home here Wednesday afternoon of erm in Jail- But the proceeding, which is as regularly repeated as the poor inaian becomes saturated, is the occasion for the running up of a bill of costs against the taxpayer. These Indians should be made I to behave themselves or compelled to ! move on and, incidentally, the miscel laneous sale of liquor to these people, should be prohibited and guilty persons punished. These intemperate Indians are an unnecessary expense to the community. City Engineer E. P. Rands left Satur day for Cour D'Alene reservation, Idaho, where he will spend about a week with the surveying crew that is In charge of his brother, H. A, Rands, also of this city. City Attorney F: T. Griffith returned Monday from Tioga, near Long Beach, accompanied by Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. T. A. Pope and daughter. Miss Laura, who have been spending" some time at that delightful resort. Miss Essie Block, who has been spend ing the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Block, in this city, leaves Sunday for Baltimore, Maryland, where she will resume her studies at the Pea body Conservatory of Music. John Ross has returned to Oregon City and resumed his old position as as sistant in the Southern Pacific Company's passenger depot. Mr. Ross was dissat isfied with the position he was offered at Central Point, Southern Oregon. FOR SALE. An eight-room house at 3d and Monroe streets, with large barn. Five lota with number of fruit trees. Price $1000 Sep. 22 H. SCHROEDER. Frank Redner and family have removed to Portland. '" Miss . Mary Sandstrom this week at tended the C. E. convention at Portland. R. M. Davisson and family removed this week to Portland. Rhae Cole, of this city, will attend the Portland Academy this winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Caufleld are at the hot springs for a short outing. Mrs. John Hill, of The Dalles, visited Oregon City friends this week. Miss Vera Hedges, of Tacoma, is vis iting with relatives at Canemah. Miss Wava Harrington has returned from a visit with friends at Woodburn. Miss G. Aimee Bollack has returned from a week's visit with friends at Port land. Mrs. Minnie McLean, of Cornelius, was this week the guest of Mrs. C. D. Lat ourette. Arthur Howland, of Eugene, was this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L, Adams. Gordon Moore, of Salem, was the guest of Oregon City friends the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George T. King, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. A. S, Foster. Deputy Assessor F. J. Nelson has gone to Klamath county to spend a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Ellison and daughter, of Albany, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kennedy. Attorney J. F. Clark has returned from a fishing and hunting trip, on the McKen- zie river. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Latourette and fam lly have returned from at outing on the Tillamook coast. Mrs, H. S. Moody and son Kent and Gerald Warner visited this week with friends at Albany. Miss Alvena Horn returned Sunday from a three weeks', visit at points in British Columbia. Kenneth Latourette left this week for New Haven, Connecticut, where he will enter Tale Colege. Miss Maud E. Winchell, of Woodsfield, Ohio, was the guest this week of Miss Ethelwyn Albright, Judge and Mrs. T. A. McBride, spent several days this week at their summer home at Deer Island. Miss Chloe E. Bashor, of Salem, spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Gertrude Bashor, in this city. Jack Latourette returned this week to Eugene where he will resume his studies at the State University. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mattheson have re turned to LaGrande after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nash have removed from Gladstone to Oregon City, and are residing on Eleventh street. Miss Minnie Ireton, of Salem, was the guest the latter part of last week, of her cousin. Dr. H. S. Mount Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, of Salem, ar rived last week for a visit at the home of W. E. Pratt, In this city. Bert Baxter and family have removed from Green Point to Gladstone where they have purchased property. Mrs. Mary Flynn and daughter. Miss Harrison, of Centralla, Washington, are visiting at the home of Wm. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bier, of Salem were the guests the latter part of last week of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jones. D. M. Deering, of the lumber firm of Deering & Morrison, of Viola, was an Oregon City business visitor Monday. Chauncey, Charles and Miss Lillian Beattle,- of Tacoma, have been visiting at the home of C. Schuebel in this city. Mrs. John Starr and daughter, of Watervllle, Douglas county, Washington, isited with Oregon City friends this week. E. C. Hamilton and family have re moved to Oregon City from Gladstone and will occupy the Baxter residence at Green Point. Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope, of this city has accepted a position in the choir at the Calvary Presbyterian church in Portland. D. R. Dimick, of Canby, and formerly engaged in the livery stable business in this city, was in the city the first of the week. Mrs. A. E. Acheson, of San Francisco, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. Moreland, has returned to her home. C. G. Huntley left Monday for Pendle ton to attend a meeting of the state board of pharmacy, of which he is pres ident. F. A. Miles, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Miles, of Missouri, have re turned from a trip to Gales Creek, Wash ington. Miss Ada Bedwell, the accommodating night operator at the local telephone ex change, has returned from an outing at the coast. Merrill Moore, formerly of this city, but now of Salem, left Monday for Cor nell University, where he will continue his studies. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Frissell have re turned from a summer's outing at New port. Mrs. Frissell returns greatly im proved in health. Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Bollinger, of the First Congregational Church, this week attended a meeting of the Congregation alists at Seattle. Chas. Klohe, an extensive potato pro ducer of the Canby section, was an Oregon City business visitor the latter part of last week. Mrs. Humphrey Trembath has return ed from a three months' visit in Eng land. Much of the time was spent at London and Liverpool. Judge Wm. Galloway went to Salem Monday morning where he convened the fall term of the equity department . of the state circuit court. R. M. Tracy, of Logan, was in the city from his farm Monday after baling wire. Mr. Tracy this year had a fine crop of hay of excellent quality. Mrs. Oscar W. Seaton, of Chicago, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. Moreland, visited with Woodburn friends the latter part of the week. Mm. Latspeach and wife, of : Martins burg, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott, of Hetrick, Iowa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Horton in this city. Percy and Miss Vera Caufleld have re turned from a two weeks' visit with friends at Seattle, Bellingham and other Washington points and at Victoria, B. C. fiwf C5- rijf Not a Drop of Oil Wasted At last we have a can that will fill your lamp without spilling a drop. So sample the children can use it. It works with a little pump and when the lamp is full it simply siphons back into the can not a drop of oil on your lamp not a drop of oil wasted. Let us show you how they work. HUNTLEY BROTHERS CO. PROGRESSIVE DRUGGISTS Miss Iva Gordon, of Grants Pass, was this week the guest of Miss Myrtle Buch anan, being en route to her home after a visit with friends at Kelso, Washington. County Treasurer Enos Cahill and As sessor J. F. Nelson returned Monday from Denver, where they attended the sessions of the National Encampment of the G. A. R. John B. Finley, until recently employ ed at the Oregon City Manufacturing Company's woolen mill plant, left this week for Medf ord, "where. ae owns a small farm. , t Mr. and Mrs. F. Godfrey, of Peel, left Wednesday for Oregon City, to visit with relatives, after which they will go to Portland to attend the fair. Roseburg Review. Mrs. M. E. Jackson, who has been vis iting her son C. B. Willson, in this city, left Saturday for her home at Browns ville, but will visit other relatives at Salem en route. Mrs. Richard Monroe, of Lewiston, Ida ho, and Mrs. A. Miller, of Albany, have been visiting their nieces and nephew, Mrs. H. S. Moody and Mrs. Augusta War ner and W. R. Logus. Frank Nims and wife, Frank Blake- ney and Miss Ona Simmons, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Zum- walt, left Monday for their home at Nims City, Nebraska. Mrs. Lizzie Warden, of San Louis Ob- isbo, California, who has been visiting her mother and sister at Portland, was this week the guest of her brother, C. D. Latourette in this city. Mrs. W. D. Sherman and children. who have been visiting at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Daulton, in this city, leave Tuesday for their home at Ballston Spa, New Tork. Dee Wright, of Liberal, was in the city Saturday. Dee is one of the best informed fellows in the county and con sequently a resourceful man whom the news reporters are always glad to see. L. S. Maddock, accompanied by his nieces, Mrs. Druscllla Swank, and Miss Naomi Lane, of Ridge Farm, Eastern Illinois, is visiting his brother. Eli Mad dock, whom he had not seen for 32 years. Di with Light , steady work tne right man. f? For full particu- 5 WANTE A Bright Young Mai Team in your county, sua gooa wages, I References required lars address N KOCH V. T.-Co., Winona, i Quality Drs. Beatie & Beatle. Dentists, 16, 17 18, Weinhard Building. Rooms Must Win" By making absolutely pure Ice Cream free from secret powders or "fillers" so com monly used, the manufactur ers of SwetlandV Ice Cream have gained for it a valuable reputation, and its sale this season has been larger than ever before. When you take your evening walk come to our Parlor and try a plate of this delicious and refreshing- cream, or order a quart for Sunday's Dinner. J. A. Tufts Agent for Oregon City Special prices for Picnics, Socials, Etc. Alleys Will Open !On Monday evening, September f Q T lfff iff f y KJ i ) U3. VJUUU1C11UW Will uptii Illi bowling alleys. On the opening night there will be a contest be tween the Garde and the Samp Samson Boarding Houses. ... Drop in and Bowl Dull Care Away Main and Seventh Streets, Oregon City, Oregon WIS BY (DATS 1 If yoa have any quantity, let us make yot quotations, delivered at Oregon City or in Portland. J. C. ZINSER, Oregon City. i Oth and Main Streets.