Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 01, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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par cent. Farm security. U'Ren
Jk Bcbubel.
at lowed rates, I.atourette's office,
Commercial Hank Building, Oregon
Local Events
liuby caps and hats greatly reduced.
Miss Goldsmith's.
A. I.nrklns, a prominent Meadowbrook
farmer, wm It) the city yesterduy.
I'alnt! palntl paint! and get It at Char
man & Co.'a, their prices are always Just
It lute been decided by the Oregon
City school bonrd, to have the Emit hum
building painted,
J. Tolpolur hue purchased the White
House Restaurant Mnd will managn that
business In ronnectlon with hit section
hand etore.
Bpeelal priori on millinery thli week at
Mlea Goldsmith's.
Persons desiring upholstering work of
any kind may leave their orders with
Frank llusch, and they will receive
prompt attention.
The Autoflller, the beat self-filling
Fountain Ten, 13.50 and upwards. Kvery
pen guaranteed. Chartnan A Co., drug
glati. tola agent.
Mr. nnd Mm. A. H. Dresser, who remov
ed to Portland, this week, were tendered
u farewell reception at the Baptist church
Wednesday evening.
J. C. Bnldir and Miss Pearl Beely, both
of Aurora, were married Wednesday ev
ening by Itev. IS. H. Bollinger at the resi
dence of W. W. II. Bamson.
at loweat ratee, Latouretts's office. Com
mercial Hank Building. Oregon Otty.
County Ilecorder Henry Btevena haa a
new deputy. He arrived lost Baturdny
ut the family home at Mllwaukle and by
the way, he li a handaome, bouncing lud
Mnrrlnge llreneei were Issued thll
week aa follows: Louise Btelner and
Wm. F. Ksslg; Pearl Beety and J. O.
Hnyder; Clare M. Mayberry and W. M.
During my abaenc. accounts due. are
payable to Hcdgea & Orimih. Df. L.
It. I'lckeni. m
Dredge No. & ft the Btar Band Com
pany, left Wednesday morning for Port
land. The dredge hat been at work
clearing out the ateanier channel In the
basin, and buuta can now approach the
Oregon Itallrottd & Navigation Company'a
C. E. CroM, Italph Cross and O. D.
Kby thla week filed with Clerk Green-
man, articles of Incorporation for the
I laid Mountain Cold & Copper Mining
Company which ! Incorporated for $100,
000, the capital stock constating of shares
of the value of ten cents each.
Hop pickers wanted. Families and
campers. Secure a place by addressing
irrower. George H. Finney, R. F. D.
No. 2, Oervols, Oregon.
Judge T. A. McBrlde will become the
ponfii-neor of the beautiful cedar burl that
forms a part of the Columbia county ex
hlblt at tho Lewis & Clark Fair, and It
will be converted Into a table to decorate
the best room In what we hope will be
the federal Judge's residence. St. Hel
ens Mist,
Frank Busch has sold a six-acre tract
Ht Mt. Pleasant to Mrs. Lydla Wlnesett,
of Eagle Creek, tho consideration being
11(100. Mrs. Wlnesett having disposed
of her Englo Creek property, will become
a permanent resident of this community
The sale was made through the agnncy
of Eby & Eby.
O. W. P. ' Ily. Co. Sunday round trip
rate to Estacada 76 cents. Tickets must
be purchased at Company'! offices.
Hnratogn, the great Atlantic watering
place and horso-raclng center, Is now as
1 Sill
wlda open s any border town. An ac
oount of the night Ufa there, and of the
exciting scenes around the gaming ta
bles, Is furnished In the Argonaut of
August 28th, under the title of "The
American Monte Carlo," '
Itev. 'William F. Ksslg, pastor of the
German Congregational f'hurch at Walla
Walla, and Miss Louisa Btelner, ditugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Btelner of
Heaver Creek, were married at the home
of the bride's parents Wednesday after
noon. Mr. Ksslg wat formerly pastor of
the Oermnn Congregational church at
lleaver Creek,
R. L. Holman, leading undertaker,
Next to Harris' grooery store, Oregon
City, Oregon,
Jesse George, of flalem, an experienc
ed restaurant man, this week purchased
the Itoyul Restaurant from Luther Moore
and has taken charge of the business,
Mr. George was formerly engaged In the
same kind of business here and his
many old friends will bo glad to know
that he may again be depended upon to
sutlsfy the Inner man.
J. It. Doeherty, an experienced uphol
ster of Portland, has equipped a shop at
Duckies' feed store, corner of Main and
Eleventh streets, where he Is prepared to
do all kinds of upholstering In a manner
thut Is bound to give satisfaction. Per
sons desiring work of this kind, may
leave their orders with Frank Busch and
they will receive prompt attention.
Cream for Halo. I will furnish separa
tor cream In ny quantity to private fam
ilies, delivered at your place of residence.
I'rlce reasonable. Mrs. Alice DusLarses,
lliono Main 1827, 9-1
Bloux Indian Ilnseball Club, which Is
making a tour of the West ,1s headed to
wards Oregon City, and Agent Fields, of
the Southern Pacific. Company, has Just
received a letter from M. T. Clark, tho
manager, stating that he would be hers
within a few days for the purpose of ar
ranging two games, to be played on the
same day, one In the afternoon and one
at night, under private lighting appara
tus which Is carried by the club.
Batavla and Duck and Linen hats, new
arrivals, Mis Goldsmith's.
County Judge Ryan went to the Ex
position Grounds Wednesday taking with
him some choice contributions of fruit
for the Clackamas county exhibit which
the Judge says now equals any of the
other county displays: Ily replenishing
the fruit feature of the exhibit dally, and
this is possible for Clackamas county
people, the exhibit from this county con
tlnues freeh and attractive. Among the
fruit taken down Wednesday were some
blackberries and strawberries, grown by
Mrs. Kate Newton; peaches from the
orchard of Chas. Hums and plums grown
by John Kelly.
F. Nswton, of Oregon City, has the
only first-class undertaking parlor and
hears In Clackamas county.
Money to loan on Farms. Land Titles
examined. Dlmlck A Dtmlck, Lawyers,
Oregon City, Oregon...
The special committee appointed by
the board of trade to look after the al
leged Inequality of taxation In Clack
amas county met Wednesday and formu
lated an exhaustive petition to the board
of equalisation which la now In session.
The report gives In detail the valuation
that has been placed on the properties
of a number of corporations that do busi
ness In the county and ask that these
valuations be materially Increased. The
Increase asked for In some Instances Is
nearly as much aa the present assess
ment and In some cases It Is more. The
board of equalisation has already notifi
ed the corporations to come before It and
show cause why the petition of the board
of trade should not be compiled with.
An eight-room houso at 3d and Monroe
streets, with large barn. Five lots with
number of fruit trees. Price 11000
Notice Is hereby given that bids for
the construction of a bridge, and the neo-
esaury approaches, over the Clackamas
river near tho town of Harton, In accord
ance with tho plans and specifications
on fllo In the oftlce of the County Clerk
of Clackamas County, Oregon, will be
received by said County Clerk at his of
flee. In Oregon City, Oregon until Friday,
the 8th day of September, 1905 at noon of
said day, tho right being reserved to re
Ject any or all bids, said bids to be on
dorsed "Proposals for construction of
Harton Bridge."
County Clerk.
Teach your children the value
of saving. The necessity of
saving should be a part of
every child's education. We
will aid you in starting them
out right by lending you one
of our. handsome home savings
banks free. The children will
soon take pleasure in watching
their money grow.
Personal Mention
D. Tt. Dlmlck, of Conby, was In the
city Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. IvVn Chose have returned
from Newport,
Attorney flenn, of Bllverton, was In the
city Saturday,
T. M. Allison, of 'Boring, was In the
city Wednesday,
August Funk, of Logan, was In the
city Wednesday.
A. M. Shlbley, of Sprlngwator, was In
the city Saturday.
H. Belling and Mrs. I. Soiling have re
turned from tho seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Brodle spent
Sunday at Long Beach.
Miss Edith Cheney spent Sunday with
friends at Long Beach. '
Itev. J. It. Landsborough and family
are home from the seaside.
W, Robinson has returned from a busi
ness trip to New York City.
Frank T. Barlow Is at Wllholt Springs
for a two weeks' vacation.
J. W. Headon, tho Journal representa
tive, spent Sunday at Seaside.
F. B. L. Bagby, the Canby sawmill
man, was In the city Wednesday.
J. O. Wright, of Partridge, Kansas, Is
visiting his brother, Wm. Wright.
Misses Alice Iwthwalte and Metta
Flnley have returned from Newport.
Mia. W. P. Kirchem, of Igan, wae
an Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
W. H. Mattoon, . a prominent farmer
of Viola, was In the city last Friday.
Miss Julia Fielder, of Medford, was thla
week the guest of the Misses Foster.
Mrs. Amelia Myers, of Aurora, was the
guest Tuesday of Mrs. Annie Roppel.
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Cole spent a few
days at the Astoria regatta thla week.
Mrs. Panlna McCarter, of Denver, 1a
visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Titus.
Ivan Lewis, of Watcrtown, New Tork,
has been visiting E. J. Daulton and fam
ily. : ' :
Chamber Howell, accompanied by bis
mother and sister .were at Newport thla
Miss Harriet Case has gone to Haines,
Alaska, where she will teach school this
Elmer Bashor, of Salem, visited over
Sunday with Ms sister, Miss Gertrude
Miss Carrie Ridings, of Marquam, waa
a guest this week at the home of Sheriff
Shaver. t
Mrs. W. P. Babcock, and daughters of
Salem, are visiting at the home of W.
E. Pratt.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Curry and son
have returned from a summer's outing at
W. II. iIowell this week attended the
exercises Incident to the annual Regatta
at Astoria.
Miss Maud Morey and Miss Barrett.
of Portland, visited Oregon City friends
Mr. and Mr. 8. 8. Goldsmith, of Port.
land were the guests of Oregon City rel
atives Sunday. ..j
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMurray, of New
ton, Iowa, have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Dixon.
Miss Maud Morey and Mlsa Barrett, of
Portland, were the geuta of Oregon City
friends Wednesday.
Guy Mount, of Bllverton, was this
week the guest of his brother. Dr. H. 8.
Mount, In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Llnwood E. Jones have
returned from Newport aa have also Mr.
and Mrs. John Adams.
II. Letghton Kelly, of the Rogue River
Hatchery, Is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. II. L. Kelly.
Misses Bessie Sleight and Bessie Mc
Millan have returned from a week's visit
with Canby friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Garland, of Fossil,
were the guests this week of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Loder.
Miss Myra Blxby, who haa been visit
ing Oregon City friends, has returned to
her home at Tacoma.
Mis Nan Cochran has gone to McMIn
vllle, where she has accepted a position
on tho Telephone-Register.
A. J. Deckerson, editor of the Irrlga
Hon Engineer of Glenwood Springs, Col
orado, was in the city Friday.
Dr. Wlllard Morse, of this city, has
been re-appointed one of the county phy
sicians for Multnomah county.
E. B. Ramsby, of Klamath Falls, vis
ited this week at the home of his broth
er, M. 8. Ramsby, In this city.
George Swafford has returned to Elgin.
Eastern Oregon, after spending a vaca
tion with Oregon City relatives.
Miss Mary Wright has returned from
Seattle and Is again visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mr. II. P. Brlghtblll.
A. D. Dickey, a prominent stockman,
of Jamlca, waa this week a guest at the
home of M. S. Ramsby In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rosebraugh and
children, of Charleston, Illinois, are vis
iting at the home of H. P. Brlghtblll.
Rev. and Mrs. E. 8. Bollinger and fam
ily have returned from Clear Creek where
they have been camped for several weeks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Nlms and Miss
Ona Simmons, of Nlms City, Nebraska,
are visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Bruce Zum
wnlt. Dr. Harvey Hickman has returned to
Grass Valley where he expects to lo-
cnte and engage In the practice of medi
cine. Trafton Dye left this week for Oberlln,
Ohio, where tie will resume his Btudlos.
En route he will visit In Iowa and Illi
nois. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Sheahnn nnd Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jos. Kmirton nnd their families
have returned from an outing at Mt.
Mrs. Mnry S, Howard, state secretary
of the Grange, was In the city the latter
part of last week from her home at
Miss Alice Pofhnl and Miss Frenda
Wcndt, of Waconla, Wisconsin, nre vis
ltlng their cousins, the Misses Smith at
Fire Chief Frank McGinnls and C. W.
pie who attended the regatta at Astoria
this week,
M'. H, A. Glen, who has been visiting
at the 'parental home of Mr. and Mr.
F. A. Miles, has returned to her home
In New Jersey.
Misses Frieda and Meta Goldsmith, af
ter a visit with their grandmother, Mrs,
A. Goldsmith, have returned to their
home at Eugene,
Rev. and Mrs. K. T. Simpson, of Cor
vullls, and Itev. Mr. Whltten, of Iowa,
were the guests Sunday of Rev. and Mr.
P. K. Hammond.
J. D. Miles and family, of Atlanta,
Missouri, are visiting at the home of
Mr, Mile' brother, F. A, Miles, the Oe
egon City grocer.
Mis O. Fisher and Miss M. Kloostra,
who have been visiting at the home of
Richard PeUold, have returned to their
hlmcs at L&Orande.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Goldsmith have
returned to Bocramento, after spending
a week at the home of Mr. Goldsmith'
mother In thla city.
Mr. George Ingram and Mrs. R. B.
Burger, of North Dakota, have been vis
iting at the home of their brother, Rev.
J. R. Landsborough.
Attorney J. F. Clark this week accom
panied a party from Corvallls to the
headwaters of the McKenzIe river on a
fishing and hunting trip.
George E. Templeton left the first of
the week for Enfield, New Hampshire,
where he will enter the employ of the
American Woolen Company.
' Mrs. II. V. V. Bean and Miss Harriet
E. Bray, who have been visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mr. J. E. Hedges, have
returned to their home at Seattle.
Attorney Fred J. Melndl has gone to
eastern Oregon and Idaho, In search of
a desirable location where he expects to
engage In the practice of his profession.
J. H. Paine, a hop grower from Carus,
was In the city Tuesday. Mr. Paine re
ports that his hops are In good condition
with every prospect of a satisfactory
Claude Matheny has returned from a
six weeks' visit In eastern Oregon where
he acquired some practical knowledge. .of
the manner In which harvesting is done
in that secttlon.
Dr. M. C. Strickland returned Monday
from Amity, where he spent Sunday. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Strickland and
son, who had been visiting Yamhill
county relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney and son,
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Doollttle, Mrs. Kate
Lynch and daughter, Flossie, and Miss
Allle Thompson, of California, have re
turned from Long Beach.
Rev. Cyril Paurvelyn, of Great Falls,
Montana, visited this week with his
classmate, father Hlldebrand, In this
city. Rev. Paurvelyn assisted In the
services at St. John' church last Sun
day morning.
Mrs. M. J. Moreland, accompanied by
her sister, Mrs. Minnie Burns, of Port
land; and her daughters, Mrs. O. W.
Beaton, of Chicago; Mrs. A. E. Acheson,
of San Francisco, and Miss Lela More-
land ,of this city, spent yesterday with
friend at Needy.
J. Sager, a hop grower from Stafford,
was In the city Friday. Mr. Eager has
six acres of bearing hops and will plant
an Increased' acreage this fall. From this
year's crop Mr. Sager expects a sat
isfactory, yield as his vine are In splen
did condition. Mr. Sager is one of the
few growers this year who thoroughly
cultivated his yard. .
Drs. Beatle & Beatle, Dentists, Room
It, 17 18, Welnhard Building.
"Now good digestion waits on appetite,
and health on both." If It doesn't, try
Burdock Blood Bitters.
An Oregon City Woman's Ambition Real
ized. Nearly every woman In the world wants
to be beautiful and attractive, for if It
were only skin deep, beauty is desirable
from every standpoint. And perfect beau
ty means perfect health. If one's com
plexion Is at fault, It Is due In most
cases to Improper diet, a torpid liver,
high living, impure blood and constipa
tion. After trying lotions and skin foods
with disappointing results, a prominent
Oregon City lady was Induced to try
Laxakola tonic tablets and In her case
they have worked wonders. They act as
a real tonic, enrich the blood, stimulate
the liver, encourage the action of the
bowels, put new life in the skin and clear
up the complexion by assisting nature, to
do Its own perfect work. Huntley Bros,
have been selling Laxakola tonic tablets
for some time now and from the rapidly
Increasing demnnd Oregon City ladles
must find them beneficial In every way.
There Is absolutely no risk, for a 25
cent package of Laxakola Tonic Tablets
must do all we claim or we will promptly
return your money.
Here Is the Beaver Creek news which
Carus has been worrying about.
Everybody Is seen going to the hop
David Gibbons of Black Diamond, Is
visiting D. W. Thomas at present.
Mrs. R. R. Thomns and daughter were
visiting friends here last Sunday.
They are through threshing In this vi
cinity. The grains didn't yield so good
as expected this year. Most of the farm
ers are somewhat disappointed.
Mr. Gibbon, of Maple Valley, Wash
ington, Is visiting his relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Thomas. Mr. Gibbon owns
a big ranch nnd is a very prosperous
Mrs. Willinms' brothers from Randolph,
Wisconsin, are visiting Mr. and. Mrs.
Owen Hughes and renewing their old
acquaintances, ihey were quite surpris
ed to see so much change In this neigh
borhood, since they were here 27 years
Rev. R. H. Owen took some of the
Easterners out for a ride Monday, nnd
partook of a good dinner at Mr. nnd Mrs.
Humphrey Jones, nnd supper at Mr. nnd
Mrs. J. R. Lewis' of Carus. One of the
Easterners was so delighted with the
country and by the kind Invitation of
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, stopped there for a
few days. :
Hop picking is next on the program.
The Welsh Sunday school enjoy an Ice
Not a Drop of Oil Wasted
At last we have a can that will fill your lamp
without spilling a drop. So simple the children can
use it It works with a little pump and when
the lamp is full it simply siphons back into the
can not a drop of oil on your lamp not a drop of
oil wasted. Let us show you how they work.
Cream and entertainment Thursday.
Mr. D. R. Jones, ex -mayor of Lime
8prlng, Iowa, came out from , Portland,
where he was visiting hi daughter, Mr.
Rev. Mcleade. and stayed over Sunday
with Mr. and Mr. T. D. Jones, our mer
chant Mr. Jone was delighted to see
such a good country and did enjoy him
self very much while here. He also at
tended the Welsh service at the Con
gregational church.
Mrs. R .Thomas and daughter, from
Seattle, who were paying a visit to Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Jones, took a drive with
them to church.
Master Griffith W. Roberts, oldest on
of Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert, met with an
accident Sunday afternoon by falling off
a tree and broke one of his wrists. Dr.
Strickland, of Oregon City, attended to
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas entertain
ed some of the Eastern visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Parry were around
on Monday making a few calls.
Miss Blodwer Thomas has been pre
sented with an elegant organ by her
parents for being a good and faithful
Tour Carus correspondent needn't
worry much about B. C. correspondent,
he Is O. K. and doing well.
Surprising Statements Vouched for by
Huntley Bros.
All of us who know Huntley Bros, are
confident that they would make none but
straightforward, honest statements, and
when they tell you of the many Oregon
City people who have suffered for years
with indigestion and have been cured
through using Pepslkola tablets we must
believe every word Is true. No other
remedy so quickly relieves and cures
sour stomach, heartburn, coated tongue,
nervousness. Insomnia, debility, that run
down, tlred-out feeling, and every other
trouble arising from poor Indigestion.
Huntley Bros continue to sell Pepslko
la tablets with the understanding that
you can have your 25 cents back In case
you are In the least disappointed. In the
face of these facts nobody should hesi
tate an Instant to avail themselves of the
opportunity td regain perfect digestion,
perfect health, renewed energy, new vig
or and new vitality through the use of
a remedy that does not cost a penny
should tt fail to do all that Is claimed.
There is no risk to you whatever and
we ask you to try it on Huntley Bros',
Hop picking will be In full blast here
by September 4th.
Miss Lona Moore of Sumpter, is vis
iting relatives and friends here.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Shlen-
beck. died Sunday and was buried Tues
day in the Zion cemetery. '
Frank Rlngo, of Oregon City, visitea
J. D. Ritters Saturday and attended tne
Grange at Needy Saturday evening.
Walter Noblltt returned home from
Eagle Cliff, Washington, Saturdny.
John Gahlor and sister Freda spent
several days In Portland last week at
tending the Fair.
Mrs. C. C. Molsen and Miss Lona
Moore made a business trip to Portland
The huckleberry pickers have all re
turned home and were well paid for their
Misses Alice end Beatrice Rltter were
out driving Tuesday.
The Grange here at Needy held its
regular meeting Saturday evening. Five
new members were taken In. Ice cream
and cake was served and after the meet
lng. dancing was indulged in until two
Mrs. Jennie Noblett' and Miss Jackson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hardesty
Mrs. Elliott nnd daughter Wllda, Mrs
Smith nnd Mrs. Nelle Sanborn, attended
the picnic at Monitor Sunday.
Harvest is over in this vicinity, the
grain yield was short, but of excellent
Prunes will be ready for the market by
the first of September. Mr. R. H. Tabor,
the Mt. Pleasant prune eulturist, has an
excellent crop of fine quality.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Warner have re
turned from an outing at Cannon Bench
Miss Llla Swafford, of Salem Is vis
ltlng Miss Helen RIggs at Locust farm.
Mr. William R. Holmes, of Cameron.
Missouri, Is visiting his cousins, Mr.
Dan O'Nell and Miss Holmes at Rom
The Mt Pleasant school will open
September 25th. Miss Ronea O. Staf
ford, and Miss Joseph, of Woodburo, will
be in charge.
Miss Clementina Bradford, of Portland
la spending a month at Locust Farm.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Taber returned
last Saturday from an extended stay at
Sylvan Park, Cannon Beach.
Mlsa Marie Reuhrmond, of Marion, O.,
spent Sunday at Rose Farm.
Mr. and-Mrs. Thomas Prosh, of Seattle
visited Locust Farm last Sunday. Mrs.
Prosh is a grand daughter of the late
General MeCarver, who 'owned the the
original M. M. MeCarver claim, now Lo
cust Farm, where Mrs. Prosh was born.
Mr. Prosh Is writing the history of ML
Pleasant which is connected with some
of the first families of Oregon.
Hop-picking begins September 1. AH
yards will be In full blast next week.
Mrs. Scramlin and her son Gordon, were
In town last Saturday from near Macks
burg. While going home, the horse ran
away and threw both out Mrs. Scram
lin, who Is seventy years of age, had
both legs broken anr her shoulder dis
located. She was picked up by George
Lucke, of this place, while her son had
gone for help. Monday morning, she
was moved to Portland to the hospital.
Considering her age, it is a very serious
One case of diphtheria In Lou Grai-
ler's family, resulted In no little concern
and something of a scare, last week.
Quite a number of other children were)
exposed. But upon Its discovery the
proper steps were taken and now all
Is considered over.
Clyde Dick and the Meeks brother
have been out hunting and fishing. They
returned last Friday.
Albert Relton has been home for a
few days visiting his parents. He left
for Astoria again Monday.
Miss Emma Hoff and Peter Olson went
to Portland Monday, expecting to put In
several days at the Fair seeing the sights.
A Bright Toung Man with tight
Team in your county, steady work
and good wages, for the right man.
References required. For full particu
lars address Nov 1
KOCH V. T.Co., Winona, Mimn.
Must Win
By making absolutely pure
Ice Cream free from secret
powders or "fillers" so com
monly used, the manutactur
ers of
Swetland's Ice Cream
have gained for it a valuable
reputation, and its sale this
season has been larger than
ever before.
When you take your evening walk
come to our Parlor and try a plate of
this delicious and refreshing cream, or
order a quart for Sunday's Dinner.
J. A. Tufts
Agent for Oregon City
Special prices for Picnics,
Socials, Etc.
Pope wore among the Oregon City peo