Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 01, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Pounds best Granulated
Sugar for 45 C with
fee for 10c with cash purchases
of $5.00 or over. IT Is a wonder!
A 40c coffee at 20c, but with this
deal only 5c.
ail CASH PURCHASES of $5.00
or over. Groceries coont THIS TIME
The littlest prices ever made in the west on DEPENDABLE GOODS. Half price on hundreds of articles,
overstock and slow sellers must go. Half price for cash is better for tts than any slow sellers.
Loads of Notions
Look at the Prices
Odds and ends of spool cotton a cti
Corset laces, 3 for I ct
Clothes line 4cts
Splint baskets 4C sets
Carpet tacks, a papers I ct
Lamp wicks, 6 for acts
Good shoe laces, pair '. . . . I ct
Dress stays, bunch a cts
Ve'.vet binding, bunch I ct
Needles, paper .'.I ct
Pins, two papers for X ct
Wire hairpins, per keg 3 c
Large size pencil tablets, each acts
Humpback hooks and eyes, per card I ct
Good black ink, per bottle S c
Safety pins, per card 3 c
Pood lead pencils, a for I ct
Pearl buttons, per doz 3 c
Mirrors 4x6 4 c
Alpaca braid, roll a c
Pocket combs 4C
Dress combs 8 c
Silk thread 4C 8 c
Men's Fine Furnishings
Mowing Down the Prices
Overalls 42c and 43c, Childs overalls aic
Men'a iac sox at 8c and 7c
Other sox 4ta
Handkerchiefs at 4c and 5c, worth 5c and toe
Men's good work shirts at 4a c
Men'a linen and celluloid collars at ic 3c 5c 9c
Men's fine dress shirts 4JC
Men's fine Madras shirts 58c
Men's suspen ers 9c 19CU
Men's and Women's hop gloves 7c
Neckwear, to clean np 4c to 14c
Men's Pants at two-thirds value
At $ J. 49, $.29, 94c, 59c
Men's suits, worth up to $7-50 $4 94
Men's fine all wool suits, just a few left
to close at fS.67
Boys' long pants suits worth $3. 00 only (4.78
Men's and 6075' Hats
Men's hats, worth $1.25, $1.50
and $2.00 reduced to 94c
Others for 55c, 37c, i 7c, 5c
Cream cheese, pound 13c (not aoc)
Candy 8c pound
Raw peanuts ... ,6c Roasted .... 8c pound
Best lard jib pail 63, bulk lard 11 c
Bacon at a saving 13c
50 pounds find salt 33c
Economy Jars. Fruit wont spoil in these
Cut to 7ac and 97c. Worth 35 per cent more
Canned peas 7c
Broken nee 4 c
Fine rice 5c
Head rice 6cta Why pay 5c, 8c and 10c
Finest flour $1.15 Good flour $ 1. 15, (1.10
and $1.05 Graham $1.05
Two lots of Tea, usually sold at 35c now
per pound 14CU
Better tea, usually 50c per pound 38 cts
Bottle blueing, usually 10c now 5 c
Laundry soap, the bar, only 1 3c
Large cake toilet soap, three cakes for. . . .10 c
Coffee, usually iac, 18c, 35c now 14c 19c
About Half Price
Ladies' Hose, 7c, 9c, He, 19c
Child's Hose - 7c to 13c
Men's Fine Sox - - - 8c
40 boxes MissesWool Hose
25c goods cut to 1 3c and 1 9c
Jewelery at half price or less
Good jewelry cheap, and
cheap jewelery for a song.
At Half to two-Thirds
Our 80c ribbed part wool un
derwear just in, sale price 69c
Better all wool - - 84c
Men's wool goods at 72c, 79c
Men's 50c goods at 23c. 38c
Boy's winter underwear 29c
Odds and ends Men's un
wear 19c
10 Spools Thread for 10c with cash
purchase of $5.00 or overor will
sell 12 1-2 pounds Best Dry Granu
lated Sugar for 45c with cash pur
chase of $5.00 or over.
Babys shoes I4C, 34c up
Children's slippers 391 69c. 79C
Baby's button shoes, 50c value 33c
Child's shoes 47c, 49c, 59c, 89c, $ 1 , 19
Ladies' fine shoes, were fl.40 93c
Ladies' fs-oo shoes $1.19
Ladles' fj.30 shoes fl.71
Ladies' sandal slippers, $1.3$ value....,,., 69c
Ladies' shoes, odds aud ends 79 cts
Boy's calf shoes, small, 1.09, $1.19, $1.59 $1.69
Why pay ft 50, $1.00, $1.30
Boy's full stock shoes Jl.38 aud $1.41
Men's f 1,00 shoes, now J1.4S
Men's f 140 calf shoes fi.M
Broken lots 94c aud ft. 19
Men's French Kip loggers best fs.uo value
ssle price f 3.97
We are going to close out the millinery at
whatever prices will sell it.
f4.oo snd $5.00 hats at f 1.9S
Others at f 1.67, 97c, 79 and 4ic
Un trimmed hats at 97c down to 7c
Some bats at half price some at less than
half -some at less than quarter price
Call and see
75c flowers and foliage 14c
All Millinery goods sharply cut. We need
the money if it is only a song to pre
pare for bigger and better fall milli.
nery trade.
Umbrellas at tempting prkes.
Now cut to 39c, 4Hc, 57c, 87c, 9Sc
Buy now ami save one-third In price
Wool Blankets at a Big Cat
Comforts with whitn cotton, selling at Ictuj
than you can make them; good size
too 9s t up
Yarns cut to , c
I'iucr, cut to ,., , jc
Come while la-st colors are yet In stock.
Telescopes and suit esses at a big cut. .,19c ip
At the Httlent prices ever known. Buy 'cm
now, for you will not get the chsnce later 00
No. j satin ribbons the yard
No. 7 satin ribbons the ysrd ! y
No. 60 all silk fancy urck ribbon the yard. .it
25c all silk ribbons the yard (c
Summer Wash Goods
Trices that will make the wash goods go.
What they cot is nut considered, we only
look to prices that will make 'em git
up and git.
Dress goods worth jjc only tjcU
iHc values, the yard tK
10c lawns, the yard. 5
Creating Corset Kacltemeul. Squeedng
ixnset prices.
One lot 50c to 75c coriets MCtt
One lot 75c corsets ,,(tl
I Out lot fl on corsets ..... cti
i Out Correspondents' Corner t
J Brief I -its of Gossip From All Parts of the County. ft
Correspondents are requested to re- went in one door the girls went out the
new their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The news from
your neighborhood should appear In
these columns every weeK.
The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational
church held its regular meeting for the
month. August 14, at Mrs. Mather's
Rev. H. H. Wtcoff, Coast Secretary for
Cong. Church Building Society, preach
ed at the Congregational church of this
place last Sabbath. His heart was made
glad by a generous offering to the cause.
Mrs. Gruber and her sister, Mrs. Fans,
accompanied by quite a party of rela
tives, returned last Saturday from an
outing at Newport. Mrs. Fans, who with
her daughter has been spending some
months on the coast, left for the East
this week.
The Mother's Club of Clackamas was
very' pleasantly enterained, last Friday
evening, at the home of Mrs. Nettie
McChesney. Music, recitations, etc, and
dainty refreshments occupied the time.
G. H. Webster and family returned from
a week's outing at Wilhoit.
King Spurgeon, who is employed at
the hatchery on Big White Salmon, writes
that he will send for his family in a short
The croquet ground In the Maple grove
affords a pleasant pastime for boys(?)
Harry Williams and R. B. Holcomb are
still working In Milwaukle. They have
completed the outside work on the house
they are building and begun the inside
other and went to a near neighbors, but
when they returned the scamps were
Mrs. Lyons is intending to move to
our burg in the near future.
8. Vaughan purchased three beef cat
tle of J. Mulvaney last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodge, Fred and Agnes
Woodslde and H. Settzer were the guests
of Dan Graves and family Sunday.
Lee Adklns has departed for the hot
C. T. Howard has his saw mill In run
ning order again.
Mrs. Sanders has been seriously ill for
some time.
James Adklns was in our midst last
Mrs. Ashby has returned from Port
land where she has been visiting.
Agnes Woodslde and Mrs. Wallace
made a business trip to Oregon City last
Must apologize for being slack In giv
ing the Sprlngwater items. The writer's
excuse Is that it took him 40 days to
take care of hay and grain which was
about three-fifths of an average crop.
Finding health is like finding money
so think those who are sick. When you
have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest
irritation, better act promptly like W.
C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says:
"I had a terrible chest trouble, caused
by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but
after finding no relief in other remedies,
I was cured by Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds."
Greatest sale of any cough or lung medi
cine in the world. At Howell & Jones'
drug store; 60c and $1.00; guaranteed.
Trial bottle free.
(Received too late for last week's issue.)
Most everybody js ready for the thresh
er. A great many are going to the buck
le berry patch this week.
Edwin Foust Is hauling lumber for a
new bam.
Peaches in this vicinity are a thing of
the past, they ripened very fast during
the hot weather.
Misses Reta Bowman, Lois Ashby and
Mae Erlckson were greatly frightened
one day last week during the absence of
Mrs. Ashby, by two young fellows with
masks on coming to the house where the
girls were and going boldly in, as they
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated; you
cough, and there is more irrita
tion more coughing. You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation for a while. You take
and it cures the cold. That's
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation : cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation ;
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sore throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
scott $ bowne, Ar.?$2r
The writer's grain 27 bushels per acre,
ordinarily would have been 45 bushels per
acre. Deficiency raused by climatic con
ditions. Threshing will be pretty well through
with this week.
Rev. Dick Hargreaves. a former resi
dent from Seattle, whs on a visit to old
friends here and taking In the Fnlr.
Dr. Shlbley and wife, and Mrs. W. H.
H. Shlbley, from Arkansas, relatives of
A. M. Shlbley. are here on a visit, and
have and will take In the sights that are
10 be seen from Los Angeles to Seattle,
Including the Ixwls and Clark Fair at
Rev. Julius Hatch and wife, from Gold
en Dale. Washington, our former pas
tor, came down to take In the Fnlr and
visit friends here. He preached for us
last Sunday, and It seemed good to have
them In church again.
Miss Lillian Wilson, of Oregon City,
Is here on a visit with friends.
Mr. Albert Smith, of Astoria, Is home
on a vacation.
Mercury went up Into the 90s a few
dayw ago, but now down to the fiQ's.
Our eastern friends marvel over our tall
Relatives of W. J. Lewellen have been
here on a visit; a cousin from Missouri
and others.
K. W. Hornshuh's family left for tin)
hop-patch Halurdny.
K. F. Glnther and wife attended the
fair last week.
Grandpa Glnther. of Klyvllle, In vis
iting relatives here.
Misses lnu and Itosa Moehnke called
on Misses Vina ami Term Moehrike Sun
day. Miss Klmlia Guentlicr has returned to
Oregon City.
Philip Llndau and family from Wash
ington, visited K. W. Hornshuh and fam
ily last week.
F.llen Moehnke has gone to Portland.
Henry Ilettman Is putting up the new
fence around the schoolhoiise.
The feeling of Impending doom In the
minds of many victims of Iirlght's disease
and diabetes has been changed to thank
fulness by the benefit derived from tak
ing Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure
incipient Bright' Disease and Diabetes
and even In the worst cases gives com
fort and relief. Slight disorders are cured
In a few days. "I had diabetes In Its
worst form," writes Marion Lee of Dun
reath, Ind. "I tried eight physlclnns
without relief. Only three bottles of
Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well
man." Huntley Bros. Co.
Threshing is about over In this part of
the county. The crops were good and
every one wears a smiling fane.
Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen, of Portland, Mrs.
Bryant of Seattle, Mr. and Mis. Crls.
Grasler of Oregon City, and Miss Rose
Glnther, of College Place, Washington,
spent a few days with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Glnther. This Is the first
time In six years the entire family has
Misses Carrie and Laura Schubel of
Portland, were home a few days.
Miss Lena Grossmlller has returned to
Portland, after a few days visit at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hettmun and Miss
Louise Stelner, spent Sunday with the
former's mother.
Mr. Oas, of Honolulu called on E. W,
Hornshuh and family Sunday.
A number of young folks spent a pleas
ant evening Sunday, with the Misses
Calla and Ella Hornshuh. Music was
the order of the evening, several not
present were entertained over the phone.
Miss Ella Hornshuh and Mrs. Ada
Moehnke have gone to Portland to at
tend the educational conference.
John Heft spent Sunday with his fam
ily here. 1
Miss Hazel Glnther Is visiting her sla
ter, Mrs. M. Nielsen of Portland.
"I had been troubled with lame bm k
for fifteen years and found a complete
recovery In the use of Chninberlnln's
Pain Balm," says John G. Iilsher. Glllnm,
Ind. This liniment Is also without an
eo.mil for sprains and bruises. It Is for
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Kansas are visiting relatives and friends
of this place. Their other two brothers
i are expected here this week.
Ham and Jacob KalbftVlsch have Ixith
been riultf sirk. slso Willie Davis.
Horn to the wlf,. (,f Km ml Jones, a
seven pound daughter, mother and rhllil
lire lining wi-li
Wlnnirred Howard spent the afternoon
with Mrs. ('has Hpunglrr Monday.
Mis. John Jones was hurt unite budly
In 11 runaway hint Monday s week ago.
She Is under the rare of IV. Hlrli khind.
Elmer Cooper find daughter lleih. vis
ited with his father, It. M ('wiped. Inst
It. Howard Is hauling wood fur A
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinney me May
ing with her father. Will Junes,
Mr. Iliirgess Is working for Mr. Greg,
Miss Jennie Covey, who has been very
low with typhoid fever is Improving rap
Idly. Mr. H. Hair, of Cunby Is out hen In
this neighborhood with his buy baler
baling hay for the farmers.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Colemnn nn) their
niece. Miss Gcno Burns, have gone to
the mountains to gather huckleberries.
Mr. ('has. Plpka called on Mr. John
Thomas last Hunday.
Mr. Rob Wllkerson was the guest of
Mr. T. J. Grimes and family Hunday.
Mrs. J. L. Thomas visited Mrs. John
Molzan one day last week.
Miss I,oiiIhu Porringer who works In
Portland, visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Porringer, over Sunday.
Mrs. Anderson was the guest of Mrs.
Samuel Wllkerson last Hunday.
Mrs. C. K. Nash, of Oregon City, was
visiting her sister, Mrs. Y. P. Burns, one
day this week.
A brother of Mr. T. R. Dlmlck Is vis
iting him at present.
Charlie Thomas attended the dunce In
Aurora Saturday night.
Mr. William Smith made a business
trip to Aurora lust Monday.
Mr. H. 8. C. Phelps called on Mr. John
Burns last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Orrln Adklns was the guest of
Mrs. John Aklns last Hunday night.
The pleasant showers Sunday were of
great benefit.
Rev. Wettlaufer preached an Inter
esting sermon at the Evangelical' church
Sunday evening.
Several families from here have gone
up the country to pick hops.
Mrs. Inskeep's sister from California,
came to visit with her for a few days.
but as MrB. Inskeep had all ready gone
to the hop yard, she returned to her
Misses Islbclla and Ada Gregory, and
Edith White were the guests of Lizzie
Lewis Sunday.
Several of this vicinity had Mr. Olbbs
of Maple Lane, bale hay this week,
Mr. Fred Kalbnelsch and sister from
lie may well think, lie has got fT cheap
who, after having contracted constipa
tion or Indigestion, Is still able to per
fectly restore his health. Nothing will do
this but Dr. Kings New Life pills. A
ipilck. pliiiMiirit. and certain cum for
headache and constipation, etc. 'jr.c at
Howell & Jones' drug store, guaranteed
Horn, on, August 22d, to the wife of
John Paine, a 12 pound son.
Horn, on August 26th, to the wife of
Kin Jones, a 7 pound girl,
The fishermen have returned (i, wr
Frank Jagger had a slight accident
Monday to his machine, breaking one
Mr. Anderson had the best wheat In
this neighborhood bushels per ncr.
Mrs. C. Smith made a business trip
to Oregon city Haturday. Hhe had five
dozen eggs to take with her.
Mr. and Mis, Roehl. of Oregon City,
called on W. II. Jones and family Sunday!
Kd. Trulllnger commenced hop-plcklng
Frank Kinney and wife are staying at
Will Jones at present.
Dr. Goucher was on the sick list this
Winnie Howard called on Ethel Spnng
ler Monday.
Medicines that aid nature are always
most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough
llemedy acts on this plan. It ullnv. n,
cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectora
tion, opens the secretions, and aids na
ture In restoring the system to hentiho
condition, Sold by Geo. A. ITnroin.
We are wulttnar nntlentlv t, n ,-.
turn of the threshers.
The building of our new i.,.u..
Is progressing slowly under tho able su
pervision of Contractor J. p, Woodle, of
Eagle Creek. The directors hint
the building to be completed In time for
me opening of tho spring term, but as
maieu in tne issue of the 18th tnst., since
Mr. Woodle has found It necessary to
so t.) the mountains to recufwrtU, Mid
(he dry wrthr continuing. w.not
hsiiartl n guess In rrd to whs Dili
tempi,. f learning will U ready for ow
little nun,
Mr. Henry Johnson, our popular
muster, bus a tree of fine Pippins, tti
yield of which, this ysr. Is exceptloniS
large, Itoih In ! and nuantlly. It U
quite a number of spplrs that ar 1
ready nbotit six Inches through slid I
pioudly ahnws them to his many frlrix
us the result of a careful, ayatrmib
ultlvtloti by man who Is not sfrtx s
of work.
KniellM. the chnrmlnf daughter of Kt
Iiuls Htnnlera. Is expected home evn
dny. Hh. hus not been In On'K'in to
Hem ly five y,.nr, during which tlm !x
bus inn t i led well and prospered. '
Mr. Christian Johnson is miiklnf
langenirnts for setting up an tip-td-ditf
'Ider mill on hi place. In this wiy
expects to bundle n largo pint of U
apple crop In this vldnlty.
Miss Lillian C. Johnson, late of hi
Fruiiclsro, and Mr. Julius Paulsen.
this place, were seen ut Kstiu'SU M
Hunday eating Ice cream. Th''' W
looked happy, but the young lady claims
to like pie belter.
We till miss Peter Ruhl. our geiiliU W
low cltlxeii. who Is nwiiy with the thrrtb
ers. Jle luia his new house alnit ('
lulled nod has I he priming coal of paint
on. lie says ho will not decide on W
color of the final mat until hn brings h
Utile bird home to manage thlniC
wish him every success us we luiv lonl
felt that he would some day spring
pleasant surprise on us.
Fred Llns has been rutting nwiiy tin
hilar txishes around the front fenrs.'H
still wears 'that same old smile und It
hard to foretell what may lmpl"'n wh"1
he settles down.
Peter Rath, Ks,., Is going to lesvs the
old place and live In his own hous M
soon ns the threshing season Is over.
Mrs. A. K. While ami daughter MaM
are visiting her parents. Mr. mxl Mm.
Johnson. They will return to their hi
In California soon.
I've been away a week or so
In Clackamas, near George P. O.
I guess I kinder like tho plac e
'Cause they don't live that killing P04
That we all do here In the town.
They're In bed when the sun goes down,
And up again 'fore It gets brlglit.
They don't run round like us nt iilKt.
Or waste their time or worry, I think
And their cows don't give slilm
to drink.
There's lots of prunes and apples to '
And they's girls out there that's aw'"1
And every word I say Is true
As true as gospel what I'm telling yu'
You think this cannot possibly be?
Well, Just go there yourself and
and beaten, In a labor riot, until covered
with aores, a Chicago street car condu'
tor applied Bucklon'i Arnica Salve, snl
was soon sound and well. "I use It w
my family," writes G, J. Welch, of Tf"
konshn, Mich,, "and find It perfect." Si'
ply great for cuts and burns. Only J5C
at Howell & Jones' drug store,