Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 25, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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801 Main St., Peoria, III.
WUbert Thompson never knew a well diy until last June he had been constipated all his lifemany
docton treated him, but all failed to even help himhis health failed rapidly and on January 21,
1903, Mr. Thompton aiked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case
too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he also failed to help the
patient-NOW HE IS WELL,
Muffs Grape Tonic Cured Him
Mrs. Tli'impaon first wrote m m follows; "My Imnband, aged la, sulfur from sharp pains In Ills stomach and
times tlilnkn It Is liln heart. Lot m know by return mall what cause the pain, II you cau. Mr. Thompson
liait been treated lijr several doctor, but Itiey have given til in up."
we iiroitiritiy aatrisna mat nrin-ciann specialist m oonsuuea
A. Wa iiuote: "We want to sell Mull's Crane
Ton In, wn know It will cum constipation, but to:. bottle I no object to us when a human III" Is at stake,
and It your liuHband's cne li m serious as you state. suggest you consult a reliable specialist, not the advertising
kind. promptly." At tlm same time, knowing that Mull's iraie Tome could do no harm, we advised Hit una until a
iiyliiln could be ooimullcd. January 2ft Mr. Thompson wrote that a physician had limn consulted, lis dlait
uomid tint case an IwIiik chronic constipation and dyspepsia. Mil treatment wan followed faithfully, hut there wan
no imronpllhlKliiiprovciiiPiilln Mr. Thompwirrs tmalth. Tlian ho began taking. Mull's (irape Tonic aud on Hept.
8, liWii, we received the followliiK Witter from Mn. Thompson'.
"You will remember that I wrote to you last Janusr In reused to my husband's health. It
la four months elnoe ha quit taking Hull's Qrepa Tonlo lor oonatlpatlon, whloh ha auffered from
alnae birth. He took luet 24 bottles of It and Is perleotly oured. Ha Is muoh stronger and has
gained eortslderably In tloeh. I oannot thank you enough far lull's Orepe Tonlo. 'It la worth Ita
weight In gold Juat i 12 eursd him and ha haa spent hundreds of dollars with doetors who did
him no good. Now I want to state my eaae to you and eapeot your early reply. I aleo have conetl
patlon.have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I mm sure It will ours me If you say It will,
sltdldallyouolalmedltwouldlnmyhueband'sesee. I await an early reply."
Very respectfully youra, MR. W. H. THOMPSON, 86 f Main St., Peoria, III.
This Coupon Is good for 50o. Dottlo of
Mull's Grapo Tonlo.
rill oat till, coupon end send to the Mchtnlng
MixIMneCa., 107 ThlrilM Itorh Island, 111.. and you
will receive full U, AO, bottle of Mull's (trap.
I have never taken Mull's flrapn Tonic, but If you
will supply lue with a OOo. bottle fro. I will tab Haa
Htrvait No,.
eiva run aooaaee o waive
. If you arc afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred
diwaKs wc will Iniy a 50-ccnt bottle for you of your druggist
and give Jt to you to try. If you are constipated we know it
will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy
aa to pay for a 1xUle of it thut you mny tent for yourself its won
dcrful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer.
Mull's Grape Tonic
in the only cure for constipation known. We do not recom
mend it for anything hut Constipation and ita allied di.sca.tcs. It is
our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate
yourself further than to take ita content. Mull's Grape Tonic is
plcuwuit to bike and one Ixittlc will benefit you. We want you Jo try
it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail
it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent
bottle and charge same to us.
For Sale by Howell & Jones, Of egon City
The success which has attended Wm,
E. Curtis, tho famous correspondent of
Th Chicago Record-Herald la rarely at
tained by newspaper writer. Beginning
hi career In Chicago, In 1872, aa report
er, he rapidly roso to the poaltlon of man
aging editor. He resigned that position
on receiving a government appointment
aa secretary of the South American com
mission. Mr. Curtla traveled extenslve-
ly In Central and Booth America, while
In this poaltlon, producing several pop
ular volume as the remilt of his literary
I labors. Afterward co-operating with
i Secretary of State -James O, Blaine, Mr.
Curtis organized the work of the bureau
of American Republics, with the result
thnt.he was placed In charge of that or
ganisation, and at the World's Colum
bian Exposition he distinguished himself
by his labors as the executive head of
the Latin-American department. As
correspondent of the Chicago Record
Herald, Mr. Curtis' travels have carried
him Into every section of the United
States as well as to all quarters of the
gllbe. His China and Japan letters were
published In book form; likewise his let
ters from England, Germany and France,
as well aa those written during- his trav
els In Mexico and South America.
No newspaper correspondent possesses
the facility shown by Mr. Curtis In writ
ing on any of the diversified subjects
embraced In his correspondence and mak
ing It luminous. Nor Is any correspond
ent followed so closely year after year by
the thousands of readers of the Chicago
Record Herald. On his recent trip to the
Holy Land Mr. Curtis' letters have been
read more closely than ever, and his des
criptions of that interesting- section of
the globe as It appears today have been
quoted everywhere.
A dally letter from Mr. Curtis appears
In the Chicago Record-Herald.
Ix weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fail so to ap
pear and answer, for want thereof, plain
tiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, which la
thut the bonds of matrimony existing
between the plaintiff and defendant be
This summons Is published by order of
Hon. Thos. A. McBride, Judge of said
Court, made on August 18th, 1905, by
which order It was directed that this
ummons be published once each week for
six successive weeks, and that said de
fendant appear and answer on or before
the 9th day of October, 1905; and the
date of the first publication thereof la
ugust 25th, 1905, the date named In
the said order for said publication.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Portland, Oregon.
This section of Clnt'Kamiia county Is
iitiilnly one of tho gitrden spots of
; Oregon, ami a happy people nre now
teiiipmarlly resting from a hurvest which
hits ruled their granaries with gulden
grain and their hny mows with hny. Hut
their rest Is of short durutlon, for we
nre nil waiting fur ruin to begin fall
pluwlng. and until the welcome rain
rum plowing Is Impoaslble, for a six '
Weeks' Nlegn of hot Oregon weuther hll
baked thn soil hard.
A thn Knterpi le la exclusively rend
or communities to write the news, thus
milking thetr homo paper a truly live
newspaper as It enters our home each
Threshing la well along for this season
of the year and while the yield I not H
largo u expected, owing to the dry spell,
thn gruln Is of good quality. It ha dem
onstrated that farmers must sow their
fall grain early and to blue vltrol their
BiH-d liberally.
Potatoes will bo potatoe this year,
notwithstanding tho large acreage grown
around here, and the price will Increase
us people find out that late potatoes will
not yield as anticipated, the dry eaaon
by Maple Ijine friends, your correspond
-nt will devote space thla week to the -iieltig the primary cause.
happening a they have occurred and Itev. Wettluufer held aervlcea In the
hope thereby to stimulate cither section school house Inst Friday night. Ha 1 a
The Sign of the
Progressive Storekeeper
Is an ELECTRIC SIGN, combined with
the brilliant attractiveness and' trade
pullinjr qualities of ELECTRIC LIGHT
The Advertising Value of Electric Light
Is best shown in its increasing use by enter
prising merchants in every line of business.
Put Your Store to the Front
By using ELECTRIC LIGHT, and throw
your less, wide-awake competitor into the
It Is a Business Proposition
And we stand ready to prove to you the ab
solute economy of ELECTRIC LIGHT.
fluent, easy speaker and promises to
preach again next Friday at the same
hour and place. He held an attentive
congregation and speaks well for tho
turnout, or member present.
Contractor Hrown Is waiting for the
lumber to commence work on the new
parsonnge to be erected In town. He la
a good workmun and never slights any
of his contracts.
The apple crop haa received a black
eye tiy being condemned as unfit for
market, and will be mude Into cider.
But owners of old orchards will pay more
attention to their treespray, and graft
more In the future. We have orchard
that are a dlsgrnce, moss covered and
where the sun cannot penetrate through
tho foliage, to say the least, the fruit
la wormy and of a very Inferior quality.
Oregon City Is a good wood market,
several of our farmers now hauling cord
wood while waiting for the much covet
ed moisture to fall.
The Orange meets In It's hall the first
Saturday in September, when several
new members will be added to It's roll.
It la In a flourishing condition and much
Interest Is taken by the farmers In the
What shall we say of our neighbors?
Well, they are all busy. Clarence apd
Pleasant Allen have had their hay and
straw baled. Cole Warthlng on tho Staf
ford place, Is resting on his oar while
debating about renting the place for
another year; Chris Slmpklns, the farm
er and carpenter, haa commenced work
on a new and large house for Farmer
Ilarr; Ileul Estate Agent Plowman Is
pushing his list of lands to the front and
hopes soon to close several deals he has
on hand to a finish; Farmer Yost le
paying attention to chickens; Mr. Mounce
has his cor.y home In apple p(r order and
the same may be said of the Messrs u
Mounce. Shortledge, Crawford and Brown
nil residents living tributary to Maple
The dry season has been hard on wells
nnd pasturage. Butter has risen in price
and as chickens are tholting, eggs are
likewise creeping up. Tho berry season
a verv prosperous one, Is over. Your
correspondent has made many improve
mcnts and did much work in Increasing
nn enhancing the appearance of his many
varieties of berries and promises his
Oregon City customers an Increased
quantity next season. Berry and chicken
ralslna- nre two leading industries that
will he attended to. the work being pleas
ant nnd remunerative, the facilities be
Ing excellent.
careful nursing of her 'parent.
Mr. Owen Thomas, from Warden, Ida
ho, haa Joined his wife who ha been
visiting her parents the last three
months. They went to the Fair this
Mr. W. J. Thomas and daughter, from
West Seattle, la visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Jones.
Rev. W. Mason called on Mr. and Mrs.
Montgomery this week.
Adelatd Stoker and family has gone
for a trip to tho mountains.
Vajentlne Stoker ha gone to work
with the Rider ft Stanley threshing
machine at Canby.
Mrs. Lottie Penman and chiaren vla-
Ited the Fair this week.
Miss Myers, of ML Pleasant, ha been
engaged to teach our school the coming
A bible claRS will be held at the school
house at 2 o'clock next Sunday afternoon
under Instruction of Rev. W. Mason and
sendee at three o'clock.
New and Reduced Rates
On Meter basis, put ELECTRIC LIGHT
within the reach of everyone.
Estimates on Cost of Wiring
And information regarding the use of
electricity for LIGHT or POWER, in the
HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE and
the FACTORY, promptly furnished upon
application to Mr. C. G. Miller at the
Company's branch office, next door to the
Bank of Oregon City.
C, G. Miller Contract Manager for Oregon City.
Why Every
Woman Should
Look Her
Peoslkola Tablet of Priceless Value In
Relieving Indigestion.
Health Is everything. Many a mil
lionaire would wlllngly part with half
his fortune for perfect digestion. Riches
fame and the realization of every desire
cannot create contentment if Indigestion
making one'a existence miserable.
When Huntley Bros. Co. tell you that in
all their experience they never knew any
thing eo sure to relieve sour stomach,
coated tongue, dizzy spells, poor appetite,
lassitude and fatigue due to imperfect
digestion, there must be some good rea
son for their confidence, and there Is.
Dozens of chronic old dyspeptic right
here in Oregon City who dlspalred of
ever getting relief have tried Pepslkola
Tablet on Huntley Bros. Co.'s recom
mend nnd today are completely cured.
Moreover, a druggist could not afford
to keep on recommending an indigestion
remedy unless it really will cure, for
you would mighty Boon lose confidence!
and trade at some other Btore. Pepsl
kola Tablets are a grand nerve tonic,
they will give you new energy and new
ambition, improve your appetite, and
strengthen your digestive organs and un
less they give you perfect digestion
Huntley Bros. Co. will gladly pay your
nitortor hnflr
Inspector Reld Drives It Out of the Mar
Portland people may have noticed li
the past two weeks an Improvement In
the quality of fruit purchased at the
city store, says the Oregonlan. Wormy
apples, scaly peaches and diseased fruit
of any kind can no longer be found for
sale. For this welcome change they are
indebted to a young man who twice
day makes the round of the Front atreet
produce houses. In the early morning
visit the Plaxa market and the rest of
the day keeps hi eye on farmer and
gardeners who bring their product to the
city. This man ia James H. Reld, the
newly appointed Fruit Inspector, better
known In the produce qukrter as the
bug man. "
Mr. Reld know his business, for he la
a Dractlcal fruit-grower himself. He haa
a farm at Mllwaukle which produces 10,
000 basket of Concord grapes every year.
He grows other fruit too, but he sprays
hi yard so thoroughly that he never
has to condemn any of hia own product
Since he stopped the sale of Infected fruit
In this market, prices have undergone
quite a revolution. Heretofore so much
trash was offered for sale that It kept
down the price of clean fruit, especially
apple, and no Inducement wa offered
the grower to take care of his orchard
properly. Before Mr. Reid's appointment
good sound apples only netted the grow
er about 75 cents a box. Now the same
class of fruit is worth about 1.60.
"To the farmer I would like to giv
a little advice," said Mr. Reld yesterday.
"Leave your wormy and scaly apples at
home, unless you are looking for trouble.
Pack your fruit honestly and throw out
the scabby, misshapen stuff for hogfeed
It will pay in the end.
"A few days ago there was a scarcity
of apples on Front street, and in making
my rounds I saw four boxes of passable
apples in front of a mall order house.
The fruit had been dumped loosely In the
box, the covers were sawed out of fence
boards and nailed up with ten-penny
nails. I bought the four boxes at 50
cent each, took them to a commission
house, replaced them in clean boxes and
the result wa three boxes of fairly good
apples which sold 20 minutes later at
$1.26 a box.
This was merely an experiment to
see wnat couia oe aone wun uruumiy
clean fruit The result fully Justified the
BONDS NO. 28 and 29 of OREGON
Notice la hereby given that Improve
ment Bonds No. 28 and 29, for the sum
$500 each, of Oregon City, Oregon,
bearing date September 1, 1903, will on
the 1st day of September, 1905 be taken
up, paid and cancelled by the treasurer
Oregon City at his office In Oregon
City, Oregon, and the Interest on aald
Improvement Bonds No. 28 and 28 will
cease on and after the 1st day of Sep
tember, 1905, the said ist day of Septem
ber being the Interest paying period on
said bonds and more than one year after
the date of said bonds and the first In
terest paying period next after the pub
lication of this notice.
Published by order of the Council of
Oregon City, Oregon, made August 23,
1905. W. A. DIMICK,
Notice la hereby given that the board
of equalization for the county of Clack
amas, state of Oregon, on the last Mon
day In August, 1905, viz: The 28th day of
August, A. D., 1905, will attend at the
office of the county clerk In the court
house in aald county and state and con
tinue to meet from day to day for one
week, and publicly examine the assess
ment rolls of aald county for the year
1905, and correct all errors in valuation.
description or qualities of lands, lota or
other property. It ia the duty of any
and ail persona Interested to appear at
the time and place appointed to examine
aald roll and ascertain If their property
ia properly assessed, and li not to have
the proper correction made thereon.
Dated thla 1st day of August. 1905.
Assessor for Clackamas county, Oregon.
Rounds qut your stomach into
a good feeling rounds you into
a good humor. It is a delicious
desert. So easy and quick to
serve. ENERGY, Ten cents
a package.
Tho hand thnt rocks the cradle rules
the wofld. But the woman who Is truly
beautiful relgna over a larger kingdom
than her own family. She is admired nnd
respected by all who know her. Natur
Intended thnt every woman should hav
a beautiful complexion, but Intense 20tt
century civilization with Its Btarchy, rich
foods nnd unnatural conditions, has done
much to rob her of her rightful heritage
The secret of good complexion Is in hav
Ing rich, red blood, an active liver, per
feet digestion and a regular, dally ac
tlnn of the bowels. Every woman who
cares for a good healthy color In her face,
for bright eyes, a ruddy glow, a clear
Bkln and a ruddy complexion Bhould take
Laxakola every night until her condition
Is just what it should be. Laxakola
starts the liver going, drives out the bile
that clouds the complexion, encourages
the action of tho bowels, nnd cures
chronic constipation by assisting nature
to do Its own perfect work. If you want
the bloom and charm of a clear, healthy
skin, try Laxakola on Huntley Bros. Co's
recommend nnd if after using a 25c bot
tle you pee no Improvement the druggist
will hand back your money without the
least argument.
Never Sold by Druggists.
R. W. BAKER, Agent,
Willamette, Or.
Notice to Road-builder.
Notice is hereby given that bids will
be received for the construction of roads
from Willamette Falls to Stafford In ac
cordance with orders made by the county
court at Its July session. Said bids to
be filed with the County Clerk on or be
fore 10 o'clock a. m., the 6th day of
September, 1905.
By order of the County Court.
Sep. 1. County Clerk.
It must be going to rain the crane has
come west again.
Little Lucy Montgomery is III with
typhoid fever.
Mr. Robert Clarke and family attended
the Fair Thursday, August 17.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stoker called on
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Clarke Sunday.
Albert McCormack spent Sunday In Hog
Nora Gregory and Anna Cahlll attend
ed the harvest picnic and dance at Can-
by Saturday night.
C. V. Stoker went to Canby after
Peaches Sunday.
George McCormack has returned from
Cecil, Oregon, where he has been for the
past month working In harvest.
Mrs. George Callff Is visiting her par
week. '
The threshing machlng Is slowly wan
dering this way.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Randall and family
visited II. II. Gregory and family Sun
day. Mrs. Wm. Kruger and Mrs. Chns. Rid
er went to Canby Monday after peaches.
Mr. Clarke has been flying around get
ting ready to go to the Coast after
Bessie Clarke returned home Sunday
after three dnys" visit In Portland. )
Mrs. 13. Eastman and Mrs. W. H.
Jones celled to see little Lucy Montgom
ery, who Is down with the typhoid fever.
We hope she will soon recover under the
Notice is hereby given that the portion
of Fifth Street of Oregon City, Oregon,
lying between the West line of Railroad
Avenue and the East line of Main Street
will be Improved, according to the pro
posed grade thereof to be hereafter es
tablished; also that portion of Fifth
Street lying between the West line of
Main Street and the East line of Water
Street will be Improved according to
the established grade thereof.
That said Improvements will be made
with crushed rock and by laying side
walks, concrete curbs, corner blocks and
drains, and by grading said street to the
proposed and established grade thereof.
This notice is published pursuant to
an order, made by the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, at a meeting held August
23d, 1905.
Oregon City, Oregon, August 25th, Sep
tember 1st. 1905.
Agonizing Burns
nre instantly relieved and perfectly heal
ed by Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. C. Rlv
enbark, Jr., of 'Norfolk, Va., writes: "I
burnt my knee so dreadfully that It
blistered all over. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve
stopped the pain and healed it without
a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores.
25 cents at Howell & Jones, druggists.
Physicians prescribe it
for their most delicate
For Saie by
Agenoy for Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Frank L. Dixon, Plaintiff,
Ella M. Dixon, Defendant.
To Ella M. Dixon, the above named de
fendant: '
In the name of the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and oswer
the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled suit, on or before the last
day of the time prescribed in the order
for publication of this summons, to-wlt:
On or before the 9th day of October, 1905,
the said day being after the expiration of
1 I'
I am now located in my new
building on Main a street be
tween Ninth and Tenth Sts.
Better prepared than ever to
do your plumbing.
The Plumber,