Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 25, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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!...Short Sidehead Stories... !
Tl!Kl!I.V-TOI.I) TAI.HH 01' THH Wl!l!K"5 DOINOH,
Dliil In Thla City
Hilnii, wife of Ilium .Jenw-n, of Miiiillnr.
Mill lull Cllllllly, 1 1 I (if perlllllllllM, In HiIh
i lly hint Thliimliiy iiIkIiI Tim ilcceiiaixl
wiin ix yi'iiiK iiinl Ih NiirvlvtMl liy a
IiiihIhiiiiI uinl (hree children, The limly
wiih fiiiwiuili'il tn Mnnllor whew liiirlul
WIIN llllll.
E nlertaln.tl lit Barlow-
Mlwt Miiry H, lliirltiw, nf lliirlnw, en-,-rtiiliii'il
piirly of tiii'Kcm CHy filmiiU
H ii in 1 11 V lit lii'l' Iioiiiii, The mucnIh were
Mi m. I'lyihi II, Huntley mill iliuiKhtcr. M II
iln'il, Mr. iiml Mm. ICtlwuril !, Itioilln,
MIhh CIc lliiicluy J'rnlt, Minn Miirjnrle
I'lllllll'lll, Ml mm 1 ,11111 It l'npe, MlMN Nll'lll
lliinllliKi Ml Miirtlul f'lutiri'H liriiprr,
Metnorlt. Qosi to Portland
Tin" Ori'Kiin Irmi Hli'i'l Compiiny'
:;( tun meteorite wim limt Thnrmlny mic-
1'nnfnlly Imnli'il unto n ImiKi' mill trilim
l.iiilnl to I'ihIIiiikI where It will b ix
IiIIiIIimI lit llin I.i'wIn & 'In rU KxiiiiHltlini.
I M In tlin Nli'iinK ilii'liuliirniiii Hint r
milli'il 111 much IHIkuIIoii before It M rlttlit
r 1 1 owneia wi-in tlmilly ili'ti'iiiiliii'i in
tlx' cilllltH.
f'liiuli'ii Hchriiin, MIhh Uriicit Miii-nIihM mul
Mi'lvln Mcl'iinl, of Oickoii City, dpi tit
Hilinliiy mi llin liiinlu of Ih,, Tuiilittlii
Itlvrr. The party went eiuwllnlilni? itn
Hpent a plcimiiiit Hflniiiiioii, I'fliit'iiltiK lulu
In 111" Jny mul MpcmllnK the hvmiIiik lit
'I'lm Onlm.
New T.ach.r In County-
Miny ('liii'liiiniiiN county tciiclier have
' lit ly hIkiici! I'oiitniilD to tench In
ni lioolK In viu liiiin portion of llm county,
mul uiiiouk tin' number uml their ii-upce-llvil
Hl'hoolH, nil-: Alum iloWlllllll, lino,)
V'li'w; l-'lirrenco Hijchiiniiii, Tmccy mi'IiodI
ni'iir CiirrlnHvllln; Chi'lut Inn Hamilton,
IHckcy' I'rnlilii Hi.liool, iiMir MoIiiIIh;
t'lniii lloliiiMtiiim, Hlmm; Jennie Noble,
N"w Km; V. K, Ijiinlon, Inylmiil; Knteii
CiIhwi-II, illMirli-t No III, riMir Nceily. An
na I, llopplll llllH ri'NlKIK'll UN ll lll llIT of
(tin primary ilcpiirtmcnt In tin, llurmnny
Hrhool, illNlili t No, 4.
Celebrated Silver Wedding
Mr. uml Kmlolph Heller, of Fourth
mul Miullmm hIii-cIk, wirr jolncil on "I'ih-h -May
iiIkIiI of I""! week by n number of
their Ucriiiiin fiiiluU who imnlntcil them
In it pli itemit wuy ti cclcbrutn their allv.r
wi'ililliiK. Mr. mi'l Mm. Heller wmth irn
Hi'iili'il with mi cU'Kiint nllvi-r tea m-t l
HliliN otluT Itppiopllntn KlftH. Itif null
Mi' nl wi'i m i vi'il uml I In- compiiny did
lint illnliiinit until a lul" hour.
Buffered Broken Arm
I lurry ilonlori. lh 17-yi'iir old mm of
i Mr. uml Min, V. 3. Oordoti, lirokn tile
! nun Hiinilay I'VrnliiK. I In wiin JuniptliK
i f r, mi it eprlnK board nnd In niiikliiK tlic
'; Jump In' fill with on ii tirm nndr IiIn
body, nnd brnkn olli" lionn of tlm foil" nrm.
'I'lir brink, iiIiIioiikIi pnlnful. onn In not
Hi'I'Iiiiin. lie but olin bolln wiin broki-n, nnd
i In- In ici'ttlliK nlonK lilri-ly. ii untN J 'linn
f Coin Iff Yoiiiik (lorilon until a fnw
iiionttiN lino ii-kI'I'mI with bin pu nn In In
Hi In fit y.
Will Save Toll
In llii' rnnnlrili Hun of n lulilK" from
llu' Inland In mld-rlvi-r to lln itinlvi
rn "-r pliint by tl) Wlllami'ttR I'ulp &
I'lipir t'ouiiitiy, the rovimiK'N of tin'
rmtliind li'iirnl I'i'i-tilf Compiiny In
tin' wuy of Im kiiK" lniiK'-e will tin innln
iliilly r-diird. Tim Ntriirturi' will i-vniit-iiullv
tm of Ntncl conntiiii'tlon and will
imililn tbn IriinnportluK of pulp illnrt to
tin' mill rntbrr llinn IIiidukIi th bake
by nli'iimrr nnd llm pitylnx of IoiUiikh
iIwiik'N nn In now done.
Engineer Wn Injured
In nltrmptlnK to nni-fnil n Ntirp (trndn
on tbn rood iirar l'likny'N brlilifn on the
Mnliillu rlvi-r hint Krldny afmrnoon with
ttm llirinblnic oiiirit of 11,'iniiiu & Kay
lul. Jiiiiii N Milton, tlm i'iikIiu'M'. wiin pain
fully In I in fit. iinromliiK iiiiiiiiiiuiK'ulil'',
tin- rliKllii M'Vi-rn.il llnilf. nnd biickliiK
iiKiilnnt lti' nipariitor, furred th" nmrli
lim ovir thn Mtibaiiktnriit, tli'inullnblnK
I In- thrnehcr. Thn imKlnrnr, rninalnlnK
nt bin punt, wiin raiiKht by Ih' liuii'liliU'iy
nnd ni vnri'ly hurt.
Hat Another Wife Living
Hull to dlNHolvK mul annul a miirrlnKi
conli'iu't Iiiin bix-ii liiNlltuti'd by (liiico K.
llmiNi'ii HKiiliiNt It. ('. MaiiHi-n who In
rhiutii'd with luivltiK a wlfn llvlnir from
whom h had not Ix-i-n dlvnnnil whnn
lie wilil,,) tn plulnllff at Ori'K'in t'lly,
In Miirrh, lltoj, Kvldnnro of hnr miirh
inanli'd hiinbauil, hhw-iIn Min. IlunNi-n.
wiin mvi'iibil Id Imr by the iiti-IvIuk of
li'ttMN by lor hiiHliitnd nul,niiui'iit to Imr
miurliiKi' to lilm from wlfn No. 1, The
pnrllne to thn null rnnldn ni-iir Aiirorn,
mid 1'linbk Iilmlck, of lliln city, up
H itr e lit tin tmyN for Mr. Ilminrn.
New Orange at Ruteellvllle
Tbn fm in, 'in In ihn vicinity of ltunnrll
i llin will complctn thn oiKiinlzntlon of it
(illlllKI' Bt llin NlllOlilllOIINn next Hulur-
diiy iiIkIiI A preliminary mnutliiK won
held bint Hnl in day nlitht at thn achool
hoiinn. Thern nr 'ii mctnhi-ii on the
hiilter roll, uml (illl'TN urn expni'ted to
coiiiii next Hatiirday tiUht. tllllcnr will
then hn I'lected, Thn Itunnillvllle dln
Irht In ii purely ntrrlcitlt titnl country and
llm outliMik for a Ntroim furmerN' or
KHiiltatlon In cotiNldered promlnliiK. Iep
my V. M. dill, of darHclil, In the iiikiiiiIi
rr of tlm HilNNi'llvlllii (IrllliKi'.
It Pays to Cultivate
(inoiiin II. Klnimy, n hop Krownr from
(lervalN, Murbm county, win In the city
Tueediiy and reportN tlmt hut few yard
Will thin year prinlura ti ny t ti liter near nn
itviTiiKn crop, In the niimn connection
Im nayn that Ihla year above all othnre,
the grower, who pernlntently cultivated
IiIn hop yard will be thn Ritlner. (Jrowera
who freiiiently culllvHled mannK''d to
retain In thn mill prnrtlcitlly all of the
inolntiirv during thn cxceedlnKly warm
mouth of July, uml hn a reault the vine
inititn mi rxccpilnnitlly and healthy
mowth, and luivr matured with a paylna;
Picnic on Tualatin
Minn Mabel Nlckiim, Minn Klhel Nbk
ti tit, Itiilph Nlrkuiu, of Hillwooil; Minn
Iii Hit Vouiik nnd Minn May Hheppnrd. of
Ht. Jnhiin; Wllllnm V.. Murnbull of ltun
nelhllle, mid Ir. WitMo AiIiuiin, Minn
Mayme Ailuinn, Minn Illlilu McGetihle,
Light Crop of Good Quality
Thn ClHckatiiiia county peach crop thle
neimon wiin Unlit In yield, but of Nliperlor
nuulliy mul readily mild at remunera
tive Ukuicn. An uniiNimlly flntterlnK In
iloineim nt of thn Cliicknma county pro
duct WIIN received a few dll'8 BKO by II
K Vnt. thn (iludnloiie pench cultur
Inl. from Wilbur Newell, euperlnlendent
i if liorllculttirn nt the I-4ln mul Clark
Kxpiinltlon, who, after NeeiiiR a box of
piiiclien from Mr. Crone' orchard, mild In
ordei-lnu n ehlpnient: "Will you kindly
mini un your very bent; a few Ihixcn nt n
time iin Ioiik an they hint. They are
woiiib-rfiil nnd we munt hnve a few of
them, cont what they may."
Hurried fating Iiiir ruined tunny a man'
atoinach, Tin: ilit'cntioii-rl.-stroviiii' pro
ccia in nuluitl, often ii n not iced nt first.
Hut it in only n aliort time until the liver
ballm, tlir (lin"tiye or-jiina K've way, and
alniont countlcnH illn HSM.-iil the tiinn who
cndciivorH to fcoiiomia; time at the ex-fH-iutc
of llin health,
A torpid liver CiiuneNB c tinrniitiiieof the
entire Nynlein. l lockn in the iliwaned
K'tiiih mul bodv pumoiiB HUM HlIonlH tllftt)
full piny, invitliiK Home wrious illiifHS.
In fiiinilieH where August I'low'-riH lined,
a HlunKinli liver and roiiKtitialiiiit are un
known, ao are all Moinaclt uilmentH, aa
well ai indigestion, dyspcpsi'i, hemilmrn,
headueheH nnd kidney and hinder afiec
ttonn. No well-regulated f.-iniily liould
bewithoulthiHStandurd remedy. e
Two sizes, 25c and 75c. All drunxistn.
Charman & Co., City Drug Store
pretntlon of thn forent fire law he I apt
to h nrrented and fined for violation of
thn htw If hn nlirtn nuch a fire without
Hint prociirhiK a permit. Uo In Inclined
to the belief, however, that It would be
a dlfllctilt mutter to find a Jury that would
return a verdict of Kullty In event of hla
Will 8erv ai Jurort
There are Included a number of Clnck-
amiiN county rnen in the new reaerai
Jury that haa been drawn for the trial
of the hind fraud caeca which will be
ri-Niimed at I'ortland next week. The
new Jury conaiata or; 11. huhncii Ainee,
nierclmnt. I'ortland; J. W. Italley, drug
Klnt, Illllnhoro; A. C. Alexander, farmer,
Korent (Jrove; John F. ltarrett, farmer,
I'ortland; Jamea Ileal, frult-irrower, I'ort
htnd; Jiickmin A. Hllyeti. faCmer, Solo;
OcorKo Hrldewell, warehoiiaeman, Amity;
ThomHN HurrowN, capitalist, Salem; K.
W. Purbln, hopdealer, Rulem; Theodore
II. Kt-arey, merchant, I'ortland; F. I.
Fuller, streetcar mammer, Portland; W.
J. Fulerton, farmer. Warren; George E.
HarKn-iiveN. cnpltallNt. OreRon ('Ity; W.
A. Jolly, farmer. I'hllomath. Wllllnm Mc
Kenile, loan agent, I'ortland; Charles A.
Morden, printer, I'ortland; John Murray,
farmer, Aurora; F. 8. Myers, ealcsman,
Portland; Wllllnm 1. Olds, merchant,
I'ortland; J. W. l'ltrtlow, farmer, Oregon
City; John W. Pearl. Brownsville; Frank
Klchct, grocer. I'ortland ; C. V. H. Hun
se, merchant, Forest Grove; William
Bchmcer, merchant. Portland; John Shan
non, farmer. Heaver Creek; C. K. Stan
ard, merchant, Hiownsvllle; Walter K.
Taylor dairyman, Corvnllln; Albert P,
Vnll, fanner. South Mount Tabor; Henry
M. Vun lieiii'S, wholesale grocer, 1'ort
btnd; M. II. Wilds, farmer, Albany.
DQGtoi Bnghain Says :
Married at Boring
A very pleitnnnt home, wedding occur
red Wednesday evening, August liith, at
the home of Mr. itnd Mrs. Ceorge Tach
eiiui, near Mining, when MIhs Lucy Per
ict, ihiughti-r of Mrs. Tacheron, and Mr.
01 vllle W. Horlng. of Holing, wciv made
ihiinbmid and wife, II. I-. HI. Clair, the
I minister ottlclatlng. Hoth me well known
I ami estimable young people and have the
brightest prospects of a happy and use
ful life. The home was tastefully dec
orated with flowers fur the occasion. The
bride was becomingly 11 tilled In a gown
of dot teil Swiss nnd carried carnations.
To the wedding march played by Mine
Ksther Vulllcntnlcr the bride nnd groom
marched to their places tniutleiiili-d where
the minister pronounced the simple rit
ual of the M. R. church. Multnomah
Lydla E. PInkham's
Vogotabio Compound
Thn wonderful power of Lydio, E.
rinliham'H Vejretnldu Compound over
the tli.scRseN, of womankind In not lie
online it Ih 11 stimulant, not liecausu It
is a palliative. Imt simply liccnuse it Is
the most wondorful tonic and recon-
titruetor ever discovered to act directly
upon the generative orpins, positively Waa Sensational Runaway
curing rilaeaae nd reatorlux health anil j Mi s. Hen Smith ami daughter, of Call
vigor. ( fornln, en route to Motnlln for a visit
Marvelous cures are reported from i with Mrs. J. It. Cole, miraculously es
all parts of the country V,y women who I enped serious Injuries In n sensational
have been cured, trained nurses who j runaway In this city last Thursday morn
have witnessed cures nurl physician ' K, The Molnlta stage team had been
who havo recognized tlm virtuo of ,.ft nlmullng nt the post olllce by the
Lydla K. rinkhani's Vegetable Com- irlver when the horses became frightened
pound, and Hie fair enough to givo ,i ,iHheil nt brenk-neck speed down
credit where it is duo. Mutn B(ri,et, cleverly dtslglng a number
If pliysieianH dared to frank and f V(,h,.,.H 0n the street. Hut for the
open, hundreds 01 them would aoknowi
edge that they constantly prehcribe
Lyilia 10. I'lnkham's Vegetabl (im
pound iu severe cases of female ills, as
they know by experience it can be re
lied upon to elTect a euro, The follow
ing letter proves It.
Dr. 8. C. Hrlgliam, of 4 Hrigham
I'ark, Fitohburg, Mass., writes :
" It (rives me grout pleasure to say tlmt I
have found Lyiliu K. I'lnklism's Vegetable
Compound very nfllcaclous, and often pi-o-acrihe
it In my practice for female dllllcultios,
"My oldest daughter found It very lienell
clal for uterine trouble some time ago, and my
youngest daughter is now taking it for a fe
male weakness, nnd is surely gaining in hualth
and strength.
" 1 freely advocate It ft a most reliable s))o.
rifle In all dlnenaeg to which wonuili are sub
ject, and give it honest endorsement."
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation, bloating
(or flatulence), leucorrlma, falling, in
flammation or ulceration of the uterus,
ovarian troubles, that bearing-down
feeling, di.lneHH, ttintnens, indiges
tion, nervous prostration or the blues,
should take immediate action to ward
off the serious conscquenei'S, nnd be
restored to perfect health and strength
by taking Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound, and then write to Mrs.
l'inkhain, at Lynn, Mass., for further
free advice. Ko living person has had
the benefit of a wider experience In
treating female ills. She has guided
thousands to health, Every suffering
woman should ask for and follow her
advice if she wants to be strougf and
presence of mind of the two lone passen
gers, who occupied the rear sent, they
would have been badly hurt, but after
the team hud traversed a half dozen
blocks, both Indies escaped by climbing
out over the reiir sent, sustaining only
slight bruises as they fell upon the pave
ment. The horses were caught after
running a number of blocks further. In
attempting to stop the runaway team,
Arthur Williams, of this city, was thrown
against the curbing nnd painfully hurt
Would It Be Cruelty to Anlmala?
All sorts of complications are presented
Clerk Oreenmnn in complying with the
provisions of the amended forest tire
laws. Hut the situation wns presented
In another view 9utuiilny afternoon when
County Treasurer Cahlll mmle implicit
Hon for a permit to burn out a hornet's
nest on his farm near this city. Clreen
man declined to grant the application.
fmii'inir tlmt Uncle Knns would be made
liable to nicest for cruelty to animals.
Mr. Call HI on the other liiind contends
thnt he would be rendering not only him
self but the community a special favor
nnd an act of groat consideration should
he exterminate the post. In the meantime
the county treasurer Is In a qunndnry for
ho considers thnt under a strict inter-
Prompt Action Mint Be Taken to Pre
serve Health.
Kidney troubles are dangerous because
they creiip en so stenltblly thnt they gi t
a firm grip on the victim before he Is
aware of It. They manifest themselves In
such varied forms that they are enslly
mlstnken for other diseases.
Make no mlstnke.
Do not delay.
Trent the kidney now.
The kidneys are sick nnd will not get
well unless you use a kidney medicine.
Dunn's Kidney Pills Is the certain, snfe
nnd promp remedy for the kidneys only.
It cures.
O. 8. Cooper, farmer, living three miles
northeast of Salem. Oregon, on the Oar
den rond, snya:
'I very often lifted heavy weights, but
hnve since regretted having done so, as
the result was that I strained my hack
and ever after had moro or less trouble
from dull, aching pains across my loins
nnd other symptoms of kidney complaint.
In some way Donn's Kidney Pills were
brought to my notice nnd the first time I
went to town I dropped Into a drug store
and Inquired nbout them. I was told that
they were highly recommended nnd ad
vised to give them a trial. I did so.
And while I did not follow the treatment
as regularly as 1 annum nave none, m
Ing a poor hand to take any kind of med
icine, the benefit derived from their use
stamps them as a remedy which acts
fully up to the representations made for
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. O. Huntley's
drug store and iisk whut his customers
For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cts.
Foster Mllburn Company, Imffnlo, N.
Y sole ngents for the Cnlted States.
Hemembcr the nnnie, Doans, nnd take
no other.
A special day at the Lewis & Clark
Imposition has been named In honor of
Hon. F. X. Mnlthleu, thv sole survivor
of the f2 pioneer settlers of the Oregon
country who voted to establish an Amer
ican civil government In that vast sec
tion, on the 2d of May, 1842. The vote
took place at a trading point called
Chnmpoeg, nbout thirty miles south of
Portland, nnd the proposition wns bitter
ly opposed by the Canadians nnd other
subjects of Great Hrltnln who were pres
ent. Hy a majority of only two votes
the Americans won, and thus establish
ed the first American civil government
west of the Rocky Mountains. Mr. Mat
thleil, though a French-Canadian, sided
with the Americans. He has lived ever
since within three miles of the historical
apot. September 15 has been chosen as
the day on which he will be honored nt
the exposition.
Bean the ) llB m Have Always Bought
"I hnd a running, itching sore on my
leg. Suffered tortures. Dohii'b Ointment
took nway the burning and itching In
stantly and quickly effected a permanent
cure." C. W. Lenhart, Howling Green, O.
To All Lovers of Good Music
We carry a large stock of the Victor Talking Machines and Victor
DisR Records and Edison Phonograph and Edison Cylinder Records
r. The Victor is so perfect that it is often mistaken
for the human voice. There is no limit to the
variety of selections this matchless instrument will
recite for you.
The Edison has always been a wonderful
device, but Mr. Edison's recent improvements
have placed it In the foremost ranks as a charm
ing musical instrument.
We will sell the Victor Machines at $17.50, $20.00, $25.00, $27.50,
$32.50, $35.00 and $45.00. t
Victor 7 inch records 50c each or $ 5.00 per dozen
" 10 " " J.00 " 10.00 " "
u 12 " " 1.50 " 15.00 " "
. -Edison -Phonographs at $10.00, $20.00 $30.00 and $50.00.
' Edison Records 35c each.
Why not come in and listen to these Machines. Free Concerts daily.
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Garner.
Main and Seventh Streets
Main and Seventh Streets
Alteration Sale
The public will now nave an opportunity
to get the famous Studebaket Wagons
and Buggies regardless of cost. Must
make more room. Hence, the sacrifice.
They certianly wont last long, so better
come and get your pick.
. L. BLO