SUPPLEMENT TO OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Vol. 38 No. 39 OREGON CITY, ORE., AUGUST IJ, 1905. Established J 866 Out Correspondents' Corner MM4 A 2 Brief ISits of Gossip From All Parts of the County. Correspondents are requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear in these columns every week. MOUNTAIN VIEW. We cannot gossip about our neighbors because there's so few left. Wily May and family Teft Tuesday morning for the mountains. Allen Frost and family are at the Coast. - John Lewellen and wife, Mrs. Fair clough and Mrs. Scott are camping on the scenic shores of the Clackamas river. Mrs. Elmer Dixon is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Clancy, who have been visiting friends and relatives in this city took a look into the Lewis and Clark Fair last Wednesday and then started for their home in Iowa, where during their visit here, have suffered the loss of property by fire in their Iowa home. Mrs. W. H. Butterfield, of Portland, visited Mrs. Matchett one day this week. Mrs. Burly has just returned from a visit at St. Johns. Pearl Selby went back to the logging camp. Miss Ida Kurtz of Canby, is visiting at Mr. Selby' s. The army worm has made its appear ance in the gardens and the vegetables are showing the result. Moses Skinner is taking his vacation and intends taking his family to the Coast this week. The Sunday School of this place will picnic in Holm's Park next Wednesday, August 16. Everybody Invited. Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bsugfii Bean the Sf mu Haw Always CANBY. . All Oregonians in this vicinity- declare there never was so much hot weather in one Summer, in Oregon before. Threshing is quite general now. The whistles of the several machines can be his home in Vancouver. Rev. C. deceased was a member. Housel officiated. Hundreds of fish have been seen lately floating down the Molalla and into the Willamette. This is the work of some contemptible miscreants with powder somewhere above here. All good citizens regret that such cannot always be caught and prosecuted. Lucke Bros, found, on visiting their slaughter house Wednesday morning, that thieves had been there and taken a num ber of hides, with two knives and other minor articles which were at hand. Mr. Lucke immediately got in communica tion with the authorities at Oregon City, but at this writing, they have not been apprehended. Nothing on the Market Equal to Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their " customers this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe Witmer, prominent druggist of Joplin, Mo., dau are visiting at the home of E. W. Hornshuch at present. John Weger and. brother have returned from Idaho, where it is said they have a gold mine. - Robert Ginther received one of Hoff man's stump jacks last week. After try ing it for a day Robert thinks it one of the greatest labor saving machines that a man can have on a farm. A number of the neighbors and boys gathered at Chris Moehnke's last Sat urday night and had an enjoyable time. The ladies of the community gave a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Hett man in honor of her 55th birthday last Thursday afternoon. Everyone present spent a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Hett man was the recipient of several valu able presents. R. Ginther and family visited friends at Elyville Sunday. Rev. W. H. Wettlaufer, of Oregon City. will preach in the Evangelical church Sunday, August 13. Will Interest Many. Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in every form and will build up and strengthen these organs so they will perform their func- I ;... 11 nMnAlir 71T, i. f" T3.icrh 'c . i hi 1 1 .1 V v.,v i i.t . i . i. uuatBi. v. i " ' n " . I 1 4 i ci 1 1 1 1- n , i i j V,,., uc It CVilot.-'a 1Z c& i 1 1 i 1 1 1 11 1 i ii lii.i ih.hiiiiv . .1, .my n . - i 1 1 1 I i. is nothing on . the market, in the way of patent medicine which equals Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy for bowel complaints. We sell and recommend this preparation." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. WILHOIT. A great neecL-of rain is felj: here, the gardens are dying out and prospects for rain are very poor. Harvesting is in full blast with a light crop of grain. Mr. Joseph Strong, of Nebraska. Miss Maud Russell of Wilhoit were married Oregon City, August 1st. Justice Stipp officiating. Their many friends extend congratulations. Mr. Ben Wise and Mr. Montague, of Portland, are sojourning at the Springs this week. Mr. Samuel Roman who has been work ing at the Springs all . Summer returned to Portland Tuesday; Mr. Ike Johnson, who has been visit ing at the Paulson Dairy, returned to Cure is taken in time. Huntley Bros. Co. NEEDY. Mr. and Mrs. Ackerson, who have been visiting in Washington, returned home Thursday. Mrs. Chet. Mills' little daughter is ill with the mumps. Miss Grace Thompson spent Sunday with Beatrice Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. D. Zimmerman visited the former's brother at Aurora Tuesday. Mr. Ackerson has relatives from Iowa visiting at his home. Quite a large party from our neigh borhood spent Sunday at Soda Springs. "Born, on Friday, August 4th, a son, to wife of Mr. Chas. Hofman. Market street, a sother horses were seen n. .1 i ,,n In Vi i. HI J 11111,1 II 1 1 11 I. II 1 II ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. ji 111.1.1 111 1 1 1 same place. His horses jumped, and the street being very rough he was jerked out but kept hold of the lines and was jammed into the wheel and hurt quite badly. Henry went down to see what detained him, as his wife had become anxious, and Jeke, his son, who is at work in Portland, came home with him. He had his boy Robert and Mr. Frey's little girl with him, who were also thrown out but escaped almost unhurt. Mr. Keckei came in contact with the fist of Mrs. Miller's brother at Willamette and returned home with a black eye. Particulars not obtainable at the present writing. We neglected to speak in the proper time of the marriage of Aura and.Inza daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson, who were married in July, the first to a lawyer of Roseburg, and Inza to young Wood ofPleasant Hill. They were both successful teachers and their many friends wish them, much hap piness. x Miss Mary Johnson, formerly of Staf ford, but a resident of Portland at pres ent .where her father conducts a livery stable,, was making pleasant calls upon old friends the past week. She was ac companied by a young cousin from the East. Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man a clear head, an active brain, a strong, vigorous body makes him, fit for the bat tle of life. : I VIOLA. Oberstaller & Co., are making some much needed improvements in the grist mill. . '" Miss Ore Black of Salem, was the guest of, Mrs. W. D. Brown during the week. Grandpa Miller is having quite a re union of his many grandchildren. Mrs. Eliza Zurcher and family of San Jose, Cal., are enjoying our cool weather at Viola. Albert. Mary and Florence Stone, of Portland, are visiting friends and rela- heard every day." Andrew Kocher made a trip to Arling ton, recently. John Heller, living East of Canby, has another boy with a broken arm, this be ing the fourth broken arm among his children in less than a year. Many people are planning to get away to the mountains or coast. Some have gone. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, of Philipsburg, Kansas, are visiting at the Methodist parsonage, as is also Mrs. S. V. Housel, of Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Housel, is the parson's mother. They had not met pre viously for 26 years. The peach crop on the old Shank place is very good and is now being gathered. A. J. Burdette is assisting. Henry Busch, of Macksburg, was bur ied at Zion cemetery last Saturday, the funeral being conducted by Rev. C. A. Housel. He leaves a widow and one child besides his parents and brother and sisters. The funeral was largely attend ed, and was under the direction of the K. O. T. M., of which order the deceased was a member. Moses Quint, -formerly of Barlow, was buried at the old Canby cemetery last Wednesday. He died in the insane asy lum, at the age of 77 years. The funerai was conducted under the auspices of the Butteville lodge of Masons, of which the Miss Mabel Paulson is confined to her home, owing to a visitation of Job's comforter on her face. Mr, Russell, a farmer.' residing here, was thrown from a horse a few days ago and received painful injuries. On Monday evening about twenty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Strong, who were married last Tuesday, visited them with the usual chrivarl. Candy, nuts and cigars were the order of he- day. Owing to- an accident to the father of the bride dancing was dispensed with. Mr. L. Trullinger returned from a visit with relatives, who reside near Sandy. Monday evening, accompanied by Mr. Tolyn, Mrs. Trullingers father. Mr. Flyn is quite ill. He expects to make them an extended visit. xNo such thing as summer complaint where Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is kept handy Nature's rem edy for every looseness of the bowels. S"WREL. Grain is all cut and will soon be ready to thrash. , Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshuh and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hettman called on Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther Sunday evening. Mrs. Grimmer and Will and John Lin- Asthma Sufferers Should Know This Folev's Honevand Tar has cured manv : tives at Viola. cases nt asthma that were considered Chas. Albright and family of Oregon hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bueslng. 701 West City, are camped on the creek near Vio Third St.. Davenport. Iowa, writes: "A la severe cold contracted twelve years ago was neglected until it finally grew into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief. Foley's Honey and Tar was rec ommended and one fifty-cent bottle en tirely cured me of asthma which had been growing on me for more than twelve years, and if I had taken it at the start I would have been saved years of suffer ing." Huntley Bros. Co. CATARIRIHI STAFFORD. The weather at Stafford is still bear able, . although the mercury soars high. Hauling grain and threshing is the or der of business now and incidentally vis 'ting, as the Fair has reminded friends that they might, as it were, kill two birds at the time. Mr. Berhle has two nieces visiting him. and a cousin has been visiting Mrs. Berhle, a young man from Michigan, who has been engaged in putting up New York and Montana exhibits at the Fair, came out to see the Gage family over Sunday, and there 5' Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. seems to be pleasant comers and goers Jt cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the at a great many homes. diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and Mr. Schatz was so unfortunate last drives away a'Cold in the Head quickly. Wednesday as to get mixed up with street Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell, cars and his wild colt, and broke the Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. tongue and one wheel to his wagon. Then Applied into the nostrils and absorbed, next day after getting repairs he start- Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by ed for home, and it Is thought the hors- mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail, es came in contact with a live wire on ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St., New York.