OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1905. 25 Pounds of the Best Granulated Sugar for $1 With all purchases of $5.00 or over throughout this " Store. Groceries excepted. 10 Spools of the Best Clarks' Thread for 10c With all purchases of $5.00 or over throughout this entire big store. Groceries excepted. 8 egms Saturday, August 22th, at 9:00 O'clock Shafts 2 B f ftNTINI IFS SATURDAY, AUGUST 2th, OUR DOORS WILL OPEN f flNTINUFS ?n nlv ON AN AVALANCHE OF BARGAINS in HAV The store has been transformed; you 11 hardly recognize it. Bargains everywhere, and big price tickets, thick as bees in June time, tell a tale of price destruction that you can scarcely credit until you see 4-tt yrknrfc wJffi irrvr own v?q. It f a SALE of swrfi ; tOf 4nQ tfiaf rro-mof f fori inrl rctfmoc -nrf T V -ir. - -.,rsJ 1 at our daring. All through the store, on every article in stock, the merciless price cutter has held his sway and had his way. I Nothing has escaped him, and the consequence is the most marvelous feast of bountiful bargains ever given to the public. This is the time for you to save; right now. ror this stupendous sensational sale has caused your - quarters to swell to dollars, and a dollar will nearly do the duty of $5.00 on ordinary occasions. Every dollar's worth of goods you buy here during this Sale will represent such saving that you'll ever thank your stars that we told you about it. The biggest interest that money ever drew is now held out to you in these grand values. This is a Sale of Sales. A tearing away from old moss back methods, and trampling under foot all former precedure. There are bargains here for the young, and old and middle aged and all will be most cordially welcome. We have decided to CLOSE OUT THE GREATER PORTION OF THIS STOCK. We have served the people to the best of our ability in the past and now we ask our customers and friends to come out and help us make this Sale the biggest thing that ever occured in your section. Below we quote a few prices, merely examples of the many hundreds of grand and glorious bargains that now await you: Oceans of Notions Look at the prices! Needles lc a paper. Pins, 2 papers for lc. Men's Sox 4c a pair. Wire hair Pins per package lc. Large size pencil tablet,- 5c value, each 2c. Hump back hooks and eyes per card lc. Good black ink per bot tle 3c. Safety pins per card 3c. Good lead pencils 2 for lc. Tape' measures each lc. Pearl buttons per dozen 3c. A Hosiery Hurrah Never was such Hosiery prices known. Ladies' Hose 4c, 7c, 9c, 11c and up to 19c that have no equal. Children's fast black rib bed Hose a pair 7c. Men's fine Hose a pair only 8c. Men's Sox at 4c and 7c. Men's all wool Hose 13c. Men's and Ladies fine cashmere Hose 19c. Men's Furnishing Goods ONE-THIRD THEIR VALUE. MOWING DOWN THE PRICES Men's Good Work Shirts only 39c. Men's Linen and celluloid collars at lc, 3c, 5 and 9c. Men's fine dress Shirts 43c and 58c. Men's Pants in all wool at $1.49, $1.29 94c and Jean Pants 59c. Clothing Men's Suits worth up to $7.50, only $4.94. Men's Fine All Wool Suits, a few left for $8.67. Boys' long Pants Suits worth $8.00 only $4.78. Boys' Knee Pants Suits at $1.94 and $4.37. Men's and Boy's Overalls - GREATLY REDUCED Boys' Overalls only 14c. jj Boys' Bib Overalls only 19c. jucu a wvtuitus Willi or witnout DID s only 39c. If You Need Underwear Buy it now. No wonder we sell Underwear. No manufacturer canname such prices. Our regular 50c Shirts and Drawers per garment each 38c Heavier garments each 44c Odds and ends in men's shirts and Drawers 21c Shoes THESE GOODS WILL FIT YOUR FEET AND THE PRICES WONT FAZE YOUR POCKET BOOK You cannot find such Snoes for the money elsewhere. Every Shoe a satisfactory Shoe. Each price positively the lowest ever quoted In Jhese parts. Ladies' fine dress shoes worth $1.40 only 93c Ladies' $2.50 Shoes in the new heel and toe only $1.72 Ladies' extra fine Dress Shoes worth up to $3.00 $2.19 Ladies half shoes regular $1.25. only ...69c Children's Slippers, all sizes at 79c, 69c, 39c Children's fine Dongola Shoes a pair 33c Children's Spring Heel Shoes only 47c Heavier Children's Shoes a pair 49c Men's $2.00 Shoes a pair $1.48 Men's Fine Dress Shoes, former price $2.50, only $1.88 Men's $3 and $3.50 Shoes only $2.43 Boys' heavy work shoes, full stock, only $1.42 Boys' Good Shoes only $1.28 OUT WITH ALL THE LACES AND EMBROIDERIES - 50 per cent or one half off on all -Laces and Embroideries. That's the story in a nut shell. You will say so too when you see the goods. We Don't Mean to Deceive You We propose to make prices so low, that this will be the biggest "Cash Getting Sale' ever made in this sec tion. We are out for the money. At a great expense, we have rented a goat from one of the lodges in town, and is a Past Master at butting' Volt's only diet is old scrap iron and dynamite, and if anybody, man, woman, hotel keeper or newspaper man, asks us to CHARGE IT, we will just break the padlock and let "his goatship" at them, and quicker than chain lightning, he will have the would-be credit customer so mutilated that the only thing left to identify him would be the RED FRONT STORE trade mark on the Shoes he is wearing. Special v . f- SO YARDS OF THE BEST CALICO FOR tOc with every purchase of $5.00 or over, or if you prefer, tO SPOOLS OF THE BEST MACHINE THREAD FOR tOc with every purchase of $5.00 or over through-out this store, and now to 'make' matters" worse, we will sell 25 Pounds of the v' BEST GRANULATED SUGAR FOR $ i. 00 on all orders of $5.00 or over throughout this store. Table Linen Tips If a factory in Ireland had failed i and given us these goods, we could not sell them cheaper. Buy your linen now ; you'll not be able to buy them so low again. Red Damask, regular 30c grade, now ......... .... ... . . t ..... . 23c A MIGHTY MOVEMENT OF ALL OUR GOODS. - NOTHING RE , SERVED, WINTER AND. SUM MER WEIGHT ALL MUST GO. A. - dollar saved is a dollar made. Let us save you enough dollars on all your purchases to enable you to get something nice for the house that every . house-keeper has been promising for so long, but thought she couldn't afford. Ribbons at the Littlest Price Ever Known No.- 5 Satin Ribbons the yard 2c No. 7 Satin Ribbons the yard . .- 3c No. 60 all silk fancy neck Rib-- - - bon, the yard ...... , 16c 25c all silk ribbons the yard 14c 5 Summer Wash Goods - Prices that will make the goods gd-what they cost is, not consider ed we only look to the prices that will make them get up and git. Dress Goods worth 25c only . . 17c -18cvalues, the yard . . .... 12c 10c Lawns, the yard 5c Men's and Boy's Hats Men's $1.25 and $1.60 and $2.00 Hats go at 94c. Others for 55c, 87c, 17c, and 5c. Creating Corset Excitement Squeezing Corset prices. Such 'prices as these will do their work, for certainly no person will pay twice the prices elsewhere that we ask for the same qualities. One lot of Ladies' Corsets .... 24c 'One lot of 75c corsets . ; . . . s 37c Regular $1.00 Corset only 59c The Whole World Eats But it is not often that one gets good groceries at such low prices. Competition will t'irow up its hands at these: . Seedless raisins usually soli for 10c at 6c Package Raisins, fresh stock, 5c, instead of 10c. Two lots of tea the pound at 11c and 14c instead of 25c and extra - fine teas 3Sc instead of 50c. Bottle bluing 5c instead of 10c. Soaps 2c instead of 4c. Large Toi let soap 3 bars for 10c. jCoffees jthe pound 9c, 13c, 19c in stead of 12, 15c and 25c. Small size potatoes the sack only 45c We Are Going to Close Out This T " Millinery and at whatever price will sell it. ;$4.00 and $5.00 Hats at ..$1.93 Others at ' $1.67, .97, .79, & .42 Untrimmed Hats at 97c down to 8c Hankerduefs at Half their Worth Buy 'em in dozen lots. These will bring big crowds to this section. ; Read the prices: Handkerchiefs ' each lc, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7c, 9c, 11c, 12c, 17c, and 19c. These hand kerchiefs are the beauties of this man's town and absolutely worth double the money elsewhere. With you during this Sale because the prices and material will both suit the customers. The result will be quick sales and many of them. Satisfied customers make a Sale good. Watch us satisfy multitudes. t The doors will open promptly Saturday morning Atigast 1 2th t at 9 o'clock sharp BE ON TIME AND SECURE FIRST SELECTION OF THESE MIRACULOUS VALUES. COME. V7T Vm F57 WWW 11 10 Yards of the Best Simpson's or American Calico for 10c With all purchases of $5.00 or over throughout this store. Groceries excepted. M. F. SHAFER & CO., Expert Advertisers, Omaha, Nebr. Managers of Carnival. Ladies' Fine Sandal Slippers Patent Vamp, all sizes, to dose at Only 69 Cents a Pair J i