8 J. C. ZIN5HR, Superintendent SCHOOL OFFICERS Clackamas County, Oregon June, 1905-6 Director 1 Year Director 3 Years Director 2 Yean Name Clerk Post Office 1 Mllwaukle 2 Ellott Prairie 3 Canomah 4 Lower Logan 5 Glad Tidings 6 Sampson 7 Currlnsville 8 Logan 9 East Clackamas 10 Engle 11 Meatlowbrook 12 Garfield 13 Salmon 14 Viola 15 Beaver Creek 16 Marquam 17 Eagle Creek 18 Mundorff 19 Kelso 20 Macksburg 21 Linn's Mill 22 Oak Lawn 23 Wilsonville 24 Springwater 25 Dickey's Prairie 26 Union 27 Maple Lane 28 Concord 29 Carus 30 Stone 31 Rock Creek 32 Clarkes 33 Highland 34 W. Oregon City 35 Molalla 36 Liberal 37 Hazelia 38 Mark's Prairie 39 Sandy Ridge 40 Needy 41 Stafford 42 Cherryville 43 Mt. Pleasant 44 Boring 45 Bull Run 46 Sandy 47 Oswego 48 Park Place 49 Harmony 50 Gibson 51 Holcomb 52 Firwood 53 Cedardale 54 Riverside 55 Teasel Creek 56 Russellville 57 George 58 Elwood 59 Whiskey Hill 60 Union 61 Jones' Mill 62 Oregon City 1 63 Brown's 4 5 CG 7 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 '91 92 93 94 95 96 "97 "98 199 100 101 102 103 105 106 107 Joint Clackamas Beaver Lake Marmot Skunk Hollow Tracey Leland Evergreen Sunnyside Colton New Era Dryland Redland Monte Christo Damascus Dodge Rothenberg Shubel Phelps Graeme Dover Mulino Henrici Canby Wilhoit Porter Barton Hazeldale Yoder Oak Grove Deep Creek Timber Grove Mountain Road Barlow Union Mills East Mt. Scott Hood View Falls View Eldorado Oak Grove Willamette Spring Brook Cottrell Maggie A. Johnson N. R. Graham S. L. Stevens F. Gerber T. O. Ridings T. H. Sconce John K. Ely Matilda Frakes J. W. Bennett Tillie Smith B. F. Noyer J. J. Davis C. W. Kern Wru. Rutherford H. Hollmann A. F. Jack A. D. Burnett Geo. Koehler Robert Jonsrud J. L. Murdock Geo. Spees F. M. Samson Chas. F. Wagner J. A. Shibley Jane Baty F. M. Osburn L. Mautz A. C. Arnold C. E. Spence J. L. Stewart S. C. Young R. L. Ringo May E. Fairfowl S. O. Dillman P. M. Boyles T. S. Stipp Hugh Baker R. W. Zimmerman James Bell A. S. Thompson B. F. Weddle Vincent B. Tapp Ward B. Lawson O. W. Boring E. F. Andre IP. R. Meinig Albert Walling W. A. Holmes E. Eckles J. P. Woodle L. D. Mumpower Jacob DeShazer Frank Winslow A. M. Vinyard Frank Sawtell B. F. Boyles A. H. Miller C. E. Surfus J. F. Wachtman I. A. Miley Mrs. A. M. Waldron E. E. Brodie ;R. J. Brown E. P. Dedman A. M. Groshong R. D. Alexander John DeNeui W. H. Holder Enos Cahill W. W. Myers H. E. Mendenhall C. E. Gorbett G. H. Brown J. E. Mitts W. H. Brown N. C. Erntson J. C. Elliott E. Lacey T. A. Campau Robert Ginther John Robins Fred J. Epler Frank Ahuert Fred Erickson O. M. Kunzman iWm. Knight M. E. Hardv Edwin Mullen L. Bartlemay L. P. Williams H. H. Deetz L. B. Yoder O. H. Wright A. Verste B. Sullivan A. RypezynskI Lidie L. Irwin H. W. Shaw Geo. Brookman A. P. Todd Wm. Wallace A. L. Jones John B. Mathews Otto F. Olson M. C. Wilmot J. R. Hall H. A. Williams 6 10 15 23 26 30 34 53 57 62 70 73 83 Orient Frogpond Sycamore Aurora Tualatin Youngs Parrett Mountain Aims Butteville N. Butteville Willsburg Scotts Mills J. H. Lake H. A. Kruse P. L. Bliss L. Webert J. C. Marsauazzl W. F. Young W. W. Parrett L. C. Lowe A. H. Cone IP. G. Olson Ortley Plimpton G. E. Lawrence O. Andrews Milwaukie Woodburn R. No. 2 City Oregon City No. 2 Molalla R. No. 1 Aurora R. No. 2 Currlnsville Oregon City No. 2 Clackamas Molalla Mulino No. 1 Garfield Welches Viola No. 2 Oregon City No. 3 Marquam Eagle Creek Canby Orient No. 1 Aurora City Hubbard Wilsonville Springwater Molalla Clackamas No. 1 Oregon City No. 3 Milwaukie No. 1 Oregon City No. 3 Oregon City No. 2 Gresham No. 4 Oregon City No. 4 Highland City Molalla Liberal Oswego Aurora Sandy Aurora No. 2 Stafford Firwood Oregon City No. 1 Gresham No. 5 Bull Run Sandy Oswego Parkplace Milwaukie No. 1 Barton No. 1 Oregon City Firwood James Canby Molalla Molalla George Elwood Hubbard Aurora No. 3 City City Oregon City Clackamas Wilhoit Marmot Firwood No. 5 Currlnsville Oregon City City Clackamas Colton New Era Aurora No. 4 Oregon City No. 2 wt. Angel IClackamas No. 1 Dodge Aurora Oregon City No. 4 Canby No. 1 Sherwood No. 2 Bissell Mulino Oregon City No. 3 Canby Molalla Garfield Barton Oregon City No. 3 Aurora Hubbard Aurora No; 1 Barton Oregon City No. 4 Willamette Barlow Mulino Lents Sherwood No. 2 Mulino No. 1 Carus Creighton Willamette Oswesro No. 1 Cottrell Estacada Gresham No. 5 Stafford Gresham Aurora Tualatin Sherwood Newberg No. 2 Aims Aurora No. 3 Newberg No. 2 Milwaukie No. 2 Scotts Mills Gresham R. Scott W. F. Stanton Thomas Sonde Mrs. A. Fallert , M. V. Leabo W. S. Sconce A. E. Alspaugh C. N. Tracy Jas. Stephenson D. C. Ball A. L. Lark ins C. Krigbaum Oeo. A. Bell Wm. H. Mattoon Fred Kamrath I. D. Larklns Geo. Judd F. M. Baremore X. Decker F. W. Booth Wm. S prague S. G. Ackerson Wm. Brobst A. GensermoskI Gottlieb Feyrer J. W. Lingle Wm. Beard C. W. Rlsley J. R. Lewis J. G. Mumpower Geo. W. Johnson Fred Marshall D. A. Miller Peter Hansen J. R. Cole G. AV. Atwood Frank Racey D. B. Yoder John S. Gibbins Herbert Johnson John Wanker D. W. Douirlas A. C. Warner J. B. Jonsrud G. G. Gibons Chas. Scharnke G. C. Garflled . C. B. Johnson W. J. Hudson A. J. Douglas W. W. Bradley J. G. DeShazer Charles Fischer Chas. Kenknight J. L. Tubbs O. Paulson Robert Miller W. H. Willson David C. Yoder W. L. White W. B. Hiddleson C. H. Caufieid 3 W. E. Carll 4 Aug. Staehley Wm. T. Johnson L. B. Thomas Ernest Aschoff Sam Moser N. M. Tracy Root Montgomery John Acker F. M. Sumner J. Putz Mrs. J. Dustin Chas. Harnack L. Funk B. BIrtchet H. C. Win Ion Jas. Marrs C. Frost Jacob Grossmiller D. R. Dimick J. S. Bulson Joseph De Shazer IT. Wiles Henry Henrici L. H. Wane J. B. Coover J. E. Honebon E. H. Burghardt J. T. Evans J. J. Kramer L. D. Yoder David Wolfer Carl Hanson J. T. Grace Geo. Volpp D. J. Parmenter J. L. Evans E. B. Bere J. S. Barnes Thomas Sawver J. E. Jones Landrew E. RenMpv F. Capen J. W. Stone H. Koch R. A. Stratten A. W. Anderson .1. Li. Kruse James Rlchey A. J. Mishler John Nyberg in. V. Beavert A. W. Laughlln J. J. Elsnor F. Bents James Parrett Ira Burley John Keller Lorenz Walch Philip Strlob E. L. Kenagy P. M. KloniHon P. Kohl 0. 11. B. Thomas Li. Ring F. J. Harkonrlder Robert Dauo Walter Wllmm S. Hnngato R. II. Snodgrasa Phil Wagner William Welch Abram Hornier Wm. Shannon E. B. Albright N. H. Stlngley ('has. Lucke Ole Mlkkelson B. Leubben Gottfried. Schnolter A. JaeobR C. T. Tooze Ed. Closnor Geo. II. Nlkolul II. lloffmolster N. O. Dlckerson M. Oatfleld S. K. Gregory N. S. Anderson Everett Hubbard C. N. Larkins W. B. Fairfowl A. K. Ford W. W. Earhart B. G. Faust O. C. Whlttin John Nordhausen John Hoffmeister Wm. Stowe. Jr R. W. Oldenstadt Chas. Harris C. E. Swlck W. A. Mall A. C. Thomas If. Revenue R. II. Jarisch J. T. Apperson Harry Gifford Wm. J. Howlett Dan Watts Fred Alt H. Ilargreaves C. C. Clausen Carey Herman J. W. Nightingale Peter Rath Lawrence Baker Henry Blosser Mike Sprolskv J. S. Imel iG. A. Harding 2 C. O. Albright 5 Fred Chlnn A. Mather James Nickelson Henry Von Helmo L. Toedtemeler H. Epperson C. V. Stoker 'n. E. Courtwrlght .1. P. Davis W. S. Dlx J. Relf John Helntz Jas. Fullam P. Hanson D. R. Dallas G. W. Keller J. F. Campau Ed. Hornshtih L. P. Burns E. L. Bakor Geo. Wolf G. Ashby Gottfried Illuhm H. C. Gilmore A. Hardy H. H. Anders C. Zeek Mrs. L. P. Williams D. Kaufman Ed. Graves N. P. Adams Sarmon Brunner Peter Schlewe Wm. Hellberg .1. H. Jesse C. O. Bovnton Charles Rebstock r . F. Tooze IFrank Mueller C. Smith E. O. Allen J. O. Bryan C. W. Bryant E. J. Swank ulohn Stormer jw. H. Wheeler 'E. L. Sharp !J. Z. Olson J. O. Miller O. T. Larson Fredering Rueger C. A. Parrett B. J. Wakefield Geo. Goorllna S- T. Edmlston O. H. Lance W. G. Menier F. C. Markwardt E. O. S. N. S. CATALOGUE. Fine Publication Issued From the State Printing Office. The twelfth annual catalogue of the Eastern Oregon State Normal School, 1904-05, has just been issued from the office of the state printer at Salem. It is profusely illuHtrated with half-tones, and Is without doubt the finest cata logue ever published In the school's his tory. The cover design is especially neat and artistic. Its distinctive feature Is a draw ing of the Oregon grape. The 47 pages of the book contain comprehensive Infor mation concerning the school, its history, work and function, the cost of attend ance, etc., for the benefit of prospective eiudents. There nre 28 half-tone Illustrations em bracing views of the Weston country, of the school buildings and grounds; in terior views showing the corridors, as sembly room, lecture rooms, laboratories, reception room, offices, etc., in the main building; classes in the various branches of school work and In domestic science and manual training; baseball and bas ket ball teams and the physical training class. These illustrations alone afford an excellent Idea of the life of the Institu tion, the scope cf Its work, and the mag nitude of the state's plant at Weston. Additions to course of study have rais ed the standard of the institution, rank ing it among the best normal schools on the Pacific coast. The normal department shows an en rollment of 109 and the training depart ment (17, a total of 170. In the junior class for the coming school year, there are 41 members. I The faculty has twelve members, rep resenting departments of English, Math ematics, History, Book-keeping, Latin, Psychology, Pedagogy, Music Drawing! and Stenography. There have been 120 graduates since 1890, when the first class consisting of but one member, Frank J. Van Winkle received his diploma. The next year of school begins Wednes day, September 13. Cured Brlght's Disease. Oeo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawrence Co., N. T.. wrltoa "t ...j' ney disease for many years and had been uca.i.vu uy pnysicians tor twelve years; had taken a well known iri,in ji.i.' iiicuiuiiie and other remedies that, were recom- meuueu oui got no relief until I began using Foley's Kldnev 0 1 1 r a TVa .... i half bottle relieved me and four bottles " curea me or this terrible disease. oeiuie 1 oegan tak no- 1V,I'. t.-i., Lure I had to make water about every fifteen minutes dav nn ntut j . passed a brick-dust substance, and sometimes ouuautnce. i oeiiove I would have died if I had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure." Huntley Bros. Co. BlIW It MM.j Now Is the time to buy' Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy u is certain to be needed sooner or aiftr .vuun uitti time comes you will need It badly-you will need it quickly. Buy it a t or 8al "y GOO. J. W. Grnslo N. Blair W. A. Hodges F. Moser David Itongll Fred Watson It. S. Coop March Frakes Gustuve llahorlnch Albert Knglo J. W. Stnudlnger W. R. Oatlleld iJohn Buholti Jacob (lorbor Aug. Illuhm J. K. Marquam J. II. Colt John Bunklo J. F. Thlolko Rudolph Klause Ernest Evenson Alfred Schneider C. L. Schllckelser S. II. Itaney Fred Shafer A. II. Itltzau C. Swallow T. R. Worthlngton Frank Jaggar V. H. 1 1 ay den A. W. Coolte S. Elmer John Schram G. A. Heinz J. F. Adams W. F. Skeen J. O.TIedeman Geo. Rueck John IJosholm J. D.'Rltter John Seedling W. O. Hugh A. J. Marrs C. Z. Lake Lugl Vacretti jF. Waespo jHenry GatiH IW. R. U'lten S. B. Millard Fred Hoffmeister Sol Wheeler A. Maler J. It. Wright J. F. Eckerson E. K. Dart Scott Carter Edmund Guber W. T. Henderson A. F. Chapman C. I). F. Wilson Joseph Melndl Thos. F. Ryan 1 Gilbert Randall C. F. Clarke J. M. Groshong Geo. T. Ileebe C. Koellermelcr J. E. Crawford Wm. Jones Edgar Brock A. Hunter W. E. Ilonney J. L. Hoffman Thomas Hanson August Hubert O. Rye H. Bock I. M. Park A. Armstrong John Heft J. D. Wilkerson J. N. Wood ,Danlel Erdman J. A. Davis W. F. Harris H. A. Lee A. Crossan Joel B. Bowman Harvey Gibson L. Baker John Egly F. E. Taylor R. A. Wright iCharley Rlchey 'J. P. Oisen jWm. Kaiser J. J. Sandsness D. L. Trul! Inger Joe Rushford Albert Camehl Henry Wallace B. J. Heivey IT. E. Cone A. S. Hunt G. G. Kruse :Fred Radford J. VV. Reed R. I. Anderson George Elllgson ,W. C. Allaway A. H. Glesy L. J. Francis Henry Vohh !J- N. Hoffman J. R. Taylor A. B. Dental 'A. Hlnman B. F. Glover iV. F. Drager IE. S. Yunkor Be4" th Tl)fl M Yo11 Ha8 M Bought of 2,000 miles of lonK ,lih. tnnoo rnl.V .b iC1JUuiie wire in Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia anrl JAahn operation by the Pacific xcicpoone Com pany, covering 2 2oU towns. ' aii ,i ' "vv'ulu'i') cneaii All the satisfaction of u personal communication, Instance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco CaKUy neara as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drue- Store. B- H.H uau ill 1 W YMrfen II he Aristocrat among 1 the whiskies of the Old 8 School. I Without a peer. 8 For Sain nu tl 1 - E. MATTHIAS . 11 Bol Agenoy for Oregon City. I Vr The la Kind You llivvo Always Bought, nnd whl h hoi J t for nvrr iQ vrnr. linn home llio ulirnni.. - - - - - "M.r( g ond ban heoii nmdo undor M J sJj??f oiiuliipcrvllii ulncn lUlnfuT; yStaSyr. UcAM Allow no ono to dccnl vo you In All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Jut-.rMd,ar Experiments that trlllo with and endanger tho lieultl Iofuuts nud CliUdrca Kxpcrlcnco ngalniit HiporUu What is CASTORIA Castorlrt 1m a Imnulens nuhNtltiito for Cantor Oil, gorlc, I)ropn nnd Huothliig Hyrupn. It Id IMcaHHnt, contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Xarcob nubMtaiice. Itii ago 1" Its gun run tec. It dcHtrovn yor and allays reverlhues. It cure Dlurrhwu and Wiy" Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Coimtlpntlt,1 and Flatulency. It nHNliullutes tho Food, rcgulutes U, Stomueh and Howelx, giving healthy nud iiuttirul iW Tho Children's ruuucetv-Tho Mother's Friend. i GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAl' Boars tho Signature of -euzfVX -cue The Kind You Wm Always In Use For Over 30 Years, Boilf ELECTRIC LIGHT, IN THE HOUSE IS REAL ECONOMY IT IS NOT ONLY HOW LITTLE IT COSTS. AND THE CONSEQt'KNT 8AVINU IN KXPKNSR. HUT THE SAV ING IN HEALTH. THE SAVING IN TIME. THE ADDI TION TO THE COMFORTS OF LIFE. IT REMOVES THE GREAT FIRE DANGER UL'RNINO MATCHES IN THE HANDS OF CARELESS PERSONS. IT DOES NOT SMOKE OR VITIATE THE ATMOSPHERE IT DOES NOT MAKE SOOT TO SOIL DRAPERIES AND CURTAINS. IT WILL COST YOU MORE TO BURN 500 CANDLES THAN 500 CANDLE POWER IN ELECTRIC LIGHT-ELECTRICITY WILL GIVE MORE AND IIETTER LIGHT FOR YOUR MONEY THAN YOU CAN GET HY ANY OTHER ARTIFICIAL ILLUMINANT. IN OTHER WORDS-IN ADDITION TO ITS CLEANLINESS. ITS HEA LTI I FULNESS, AND ITS SAFETY. ELECTRIC LIGHT IS ALSO THE CHEAPEST LIGHT YOU CAN HAVE. NEW AND REDUCED RATES for Meter Service, put Electric Light within the reach of Everyone. J7STIMATES on cost of wiring and information f??S2HE- OFFICE, the STORE . TS- V PromP"y turn shed upon appli cat.o ,o Mr. C G. Miller at ,he Company branch olf.ee, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C C. Miller, Contract Manager for Oregon City SubBorlbe to the EntertlMO paper In Willamette Valley. ' Oregon Qtv Enfnc ct cn .Jf iemi-Weekly Oregon Journal $ 1 .50 a -ucnoe ior both now for oofv t -JL. lieryear Oregon City Entctprise and Vhetij Otegonian, both I yeat f0f only $2.00 OS 0 1 f Mi ; i Or.