OHKOOX CITY KNTERPIUSE. KH I DAY, AUGUST 4, 190.'. "inn mm MR. and MRS. WILDERT THOMPSON, 801 Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIO CURED HIM. LET US GIVE YOU r. This Coupon It good for a 60o. Dottle of fflull't Grapo Tonlo. Kill oat Ibis coupon and semi to tb. Lightning Mmllelns Co 1ST Tlilrl?A lUirk IsUml, 111., anil you will reoelvn e full .la., flow, bottle of Mull's (Irapa Tonl. I liavo nsvar taken Mull's ft rap. Toulr, hutlfyou will supply ui. with a flOe, bottlq fr., I will Uka It a illrnttl. Naina fUraot No.. Clly NtaU.. aivi run aooasae sno waiva ptaiNir. UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. SALEM, INDEPENDENCE, ALBANY, CORVALLIS AND WAY LANDINGS. I.av Portland 6:45 a. m. dully (except Sunday) for Salem and way points. Leave Portland 6:45 Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Independence, Al I. tiny and Cot vol Us, stages of water permitting. DAILY RIVER EXCURSIONS or OREGON CITY BOATS TIME CARD Wik Dsys . a. m. a. ni, p.m. Leave PcirtlimJ.... 1:00 11:30 3:30 a. in. p. in. p.m. Unve Oregon City. 10:00 1:30 8:30 ROUND TRIP 45o rickets exchanged with O. W. P. A Ry. curs. SPECIAL UUI1LH T tAOUriOIUIIO ROUND TRIP 25o I.crv a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p m, Portland 8:30 9:30 11:30 1:30 3:30 Leave a.m. a.m. p.m. pin pin Or. City 10:00 11:30 1:30 3:30 8:30 OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and Dock) Foot Taylor Street Phone Main 40. " THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains unexcelled service from 4he Vest to the Hunt nnd South. Making clue, connections with trains of all trans continental Hues, pusHener are given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louis ville, Memphis and New Orleans, and thioiigli these point to the fur Kimt. I'nmpectlvo traveling deriving Informs- tk'Vi n to the lowest rates are Invited to i ! i upoiid with the following tvpreaeti liiilvi : 11. H. TUl'MlltJU,, Commercial Agent, 141! Third Street, Portland .Oregon. J. C. LIN'DSICY, Tiav. Puhseuger Agent. Third Street, Portland, Oregon PA PL II. THOMPSON, PoBsi-nger Agent. Column Ilulldlti!?, Seattle, W'ush Deserves Your Patronage. The growth of a community nnd the ni' ceH of It local Institutions depend entirely on the loyalty of Its people. It In well enough to preach "patronize home Industry" but except the service given ut a home Institution cqiinls that of out-of-town entorpi Isew, this argument car- i lea no weight and Is entirely disregard ed, an It should be. Uut with Oregon C.'ltj people It Is different, A few months (iko E, L. Johnson established the t'as cade Laundry. It Is equipped with the latest improved machinery and Is dully turning out work that la equal to anj and superior to much of the laundry work that Is being done In Portland. Being a homo Institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people It la enjoying an Immense patronage. The high standard of tha work being done commends It to the general public, Laundry loft at the 0. IC barber shop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 1204. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. Subscribe to tha Enterprise, best local paper In Willamette Valley, Bean the lo Kind You Have Always BongM Gilbert Thompwn never knew wll Jay until fast Jutw fie hid beta constipated all his life nuny doctori treated him, but all failed to even help hlmhli health ailed rapidly and on January 21, 1903, Mrs. Thompson atked us to suggest a treatment (or her huihaud We thought the case too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he aho failed to help the patlent-NOW MB IS WELL. Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mm, Thmnpwin first wrote us as follows: "Mr lnmltiind. ai!d 11, suffers from sharp pains In lilt utomach and oiiietliiien think It li til heart. I.t nm know by return mull wlibt cause the palu, If you can. Air. 'iliompsou lis boon treated by nvnrul doetors, but Ihey have KUitn lilm up." Wn priinitly (nlvUi'il llifit h llrnt-clnis Ki)i:lnllt Iw eiiiiHiilU'd. We 'junta: "wo want to sell Mull's Crape Tnnle, line sunn wn know It will cum constipation, 'mi, Mm, a bottle In no object to u when a human life li lit stake, and If your liuihandi ohm Is as tnrioiw & t.iu state, we kiiggnftt you consult a reliable ielallt, not the advertising kind, promptly." At the smut time, knowing thai Mull's (.mpa'Jiiiiio could do no harm, e advised Its use until a physician could be nonsuited. January M Mrs. Thompson wrote that a physician had been consulted. Undiag nosed the ease as Imlug i hronle constipation and dysiiepsla. Ills treatment wan followed fnlthlully, but there wsi no ;ircopllll Improvement In Mr. Thompson's health. Then lie bt)au taktuii Mull's Orape Toulc and on Sept. a, itoa, we rewired tbe follow Ihk letter froio Mrs. Thompson: "You will remember that I wrote to you last Januerv In regard to my husband's health. It le four months slnoa he quit taking Mull'a Orape Tonlo lor oonstlpatlon, whloh he suffered from alnoe birth. He took ut 24 bottles of it and Is perfectly oured. He Is much stronger and has gained eonaldorsbly In flash. I oannot thank you enough for Mull's Orape Tonlo. 'It Is worth Hs weight In gold.' Just 1 2 oured him and ho has spent hundrsds of dollars with dootors who did him no good. Now want to stats my ease to you and eapeot your early reply. I also have oonstl patlon, have had for three years. Kindly let me know as I am surs It will sure me If you say It will, as It did all you olalmed It would In my huaband'e ease. I await an early reply." Very respeotfully yours, R. V. H. THOMPSON, 601 Main U Peoria, III. bottle and charge For Sale by Howell & PERSONAL MENTION (Concluded from Pag S.) Mr. and Mr. Koo Maple have relum ed from a vllt at The Iuillis. Chun. Schramm Is mlltig two weeks' vacation at Seattle and other cli leg on the Hound, Peputy PlBtili t Attorney Schucbcl nnd fnmlly are at Ocean Park on the Wash ington Count where they will spend the mouth of Augtiitt. lulling the absence from 'the city of Mr, Schuebel, bimlneH pertululng to the ofllce of District At torney will be attended to by III law partner, Mr. I" Hen. Mrs. Alfred Luelllng nnd daughter. Mis Juiile. . left thUt.wock for- Koine. Idaho, where they will reside permanently, mak ing their home with Mrs. Luelllng's son In - lit w. Dr. J. W. (livens, superintendent of the Idaho state Insane asylum. II. C. Palmer, who ha been at Cor roTiton. Washington, for several months, has been spending a week camping with friends near (.'niton. While here Mr, Palmer nlso enjoyed a visit with his brother C. I. Pulmer, who Is an Instruc tor at the Armour Institute, of Technol ogy at Chicago. Mr. iind Mrs. (Jeorge Iowery. of Lib eral, were In the city the first of the week being en route home from a visit to the KxpoHltlon. Mr. Lowery Is a sue. eesMfiil hup grower and reports that the vines are In exceedingly good condition at this season of the year. P. A. linker, a farmer from Stafford, was In the city yesterday. Mr. Paker reports that as the harvest progresses, the damage to grain from the operation of the aphis early In the season Is prov en to have been more extensive thun wn supposed. The oat crop will bs very short. Mrs, J. W. linker, accompanied by her sou and daughter, Walter and Irene, who have been visiting her sister, Mr, ft, L. Hiilmnn, for the lust month, will leave tomorrow fin' her home tit Los Angeles. California. They will be ac companied by Mrs. J. M. Hixson. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. II. L. Hotmail, since Inst January, nnd will now return to her California home. Mrs. DeKtle Cublelgh and Mrs. Nelle Premo, of Piirabo, Wisconsin, arrived Inst Saturday for a visit nt the homo of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Shaw, at Mullno, and also with their uncle, AsscRor J. K. Nelson. They came to the Const via ilie Cunaillan Pncllle rail way and And In Oregon und particularly the Willamette Valley, a most delight ful change from the unattractive scenery thev viewed en route. They will return home via Han Francisco, Los Angeles nnd Suit Lake City. , Wm. (liiseiithwulte, an euthunliitlo rural telephone advocate of the Heaver .Creek district, was In the city laHt Mon- iiriluy on business, He says the tuib scilbers to the Heaver Creek and other rural telephone f systems nre anxiously I awaiting on the business men of Oregon ! City to effect the organisation of n lo cal telephone exchange to which the out I lying systems can attach. Connection I with the Oregon Clly business houses, j Mr. drlsenthwalte says, was promised the i country people und It was on the strmgth : of this assurance, he contends, that the l large number of Instruments have been Installed by the farmers of .the county. Drs. Bcatlo & Beatle, Dentists, Rooms Id, 17 18, Welnhard Building. will Build walks anyway. The committee that was recently ap pointed by the County Court to Investi gate and report on the feasibility of con structing footwnlks on either side of the suspension bridge across the Willamette River in this city, yesterday submitted a report declining against the proposed im provement except the structure bo ma terially strengthened In a number of re- Hpucts. It Is the purpose of the court to proceed with the construction of the foot walks anyway. Objection to the foot wnlks was originally made by tho bridge company thut built the structure on, the grounds that the proposed Improvement would serhiusly interfere with the dura bility of the, bridge. , ,' A 50c. BOTTLE. If you arc afflicted with constipation or any of its kindred dilutes wo will buy a 50-cent bottle for you of your druggist ami give it to you to try. If you are constipated we know it will cure you. Surely if wc have such confidence in our remedy as to pay for a Ixittlc of it that you may test for yourself iU won derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer. Mull's Grape Tonic Is the only curt for constipation known. We do not recom mend it for anything hut CoiiKtipution and its allied diseases. It is our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate yourself further than to take its contents. Hull's Grape Tonic is pU'ctuiiit to tike and one bottle will U-nefit you. We want you to try It and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coupon and mail It to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent sauie to us. Jones, Oregon Local Events Mose Quint, aged "7 years, a farmer, of Harlow, was committed to the asylum Monday. R. L. Holmsn, leading undertsker. Next to Hard' grocery store, Oregon City, Oregon. , You will soon need hop tickets again. Hrlng In or send your order to the En terprise' Hop ticket Is a specialty with us. Oadke. the plumber, this week effected his removal Into bis new building on Main street between Ninth and Tenth treeta. Special price on millinery this week at Miss Goldsmith's. An electric car on the Willamette Pall railway line run over and killed a horse, the owner of which Is not known, last Bunduy night. Sunday sfiernoon at Canemuh Park the baseball team of Columbia lluok & Lad der Company defeated the Cunby Juniors at baseball by a score of 18 to 14. Patavla and Duck and Linen hat, new arrivals, Miss Goldsmith's. C. Itosensteln. of the Portland Cloth ing I muse. Is having his display windows enlarged this week to the great Improve ment of the appeuranca of the store. A great many members of the Oregon City Camp, Woodmen of the World, went to Portland hist night by special car., to participate In the exercises, Incident to Woodmen day at the Exposition. ; 1 Baby caps and hats greatly reduced. Miss Goldsmith's. Wm. Ileitis, John Dahm and Pete Norta of Macksburg. on Tuesday delivered In this city 22 head of beef cattle for ship ment to Albert Klein nt Portland. This, Friday evening, the Indies of the Methodist church will give a social In the city purk on the hill . lee cream and enko will be served for which a small charge will bov asked. Joe Green, a former resident of Ore son City, died of blood poisoning at Aber- Icen, Washington, last Sunday. The deceased was a brother to Wm. Given, of this city. F. Newton, of Oregon City, has the only first-class undertaking parlor and hearse In Clackamas county. Ln borers this week remodeled and en larged the show windows nt Adams Bros. Hii.uar. The appearance of the building was also greatly improved ly the nppll cation of a coat of white paint. " s On last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Scott were surprised ly a company tif friends In honor of Mr. Scott's birth day. The evening was spent In progres sive whist, after which a delicious lunch eon was served. There wus a large attendance at Ca ncmah Park laat evening when the mem bore of Columbia Hook & Ladder Com pany entertained their friends nt a dime lug party for which Turney's orchestra furnished the music, MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTAITED at lowest rates, Latourette's office, Com mercial Bank Building, Oregon Ity. Walter Williams, who drives a deliv ery wagon for a grocery store oh the hill, was thrown from tho wagon Tuesday noon In a runaway and sustained a pain ful injury to tho right knee. The wagon was badly demolished. Born. Tuesday. August 1, to Miv and Mrs, W. E, Lewthwalte, a daughter. ' Gty Jos. H. Strong and Maud Russell, of Wilholt. were married In this city Tue day afternoon. Justice Stlpp officiating. Mis Minnie Hean, of Minnesota, has been elected primary' teacher In the Park place school, succeeding to the vacancy created by the resignation of Miss .Jean ette Clark who waa recently elected to that position. County Assessor Nelson has employed an additional clerk. Miss Antoinette Wal den In order that the assessment rolls may be completed by the last Monday In this month when they will be turned over to the county board of equalization. i Money to loan n-Firms.- -Land Titles examined. Dlmlck A Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Oregon... It waa decided by the Clackamas coun ty court this week to advertise for blda for the Improvement of the Wlllamette- StafTord road. Bids will be asked for the construction of a road over the pres ent route with the proposed changes and also over the Turner route. Lost or strayed, one bay mare, weight about 1100 pounds, white star In fore head, short stubby mane and shod all around. A suitable rewaiTd will be paid for theh return of the animal to George K. Scholl, Hubbard, Oregon. The forest Are at the head of Canyon Creek In this county has burned Itself out according to reports brought here Tuesday by people from James. The flume Boent themselves In the thick underbrush and second growth timber, doing no damage to the large timber. Send In that order for hop tickets. The Enterprise Is equipped to print tick ets In any number and deliver them promptly. If you are too busy to come to town, just send yur order In by mall. We have a happy faculty of pleasing the people with our work. While wading the creek at Wtlhoit Springs Sunday, Mrs. Bud Smith, a mem- ber of a uarly from James, that was spending the day at the resort, fell and broke her right arm Just above the el bow. Dr. J. J. Leavitt, of Molalla, was called and reduced the fracture. 0. V. P.' Ry. Co. Sunday round trip rate to Estacada 75 cents. Tickets must be purchased at Company's offices. Hmry Stratton, who Is best known as Hunk," and an all-round goevd fellow. this week purchased the barber shop and business heretofore conducted by W A. Wood on Main street, opposite Huntley Bios. Co., drug store. Mr. Stratton has taken possession and will be pleased to have hla many friends call. The new pro prietor, has the best wishes of a host of friends for success in his enterprise. Because of some dissatisfaction result ing In a change of overseers In the spin nine dennrtment of the local woolen mill plant of the Oregon City Manufacturing Company about fifty of the employes, or All In that department, went on a strike Monday morning. The people returned to their work after a short Interruption and the difficulty awaits adjustment by arbitration. Mrs. Arcell Lnfforty died at Clackamas Heights Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. She was 61 years old and had been a suf ferer fro heart disease for some time. Mrs. I.afferty lived at Colton and was staying at the home of a relative while under the treatment of Oregon City phy slclans. She Is survived by her husband, three sons and one daughter. The fun eral was held at Clarks yesterday after noon at 2 o'clock. , . Next Sunday will be the concluding day of the Oregon Spiritualist camp meeting at New Era. President Barrett, of the N. F. A., will deliver a lecture at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and at 10 o'clock In the morning. Mr. J. H. Moore will perform the christening ceremony with flowers. During the day Mrs. Eva McCoy will give a number of tests. Sat unlay night there will he hIl the usual weekly social dance. Tbe Autoflller, the best self-fllllng Fountain Pen, $2.60 and upward. Every pen guaranteed. Charman A Co., drug gists, aolo agent. A remarkable Increase la noted In "the receipts of the County Clerk's office for each of the last several month a com pared with the corresponding months a year ago. For Instance during the month of July, the aggregate of fee received In this offleo was J4S7 as against 325 for the same month In 1901. The receipt for the correnrmndlriif rnftnthN tnr tha I three preceding year were a follow: v.m, ix;j.7&; J902, 1155.90; 1901, J177.85. Judge Ityan thin week Inspected the work of repairing Dickey's bridge near Molalla, The Judge reports a great deal il road and bridge work under way throughout the county. J. I). Itenner, of thl city, has charge of the repairing of Dickey's bridge. Another bridge I being constructed on the upper Sandy above Bull Itun. The Improvement of the Clackamas-DamaKCua road Is being performed by a large force of men. That part of the road being Improved Ilea be tween Gladstone bridge and the railroad crossing. Among the notable features of the Ar gonaut for August 7th will be Jerome Hart's sixth Arcadian article; "The Stranger at Ban Marclal," an Interest ing and amusing story by Jullen Joseph- son; an account by Edith Hecht of the automobile race In France for the Ben nett cup; "The White Man's Shame," an article In which the growing power of the yellow race la described and com mentcd upon; and a criticism of Ezra Kendall In "Weather Beaten Benson" at the Columbia Theatre, by Josephine Hart Phelps. The recent Firemen's Tournament and Fourth of July celebration In thla city was a success financially according to a report that was submitted to the City Council by the general committee Wed nesday night. Receipt from all sources aggregated $2007.60 while the total dls bursements amounted to 1999.82. A vote of thanks was tendered the committee by the Council for their efficient services. In the same connection there was pre sented an ordinance prohibiting the aale and exploding In this city of fire-crack era, bombs, and other similar explosiv es having a length gTeater than three Inches. Wanted, girl for light house keeping In a small family. Apply at Harris grocery store. Oregon City police officers Wednesday night arrested Clyde Hamilton, of Port land, for the alleged theft of a 32-caII bre revolver. The complaining witness being Lester Sabin, also of Portland, and for whom Hamilton had been working. The men are brothers-in-law and Hamil ton was a passenger on the south-bound California overland for Salem. Discover' Ing the theft shortly before the train left Portland. Sabin followed his relative Whom'' he' located at the railway depot and accompanied him to this city, when, falling to regain possession of the stolen property, he caused the arrest of Hamil ton who was lodged In the city Jail here while Sabin returned to ' his hlme at Portland. At the home of Mies Essie Block Tues day afternoon, a reception was tendered Miss Sophia Thomas who departed the following day for her home at Baltimore, Maryland, after an extended visit with Oreeon Cltv relatives. Miss Block was assisted In entertaining by Miss Neita Harding. The afternoon waa pleasantly pased In music, and games. Miss Thomas the aruest of honor, capturing the first prize, while the booby was awarded Miss Ethelwyn Albright. A dainty luncheon was served. Those present were: Miss Amelia Horn and Miss Rose Llndebaum. of Portland ;Misses Helen Bolinger, Edith Cheney. Ethel Graves, Jessie Bibee. Dol ly Pratt, Hilda McGetchle, Annie Shan non. Mayme Long, Nell Wood. Lennle Seely, Ethelwyn Albright. Clara Caufleld, Besa Kelly, June Charman, Essie Block and Nelta Harding. Three divorce suits. In which Portland neonle noDear as Dlaintlft In each case, were filed here Wednesday. Dora Free man, who was wedded to vm. Freeman at Portland, in March. 1900, charges the defendant with habitual drunkenness and asks to resume her maiden name, Dora Blair. Desertion three years after their marriage and alleged adultery subsequent to the desertion, are the grounds for di vorce alleged by lone E. Palmer In a suit against Frank Watson Palmer. The couple were married at Brooklyn, New York, In October, 1S94. J. M. Robinson wants to be legally separated from Bell R. N. Robinson whom he married at Portland, In November. 189S. The wife Is charred with desertion one year after the marriage and Is reported to be a res ident of Alameda, California, une nus hand has caused an order to be Issued restraining the defendant from disposing of any of the property in whicn ne nas an interest. The couple owns real estate in Columbia, Clackamas and Multnomah counties according to the complaint. John F. Logan, of Portland, attorney ap pears for each of the three plaintiffs. NOTICE OF SALE. in the County Court of the State of Ore con, for the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Margaret Will, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the above entitled estate will sell at private sale, on Sat urday, the 2d day of September, A. D. 1905, or any day thereafter, the following described real property belonging to the estate of Margaret Will, deceased, to-wlt: The South Half of the South East Quarter, and the South East Quarter of the South West Quarter of Section Six, the East Half of the North West Quar ter, the West Half of the North East Quarter, and the North East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section Seven, all In T. 4 S. R. 1 E. of the Willamette Meridian. Terms of Sale: Cash In hand or ap proved security. Dated this 3rd day of August, A. D., 1906. DAVID WILL, Executor of said Estate. Dlmlck & Dimlck, Attorneys for Executor. HOW TO WIN A HUSBAND. Woman's sphere in this aoth century is not limited any more thnti is man's. She can occupy almost any business position or profession, and yet the popular view of! womanhood i.i that hc beat fits the posi tion of wife and mother and head of the household. Kvcry girl should know net heart and also know that her womanlv system is equal to the strain of marriage. If a girt is nervous and irritable ten chances to one it is due to some trouble peculiar to womanhood. Cupid has no place ia a irl's heart if she is nervous and irritable, feels dragged down, worn out for no reason that she can think of. The we ak back, dizzy spell and black circles about the eyes are only symp. torn. Go to the source of tbe trouble and correct the irregularity. Stop the drains on the womanly system and the other symptoms will disappear. This can be done easily and intelligently. So sure of it is the World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, that they offer $500 reward for wome:i who cannot be cured of leucoirhca, female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of the womb. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of tiie;r means of care. "Your favorite Prewriotiott" cured me of ulceration and iiui.-imninlioii frirni which I dif fered for miny yeer." wri!n Mm. I.clt hia Wheaton, President Kaia J'etbar Lawn 'fen ni Club, Arluicr Ion il-wcl. ,.iiua Bit:.ra. Calif. Health wa or ;kl' K- broken ' own whea I began Hs une nnd I w:. :'a dnadml pain inodt of the time, but Urn ho'.t'x ccred me." Favorite Prccription " nnVes weai women strong, fick women well. Accept no substitute for the nvdicine wliich works wonders lor weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant F i!.-ts arc the most desirable laxative for delicate women. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. At the Council meeting Wednesday ev ening the' following business was trans acted: A petition of the property owners on Fifth street, asking for the Improve ment of that thoroughfare, was read and ordered published. Christopher Bluhm was unanimously re-elected seftton of the cemetery. The alley In lot 22 was ordered Improv ed and grade established. The electric light poles were ordered painted green. Crushed rock and gravel was ordered placed on Main street between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets. A reserve lot of crushed rock was or dered kept on the bluff for use In the up town streets. The matter of the foot bridge over the gulch on Molalla avenue was referred to the street committee with power to act. I am now located in my new building on Main street be tween Ninth and Tenth Sts. Better prepared than ever to do your plumbing. F. C. GADKE The Plumber, It's a dream. So unreal nnless you have enjoved the real thing. A delicious dessert; an ideal fnish for children. ENERGY, 10c a package. AT ALL GROCERS. THE FISH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRIEND "A good many yean ago I bought FISH BRAND Slicker, and, it hai proven valued friend for many a stormy day, but now it ft getting old and I must have another. Please send me a price-list." ' (The num. of this worthy t!,etor, obilirwl to be out tfl an iort of wvathr, wiil bo given on application.) HIGHEST JW.IM WORM'S FAIR. I9M. sws.ca,'3. TOWER CANADIAN L3S COMPANY, Limited p jr. Toronto, Canada ,J'H ERJ Wet Weather Clothing, Suits, and Hate for all kinds of wet work or sport sna ' PERKINS AMERICAN HERBS Never Sold by Druggists. R. W. BAKER, Agent, Willamette, Or.