OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, Al Ot ST I. liUW II MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUAL IZATION FOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Notice Js hereby given that the board of equalisation for the county of Clack amas, state of Oregon, cti the last ilnn- day Jn August. 1X4. via: The JMh day of AugvisL A. rx. 16. will attend at the eSe of the county clerk in the court touM in cai4 county and Mate and cva- tinue to mt from day to day for ce week, an J luMUJy examine the turn Kent rolls of said county for the year 3K5. and correct an error la valuation, descrlptksi or qualities of lands. kts ot other property. It la the duty of any and aa persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed to examine aid rolls and ascertain If their property ta property assessed, and If not to have tie proper correct tons made thereon. Dated this 1ft day of August. 15. JAMES F. NELSON. Aneisor for Clackamas county, Oregon. ORDINANCE NO- Aa ordinance prohibiting the sale and explosion of fire-crackers, bombs, dyna mite canes, torpedoes, dewey chasers, toy pistols and other detonating works. Ore yon City does Ordain as Follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation with in the corporate limits of Oregon City to expose for sale sea or offer for sale, bar ter, exchange, give or offer to sell, bar ter, exchange or give, or cause to be sold, bartered, exchanged or given, to or with any person, any fire-cracker over three inches hi length, any bomb, dyna mite cane. Dewey-chaser. torpedoes, toy pistols or other detonating works of sim ilar character. Smkm I. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession. expose, tse. discharge or explode any C re-crack er more than three inches in length, any bomb, dynamite cane, Dewey-chaser, torpedoes, toy pistol or other detonating works of similar character, within the corporate limits of Oregon City. Section S. Anyone who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Mayor or Recorder of Oregon City, be subjected to a fine of not less than Five Dollars or more than One Hundred Dollars, or by Imprisonment in the City jail not to exceed fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment; however no provision of this Ordinance shall be construed so as to restrain the lawful sale and use of explosives for improvement purposes. Section I. Ordinance No. 284. entitled "An Ordinance forbidding the explosion of bombs, canon firecrackers and Dewey -chasers on the Streets of Oregon City," passed and approved May tth. 1S03, be and the same is hereby repealed. Read first time and ordered publish ed at a regular meeting of the Council of Oregon c,ty- h,?ld Wednesday, August 2d. 1J05. Ef W&r of the Council of Oregon City. VT. A. DIMICK. " Recorder. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- on, for the County of Clackamas. Katie M. Myers, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Myers, Defendant. To Thomas Myers, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court on or before Friday, the lath day of September, 1305, Vald date being more than six weeks from the 4 th day of August, 1905, the date of the first publication of this summons. And If you fail to answer, for want there of plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed herein to-wlt: For a decree of divorce forever dis solving the bonds of matrimony between the plaintiff and defendant and that plaintiff be forever divorced from defend- For the care and custody of Charles Myers aged 12 years and for care and custody of Gladys Myers, aged three years, minor children of said marriage. This summons is published by order of Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court of Baid county, made and dated on 3d day of August, 1905. J. F. CLARK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executrix of the estate of F. M. Manning, deceased, has filed her final account In said estate In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clack amas county, and that the Judge of said court has appointed Monday, September 4, 1S05, at 10 o'clock a. m., for hearing objections to said account and for set tling said estate. MARY MANNING, Executrix of the estate of F. M. Manning deceased. Geo. C. Erownell, Attorney for Executrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that I have been this day appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, as Administrator of the estate of Frledericka Rechner, deceased, and that all persons having elairns agtinst said estate must present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the law offices of C. D. & D. C. Latourette. In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, July 27, 1003. ED. F. RECKNER. Aug. 26. Administrator. BrightsDisease And Diabetes j said court tn Oregon City. Oregwa. a J the time ana place for bearing objection I SUMMONS. i In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore ! Administrator of the Estate of Margaret Grace I. Ivtrrson. Plaintiff. Jane Raumann, Deceased. j to the said final account. A. A. RA CM ANN. Hedges A Griffith. Attorneys far Admin i istrator. AtiiKcsccznat of the Dltvcovcryj of the Cure . NOTICE OF SALE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Seth Austin. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thai the under-sime-d Administrator of tha it.ua -.nti.i. rear. of teMtmMductaaiai abuat r ! ed estate, will sell at private sale, on Tbe stoekboSdert of U Jota J. Fttlte Co. j c Saa Fraaciaco aaaoros to lb world tbe earaUUty of CkrotSe Bract's Dtarass aatij Diaaete baaed oa ttadred at cares and two j Friday, the 15th day of August. A. D.. raoevenes. la attests Uua of tbeaa noiaeatoai , LTJtwI "TZ-T . . " "! o" ny W thereafter, the fol- atoekb, barta, pearto..! a. of i u,wl d-riUd real property bek.ngi.ul tUs city .rer, .boa kad to bar. pre-: ,c Md ' eL2 tifM? ' An one-haif Inter,., In and gactuae&eai of tbe Ciaootery before inrecticg la ' , ... ttls ecrpcton, xi Boo. Barel., Heat,,''0 h SJth"M0U('lr,,,.rR it, -r ..w r ' Quarter of Section 25. In T. 8. R. Elrkpatrtck. capiulist; Boa. D. U. Bursa. Praudest Caadalaria Miftl&f Co.; A. E. S&at tack. PreddeBt PaciSe Slates Type Foundry; Edward MUia. Presideat Balkxk Joaea Co.; Capt. Roberta, Prsidat Sacra sea to Traas porUUca Co.; D. E. Bender, capl talis; Wm. Sharp, capitalist; W. & Bradford. Alaska Packers Assn.; C W. Clark, capitalist (Sacra nsecto); W. C Prlea, capitalist (Pasadena); 0. E Bates, Attorner. E O. Miller, Attorner. Cba. MeLaoe, Agency Director N. Y. Life Iaa Co.; Jode Bige low, ei Supreme Judge Slate of Nevada; Coi. D. B Fairbanks, Ca&bier Peta luma Sariogm Bank; R. D. Sessions, Attorney So. Pac S. R. Co., and bmj others Tbe list of the cored ran Into hundreds sod Includes dreggisu sad physicians. Tbe 1J of failures was largely among cases that were at death's door aad many such recovered. Tbe Specifics that have at last conquered these dread disease are known as tbe Fuitoa Cotcpomniv The Renal Compound for Brtttfi and Kidney Disease is 11; tbe Diabetes Com pound is 11.50. We bare establl&bed an agency in your city and you will find pasphlets aad Oompoondi at Charman & Co., City Drug Store. of objections to said report and the set tlement thereof. LOUSE TOUCHOLKE, Administratrix of the estate of Edward Tucholke, deceased. Dated first publication July IS. 1905. TJ-REN & SCHCEBEL. Attorneys for Administratrix. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQU OR LICENSE. The undersigned will present the fol lowing petition to the County Court of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of September. 1905. for a license to sell spirituous, malt, and vinous liquors In less quantities than one gallon, at a saloon at Sandy, In Cas cade Precinct, said county and state for s. period of one year. H. J. BELLARTS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Petition of H. J. Bellarts for a petition for liquor license: To the County Court of the above county and state: Tour petitioners would respectively represent that they are legal voters In Cascade precinct In the above named county and state and actual residents therein. That they would respectfully request that you grant a license to H. J. Bellarts. authorizing and permitting him to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liqu ors In less quantities thaa one gallon In a saloon located at what is known as Sandy, In said precinct, county and state. And your petitioners will ever pray. I E. of the Willamette Meredian. and : Lot numbered Two ,C). the Southeast j Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and 1 the Southwest Juarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section SO, T. 8. R. 7 E, j of the Willamette Meridian, containing j 151.71 acres. j Terms of Sale: Cash In hand or s-1 curity approved by the County Court of Clackamas County. Dated this list day of July. 19'. W. H. MATTOON. Administrator of the estate of 8 th Aus tin, deceased. v.. ; Edwin A. Peterson. IVfrndanl. !To IMwln A. Peterson, the above named j diftndant: l: the name of th Slate of Oregon: I Yo'i are hereby rqulrr J to appear and Jsier the complaint filed agtnt you iln the a tunc entitled cause, on or before the Jd day of September. ISfti. alJ day ! N lng morw than six weli from th "tit j day of July. Iu6. tho date of the fltst - pul llcatinn of this summons, ami the ! time specified In the order for pul ll. allon I hereof. And If you fall so to answer or j appear herein, for want (hereof plaintiff 'will apply to the Court for the relief j prayed for and demanded in the com j plaint filed herein, to-wlt For a decree j forever iliwmlv itig the bonds of matrimony i heretofore and now exlullng between ! plaintiff and defendant, and that plaln- j tiff I forever divorced from defendant This summons Is published by order of his sworn statement No, for the : Women as Well as ileo Are Kadi tabid by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. (above entitled Court, made and dated on the 15th day of June, lVi'V GRAHAM A CLEETON, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clai kamss. Ida Baker. Plaintiff, vs. G. C. Baker. Defendant. To O. C. pjiker. the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed againrt you In the above entitled court and suit on or before the expiration of six weeks from and af ter the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or before Monday, the :5th day of September, 1905. And If you fall to appear and answer said complaint. In default thereaf the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her said complaint, on file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be dissolved upon the ground of cruel and Inhuman treat- j ment, and for such other and further re lict as to me court may seem Just and equitable. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. Thos. A. McBrlde. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, and said order was made and entered on the 2d day of August. 105 and the date of the first publication thereof is August 4 1S05. ' - JOHN F. LOGAN. " Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice is hereby given that the under signed tXrcUlor of the rttate of Juliet F. Truinnjter, deceased hits f'U-4 In tin- I County Court, of Clneknma county. state of Ortgnn, his fnul account as such executor of .ilJ estate and that Mm day. tho 7th day of August, l!n5, at the hour of 10 00 o'clock a. m., has been up-, pointed by the said court for hearing of objections to autd iit)tt and the settle ment thereof. EDWIN A. HOWARD. Executor of the estate of Juliet F. Trul llnger, deceased. t"Ren &. Schuebel, Attorney for execute. H. P. Bruns Ed Miller Arthur Larkins Walter St. John Wm. M. Ransdell Wm. Pvobbins C. S. Chase Casper Junker T. G. Jonsrud George Lane M. C. Donahue H. M. Gager Julius Wendland J. H. Wewer R. Kaiser John McDonald John S. Gibbons V. Kllgel Max Kligel G. Vanderbrook H. C. Inlorn N. C. Kuhn Kaspar Ohebll Ernest Fischer A. V. Bell ose Marti Henry P.idderbusch Edw. F. Bruns Hugh Fitzgerald E. Coolman Frank Feth L. G. Baker Herman RidderbuschThos. P. Dunn Charley Krebs ' G. U. Trubel Edward Kopper Sr. T. A. Albel Paul Vetsoh Daniel Herlihy C. L. Nilson John Strocus S. O. Mitchell vr. A. Proctor L. T. Pridemore John Kelsecker E. J. Hamlin vr. c pvoss George A. Wolf Herman Wendland O. Ham bow Wlllard Bosholm F. Gustafson Tracy Vanderbrook J. IT. Revenue Bert Schoonover H. Koch Albon O. Melnlg D. C. Pollock H. Rldderbusch Otto H. Melnlg J. H. L. Maybee James Phelan Chas. Sharnke J. N. Eramhall VT. VT. Wadsworth Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of Edward Tucholke, Deceased. Notice Is hf.-reby given that the under signed, administratrix of the estate of Edward Tucholke, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such administratrix of said estate and that Monday, the 4th day of September, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been appointed by Eaid court for bearing W. L. McCabe S. H. Johnson Thos. Donahue Emmett Donahue Wm. J. Manning C. A. Hudson G. A. Hauglum Fred Cumming Joe Donahue VT. 3. Idleman F. I. Snldow P. R. Melnig Gottlieb Muller Onpy Clark Thomax Clark Pat.-n Orr Mick McCormiok Fred Keiseeker Paul Dunn G?orge Carpenter Peter P. Heia D. Carter G. r. Maronay E. Beers F. E. Kopper has. Peshall 0. L. Idleman G. VT. Beers Gorgo Kisecker Wallace Manary Walter K. Spiers Tom Hamblin C. H. Edwards f. H. Edwards Byron Edwards Gf-o. Thompson G. M. Sowers T. If. Jonf-s H-nry Kelsecker SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, within and for Clackamas county. J. M. Robinson. Plaintiff vs. Belle R. A. Robinson, Defendant To Belle R. A. Robinson, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to be and appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, on Monday, the I5th day of September, A, D. 19'.'5, and answer the complaint of the plain tiff filed against you and If you fall to so appear the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief mentioned In his complaint, namely, for 'a decree of di vorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yourself and the plaintiff. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable Thos. A McRrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of the state of Ore gon for Clackamas County, who has ap pointed the said 25th day of September. 1505, as the time for you to appear and answer. The date of the first publica tion of this summons Is August 4. 1905. JOHN F. IX1AN. Attorney for Plaintiff. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of John Herbst, deceased. To all unknown heirs of John Hcrbst, deceased, and to all persons Interested in the estate of said John Herbst. de ceased. By order of the above entitled Court you are hereby cited and required to be and appear before the above entitled Court at the Court room thereof In the city of Oregon City. County of Clacka mas, on Monday, the 4th day of Septem ber. 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. then and there to show cause, if any exist., why an order of sale of the real property belonging to the es tate of John Herbst, deceased, should not be made In accordance with the pray er of the petition of Jacob Wind, admin istrator of the estate of said John H-rbst. deceased, filed In the above entitled Court on the 7th day of July, IS(i5. The said real property belonging to the said etuate beinfc described as follows: Lots Seven IT) and Eight ) of Block Seventy-one '71) of Oregon City. Clack amas County, On gon. Witness the Honorable Thomas F. ' Ryan. Judse of the said County Co-:rt of j the County of Clackamas, State of Or I egon, with the s.-al of said Court affixed (this Hth day of July. 1005. ! S'-al.) F. V. GREENMAN, ! Clerk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Ctorgta U:!K, Plain tiff, vs. J. B. Ixng. Defendant. To J. B. Long, defendant above named. In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby requited to appear and answer the comuUlnt filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before Augurt 19. 1903. said day bring more than six weeks frora the 7th day of July, 1905, the date of the firat publication of this summons and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Ceurt for the relief prayed for. to wlt: For a decree of said court forever dis solving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems Just and equitable. The order for publication of Summons In this court was made by the Hon. Thomas McBrlde, Judge of the above en titled court on the 7th day of July, lu6. The date of the first publication of this summons is July 7th, 1905. Dale of last publication August 18. 1905. E. MENDEN1IALL and A. R. MEXDENHALL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Phllena Romalne, Plaintiff, vs. William B. Romalne, Defendant. To William B. Romalne, the aaove nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby required to appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, on Mon day, the Jlst day of August, 1305, and as swer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled suit, and If you fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief mentioned In her complaint, namely, for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now x Istlng between yourself and the plain tiff. This summons Is published by the order of the Honorable Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas County. State of Oregon, who has appointed the said 21st day of August, 1906. as the time for you to appear and answer. The date of the first publication of this summons Is July 7th, and the date of the hist pub lication Is August 18, 1905. J. F. BOOTH E, Attorney for Plaintiff. XJOTICE Is hereby given that A1 lands In the f.;rande Ronde certain Tmllnn Reservation, situated In Townships 5 and j. south. Ranges 7 and 8 west, In the mate oi uregon. will he offered for sale by separate K.-al.-ei bids, which will le received by the reenter and receiver of the district land oliUn at Portland, Ore gon, commencing in October .frd. J 105. 9a. m., and continuing until October loth, 1905. at 11 o'clock a. m., and no bid will be considered that is not received during the period mentioned. The bids will be opened by the regter and re ceiver of the land office mentioned, com mencing at 1 o'clock p. rr.., of Tuesdav OetoU-l 19. 1905. The lands will be Bold In accordance with rtil s and regulations and a schedule partl( ularly describing the lands to be sold, prmtwl copies of which may be obtained on at plication to the register and receiver of the land of fice named, or upon application to the General Iind Oftice. Washington. I). . Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check for twenty per ctntutn of the amount of such bid. which w'll be re tained and credited as tart pavment of the purchase price ahould the ,id be ac cepted and the put cha.-. r pav the remain ing amount ifne. and furnish evidence of his citizenship, or be forfeited If the bid la accepted and the amount due arid ev. Idenoe of ritlzenvhin are not furnished Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay County War rants endorsed prior to October Int. 1903. j Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Admlnls- ! accordance with the rules and regnla- Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice, Oregon City. Or- j egon, July 18th, 1S05. ' ENOS CAIIILL, I Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore. ! trator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the under- tions. J. H. PIMPLE. Approved: Acting Commissioner. E. A. IHTCH''CK. Secretary. Notice of Final Settlement signed administrator erf the estate of TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. Andrew y. ilauglum, deceased, has f.led in the County Court of Clackamas coun In the County Court of the State of , ty. State of Oregon, his final account as! United States Land Notice for Publication. Office, Portland. Oregon. July 7, 1905. Notice Is hereby given that In compll- vregon, tor e.ounty or L:acKamaa. sucn administrator or said estate and In the matter of the estate of Margaret that Monday, the 7lh day of August, at n wuw.-a a. in., nas wen appointed by .ance with the provisions of the act of Notice is hereby given that the under- said Court as the time for hearing of ob-j Congress of June Z. 1878, entitled "An signed has filed In the above. entitJed jections to said report and the settle-I act for the sale of timber lands in the court, his final account of hia adminls- ment thereof. j etates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and tratlon of the said estate and that the LEWIS HAUGLUM, i Washington Territory," as extended to court has Cxe.d Monday, the 22at day of Administrator of the estate of Andrew all the Public Land fitates by act of August i,o .at the hour of 10 o'clock P. Hauglum. deceased. " Aoguat 4. 1SS2. Alvm Krmpp. of Oregon a. m.. of eaid day, at the court room of IaUd this 20th day of June, jSW. City,, County of Clackamas, State of purchase of the BS quarter of SMtlun No. S. n Township No. I S, Range No. 4 E. and will offer proof to show jit the land sought Is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to anid land before Register and Receiver, at Foil land Land Office on Tuedy, li e 19th day of September. 19t6, He nanif as witnesses: "rank Ilusch. of Oregon City. Oiegctt, Frank llubelt, of SprUm water, Oreguit. I A. Noliel of Oregon City, Oregon. Harry Kellogg, of Oregon City. Oregon. Any and ail persons claiming aihciscly the ahuvt-dcscrlbed lands ate requested to file their claims In this office on or before the said 19th day of September, im. ALGERNON 8. DKESSEll. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE I. IITt Notice for Publication. t'tilled States Ijind Office, Poitlntld. Oregon, July Mh. IX. Notice Is hereby riven that In compli ance with the provisions of the art of Congress of June 1, 1ST, entitled, "An ad for the sale of timber landa In tbe States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa extended to all the Public Jjind States by art of August 4, 1W. Mlas May Mot art of Seattle, county of King. Htate of Washington, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. t5S7. for the purvhaae of the NW.' of Section N. I, In Town ship No. t South, Range 4 East, and will offer proof to show thet the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and to es tablish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver, at Portland. Ore gon on Wednesday, ihe 10th day of Sep. toiibtr, 1?0J. Rite ttnms aa witnesses; James Corrlgan. of Ktac.la. Oregon. Chas. L. Ferry, of Eatacad.i. Oregon,. Clyde Ferry, of Estarada, Oregon. 11. WaJ!a'-e. of Estacada, Ore gun. Any and all irsons claiming adversely the above-descilbrd lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said loth day of Septemler. 1905. ALGERNON 8. DUL'SiiKII, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE . 1171- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Ijind Office, PortlanJ. Oregon, July "th, 1905. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S. 1171. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oreg.m, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as utrnd.d to all the Public I-nd States by act of August 4, 19I, John M. Mann, of Port land, county of Multnomah, SUte of Oregon, has this day filed In this) office ' hli sworn statement No. t'M. for the purchase of the NH of 8Wi of Bectlon No. 14 In Township No. 2 South, Range S East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hla claim to salil land before Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day of September, 1905. He names aa witnesses: H. V. Tapp. of Flrwood. Oregon. Clarke Khank. of Sandy. Oregon. Edward Revenue, of Sandy, Oregon. Theodore Revenue, of Flrwood. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said Hth day of September, jojJ. ai;erno.n 8. DIliatSKIt. Register. KMiiey trouble t.rry. ) the miml HiMHmraKcsotivllesseiisaiiilititon; beauty' vtKor ami cheerful. lirs soon litwii8r when theki.lncysare otit ot ortlcr or lt. eacl. Kiitucytrunlrleuai hcctmie o prevalent that It is not tuicom. inon for a chiM to t born afliictotl with weak Virtue va. Hti, chiM urinates toooflcn, if the urine acalili the flesh, or if. when the chiM reaches an ac w hen it should I attic to control the ",. it l sfflit tcil with lxM-wct. ting", tlqwnil ujon it, ttiecBUne of the difh. culty is kiiiney trout.lc, ami the first step shouJil he towunU the trratmrnt of these imottarit organ. TbiiuntilcaMtit trouble it title to diseased coiulition of the kidney t and bladder and not to ( hal'it aa mt cojile sujiissjc. U'oinrti aa well a men are made miser able with kidney ml Madder trouble, and lxth nccel tiic ii"f treat remedy. The mild ami the immediate effect of . amp-Root UsootjrcaliM-d. lti,,ij by drtiKKt. "''V- fL,, cent and otic-elollar 0tTTT 3l sue iKrttlcs. You muy cir if1 1 H. ""r4 have a sample Untie by mail frcr, 1mi a ""mcO,,. pamphlet telling- all aliotit Swamp-Re, including- many of the thousands of testi monial tetters fecrtveel from audrrcri cured. In writing IH. Kilmer & Co,, Pinxhamton, N. Y !c sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, hut fememtsrr the name, wamp-Ktait, I)r. Kilmer's SwainRoot, and the ad dress, Ringbanitou, N. Y., on every bottle. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE J, 1871 Notice for Publication. United States l.and Office, Poitl.itid. Oregon. July 8, 105. Notice Is her. by given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S, IS7S. entitled. "An ftl'f foe til r.r Iml.r l,.t. I V. . ... - " " " " of M.iln tr wi Kiiiwnw, 'regtin, .cvaua ana ' jj waslilngton Territory. as extended to all the Public iJind States by art of j Augustt. 1SSI, iliss Tarrie Reed, of H.nt th county of King. State of Washington, has this day filed In this ofllce her swoin RIOIITRATION OF LAND TITLE. Ill the Circuit Court of the Htate uf tir. gon, for the County of Clackamas In the Matter of lite Application of T. L Chatman to register the Ui!p to the following described tract of land, (y wit. Heeinnlng at the 8. E. corner of ihn iNmatlon I .and I'lnlni of Hiram Stmight and wife In T 18. It. I K. of the W!lmei! Mcreilian, running then. N & degrera 11 minutes K. on claim line 4 a.') halns lo a stake; theme . . sre 30 rnlnutes W, :J chains to a stake; thence 8 6 degree 11 roin utea W. 4 ti rhalna to a stoke In trw 8 Uiotidary of said claim; then. ft 4 degrees 30 minutes E. tiaclng tlaim line :J chains to tho place of begin, tilng rxct ptlng that tract d.- rllel hf deed riiotib'.l It the teid records of sni.l county In tHk is. page 77. Vtrus f')fu Straight. Mary A. Lucas. Jn IMugman. Julia Frost, John Sttalslil, Hiram E. Straight, William E Stralsht, Margaret tirats. Jacob Rtralghf. James Straight. John Htiaiabt. Jr., and lo all whom It tny rurvrm. Iefendnts. To all whom It may concern; Take notice, that n the 311 day of October, A. P.. I3. an application filed by s.ild T. L Chnrman In the Cir cuit Court of Cla.krn lount tm l. HUI registration of the title to the tanl nlxive dewrllsril Now unless ou ; P-ar on or In-forr ihe luth dy of fbp- I tenilM-r. A. l , !"ol, and show cause (why sin li npplli ntioti shall not le gin-1 ed. the mrne will ! taken aa confessed and a deerr will l- entered accoiditig . lo Ihe piuvrr of the ril, Htol you will t foirver barred from disputing the sume. V. V. (illKKN'MAN. Cleik. fly . 'A. Hielglit. I. puty. ('. I l Ijitoiirette. Applicant's Attorney. Aug Vt NOTICE OF ITRBET IMPROVEMENT. Notice la lo r. by given that Fifth Street f tit-gun City, iSigoii, from the west line of llnllroiol Avenue In Ihe ICust line und fiom the West line of t i eel lo the Est line of Water tied, will lie Improve! with crushed I ii k and by laying ld wnlks. tmcret i in i s, cottier blis-ka itnd diulns, and tr igiudliig said street t the sttibUsb"! gtaib- thereof. the SW.U f 8..rtlo No. 8. In Township!"""' I'-'I-II'I'V' l',0. v e a . t, . . .. oldir. ril'I'lo by the Council of Oregon No. 8 South. lange No. 4 E. and will,;,.,,,. , , , m(,))n( AK11 i:ioO, MegolJ City, Oregon. W, A. HI.VICK, Recorder. August 4th. li- NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT LEV IN BLOCK 22. OF AL offer proof to show that the land sought : Is more valuable for Its timber or stone ' than for agricultural purposes, and to I establish her clnlm to said land bef.ne Register and Receiver at Portland. Or egon, on Wednesday, tho :oth ,ny of! September. 19'ij. She names as witness: Janus CorriTiin, of Estn'nd.i, Oregon. Chas, E. Ferry, of Estacsdu, Oregon, Clyde Ferry, of Estacada, Oregon. II. Wallace, of Estacada, Oregon, AnV tsnrl nil .,r-u. m Ui.l.. . i.. ..,-. ... "ir,in vitiiiuiiin UUVfTRfiy ' (tM(rtn,, ni7 iiutrrrvn-FfTiwd ianu au rpnucflti-d t,.. i( minin J ri inin onif on Of ..n ,..,,.. .,. i....-a.a.r before said W H,p,e,nber. 11,05, 'I'hl notice is published pursuant to AU1KUNON 8. DRESSER. ! H1, ,,,,.,. m-l1 hyh VmJn of Ol,.8o Register. ,(.1(y ,.,.KI( , .,., Mif held August - - - - i 2.1. 1 (i&. W. A. TVIMICK, Recorder. Oregon City, ting August 4 1 i. I!'1- N.itlce i , tierviiy given that the Alley. I In r.loeli fi. ..f Oregon City, Oregon, ftom i the Ivtsl line of alirlri street Enslerly a of li.ri fe. t, will be Improved tiih cnili-. rmk und by guiding said TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878. , Notice For Publication. Cnlted Stntc u,mi Office, Portland, Okkoii. July 7, 85. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of. Congress of June 3, 1XT8, entitled. "An ' act for the sale of tKVr lands In the , Stutes of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public Land Slates by net of j August 4. Ism, James Corrlgan. of Es tacada, county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office , his sworn statement No. C5K1. for tho ' purchase of the NE riunrtcr of Section i No. 8, in Township No. 5 South, Range ! No. 4 East, and will offer proof to show ' that the land sought is more valuable ! for its timber or stono than for agticul- ! tuial purposes, and to cstublish his claim i to said land before the Register and Re- ' reiver at Portland, Oregon, on Monday, ' the 18th day of September, 130.1, He names as witnesses: Charles Kerry, of Estacada, Oregon. ' William Cunningham, of Estacada, Ore- ' KOn. , Fre.nk Davidson, of Portland, Oregon. utio Ktamer, of Portland, Oregon. If You Don't Forget to Mail It A letter CHti save you Inis of time, trouble and travel. We will bu glad to cull up on nit proniiilly, If to leiiucsti'd. Kind out jirsit what you want und In a day or . two. u'o will s..nii vmii hop low es: male Any ana an persons claiming adverse- covering flu. cost of any large or small ly the above-described lands are reiiuewt- plumbing; Job, on which you desire ne.wn cd to file their claims In (his or before 1 905. the lth day of September. ALGERNON. 8. rjRKSRP.p Register. 0r,'Kn A. HIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Kiejhtli Oregon. r