OREGON' CITY ENTKHl'KISK, FHIUAY, AUGUST 4, 1903. 5 ccnsump ncrrs warning L.Short Sidehead Stones. 19 Fata ' 3 TER8HI.Y.TOLI) TALES OP TM8 WtU'K'il DOINQ9. ) Claims Wlft Left Him ' 5. V, A, Men-lam, of J'oitliiiKl, lum tiled nit for divorce from HiihIh i' Merrlum, whom In' tiinnlcil mi J'nrtlund In IHH'.t, jicBi'itlnii In Kelirnnry, 1B03 I ah-ned. fiswmlll Burns Austin's nil w- in i H nt Liberal burned aily HiiiwIiiv iiioriiliiK, Thn hm In 14, urn) with no liimrmti-i. in iiKhtlnK tin Hume u i'ouim lii'l wit iivcri'iinii. by tin1 lifiil. D.sth at Canby Ma, wife of Jiiiih' l'oi'tw, died lust . Wednesday tiliilit lit her hums neiir fun- ,y, IIi'kIiIkm her lioshund, th dereimed j Im mirvlvfil by loir imrents, Mi-, and Mi. . K. K. Molt, of Ctititiy, Mm. I'nrter was 4.1 yeiira of nn, lluilitl took jiliifd nt I 'unity. I For Killing De.r j l-'n-d HIhivit, Krnent ItuHMi'll nml frank H'"lt. of Mnliilla tiHvn been nri'fti(l mi i oinpliiliit of Uii- ili'iu(y un inn wurdn lit , 'unity for klllliiK deer out of run, I Tim accused will have ti uHlinliuny ex iiinliiiillon nest Hfitt-mli- after Deputy I iimi'li't Attorney Hehuebel lum returned from bin vacation. , An EhcsmIvs, Drlnk.r Morton N. Whiting In rImtK'-d with liiibltuiil k'okm ili'uiikitini'na iiikI failure ; to iuovIiIi- In u divorce pfocftxllim hruutfht ' iiKliit liltn liy MuriinrKt K. WhltitiK , who link not only for an absolute ill ! voice, but tho iih MtH of K'HiimliiK her . rmildcu nm. Mnrguri't K, Hirntton. Thu . pal Hi h wi'ii' nun i led In t lie nlndt of ', ViinhliiKtoii In I'Vbruary, 1903. Hawaii Rtaldanca Rantackad Wllllnm llowidl on Motuliiy r-nn tl to th pollct" thn theft of mlr of troimcra mid 134.60 In curri-ncy which were tnken from hi room Ht thn ri'iildfnco of Kd. llciwcll. oil thi Weal Wdt liltn KnlurdllV : nftirnoon. Th Howell rrsldm-r wim thoiiiiiKhly rniiHiicki'il, the frimlly heliiK iiliKvnt lit the time, hut nothliiK Hse of Vllllle Wild tllkell, The theft la M0lOKci to he the work of u trump. Th Marquam Fair The KlKhteetith Annus! Fair of the Unite ('reek Am h ull urul AnHoclMtlon will he held thin yi-ur at Munpium, Hiptcio ler and 30. I .mite uiul liberal la the premium Hut which Klvea eapcclul uom Iihihc to Mock nod fm in product!), (if ticeia of (he Aaaoclutlon lire: H. T. Ilu hint, preahlcnt; J. T. ltitt, vlce-preal-dent; A. K. Jink, aecietiiiy; J, M. Uro ahoiiK, li i'iimii i-i ; nd J. K. Marquam. MipIaa rm.Hlu la I-m.m The ault for diimtiieea of It. I'. HldlnK MKalimt Miirlon county hua lieen filed In the circuit court tier on a clmnife of ven ue from Mni'hm county mid will he heard nt the ri'Ktilur term of court tluit will he convened III Novemher, HldlllK Ml- l thHt while croaaliiK a hrldge over the t'uddlng river neur Wuodhuru In tictoher, I'.ti't. he aiiatnlned Injurlea hy which he waa dmiid In the aom of iriiHin, e itaka Jiolicmeiit, however, for the aom of 1200, Will Da Exhibited at Fair An order wna mnde hy Circuit Judne Mi lirlde Mondiiy dllfctlim Hhcrlff Shav. ir to turn over to the Oregon Iron & Hlecl CompHny the celebrated meteorite, the ownci-Khlp f which, the Supreme Court hiia jiiHt decreed, rata with the corporation on whoae land It wua oil Khmlly dlacovered us" imnltiNt the claim not, Kllla Huuhca, Attorney l.lnthlcum, KIDNEY JROUBLES Increasing Among Women. Bat Sufferers Weed Not Despair THE BEST ADVICE IS FREE Of all the disc mmi known, with which the female organism la aMioted, kidney dlncuNe in the moirl fatal, and statlNtica how that thin disease U on the Increase among women. reprcaeniltiif tint ateel coinimny, atntea that thu tnolleit iniiaa will ! conveyed Iminedlnlely to Portland where It will he exhibited Mt the KxpoKlllon. Paid For Puglllitlo txhlbltlonf Aa the reault of flat flKhta, wiirriinta were hint week laaued from the Juatlce court for the nrreat of four younK wen of thla city, on chr((ea of irroaaly dla- tnrbliitf thw iiuhllo pence, The fimrtet, which conalt of Hid Wnrrcii, (lenrge Walter, Cliiretu'ii Wolf and John Doii t tilt, were BiTHlifned Monday, and plead lug guilty, ench wua Himd $10 by Judg Htlpp, All four tine wera puld. In th flrat engiiMcment, Pouthlt healed Wolf and two diiy Inter Walter, In the pres ence of 100 peraona, a. third of whom were women, knocked out Hid Warren. Counterfeit Papar In Circulation Counterfeit iinper money la aald to be In circulation and It la well to he on the lookout. Any currency hill of the Unit ed Htntea with the pnglo on It fnc und of a higher denomination thnn fl I an altered hill and ahould not he accepted by tiny hualuea num. Any note with the eiigle on It foci and with tlm figure $10 on It haa been ralaed from $1 to $10. lie careful how you accept V, hill, liy A aklllful priH-eaa the engla on the fin'c of thw $1 hill him len eraaed and the head of the Indian that appear on the face of the $5 hill ha heen aobatlluted, ftldlngi Oct No Batter I Ian la Hldlnga, of Mar(iiam, thla county, who I wanted In Morrow county, on a charge of rorae ateallng waa ar realed In Marlon county luat Thuradiiy evening and made IiIm eaccape from the Bllverton Jail the next morning and I agiifn at large, Hiding waa aio'ceaafol In evading Hherlff Shaver, of thla county, why wa cloae on the trail of thn fugitive all day Weducailny. Having been no tilled of the capture of Hldlnga, Hherlff Hhnver went to Bllverton Friday morning expecting to return with hi man to thla city. Hldlnga la conaldred a worthleaa fellow and recently aerved a aentence of three month In the Clackatna county Jail for the larceny of a watch from Hon. (ieorge Ogle, of Molalla, Wife Knew Too Much A deputy I'nlted State Marahall from Portland. elatcil hy Chief of Police Horn of thla city Friday afternoon pluc ed under rret Arthur Htewart alia Hunt a luborer In thl city, Htewart I charg ed with rltllng a mull iwck In the atute of Montana aeveral month ago. Stewart' nrreat wit ticcompllahed only through the perfidy of hi wife who left him re cently and. going to Portland, acquaint ed the aothorltle with the guilt of her huahand and Informed them of hi whereabout. Rtewurt'a true name I not known for when he came to thla city he adopted the name of Stewart which la hi wife' maiden name and In addition to the name of Hunt, hy which he aouietlme went In thla city, he la known to have other allaaea hy which he wa known at Portland before coming to thl city. When nrreated Stewart waa working with a construction gang In thla city. Mrj.EmmaSawyerfg Unless early and correct treatment Is applied the patient seldom survives when once the disease Is fastened upon her. Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Is the most efllclcnt treat ment for kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially prepared for this purpose. When a woman is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, frequent, painful or scalding urination, swelling of limbs or fept, swelling under the eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the region of the kidneys or notices a brick dust sodiroent in the urine, she should lose no time in commencing treatment with Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means of saving her life. For proof, read what Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sawyer, " I cannot express the terrible suffering I had to endure. A dorangement of the female. organs developed norvou prostration and a serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended Have Picnic on Clackama A parly conalatlng of forty Hebeknh held a picnic Monday night on the hank of the Clackiinuia near thla city and the occasion proved one of thoxe genuine good time for which the entertainer are noted. Story-telling, speech" he fore a huge bon-flrc went to make up a delightful Informal programme that wa made the more Intercatlng by the serving of coffee, cake and aundwlijie. Those comprising the party were: Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Cook. Mr. and Mr. J. I.. Wnldron, Mr. and Mrs, K. V. Greennnin, Mr. and Mr. Sol. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Scott, Mr. and Mr. H. M. Shaw, Mr. and Mr. Kd, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. (lenrge Hhepard. Mr. anil Mia. A. II. Klnitegun, Mr, and Mr. O. W, Church, Mr. and Mr. K. J. Noble, Mr. F. K. Neck. Mrs, l.ut., Mr. J, K. Morris, Miss Echo Sum on, Mis Kiln Shaver. Mis Wilkinson. Miss Wllhiut, Mis Minnie Itnkel. Mis Anna Fisher. Miss Gertrude Falrelough, Mr. Ilclln A, Sleight, Mis Iiuta Betttle, I.. H. Fcnster. 8. F. Scripture, Angust Itukrl and A. LclKhton. Thought Ha Stopped the Paper An ociUilntance met Horace Greeley, one day, and uld: "Mr. Greeley, I've stopped your impel-." "Have you?" said the editor, "well that's too bad," and he went his way. The next morning Mr. Greeley met his subscriber again, and suld: "I thought you had stopped the Tribune.' "So I did. 1'hen there must be some mistake," said Mr. Greeley, "for I just ciime from the otllce and the press es were running, the clerks were as busy us ever, the compositors were bard at work, and the business was going on the same as yesterday and the day be fore." "Oh!" ejaculated the subscriber, "I didn't mean Unit. I had stopped the paper, I've stopped only my copy of It, because I didn't like your editorials." "Pshaw!" retorted Ml. Greeley, "It wasn't worth tnklnn up my time to toll ! me such a trllle m that. My., dear sir. If you expect to control the utterance of ' the Tribune by the purchase of one copy n day. or If you think to find any ncwa I paper or periodical worth reading that will never express convictions at right angles with your own, you are doomed to disappointment." Inside fact noon become evident In outside nyiiijiluMiH. Iju ri, (J, Okkkx. The aid of scientific Inventions Is not needed to determine whether yourlunp are affected. The first symptoms can be readily ttoted by anyone of average in telligence, i There Is no disease known that gives so many plain warnings of its approach as consumption, and no serious disease that can be no (nttckly readied and checked, if the ineilicine used is I)r, lioschee's German Syrup, which is made to cure consumption. It is in the early stage that German Syrup should m taken, when warnings are given in the cot'xh that won't quit, the congestion of t'.it: bronchial tulx-s and the gradual weakening of the lutigs, ac companied hy frequent cxoivtotatiun. Hut no matter now & ep-w uicl your cough, even if dread consumption hu. alreudy attacked your lungs. German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it lt.-u done before in thoii.tiunW of apparently hopeless cases of lutig trouble. New trial buttles, 25c, Regular si.e, 7JC At all druggists. Charman & Co., City Drug Store or could be determined, Judge Ryao finds It Impossible to Inform the Wah fngtonlan of the gross error In mistaken Identity that has been made. General 8ummary The post week was dry and warm, but not o warm as the preceding week. All late crop would be benefitted by rain, but they are doing fairly well without It. The Fall grain harvest Is well ad vanced and the yield generally are ex Ira good, both sa to quality and quanti ty. The spring wheat harvest I now be coming general, and wherea the yields were shortened somewhat by the pre ceding hot weather, the damage turns out to be Ics than expected. Pasturage I getting dry. but stock as a rule continue In good condition. The second crop of alfalfa I being harvested, with satisfac tory returns. Hops are doing well, and the hot weather, combined with more spraying of the vine than usual, has caused the lice to nearly all disappear, and the crop now promises to be a bet ter one than expected a few weeks ago. Field onions are ripening ' rapidly and late potatoes are thrifty and promising. Some damage I being done In Washing ton county to lute potato tops by army worms. Corn la tassellng and making good advancement. Early peaches are In the market. Apple are doing well, but Italian prune are dropping more than they usunlly do at thl season of the year. , me for a year, but I kept Retting worse, until mblo to do anything, ana 1 mauo up 1 was unable to do anything, ana 1 mauo up my mind I could not live, I finally decided to try Lydia K. Pinkhnm'a Vogetable Com pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and I toll every suffering woman about my case." Mrs. Emma Bnwyer, Conyors, (ia. Mrs. Flnkhara gives free advice to women ; address ia confidence, Lynn, Mass, Not In The Life Insurance Business Being mistaken for nine of the princi pal stockholders In a gigantic life In surance company Is a distinction that Is not freiiucntly shown, but owing to the similarity In names, County , Judge Ryan has been mistaken for the head of the Kquituhle Company. Iast Friday he re ceived through the mull from some un known person at Gohlendalo, Washing ton, the front page of a St. Louis paper, containing the likenesses of Thus, F. Ryan, the Insurance magnate and his wife. Beneath the likenesses of each were scribbled In lend pencil some com ments on the changed appearance of the Clackamas county Judge and hlB wife as they were remembered by the anony mous correspondent who expressed some surprise at learning of Judge Ryan's ad vent Into the Insurance world. Since no note accompanied the newspaper clip ping by which the name of the contrlbut- Commltalon Will Investigate "That a commission of three, two from the house and one from the senate, be appointed by the governor to examine Into the cost, feasibility snd advisability of the construction by the counties of Clackamas and Multnomah, of a bridge across the Wllamette river, from a point In Multnomah county on or near what Is known us the White House property, to a point across the river In the county of Clackamas, In or north of the town of Mllwaukle, and to report upon the same at the next session of the legislature. And thnt snld commissioner shall serve without compensation and shall Incur no expense whatever for the state In said metier." Pursuant to the provi sion of the above, which Is a copy of the text of house concurrent resolution No. Governor Chamberlain yesterday afternoon named Senator C, W.Notting ham and Uepreaentiittve S. H. Llnthl- cum of Multnomah county and Repres entative J. N. Ilramhall of Clackamas county, to serve upon thl committee. This resolution, being local In character and: therefore not published In the gen eral laws, had been overlooked by the governor for the time being, but he re called It yesterday afternoon, looked It up and acted upon Its Intent and pro vision forthwith. Salem Statesman, July 27. Got What He Called For J. J, Klepser. a Woodburn liveryman, tells a good story connected with a re cent trip to Newberg, the prohibition town. Ha drove two commercial men J there and upon arlval one felt like get- j ting the dust out of his throat. He mnde several efforts and reported to his colleague that he had utterly failed. "Pshaw!" said the other, "I'll bet a dol- t lar I can get some.',' The bet was taken ' and the two dollars was put In Mr, Klep- j ser's hands. The two dry men then start- . ed for a drug store, where the failure ' waited outside and the confident one en- tered. Approaching the druggist he whispered: "I have a terrible pnln in my stomach and would like a half pint of , hair oil." The druggist retired behind ; the prescription case and soon after re- ' appeared with a bottle wrapped up. for j which he charged half a dollar. "Well," said the lucky one to the other In wait ing, "I've got It and got that dollar, too." "All right," replied the other, "but Jet's ' see It first. I'm afraid of this Newberg 1 place," Repairing to a room they took j off the paper wrapper, and uncovered a; bottle filled with a very red liquid. Af- J ter the cork had been extracted and a i nostril applied to the mouth of the hot- j tie, the purchaser ejaculated: "By the I eternal! Well, it's what I asked for. sure ' enough hair oil! Let's get a drink of water and go to bed. The money's yours, ' If you are so darned thirsty, and water Isn't good enough for you, go for thnt hair oil." Independent. We are Closing Out Our Stock of High Grade Sewing Machines i Thirty Beautiful Half-Tone Views of Clatsop Beach Scenery Free. j The Autorla & Columbia River Rail road Company has issued a Souvenir of j Clatsop Bench containing 30 elaborate half-tones of the principal points of In terest between Portland " and Seaside, ' which will be mailed on application to C. A. Stewart, Agent, 248 Alder Street, ( Portland, or J. C. Mayo, G. P. A., As toria, Oregon, ' j We are not offering a make that is not known. We have only the very best, the White and the Standard Machines. These ma chines are not shop worn or second hand; they are the latest styles manufactured by the White Co. and Standard Co, Every machine is warranted to give satisfaction. Our own guarantee as well as the factory's guarantee goes with each machine. WE ARE OFFERING THE $60.00 Machines for $30.00 AND THE , $65.00 Machines for $32.50 If you are looking for a bargain come in before they are all gone, as we will positively refuse orders after our present stock is sold. Butmeister & Andresen THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS Suspension Bridge Corner W. L. BLOCK Main and Seventh Streets THE FURNITURE MAN ' W. L. BLOCK Main and Seventh Streets A! tefatiosi The ptiblic will now have an oppotttinUy to get the famous Stadehaker Wagons and Buggies regardless of cost. Must make more room. Hence, the sacrifice. They certianly wont last long, so better come and get your pick. i . L. BL THE FURNITURE MAN Subscribe to The Enterprise. M