011EGON CITY ENTEItriUSE, FIMDAY, AUGUST 4, 100.5. T1BANK OF OREGON CITY Will on Monday, July 31st, 1905 OPEN A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION WITH ITS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS This department Is intended primarily to assist persons of small income to begin systematic saving. An account can be opened with a dollar and can be added to as the money can be spared. Be wise and begin now to accumulate a fund for the rainy day which is sure to come. i A SAVINGS ACCOUNT CROWS WHILE YOU SLEEP. NEW TO-DAY MQNE-Y TO LOAN AT 0 AND 7 per cent Farm security. U'Ren Bchubel. MOIlTOAaiS LOANS NEGOTIATED. at lowest rates, I,touretu's office, Commercial Hank building, Oregon City, Personal Mention Mlsa Mym Oh-ason spint Sunday at Ni'W Era. lh WrlKht. of Liberal, wni In the clly Tuesday. A ln in Knight, ' of Canhy, waa In the rlly Wednesday. Mra. Ilnrrli't Case haa returned from Hkuiiway, Alaska. O. W. Eaatltam spent Sunday with hla family at Newport. Judge Cowing and family removed to 1'oi tIanJ Oil week.' J. W. Meldrum and family are camp ing at Cloverntnent Camp. Mlsa Myrtle Iluchannn, who has been seriously III, la Improving. Embroidery A clcuti up aale of BwIhb and Nainsook Embroid eries, Edging and In Hcrtlonn. Regular 12c to 25c values, yard J)o Specials in Ribbons Horn a 10 tho rihhons most in maml at prices you'd expect to 4 for tho aorts tlint are away out X Hutlii Taffeta rllihotf in all the Hlriihli! shades, per yard T Colored Taffeta ribbon in all latest shades, per yard ViVz Wrappers Our entire stock of Wrappers Z been divided into two lots, $1, to 4 values will bo closed out ; at SJ)c nd SI Cambric Gowns A largo asHortmont of La- dies' Night downs, noat ly trimmed with lace or embroidery. Regular 2 $1 .25 values at, each Ladies' Collars Linen turn-over Collars 1 4 ut 5 a Embroidered turn-over col- lars II und made drawn work Collars :3o I Lace Appliqua 4. Seventy-flvo patterns have been divided Into two f lots. Regular K)c to 'i"c values at yard 30 and )o Summer Waists While they last we offer 10 dozen summer waists In Lawns, Percales and Z Oxfords at, each.. ;j,Sc ... Lace Stockings 4 Girl's Stockings, 3 colors, black, liluo or punt now 13c Ladies' Hosiery Ladles Lislo Thread Hose, X plain or luce, regulur W, B. Hurst, if Aurora, was In the city Tuesduy on business. Howard V. I4itouii-iio la rusticating at Newport fur a few weens. City lieeurcler W. A. Minli'k spent Bun 'lay with friends at Halem. It, M. Ita worth, of Clackumaa, waa In Ihe city Monday on business, Miss Hl.-lln J'owell, of Molnlltt, la vla ItliiK with Oregon City friend. Mlaa Muhel Tower has Joined her mother at Wllholt for an outing. Orln Carver, of Greeshiun, waa an Ore gon Clly business vliiltor Tuesday, Mix Mary Thompson visited thla week with her cousin, Mra. W, A. Huntley. Mr, and Mra. J. A. Wood went to flea ldu Tuesday fur a ten days' outing. V. I). Culver, a business mun at Mc Mlnnvllle, was In the city Tuesday. Walter Di hum. of Hubbard, made hla peiiuilleal vlatt to Oregun City Rundny. Mia. A 1Mb Thompson, of Hun Diego. California, It) visiting Mr. A. V. Che ney, 11 Miss Htella ArinHtrong, of St. John. I visiting Mr. W, W. Kreeman at Cane miih. MUa Clara Fluid 1 vUltlng at the home of' tier unule, C. fl. Field at I'ort land. Webster Holme, an attorney from Sa lem, waa In the city Inst Halurduy on business. Misses Harrington wvre among the Oregon City p-opl upending Sunday at New" Kia. It. W, linker, of Huntley llros. Co., haa gone to Ocean Turk for a two week' outing. Muslins 2000 yards of 36-ln. bleach ed mtiHlIn, regular 10c quality not over 10 yarda to a customer, at yard "Jo ilo- A FEW OF THE pay 01 do- 1Uc the has S2 10 Belts (QhE r Just received, a late ship ment of latest style belts wttHh linen and Pique, plain or embroidered. Each ii.V Wide and narrow silk belts all colors, each... 30 The buckles ' are worth, more than we ask for the entire belt. Corsets About 75 pairs of odd siz es to bo disposed of, re gardlest of cost, per pair t Kid Gloves On Tuesday we will sell our $1 and $1.2 gloves at 8ic Straw Hats All our Men's and Hoys' 25c and 35c straw and crash Hats, now . . lj)c Summer Dress Goods This Is the greatest bargain In fine sheer white fabrics offered this season. It comprises about 100 pieces of beautiful, highly mer cerized lace stripes, lawns, dimities, and organdies. Regular pries 1So 1 n 0. V. Lnloui'tt waa at lferlln, Wash ington, looking lifter hla mining Interest thla week. Win. Ware, of Houthwelern Missouri, n visiting hi brother James K. Ware of thla city. Rev, and Mra, Chiia. Ibilley, of Idaho, are visiting Mr, liniley'a slsler, Mr. J. W. Norrla, tleorge Nlidiolla, of Itozermin, Montana, Mr, H. K. Hiirlpture and children and Miss Mitchell me visiting with friend netir Handy. wua the guet Hunday of Mr. and Mr. C, 11. Dye. (Jeoige Adam, Winter Albright and Arch Miller, of Molalln, were In the city Wednesday, Kd. Hheahnn and family have gone to Welches where they wll be camped for aome time. Mi. II. K, Hums, of I'oitland, I via King her alater, Mra, M. J. Morcland at The Garde. Attorney and Mra. Franklin T. Olfflth und daughter have returned from Ban Franclaco. Mi. . W. Mullen, of Heatlle, I visit ing in the city, the guest of Mr. LA. McFarland, W. Hoblnaon left the first of the week for New York City on hi annual tock buylne trip. 1 Mr. and Mr. C. Ti. Krlssell have gone 40 Newport where they will apend a six week' opting. Mi. It. J. Ooodfellow and Mr. It. U. fierce returned thla week from an outing at Yuquina Hay. Mr. and Mr, Isaac Clapp, of Kansas, are the gucKt of Mr. Clapp' niece, Mr. . C. Utourette. Henry Meldrurn hn returned from near Mullno where he ha been doing aurne urveylng. Herbert Oberholtzer he returned to Hpokane after a visit at the home of Hev. I'. K. Jluinmond. Mlsse Mary Adell and Harriet' Caae have gone to Newport to remain for a Hummer' outing. Mr. Cha Fitch and daughter have returned to Chehall after a visit with Oregon City friend. Mi. I.. V. Fox, of The Dalle. 1 visit Ing at Oregon City, the guet of her (la ter, Mr. O. D. Kby. Ml Ktta Cook, who ha been the guest of MIh Nan Cochran, ha retumeo to her home Hk (irants I'a. Hhoriff J. It. Shaver and family and Mr. and Mi. Wheeler Church have gone to Mt. Hood for an outing. City Treaurcr V. J. Myer and family and Oicar Freytag and family have gone to Netarts for an outing. William Howell, mall clerk at the Ore gon City poet office, ha returned from a pleuHant outing at NcwpoiJ, Mr. Kathryn Ward Tope and Earl Itourette left yesterday for a two week' outing at Long eBach. Mr. and Mr. Roy Martin have moved to thl city from Dayton, Yamhill county, and will realde at Goose Flat. Mr. O. W. Beaton, of Chicago, I vla Itlng at the home of her mother, Mra. M. J. Moreland, at "The Garde." P. N. Peterson and family, of Clinton, Iowa, are viltlng at the home of hla brother-in-law, D. M. Klemsen. ' AUDAMS 'BIB., OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE. MANY EXTRAORDINARY These radical reductions are really hot weather Inducements, Intended to repay you for shopping these very hot days, as well as to close out all the odds and ends which naturally accumulate at the end of a busy season. The prices quoted are the best evidence of the genuineness of the event. These offerings are, In every Instance, up to the high standard that characterizes the merchandise always sold here. M I Odd Sizes and Broken Lots Sale The large sales of the past three months have greatly decimated many lines of men's and boys' clothing, furnishing goods and hats. To these assortments of odd sizes and broken lots have been added several large special purchases, all of which will be placed on sale this week at prices so "ridiculously low as to insure their clearance before next Saturday night. The clothing is all new and most desirable Spring and Summer patterns and styles. Even if you have already bought a Summer suit, you will want another when you see these beauties $15 worth for $8.90. It is the time to buy the boy's vacation suit fully one-third off now, and we are sure to have his size in one or another of the numerous offerings. The hats and furnishing goods are equally desirable bargains. Rend on: $10.00 to $17.50 Suits for $8.90 Your universal choice of many hundreds of men's suits, worth $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 each, Irrespective of cost and value, beginning Monday and during this sale. $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 These suits are the balance of a very large purchase, Spring and Summer goods, made of strict ly All-Wool Worsteds, Tweeds and Vicunas. Cut in the most fashionable patterns. broad shoul dered and shape retaining fronts; new nobby striped effects, overplaids, checks and mixtures. Some double-breasted coats among them; not a suit in the lot but what is good value at $10.00 dozens upon dozens of them worth $15.00 and $17.50; choice Monday and during this sale EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY CENTS. YOUTH'S SUITS $4.65'. All Wool and odd lots left over from the Spring business for young men "from 13' to 19 years of age; Blue Cheviots, nobby stripes in blue and green, regular $0.50 values Monday and during this sale $4.65. ; Mi, Ellen Warcn Case O'lirlen ha re turned to her home at Ncwberg after a vlalf. with Oregon City relative. Mr. J, U, Chapman ha returned to her home at Seattle after a vlolt with Oregon City relative and friend. Win Ada Itedwell, night operator at the Oregon Clly telephone office, vlalted thl week with friend at Wheatland. Dr. H. J. IwihoII tin returned from an extended aojunrn through the Kaat for the benefit of Mr. Irigeroll' health. Dan I.yoti and family and George Heddaway are at Wllholt, Claekama county' celebrated resort, for an outing. MIh lAjulse Btlckler ha returned to her home at Detroit, Michigan, after a visit with her lter, Mi, ti. K. Hayea. MImh Anna Campbell and MIh I.ucy Morton, of Astoria, visited this week In till city, the guest of the Mlnse Fos ter. MIh Mabry McCown, a nurae at the Good Bamarltan Hospital, at Portland, wa thl week the guest of MIh Hess Wood. 1). W. Commer, of New Richmond, Wla coiinln, wa in the city the first part of the week visiting hi old friend J. A. Tuft. Mi. D. D. Bchlndler, of San Francla eo, haa returned to thl city after a visit ut Seattle and I the guest of Mr. J. W. Norrla. Mr. Kvan and daughter, Mis Kath ryn, of Oakland, California, 1 visiting at the home of her uncle, Wm. Griffith, in thl city. Mrs. H. C. Steven, Jr., and children, of Ban Francisco, are visiting at the parental home of H. C. Btevens, Sr., In this city. Mr. E, Burdon, who haa been here on an extended visit to her on, Ed. and F. A. liurdon on the Wet Side, ha gone to England. Mi. Hazelton and daughter, have re turned to their home at Bprlngfleld, Mo., after a visit with Mrs. Hazeiton'a lster, Mis. Arthur Mlln. Mrs. I.. E. Jones and Mr. John Adam have gone to Newoprt for an outing. They will be Joined by their husbands later In the season. Doctor Gooding, a prosperous farmer nnd president of a bank at Atlanta, Mo., was the guest thla week of his old class mate, F. A. Mile. Joseph O. Moore, of St. Loul. ha re turned to hi Eastern home after a visit with his classmate, Attorney Gilbert Hedge In this city. William Koerner haa returned from Eastern Oregon where he haa been spend ing his vacation In the mines In which hla father la Interested. Rev. C. A. Housel. of Cnnby, waa an Oregon City visitor Monday. Rev. Hou sel waa among those attending the Chaur tauiiua meetings thla year. Jack Houf, who formerly reaided here and was employed at the paper mills, has returned from Manila where he haa spent the last eighteen montha. Rev. A. 8. Foster, after a two weeks' visit with his family In this city, haa re turned to Tillamook where he is the pastor of the Methodist church. Thomaa McGlashan and daughter, Mra. G. W. Hall, accompanied by Mrs. Hall's little daughter, of- Minneapolis, are the SPECIALS YOU WILL FIND AT OUR taminfiicip Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, guest of J. A. McGlashan and family. Mi. Kate Hashor and daughter Chloe, who have been encamped at Chautauo.ua and visiting Miss Gertrude Hashor, left Tuesday for their home at Salem. j Mr, and Mr. Iemuel Andrews, whol have bei-n viHltlng L, II. Andrew and family at Mt. Pleasant, have returned to their home at Santa Cruz, California. Mr. John Thomaa and daughter. Mis Sophia, who have been visiting Rev. and Mis. E. B. Dollinger, have returned to their home at Baltimore, Maryland. J. C. Bates, a farmer from Itedland, was In the city Monday. He report that harvesting is progressing with ' satisfac tory yield generally In hi section of the county. J. M. Rallton, who recently moved Into Clackamas county from Multnomah, was In the city the latter part of last week. Mr. Rallton is engaged at farming near Wllholt. Miss Zclma Shaver returned Monday from a trip to the Yellowstone National Park and a viHit with friends at Spokane. She I now rusticating with her parent at Mt. Hood. Bruce C. Curry has returned from a ten day' vacation apent with hi family at Newport to which resort he will re turn after attending to aome business affairs in this city. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Dodor and baby, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nash, Mis Lizzie Roo, and Mr. Peter Mclntyre and fam ily have gone to Cannon Beach, below Astoria, where they will spend a few weeks at the seaside. Mr. Lena Wicks and Mlsa Cecelia GoldHmlth left last night for San Fran cisco. Mlsa Goldsmith will return In about a month but Mrs. Wick expects to remain permanently 1 In California. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Klnnalrd, of Hood River, have been vlsting at the home of Mr. Klnnalrd' brother, D. W. Klnnaird at Canemah. Mr. Klnnaird la agent for the O. R. & N. Co., at Hood River. Mrs. A. GoldHmlth and daughter, Miss Zeda, arrived from Eugene Monday and will make Oregon City their permanent home, residing with the Mlssea Gold smith. Main and Fourteenth atreeta. James W. Church, after a visit with relatives In this city haa returned to Llnd, Washington. Mrs. Church will spend the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Albright. Charles Crossman, of Culdsac, Idaho, is visiting hi brother-in-law, Walter L. Little, In this city. Mr. Crosman for merly resided here and was employed by the Portland Flouring Mills Company. Mrs. Chas. Albright and children and Mrs. H. S. Moody and children, accom panied by Miss Lela Moreland and Mrs. J. W. Church, of Llnd. Washington, are camping on the Clackamas river near Viola. County Recorder and Mrs. W. H. Fol- som, of Pendleton, Umatilla county, were the guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Croaa. Mr. Folsora was a former resident of Clackamas county, living at Garfield. Mr. M. E. Jackson went to Salem to day to visit her son, J. W. Wllaon. From 8alem she will go to Oregon City for a visit with another son, C. B. Wilson, and a visit at the Exposition also. Browns vllle Time. Men's Sweaters Our entire stock of Sweat ers at one-third less than regular prices. All colors and sizes ' Each . . ,30c to $3 73 For Buy fast AIL Infants' Soft-Soled Shoes About 150 pairs, all sizes and colors 13 Men's Half Hose Plain black Lisle 13c Fancy In plain black or Tan .. ()c Fast black, seamless, fine gauze, regular 20c val ues, now ...... 12'zc Men's Neckwear All silk, fancy figured re versibles, four-in-hand Ties 235 i Shoes Fancy Shirts Men's Shirts with cuffs at tached, regular $1 grade now G3C Men's Felt Hats Regular $1.85, $2.00 and $2.50 light color stylish hats for ...... $1 33 Turkish Bath Towels A large lot of double thread Turkish bath towels, extra large size Each 18 Pocket Knives Men's pocket knives, steel in blade, guaranteed to be equal to any made, no matter what price Each 23 Business or Pleasure Do you use the same paper for the note pf condolence and the letter to your lawyer ? There's a right style of paper for every purpose. It's good style and good taste, and good in every way if made by the famous Eaton-Hurlbut Paper Company Come in and let us show you our assortment of Two tone and Highland Linen writing papers. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Druggists and Stationers Mr. Chas. McCutachan, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. O'Neill, has returned to her home at Stockton, California, accompanied by her brother, Randall, who will remain In Cal ifornia for several months. 8am Stevens, bookkeeper at the Bank of Oregon City, has been spending his an nual vacation at Wllholt. There must be something attractive about these springs for Sam. He spends his vaca tions there regularly. (Continued on Page 7.) WANTED A Bright Young Man with Light Team in your county, steady work and good wages, for the right man. Reference required. For foil particu lam address Not 1 KOCH V. T.Co.. Winona, Mima. Men's NegiigeeShirts Men's shirts with attach ed cuffs and collar, plain and fancy stripes, reg ular $1 value, only in sizes 14 and 15.. 65c A Hosiery Clearance women and children, pair IJJlc Hosiery underpriced. There are enough to interest almost anyone, X whether in need of hosiery or not. now for future needs, such bar gains will not come again soon. All black colors. Rnvs' Waists 4 "Mother's Friend," belt style, regular 35c and 50c grade 28 Regular 75c grade ; 49 Handkerchiefs About 500 Ladies' Hand- T kerchiefs some slightly soiled, at each 5C Men's Fine Cambric Hand- 4 kerchiefs, wide and nar- & row hems 12'2C Toilet Articles Cocoanut oil soap, cake 2c Cologne Boquet, " " 10c Ivory Soap " .4c Snowberry Soap " 4c Castile Soap ' 2c Williams Shaving Soap 3c Red "M" scouring soap 3c y . n . r, ,. V. . r - i uusuie ooap, per ur ioc Florida Water, M. & L. 18c Swan Down Face rowder 5c Talcum Powder 8c T Tooth brushes, 25c value a 10c Graphophones If you want one free of charge, ask for tickets when making your pur- chases. $40 Outfit for $19.50 Disc Machine, with spring motor, very elaborate cab- inet, analyzing reproducer A 23 inch black horn, with polished brass bell, metal elbow, detachable sup- . porting arm, 100 needles, j two-part needle box and 12 ten inch Columbia disc . records like those which won the prize at the St. . Lonis Fair all complete for $19.50 35c and 40o now..2le to 35c. Yard...... Jl