OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FlilHAV, AUGUST 1, 190.V : Oaf Cor t espondents Corner Brief I'-its of Gossip From All Parte of the County. t Correspondents are requested to re flew their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In hese columns every week. WILHOIT. Hay Is a thins of the past and srain Is smiling and calling for the binder. Mrs. Howe of Oklahoma was a Burst of Mrs. I,orm Tr.ii'r.rc-r last ! Mr. Lundiger is a guest at the Tanln Dairy Farm. Mrs. M S. Trulinscr had a painful ac cident to her right hand a few days ago, but Is improving rapidly. Mis Goldi HalL of Meadowrf-oolt was visiting t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bowman last w,-k. The Misses Hattie and Mabel Miller are visiting friends at Oregon City and will spend a few days at the Fair. Mr. liailrbn. of Maple View farm made flying trip to Oregon City on business last Thursday. Mr. Ike Johnson of Vancouver is visit ing at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul son. Frank Scott. Ernest Russell and Fml Sehafer'a love for venison got them into serious trouble Ydnesday. the Kin. and they will have to appear for trial at Mo lalla next Monday for shooting deer. The warm weather is bringing many visitors to the Springs, they had a dance there Sunday afternoon, which was well attended. GREENWOOD. Mrs. Woodruff is the guest of AdeiaiJ Stokes. The blackberry pickers are back from the mountains, reporting good time and Jots of berries. Nelly Flemmir.g has returned to Port land after a visit with friends in the neighborhood. John Stoke is putting up a new gran ary to store up his grain. Several of the young people from this burg attended the dance at Xew Era but reported a bum time. Mr. Eastman's health Is not improv ing, he has been three times under an operation. His brother and daughter, from Xew Hampshire, whom he had not seen for over 54 years, is visiting with him for the Summer. Frank Baker is working for Mr. Rider. George Rider has nearly completed C. V. Stoker's house. O.A.STOXIX.A.. Eigaatont of GREENWOOD. Farmers are all busy harvesting at present. Several from here attended the dance at Xew Era Friday evening. All say they are glad to hear that the next one will be on Saturday. Miss Olga Saune returned home Sun day after a short visit with friends here. Mr. Eastman's brother from the East Is visiting him. Xora Gregory' and Anna Cahill were Oregon City visitors Thursday. Nellie Fleming left Saturday for Port land where, she will spend a day or two at the Fair. Several from our vicinity attended the campmeeting Sunday. May Clarke is on the sick list. Anna Cahill had the misfortune of having her clothes stolen from the clothesline Tuesday evening. Anyone seeing them please notify the owner and receive reward. C. V. Stoker has his new house almost finished. Elmer I.ucas and Frank Ingle were seen in Hog Hollow early Saturday morning. NEEDY. Mr. Chas. Spagle has returned from the Hot Springs. Mr. Louis Spagle and Miss Jackson at tended the dance at Aurora Saturday evening. Misses Grace and Katie Ritter are spending this week with relatives at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Fish visited with H. Johnson's Sunday. Ray Fish and Mrs. M. Price attended campmeetlng at Xew Era Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mills of Missouri are vlsitng the latter's sister, Mrs. H. Folfer. Henry Osterholtz spent Sunday at his home. LOGAN. Harvest is on In earnest here. D. Partch started to Walla Walla on Monday to work through harvest there. N. L. Kirchem went a week ago. Mrs. C. R. Lewthwaite, of Sunnyside, spent last week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Riebhoff, at the old home. Those engaged in gardening are busy these days going to market. T. Riebhoff is digging and marketing potatoes. Mr. Partch and family from California, are visiting at the home of Rev. A. H. Partch, his brother. Mis. Partch also has a sister visiting her from Lincoln, Nebraska. Mrs. Schappe and family are visiting Mrs. J. Boss this week. suss crane, of Portland, is the mh of Miss Nellie Riebhoff for a few days. N . Kirchem and son Carl attended the Fair last week. Many are waiting for cooler weather before going to see the sights. Mrs. Zimmerman from St. Joe, Mo., is visiting her old home this Summer. Saturday next Is the regular monthly meetlng of Harding Grange. Come all ye tardy members, show up. Four candi dates to ride the "goat." L. H. Kirchem is taking a vacation at the Ogle Mt. mines. Services at the Ravenswood church were conducted by A. H. Partch Sunday. Threshing will begin next Monday in Logan. Mrs. Dart, of Molalla, and sister, Mrs. Wm. Watts, of Stone, attended the ex "sition last week. Will By-era had an arm hurt by a falling down with him. REPORT OF FIREMEN'S TOURNA MENT AND FOURTH OF JULY CEL EBRATION GENERAL COMMITTEE. August 1. l?Xi. To the Honorable the Mayor and Common Council of Oregon City. We. the und'Tstcnesl. bog leave to submit the report t receipts and dis bursements of the Firemen's Tuirna men!, hern to attached, for your eor.v. i erstion and approv al. Respectful submitted. W. H. HOWELL President. Jack U Cat: field. Cash Secretary. Receipts. O. C. Council. :;,( H O, C. Fin? Department. O, W. P. & K IV Co.. I'M . P. ; E. Co.. l'Wrm H. Weinhard. SUH vv. p. p. Co . ; . Portland Hour Mill. SJ.ivJ 0. C. Mf. Co. la oo Crown Paper Co.. IS.ikJ j J. W. Cole ;s H Kelly Rucouich. tS (K) J H. Roos. iJ.iH) j E. XUtthies. tiM F. Xehren, :'5.i) A. H. Oriesen. i'S.M 1 1. Selling. ' iS.oo I Howell & Jones. :.00 Huntley Bros.. ia.Oi) F, Hu.v h. ;5 (1,1 Bank of O. C. X'S.oa I Commercial Bank, tM I A. J. Shurher. 15. W J. Goodfellow. Id.iM Charman & Co., ;o.OO J. Cassell. ;5 oo W. E. Wilson. JO.OO W. Rambo. ZO.W Geo, Young. I'VOO G. A. Harding. ;5.oo Burmeister & Amiresen. 15.00 C. Catta. is W. L. Block. 5.00 3. M. .Price. iq L. O. Moore, 10.) E. A. Brady. 10.00 J. Douthit. 15 0.) D. M. Klemsen. 5.0a G. W. Bigham. m vo 3. E. Wassom. 5 oo Pope & Co.. s x) C. O. Albright. 5.00 Wilson & Cook?. 5 ,j W. Robison. yw Miles & McGlashan, " 5.0,1 R. Petsold. 6 0,) V. Harris. 6 ,w E; C. Hamilton. g oo Fatrclough Bros., 500 J. A. Tufts. 50 Adams Bros., 10. 0 Johnson & MeCord. 5 00 Mrs. Stratton. 5 no L. Deperansin. 5 00 A. F. Parker. ; 50 W. A. Woods. 2 50 Griffith & Wright. 2 5,) G. A. Young & Co., 7,50 Wallace '& Packard. 5.00 Brightbill & Co.. 5'ftO 1. Tolflolar ; 50 A. B. Molley. 5 o) Him Kee 5 00 J. M. Woods. n 50 A. Milhsteln, 2.50 Olympia Brewing Co., 20.00 Mrs. M. Miller. 5 00 A. Robertson. 2. 50 Brown & Welsh. ' 2.50 C. A. Frederick. ..1.50 Horton & Jack. 2.50 F. T. Barlow. 2 50 Blayney & Nelson, 2 50 J. C. Seeley. J 50 F. C. Gadke. 2.50 H. SchradT, j 00 G. Rosenstefn. 1 50 W. Wright. 3 00 I. Williams, 1 00 Wong Lee, 2 50 Qung Young. 2 50 jw. L. Little. voo j Gambrlnus Brewery, 25.01) Star Brewerj'. 15.00 Mt. Hood Brewery, 15 00 Goddess of Liberty. 481.50 Total- t:m.o Premium. , 2.50 Total. $2007.50 j Report of Expenditure of Firemen's i Tournament Committe. May 2;. Oregon City Enterprise, printing $ May :'. Oregon City Courier, print ing 50 6.00 May 25. Huntley Bros Co. statii.n- ery l.lo May 2. T. P. Randall, P. M. S'amps 3 00 June .17. Ella Lutz, Goddess' Dress ao.oO June IS. Frank McGinnis. Expen ses to Albany June(19. Miss M. Long, dress ... June 23. Mrs. J. W. Cole, to dec orate Liberty Car June 23. W. H. Samson, for post Ing advertisements 7.00 10.00 23.00 20.00 July 3. H. Sommers. Cap. of Van couver, 2d prize for wet test 50 V July 3. Harry Sommers. Cup. of Vancouver. 2d prize in dry test 50.00 July 3. Fred J. Brown, Cap of As toria, 1st prize in dry test 100.00 July 3. C. A. Miller, tuning piano 2.50 July 4. J. E. Wetzler, Milwaukie ljari'' 100.00 July 4. E. Frost, 1st prize log roll ing and 2d prize swimming.... 17.5'i July . J. Albright. 2d prize log- r,Jli'"S 5.00 July 4. A. Cannon, brivinic Lib erty Car b ft July 4. Bunt, Bros, street acting.. 50.001 SC0TTS EMULSION won't make a hump back itraight, neither will it make a ihort leg long, but it feeds soft bone end hull diieased bone and is amontj the few genuine meins of recovery In rickets and bone consumption. Send for frrt simnle. SCOTT A BOWvTRw. L 1 e. -' y-.. ura taw, au aniggtivu. j n . . ' a. 5 Br 6 Ajjers Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed it w ith the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair Hair Vigor grow, completely cures dan druff. And it always restores colorto gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. Mr S.lr f!nn out b.i'r n4 I w fr;4 I woul.t i tl Thru I lrl4 Tr lttr Vi,r. II qtuc klv tb UHIuk 4i,t tbJ u l'lr ail I cuuM ttl 11 1 l " KtnktAA 1. allui. LUutHith. S. J. . e. Tt iv. (.vol) V ... fori Falling Hair July 4. Chas. Burns Jr. 1st pi it swimming $.00 July 4. Wrn. Watson. l'i yr.l dash 1st priie 10.IW July 4. Wm. Hover. 1" yard dash 2d prize S.00 July 4. M. M.Hires. Wheel-harrow Miee. 1st prize 5 on July 4. E. H. Given, sack race. 1st r-rize '. 5.00 July 4. Frvd Brown, best apearlng Hre Company Si tu) July &. Secy. Aurora Band 210.00 July 5. E. A. Titus. Oregon City- band S't.oo July 5. Earl Latourette. boys' race 75 yards. 1st prize ." 3.00 July E. Rae Cole, boys' race 75 yds 2d prize . 2.00 July 5. Fred Brown. Astoria. Hub and Hub race. 1st prize 100.00 July 5. Harry Summers. Vancou ver. Hub and Hub. 3d prize .... 25.0" July 5. Frank McGinn's. Oregon City. Hub and Hub ra,v, 2d prize 50 00 July 5. Frank McGinnis. Oregon City. Wet Test. 1st prize 10000 July 5. Mrs. Lutz. best apieuring Float and Lodge 55.00 July 5. Miles & McGlashan. best appearing Business Float 20.00 July 5. Mrs. S. S. Walker. Sola Cir cle, largest turnout of lodges. . . . 20.00 July 5. Cap. Phillips, uniform rank best uniform lodge 20.00 July 5. C. W. Vonderahe. labor and material 29.S0 July 5. Columbia Hook & I.adder Co. brt appearing Fire Co. 2d prize 15.00 July 5. Fred Brown. Astoria, cham pion race, 1st prize 100.00 July 5. Harry' Sommers. Vancouver 3d prize 25.00 July 5. Frank McGinnis, Oregon City. 2d prize 60.00 July a. T. J. Dynes, for decora tions 50.00 July S. Wilson & Zumwalt. rig hire IS. 00 July 5. Wm. Peters. Fountain Home Hose Team. 1st prize 50.00 July 5. Chas. Pope. Expenses tu Vancouver and Astoria 15.00 July 5. Harry Moody, rig hire .... 42.00 July 6. Oregon City Enterprise, balance for printing 6.25 July 5. Courier. Printing 23 50 July 8 Fred Brown. Astoria, bill posting 1.05 July 6. Captain Shaw, boys' bri gade 10.00 July 6. J. R. Caufield. Secy 35. July !. Ed. Fortune, trip expenses 2.50 July 6. Jacob Cassell. for Meals.. 6. 00 July 6. Leo Cannon, fixing hose cart 4.0 July 6. F. C. Donovan, watching Park and Liberty Car t.00 July 7. E. E. Brodie. card of thanks .70 July 7. Adams Bros. rlblon 1.22 July 7. C.X. Greenman. hotsehlre 1.50 July 7. F. McGinnis. picture from Kellogg 50 July 7. Mrs. Kate Pope, singing July 10. Rev. P. K. Hammond.... July 10. Harry Jones, material and freight 111.5 July 14. Cap. Shaw, chairs and freight Jury 17. Williams Bros, express. . July IS. Pope & Co., hardware.. July 19. J. W. Cole, cashed order for Wm. Reams, work on stre.-t. July 19. F. E. Ross, work holding line July 19. Wilson A Zumwalt. feed ing horse July 19. W. It. Howell, telephone and other July 21 expenses ... Mrs. J. W. Cole, Liberty Car !.. July 27. Geo. Redway, painting grand -stand July 30. Falrclough Bros wagon hire July SO. Miss Long Total ... .$1999.82 WAS TIRED OF LIVING. Disappointed In Love and Work, Richard Watklns Ends His Life. Richard YVatkins died YVednxday af ternoon from the effects of an overdose of opium and morphine that was taken early In the morning presumably wltlit suicidal Intent. Disappointment In a love affair arid the loss of employment tire i presumed to be responsible for the vounc I . . ' . . i mans seii-ijesiriieiion. coroner Ho - jitiiin impaneled a jury that heard the tes j timony of a number of witnesses and ren dered a lerdlct finding that Watklns came to his death from an overdose of opiates for whieh no living person is held responsible. Watklns was found lying in an uncon scious condition in the morning on the banks of the Clackamas river near this city. Life was nearly extinct but the man was brought to this city where three physicians worked over him until 5 o'clock In the afternoon when death en sued. The deceased was aged about 35 years and had resided at Oregon City for a number of years, being employed as a laborer. He was unmarried and is sur vived by two sisters, who reside In Port land. A few weeks ago the girl with whom Watklns was Infatuated and whom he was engaged to wed, terminated the engagement and is said to have only very' recently been, married to a compara- tlve stranger. This dlspm!iiliuwvt and the dixmtxsal of tlo young man from the work at which he was hint employed Saturday nru considered fvsMUisltle for the deed, Watktits was last seen lle nlxuit il o'clock Tuesday night when he was heard to tmiuttv with Whnt possible whitM he would meet should he start shoot In K!!ry. ISelng assured that the pros pects Were dlscoiit anlng. Walklns lt- marked that be "whs atwntt tiled of bald wotk. nwa." and then dcpaited up the street. Two Picture for 50 Ctnts. Those who call at Miss Cheney's studio dt nng the ensutti few week will re ciive two very artistic photos for 50 , em si. ralrclough minding. Main streets. Oregon City. Tenth nnd Aug 4 S-.ihscrlbe to The Enterprise. Notlca of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the under s.1.111 .1 H'llnltintlat'r of the entitle of llcil Potter, deceased, has tiled lit the County Coin t for Clackamas county, State of Orcg.m. his final account h such administrator of said estate, ami that the Court has fuel Saturday. Hcp-temlx-r 9th. l'."3. at the h.mr of 10 o'clock n. m . of said day at the Couit ll,xni of saitl Court In Oregon City, Oregon, a the time and place for hearing of objec tions to said report and the settlement of said estate, FRANK Bl'SCH. Administrator of the Estate of Hell Pot ter. dl'Ce,IJ'd. I'.rme C. Curty. Attorney for Administrator. Jayine Tonic ykrmfflutfe. gives rosy checks and active health to 'nale, sickly children. And it is good for their elders, too. Ask your druggist for it. GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST Fttf.iutttf.e and Has. dwai, e, - A UR FURNITURE FACTORY in Oregon City has been built up again and running day and night to make up for lost time. Only warranted goods are t manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail. OUR SO-CALLED NO JO BUREAU PROVED TO BE A PRIZE" WINNER. We are taking orders o ; now for this celebrated piece of furniture which will be June 15th. Full size liureau, fine clear Mirror, made out of thoroughly .seasoned lumber, finished in jiohlen oak, dark cher ry and white maple. !xld for cash onlv. a Special price in dozen lott. ' H V v ol I 4 j t . . t - : 2 i i " . 1 i t i ii 3.0 I . 5.00 t . I rfv -:v.s Writing 7.40 4 I m.:t Desk 1.50 .. . . ,-A. , 7.00 L . , i z - .... I r I Warranted Steel I 6 holes, IS," inch oven, hip closet i $27.50. A RubUr Gaidtn Hose $4-50 (or fifty feet. if p OREGON CITY MARKET RUP0RT. (Corrvcttd Watkly.) liontNo, 1. u to Ufle per bushel. Flour Valley, 14 HO p d bbl. . llsrq wheat 15 15. Pol tlniid. II 25 per sack. Howard llest. II ri per sack. Oats - In sacks. JI S7 1-J per Oenlal. Hay Timothy, baled 1111111 par loni clover, Jl! to $13; out, 111 to 114; iulxtd hay. 112 to 113; cheat. 113 to $14. Mtllstufls- Hian. til 4er ton; shorts $.'3 00 per ton; chop $20 per Ion; bailey, rolled ii'f) J'cr ton, Cabbagn- 35c per d"i. Onions 3o per pound. Potatoes 101,; to tiic. pet' huU'lied. pins 2c pouiiit, Turnips, Carrots- 0e doz buiulies, . String Means - 've pound. ltapbeirle - 7c box. Egga- tlei.i. 20c'0 22tj per tl. mmket strong. Ilutter- ltaiii h. SO to 40; sepfirnlor 1111J cteameiy. 40 to 41. tlontl Applea 50c to 7'ic bushel. Hone il to 12 He per poumj, lTutlea tdrlrd) Petite, Jo per lb; Hub Ian, huge, 5c per lb; medium, 3c; Hit vr Oiled Apples -Hun dried. auaitnrd. 4,0 pound, sliced, fic; fancy bleacliml, ! 'V. I H-rsed Chl ketia KSo per lb, ! LlVetick and Dlpssrd Meats-Ileef. j live $2.00 to $2.50 per hundred. Hogs j live, 5c; hog dressed, t cents; sheep, ' $2 00 to $2.50 per head; dre..rd c; veal' d,,.,d. 54 to c; iamb. live. $1,75 .0 ,2 00 1 - Paint! faint! paint! and get it at Char- 1 man & Co a. their prices ar always Just rijtht t t 4 8 50 During the Fair you will have to put up an eitra !-d to accoin uiodate your frici!l l U y one of our $1.95 IRON BEDS Such a 1-ed it toout, too. ILook at our $7.50 Ex. Table i I Range DOORS ARK YOU sot.io doors tie fuir ,li. i Taint your house with Phoenix Pure Paint the beat o n earth. $1.75 per gallon. o K & u 'I V o i Furniture & Hdware FRANK BUSCH trouble. Mr, il. W, Hi'tilley Me, .. ,., . Inra visiting tit Mamtiitm, jiy ,., ... Mlasuiiil. "" Mia. Jess Lltilea Mr f,m rnmn In her. but she U nt e,t Oiegoii. Many sviiipntlilzn with lier rominir so fur and hoi seeing her nM" CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Ramady la a Specirie. Sure to Olv Satisfaction. CIVt RILIIF AT OHCI. Il rliMUtara, iHlb., hU, and t,ot't tj ,llw.i.a Il ,..... '. . , Ut' ,Wf . (Mj ,J '7, J ! Itaalor tfio Helw t,t last. aHm '!. Ksytuw. t'otibUtwhotiiJitrUiudru I U'-lriU and al,rld' I T . r , tali. Kil . . 1 1 . . 1 . f ' ,""M' 'rugKista or u luuulj I tml hie, 10 cetila by mail. ' tLY BROTHERS; 60 Warrtn II., N,w Yart ready for delivery akf 1 T a tlways welcjtned in the childrcn'eTT. I t t t t t ' Hammfifk We coll a n f,ir 5.50 and WINDOWS ,e GOING To liUII I) le-tt that were clichtlv r ilaniHKCil ,e ......u.iu.ius tire, wiiuii will go cnrap. Estimates given on Hardware and Nails : for J Building Purposes Cots, $2.25. i . '