OREGON" CITY EXTERl'MSE, FRIDAY, .11' 1A" VS, line. JACKASS HAS RIGHT TO BRAY. A Kanaaa Judge Find in Favor of Ail vnln Neighbor. Topeka. Kan., July 24. "No power on earth can prevent a jackass from bray ing. This court la powerless to afford relief In this caw and the Injunction 1 dissolved," said Judge Dana In dismiss ing a suit brought by the postmistress of Richland, Kansas, against the owners of a number of Jackasses to prevent their braying. Tlbbetts Hoti own a livery stable In Richland and It Is the next door neigh bor to the postofflce. The postmistress resides in the apartments over the post office and she has been sorely annoyed during the night by the rancous braying of the discontented Jacks in the livery earn. nenever she sought to while away the tedious hours by singing softly to herself, the .lacks would break In and agitate the atmosphere with their dls trading noise. At night, when she rais ed her windows to get a breath of fresh air, her ears would be benumbed by the hee-haw of the jacks. she appealed to the owners of the table to suppress the animals, but they pomeiy lniormed her that to bray was the chief delight and function of a Jack ass and they could not prevent it. Fur thermore the nature of their business pre eluded sending the offending animals away for the night. Finally she appealed to the court and secured from a judge In Shawnee County a temporary injunction against Tibbetts & Hot. Then she gave final warning to them that the noise must cease. They immediately took the case before Judge Dana and it was argued today. It was one of the most unique hearings m the history of Kansas even, which is the author and scene of many unique things. In their reply to the injunction Tibbetts & Hot set up that the courts, and. in . fact, all human machinery, stood abso lutely powerless to prevent the braying , of a jackass. They cited instances where various expedients had been tried, such as dynamite, muzzling, solitary confine ment, etc.. but all efforts proved futile. It was ably argued before the court that the Missouri and KanRas jack or mule was a unique feature In the eyes of the world and entitled to consideration. It was shown that pages of comic weeklies are devoted to this peculiar animal and his predalictlon for braying and kicking These had been peculiarities of the Jack ass from the beginning of the world and would be so to the end thereof. While they regretted that any of their property should prove annoying to the postmistress of Richland, for which lady they had profound esteem, they could not prevent their jacks hee-hawing, nor could they cripple their own business by dis posing of the animals "and your peti tioners will ever pray, etc." Judge Dana pondered at some length over the case and finally announced that he would dissolve the injunction. 'It Is apparent to any student of ani mal nature," he said, "that human agen cies are helpless to prevent braying of jackass. It is his nature and the courts can afford no relief. Let the order dismissing this case be entered" FRIGHTFUL NAVAL DISASTER. The U. S. Gunboat "Bennington" ly- Money Saved Raisins, package. 5c Good Machine Oil, gallon 30c Bring can Graniteware at Saving Prices. Galvenized Pails loc, 22c Large 25c Large Tin Pail 20c Best heavy 3oc Tin Pans 4c, and oc Clothesl ne oc Clothespins, per doz... lc Flour $1.05,1.10 Best $1.25,1.30 Coffee.. 10c, loc; best....20c Tea 15c, 25c; best... 45c Arm & Hammer Soda Gc Bulk Soda 4 c Puce, good,... ..5c; broken. ...4c Fine Salt 35c & 48c for 50 lbs Stock Salt 100 lbs 45c Millinery cut deep Many at less than cost Child' Hat 47c Cut Price on Waists 29c, 39c, $1.08. Corsets sharp cut 33c up New Glrdlea 48c Men's 50c Underwear 40c and 44c Clothing at Wholesale. Child' Overalls 19c, 24c, and 35c. Hats wholesale or lesi 9c up Gloves 10c, 15c, 50c and up Child' slippers cut to 47c, 73c, and 86c Ladles' Patent Slippers.. $1.25 grade, 88c Ladles' Fine Shoes, $1.40 grade 98c Eggs In Demand Good Prices. Red Front Store C. HAMILTON, Proprietor OREGON CITY, OREGON ing In the peaceful harbor of Sun Diego, California, under orders to sail In a few hours for Port Ilaifoi-d as a convoy, blew up, Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock, and 40 to 50 of the complement of 19? officers and men carried by the ship, met instant death. Few escaped injuries of a more or less serious nature. The explosion came from one of the boilers of the "Rennlngton." and spread death and destruction on every side. So terrific was the force of It that buildings in the city were shaken and the quiet waters of the bay where the ship lay. were sent Into the air in great columns. The disaster Is one of the most frightful In the naval history of the t'lilted States. On Dollar Saved Repratanta Tan Dol lar Earned. The average man does not save to ex ceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars In living expens es for every dollar saved. That being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expenses! Very often a few cents properly Invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It Is the same In buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar hoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of It in the house aften saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. THE EXHIBITS. The demand for exhibit space at the Lewis and Clark Exposition exhausted every available square root of space In the buildings devoted to liberal arts and foreign exhibits, and several hundred prospective exhibitors could not be ac commodated. It was thought for a time that room might be made for all: but when it was learned that 5.090.000 iuare feet of space was asked for could not be supplied without, the erection of addi tional buildings. 119 applicants were turned away. As the result of this survival of the fittest policy, the exhibits at the Western World's Fair, while not so numerous as those at St. Louis and Chicago exposi tions are to the general public more in teresting, and there are enough of them to satisfy the average visitor who does not expect to spend the summer at the Fair. The large oriental and European exhib its buildings at the Western Centennial have been found entirely adequate, as regards space. In complying with the de mands of the Aartous commissioners. and more than one count ry was forced to be satisfied with space far below Its desires. Among the countries represent ed are: Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland. Norway, Sweden. Pua- sia. Austria. Hungary-. Switzerland. Tur key. Persia. Algeria. Egypt. Japan, China India and Ceylon. France ranks second to Italy, sending very large and valuable exhibit to the Centennial. A French drawing-room of about Louis XIV Is reproduced and forms an Interesting part of the exhibit. In this are displayed gowns of fabulous value, some of 4hem worth thousands of dollars. ' The domestic exhibits are drawing the largest crowds These are very com plete in all the various departments. A majority of the manufacturers make live exhibits, their displays showing the methods of manufacture rather than mere collections of finished products. thus making the exhibits of real educa tional value. Especial attention has been given to the developments in electricity and machinery'- The Mining Building attracting large crowds, the exhibits there being of unusual excellence. Many hours may well be spent in these m.igiil ficent palaces studying the progress of events. From The Pacific Monthly for July. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice Is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Clackamas county will hold the regular examination of ap plicants for state and county papers at Oregon City, as follows: For State Paper. Commencing Wednesday, August 9. at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, August 12, at four o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history-, spilling, algebra, readin. school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, mental arithmetic, composition, phvsical geog raphy. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, gen eral history, English literature, psychol ogy. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, Augimt 9. at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing until Friday, August 11, at four o'clock p. m. First, Second, and Third Grade Certificates-Wednesday Penmanship, history, or thography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, physiology. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, school law, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, orthography, arithmetic, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory-, of teaching, physiology. Oregon City, July 27, 1905. J. C. ZINSER. Superintendent of Schools. POPULAR AND PICTURESQUE. The only thing necessary to make the Denver and Rio Grande. the most popular, as it has ever been known the most pleas ant and most picturesque way to cross the continent has come about. This Is the establishment of through sleeping car service. In connection with the O. R. & jf. a through Pullman Standard Sleeper is now run from Portland to Denver, leaving Portland at 8:15 p. m., arriving at Salt Lake at 8:40 a. m., the second morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3:50 p. m. and ar riving at Denver 4:20 p. m. the following day. This schedule gives passengers seven hours stop-over in Salt Lake, af fording an opportunity to visit the Mor mon Capital as well as a dav llerht rid.. through the grandest scenery in the world. For reservations in this car and for Il lustrated booklets picturing the scenery contiguous to the Denver & Rio Grande, proving it to be the "Scenic Line of the World," write to W. C. McBride, General Agent, 124 Third Street, Portland. CAPTAIN ArPIRS0N'8 TRIP. How H Journeyed Mid Tswna and Cities Not Down 'on Hla Itinerary. Captain ApiM-rson arrived Monday to bo on hand for the board meeting this Wednesday afternoon. He Is one of the most loyal of all the loyal friends of the college and Is always promptly and faith fully on hand when there Is to be A board meeting. He Is chairman of the finance 'committee and has been busy since ar- ! rival In checking up the accounts of the Institution. It was not so much In the fact that he ; came early that Captain Apperson avoid ed the rush. As It was In the fact that he came a peculiur route. Coming In the ordinary way It Is something like SO miles front Captain Apperson'a home near Oregon City to Corvallis. As Cap tain Apperson traveled It In his latest trip he Journeyed over 200 miles. It happened thla way: Captain Apperson Sunday evening at tempted to take the ten o'clock train for Corvallis. Two locomotives and two trains were puffing about the C. K track at the Albany depot. The Captain boarded one of them which seemed head ed for the county seat of Honton. A brakeman soon told hint to move Into j the coach at the rear of the train, whlrh Instructions, he and other passenger J obeyed. On the way back the conductor told them to sit down where they were, and then passed on. Of course they obeyed the conductor. Meantime the train started. ' Indeed. It was started full on Its Journey when Captain ApiH-rson noticed that he was going in an easterly direction. Instead of south-west, toward Corvallis. It took him a long time to find a train hand- The train had gone miles before one was finally started from cover. "Where are you taking me to." ejaculat- j ed the well known regent. "Where are you going?" demanded the railroader. Then Captain Apperson learned what he had already surmised, that Instead of being headed for Corvallis he was on ' board the Sunday evening excursion train bound for the heart 4 the Cascades. i He traveled all night. IVtrolt whs i reached after one o'clock a. m. The trip j back to Albany occupied the rest of the night up to five o'clock in the morning, j The Corvallis stage left at 6:30 and the I Captain was a passenger. What makes the Incident ununder- j standable to his many Corvallis friends Is that the old ateamboater la a man of ! known temperate principles and that he ' was further fortified against untoward i accident by the fact that he was. In : theory at least, headed for a dry' town. j Corvallis Times. i TAKE IT IN TIME. Just As Score of Oregon City Peopl. Havt. Waiting d'lesn't pay. If you neglect the aching back. Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely fol low. Doan's Kidney Pill relieve backache. Cure every kidney 111. W. H. Kelly, engineer employed on the Union Pacific It. It., living at 3!1 2d street, Portland, says: "For many years I was bothered more or less with kidney trouble, particularly If I contracted a cold when It was sure to seat Itself In the reKion of the kidneys. I wasted a lot of time trying medicine which did not help me, but finally learn ed of Doan's Pills and procured a box. The first few doses helped me no much that I continued taking them until I had used six boxes. They relieved me entirely and since I stoppedtaklng them there has not been the slightest sign of ; a recurrence. I have ailvUed others to use Doan's Kidney Pills and shall con- j tinue to recommend them." j Plenty more proof like this from Ore- gon City people. Call at C. U. Huntley's drug store and ask what his customers report. ' for sale by all dealtrs. Price 50 rents. I Foster Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doans' and take ! no other. j Detervet Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of Its local institution depends entirely on the loyalty of It people. It la well enough to preach "patronize home Industry" but except tha' service given at a home institution equals that of out-of-town enterprises, this argument Car rie no weight and la entirely disregard ed, as It should be. But with Oregon Clt people it I different. A few month ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas cade Laundry. It la equipped with the latest improved machinery and I dally turning out work that la equal to any and superior to much of the laundry work that Is being done in Portland Being a home Institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people it is enjoying an immense patronage. The high atandard of the work being done commends It to the general public Laundry left at the O. K. barber ahop will be promptly called for and delivered to PROTECTED BV THE GUARANTEE. No Dyspeptic Should Hesitate to Try Pepalkola Tableta on These Terme. Thousands who were once the victims of Indigestion and stomach troubles are now well and strong through the use of I Pepalkola Tablets. People who have auf- I fered the agonies of Indigestion for years I arA Hall., 1 ..... I. - A .. - . 1 ,.. 1 - uivuriu vain iu pencil neaun, and the proprietors of this remarkable prescription have such entire confidence In its virtue and power that they have given a written Guarantee Contract to Huntley Bros Co., agreeing to refund the 5 cents, in each case the remedy falls to benefit as claimed. If yo. are nervous, despondent, care worn and without energy, or If you have dizzy spells, heartburn, coated tongue, or sour stomach Just make up y3ur mind to try Pepslkola tablets and obtain relief. The manufacturers are so sure that Pepslkola tablets will aid and strengthen your digestion, make the rich red blood course through your veins and put new life, energy and new vigor Into your stomach that they have Instructed Hunt ley Bros. Co. to tell all dissatisfied cus tomers that they can have their money back, cheerfully and without argument. Buy It Now. Now Is the time to buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly you will need it quickly. Buy It now. It may save life. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Tho Kind You Have Always la uso for over IJO yvarn. &6 All Counterfeit, Imitations aml"JiiHtnii-tro4Hr'nr but Experiments thut trltlo with mul cndnnirer tho health of Infiiuts mul ChUdreullxierleuco ftralut Kiperlutcut What is CASTORIA CaMtorU Ih ft hnrmh'HS unliNtltuto for Cantor OH, Tare fforle, Drops ami Soothlnjr Hyrups. It Is lMooKunt, It contains neither Opium, Murphlno uor other Nureotlo mbstanoe. Its ago is Its guarituteo.' It deNtroy Worms nd allays Feverlshne. It cures IHarrhuit mid Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, cures Constipation ond Flatulency. It fumlmilatcs the Food, regulate tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy mid natural sleep. The Children's Pauacou-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. mt Munn, rr awaiuf eratrr. mtm om rr. I STP mm OWN YOUR I The Willamette Falls Company offers for sale at Willamette Falls choice building lots, with sewer, water and electric light connections; also fine acreage tractsfrom one to twenty acres situated on the line of the Willamette Falls Rail way. Favorable terms will be made to suit the convenience of purchasers. For particulars inquire of the agent of the Company at Willamette Falls Railway depot, Oregon City. Caution to Prospective Purchasers t Many persons, prospective buyers of property at Willamette Falls, have been misled by statements emanating from individuals interested in the sale o( other properties, to the effect that the Willamette Falls Railway would be abandoned, after the property of the Company in that locality has been disposed of. The Willamette Falls Company desires to state that it has no intention of discontinuing the present rai way service between Oregon City and Willamette balls, nor has the question of abandoning the railway line ever been considered. Prospective purchasers of property at Willamette Falls maybe assured that there will be no diminution of. the transportation facilities now enjoyed by the residents of Willamette Falls. THE WILLAMETTE FALLS COMPANY C. A. MILLER, Agent. 1 Oregon Gty Enterprise $1.50 per year Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal $ 1 .50 a yr . Subscribe for both now for only 7R bo y Otcgon City Enterprise and Weekly Oregonian, both 1 year for only $2.00. Nought, mul which lina boot lias borno the nlimRturo of mul 1ms betni matleiiiiilcr his per 'tftffT, oiml siipcTYltiloti ulnro Its Infuncr. Allow no ono to tlccrl vo you In this. Signature) of OWN HOME per year "The Ice Cream of Quality." Pure, Rich Cream and the purest of Flavors blended with unsurpaj skill. Swetland's Famous Ice Cream Try a Quart for Sunday's dinner, Special prices for picnics and mkh J. A. TUFTS Sole Agent for Oregon City. XI" l'RIiK SOUVKNIR.Vhrn vlaitia, rortlaml, call at SwciUnd'a, l7l j, riaon St., and prettut this , You tctelrt I'HI'K an attractive touvrnlrfa the Utile, Do You Know Anything ABOUT Eppley's If not you i-houM know. It's a pure article put up in pint Mason jars full weight. Sold by all Leading Grocers JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEA EXPERIENCE IS Jreat Britain and America. L-ELLOH , 2,000 mile of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon. Washington), Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2.250 towns Quick accurate, cheap All the (Satisfaction of a personal communication, fointance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco aa eapily hfnrd a Port land. " 1 Oregon Citv oflice at Harding's Drusr Store. hi Until Plifif! mIfireK I" 1 , "" The Aristocrat among I the whiskies of the Old School. Without a peer. For taia oy 1 E. MATTHIAS y Sola Aganey for Oragon City, g