OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, Jt'I.Y SS. l'.0.. RULES GOVERNING SALE. How Government Propose to Sail Grand Rondo Tract. The remaining unsold acreage of the Orand Ronde Indian Reservation mill be old by the Government In October, bids for the purchase of the name having been advertised for. At a sale last Au gust a total of IS. SIS. 48 acre were sold. lea v In ft still unsold 0 acres of the original tract which contained I5.TH acres. By the terms of the sale, bid for individual tracts as per schedule that may be had upon application at the Portland Land Office, sealed bids will be received between a. m. October 3 and 11 a. m. October It. The said sealed bids must be prepared, filed, received, opened, and acted on in accordance with the following rules and regulations: First. Each bid must be made upon a form similar to that attached hereto, which will be furnished upon application to the register and receiver of the Port land .Oregon land Office, or the Commis sioner of the General Land Office, and must be signed by the bidder, who shall be a citisen of the United States, and who shall therein give hi post office ad dress. Second. Each bid must be sealed in a separate envelope, which shall be ad dressed to the "Register and Receiver. United States Land Office. Portland. Or egon." and such said envelope must bear an endorsement across the face showrg that It contains a bid for the ceded lands' of the Grande Ronde Indian Reservation, and roust not bear any indication of the amount of such bid or the description of the tract bid for. "Third. Each bid must be accompanied by a check, payable to the Secretary of the Interior, certified by the proper offi cial of a national bank, for 20 per cent of the amount of such bid. which check must be. by the bidder, placed in the en velope containing the bid before its seal- J tag and delivery to the register and re ceiver. Fourth. No bid will be considered that is received by such register and receiver before S o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, the Sd day of October, 1S05. or after 11 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, the 10th day of October. 1?0. Fifth. Bids will be received for the lands as they are arranged on the attach ed schedule, the arrangement showing the lands in tracts of full sections where possible. This arrangement has " been raried only where the full section in compact form is not found, and in some cases it will be noted that less than 10 acres may be bid for. Xo bid will be considered describing the tract bid for otherwise than it appears on the sched ule, or which undertakes to cover and describe farts of several tracts. Sixth. Each bidder may present bids for any number of tracts, but with each bid must make and transmit the deposit above required. Seventh. No bid will be accepted for said lands which shall be at a less rate than 31.25 per acre for the land embrac ed in such bid. Eighth. The bids will be opened by the register and receiver at their said office in the' presence of such bidders who may care to attend, on Tuesday, the 10th day of October. 1905. at 1 p. m., and the register and receiver will indorse on each bid the name of the bidder, the amount of the bid. and the amount of the de posit, immediately as the bids are opened. Ninth. The register and receiver will then transmit the several bids, with the certified checks, to the Commissioner of the General Land Office., with their rec ommendations for acceptance or nonac ceptance. In each case, and the Commis sioner will In turn transmit the said bids to the Secretary of the Interior with, his recommendation In the premises. Tenth. Notice of the award by the Secretary of the Interior upon said seal ed bids will be given to each of the bid ders by the Commissioner of the General Land Office through the ordinary- mall to the address given in his bid. The names of the successful bidders will also be given to the press as a matter of news. Eleventh. The balance due on all of the accepted bids after crediting thereon the respective certified checks, will In come due and must be paid to the reg (Continued on Page 7.) Bright's. Disease and Diabetes News. Th Joha J. Fulton Co. of Sa Fran ctoco. First la tho World to An nouttco th Care oi present ft Definite. Percentage) of Recoveries (87 per coat) ! Olvo Out Lists ol tho Cared. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that I have been this day appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, as Administrator of the estate of Friederlcka Rechner, deceased, and that all persons having claims against said estate must present them to me. with proper vouchers, at the law offices of C. D. & D. C. Latourette, in Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. f . Dated at Oregon City, Oregon. jilv27, 1905. ED. F. RECKNER. Aug. 26. - Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the 8tate of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of Edward Tucholke, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, administratrix of the estate of Edward Tucholke, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such administratrix of said estate and that Monday, the 4th day of September, 1905. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. has been appointed by said court for hearing of objections to said report and the set tlement thereof. . LOUISE TOUCHOLKE. Administratrix of the estate of Edward Tucholke, deceased. Dated first publication July 28, 1905. TJREN & SCHUEBEL. Attorneys for Administratrix. Bare are some of the Sag rraacisee rw rtes. Allot I beat were declared bj pkj dclaae to be incurably ill with Bright' Dlseaa or Diabetes: K. W. 6auldlng, Presides I Spauldinf Saw Co.; Adolpa Weeks, founder Csl. Cracker Co.; Carl D. Cell, pioneer drajf let; Chas. K&flke, editor Saa Franeisco Journal; R. U Wood, editor Spirit Review; Edward Short, of tbe Call; C A. Newton, jardmsatsr g. P. Co. (Sacrameoto); Joha A. Phelps, Bout Repeller; air. M. Empey, IS) Steioer St.; Mr. 8. E. Cllne, 1T3T Broadway; Mr. P. Ooy beaelx, US Fillmore St. (tapped 38 times); R. C. Pell, Manager Paelfle Coast Biscuit Co.; P. J. Bach Mer, PsciSe Coait Art Seta Tboaas Clock Co.; K. B. Cutler, Attorney, UD Pine St.; Win. Bale, Real Estate, tlS Saaaome St.; Mr. C. C. Mattnewsoe. Proprietor Hotel Clifton; Too. Basils, Merchant (Petaluma); Col Wm. Hawkins, C. S. Quartermaster's Department; Cha. P. Kicker, Merchant, IS1 Bin St; Mrs. Tho. Chrlstol, 436 rib St, and hundred of ether. Some were death's door when put on tbecompouB.il, bot many such recovered. Tbit many were in extremis mar be l rued from Uns Some recovered who had been tapped dotes of time: other were already In tbe twitching of araetme poisoning: many had from (our to six physicians coscrm tbe fatal diaro!; several left iiandard hospiia'.s la extremis: Mreral had relative railed to for last interviews, and a few recovered woo were la stale of absolute coma. In a word shoot ir of all eea of Bright Disease and Diabetes, heretofore positively in eunb.e, are sow parable under the new Kultoa Compounds. The Renal Coo. pound for Hr.irhl Slid Kidney Diss la II; for Diabetes. 130, Pamphlet tree. We hare Just established a depot in your city where you wiii flail the Cook- pounoa uu pmpa:i, vie Ckarman & Co., City Drug Store. le North-J plaint filed herein, to-wlt For decree f. S 8. R. fore1 'soi th bonds of matrimony to the Southeast Quarter of the east Quarter of Section 25. In T, I K. of the Willamette Meredlan, and j hcreio.oie and now existing between Lot numbered Two 2. the Southeast j plaintiff and defendant, and that plain Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and ' tiff I" forever divorced from defendant, the Southwest Juarter of the Northwest j This summon I published by order of Quarter of Section SO, T. 8. R. ? R, f the Hon, Tho. A. McDrlde, Judge of the of the Willamette Meridian, containing ( al entitled Court, made and dated on 151. TS acres. j the Uth day of June, 1905. Terms of Sale: Cash In hand or e. ' , tllUHAM A Ct.KKTON. curtty approved hy the County Court of Attorney for Plaintiff. Clackamas County. Dated this Slat de of Jul v. lo,V W. II. MATTOON. Administrator of the estate of 8eth Aus tin, deceased. In the matter of the Petition of H. J. Bellarts for a petition for liquor license: To the County Court of the above county and state: Tour petitioners would respectively represent that they are legal voters in Cascade precinct in the above named county and state and actual residents therein. That they would respectfully request that you grant a license to II. J. Bellarts. authorising and permitting him to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liqu ors In less quantities than one gallon in a saloon located at what is known as Sandy, in said precinct, county snd state. And your petitioners will ever pray. H. P. Rruns Ed Miller Arthur Larklns Walter St. John Wm. M. Ransdell Wm. Robbins C. S. Chase Casper Junker T. G. Jonsrud George Lane M. C. Donahue H. M. Gager Julius Wendland J. H. Wewer R. Kaiser John McDonald John S. Gibbons U. Kligel Max Kligel G. Vanderbrook H. C. Inlorn N. C. Kuhn Kaspar Ohebll Ernest Fischer A. V. Bell ose Marti Henry Ridderbusch Edw. F. Bruns Hugh Fitzgerald E. Coolman Frank Feth L. G. Baker Herman RidderbuschThns. P. Dunn Charley Krebs G. I". Trubel Edward Kopper Sr. T. A. Albel Paul Vetsch C. L. Nilson S. O. Mitchell L. T. Pridemore John 'Keisecker E. J. Hamlin W. C. P.OS8 George A. Wolf Herman Wendland O. Rambow Willard Bosholm F. Gustafson Daniel Herlihy John Strocus W. A. Proctor Albon O. Melnlg D. C. Pollock H. Ridderbusch Otto H. Melnlg J H. L. Maybee James Phelan Chas. Sharnke J. X. Bramhall W. W. Wadsworth SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore- gon. for the County of Clackamas. Ida Baker, Plaintiff. vs., G. C. Bilker. Defendant. To G. t. Baker, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and eult on or before the expiration of sit weeks from and af ter the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or before Monday, the 4th day of September. 1S0S. And if you fall to appear and answer said complaint. In default thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her said complaint, on file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds of NOTICE 0"" FINAL SETTLEMENT Not I Is hereby given that the under sinned executor of the estate of Juliet F. TrulMt.ger, deceased has, tiled In the County Court, of Clackamas county, state of Oregon, his Html account as such executor of said ette and that Mon- 'day. the 7th day of August, 10&. at (lie hour of li),(W o'clock a. in., has been ap 'pointed by the said court for hearing of ! AtiirtTtlon to enM renil-l nn.l Ih.. bmIiI,.. ment thereof, EDWIN A. HOWARD. Executor of tlie eMiue of Juliet F. Trul linger, decerned. t"Ren A S.-huebel, Attorney for execu tor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the Cotirty- Court of the State of Or. rgon. for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the F.state of Samuel Mnthew. deceased, Notice herein- given that the under igtied adniirdrlrstrtx de bonis Pon of the matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be, dissolved upon the ground of cruel and Inhuman treat ment, and for such other and further r. Ilef as to the court may seem Just and M'"",,iV' th SUt d"y of Juh'' ' equitable. i t!, court room of said court, us t estate of Sumiiel Mathew, deceased, has filed In the shove entitled court her final account of h.. administration "f sal.l es tate and that the said couit iiaa fixed ms, at he time This summons Is published bv order nt "ul ',Uo f'r rierlti ohj-ilons to the the Hon. Thos. A. Mrftrlde. judge of the fM flnal "'" ""nl Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, and BHI.LK A. SI. EIGHT. Mid order was made and entered on fh( I Admlnit iti Ix le bonl nun of the ISth day of July. 1?05. and the date of the ,"t "f r,,': l-'1 M-ithew. d-cea'.-d. first publication thereof Is Ju- ;t. 1905 "edges i t.rimtli. Attoineys for E;ale. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, within and for Clackamas county. J. M. Robinson. Plaintiff 1 vs. Belle R. A. Robinson. Defendant. To Belle R. A. Robinson, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to be and appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, on Monday, the 4th day of September, A. D. 19'5. and answer the complaint of the plain tiff filed against you and If you fall to so appear the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief mentioned in his complaint, namely, for a decree of di vorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between yourself and the plaintiff. SLWONS. In the Circuit Co' rt of the Sii,. tf Ore gon, for Clacka.aa Count). Georgia Ion, Plaintiff. J. H. Initig. IWemUnt. To J. It. Iing. defendant above named. In the name of the State of Oregon: Von are hereby required to apMar and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or before August 19. l-5, mU ,lay b,.,,,, Mrr thnn six week from the Tth day of July, 135. the date of the first publication of this summons and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apily to the Ceurt for the relief praved for, to wit: For a decree of said couit forever dls solving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the tourt seems Just and equitable. Tl. .. This summons Is published by order of!, " , ",r Puol,c'" Summons - " mitua dv me lion the Honorable Thos. A McRride. Judge of the Circuit Court of the state of Ore gon for Clackamai County, who has ap pointed the said th day of September, 195. as the time for you to appear and answer. The date of the Mint publica tion of this summons Is July z. 1M5. JOHN F. LOGAN. Attorney for Pla!rMfT. Tracy Vanderbrook J. H. Revenue Bert Schoonover W. L. MeCabe S. H. Johnson Thos. Donahue Emmett Donahue Wm. J. Manning C. A. Hudson G. A. Hauglum Fred Cummlng Joe Donahue W. J. Idleman F. I. Snidow P. R. Meinig Gottlieb Muller Oney Clark Thomas Clark Paten Orr Mick McCormlck Fred Keisecker Paul Dunn George Carpenter H. Koch Peter P. Heia D. Carter G. C. Maronay E. Beers F. E. Kopper Chas. Peshall C. L. Idleman G. W. Beers George Keisecker Wallace Manary Walter K. Spiers Tom Hamblln C. E. Edwards C. H. Edwards Byron Edwards Geo. Thompson G. M. Sowers T. H. Jones Henry Keisecker Treasurer' Notice. I now have money to pay County War rants endorsed prior to October 1st, 190J. Interest will cease on such warrants on the date of this notice, Oregon City, Or egon, July :8th. 1905. EN08 CAHILL Treasurer of Clackamas County, Ore. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of John Herbst, deceased. To all unknown helm of John Herbst, deceased, and to all persons Interested in the esta'.. of said John Ilnrbst. de ceased. By order of the above entitled Court you are hereby cited and required to be and appear tfore the above entitled Court at the Court room thereof In the city of Oregon City, County of Clacka mas. on Monday, the 4th day of Septem ber. 195. at the hour of 10 o'cliRk a. m. of said day, then and there to show cause. If any exist., why an order of sale of the real property belonging to the es tate of John Herbst. deceased, should not be made In accordance with the pray er of the petition of Jacob Wind, admin istrator of the estate of said John Herbst. deceased, filed In the above entitled Court on the 7th day of July. 19o5. The said real property belonging to the said estate being described as follows: Lots Seven ) and Eight (S) of Block Seventy-one (71) of Oregon City, Clack amas County. Oregon. Witness the Honorable Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the said County Court of the County of Clackamas. State of Or egon, with the seal of said Court affixed this ISth day of July, 1905. (SeI ) F. W. GREEXMAN. Clerk, Bruce' C. Curry, Attorney for Admlnls-trator. Thomas Mcllilde. Judge of the above en titled court on the Tth day of July, 1905. The date of the first publication of this summons la July 7th. 1905. Date of last publication August 14, lo5. E. MENDENH Al.L and A. R. MEXDEMIAI.L. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. 111 the Circuit Court of the Stat- of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Phllena P.omalne, Plaintiff, 11 William B. Romalne, Defendant. To William B. P.omalne. the aeove nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, on Mon day, the list day of August, 1905, and as swer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled suit, and If you fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief mentioned In her complaint, namely, for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between yourself and the plain tiff. This summons 1 published by the order of the Honorable Tho. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court for Clackamas County, State of Oregon, who has appointed the said 21st day of August. 1905. as the time for you to appear and answer. The date of the first publication of this summons Is July 7th, and the date of the last pub lication Is August IS. ljije, J. F. BOOTH E, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LIQU OR LICENSE. The undersigned will present the fol lowing petition to the Couny Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th day of September, 1905. for a license to sell spirituous, malt, and vinous liquors In less quantities than one gallon, at a saloon at Sandy, in Cas cade Precinct, said county and state for period of one year. H. J. BELLARTS. In the County Court of the State of 1 to said estate, to-wit Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of Margaret Jane Baumann. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has filed in the above entitled court, his final account of his adminis tration of the said estate and that the court has fixed Monday, the 21st day of August, 1905. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day. at the court room of said court In Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to the said final account. A. A. BAUMANN. Administrator of the Estate of Margaret Jane Baumann, Deceased. Hedges Sc Griffith, Attorneys for Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the Estate of Seth Austin. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed Administrator of the above entitl ed estate, will sell at private sale, on Friday, the 25th day of August, A. D 1905. or on any day thereafter, the fol lowing described real property 1 belonging NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under signed administrator ? the estate of Andrew P. Hauglum, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas coun ty. State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator of said estate and that Monday, the 7th day of August, at 10 o'clock a. m., has been appointed by said Court as the time for hearing of ob jections to said report and the settle ment thereof. LEWIS HAUGLUM. Administrator of the estate of Andrew P. Hauglum. deceased. Dated this JOth day of June, 1905. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Grace I. Peterson. Plaintiff, vs. Edwin A. Peterson, Defendant. To Edwin A. Peterson, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: Tou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause, on or before the Id day of September, 1905, said day being more than six weeks from the 7th day of July, 1905, the date of the first publication of this summons, and the time specified In the order for publication hereof. And if you fall SO tO Ann Wot rf mOTICE Is hereby given that certain 'nJ In the Grande Ronde Indian I.,.,.' """a'"'! m Townships 6 and a'.? 0',r v,Un,c"' 7 and w,"t' I" the State of Oregon, will be offered for sale by separate waled bids, which will be received by the register and receiver of the district land otllce at Portland Ore gon, commencing on October 3rd 19i)5 uiih i4S".,nn ntlnulng until October loth 1905. at 11 o'clock a. m.. and no bid WIM be considered that Is not received during the period mentioned. The bids will be opened by the register and re ceiver of the land office mentioned, com mencing at 1 o'clock p. m.. of Tuesday October 10, J905. The- lands will bV Jf, d In accordance with rules and regulations arid a schedule particularly describing the lands to be sold, printed copies of which may be obtained on application to ..... . Bllu receiver or the land of fice named, or upon application to the General Land Otllce. Washington. D. C fr'U i m,i"t be accompanied bv a cer imtoin0 ,or '"'y P-r centum of the amount of such bid. which will be re tained and credited as part payment of the purchase price should the bid be ac cepted and the purchaser pay the remain ing amount due. and furnish evidence of his citizenship, or be forfeited If the bid s accepted and the amount due and ev idence of cltiienshlp are not furnished t"ons " ' the n'l? ani1 r,,ula- J H. FIMPLE. Ea'. HITCHtS C Secretary. Oregon. h this day filed In this otllce hi sworn llment No. 67. for the purchase, of the SK quarter of Section No. S. In Township No. & 8, Range No. 4 K, and will offer proof to liow that t'.m latid sought Is mote valuable for It tim ber or stone titan for agricultural P'ti pose, and to establish III claim to said land before llt-glster and Hwelver, at Portland Laud Office on TtieUy, it 19th day of September, l!oft. He name a witnesses; Frank Itusch, of Oregon Cltv, Oregon. Frank llabelt, of Spilngwater. On-noii. L. A. Nobel of Oregon City, Oregon, Harry Kellogg, of Oregon City, Ot -gon. Any and all person claiming advrtacly the aboVe-decrlbed land are requested to file their claim In this office on or before the said 1Mb. day of rteplutiler, 190.'.. ALGERNON 8. DRLS9r.ll, Iteg'iter, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Portland. uregon, July 7. 1905. Notice is hereby given that In compli ance with the provision of the act of Congress of June i, 1873, entitled "An act for the sale of timber land in the State of California, Oregon, Nerada, and wasnington Territory; appear herein, for want thereof plaintiff . all the Public Land States bv act of will onnk' 4. ,, . ai' VI i me Jounry court 01 me state or j to aia estate, to-wit: I win annli tn th pa1,- tnw -1 . t ,a": 77 V"CT r vi 01 Oregon for the County of Clackamas. An undivided one-half Interest In and ' Travel . lJZ I ' .! AivJ" K- Oregon I ' - ' ' "c -iu- uujr., county 01 l-'iacltama. State of TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK S. 171 Notice for Publication. I'liltcd State l-iid OrtVr. Portland. Oregon, July It It, loj. Notice Is Hereby given Hint In compli ance Willi the provision of the act of Congee of June 1, 1t;i. entitled, "An set for the sale of timber land In the Htates of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terrltoi-y," as extended to all the Public Ijntd States by act of August 4. Din:. Miss May Moran of Heallle. i ouuty of King. Bute of Washington, ha thl day filed lii this oltlce her sworn statement No. 80S", for the purchase of the N'W.' of Section No. . In Town--hlli No. i Houth, Range 4 East, and will offer pioof to show that the land sought Is more xaluable for It timber or tone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish Iter iluliii to said land before R.gtster and Receiver. t Portland, Ore g"ii on Wednesday, ibo Mth day of Sep tember. 1!')5. .v'hf names as wltuessfs: James Coirlgitii. f EaUcadt. Oregon. Cha. I.. Ferry, of Kstacada. Oregon. Clyde Ftriy, of Kslaeada, Oregon It. Muc, of Kstacada. Uregon Any and ail persons claiming adversely the abox e-dcsciilied land are requested U l.e IVl! claims In thl office on or befee sjM 7''h day of 8eptemler. .1905, ALGERNON 8 Ir.i;Hf.:i lt.gi.ter. TIMBER LANO, ACT JUNK 3. 1s7l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Fnlted State I.nd Gift,-, Portland. Oregon. July 7th. Jol. Notice I hereby given that In compll nce with the provision of the act of Congress of June S. 1S7J. entitled "An act for the sale of timber land In the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." a extended to alt the Public Ijind State by ct of August 4. IJ. John M. Mann, of Port land, county of Multnomah. State of Oregon, ha this day filed In thl oITIc hi sworn statement No. 65h5. for the purchase of the Nl, of 8Wi of Section No. 11 In Township No. ! South. Range S East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for It timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, the Hth day of September. 1905, He nam- as witnesses: B. V. Tapp. of Flrwood. Oregon. Clarke Shunk, of Sandy, Oregon Edward Revenue, of Sandy, Oregon. Theodore Revenue, of Flrwood. Oregon i Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested i mo mr-ir claims in mis omc on or bef.ir said llth day of 8-plrniler, J9'il, ALGERNON 8 DRESSER. Register, TIMBER LANO. ACT JUNE 3. IITg Notlc for Publication. t'nlted States Ijirid Office. Portland, Oregon. July .. jouj. Notice Is hereby given that In eomnll. ance with the provision of the act of Congress of June 3. HTH, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber land In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all the Public tMnl State by act of August I. 1x9:, Miss Carrie Reed, of Seat tie. county of King. State of Washington, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. 65xS. for the purchase of the S.W.i. of Section No. g. In Township No. 5 South. Range No. 4 E.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland. Or egon, on Wednesday, the loth day of September, 1905. She names as witnesses: James Corrlgan. of Estacadu. Oregon. Chas. L. Ferry, of Estaeada, Oregon. Clyde Ferry, of Estaeada, Oregon. H. Wallace, of Estaeada, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-dcacrlbed land are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 20th day of September. 1905. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Register. Thousands Hare Kidney ; Trouble and Ne.er Suspect ft MOW TO rind Oat. . l'lll tHtU or common unH. - water and let it gland twenty. four !,... . sediment or et. liliiKlndirtein unhealthy c, tlitioiiof tlte kitt ?) ; il ititaiiu your linen jt j, evidence of kid. ley trouble; too iremient dei,. 7 Pallor bait, me pai-g also coiivitu liiK proof that the klducyi and tiluddcr are mt of order. What To Do. There l comfort in the knowledge to often rxprrsscd, that Dr, Ktltiicr'i Swamp-Root, the Brent kidney renied. fulfills) every wish in curina rhrumatUni' win in the Wk, kidney, liver, Madder and every jwrt of the urinary tamKfl It correct inability to hold water and waltling win in wsini( it, or Ui ellecU following ue of liquor, wine or licrr, and overcome that unpleasant tie cessity of Mn( compiled to go odea tlurtnjt the iUv, and to Kt up ttinny tunc (Linux the nlghl. The mild the extraordinary riled of 5wamp-Koot is soon realized. It stand the hiKlirt for it wonderful cure of the uiot li. trrssitiK caw. If you need a inrdiciu you shmild have the Ix-st. Sold by drug, gist in fifty-cent and otic-dolUr n,. You may have a sample bottle and ttook that tell all alsmt it.lKdhwiitffcc bv mail. Address Or. ktluicr & Co.. Mini?. Imtulon, N. V, When writing mention this make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr, Kilmer' Swamp-Rout, uj the addre, lliiilimloii, N. V. fcMf Mefta. pIcr and don't UPPER WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. AlIM, INOKPfNOfNCI, ALBANY, C0RVALU9 AND WAY LANDING. Leave Portland t:i a. m. dally (eiest Hundny) f.ir Halem and way point Iv Portland Ml Tuesday, Thursday and Hatunlny for Independence, Al bany and Conalll, stage of ( permitting DAILY RIVER EXCURSIONS 0 OREGON CITY BOATS TIMI CASIO Week 0y a m p n JIM IN p. tn. p m 1M I H ROUND TRIP ic Ticket en. -hanged lih O, W. ! a Rf, I-ave Portland I 00 . Ml. lave Oregon City., 10:00 SPCCIAL Sunday Excursions ROUNO TRIP lie Leave Portland Leave or. City in :30 a.m. a.m p.m. s IM 11 JO 1:10 IM a m. am, pin pin p ni. 10:00 11:M 1:J0 IM :J0 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. Notlc For Publication. t'nlted State Land Office, Portland, Oregon, July 7, 1905. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance with th provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber ln,1. in .1,. State of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. JS92. Jame. Corrlgan. of Es taeada, county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office hi sworn tatement No. 6681, for the purchase of the NE quarter of Section No. 8, In Township No. 6 South, Itange No. 4 East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to ald land before the Register and Re ceiver at Portland. Oregon, on Monday, the 18th day of September, 1905. He names a wltnesse: Charles Kerry, of Etacada, Oregon William Cunningham, of Estaeada, Ore gon. Frank Davidson, of Portion,! r Otto Kramer, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons clalmln hv.,... 1 ly the above-described ed to file their claim In this office on o. oeiore tne isth day f September. 1 'if, ALGERNON. 8. DRESSER. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO. 0nc and Dock: root Taylor Street Phen M.ln 40. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains tmXfl!cd Service from th West to the East and South. Mtklng closo connection with trains of ail trans continental line, passengers are firm their choice of routes to Chicago, Uwl vllle, Memphis and New Oilcans, and through these point to the far East. Prospective traveler desiring Informa tion n to the lowest rates are Invited te correspond with the following repre"- tattvea: II. H. TRl'MULTX, Commercial Agent, 113 Third Street, Portland .Oregon. J. C. M NOSEY, Trav. Passenger Agent. H2 Third Street. Portland, Oregon. PAUL H. THOMPSON, Passenger AgenL Colman Rulldlng. Seattle, Wh. OREOON CITY MARKET REPORT. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 0e to 90o per bushel. Flour Valley, Jt.6 ped bbl. Hani wheat 15.15. Portland. 81.25 per sack Howard'! Rest, tl.25 per sack. Oal In sack. 11.87 1-2 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled I14I1S per ton; clover. 12 to ij; 0t, 1J to tl; muuxl hay, III to til; cheat, 81 to 114. Millstuffs Rran, 121 per ton; hort I2J.0O per ton; chop 820 per ton; barley, rolled 128 per ton. Cabbage. 35e per do. Onions 3c per pound. Potatoes new. 4c pound. Peas-'Jc pound. Turnips, Carrots (Oo dog bunches. String Beans te pound. Raspberries 7c box. Eggs Oregon, 20cflf22 per dm, market strong. Butter Ranch. 30 to 40; separotor and creamery, 40 to 45. Good Apples 31 to 31.25 Honey 11 to 12Ho per pound. Prunes (dried) Petite, So per lb; Ital ian, large, 60 per lb; medium, 3V4c; Silver 4M,c. Dried Apples Sun dried, quartered. o pound; sliced, c; fancy blesched, 7He. Dressed Chicken 120 per lb. Livestock and Drsed Meats Bf. live 82.00 to 82S0 per hundred. Hof" live, 60; hog dressed. 1 cent; heep. $2.00 to 32.60 per head; dressed 6c;.vel dressed, 5 to 6c; lambs live, $1.75 to 82.00 per head. Bean th Thl Kind You Haw Alwari toflU 1 Register. !