OREGON" CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 190-5 T1BANK OF OREGON CITY Will oo Monday, Jaly 3 1 it, J 905 OPEN A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION WITH ITS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS This department is intended primarily to assist persons of small income to begin systematic saving. An account can be opened with a dollar and can be added to as the money can be spared. Be wise and begin now to accumulate a fund for the rainy day which is sure to come. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT GROWS WHILE YOU SLEEP. NEW TO-DAY o MON&Y TO LOAN AT AND 7 per cent Firm security. U'Rn t Bchubol. MOItTOAOE LOANH NEGOTIATED at lowml rti. Latouretu'f oITlce, Commwclal Ilnk Hulldlpi, Oregon City. Personal Mention V, H. IjiI)iiiiIi, of Mi-Mlniivlllu, wta In I hi' lily Hnturcluy. Mr. mill Mm. Kkh Miipln hnvi- kuiip to Tln Inlli tm K vlHlt. Mr. nmt Mm. N. It. l.imk hnv until (i, Sun Krum-lwu fur n IkII. Mr. ninl Mm. I'linn, Nitlilftt, nf NVnly, Wimp In tit rity lnl Kililiiy. Alloiiiiy Krntiklln T. (Irimth hud bind Urn nt H.ili'in limt Tliuindiiy, Mm. KiHnri.in n.ith. of Cimby, vua In tli lily Mumluy on ImihIiu-hh, Mr. nml Mm. 1.. Muultuii huv return --d from n vtull In YhiiiIiIII roiinty. Jurofo (Iwlwr. a luiMiiliii-iil fiuini-r nf IiKun, wit m tn city limt KrMiiy, MInh Joiinl.. I,ti, of 1't.orla, Illlnola, la I hi giirnt of Mra. fVX-r Mrliityrr-, Mra, It. II. Montagu, of Albany, la the Ktimt ut Mr, anil Mra. J. W. Mr. Mr. nml Mra. C. N. Walt, of Catiby, wit Oregon rily vlaltor Wrdnrmliiy. II, J. Hi-Hurt, pioprliior of the Bnmly Hotel, wna In tin lily on biiKlm-aa Mon day. Hon. Iliitia 1'milnen, of f -r K'-. wna a liimlni-aa vlallor to Oregon City lual "ti- iy. ( ' , Mla Nellie Cnnfliiil Iiiik gone for a vlxlt wllli frlemla at Seattle ami Hrlllng Iiiiiii. . i;. I.. Mepurlmul waa at Albany Hun ilny where he nttelwtetl the funeral of a rolinln. Mra. Mar)' Heotucnn, of Portland, hua been vlaltlng her duualiier, Mm, U. A. Hlelaht. Mr, and Mr. Otto F. Olami and child ren have Kniie to Newport to Hpend the Hiinuiier. Mr. and Mm. J, II. Vermin, of Molalla, wei the clients Hiindn of friend in lhl lily, John ' A. fliroitmrw-n and 'J. J. Jonea, of Pulton, were In the city Tuemliiy on blllllllfNH, Mr. and Mr. B. K. ltiodle huve return ed from their honeymoon trl to liiitlah t'oltimhltt. Rev. and Mia. Wm, Htover, of Tarnma, art vlaltlng with Mm. glover'a relallve In (hi ity. Aniilo Morelond, of Woodburn, la vla ltlng hla mother, Mi. M. J, Moreland at The CiittHgH. , , s , , , , Mr, (t, Jt,, ltDblrim.n, tif Chlno, Calif., la aiiendlii. the aiimmer with relative In Oregon City. . W. A, I'roctor, a nierclmtit of C'ottrHI, thl fonnly, wii un Oregon City bualne vlaliur, MonIuy. Mr. John Olenaon and duughter, Mia Aiieltu, are apendlng (wo week at St. Miirtln' flpiinga. Mia Myra Hlxby, of Mel'heraon. Kun mi a, la a gueat at the home of C, Hiiiue bel, In thla city, L. E. Jonea and Curl Church have re turned from a nhlng trip on tho upper (iiu'kurriiia river, Mr. Jamea Hlmw, of Chlcngo, a former Oregon (M(y girl, him been vlaltlng with friend In thl city, Mr, and Mr, Carl Church have return ed to Walla Wallo after a vlalt with rel ative at Oregon City. Mr. and Mr. C. W. Kelly and family left thla week for Wllholt where they will upend the Hummer. MIh Carrie (Jleaaon, of Hulem, wa the gueat thl week of her nephew, City Recorder W. A. Dlml'k. Mlaa Minnie Uulnn, of Wallu Walla, la vlaltlng In Oregon City, the gueat of her coualn, Mlaa Ethel (ireen. MIh Kleanor Hrennon, of Deadhum. Muaaiichuaetta. I vlHltlng her futlir, Thomua Hrennon In thla city. ' Mr. I t.-.oi a Smith, of Iam Angelel, Callfoiiiln, waa thla week the gueat of her roualn, Mr, ij. L, Porter. Mr. and Mm. A. W, Horn have return ed to fort Warden, Waahlngton, after a vlalt wllh rein Uvea In thla city. , Mra, F. D. Bheiman and children, of New York, are vlaltlng at the parental home of Mr, and Mra. K. J. Daulton. Mlaaea Kthel Cheney and Heaale Kium have returned to McMlnnvllle after apend Ing Hunduy with relutlve In thla city. City Attorney and Mra. Franklin T. (iiiftlth have gone to. Ban Franclaco for a vlalt at the old home of Mr. Griffith. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Thronaon. of lA (irande anil Miaa Roae Fout. of Dayton, have b,-en vlaltlng with friend In thla city. MIh Rebecca Arney, of Colombo. O., mid Mlaa Derby, of McMlnnvllle, have, been vlaltlng Mlaa Flora Walker in this city. Mlaae Muyma Orave. of Dalian, and Ituiae Maloney, of McMlnnvllle have been vlaitlrig Mlaa Ethel Oravea In thla city. ' Mr. and Mra. F. F. Porter, of Oukland. California, are gueata at the home of Mr. Porter' brother, I.. U Porter, In thl city. Mra. Chua. Lynch and duughter. who have been vlaltlng relatives In thla city, have gone to Beattle to continue their vlalt. ' Mr. and Mra. C. K. Martin and child ren, of Whlttler, California, are vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. K. K. Harrington at Glad alone, " Duvld N. MoaeHHohn, of Portlund, tn chargoof the Chamber of Commerce Hul letln, wa a biiMtnea vlaltor to thl city Wedrieaday. ".Mrs. K. A. I'lUllipa, ' accompanied by Mr. R. K. Trlnkleboc, 1m gone to Col iimblu City, Oregon, for the benefit of her health. Mr. and Mr. It. R, Alldredge, of Hood River, arrived Hundny evening to vllt hi mother, Orandma Alldredge, who I diiugeroualy III. Wm. Oreen. of thiit city, left thl week for Aberdeen, Waahlngton, where hi brother, Joe, I lying critically III of blood polaonlng. Mr. and Mra. Wig, of Kanaa. are vlaltlng ut the home of their son, W. A. Long, They will apend about three month In Oregon. Mr. K, P. lierdlne, of Independence, visited this week with her mother, Mr. lievena, and her slater, Mr. Krneat Mas at Willamette. Mlaa Kather Heck, of The Dalle, arid Mia Delia, Young, of Bt. Johns, were the gueata of Mia Grace Marshall the latter part of last week. Gordon Moore ha returned to flalem after being encamped with hi parents at Gladstone Park during the recent Chautauqua session. MIh Florence Grace has returned from a vlalt at Chehalls, accompanied by Miss Fay Fitch, who will bo Mlaa Orece'S gueat for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Jacobs have return ed to their home at Bt. Johns, Washing ton, after vlaltlng at the home of their coualn, W. I,. Little. Mr. and Mra. M. D. Hpangler, of Oak land, California, were the guests the first of the week of Mr. Hpang'c'a sis ter, Mr, h. L. Porter. Emery Dye has returned from Oberlln 1'nlverslty and will spend the summer viallltig with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dye of this city. ' Iee Caufleld ha gone to the Cour d' Alene Indian Reservation In Northern Idaho .to join a surveying party In charge of II. A. Han da, of this city. Mr. John Simpson and Mrs. Scobert and daughter Ztima, of Eugene,, have been vlaltlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bhaw, In thla city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor, who have been vlaltlng Mr. Taylor's sister, Mrs. .V. W. Randall, In this city, have re turned to their home at Seattle. , Prof. II. T. Adam has been re-engaged as principal of the Oswego schools. a capacity In which he has served the school for eleven consecutive terms. Mrs. T. F. Ryan, of thl city, grand matron of the Order of the Eastern 8tar for Oregon, was the guest of honor at a banquet at Portland Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Humphry's, of As toria, visited with Oregon City relatives the latter part of laat week being en route home from a vlalt at Cottage Grove. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Meredith and Mr. and Mrs. II. Frank Meredith and daugh ter, Jeanette, have returned to Salem after attending the Chautauqua sessions. Mr. and Mm. O. A. Thomas left Thurs day evening for Oregon City to attend !L...J!lJJUJ ChautaiMiua at GladHtone park, and will alao visit at the Fair. Giants Pass Ob server. Traftoti Dye, W. B. Btilvely Jr., and Prof, Back, a member of the Pacific University, Forest Grove, faculty, have) gone to Tillamook to spend a two weeks' outing. Miss Florence McCullough, of Ban Jose. California, was this week the guest of MIh Delia Qulnn. Miss McCullough will leave for her California home tomorrow evening, Mlsse pope, Harding, Draper, Pratt and McBtide were among the Oregon City people who attended the Berriun Pllabury wedding at Portland Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Williams, of Denlson, Texas, Is a guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wilson, In this city. Mrs. "Williams Is the mother of E. E. Williams, a former merchant In this city. Mrs. E, H. Talbert, of Jacarllla, New Mexico, and Mrs. Roy C. Hardin and daughter, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hiram E. Straight at Oregon City. Dr, Harvey Hickman, who was in charge of Dr. Carll's office during the absence of the latter, last week, has gone to Portland and will be In charge of Dr. Caples' office for two weeks. Wm. Myers, the genial young assist ant at Howell Jones' drug store, left the first of the week for Coos Bay and other Southern Oregon and California points expecting to be gone several weeks. Miss Evelyn Hurley, of Portland, who wa recently elected to a place in the faculty of the Willamette University Conservatory of Music, at Salem, was the guest Sunday of Mrs. Kathryn Ward Pope In thl city. Mrs. George A. Hamilton, who has been at Dawson City, for a number of years, ha returned to her home at Parkplace. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Myers, of Co burg, were visitors to Chautauqua the latter part of last week. Mrs. Frank Brownson and youngest son, of Lincoln, Nebraska, arrived in Or egon City Saturday to visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Old and oth er relatives for a few weeks. She Will also spend some time at the Fair. Miss Florence Westover, of Seattle, who has been attending the Chautauqua and visiting Mrs. G. W. Grace In this city, has gone to Los Angeles to visit her brothers, J. H. and R. L, Westover, who formerly resided In this city. Mart Spangler and wife and Miss Lulu Spangler returned from the coast TueS' day. Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bpang ler left for Salem, from where, after a short visit, they go to Oregon City. Next Tuesday they will leave for their home In Oakland, California. Corvallls Ga zette. Drs. Beatle A Beatle, Dentists, Rooms 18, 17 18, Welnhard Building. Paint: paint! paint! and get It at Char- man & Co.'s, their price are always Just right. Business or v Pleasure Do you use the same paper for the note of condolence and the letter to your lawyer ? There's a right style of paper for every purpose. It's good style and good taste, and good in every way if made by the famous Eaton-Hurlbut Paper Company Come in and let us show you our assortment of Two tone and Highland Linen writing papers. HUNTLEY BROS. CO. Druggists and Stationers CHAUTAUQUA SESSION AT AN END. Management Will Be Able to Meet All Obligations. With Sunday's services the annual meeting of the Willamette Valley Chau tauqua Association at Gladstone was ended. While the attendance was not up to that of last year, the Interest was good and It Is believed the receipts of the Assembly will be ample to meet all of the obligations assumed In connec tion with this year's meeting. The lectures and sermon by Dr. Gun saulus, of Chicago, were among the most brilliant of the session. Dr. Gunsaulua together with Dr. Quayle proved the main attractions at this year's meeting. The success of this year's session, un der the many unfavorable conditions, consisting of numerous counter-attrac-tlona with which the management had to contend. Insures the giving of another meeting next year when it ts expected conditions will be better for the success of the enterprise in a financial way. Embroidery A dantii muIo of BwIhh and Nalnxoiik Embmlil crli'M, EiIkIiirn and In siTthmH. Tli-Kular I2e to 2!ie valine, yard J)e yard. t Specials tn Ribbons Here are the ribbons moat In clt- nintnl at prlcp you'd expect to pay 4 for thu sort that art) away out of f dato. Z Satin Taffeta ribbon in all the tk- titrable hIihiIch. jut yard J He T Colored Taffeta ribbon In all the Muslins 20u0 yards of SS In. bleach tl muslin, regular 10c quality not over 10 yards to a customer, at' c OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE. Men's Sweaters Our entire stock of Sweat ers at one-third less than regular prices. All colors and sizes Each ,-A)c to $3 75 Men's Negligee Shirts Men's shirts with attach ed cuffs and collar, plain and fancy stripes, reg ular $1 value, only in sizes 14 and 15.. 65c t A FEW OF THE MANY EXTRAORDINARY SPECIALS YOU WILL FIND AT OUR A Hosiery Clearance latent shades, per yard 4 Wrappers Our entire stock of Wrappers lias X been divided Into two lots, $1, to i values will be cloned out at Hflo and SI lit 4 t THIS "CRACKER JACK" SALE COMMENCES NEXT MONDAY MORNING, JULY 3 J ST. For women and children, pair t2Yzc Hosiery underpriced.. There are enough to interest almost anyone, whether in need of hosiery or not. Buy now for future needs, such bar gains will not come again soon. All fast black colors. , z Boys Waists "Mother's Friend," belt style, regular 35c and 50c grade 28c Regular 3c grade 49c Cambric Gowns A large assortment of Ia diea' Night Gowns, neat ly trimmed with lace or embroidery. Regular $1.25 values at, each M)a Ladies' Collars t turnover Collars Linen at .10 4 Embroidered turn-over col- la" 2.o made drawn work 2 Hand 2 Collars Ifta ' .., L ,,, Lace Appliqua Seventy-five patterns have 2 been . divided into two lots. Regular 10c to 35c 0 values at yard ,"c and )o Summer Waists y While they last we offer 10 dozen summer waists In Lawns, Percales and Oxfords at, each.. JJtfc 2 Girl's Stockings, 3 colors, 2 black, blue or pink now l;o Lace Stockings Ladies Hosiery Ladloa Lisle Thread Hose, t til n In ri irn roffll1llP 95c and 40c now..fJo Bathing Suits Plain colors, well made 150 Boys' Tights ..'5c Belts Just received, a late ship ment of latest Btyle belts wash linen and Pique, plain or embroidered. Each Wide and narrow silk belts all colors, each... 50 The buckles are worth more than we ask for the entire belt. Corsets About 75 pairs of odd siz es to be disposed of, re gardless of cost, per pair 29c Kid Gloves On Tuesday we will sell our $1 and $1.25 gloves at 8c Wash Skirts Three dozen white Pique skirts, latest styles, Reg ular value $2.25. At each j$t 30 Straw Hats All our Men's and Boys' 25c and 35c straw and crash Hats, now .. )c The greatest money saying event ever known to Oregon City buyers. Supposing It rains Mon day, you'll come to this tale, of course. Nothing short of a cloud-burst should keep you away. Come no matter what the weather conditions. Odd Sizes and Broken Lots Sale Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Shoes The large sales of the past three months have greatly decimated many lines of men's and boys' clothing, furnishing goods and hats. Tothese assortments of odd sizes and broken lots have been added several large special purchases, all of which will be placed on sale this week at prices so ridiculously low as to insure their clearance before next Saturday night. The clothing is alt new and most desirable Spring and Summer patterns and styles. Even If you have already bought a Summer suit, you will want another when you see these beauties $15 worth for $8.90. It is the time to buy the boy's vacation suit fully one-third off now, and we are sure to have his size in one or another of the numerous offerings. The hats and furnishing goods are equally desirable bargains. Read on: $10.00 to $17.50 Suits for $8.90 Your universal choice of many hundreds of men's suits, worth $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50 each, Irrespective of cost and value, beginning Monday and during this sale. $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 $8.90 These suits are the balance of a very large purchase, Spring and Summer goods, made of strict ly All-Wool Worsteds, Tweeds and Vicunas. Cut In the most fashionable patterns, broad shoul dered and shape Retaining fronts; new nobby striped effects, overplalds, checks and mixtures. Sonie double-breasted coats among them; not a suit In the lot but what is good value at $10.00 dozens upon dozens of them' worth $15.00 and $17.50; choice Monday and during this sale EIGHT DOLLARS AND NINETY CENTS. YOUTH'S SUITS $4.65. All Wool and odd lots left over from the Spring business for young men from 13 to 19 years of age; Blue Cheviots, nobby stripes in blue and green, regular $6.50 values Monday and during this sale $4.65. k Infants' Soft-Soled Shoes About 150 pairs, all sizes and colors JJc Men's Half Hose Plain black Lisle.... lc in plain black or Handkerchiefs About 500 Ladies' Hand kerchiefs some slightly soiled, at each .... 5 Men's Fine Cambric Hand kerchiefs, wide and nar row hems 12'2C t Fancy Tan 20c Fast black, seamless, fine gauze, regular 20c val ues, now lS'aC Men's Neckwear All silk, fancy figured re versibles, four-in-hand Ties 23c Fancy Shirts Men's Shirts with cuffs at tached, regular $1 grade now G5C Men's Felt Hats Regular $1.85, $2.00 and $2.50 light color stylish hats for $1 35 Turkish Bath Towels A" large lot of double thread Turkish bath towels, extra large size Each Ige Toilet Articles Cocoanut oil soap, cake 2c Cologne Boquet, " 10c Ivory Soap " .4c Snowberry Soap " 4c Castile Soap " 2c Williams Shaving Soap 3c Red "M" scouring soap 3c Castile Soap, per bar 15c Florida Water, M. & L. 18c Swan Down Face Powder 5c Talcum Powder 8c Tooth brushes, 25c value 10c Graphophones If you want one free of charge, ask for tickets whe making your pur chases. Pocket Knives Men's pocket knives, steel in blade, guaranteed to be equal to any made, no matter what price Each '.i.... 25o