Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 28, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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; th while the family we. preparing to Kveryono Is cordially Invited to attend
"V 'a f , lllko- llllll to the hoat.lta). lt mil lh lno.il ..,..ll .1,1. 1.M.I,.,. ll,i ,i
, Keen conllned to his bod. 11 left wife . "Urey llablcs" the residence of J. M.
I Warnock. No admission will le chaiscd,
Out Corespondents' Corner ?
un1 two Hon.
Brief Iti of Gossip From All Parts of the County.
fcew their work. We will furnish all
necessary stationery. The newa from
your neighborhood should appear in
these columns every week.
Hay is In and farmers are happy.
Mr. Brown, of Lebanon Is again vis
iting In these parts.
W. P. Brown and his father went to
Casadero Monday to e the great en
terprise of Clackamas County.
We are all going to the Epworth
League lawn social at Viola Saturday
evening, July 29. Come with us and help
eat the Ice cream and cake.
As July has five Sundays, Rev. ration
will preach at Redland and Viola July
30. Rev. William Warren of Portland
will preach at Eagle Creek at $ p. m.
and Rev. V. S. Runyan 11 a. m. at Dov
Cured Brlght'a Disease.
Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills,
Lawrence Co., N. T.. writes: "I had kid
ney disease for many years and had been
treated by physicians for twelve years:
had taken a well known kidney medicine
and other remedies that were recom
mended but got no relief until I began
using Foley's Kidney Cure, The first
half bottle relieved me and four bottles
have cured me of this terrible disease.
Before I began taking Foley's Kidney
Cure I had to make water about every
fifteen minutes day and night, and passed
a brick-dust substance, and sometimes I
a slimy substance. I believe I would have
died It I had not taken Foley's Kidney
Cure," Huntley Bros. Co.
.... . , . ,
two weeks, hence thev will
leave for San Francisco where Miss Kin
lty Is a trained nurse In one of the Snn
Francisco hospitals.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Jones went to the
! Chautauqua Saturday to hear the mv.t
I orator Dr. Gunaaulus.
Mrs. Martinson, Mr, Robert Clark's
sister, left for Nebraska Inst Saturday.
arter a pleasant four weeks' visit with
her brother and family.
Mr. Robt. Clark and family went to
camp meeting and In coming home down
a steep grade Ijidy Jennet took a notion
to fly her heels over the tongue of his
rig nearly causing trouble thereby.
Richard Dundas came Just In time to
save the disaster. I.ady Jennet can't
go to campmeeting any more for causing
such excitement. Young ladles don't like
to Jump out of rigs in such haste.
Hay Is all put away in our burg and we
can hear the rattle of the binder these
Mrs, Durham and Anna Schata drove
";to Sheridan and visited relatives a num
ber of days, a couple of weeks ago,
Mr. Candlt has bought a farm up the
valley and will move on to It In October.
Thirty Beautiful Half-Tons Vltws of
Clatsop Beach Scenery Frt.
The Astoria & Columbia River Rail
road Company has Issued a Souvenir of
Clatsop Beach containing SO elaborate
half-tones of the principal points of In
terest between Portland and Seaside,
which will be mailed on application to
C. A. Stewart. Agent, 24S Alder Street,
Portland, or J. C,
toria, Oregon.
Mayo, 0. P, A.. As-
A Good Complexion Must Corns From
it is tne natural desire of every ambl
tlons woman to have a clear skin and a
beautiful complexion. Outward appllea
tlons of powders can never do more than
partially cover up a poor complexion and
la apt to ruin the texture of th skin If
used persistently. Constipation Is respon
sioie tor not only the greater part of
neauacnea. biliousness, bad breath, tor
pid liver, backache and lack of anew
but for sallow, muddy complexion as well
The right way to remove plmplea, and
blotches and clear up a muddy, cloudy
complexion Is to go right to the root of
uie trouble. The one remedy that will
cure constipation. Improve the comolex
Ion, brighten the eyes, quicken the circu
lation, cure sick headache and insure a
wear, velvety skin Is Laxikola Tonlo Tab
oo mat mere may be no chance for
disappointment, and to protect both you
ana tne druggist, we have agreed to re
-. . ... .
.ui.u mo mil retail price Of cents to
Huntley Bros Co. by issuing a Guarantee
Contract authorising them to pay back
your money If the remedy does not ben
efit you as claimed.
Billy Hummel Is going to start hla
wood saw this week. Quite a few are
getting a little wood so Billy will have
something to do.
At last Canby has found s team that
they can't beat. The Maroons of Port
land did not give them a score.
Mr. R. Cochran la home again from
Portland. His family and Mr. Faulkner
. find W t f a ra Mln , - V. . i .
Mr. C. Molson and daughters. May and , " " '""""'
NEEDY. .,.
Quite a crowd from Needy attended
campmeeting at New Era Sunday.
Miss Beatrice Ritter is staying with
Mrs. S, Miller at Aurora, this week.
Lillian, went to Portland Sunday to see
Mrs. Molson who is In the hospital and
we are glad to report that she Is Im
proving and will soon return home.
Mrs, Rankin snd children of Portland
are the guests of Mrs. C. Molsen and
Mrs. Daisy Ogle snd son Guy of Can
by, are spending the week wit Mrs.
C. Noblett
Miss Zoe Fish, who has been visiting
Silverton the past week, has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith went to the
metropolis Monday to spend a few days.
Dry Land Base Ball players will play
the Oak Grove team Sunday.
Albert Grlbble is around again and it
won't be long before he can walk again.
Very near all the Dutch left here Sat
urday to go to the Fair. The Dutch
have four days to celebrate. Beer, beer,
glorious beer! How many Dutch men will
there be there.
Tou can hear the click of the reaper
around here. Wheat Is being cut. and
oats next.
Logan Wolfer and Al. Wing have sold
out at Newberg. They have bought a
livery stable at Portland.
but refreshment will be served and a
splendid musical program will be a fra-
tnre of the evening.
Harvest Is here and the rartner are
happy over the prospects.
Mis. M. II, Thornton Is a guest at
"Rose Farm."
The proceeds of the lawn social Friday
night will be used to brautll'v the Mt.
Pleasant school grounds.
Ml. I'leasaiit will have a splendid grain
exhibit at the Lewis and I'lurk Fair
Mr. Wallace Williams has returned to
North Yaktnm.
Several Mt. 1'basant parties will have
BiMin for the coast.
Mr, Howard has hi in w liouie almost
Andrew Inner has bought Mr. Shnw's
farm near here.
Mr. Churchill and family are very well
pleased with their lo w home,
Haying la nhoiit over- In this vicinity
and some grain Is being cut.
'has. toyninn Is at home for a few
Claiviue Mullatt ha purchased hlui a
new horse.
Mr. Davis, who lost a horse on the
4th found It dead a few day ago In
Hie creek.
Fred ami Agnea Woodslde and Mr.
Parnall called on Miss Mulvan.y Sim-
day afternoon.
Mis. Ida l.Mlg.. who has been III of
neuralgia of the brain Is slowly improv
ing under the can. of Dr. M f. Huh k-
A nuinlr from here attended camp
meeting at New Era lust Sunday and re.
IMirt that It la much better than last
Weather Is wanner than usual, Seveial
me rolling sit a lit.
Miss Klsn Hubbard of this vicinity has
passed away, to the land whete there'll
be no more death. She was a beloved
friend of many people of Mantuam. We
all extend our sympathy to the family,
Klsa wa lit year old when she passed
to rest.
Mrs. Ilert Barrett Is staying al Mis
M. K, Mantuam' sewing for her mid
helping set leady to go to the Fair.
Miss Maggie Albright of Portland has
returned home from Mantuam. as a j
friend of tiers la leaving Portland,
Mia. M. J. Stock well has coins back
to Maiiiiam for a few weeks' visit with
friends afld relatives.
Miss Maggie Albright. Miss Jewell and
IMly M..iiiihiu. visited the two Albilgtu
futilities last Week. ,
All Ire cream social will be given by
the Artisan July ?th.
Ice cream ami cake will be seivcd at
Mrs. Hklrvlns July Milt, by the ladle'
Aid. ,
licit Cairctt wn seen In our Ih-is.
Mr. John I laugh, of Hcolta Mills, l
spending the week at Soda Soling.
Mis. Mlianila F.ngh spent Sunday with
Mis. Ann Hidings.
Miss IMly Mantuam was ci sli k
Monday, with what was said to be mil
iaria. Several otheis have had the same
... ... , ii.-hlley hi,,,,,.,
are visiimg at aiiuiimni
Mrs, Jess I 'Mile's slater fn .
' "-' v Mill tain
Ou-goti. Many sympMthi., win
Otitllhl.J Mil fill Mini ..... ''Flit I
' her ,i
vuttNs .uiu acuvc ncaun io naic, sickly childrcn0
. . v And it is good for their elders, too.
, , Ask your druggist for it.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W, 34th 8t,,
New York, at on time had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years,
but nothing would cure It, until I used
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, bums and sores.
Z5 cents at Howell & Jonea drug store.
Gregory expects to cut teasles
Misses Kate Jones. Edna Irish and
Cora Jagger called on Mrs. John Weis
mandtle Sunday.
Iva Irish has returned home from Ore
gon City.
Raplh Howard has gone to Macks
burg to work for his uncle. C. G. Morris
a few days.
Campmeeting was O. K. Sunday.
John Mulvaney was the guest of Delia
White Sunday.
Mr. McLoey has returned to his home
at Hood River.
Mibs Emma Inskeep spent a few days
In Portland last week.
Mrs. Jagger Is improving.
Mrs. Vanderahe is also getting better.
Lew Buckner and Ralph Howard went
to Portland Sunday, but they failed to
see the Fair.
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravages of consumption, the "white
plague" that claims so many victims each
year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs and colds perfectly and you are
In no danger of consumption. Do not
risk your health by taking some unknown
preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar
Is safe and certain In results. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon
having it. Huntley Bros. Co.
IFkabj-k IB
Grestly In Demand.
Nothing la more in demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
are just what you need to cure stomach
and'liver troubles. Try them. At How
ell & Jones' drug store, 25 cents, guaranteed.
Everybody is busy cutting grain In this
Mrs. 8. Ernst, who has been visiting
her parents, has returned to her home in
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hornshuh of San Fran
cisco, have been visiting the former's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshoh.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moehnke spent
Sunday with relatives at Clarkes.
Mrs. Massinger called on Mrs. E. F.
Ginther one day last week.
Rev. W. If. Wettlaufer preached an
Interesting sermon in the Evangelical
church Sunday.
Arnold and Leonard Wenger have re
turned to their home in Salem.
A fire broke out at Bill Moehnke's
Monday, but was put out before much
damage was done.
Chautauqua being over even-body is
at home again and things going along
as usual.
Mrs. Geo. Hamilton and three sons re
turned from Alaska a few days aa-o.
where they have been for over a year.
Mr. Hamilton remained in Alaska to at
tend to his mining business.
Mr. Purcell has been ill for some time
with appendicitis, but is now slowly Im
The friends of W. E. Johnson will be
sorry to learn that he did not arrive In
time to see his mother alive. She died
the day after they started from here.
but as he telegraDhed ahead ihni h.
was on the way they kept the remains
until he arrived. Mrs. Johnson found
her mother a little better, but no hopes
of her recovery. Mr. Johnson went to
Romulus, Michigan and Mrs. Johnson to
Williamsburg. Michigan.
After two weeks' vacation for Chau
tauqua, there will be church and Sunday
school at the usual hours.
Mrs. Ixtttie Brown has been enter
taining her niece. Mrs. Brown from Dal
las, Oregon and Mrs. Dr. Garner from
Lancing, Mich.
Mrs. Foster and daughter from Okla
homa, have been vlaiting with Mrs. Wm.
Holmes, also visiting the Iwls and
Clark Fair.
The farmers are taking advantage of
this dry weather and are balling their
Because there Is never very much In
the Enterprise from this section. It Is no
sign that there Is nothing doing at Bor
ing. Boring Is one of the best farming
communities In Clackamas county. The
large farm of Vetsch Hro" Is kept In as
high If not higher state of cultivation
than any In the state of Oregon. They
have a large creamery which Is turning
out over fifteen hundred roll of butter
, w??i, r.very morning as the sun b
in m peep arnuna me pruie of Oregor
'Mt. Hood' you can see farmers coming
In from ail directions with their mils..
And of an evening as the sun goes down
you can see the cream wagons comhu
In from their daily labors with cream.
With the farm and creamery they em
ploy about seven men besides their own
Boring is also having quite a building
Doom this year. W. H. Boring has Jtist
completed a fine barn snd Is preparing to
build a new house soon. J. Stone has
built a new barn. Mr. Harburg ha a
fine barn being constructed. Mr. J. R.
amun ano J. jnnsrud have houses under
Mr. O. H. McClung la contemplating
Duuaing an addition to his father's res
idence. This looks suspicious. Oscar.
The roan horse and new painted buggy
make many flying trips of Sundays. What
aoes this mean?
A party of boys thought they would
nave a charivari one night last week.
out they came to the conclusion th
.. I .i:r IO l!.'lt tfi trK Mils . . .
gingie so returned home without any per- now !or thls celebrated piece of furniture which
A party headed by J. Simpson took a
trip to the mountains a fishing last week,
and they reported plenty of fish to be
iiaying is a thing of the past and
larmers are running their binders up for
me wheat.
Mrs. J. Andregg of Portland spent 8un-
iy wnn ner imrents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Ely's Cream Balu
..... .....u a Bpaolfio
Sura to Civ. tMl.f.ot Jf
itaUri the Hen., of TmU ami 8.3
tof U use. CmUltu, no ti.jurb.a. iJ
A,.,.lie,l Into ths n.-.triu , ZZl
lmru Hiss, Ml ronta at Druggist T
mail , Trial Kiss, m MUu by m..
IIY BROTHERS, 56 Wrr ., (,
Fttfiiitttfe and Haidwaie.
t ftt MaMaatMMm4 J
UR FURNITURE FACTORY in Oregon City has been built up again and
running day and night to make up for lost time. Only warranted goods arc I
manuiactured and sold, wholesale and retail. OUR SO-CALLED NO. JO
will be ready for delivery about
June 15ih
r :
a ooon io travelers. Dr. Fowler's Kx
tract of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysen-
iery, uiarrnoea. seasickness, nausea. Is
pleasant to take. Perfectly harmless.
BsantU The Kind You Haw Always Bought
Miss Alice Flnley and slater made a
Visit with ther aunt Mrs. Eastman. They
were the guests of Mrs. T. C. Thomas
on Friday. They left Saturday for Port
land where they intend to take in the
Mother's Ear
urnjf thm ixtha irnsarN mo
f mir mo Sfciar pom
5 cXlLO"" ' BOT" OTHE""
Send far free sample.
I S(I,OTT BOWNE, Chemist.,
R 9-4 5 I'eari Street, New York.
Ji, uu Sl.w j Ml WUggWU.
(Continued from last week.)
The hay harvest Is rather lio-h ,...!.,
to Die dry season Ihhi year, making It
necessary to seed anew a good share of
the acreage, but new clover is coming on
fine so far. giving promise of good crops
another year. The grain fields begin to
turn and It is hoped that the kernel Is
too far along for the Insects to do much
TUr. Vw... I
.r. wm, ,v.e neep ror mat purpose went
out to collect the news, but found every
one too busy to even talk about their
neighbors. He said "busy" seemed like
a flam on a threadbare suit, very plain
to be seen. )
Gus Gebhardt has built a new cellar.
air. siahlnecker, the mall.aiTier, dol
the mason work.
(jIIK ffnea mil ,,,.1 .. I .
..... ,, v ,rnB mix seven acres
01 nops, and plans how he will spend the
money when he gets 40c a pound for
them, and it keeps him bimy,
Mlrnf Kate Sharp bus a new piano.
Mr. Gage's granddaughters, the Misses
Sweek, who had planned to spend va
cation with relatives and friends In the
valley, received word Friday morning
that their mother had had three attacks
of rheumatism of the heart, and started
from Portland Friday evening for Onta
rio, where they take the stage for home,
oum.b, Oregon. They will have a stage
ride of two days and a night.
Mollle Foster had a quiet wedding at
her father's hoime on the 2nd.
Mr. Iderhnff died quite suddenly on the
me larmers are busy cutting grain
and preparing for threshing.
Miss Mary Spogla of Salem. Is visit
ing her parents.
Dotson Reames attended the picnic at
Aurora Hunday.
air. ano airs. McOonegal were -"Aurora
visitors Tuesday.
n. jonnston and wife spent Sunday at
Lee Fish called at Noblett Avenue Sun
day evening.
Dr. Wllhelen visited at Wllholt Sun
Ben Wolfer made a business trip
Canby Monday.
ine Misses Davis, and Messrs Shock-
ly and Rlngo. of Oregon City, visited at
Hitters Hunday and Monday.
Mrs. Kornshack visited Aurora Mon
Air. Stuart made a business trip
Barlow Tuesday.
:. t -
Y ! Full size liureau, fine
- k i clear Mirror, made out
of thoroughly seasoned
lumber, finished in
j golden oak, dark eher
; ry and white maple,
j Sold for cash only, j
J Special price in iloen lots
During the I'air
you will have to
ut up an extra
wil to accom
modate your
friends B it y
pne of out
f Vd ' 'Iw"''t c,"''l in the children's bed
room, t'o.
I he hinder can now be heard every i
Mr. W. A. Wmxiside has Ills wheat cut
H'l i. . . '
..em promises to he a good crop, but
oats Is very poor.
Our miller, Mr. Maple, has just re.
iu.ueu nom an extended stay at the
Chautauqua, at Gladstone, and reports
naving a good time.
Mrs. r.ph. Dodge, who has been
sick is now convalescent,
f-B T,1 XI ,
"" ""... in, wno somet me sen
oeeame insane, has been sent to the i
Mr. Victor Krlckaon and wife of Cams
spent last Sunday with Fred Krickson
ana family.
nr.. m n,,, . ...
.. i. nues nas his house nearly
1 "' ; $5.50 ; JrW UPfrf- 1
li ir Lonkal ttB Hammochs
r RM b-Table : Wc - p""1 for $2-50 i
Warranted Steel Range
6 holes, 18! inch
oven, high closet
Mrs. M. H. HeiiHley, wife of the late
Major Ileusley. Is the auest of Me. rio
O'Nell and Miss Holmes at Rose Farm. I Z
Mr. Warren Cramm of Colfax. Wuh 1
' our disastrtms fire, which will' go cheap.
Paint your
house with
the best
o u earth.
$1.75 per
given on
at Locust Farm last
visited relatives
Mrs. Fred P. Stauffer visited fi-l-nds
here last Tuesday.
Mr. 8. A. Reede has returned to his
home at Lewlston, Idaho, after visiting
the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mr. Reed ,le.
dares the Fair beautiful beyond descrlp-
Mrs. Elizabeth Warner and Mrs. A H
Nlles returned from Salem Tuesday.
' nomas and Miss Ford will
leave for Kansas City Friday night.
Mrs. Thomas has been the guest of
her sister. Mrs. R. H. Taher, for the past
five weeks.
t mm
r 1
Building I
Furniture & Hdware
Cots, $2.25.