Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 28, 1905, Image 1

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    Oregon City Enter
VIM) AY, JULY 28, 1905.
Leading Real Estate Agents
Main Sree, Oregon ,Ciy.
p-.l a.tate at ths prant llmt It
Brnlf8 proflUblt ld for th
lnvt.tmnt of mony. It li th rl
bill of ad vsluss. Hr art prantd
a f pclmn bargains to lull th
varlid want of ham atvktrt and
4 acra In Ilia Washington William
1R. Uual 8 MlllflH til M I it t I V I
Claim. - ...............
running wtr. orchard, oll good
l-room houa coat 4U0i t mil" to
Ongun Cily. 'rlca, HWQ.
rt mtr. IU ntll from Oregon
City, well located, good aoll, houan.
barn, ort'liara, living wmr, id scran
in cultivation. I'rle 28W.A bar
!ln. Terme.
1U aers timber land on B. I.
rtllroart, half of It fairly lvl and aoll
flt for cultivation. Timber aultntila
(or lumbar, wood, iilllng aeroaalbln
lo WIMainnil river. Tim timber will
null, man pay iur in pinre.
rrica, mwi, isrro.
130 acraa level, 1 mile from Can-
by. on Molalla rlvar, 15 acre In cul
tivation, a great v vaiuaui
hvy timber, rtl for lumbar, piling
and wood ai'rra orchard 7 room
home bain wnoie piaca rnta
-v par acra,
no acraa of aplendld rich land, quit
v,l. In Hm-tlon T. a H. IC I K;
l mil- from Mulalla, rlvar. Thl
piara ha no Improvement, but I
cut.rad with Valuabla limber, and
prtucnt a ftn Invratment for apo-
ulalur a wouiJ ! ysi ira.ua m chj
piupori)'. HO par acra.
233 Washington Stree, Porlani. 3
100 acra at Highland 20 In culti
vation liouaa, barn, aull food. Many
acraa canity cleared. lis par acra.
40-aora farm at Clarkaa level, good
hew houan, coat $3U0. Ilain 2fxf0.
tiranary HxJO, woodshed Uxlsfrult
living water. A nlo llttla horn.
1900. Tarma.
SO acr..-4 mllea from Oregon City,
In proaparoua neighborhood. 40 acraa
In cultivation-good houan, barn and
outbuilding, orchard. Half mil to
achool. Prk 4000.00.
- .I.'
121 or tmiir Mackaburg, about
in lira from (..'anby, 4U surea In culti
vation. 36 a cit-a alaahed, J& acre In
grain. Naw houa and fair outbuild
ing. Tlila la cheap at 11400.
Krd Moa)ibrgr place -HO acre.
NKU f Hc. 1. T. f H, It. 1 E;all
lvl HO act heavy timber, balanc
light timber. Prlc KJ0O. Tarma.
160 acraa In Matthew Rlchardaon
claim all good oll on main plank
road. I mile from Oregon City. 4t
crea In cultlvaiton mall orchard
well and living Kprlng. J'oor hou
and burn, but very cheap plac at
iivoo. 11000 down, balunca In 7 year
at i per cent Inteieat.
W acraa of aplendld farming land on
main llnk roada rnllra from Ore
gon City (6 acre In cultivation
living aprltig laige flume bam no
dwelling. Prlo 13000.
40 acraa 1 mil from Ea'.acada
20 acre In cultivation rolling land
red lonm aoll 2 springs and rood
wtitl. llouaa, barn. Price $2000 Tarma
B0 acraa at Sprlngwatar 7 acre In
cultivation 70 acre heavy valuable
timber. 2 mile to Casadero. Fair
buildings. Quod outranga, Thl plac
la all right at 11100.
2' acraa In heart of Oregon City
lover aa a floor. Uood houaa, barn and
outbuilding and plenty of fruit. Thl
plac 1 a map at $2800. Tarma.
225 acre Dairy Farm 4 mile from
Oregon City, 100 acre In cultivation,
whole plac fenced 60 acre nearly
ready to break living water 7 acre
fin bottom pasture land 14 head
Jeraeya, farming toola, crop, horse,
wagon. Price very low at
$35 par acr.
144 acr grain and atock farm at
(tprlngwater, 109 ncre In cultivation,
living wuter. Darn 00x80, email
dwelling. 10 acre orchard 45 head
cuttle all farming tool, crop, norm-
and all $39 par acr.
80 aer at Marmot, near Adolph
AacholT'a, known a C'ha. Kyler place
and owned by Iloda, at one time 16
ar-rca In cultivation over 60 acre A.
No. 1 aoll email houa and barn
fir tat outrange for cattle on main
road. Term to ault 10 par acr.
180 acre In Section 14. T. 4 S,
It. 6 E; i acre in cultivation small
houae, 1 rooms; 40 nice fruit tree,
two million fent valuable timber, cedar
and fir; 2 mile to Llnn'i mill. Val
uable pluc for only $800.
Many othe places, big and little, and suit
able for all needs at prices that are right.
Send for more definite information and
tell us what yoti are looking for.
Abstract of Property Fumlalied.
e with Oregon City Enterprise.
Oregon City, Oregon
C. 0. and D. C. LATOURCTTE,
Mln Street, Oregon City, Oregon. I
i nlsh Abstracts of Title, Loan Money, I
Foreclose Mortgage, and transact
tienci al Law Qualnes.
'Ktlona. Mortaag Forclour. Ab-
lirtcta at Tltt- mnA n-n-rftl f ja Tina-
! of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or.
Transacts a general banking business. Open froni
9 a. in. to 4 p. m.
IQ'&ta 0. Ichasb.t
Attorneys at Law.
1 Practice In all courte, muR collc
and settlement of eatatca.
n'"h uliatracta of title, lend vou mon-
Itnd you money on flrat mortgage.
'Ice In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Attornky at Law.
JiiHticc of the Peace.
Prices Reasonable
DO YOUr Work VVork Guaranteed
We do a General Baggagn and Transfer Business.
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved
Oflice Opjwsite Manonio Building
T"","c,m Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
BEN. KUrPEN'BESDER, Sec. & Treaa
Oregon City, Planing. Mill Co.
Doors, Windows. Mouldings ,
An.l all Kinds Stock Patterns of Mill Work Always on Hand.
Estimates on Contracts Made Free of Charge.
Mn City Oregon
Prnnicn In nil the court of tli atute
onl''e In Cnuflnld nulldlng. . I
I1.' Clackamas County abstracts of
l"'l9 Rhnillt K n. A K Ida
S'mas Title Company. Incor- .
DnamDer or Comicrce
'""d ntr D.ti..j . mul- ....
inn. -"iviouu. iiii uumyn.. '
lr bulltler anl owner of the besk
"lost complete plant of Clack-
'tsol!l llt'fl. ABtracts irom
exporionce, competent attor-
'n.. , artt8;ht8men, and are ot
; a;nteed accuracy.
.oihT8! Cou"ty Lands, Mortgage
irntnlrf C8lte' managed, Taxes ex-
Assured of Co-opratlon of Oregon City
Merchants In Enforcing Stat
Horticultural Law.
Jus. If. Hld, of Mllwaiikle, county fruit
liiHi--tor, luat Thmaday vlaltcd the mer
fhiuitH of thl city and cautioned them to
dtnfm of all dlHMtMrd and unmurketable
fruit In their iiiwaeHKlon at once and
admonlxhed them to avoid drilling In af
fected 'product In the future.
Mr. Held wh nsaured of the co-operation
of every dealer In thl city, which,
with the aggrr-aelvenea of Mr. Held,
who, 1 n priK.'tli'al horticulturist, give
aiirance that the tate horticultural
lltw will not he a dead letter In thl
; In condu'tlrig hi Interview with local
dealers, Mr. Held exhibited samples of
apples affected with the Ban Jose cale
and acmmlnted the merchants with all
such evidence of lmirfect fruit. Mr.
Reld Is milking a thorough canva of
the county and an Improved standard of
the fruit of the county Is expected a the
product of hi Inlmr.
While In the city Mr. Reld distributed
copies of the newly enacted horticultural
law, which I as follows:
"An Act, to protect the fruit and hop
Industry of . the Htate of Oregon,
"H It enacted by the Legislative A
scmbly of the Btate of Oregon:
"Bectli.n I. That It shall hereafter be
unlawful for any person. Arm or corpor
ation owning or 0eratlng any nursery,
fruit orchard of any kind, hop yards,
flower gardens, or ornamental tree to
throw any cuttings or primings from any
fruit trees, nursery stock, ornamental
treca or hop vines Into any public road,
highway, lane, field or other Inclosure,
or Into any water course of any kind;
but shall dcntroy such cuttings or prun
ing with l)ie within thirty days from the
time euch cuttings or pruning are made.
'Stctlon II. It shall hereafter be the
duty of any person, firm or corporation
owning or operating any such nursery.
fruit orchard, hop yard, flower garden or
ornamental trees and knowing such to
be Infected with any kind of insects,
pest or disease to Immediately spray or
destroy the same In such manner as the
fruit commissioner for hi district may
'Section III. It shall be unlawful for
any person, Arm or corporation doing
business In the State of Oregon to sell
Pari green, arsenic,, London purple, sul
phur or any spray material or compound
for spraying purposes In quantities ex
ceeding one pound, without providing
with each package sold, a, certificate
duly signed by tie H'ller thereof guaran
teeing; the quality and per f"' of Purlt''
of aald material.
'Section tV. Any person, firth dt C&f'
pomtloii selling any or the above mate
rials which do not conform Hk the cer
tificate furnished therewith shall be
deemed guilty of mlsdemeanrf. and upon
conviction thereof, shall be subject to a
fine of not less than twenty-five (IIS)
dollars nor more than one hundred I00)
Section V. It shali be UiiUwfHl fof
any person. Arm or corporation to Im
port or sell any Infested or diseased fruit
of any kind In the State of Oregon.
1 "Section VI. Every person who pack
or prepare for shipment to any point
without the State, or who delivers or
causes to be delivered to any exprens
agent, or railroad agent, or other yer'on.
or to any transpiii'tatloij company or
corporation for shipment to any point
Without the State, any fruit, or fruits,
either fresh, Cured or dried (hat 1 in
fected With insects, pests or dlsefi in
jurious to frees, shrub, plants or
etoblea. I guilty 6f misdemeanor.
"8ectlon VII. Any person, firm or cor--poratlon
violating any of the provision
i of thl act shall be emed guilty of a
I misdemeanor and uprti onvlctlon there
1 of shall be punished by a flne of not les
! than twenty-five dollars nor more
i than one hundred ($100) dollars.
"Section VIII. It shall be the duty of
the commissioner of the State Board of
Horticulture of the district In which a
violation of thl act occur, to present
the evidence of the case to the District
Attorney, whose duty It shall be to pros
ecute any person guilty of a violation of
this act. Which prosecution may be
brought in any of the Justice Courts of
this 8tate.
"Section IX. Inasmuch as the Horticul
tural Interest of the 8tate demand Im
mediate attention this act shall be In
full force and effect from and after Its
approval by the Governor. J
"Approved by the Governor."
Meantime, however, he will not resume
hi f4 in the United Btate senate,
The conviction and sentencing of Sen
ator Mitchell doe not render hi office
vacant. Thl principle waa determined
in the Burton case. If the aSupreme
Court affirm the judgment of the trial
court, It act would have the effect of
vacating the office. Otherwise the Gov
ernor will have no power to appoint a
successor to Mitchell, The defense ha
six month In which to make an appeal
to the United Btate Circuit Court of
Appeal, and thl will most likely be
done within the next few month. There
I a I way a question ot Jurisdiction,
where an appeal I taken direct to the
Supreme Court, and an appeal to the
next lower court would make the procee
of appeal more regular.
Senator Mitchell will, unles his con
viction 1 affirmed, hold office for two
more year. A decision I expected by
next March.
Good Progret Being Mad on Naw Paper
The construction of the new paper mill
of the Willamette Pulp & Paper Com
pany,, on the west side of the river at the
foot of the locks, 1 being rapidly pushed
forward. The structure will be ferro
concrete, and to do this kind of work a
false structure of wood ha to be built.
Thl la practically done. With the ex
ception of the roof the entire building
will be of Iron and concrete, even the
posts and girders. The structure la be
ing built In such a way that. It isolated
location being considered. It will practi
cally Impossible for the mill to burn.
As many men as can be advantage
ously used are at work on the structure.
and the mllKwlll probably be In opera
tion In a few weeks' time.
The company Is also building new
machine shops and new office In the
second story over the present shop.
These additions were made necessary
by the addition of the new mill, which
will largely Increase the working force.
A contract ha also been let by the
company for a new and complete filter
ing system that will have a capacity of
about 6.000.000 gallons of water every 24
hours. This will give a supply of water
absolutely clear and pure at all time,
no matter how muddy the Willamette
River may be.
The main building of the new mill I
350 feet by 100 feet In ite; two Btorle
high, not Including the large boiler hous
nor the filtering plant, the machine shop
nor the offices. The company Intend to
erect. In the near future, a large ware
house, i
i n"y, pres.
F. B. Riley, sea.
The Oregon Restaurant
Some of out Specials:
Ham and Eggs 20c
Chicken 20c Sirloin Steak 2 0c
MAIS STREET, Between 3rd and 4th, OREOOX CITV.
Oregon City Enterprise and
Weekly Oregonian ' $2.00
Thomaa Watt Returns To Find Estate,
Administered Upon.
After haying been mourned aa dead for
' J balf-dosen yearn atl3 Ms estate having
ben ai'Slfll'tel'eu1 upon for one month.
Thomas Watts. A former resident of this
city, but now living at Portland. has
been re-Jolned by his wife. Mary Watt,
who during the Interim following her hus
band's departure from this city seven
year ago ha considered herself a widow.
In 18SS Watt joined a party of argo
naut that went to the Alaskan gold
fields td try their fortunes. Failing to
keep up a correspondence with his fam
ily. Watts was concluded to be dead and
was so considered b" h's relative, The
missing man had left sotit? property In
thl county from whict. however, there
waa received but a email lnconi? and
without the appointment of an sdmlnls- J
Irator the property cottld hot be disposed
of. The wife went fd net fdfrrtef hmrle- in
the East shortly after her husband's un
accountable disappearance, and remained
with her relative until a few month
ago. when having received not a word
from Watta, she returned to this city for
fh purpose of having her husband's es
tate administered upon in order that the
property might be disposed of. Appli
cation for the Issuance of letter of ad
ministration were made by Mrs. Watt
In the Clackamas county probate court
on June 25 and on July 1, last, the ap
pointment was duly made, the supposed
widow being named as administratrix.
But it develops that during the absence
of his wife In the East. Watts returned
to Oregon, when, upon tearing that his
wife had left a number of years befor
for point in the East, he located at Port
land where he first learned of his sup
posed decease In the publication of the '
required notice concerning the appoint
ment of an administratrix of his estate.
As a sequal to the reunion, Watts is !
now consulting counsel as to the proper
stops to be taken to effect a legal ressur-
In Five Lear Census Show Increase of
Nearly Twenty Pc
Much ha been said and written of lat
concerning the growth of Tacoma, but
If the population of that city ha lncreaa- .
ed any more in proportion during the
last five year than ha Oregon City,
then the city on the Sound ha been go
ing some.
Assessor Nelson and his field deputies
are rapidly completing the task at list
ing the property of the county and at
the same time taking the census which
will show an enormous gain, both In this
city and throughout the entire county.
A ha been stated, the final figure a
to population have not been complied,
but enough I known from the figure at
hand to Intelligently predict a surpris
ing showing as to the growth of both
Oregon City and Clackamas county In this
regard during the last half -decade.
In the government census, the popula
tion of Oregon City In 1900 wa publish
ed a a trifle more than 3100 but the
statistics now In the possession of As
sensor Nelson will give the city an enum
eration exceeding 3500. A similar in
crease will be disclosed in the growth of
the county, jthe population f which
from the census now being completed,
will closely approximate 30,000.
This I a good showing for both Ore
gon City and Clackamas county. Hun
dreds of new settlers have reached West
ern Oregon during the last five years
and the enlarged population of both city
and county 1 unmistakable evidence that
thl section Is getting It share of the
new comer. And why should such not
be the case. There are Innumerable ad
vantages and inducement offered the
Intending ettler right here In Clacka
mas county whether he be a laborer-or a
capitalist. There la amille room for
hundreds of additional settler and this
section is going to get them.
In this connection some aplendld mis
sionary work will soon be inaugurated
by the Oregon City Board of Trade which
Is causing to be printed 25,000 32-paga
pamphlets, advertising the resources and
advantage of thl section of the state.
These will be distributed In the East.
While tho city and county have grown
much In the last five years, a still' great
er growth may be expected during the
next five year. And with this Increas
ed population will com Increased needs
In the way of factories, etc., by which
the enlarged demand for pr-qduet
may be supplied. Foremost ftm6ftg these
are a cannery, and a creamery. These
will no doubt be supplied by some of the
capital that will accompany the new
comers. In quest "of desirS1 Investment.
With the Increase in population nt
is sure to continue there wilt be offered
the opportunity of making Clackamas
bounty what It Is destined to be the
foremost county of the state agricultur
ally and In a manufacturing sense. .('
Flames, However, Are Confined to Brush
and Timber of Littls Value.
A forest fire, one-half mile In width
and already having covered an flera one,
mile in length, is raging this Week at
the head of Canyon Creek In the foothill
east of Wllholt, this county, and to the,
vicinity of James. Report sf the Are,
which ha-? been burning for three days.
was brought to this city Wednesday by
bee Wright, ft Liberal.
The fire started the first of the week",
presumably from a camp fire, on the
Hungate homestead owned by Helvie &
Jones. Only underbrush and second
growth timber are being consumed, the
flames having not reached any of the
valuable heavy timber. The present
course of the fire ranges towards the
summit through an unsettled district t.nd
except the wind shifts, the flames wilt
spend themselves In brush that is of
no value.
This Is the first fire that has been re
ported this season in this locality, the
vigilance of the government forest rang
ers and the stringent legislation recent
ly enacted in this state regarding the
starting of fires in the forest having
greatly reduced the danger to property in
the careless starting of fires by campers
and the burning of slashing by settlers.
Teacher "Now, Johnny, what is the
perfect tense of the verb 'to Invest'?"
Johnny "To investigate." New Tork
Given Six Months In County Jail and
Fined $1000.
Tuesday morning at Portland, Judge
Ie Haven in the Federal Court sentenc
ed United States Senator Mitchell to
six months In the Multnomah County
Jail and to pay a fine of 100O.
Senator Mitchell was accused In six
counts of an Indictment, to sustain one
of which no evidence was offered be
cause of the statute of limitations had
run against the offense charged In It.
The general verdict of guilty convicted j
him, tnererore. upon nve counts, j.ne
maximum penalty for the misdemeanor
of which the senator was convicted Is
two years' Imprisonment and $10,000 flne.
Consequently hud Judge De Haven
chosen to Impose sentence on each point,
ns he had a perfect light to do, the max
imum sentence which he could have in
flicted on Senator Mitchell was $50,000
fine and ten years' Imprisonment.
Senator Mitchell will not begin serv
ing sentence Immediately. If he serves
sentence ut all It will be only after the
United States Supreme Court, to which
he will appeal, sustains the Judgment
against him. Until sentence Is Imposed
a Judgment Is not perfected, and only af
ter the pronouncing of sentence can an
appeal be taken.
Senator Mitchell gave bond of $2000-j-the
sum fixed by the court July 24 and
will go about his affairs as tiRiial until
a decision Is rendered on his appeal.
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and they accord
ingly endorse and recom
mend " it.