f7 erprise "If VOL. 38. NO. 37. OREGON CITY, OREGON", FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1905. ESTABLISHED 1866 City Ent o V 5? a w a iql t ii a Close Three Last Great Days at Hand at CHAUTAUQUA; Over 300 Tents and Over 1000 Campers at No one who delights in splendid oratory can afford to miss hearing one of the greatest orators in the world DR. FRANK W. GUNSAULUS Friday evening on "Gladstone" and Saturday afternoon on "Modern Ptflpit" Saturday Evening the Great Cantata, ' 'Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" over 100 in the Chorus. Grand Exhibition of Fireworks Saturday Night Sunday 2:00 P. M. Sermon by Dr. Gunsaulus. 4:00 P. M. Sacred Concert two hours. , 8:00 P. M. Sermon, Dr. Grant. Three Great Days Crowded with Great Things COME AND SEE THE TENTED CITY NOTES OF SCHOOLS SUPERINTENDENT ZIN3ER COM PLETES ANNUAL REPORT. School Population of County Is 8181 Nearly $100,000 Expended Edu cationally During Year. Much Interesting . Information concern ing the schools of Clackamas county is contained in the annual report of County School Superintendent Zlnser to State Superintendent Ackerman, which was completed last Saturday. There are in the county between the ages of four and 20 years, 4224 males and 3960 females, a total of 8184. Of that number there are on the register of the county 3130 males and 2939 females, a total of 6069. To Instruct the youths of the county 199 teachers are required and of that number 34 are males. Teachers of the county hold certificates as follows First grade, 67; second, 67; third 23; pri mary, 6; permits 23. Of 88 taking the examination for teachers' certificates during the year all but 24 were success ful. The number of legal voters in the county is 4275 representing 120 districts with 122 school houses. The average number of months taught was 7.4 months and the number of miles traveled by Superintendent Zlnser in the perform ance of his official duty in the visiting of 95 schools, was 2000. There are a total of 5369 volumes in the school libraries of the city of which 739 were purchased during the year. Besides .the school enumeration already mentioned, there are thirteen persons of school age who are either deaf or blind. The following statistics are given in the report: Cash on hand last report t 15,402.18 Received from County Treasur er from district tax 18,632.24 From County School Fund 40,337.66 From State School Fund.. . 12,814.35 Rate Bills and Tuition 754.47 From Sale of Bonds and "War- . ' rants -. 4,995.25 Insurance on account of Losses, 174.01 From other sources 15,412.09 l L. PORTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. C. D. and D. C. LATOURETTE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. I Furnish Abstracts of Title, Loan Money, Foreclose Mortgage, and transact General Law Business. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY Oregon City, Oregon AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 D. C. LATOURETTE F. J. MEYER President Cashier Transacts a general banking business. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. i O W. EASTHAM ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Mortgage Foreclosures, Ab stracts of Title and General Law Business. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Or. W. 8- U'Sen 0. Schnebel U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorneys at Law. QcwiTdjev xx a hat. Will practice in all courts, make collec tions and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you mon ey, lend you money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. XiIVY STIPP Attorney at Law. Justice of the Peace. I gger Bldg., Oregon CUy J. U. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW Oregon City, - - - - -Oregon Will practice in all the courts of the state Office in Caufield Building. Prices Reasonable LET US DO YOUl Work Work Guaranteed We do a General Baggago and Transfer Business. Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moved Office Opposite Masonic Building Te,n3fr833m Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Total $108,522.25 Among the disbursements appear the following items: Teachers' wages 58,474.99 School Supplies 4,610.20 Repairing and Improving the Grounds 5,961.60 New School Houses and Sites 3,191.88 On principal and interest on bonds and warrants 14,175.66 Insurance 879.90 Clerk's salaries 1,519.06 Library Books .... 233.71 All other purposes 6,746.42 Total 94,793.42 Balance 13,728.83 The average monthly salary paid teach ers is as follows: Males, $49.72; females, $40.60. OREGON BOY IS HONORED. Dr. L. J. Wolf, of Sllverton, Accompanies Peary Expedition as Surgeon. NEW YORK, July 17. Duplicate parts of the delicate scientific instruments to be used by the Peary Expedition in search for the North Pole were placed aboard the steamer Roosevelt before it sailed Sunday from this port. Triple sets of nautical instruments also were taken along. Dr. Louis J. Wolf, of Silverton, Or., was chosen as surgeon of the expedition. He is 30 years old and a graduate of the college of surgery in San Francisco of the class of 1903. Until recently Wolf was connected with the outdoor depart ment of Bellevue Hospital. For a number of months prior to going to New York City where he became con nected with the Bellevue Hospital, Dr. Wolf was located at Oregon City, where i he was. temporarily in charge of Dr. i Strickland's practice. Dr. Wolf made ! many warm friends here who eongrat- ulate him on the appointment. They feel i that if the north pole is to be definitely discovered and located, nothing would please them better than to have the "pride of Silverton" a member of the ex ploring party. UNDER NEW MANAGEHENT W. KUPPENBEDER, President BEN. KUPPENBEXDER, Sec. & Treas ' Oregon City Planing Mill Co. Doors, Windows, Mouldings And all Kinds Stock Patterns of Mill Work Always on Hand. Estimates on Contracts Made Free of Charge. CLACKAMAS TITLE CO. Your Clackamas County abstracts of Title should be prepared by the Clackamas Title Company, incor porated. Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. This compav is the builder and owner of the best and most complete plant of Claek amas county titles. A streets from Its offices are compiled by experts of long experience, competent attor neys and draughtsmen, and are of guaranteed accuracy. Clackamas County Lands, Mortgage .. Loans, Estates managed, Taxes ex amined and paid. ft. F. Riley, pres... F. B. Riley, sec. The Oregon Restaurant LUNCH COUNTER IN CONNECTION. Some of our Specials: Ham and Eggs 20c Chicken 20c Sirloin Steak 20c CHINESE NOODLES and CHOP SUEY. OPEN ALL NIGHT. tsrd and 4th, OKEGOM CITY. STEEL COMPANY GETS METEOR. MAIN STRE I. Oregon CI1 Enterprise and Weekly Oregonian oSellr $2.00 Celebrated Clackamas County Case De cided by Supreme Court. SALEM, July 17. The Supreme Court today awarded to the Oregon Iron & Steel Company the right to the possession of the meteoric rock found on the com pany's premises in Clackamas county in 1902, and removed therefrom by Ellis Hughes. The Supreme Court holds that the meteor was a deposit by' nature, and became a part of the realty as soon as it had fallen, and therefore was the prop erty of the company owning the land. In substance, the decision of the ap pelate court follows: 1 0regon Iron and Steel Company, re spondents, vs. Ellis Hughes, appellant, from Clackamas County, T. A. McBride, Judge; afiirmed; opinion by Chief Justice Wolverton. Held, that a meteoric rock Is a part of the real property upon which it falls and evidence that Indians worshipped the rock and dipped their arrows in the water held in its cavities is not sufficient to show that the Indians had dug the rock from the ground and acquired title to it personal property. The question Whether Indian ownership and abandon ment is sufficient ground upon which to predicate title in the finder is not decided. Astoria, we desire to return to you and the citizens of Oregon City, and the mem bers of the Fire Department, our heart felt and sincere thanks for the kind and courteous treatment accorded the As toria Hose Team on the occasion of the recent tournament. At no other city which we have visited in the past has there been such a display of hospitality as was shown, not only the Astoria dele gation, but all who participated in the tournament. The efforts of the committee in charge of the tournament, the -members of the fire department and the cit izens generally to make it pleasant for us is appreciated, and we are only anx ious for an opportunity in the future to reciprocate and to assure you, one and all that our visit was one of the most pleasant and will ever be remembered by every member of the Astoria Hose Team. Thanking you for the favors extended we have the honor to remain, Sincerely yours, ASTORIA HOSE TEAM, By Fred J. Brown, Captain. HELD TO ANSWER GRATTON AND NEASE, POOL ROOM MEN WAIVE EXAMINATION. Case Will Not Proceed To Trial Until Court Is Convened In November Bonds Given. Workmen for the Southern Pacific Co. this week inaugurated the improvements that are to be made to the company's main track and sidings together with the building of underground and overhead team or pedestrian crossings in return for the perpetual franchise to certain street rights that has been granted by the city. The improvements called for un der the plans and specifications that Isaac Gratton and M. G. Nease, pro prietors of the Country Club at Milwau kie, when arraigned before Justice J. W. Grasle, at Milwaukie, last Saturday, waived examination on the charge of committing an act by which the public peace is disturbed, the public decency outraged, and public morals injured. They were promptly held to tht Circuit Court and their bonds fixed, at $2d0 eacr. These were furnished and the defend ants were released. The case against the Milwaukie resort will not come up in the circuit court until the November term 4s convened on the first Monday In that month. Deputy . District Attorney C. Schuebel, of this city, appeared for the state, the defendants being in court with , their counsel, Senaor Browntll and J. E. Hedges, both of this city. Ninety per cent of the population of Milwaukie in dorses the action of the council in grant ing the resort a license and are In favor of the Club being continued. A license of $1200 per annum is received by the H ' ' " rog'H.i.WJJij.unmu.Mm .... -Wi , -. . Dr. Frank Wakely Gunsaulus, President of Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Noted Orator, who will be heard at Chautauqua tonight and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Dr. Gunsaulus Is recognized as one of foremost pulpit ora tors of the country. have been agreed to, will involve an ex penditure of about $20,000, and may in clude the building of a new depot or at least the extensive remodeling and en larging of the company's present struc ture in this city. The first job to be un dertaken is the building of the under ground team and pedestrian crossing at Third street and the completion of the South End road to connect therewith. Negotiations are pending between the city and the railroad company by which. if successfully concluded, the earth that will be removed in making the necessary excavation, will be used to make a fill at Main and Eleventh street, thereby dispensing with the building of a bridge which otherwise will be required. No Further Need of Piety. "I seen in a paper somewhere de other day," said Sauntering Sim, Vdat rattle snakes never inhabits warm climates." 'Dat settles it," declared Plodding Pete, "I'm goin' to quit strainin' meself to be good." city from the management of the pool room and this revenue is a very mate rial aid in defraying the expenses of the municipality and makes possible the building and improving of streets and the making of other public improvemtnts. The action of the county officials there fore, is not exactly relished by a major ity of the people of Milwaukie. Deputy District Attorney Schuebel and Sheriff Shaver declare that they are In earnest and mean to do just as they say. Mr. Schuebel has notified members of the Milwaukie City Council that except steps be taken immediately to suppress the pool room and the games that are conducted there, he will proceed not only to close up the resort but will also cause the arrest of the Milwaukie city author ities on the charge of mal-feasance in office. The Girl's Fault. "To my mind the worst fool on earth Is the one who rocks the boat." "Oh, I don't know. The girl always screams and grabs you about the neck." ROYAL ASTORIANS HAD A GOOD TfM E. Hose Team Management Sends Letter To Tournament Committee. That the members of the Astoria hose team had a good time and were pleasant ly entertained during their recent visit to this city for the Firemen's Tourna ment, is perhaps best indicated in the following letter that was this week re ceived from the management of the As toria Hose Team: Astoria, Or., July 13th, 1905. To the Oregon City Committee of the Firemen's Tournament: r Gentlemen: On behalf of the members of the As toria Hose Team, and the citizens of 4 With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book for making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake with Royal Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM 8T., NEW YORK.