OKKUON' CITY KNTEKPRISK, FIJI DAY, JULY li, 1905. i - i ! 1 i SUMMONS In tha Clrmilt Court nt th lltata of Oregon, for Olaekama County. C. H. James, Plaintiff, V. Ann 8. Jamea, iH-fontlnnt. . To tha abova nnmml defendant; In the nam of the. Htat of Oregon: Ton are hereby notified ami required to appear nr.il answer th complaint filed against you In tlio abova entitled court and cauae, on or befoia l week twm th data of Uio oral publication of thla summons, which In flint published on tha lnl day of June, A, IV li. Ami Hie rial on or before which you ar retiulretl u appear and answer la the 14th day of July, A, P. li0R, which U th day prescribed In tho order for publl ration of thla aummon. ami If you fall o to appear and anawer on or before aid 14th day of July, A. l. 1J06, for want thereof the plHlitlft will apply to th Court for the relief demanded In aid complaint, to-wlt: ( Kor a doer dissolving tho bonda of matrimony now existing between plain tiff and defendant, upon th ground of deaertlon and cruel and Inhuman treat ntent, rendering Ufa burdensome, and for auch othor and furtb.tr relief aa to tha Court aitall are in meet. Thla auminona la published by order of tha Honorable Tho. K. Hyatt. Judg of tha County Court of tha State of Or gn, for tha County of Clackamaa, Mada and ntertd on tha S&ih day of May, A. IX lo6. MUJLBK A MII.UCR. Attorney a for Plaintiff. Mret publication June 1, 1908; laat pub lication July lath. 130&, SUMMONS. tn tha Circuit Court of tha Ptaj of Oregon for tha County of Clackamaa. J. A. Sweeney, Plaintiff, va, ITorenca M. Sweeney, Defendant. To Florene M. Sweeney the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregtwi you are hereby required to appear and anawer tha complaint filed against you tn the above entitled court on or before Friday tha II at day of July. 1S0S, aald day being a!x week from the th day of June. 1905, the day of the Itret publication of thla aummona, and tf you fall to ao anawer. for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tha Court for the relief prayed for, to wlt: For a decree of divorce forever dlaaolr htg the bond of matrimony between thej plaintiff and the defendant, and for thei oare, cuatody and control of: I.avanreur Sweeney, are year. lwrence Sweeney of the ago of t yeara, IVlla Sweeney of the are of I year. Sidney Sweeney of the age of J yeara, and Aunt In Sweeney of the age of 1 year, the minor children of aald marri age. The order for the publication of thla ummone waa made by aald Court on the th day of June, !!. w. s, r.nr.N. Attorney tor rialntlff. NOTICt'Of FINAL SS.TTL1MENT. lit th County Court of the State of Or egon, for the County of Clackamaa, 1 the matter of tha Ketate of Samuel Mathew, dece-aecd. Notice 'a hereby given that the under algned admlntetratrtx de honla nnn of the eat me of Samuel Mathew, deceaaed. haa filel In the above entitled court her final account of her administration of aald ea tate and that the aald court haa fixed Monday, the Slat day of July, 1SiV at the court rxm of aald court, aa the time and place for hearing objection to the aid final account. r.RU.K A. St.KIOHT. Admtnlftratrtx de bonis nvn of the Fo late of Samuel Mathew. deceased, llevitiva A Ortmth, AttvMieya for Katate. NOTICI OF FINAL SCTTLSMKNT Notice la hereby given that the under Mtird executor of th estate of Juliet F. Ttulllnger. drvcaseJ. has Med In the County Court, of Clackamaa county, tat of OiYgv hi Rnal account aa auch executor of aald estate, and that Mon day, the Tth day of August, 104, at the loor of H.W o'clock a. m , haa been ap pointed by the aald court for hearing of oKVrcttona to said tvport and the settle esc ill thereof. KmviN A. HOWARD. Kxeeutor of the estate of Juliet F, Tnil- llugr. de-vaetl. I'Kcn A Sohuebel, Attorney for execu- tor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT" Notu-e ta hereby given that the under acnerl administrator of Vie estate of Andrew P, Hauglum, deceased, ha tiled nnnn 0 5 When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. corrects irregularities CURED OF E-"m. - " m... va srvtia vmt lOLAl 3 a-T C v 51 wf v.nt "e4 thretsl see-.T atvt mni fft.ioia. Bm 1 aegwa w r "f wmim mun renrv at 'uitr. 1 va mj. kuM aa ta cxeea.r Mat na4 w ompt-.t tj I tv4 .- are R , nwsat re la fcn. 1 wt as t t w t w I 4 inn j ttrw TJ 5 nnt m-4 f-a a r roiivi i.rsir k."L-. J- . -we 1 aa U titr aiHmatllstaiwajltl. Svsnr r "ee4 tt( BMlalgMallBISSHMk In tha County Court of Clat-kamaa coun ty, Hlata of Oregon, hla final account aa auch administrator of anld ratata and thut Moiuluy, tha Tth day of August, at 10 o'clock a. m., hna been appointed by anld Court na the time for hem In of oh Jeetlona to aald report and tha settla mcnt thereof. LEWIS HAtTOLUM. Admlnlatrator of tha aetata of Andrew r. llaitgltint, dticeaacd. lated thla 30th day of Juno, 1906. SUMMON. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oi- gon. for tha County of Clackamas, John Kern, Vlalntlff, va. Knthcrlu Margaret Kern. lVfentlaM. To Katharine Margaret Kem, tha above nnmed defendant. In tha name of tha State of Oregon; You are hereby required to apper In tha above entitled court and anawer tha com plaint tiled against you In tha above enti tled ault on or before the 2Jd day of July, 180&; and If you fall ao to appear or ana wer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to th court for the decree de manded In tha complaint, to elt. for a decree of abaolute divorce. Thla aummona la published purauant to an order made upon tha Silt day of June, lo&, before the Hon. Thomaa A. Mcilrtdo, Judge of the above entitled court, and the first publication la made upon the Jth day of June, tfl. DROPIR A MEHOF.S. Attomeya for Tlalntlff. Data of laat publication. July SI. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamaa County. Grace I. IVtei-aon. rialntlff, va. Kdwtn A, lVtereon. Defendant. To Kdwln A. IVteraon, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint tiled agatnat you tn tha above entitled cauae, on or before tha Id day of September, 190J, aald day being more than alx weeka from the Tth day of July, l0i, the date of the flrmt publication of thla aummona, and the time apeclfled In the order for publication hereof. Ami it you fall ao to anawer or appear herein, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed fur and demanded In the com plaint filed herein, to-wlt For a decree forever dlaaolvlng the bonda of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and that plain tilt be forever divorced from defendant. Thla aummona la published by order of the Hon. Thoa. A. McBrtde, Judge of tha above entitled Court, made and dated on the Hth da- of June. GRAHAM CLEETON. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Rotate of Jerry Young, deceased. Notice la hereby given by the under algned. administratrix of the ettate of Jerry Young, deceased, to the creditor and all peraona having clatma against aald deceaaeii. to exhibit them with the neceasary voucher within stx month after th Brat publication of thla notice, to aald administratrix at the office of U"Ren Sohuebel In Oregon City. Ore gon, within montha after the IJrd day of June, 1906. Thla nolle dated and first publication hereof June tSrd. 105. or.v it. rmowN. Administratrix of the K.-tate of Jerry Young, deceaaed. I'Uen A 8chuebel. Attorney for aald Kstate. NOTICE. Nolle Is hereby given that the follow ing numbeiiHl county warants of Claok ama County. Oregon, having remained uncalled fiw for a ' period of over seven years, will he cancelled. If not called for within sixty das from the first day of July, 1!W4. and payment thereon refused: Numbers: :SIJ. $;.tW; iSlTl. IX1; ;ssj. $s oo; rs;, $i.t: i5,s;. ji.4v; 139. It 00; :S0S, t; 90; H.T0; iu. it 9; tss. u s; rs:. li.'; SST, I1.T0; :9I, I1.T0; K9T1, II TO: I1.T0; :T:j. tl T5; ST50S. II 00; :;:, ii.m; :t5.;i, it ss. :ts9. m.to; ii to; :tx:, ii.t; :nss. ii.to; JTTSS, $1SS; ;TM. I'HITT; :T94T. 14.4; :xvj IJ i; itii, li i; rxjsx, i;.jo; TSl.tf, tr9; rsTT, 10 5. tSSOT. $:w; rs4. t: ; tsm. ti m; r;:i. it. t; tfcSllk ;: (IK 13.00. M. lvJ; m, WW; toit. ui:. Tof. i so: riTt. use; SAM. IT,JS; SOTS. 3L F. W, OREE.NMAN. County Clerk. n and cures Kidney and BR I G NTS DISEASE. C . . T., wr Twti as g j 1 W ew ut tj msMtrtaum s fnwv mm m a3 ' nh ee m l-w, wues w ta sacra c t--ea sm at r- m r , 1 1 m aa ' Two Sixes, 50 Cents and $1.00. Z SOLD JUD RlCOlimDE, BT HTjTnXEY BROTHERS COilPAKY, OREGON CITY SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Orel gon, for Cliirhtmina County. Georgia Long, rialntlff, va. J, 11. Itig, lVfcndant, To J. 11. Long, dcfenilnnt above named. lit tho lmine of the State of Oregon: You are hereby nvmliv.l to appear and niiawer the complHlnt filed agiilnat you In the above entitled cauae on or before Angurt 1, 1M, anld day being mora thnn alx wceka from, tho Tth day of July. lo&, tha date of the fliat publication of thla aummona and If you fall ao to aimwor. for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief praved for, lo wlt: For a deerea of aald court foritver dla aolvlng the bonda of matrimony now ex iting between plaintiff and defendant and for auch other and further relief aa to the Court aeema Juat and equitable. The order for publication of Summona In thla court waa mado by tho Hon, Thomaa Mcltilde, Judge of tho above en titled court on tho 7th day of July, i05, The date of the llret publication of thla aummona la July Tth. 1905. Date of laat publication Augunt IS, 106. K. MKNDKNHAU. and A. K. MKNOKNHAI.U Attomeya for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamaa. Thllena' Itonmlne, rialntlff, va. William B. liomalne, IVfendant. To William II. Komalno, the akove nam ed dcfendiuit: In the name of the State of Oregiw: You arc hereby required to appear In tha Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamaa. on Mon day, tha Hat day of Auguat. 1906. and aa awer the complaint of the plaintiff tiled agalnat you In the above entitled ault. and If you fall ao to appear or anawer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for Ow relief mentioned In her complaint, namely, for a decree dis solving th bonds of matrimony now ex isting between yourself and the plain tiff. Thla summons Is published by the order of the Honorable Tho. F. Ryan, Judge of the County Court for Clackamaa County, ! State of Oregon, who haa appointed the said Stat day of Ahiruat. 190&, aa tha time for you to appear and answer. The date I of the fleet publication of this summons Is July Tth. and the date of the last pub- , lloatlon Is Auguat IS. 1905. I J. F. BOOTHS. I Attorney for Plaintiff. N OTICE Is hereby given that certain landa In the i'.iin,l l!.,n,i.. in.n.n Iteservatton. aituatej In Townahiix S and a. south, limine T and II west. In the State of Oregon, will be offered for sale by separate settled bids, which will be received by the reKister and receiver of the district land ottic at lVirtlaml, Ore gon, commencing on October 3rd. 1SK. at a. m., and continuing until tVtober 10th, 1905. at U o cltvk a. m.. and no bid will be considered that Is not received during the period mentioned. The bids will be opened hy the register and re ceiver of the land othc mentioned, com menting at 1 o'clock p. m . of Tueatlav. IVtober 10. 1906. The lands will be soi.l In nceonlance with rules and regulations, and a schedule partlcnlartv describing the lands to be sold, printed copies of which may be obtained on application to the register and receiver of the hind of fice named, or upon application to the lleneral I-and Cilice, Waa hi nut on, 1). C Fch bid must Ih aceompanleil bv a cer tllled cheek for twenty per centum of the amount of such hid. which will be re ttlned and credited as part pavment of the purchase price should the bid be ac cepted and the purchaser pay the remain ing amount due. and furnish evidence of his cltisenship, or be forfeited If the bid is accepted and the .amount due and ev idence of cltttenship are not furnished In accordance with the mica and regula tions. J. XH. FIMPLK. Approved: Acting Commissioner. E. A. HITCHCiX'K. Secretary. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, UTS. Notlca for Publication. t'nlted States Land Office. Portland. Oregvtn. July T. 1905. Notice la hereby given that In compll-! anc with the provisions of the act of Congress of June J. 1STS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands tn the State of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." aa extended to all the Public I-and State by act of Auguat 4. 19:, Alvtn Knapp. of Oregon City.. County of Clackamaa. State of Oregon, ha thi day Bled in this office hi sworn statement No, 44:9. for the purchase of the SE quarter of Section No. S. in Township No. & S. Range No. 4 E.. and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought is more valuable for it tim ber or store than for agricultural tmr- pose. and to establish hi claim to said) CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. Bladder diseases in every whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the canst has been removed- Com mence taking "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright s Disease or Diabetes. land befor Register and Itocolver, at Portland I .and Olllce on Tuesday, tlm tilth day of September, lihlR. lie names aa wit'neaaoa: Frank lluach, of Oregon City, Oregon, Frank Unbolt, of Hprlnawatitr, Oregon. I A. Nobel of Orcgim City, Oregon. Harry Kellogg, of Oregon City, Oregon, Any and all peraona claiming adversely lite Abovo-diiaciibcd landa are roqucatvd to Mo their lialnia In thla olllce on or before the anld ItMh jtt of September, 1905. AU1RUNON S. PHtfSSKR, Hog later. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 118. Notlca for Publication, I'nltcd State IjiihI ontcc, Portland, Oivgoti. July Mh, 1906. Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with tha provlahm of the act of Congress of June 8, 1H7K. entitled, "An net for the aulo of timber lauds In the Htiilca of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." extended to all the Public IjiiuI States by act of Auguat 4. lH9';.Mlaa May Moran of Seattle, county of King. State of Washington, haa thl day filed In thla office her sworn statement No. 86ST, for the purchase of tlm N.W.U of Section No. K In Town ship No. t South, Range 4 Fast, and will offer proof to ahow that the land sought la more valuable for Ita timber or atona than for agricultural purpoaca, and to ea tubllsh her claim to aald land before Register and Receiver, at Portland, tre gon on Wednesday, the SOth day of Sep tember, 190&. She names aa witnesses: Jamea Corrlgan, of Katacada. Oregon. Chaa. I.. Ferry, of Katacada. Oregon. Clyde Ferry, of Katacada, Oregon. II. Wallace, of Katacada, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described landa are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 10th day of September. 1906. AUiEHNON a DltKSMKIL Regtater, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lillted States Ijitid Office, Portland. Oregon, July Tth, 1906. Notice ta hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1ST, entitled "Aq act for the sale of timber land In Ilia Statea of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a extended to all the Public Land Statea by act of August 4. 192, John M. Mann, of Port land, county of Multnomah, Stat of Oregon, ha thla day filed In thla ofttca hla sworn statement No. ev6. for tha purchase of the N4 of 8W4 of Section No. 14 In Township No. I South. Hang S Kast. and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Us timber or stone than for agricultural purposea, and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland. tregtm. on Thursday, th lUh day of September. l?oS. He names aa witnesses: H. V. Tapp. of Flrwood. Otegun. Clarke Slutnk. of San.Iy. Oregon. Kdward Revenue, of Sandy, Oregon. Theodore Revenue, of Flrwood, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described landa are requested to 111 their claims In this office on or before aald llth day of September. l'.MtS. ALGERNON 8. DRESSER. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE , 187. Notlc for Publication. t'nlted Statea Land Office. Portland, Oregon, July S, 190S. Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of the aet of Congress of June i. 1ST, entitled. "An act for the sale of timber land in the statea of California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory." aa extended to all th Public Land Statea by act of Auguatt. 1S9:. Miss Carrie Reed, of Seat tle, county of King. State of Washington, has thla day filed In thla office her swom statement No. 5$S. for the purchase of the S.W.t, of Section No, , In Township No. 5 South. Range No. 4 E.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought ia more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposea, and to establish her claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Portland. Or egon, on Wednesday, the :th day of September, 190J. She name as witnesses: Jamea Corrlgan. of Kstacada. tkregnn. Oha I- Ferry, of Kstaead. Oregon. Clyde Ferry, of Kstacada. Oregon. H. Wallace, of Katacada. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adveraely the above-described lands are requested to file their claim In thl office on or before aaid Mth day of September. 19i. ALGERNON S DRESSER. Rer-ater. form, tones up the TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1871.- Notlot For Publloatlon, I'nltotl Mlittva l.mt ontoe, 'Portlntut, Oregon. July T. 1905, Notice la hereby given that In compli ance with tho piuvlNloiia of the act of Congress of June I, 1KTH, entitled, "An act for the aalo of timber lamia In tha Statea of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," aa rxtt'iidod to nil thu PublltJ Land Slates by not of AugoMt 4, 1M'. James Corrlgan, of Ka Inca.lu, county of Clackamas, Htat of Oregon, haa thla day tiled In thla olllc hla sworn atntoitieiit No. 65M, for th purchase, of the NK quarter of Suction No. 8. In Township No. 5 South, llaugo No, 4 Knat, and will offer proof to show that thu land Bought la tuoia valuable for Ita Umber or alone than for agricul tural purposea, and to establish hla claim lo aald laud before tho Register and Re ceiver at Put tliind, Oregon, on Moiuluy, the 1 SI It day of September, Iu5. He namea aa wituesaea: Chaiiea Ferry, of Kstncnda, Oregon. William Cunningham, of Katacadit, Ore gon. Frank Davidson, of Portland, Oregon. Otto Kramer, of Portland. Oregon. Any ii ml all person claiming adverae ly th nhovo-dcaciiticd landa are request ed to file their claims In this oftloo on or before the lath day of September. 1903. ALOKUNON. 8. DUKHSKR, Register. THE MITCHELL JURV VERDICT. Foraman of Jury Dnls Published State ment In th Paper. Foreman Stelner, of this tity, Is au thority for the atatemeiii that tha re port that the M'lohi.ll Jury at mat eleven to one for conviction, and took seven ballots brt'.ie aait'clng la nol mired. He says the Jury agreed to give tint no statement an to how thry ill. I stand on the subject of coin lotion on the mat bal lot, but that thev did not stand aa pub llshe l In thla p.tnt' and the Portland pa pers. Of tout so. If they gave out no at mo ment, the whole matter la a conjecture, but If they ilH not stand eleven to one and did take any ballot at all. there most have been nvvre tbnn one against convic tion. However, aa to thl Mr. Stelner will not any. In fact, no Juror will y, nor ha any Juror aald. The truth of the mat ter will probably never lw mads public, nor Indeed should It be published. It la published aa a fact that only two of the Jurors were republlcnna and Sen ator Mitchell s friends are entitled to that grain of comfort. Finding Mitchell guilty but rectMiimeiidlng htm to the mercy of the court waa plainly polltlcad sarcssm. Salem Journal. HOUSEHOLD CAPES. Tax tb Werneet of Oregon City ta Sam a Elitwhsr. ll.trd to attend to household dutlea. With a rorttantly selling bark. A woman should not have a bad back. An she wouldn't If the kldne) were well. ! loan's Kidney pills make well kidney Mr. A. Hill, residing at 31 1st street Portland. Oregon, says: "1 suffered con siderable for a year or more from aching pains In my back extending down through the loins ainl In the region of the kid neys, I hit. I to te careful In doing any work around the house which required stooping or lifting for If I moved sudden ly I us.il to aufT.-r severe twinges of pain In my back I tist-d plaster and aeveral remedies uiit found, little relief until 1 got iHmn's Kidney Intla They helped me from the first and finally cuerd me." Plenty more proof like thla from Ore gon City people, fall at C. O Huntlt-y a lmg Store and ak what hla rustomers report. For aale by all dealers. Price (0 cents. Koster-Mllburn Co.. IlufTalo, New Toik s,de agt-nts f.M- Ihhe t'nlted Stab-a Rememta-r the name, lnwn's. and take no other. OAflTOtllA. Btantsi Ifr tti Haaj j'tm fcgjfl 6fW EXERCISES AT CHAUTAUQUA. Next week bring splentl4 attractlona t Chauiautiua. M.aitlay-lctur.'. Iluhnp John V, HamlltiHi. Tue s.lay I Inmer lat e n port . Wednes,lCarter. Hip grrat Magician ThuraJay-Carter. the Mgltin. FH.lay-Ir. Frank W. Uunaaiilua. SaturJay-Iir. Frank W. Oun.aulns. fantala Hiaaalha s W.MlJlttg Keasf I 'I -at Fire Work. Hunday-Dr. Frank W. (lunaaulus. Sunday Ir. Koland 1. Grant. h.us.'h.v,t neeewtity. Ir. Thnmas' Kieotrlc Oil. M..ais burns, ruts. un,ls of ar.y s.trl; cures sore throat, ertmp. ralarth. asthma: nev.r falls. RELIGIOUS TATTOOING. That I. la Va la Oa I'art ! Italy. la i!e - vaiii- j - e, tiu f g muteutu at I'ktretK'e ther. ia au iuterentitij; eol-K-tkwi of t,k. U wel fir what l call eJ "ret m tattooJtn" aintHis; ha'Un I-isjtiit of il district iud.ewM tvu tl Alrutil. I'nil.r'j u,i th AirUt.c. IVsjiat la tte-t at atKk wiih sisirt r;jevl up J.5Uj' g t'brta- tiaa ynstsl f ir, tort or a text tt id bJtse iuk a tbe.r t.mwn kio. TL Lit to ia:fitit,i &u th occa---:a c-f r a-pwtal fe;:Tij. A rxla I K"k t rre-fl tfce t-;T ira Via t nitrt th out- ot tb TIlL I thea puoc- a Sak i r.MJ laia wvriK a tit aaa"y tnl la ta!,T-f'My bow. Ti cento-Si. fixii u tumn.tlt'.' Ctrirtiaa. ! la FniKfu. wt, fjrioie,j a Cj.ii;7 t Lw::--l.,:ic,!-a T-:ey7-;,&. CASTOR I A Jet Iiftals tzi dZditx, SaSW Thousands Hays Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect ft How To rind Oat, I'M a lioltlo or common k1uh win, , m water nitil let It ntnml twenty-four ;, ' ...... n... . '"'i ""-.uumm,,, N, tli"Kl'i'llci.t,.l(1 llillicnltliy ,.,, tUtion of tin- Li. 7i irUsiu,, your linen ( t evidence or .(, iwv tti'iilit" freitio-to HIV icg j, also cuiivliiciiiK jiKHif that tli klilnry. ami lilii'l'lcr are out of order, ; What To I)o. There ia comfort In tlm kttou j,.,, M often cxprcsHctl, that Dr, KilmW'i SwBinp Koot, tlie creat Vlditev fulfilla every wish tn citrititf rliruiiiating' jmlu In the imek, kltlneya, liver, hlad, n ml every att of the urinary It forrrcta liinhility to hold and sen Id i on )alti in passing it, or bad rllccla followtnu list of liqtmr, win w la-er, nml overcome that iiitilciu,ititi n, ceaaity of lieitiK coiiijn;IIci to K' vftes durifiK the tlav, and to yet up UU times dittitiK tiio iiIkIiI. The iniM the extraoniitmry elicit of Swamp-Ko4 ia ataiit renlirtl. It atamla the lii,rrt for it wonderful cure of the tnmi d treiii rase, If you tiecl a tiinliCW you almuld have the larst, Sild tj ilru, jjialalu fifty-cent ami one-dollar suet. You may have a sample Uittle imj , Imk.u that ten an alaiut it, Imtli acttt free I... ,,,,.11 .t.lr. Mr k'ilmrr tt; Co., IlinK- -1 haintott, N. N . hen M,.aa writing iticntioii thi paja-r an.l duct make any mistalte, hut reinemlair t name, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Rout, mj the addreaa, lliiiKhaiutoii, N, V. UPPFR WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. 3ALCM, INDEPENDENCE. ALSAHY CORVALLIS AND WAV LANOlNCl' Irf-ave Portland Si4S a. m. dally Utrn Sunday) for Malmn and way pointa Uv Portland 8:48 Tureday. ThunxUy and Saturday for Independenr. AJ. hany and Corvatlls, stages of permitting. OAILV RIVER EXCURSIONS OF OREGON OITY BOATS TIME CARO Wk Oayl a. w. a, a, p a. 8 00 11:10 I N Iav Portland.... a. n. p. at. p m. lave fregun ;ily.. 10:00 t;MIO POUND TPIP 44o Tlokela exohangrd with O. W. p. 4 Ry. cars. SPECIAL Sunday Excursions POUND TPIP 2J I .ear I'urtlantl I.eatt Or. City a.m. M a.m. a.at. 11:10 p .a. pa. 1 110 an. a.m. pa. pa pa, 10:00 11:30 1:30 3 30 l OREOON CITY TRANSPORTATION Olfica and Dock! Foot Taylor Slrt han Main 40. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Maintains unexcelled servlr from tan West to th Hast and flout h. Mating eliMMi rtmnectlima with tralna of all trta rontlnental llnra, paaaengera ar ! their choir of routea to Chlrago, Louis ville. Memphla and Now Orleans, and through these pulnts to th far Kast. lroaiectlv trawlers desiring Informa tltm aa lo tha lowest rate ar Invited to correapond with tha following represen tatlvea: II. 11. TKL'MHUM Commercial Agent, 111 Third Street, Portland .Oregon, J. C. LINDSKT, Trav. rasseiiger Agent H3 Third Street. Portland. Oregon. PAl'L II. THoMPHON, Passenger Agent, Colman Hulldlng. Beattle, Wash. OREOON CITY MARKET REPORT. (CorrstUd Wkly.) Wheat-No. 1. 0c to 0o per bushel. FlturVallty, $1(0 ped bbl. JUra lieat 15.15. Portland, It H per tacit. Howard' llest, 11 IS pr tack. (at-in sat ks, 31. ti 1-3 per cental. Hay Timothy, baled I1IIU per ton; clover, li: Hi; oat, 11 to 114; hay. 12 to I3; cheat. 313 to IH. Mlllstult-ran. 3:i per Ion; aliorta I. 100 per ton; chop j:4 per ton; barky, rolled Ui per ton. C'abbttge 35e mt dta. Onions Jc per (tourtd. IVtattM-s-new. e iKtund. lV-2 to 2Se nun.t. Turnips, V'arrota 0n dt bunch. String lien us -Jo pound. 'urtants6c ho. Uaspberi lea To boa, Kagsoiegon, sm ;;i p,r do, market strong. Hut tor Itanoh, jt 0 jo; separst'ir n creamer til to 45. Cherrlea-Jt, to lt per pound. Coed Apl1-l ta II :j Honey 11 ta i:V,c per pound. Irve tdtledl IVItl. 3c per lb; It1' Ub. U.-e, We pr lb; medium. W. 81" Sc. . IvtifS A;ji S..-B drkd, quartereA c fsd. : ,.!. ito.; fancy b!eal.,' Iemi Cii:lr.M:Se per Itt. Uiik a j rve4 Meat-!"1'-5si Si-l I !r fctir.ireJ. Hef U. b dre.eJ. TH cent: ! tr t til., p,T fcd; d.-vs3 c: rf i", t tc; UeaU Kr. I'. w II. M ftt bead. I OAHTOTI T aWtis) 1 l?i l;r Vw fca tf 1