OREGON CITY EXTERntlSE, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1003. QfggOn OtyHtflTffcf I iHosgago from the old lino conipimlteivwtint( ttiftti( wero prmltiwl I If 4 " in I- HI" CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. Published Every Friday OFFICIAL Subscription Ratea: Ona rr 81i months 75 Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Adrertlstni rates on application Subscribers will find tha data plratlon stamped on their papers low In a- thnir mm. If thla I changed within tjo weeks after lll thtt Kilst it 1.4 much inn sumo IimiMiv u-iili 1. n vi4i i.-v f.Mi ..J land our fanners should gain from restriction of immigration either ii.v.i vaiiviivv. my a mn noau tax or by an nrbi- A telephone servieo covering ajtfarv statutory limitation upon the half dozen counties, reaching some ; number annually admitted. The fUO'hve thousand free phones, aud riv-1 invent rate of immicrntion in tun ing lonjr distance connections to all anally regarded as unprtvodonted, parts of the United States for a first and 'in an alwolute sense it is; but cost of less than five dollars per year .these speakers dwelt on the fact "in a. Entered at the no8tnff1r at Orirn City. Oregon, as second-class matter. payment, kindly noUfy us. and thi ! " 7 " s vure? a m' W. and there is no foun-l matter will receive our attention, j1 tho purpose of this article dat ion for the statements so often iJJ t0n i .i -made regarding the "emptying of v w. uu-iriu poornouses ana jails' toO the vicinity of Pale grew tired tof .dump the inmates on American soil I paying the lush telephone rates then One speaker contended that the'fi in ViWHO ami hivn in ixuf onmn.l TT:.l o. a . .. . I VT ... ...... .......v. tmuHi states coma easily support'? for soniMhinsy hotter. Thfv rnvsime mn oon n,-n i .i . !I ,, ... . -V i vum-vi iviiiu ensuy support'? for something better. They became 200,000,000 more people than it now ! Persuade that they could operate has. The state of Texas, he argued J a service of their own at much less ))V wv of ilWt; i. l cost, and so determined to put m than fiormn i.a ,Vn,i 1 i nes ot tneir own. i nev put up one i v i j Tic SOAP that sells the fastest AlnllnlOKfEA A B FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1905. WORKIXG FOR THE NORTH WEST. im-us iw ivum nmus ckh iw u- s5,oikj,00O population. The, real ,er coniruumng nis snare ot the la- trouble was not that wn hJ , fi bor and haulm? and of .the money room or that Jl0 immimnt, TOn.'M The sixteenth annv:-l ssion ofioxponooa lor tne necessary cost or erauv Pf10llkin?, were inferior, de- t the Trans-Mississippi Commercial IPJT 1 f l,me P thJ ,oun1 that sencrato and umWirahle people,1! Coneress is called to meet in TorM1 l tlm but little over ten i,ut that nothing has been done to t land. Ore., Awmst 16, 17. IS undj'H18 T , . , V, , S .mw1,n5 wure the proper distribution of 1 19, 1905. The organization is com J ml blulJ tthe htne them. The West and South cry for peofdeleSratesfrmthecommer.iJTarnsln,rf'1tle laborers and settlers, and the re-i cial and. industrial bodies of the; 7 7 M phid to give them sponsc is utterly inadequate, and: States and Territories wt of the ? they had their the newcomers preferring to remain J Mississippi river. Appointments !lttl?,line .option. Ihey then in tho oitio8i coasted and are also made hv the Governors, j a ltle prospectua inviting overtaxed as to the assimilative c&. l mavora of cities and boards of conn-TOmmuTU,tM to t(0 1,1kew,ae-: pacity. Even rural Xew York, ac't tv commissioners. i Q th3. Pltus ws the plan un- coriling to the 9tatc of J Gathering tocether in State andravhlch wa8 ProPfd tor?' ture, complains that thousands of j: Tentorial delegation on the floor of , vanneral "W' to a11 farm- are lying idle for the want of t the congress, measures are discussed ; t ... . cmtwP 'en and women to cultivate them. ' affectin? the various sections and,7ttm f f teKit' he Kvory dav the chairman of the Z the result in the reeommenda- Jj",,? oac11ncomnlun,t-v council of tlie Civic Ftnleration gays tions takes the form of resolutions 'u- if m? Trv"frffih PF that labor is l which are referred to a neml rorr,. ' bmI(im? t11. lts ll nd controlin?i greatly needed awav from the nast. l mittee on resolutions oorHn 1 8 ow . 1 hen th P"enta-; em centers. tw from each State and Territory, h ves ?r ai' thoso comPfln, werf.to! The convention to be called will, ll which holds continuous sessions l?rnize the general company, w Inch ' thclx.f direct iu attcution cllieflyjt After considerable labor a report is)1 n w to control the affairs of to the M Uon of 11 snhmi-ff l,of Lv:.i. general interest. The plan was h,;An nf nnr ;,;;, snbmirted bv that committee which, S?. f Z n T J? bution of our Emigration, while' tt after seneral discussion bv th oot, lsl.mllar J? the. government control dvinr a 01)Dortunit to tl' whn; Fress,goe8tothetionalConssi0rallfa,"0fneraIn that restriction is quite as recommendation of theoreaniza-!"1 , :'"Hu.r w essential as proper provision for the II . These recommendations are ??me fv.110" toie orraRlza: ; meeting of supply and demand of, for legislation alon? commercial .tl0n9 ha' the. m covernment ' aiien abati lines onlv, and are taken to TVash-l11 T? ttietaw governments. It vJ. . o . ... Iwas Onlv a fW snort rnontVia nntil mston by a Coneressional committee tne most influential that can be se was only a few short months until : protected by the guarantee everv section of the county had a leeted, and presented bv thi m.:L,tar Jlttle raPany as that at mittee to the committees of both!,,;, T,hena fnpral ting was House and Senate, whos dutv it is' callt1 ( a11 Pjipeholders, and a House and Senate, whose duty it i8:calUl J a11 PWcrs, and aof i to act upon the specific measures so , T Ta adfpto(l ! iZ j.i ' , From that, (lav to this ih mmnotiv! 1 eP' No Dytpeptlo Should Hesitate to Try , e-J Pepiikola Tablets on Thau Tarmi. i s Thousands who were once th victims 5s of Indigestion and stomach troubles are well and strong through the use of If you have It you'll agree with mc; if you haven't you know nothing about It. Those that are using It is because it Is all soap 100 per cent. pure. It acts like magic on delicate fabrics, rug carpets, woodwork, dishes. Excellent for laundry, leaves the clothes sweet and clean, the hands smoothe and white. AMMONIA is known to everyone as a healthful and powerful disinfector. BENZINE is the highest refined product of petroleum, having all the cleansing qualities found in coal oil without its impurities. Read here how to secure a bar of this Soap Free! To the first fifty customers making a cash purchase of fifty cents at my store, you will receive a bar of A B Soap absolutely free. GET IT, TRY IT AND YOU WONT DENY IT. H. P. BRIGHTBILL Huntley Bros Co., agreeing to refund tha 25 cents, in each cane the remedy fails to benefit as claimed. If you are nervous, despondent, care worn and without energy, or if you have dlxay spells, heartburn, coated tongue, or sour stomach Just make up yaur mind to try Pepslkola tablets and obtain relief. The manufacturers are ao sure that Pepslkola tablets will aid and strengthen your digestion, make the rich red blood course through your veins and put new life, energy and new vigor Into your stomach that they have Instructed Hunt ley Bros. Co. to tell all dissatisfied cus tomers that they can have their money Dack, cheerfully and without argument 8f uuuu wic Mjevmc nipnsupfM! an . . v. i r, , ' . . ' " " hmm thof t.: il, i repil reeommeiidel. , ; ". v.a, .u una Un- w'ywuyi-. h . , .;,. . iTT At the coming session there will s T' nnt" way it w perhaps dally br0UKht back " th. J be the usual topics affecting rivers'l n 8miCe m e "mteVnd the PPrletors of this remarkable I . . and harbors internal imnmvpmpnta l1"1"- """i,u nve "ucn confidence Zi j "YTffL1011 .lmPI?!einentS' ! An oyowtWa W nf f.WT, ' I" virtue and power that they hav. mauons Wim the Unent, ir-1 f . uXi ttt.B Guarantee Contract to nrauon ana reclamation of nrid . .. uiiijB lands, good roads, forestry, mines T' and mining and other subjects of Pho,nes cost something like $12.00 vast interest to the Western States , " We have a Food Dian-V P1'08 The indications are that there will of the Plan f nation of this be large delegations from all the-1compan.Tt.on D1 8n(J wiU glad States and Territories and that the . sh a to each rea'1er who sneakers who will take Dart in tbp ls.reallv interested in getting a good discussions will 1 men most influ-jU,1CF . , ential in public affairs 3Iutual organization is the thing The keraote of the Congress will for famers- IIere the mu be the Oriental trade, and the di- i tual toltThone service, a turnpike cussion upon this subject will he'companv I,orato1 on the Mme Plan' farreachin?. The location of the anion? them a firc insmnce corn- congress upon the Taoific CosKt nf Pan-V- ln tnis wa-v he fpra get this particular time, when momen- t!lin?s cxac -v at cost' 811,1 1 fiml tous affairs are of daily occurence . in evcry way Inutlal P,an over the world, gives to'the eomin 15 d to be at3vantf?eous to them. . session more than the usual amount 'Xorthwivt Pacific Farmpr of attention. ; o Ihe lacific trade will he the chief ,1 COXFEREXCE OX DMIGRA. topic of conference, as the official i TIOX call points out. Though this has' come before the Congress previously, I Much interest having been shown the force of it has never been brought by various interests throughout the out as it will at Portland on ac- country in the recent conference on count of tho contiguity of Tortland immigration held at New York un and other Pacific Coast points to di-r the auspices of the state Civic the Orient. Trade relations with , Federation, the executive council of the Far East will be exploited to ; the National Civic Federation, at the end that the best methods mav 'the suggestion of the former bodv, bo adored to secure the Oriental has decided to issue a call for a na commerce to the Trans-Mississippi tional convention to discuss the tac-s- ' .whole subject of immigration partie- vuier Hii.jects ot discussion and ularly the bettor distribution of the securing of ultimate action from aliens admitted into the country the projKT sources are the improve- under the existing laws, ment of rivers and harbors, the es- At the conference name,d some in tablishment of a union of interests Ivtween Pacific Cxist points an'' the Gulf of Mexico, the Isthmiai Canal, the merchant marine. th Consular Service, the necessity fo? differentials favoring Paeirie Coa ports in the building of naval vc sels, good roals. irrigation and .- dozen other hading matters of vi tal interest. i : i: ii i; t ?. H i; :p.ikola Tables People who have auf-jJt Pfinnf t9At CAOn.. It JvJ iTiam otrcct Thirty Beautiful Half-Tone Views Clatsop Beach Scenery Free. The Astoria & Columbia River Rail road Company has Issued a 8ouvenlr of Clatsop Beach containing 30 elaborate half-tones of the principal points of In' terest between Portland and Seaside. which will be mailed on application to C. A. Stewart. Agent, 218 Alder Street. Portland, or J. C. Mayo, O. P. A., As toria, Oregon. ..Jj POPULAR AND PICTURESQUE. Ayers TELEPHONES. There are a crreat many farn.iir communities of Oregon and Wash ington organizing f,;,r the purpos of establishing telephone lim-s. an among the first things that 'corn up to le decided is whether to nv. independent lines or join with th old line companies and use the; phones. The' experience of ail co-operativ asociations have found the ownini of their own phones the profitable way. One of the largest orjaniza tions of Eastern Washington abso lutely refuses to connect with or allow- transmission over its lines of You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair; every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this vork. It stops Hair Vigor ullingofrhehair.also. There's Breat satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that so? "MTh.lrfAdwl until It wxt tbont white. It tack Jutt . t.,tii ,,f A,r't H.ir Vlor to rwtofe it ton, frmer dark, rlrh folor. lour it "L tLt"':lw "t"t " '.u,m $ 1 W ft bottle for. t. C. ATI CO. l.w.il M.S. Fading Hair The only thing necessary to make the Denver and Rio Grande the most popular, as It has ever been known the most pleas ant and most picturesque way to cros the continent haa come about. This Is the establishment of through sleeping car service. In connection with the O. R. & N through Pullman Standard Sleeper Is now run from Portland to Denver, leaving lortiana at 8:1 p. m., arriving at Salt i Lake at g:40 a. m., the second morning. ! leaving Salt Lake at 3:50 p. m. and ar- j riving at Denver 4:20 p. m. the following uay. i nis scnedule gives paangerB seven hours stop-over In Salt Lake, af fording an opportunity to visit the Mor mon Capital as well as a day light ride mrougn the grandest scenery in the world. For reservations In this car and for il lustrated booklets picturing the scenery contiguous to the Denver & P.lo Grande, proving it to be the "Scenic Line of the World." write to W. C. McBrlde, General Agent. 124 Third Street, Portland. Until my new building en Main street Is completed, I wilt be located In the building en Main street near Fourth street, recently vacated by a A. Heine F. C. GADKE The Plumber, i'OU PUT IT DOWN m That our guarantee Is your Glbralter. We promise a satinrar-torv ..,. at the lowest price for stand behind our guarantee at all times. wny not let us estimate with youT A. MIHLSTIN, Main Strett, near Eighth Oregon City . . 0rrgon OREGON Shoit line and union Pacific THREE TRA TO I HE EAST DAILY - - I, fh 1 ullnn standard ana Tour 1st sleeping ears dully to Omaha. Chicago. Npokane; tourist sleeping cars dally t ha.ixas cily; through Pullman tourist lilting cnt. (pr,nally conductea .,0 'lr"- Kanaai CU, reclin ing chairs (seata free to the east dallr Dtpart. f tna 0LUMBIA RIVER S EERYI7Q PnptlonH Inrl TUa n II . . : ui.iaiiuauu i lie UalicS E.OTJTE Regulator Line Steamers HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Car. 7 Chicago t'oi tlund Htipclul :l a. m Allantlo Hp. m via. Hunt- Ington CHOLERA INFANTUM. You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read oer the tVnver and Kio Grande knilroad, the -Snic Line of the World" BECAUSE There are so many ncenir attractions and points of intercut along the line between Ogden and Ijenrer that the trip never becomes tiresome. Child Not Expected to Live from ... Hour to Another, but Cured by Cham-1 Denain a colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy If yoq are golnga.t. write or informa tlon and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It. RuThe little daughter of E. X. Dew- A ey, of Agnewville, Va., was seriously 111 ;oi cnoiera Infantum last Summer. "We : gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another." he says. , "I happened to think of Chamhorinin-. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoer Remedy and got a bottle of It from the store. I five i hours I saw a change for the hitcr w ' kept on giving it and before she had tak en tne hair of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by Geo A. Harding. PORTLAND, OREGON Beantlie 1 Yai Han klm BagM elpitars f i:, l Greem, PIONEER Transfer and Hxpress Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE "BAILEY GATZERT' "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" I "SADIE B." I Btr. "Palley Oatiert" leaves Portland A- M- Mondays. Wednesdays and Prt days; leaves The Dalles 7 A. M. Tuee days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays. 8tr. "Ri-t-ulator" leaves Portland 7 A M. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays leavet The Dalle. 7 A. M. Monday. Wednesdays and FVJaya. Bteamers leaving P.,rtland make dally connection at Lyle with C. R. N. train for Goldendale and Klickitat Valley points. C. R. ft N. train leave Ooldendale on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at :30 A. M.. making connection with steamer 'Regulator for Portland and way points C. R. ft N. train leaves Goldendale oe Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturdays at M0 A. M.. connecting at Tyle with steamer "Sadie B." for Th Dalle, eon nectlng there with O. R. ft N. tndnt Eaat and Went. Sir. "Sadie B." leav.. r . L. dally (eacept Sunday) at 7 A. M. for Th. Dalle and way points; arrive at 11 A M.; leave Th Dalle I P. M . arrlvM Caac.de Lock. ( p. M. Meal, served on all steamer. Fin accommodation. lor team . wagon DLndln at Portland at Aider Street H. C. CAMPBELL, Ceo. Office, Portland, Oregon. Mw Rt. Pl.nl B"t Mall e:i5 p m via Spokane. Tim SchsduU. Aiv Salt I .mu. M. Worth, Omaha, 5 . Kansas City, Hl.l opra uia, (.nicago ana Halt I-ake, i-t. Worth K Annua riiu JaiiiIb, Chicago and Denver, j Omaha, ,1.00 a m St. Walla W.n. Ia. Iston. flM)knne. Mln-U-n a m neapoll. St Paul. Dulnlh Ull.. Chicago and KaatM Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leave.. UNION DEPOT Arrive :00 A.M. Dally. 7 00 P.M. For Mnwnra D.lnl.. Clifton, Astorla.War- i-nion. navel. Ham mond. Kort Steven., (earhari Part, a... side, Astoria a n A "aMiiore. Express Dally, Astoria Express Dally. U:10A.U 9 :40 P.M ai!LA. 8TEWART- Cmm'l Agt.. Alder street. Phone Main 0. ' r MA TO. O F p A.. Astoria. Or Ocean anrt Rivfip Schedule ! i or J?n ,T"nclaco Every five day t P m. For Aatorla, way point an v uang. i regon '. 8atu.tlay at 10 p. ra. Dalit ir.i va,er-.JPertnlu,n) Willaa ette and Yamhlu river, or detailed Information of rate. .7. - on ,"l"ad ft Navigation C your nearest ticket agent, or I Qeimral i'aasrnger AgraC A. L. CAlO.