OltEGOK CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1905. 3 -9 NEW TO-DAY MONBY TO IXAN AT 6 AND 7 per cant. Farm security. U'Ren t Hchllbol. MOnTQACJK LOANS NEGOTIATED. at loweit rat, Latourette's ollloa, Commarclal Hank Iiulldln, Oragon City. r - , 1OHT N'ur tho fountain In OrKon City, I.rtdli'' told watch and chain, lCIln movrmont No. 1079BD84; Cno No. 7, 171.402. HMurn to liowvll & 3imn and r''fiv reward, Local Events Horn Krldiiy, July 7, to Mr. and Wa. Ed, HIiKiihuti, a on, Hiilmcrlbn to tho KnIiTprltio, bt local piipiT In Wlllamntta Vulloy. Founil -mniill Mm k mri on Mn In Nlrwt, Owner cun have miinii by railing at Kn tiTiil eillkw and I'l'Tillfylna property, Thn firework at Cliautauiua Hntur day vrnlna, July 22, will aurpaaa any prttvloiia fxtillilllon. Lout In tha vicinity of Clackamas, Thuraday evrnlna, lloaton Hull Tarrlor bitch named Kllrt. llowarilj Addto Drawer T. Oregon City, Oregon. fli'urgo I,. Katun, of Han Frnnclaco, and Ml Kdlth C, Cox, of thla county were united In mart limn In thla city Tueaduy by thn Hoy. I'. K. Hammond, Every farmer In Clitcknmua county ought to take a day off and with hla , family go to Chautnuiiui. County Clerk Orwiimun thla week la uitd marrlaan llcenaea aa follow: It. A. l'ulkey and Clara Miller; J. II. llenton and Mary K. Htorm; Dallua It. I'limkett and Julia Clraham, Monty to loan on Farm. Land Tltlia xamlnad. Dlmlck A Dlmlck, Lawyara, Oregon City, Oregon... Mlia Wlinar will cloaa har atudlo In Oragon City ai aoon aa poailbla. Thoaa wlahlng to hava har maka plcturaa will plaatt call at onca. Main itrtot naar vanth, The t'hauiainiua la a C'lucknmaa county Inatltutlon and ahoiikl 1 liberally aup ported. llurlul aervlcea were conducted Tues day over the remnlna of the one-year-old child of Itev. Kraxberger, paator of tha (Inrtnan Lutheran church 'of thla city. Th llttln one died Hunduy afternoon. Tha great daya at Ctu4utaua.ua are at hand. Money Saved Raisins, package 5c JooU Machine Oil, gallon 30c Bring can Granitewarc at Saving Prices. Galvenized Pails 15c, 22c Largo 25c Large Tin Pail 20c Best heavy 35c Tin Pans 4c and 5c Clothesline 5c Clothespins, per do,. lc Flour $1.05,1.10 Best $1.25,1.30 Coffee.. ,10c, 15c; he8t....20c Tea 15c, 25c; best ...45c Arm it Hammer Soda Cc Bulk Soda 4c Rice, good,. ...5c; broken. ...4c Fine Salt 35c & 48c for 50 lbs Stock Salt 100 lbs 45c Millinery out deep Many at leaa than coat Child'. Hata 47c Cut Prlcei on Waists 29c, 39o, $1.08. Coraeta aharp cut 33o up New Glrdlea 48c Men'a 80c Underwear 40c and 44c Clothing at Wholesale. Chlld'e Overalla 19o, 24c, and 35c. Hat wholesale or leaa 9c up Glovea 10c, 15c, BOo and up Child'! allppera cut to 47c, 72c, and 86c Ladlea' Patent Sllppera.. $1.28 grade, 88c ladlea' Fine Shoet, $1.40 grade 98c Egga In Demand Good Prices, Red Front Store E. C. HAMILTON, Proprietor . OREGON CITY, OREGON The Hoard of Water Commlaaloiiara 1w Incted firiica Curry' collector and tiatrim of ilm i liy'a wutar ayali'm will henii':r mi lie puymunl to that genlta tiit.il wlioio uiileo a ovor llurrla' grocery atore, MOIITQAGB LOANS NEKJOTAITED at lowaat rates, Latourottii'a offloa, Com mercial Sank Building, Oregon City, Hiuiduy'a rellgloua aervlcea ul Clmu tiui'iuu are of an unuauully high order. Hev. Anna II. Hhaw will preach at 2:00 p, m auhject, 'Tho Ifaavonly Vlalon." In I lie evening Illahop John W. Hamil ton, of Han Kruiiulxco, will preach a great Bcrninn. Tim Cuiitiitii Haturduy waning, with Mra. Homo Illock Iliiuer, aopruno, with a chorua of 100 volcea will draw on Im- innimii crowd, Taint! paint! paint! end get It at Char man & Co.'a, their priori are alwaya Juat right. In noting Oregon City orutura who par ticipated In Independence lny cnloltra- tlona at different polnta Jn the, county, tha Knterpi Ibo luat week unintentionally omitted the imnut of Heniit-;r Iirownell, who delivered a patriotic) oration at tha IC-lacadit relehrntlon. Tonight the member of I'lotieer Chap ter, Order of the Eastern Htur, go to l'ortlund whyre they will attend a recep tion that la to be given by Myrtle t'hap ter In honor of Mra. Thoa. K, Ilyun, of thla city who wa recently elected grand worthy matron of tho organization In Oregon, Ituby capa and hata greatly reduced. Mlaa Ooldamlth'a. "Autolng on Ing Inland" la the title of Oraldlna Ihmner'a letter to the Ar gonaut of July 17th. In thla letter Mlaa llonner wrltea of automobile trip on !ong Ialund, deacrlblng aome of the quaint old colonlul vlllagea there. Thla number of the Argonaut conalata of 24 pugea, and la a apeclally Illustrated edu cational number. For thoee who wanted peachea laat year. Hcorea of fumlllea called at our orchard for a aupply of peaches after they were all dlMponed of. Iue announce ment will appear In tho column of thla paper when peaclie are ripe and ready to deliver thla year. The crop la big ger than ever, and quality promleca to be, If anything, atlll finer than hereto fore, (lerd Kllcia, Kllera landing, Wil lamette Hlver. The Autoflllor, the brat self-filling Fountain Ten, 13X1 and upward. Every pen guaranteed. C'harman ft Co., drug glata. aole agent. U. A. Bchuebel, of Hhubel, paed through thla city Wedneaday on Wa way to the Lewla and Clark Fair. He car ried with him a very line aample of flax, which waa grown on hla farm In Clack amaa county. The atulka of the bunch which he preaented to the C'luckamae county fnlr exhibit committee, were about four feet In length, and curried an unuauully fine large bunch of aved. Mr. BvhuelK'l atutea that ha ralaea hla flax from aced and thtit he find It a very profitable Induatry, " Special prlcee on millinery thla week at Mlaa Ooldamlth'a. Mra. June McMillan Ordway, Ml Ev elyn Hurley, Allen Percy, ,Mr. and Mra. A. E. Kllaworth, Mr. and Mra. Dlcrke. Lanalng 8tott. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Strlck ler and daughter, Mlaa Greta; Mra. J. O. I'tlabury. Mr. and Mra. Jaa. E. Million, Ml hb Laura Thompaon and Mra. George Ilroughton, and daughter, Mlaa Vctota, of Portland; Rev. F. II. Mlxeell, of South Mend. Waahlngton; Mra. J. Chupmun and Mra. Amanda Ilhlnehart, of Seattle, were among thoao attending the Urodle-Hurd-Ing wedding In thla city Wedneadoy ev ening. O. W. P. Ry. Co. Sunday round trip rate to Eatacada 75 ccnta. Tlcketa muat ba purchaacd at Company' oincea. Somebody hua unearthed from the fllea of the Sclentillc American thla little Item of preaent Intereat. which waa printed In the laauo of September 2. 1803: "In cutting aome timber In Omuha, a few daya alnce, a bullet woa found embedded In the trunk of a rock elm. The gralna which hud over grown It allow that It muat have been depoalted there alxty two yeara ago, a time when the country hud not yet been vlalted by any white men qxcept the explorera Lewla and Clark." Hatavla and Duck and Linen hatB, new arrival, Mlaa Ooldamlth'a. The akiill and hum of a rocky moun tain Hheep were found aome time ago by. an Idaho man, firmly Imbedded twenty feet from the ground In the trunk of a largo tree! The aertlnn containing; the curiosity haa been ttaken to the Lewla & Clark Exposition where it la attracting much attention. U la presumed thttt, when tho tree waa a sapling, the sheep got entangled In Its branches, and died. As the sapling grew. Into a tier', the sheep waa lifted heavenward and Its skull nnd horns became. Imbedded In the trunk. Deserve Your Patronage. The growth of a community and the success of Ita local Institution depends entirely on the loyulty of Its people. It la well enough to preach "patronlxe home Industry" hiit except tha service given at a homo Institution equals that of out-of-town enterprises, this argument car ries no weight and la entirely disregard ed, aa It should be. But with Oregon Cltj people It la different. A few months ago E. L. Johnson established the Caa cade Laundry. It la equipped with tha lateat Improved machinery and la dally turning out work that la equal to any and auperlor to much of the laundry work that la being done In Portland. Doing a home Institution and furnishing employment for many Oregon City people It is enjoying an Immense patronage. The high standard of the work being done commends It to the general public Laundry left at the O. K. barber ahop will be promptly called for and delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 12M. E. L. Johnson, proprietor. O Personal Mention V. C. Yoder, of Hubbard, waa in the city Monday, F. V. McLaren, of Wllholt Springs, waa In the city thla week on business. Mis Ruth Latotirettv has returned from a visit with friend at Walla Walla. A, A. James, an attorney of Hood Rlv ei't wa In the city Tuesday on bulnea. Walter Johnson, of Woodburn, visited thla week with hla brothers In this city. K. J. Fletcher, a merchant of Hood Hlver, was a visitor In Oregon City Tuea duy. C. IS, Moore and family are among tha vlaltor to the Chautai)(ua, being camp ed at the grounds. J. I'. Luta Mt this week for eastern Oregon where ha ha the contract for building a number of houac. i C. W. Pope went to Wllholt Hprlnga Wdneday where he will combine work with pleasure for a few day. Caleb Cross and aon, Ralph and Hul- elgh have gone to their mines near the headwaters of tho Cluckamus. Oacar Herman ha gone to Skamokawa, Waahlngton, where he will enter tha employ of the W. P. & P Co. O. P: Holt, of Salem, state labor com mlasloner, waa In thhe city Tuesday in- 1 vestlgatlng local labor conditions. Mr, Junie W. Church, of Llnd, Waah- j Ington, Is vlaltlng at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Albright. Jack Latourette has gone to Her tin. Washington, where he will work In mine In which his father la Interested. Mrs. V, D. Schlndler, of San Francisco, who haa been visiting at the home of Dr. and M. J. W. Norrla, hua gone to Seat tle. MUa Kdn a St. John, of San Hern ad In o. California, la visiting at Oregon City, the guest of Ml M. Edna Harris and moth er. 1 E. M. Howell and M. E. Howell were thla week vlvitora to Lincoln county where they are Interested In considerable prop erty. Miss Zelma Shaver went to Portland Monday and Joined a company of friends and rclutlvea for a tour of Yellowstone Park. Mrs. J. O. Zlnstr, of Portervllle, Cali fornia, Is visiting In this city, a gueat at the home of County Superintendent Zln aer. W, H. Latourette and family, of Mc Mlnnville, are among those encamped at Gladstone Park and attending the Chau tauqua. ' Rev. W. 8. Orlm and wife, of Astoria, are visiting in this city this week and at tending the sessions of the Chautauqua association. Rev. M. Montgomery, pnstor of 8t. Mark's church, Aberdeen. 8. D., waa the guest of Hev. P. K. Hammond In this city Tueaday. Mi. Bruce C. Curry and eon have gone to Newport to spend the Summer. Bruce Joined the family Friday and will remain over Sunday. Grafton Cheney arrived Monday from Sun Francisco for a visit with Mra. Che ney, who haa already been visiting here, and with other relatives. After a pleasant visit with Mra. C. P. tilshop, Mrs. Addle Clark of Oregon City, left yesterduy morning for her home. Thursday's Salem Statesman, Mra. Lawrence Nelson and Miss Vlxe-ll.-h, of Sun Francisco, were guests thla week at the home of G. A. Harding. The former la a Bister of Mia. Harding. Mra. Emma Thomas, accompanied by her daughter, Mlsa Sophia, of Baltimore. Maryland, la visiting In Oregon City, a gueat of her sister, Mrs. E. S. Bollinger. Henry Smith and wife, of Watertown. New York, are visiting with frlcnda In Oregon City. Mr. Smith waa formerly connected with the Willamette Pulp & Paper Company. Rev. Father L. P. Desmorals. of The Dulles, waa In tho city for a few hours, Tuesday, the giieat of Rev. Father Hilde brand, being en route home from a visit In southern Oregon. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hedges, of Everett. Washington, visited relatives In thla city this week. Dr. Hedges came to Portland to attend a met-tlng of the American Medical Association. Mortimer D. Latourette has resumed newspaper work temporarily and for the next few duys will write locals for the Courier ond also act as Oregon City cor respondent to the Telegram. Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, accompanied by her son, Lelond. left yesterday morning for Gladstone, whore they will attend the sessions of the Chautauqua now In con vention there. Salem Statesman., Mrs. Kate Bashor and daughter, Chloe. left yesterday to attend the Chautauqua at Gladstone Park. They will be Joined by Miss Gertrude Baahor of Oregon City. Wedneaday' Salem 8tntosniun. Misses Minnie and Emma Anderson, of Grove Lake, Minnesota, are visiting In Oregon City, the Kucsts of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wood. They will spend the Sum mer in Oregon visiting friends and attend ing the Exposition. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Beard, formerly of this city nnd now located at Grants Pasa, were the guests of Oregon City friends this week while Pr. Beard attended the sessions of the American Medical Asso ciation at Portland. Miss Alda Broiiffhton, Miss Constance Holland and MIps Maud Morey, of Port land, Mlas Mary S. Barlow and Miss Veva Tull, of Barlow, were among the out-of-town gueats at the Brodle-Hardlng wedding Wednesday evening. Rev. A. 8, Foster will, preach at Bay City on Sunday morning nnd In this city In tho evening. As Mr. Foster will leave for Oregon City on Monday nnd will be away three weeks, there will be no more preaching service In the Presbytrlan church this month after Sunday. Tilla mook Headlight, Dr. Louis J. Wolf, who has been taking a special course In medicine at New York City, Is expected to return to Oregon about August 1. Dr. Wolf has many friends In this city where for several months he waa associated with Dr. C. M. Strickland. During the last few weeks Dr. Wolf has been aperdlng his time on Homer Davenport' farm in New Jersey. District Organizer F. G. Woodcock went to Oregon City Baturdoy and from there would proceed to lgan on Monday to participate In a grand W. O, W. rally accompanied by a largo company of chop per from the Falls city. Hllverton Ap peal, W, D. Robertson and Wife, of Carbon ado, Canada, are visiting with friend In the Bhiibol neighborhood and attending tho !wls and Clark Fair. Mr. Robert son formerly resided In this vicinity, but for the laat lx year ha been success fully engaged at mining In British Col umbia. Dr, J. M. Lowe, of The Dalle, while attending the American Medical Associa tion at Portland, this week, took advant age of the opportunity and visited with hla old friend In thla city where he wa formerly located In the practice of hla profession. Ml Bertha Goldsmith went to Eu gene thla week and will return In a few day accompanied by her mother and slater, Mis Zlda, who will become per manent resident of this city, occupying a newly constructed cottage at the cor ner of Main and Fourteenth itreeta. J. W. WIiinIow and daughter, Joule, of LeMur, Iowa, who have been visiting Mr. Wlnslow' brother, Frank Wlnslow, at Milk Creek and with the family of G. II. Young, in Oil city, left for Spokane yesterday where they will visit before returning to their Eastern home. Dr. E. A. Bommer returned Wednesday from Ban Francisco, where he attended the session of the American Surgical Association and reports a most interest ing and profitable trip. The doctor thla week attended the sessions of the Amer ican Medical Association at Portland. Dr. W. E. Carll, a a member of Gov ernor Chamberlain' Btaff, left Thura day with the Portland battery for the annual encampment of that organization which will thi year be held near Bandy. At the conclusion of the Encampment the battery will attend several day at the Lewis & Clark Exposition. During the absence of Dr. Carll from the city, Dr. Harvey E. Hickman, house physician at St. Vincent' hospital of Portland, will be In charge of the office. Dr. Beatle & Beatle, Dentist, Room 16, 17 1, Welnhard Building. BRO DIE HARDING. One of the most elaborate wedding ever held In Oregon City waa that of the marriage of Mlsa Jennie Imogen Harding, daughter of Mr. and Mr. George A. Harding to Mr. E. E. Brodle, both of thla city. Thl event wa celebrated at St. Paul' Episcopal church in thi city at 8 o'clock Wedneaday evening, July 12, 1905, Rev. P. K. Hammond officiating, in the presence of about 200 assembled rela tive and friends. Promptly at 8 o'clock, Mra. Walter Reed, of Portland, ang, D'Hardelof "I Know a Lovely Garden," at the conctu- Islon of which, the bridal party, preceded by a chorus of ten volcea, entered the church. The choru consisted of ten of the pupils of Miss Harding and were: Misses Ethclwyn Albright. Cls Barclay Pratt. Iaura Pope, Muriel William. Ethel Graves, Lizzie Rooa. Veva Tull, Ccclle Wiley, of Portland; Mra. Ja. E. Mahon and Mra. J. H. Striekler. Enter ing the church, this choru Bang the bridal choru from Lohengrin, Mlaa Lulu Draper being the accompanist. Fol lowing the choru came the three usher. Mr. George Lee Harding, and Mr. Carlton D. Harding, brother of the bride, and Mr. Llvy Stlpp and after them came the bridesmaids, Miss Antoinette Walden and Mis Martha France Draper, of Oregon City, and Miss Hazel Plllsbury. of Portland. Little Miss Harriett Griffith, as rlngbearer, preceded the flower girls who were Mlssea Alice Bollinger and Marguerite Hammond. They In turn were followed by the maid of honor, Mlsa Nelta Natalie Harding, alster of the bride and next came the bride, beautifully coa tumed, and leaning on the arm of her father, Mr. George A. Harding. Aa the party reached the altar, the groom, at tended by Mr. Raleigh Trimble, of Port liid, a best man, entered from the vest ryroom, meeting the bride and her at ttndonta, when the Rev. Mr. Hammond pronounced the Impressive service. Following tho ceremony at the church, the bridal party, accompanied by a great many Invited gueata, repaired to the spacloua lawn at the Harding home where a reception was held, Mrs. Hard ing being assisted In receiving by the fol lowing named ladles: Mra. P. K. Ham mond, Mr. Mary Barlow, Mrs. E. S. Bol linger, Mrs. T. A. Pope. Mrs. Chaa. Al bright. Mr. T. W. Fouta, Mrs. Henry Harding, Mrs. Frank Barlow, all of Or egon City, and Mra. Nelson Lawrence and Miss Penelope Vizellch, of San Fran cisco. The bride Is one of Oregon City's most estimable young women whose well-wishing friends are legion. She is a native daughter of this city and la a moat ac complished vocalist and a musical direc tor, having spent a number of yeara In pursuing her musloal studies under the direction of the best Instructors In New York City. The groom is the managing editor of the Courier. Mr. and Mra. Brodle left Wednesday night for Vancouver and other points in British Columbia where a two weeks' honeymoon will be passed after which they will return to Oregon City and be at homo at the residence of Mrs. Mary Barlow. CRUSHED TO DEATH BY HORSE. Martin Boyle Victim of Mishap on the West Side. Martin Boy lea, aged 64 year, of thla city, was Instantly killed Monday after noon by the backing of the horse he was driving, over a 15-foot embankment. The scene of the accident waa on the West Side and within a mile of thla city. Two lads, named Clark and Murphy, who were riding with Boyles, escaped with only slight scratches by leaping from the buggy aa It started over the precipice. The horse became fractious and the driver was unable to manage the animal which backed the vehicle over the rocky embankment. The horse fell upon Boyles who waa crushed to death Instantly, the buggy being entirely demolished. Coroner Hdman took change of the remlns, but did not conduct an inquest. Besides a wife, the deceased, who ha;d resided in this city for a great many yeara, la survived by three children, Harry Boyles and Minnie Boyles, of Or egon City, and Alice Boyles, of Portland. Burlat servtoe wera lield Wednesday, (K km MM n; DAYS s-Jk ARE -A HAPPY !.J? X DAYS. Jafej What would you not give now fog some plctcr es you might have hadBaby, Pets, Friends, Picnics, Ex cursions, the Old Home. See about th t Kodak to-day. So simple a child can use itso inexpensive anybody can afford one ' , Brownie Cameras, $1, 2, 5, 9. Pocket Kodaks, $6, 10, 12, !5. I Stop and get a catalog today and let os show yoc We handle the best Plate Cameras also. Huntley Brothers Co. How Do You Spend Your Money? Are you doing; it in a way to secure substantial bene fits? Are you laying something aside for a ''Rainy Day"? . If not, you will never have a better time to be gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way, come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR WILL DOIT." Ihe Bank of Oregon City UNDER NEW MANAGEJ1ENT Oregon City Planing Mill Co. Doors, Windows, Mouldings And all Kinds Stock Patterns of Mill Work Always on Hand. Estimates on Contracts Made Free of Charge. "The Ice Cream of Quality." Pure, Rich Cream and the Purest of Flavors blended with unsurpassed skill. Swetland's Famous Ice Cream Try a Quart for Sunday's dinner. Special prices for picnics and socials J. A. TUFTS Sole Agent for Oregon City. FREE SOUVENIR. When visiting Portland, call at Swetland's, 273 Mor rison St., and present this ad. You will receive FREE an attractive souvenir for the table. JOHN YOUtfGER, Near Huntley's Druj? Store, FORTY TEARSlXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. OASTOniA. Bean th Tl Kind Von Have Always BctM W. KUPPENBEDEB, President BEN. KUPPENBESDER, Sec.& Treas Do Yoa Know Anything ABOUT Eppley's If not you should know. It's a pure article put up in pint Mason jars full weight. Sold by all Leading Grocers C. 1 liraun, PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE OASTOnXA. Bati th f Kind toil Have Always Boujtt ran Mil Powder?