OREGON" CITY KNTERPMSJ., FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1905. utif voffesponaents' corner j Brici lUb of Gossip From it Correspondents re requested to re new their work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The newi from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. GENERAL SUMMARY. Th past week was dry and the hottest of the season. These conditions were Very favorable for haying, and this work has been pushed along rapidly. The hay crop promises to be heavier than last year, although In some few localities Is is not so good as expected. Pasturage Is getting short, and consequently the tnllk supply in the dairy districts is de creasing. . The harvest of barley and fail rye has begun, and fall wheat cutting will be come general next week. Fall wheat Is maturing nicely, but it has been a little too warm for Spring wheat, especially the late sown. Oats show considerable Improvement. Corn and gardens have made good advancement. Hop lice are still plentiful in many yards, and con siderable spraying has been done during the week. The grain aphis is disappear ing, and reports as to the amount of dam age caused by the pest are conflicting. Apples, pears, peaches and prunes, al though below the average in quantity, are doing nicely. The berry season in the western section is drawing to a close, but in the higher elevations in eastern Oregon it is now at its height. BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP. a wx complexion nun com rrom Within. It Is the natural desire of every ambi tions woman to have a clear skin and a beautiful complexion. Outward applica tions of powders can never do more than partially cover up a poor complexion and is apt to ruin the texture of the skin if used persistently. Constipation ia respon sible for not only the greater part of headaches, biliousness, bad breath, tor pid liver, backache and lack of energy, but for sallow, muddy complexion as well. Tlje right way to remove pimples, and blotches and clear up a muddy, cloudy complexion is to go right to the root of the trouble. The one remedy that will cure constipation. Improve the complex Ion, brighten the eyes, quicken the circu lation, cure sick headache and insure a clear, velvety skin is Laxlkola Tonic Tab lets. So that there may be no chance for disappointment, and to protect both you and the druggist, we have agreed to re fund the full retail price of 25 cents to Huntley Bros Co. by issuing a Guarantee Contract authorizing them to pay back your money If the remedy does not ben efit you as claimed. HARMONY. Farmers in this vicinity who have hay are busily engaged in taking care of it. The Y. P. A. election of June 29, re sulted in the electing of the following officers: Wm. H. Karr, president; Ar thur Hansen, vice-president; Bern ice Chapman, recording secretary; Hulda Kanne, corresponding secretary; Fannie Hayman, Missionary secretary; Charles Fankhauser, treasurer.. A number of the people of this place have gone to camps at Chautauqua. Hannonyltes, in general, know a good thing and usually attend Chautauqua In large numbers. Chas. Otty, who sometime ago was se riously injured while blasting, is now able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Millard, and daughter, of Nebraska, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Millard and family and attending the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ira 8. Hill, of Portland, were the guests of Mrs. H. Karr and fam ily Bunaay. Mr. and Mrs. Baker and little daughter who have been visiting relatives here, and attending the Lewis and Clark Fair, returned to the home in eastern Wash ington. ' One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dol ' lars Earned. The average man does not save to ex ceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expens es for every dollar saved. That being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expensesl Very often a few cents properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It Is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar hoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of It In the house aften saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. EAGLE CREEK. We have been having very hot weather for several days, but it is now some cool er this morning. rne farmers are ail busy haying. The road supervisor has been working the Douglas hill with a crew of men. Mrs. Viola A. Douglass and daughter went to Portland yesterday to see Albert Douglass of Stevenson, who Is attending the Fair. Wm. J. Howlett and wife and J. P. Woodle returned last Monday from Trout dale, where they were attending camp- meeting. Miss Dora Brackett is some better is able to be out of the hospital again. Most of the people of Eagle Creek at tended the celebration at Estacada. Mrs. Katie Douglas returned from Stevenson, Washington, where she was visiting her parents. Mr. Levi Rivers was seen on our streets yesterday. He resides in Portland. Mr. Ralph Nance of Portland was vis iting his parents yesterday. MACKSBURG, Born June IS, to the wife of Frank Brusch, a boy. Ed. Morris little son Ralph died last Thursday morning. The Hepler boys on the father's farm south of here are clearing up quite a lot of ground. Macksburg and Molalla played baseball at Adklns' Mill the Fourth, the score being 4 to 4. Mr. E. Biggs has the finest piece of vetches around here. H. Faulkner is the proud owner of 10 All Farts oUh County. fa bull terrier pups. Blackberries are ripe now and most any day you can see people down by the Molalla. Multala Hanson Is home from Port land, where she has been at work. It has been very hot here since the Fourth, the heat Is telling on the po tatoes and wheat. Honry Brusch Is getting his threshing machine ready for a good fall's work. Cntvan Hanson was up last week to see thhe Fair. Vncle Henry Wolfe Is building a board fence on his farm. BARTON. Nobody has heard from our little burg lately, It's not behind the time, but still on the boom. Haying Is In full blast now. Mr. Sam Lyon, of Washington, who has been visiting his brother for some time left for the logging camp again. K. II. Burghardt made a flying trip to Portland last of the week. Mrs. Allen Brackett of Wasco. Oregon, has been vlsitng her mother, Mrs. M. Henkle. Quite a number of Barton people spent the Fourth at the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Lehman of Portland, were the guests of Burghardt and family Sunday. Mr. D. R. White of Washington, is homo for the summer. Anna Burghardt and Mr. R. Davis call ed on Miss Anna's sister, Mrs. Fred Hlm ler.. of Parkulace. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Q. D. Hull spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ward. E. H. Burghardt is acting ticket ngent at Barton. Get your round trip tickets at the store week days $1.00; Sunday, 50 cents. Rev. Levi Johnson held service at the school house Sunday; will hold service also next Sunday. Mrs. Viola Douglass and daughter Bl na, were the guests of H. Gibson, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Nickels of Albany, Or., were the guests of Mrs. Henkle Sunday. Messrs Laube Bros, are home for some time. Mr. John Moll, wife and cousins, of Lents, spent their Sunday in Barton Grove. COLTON. Burt Hubbard, of Washington, is spend ing a few days visiting at his home here. Quite a crowd of young folks from here went to the upper Molalla last werk for an outing and catch the specklel beauties from the Molalla river, one of the most beautiful in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Livingston, and son. late of Greenback, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Livingston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonney. A crowd of Jolly picnlcers spent the glorious Fourth on Clear Creek and re port a fine time. Lou Hubbard brought a new binder home from Canby on the fifth. B. C. Palmer, of Carrolton. Wash., is visiting friends In this vicinity. Mrs. Lafferty Is quite sick. Dr. Lev ette is In attendance. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Wagner, of Portland, was doing business In our burg on the 6th. PARKPLACE. Good hay weather and farmers are happy. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson bave gone to Romulus, Michigan, where they were called by telegram on account of the ill ness of Mr. Johnson's mother. Prof, and Mrs. Seamore, of Dallas, and Mrs. Seamore's sister, have been spend ing two week's of the summer vacation visiting Mr. Seamore's mother, Mrs. Lot tie Brown, of this place. Miss WIlBon Is attending the Teachers' Normal at Oregon City. She has been re-elected to the Parkplace school for another year. Mr. Fred Smith ' and wife and son Woodson, from Baker City, Oregon, are visiting at Captain Smith's. W. L. Patterson and F. W. Smith, from Baker City, Ira Wlshart from Grants Pass and Charlie 8mlth and Mrs. Nat chen from Parkplace, went to Roaring River and the Hot Springs for two weeks on a fishing tour. They returned the first of the week and if you want to hear a fish story just ask Charlie he can tell you one. Prof. Read has moved into the C'lay don house recently vacated by Mrs. U"Ren. who has moved to Eugene. Little Mary Lucas, who for some time has been low with typhoid fever, is re covering. There will not be any church or Sunday school for two Sundays on account of Chautauqua at Gladstone and the V. P. C. E. Society have postponed their meet ings till after Chautauqua Mrs. C. E. Smith has moved back from Portland and says Parkplace Is good enough for her. CARUS.. Make hay while the sun shines. Leon Jones spent Tuesday with his Uncle, Mr. Monroe Irish and family. Lew Buekner is working for Ed. How ard for a few dais. Mr. Emmott's folks have moved to Logan. Mr. Elmer Cooper spent a few days last week with hie father, Mr. R. M. Cooper, our postmaster. Mrs. John Jones called on Mrs. London Monday. Albert White cut hay for Mr. Lindsley the first of the week. The dance at New Era Saturday night was a grand success. Little Sarah Edwards, of Portland, Is spending the summer with J. R. Lewis and family. War Against Consumption. All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption, the "White plague" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are In no danger -of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking some unknown I preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain In results. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon having It Huntley Bros. Co. VIOLA. James Sevier Is home front Imbpt-ml- enoe, Mr. Hamilton him relatives visiting him front the Kast. James lluyiloii Is marketing his new crop of potatoes at Estaoada. Mr. Brown of Ixtbanoit has been vis iting his sou, V. V. Brown. Mrs. Harve Mitt toon spent the week In Portland. Rev, J. V. Kxon. of Heaver-ton, was In Viola, Monday. Quarterly meeting of thhe Viola circuit will be held by Vr. I. E. Kockwell at IVver, July Id. NEEDY. Haying, harvesting and hop spraying, with plenty of hot weather to make It pleasant. Is the order of the day. Charles Spagle has gone to the Hot Springs for the benefit of his health. Quite a crowd attended the school meet ing, especially the young men,' wonder why. Vrlda Elliott and Joe Fish visited Mrs. C. Nobiitt and Edith Jackson Friday. Mr. and Mm. C. Molsnn and daughter Lillian took a drive to Wllholt Tuesday. Grnndpa Noblott attended campineet Ing at Canby Sunday. Oils Townsend. Hay Fish, I.vir.t Reamea end Mary Price went on a Ash ing trip to the North Folks of the Mo lulla Sunday. Everybody and his beat girl get a smile on your faces, for a photographer Is soon coming to Needy. MT. PLEASANT. Mr. Jerome Klser, of Waltsburg. Wn.. Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. E. Warner, at Locust Farm. Mrs. Dan O'Nell and Miss Holmes were the guests of Mrs. Will Ladd of Portland hist Saturday. Miss C. D. Bradford, of Portland wai a guest at Locust Farm last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Williams, of Seattle, were visiting "The Firs" last Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mr. Williams' mother, Mrs. C. C. Williams. Mrs. R. H. Taber, Mrs. Julia Wllilunis and Mrs. L. Thomas and daughter, com pose a camping purty at Chautauqua. Miss Bemlce Welton of Falrburg. Ne braska, is visiting her uncle Mr. R. H. Taber. Miss Welton Is an Interested Chautauqua worker. Mrs. J. Wesley Canteurvine, of Walla Walla, arrived last Monday to attend Chautauqua. Mrs. Canteurvine will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Kel logg. Miss Elaine King left 8unday for As toria to visit friends on her way home. Miss Helen Rlggs spent Monday and Tuesday with her cousin, Mrs. Rice, of Portland. Miss Lulu Hlcock is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. An drews. Mr. Cnas. Andrews has disposed of his property here and expects to move his family to Falls View. The Mt. Pleasant Progressive Club will give a garden party soon for the benefit of the school grounds. Haying In this vicinity Is progressing nicely and there are indications of ex cellent grain crops. Mrs. W. B. Stafford and daughter, Miss Roma, are enjoying camp life at Chautau qua. Miss Vara Caufield spent Sunday at The Lilacs. t Greatly In Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cleansor, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stomach afid liver troubles. Try them. At How ell & Jones' drug store, 25 cents, guaran teed. ELDORADO. Frank Irish has been helping Ell Stark make hay. Geo. Helvey spent Sunday at home. John Gillette of Ely Is building a kit chen for Al, Jones. Newt Maule and L. Bond arc In Ely making hay. B. J. Helvey and family spent Sunday at Will Jones. 8everal from here spent Sunday at New Era. Chas. Fipka and sons are buying hay of Curtis Helvey. Maud Daniels of Beaver Creek was in our burg one day last week. I. E. and H. Jones are putting up hay for W. Jones and Son. Mabel Frazer has returned home after a few weeks' stay with her mothor Mrs. Al. Jones. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years, but nothing would cure It, until I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve. " A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. L'5 cents at Howell & Jones drug store. GREENWOOD. Several from here attended the dance at New Era Saturday evening. All re port a good time. Mrs. J. P. Phillips, of Howard, South Dakota and Miss Nettle DeClarke of Spangle, Washington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke this week. C. V. Stoker Is having his new house built. Geo. Rider is the carpenter. Charlie Cahlll and Geo. McCormick have gone to "eastern Oregon to work through harvest. Nora Gregory and Nellie Flemmlng were shopping In Oregon City Monday. Edna Armstrong of Portland spent Sun day and Monday with Bessie Clarke of this place. Mr. Gregory has a new Graphophone. Bessie Clarke spent Friday and Sat urday in Portland. Church has been discontinued until the first Sunday in August. Alber McCormack spent several days with home folks last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clarke of Mt. Pleas ant, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rider spent Sunday with C. V. Stoker and wife. Bssrs tba a I ha Kind Vou Haw km Boujjf sift jtjx vrTzir MOUNTAIN VIEW. I Several of our people are ciimpthg at Oludstone Park and imjoylna Chniitnuiiiu. l,at Monday ' morning while Mr. Bur Icy was shewing it hnrss for Kvertmrt Co., the animal middetily dropP"! lit the lloor and expired. Mr. M. Shelly lost a luuso as suddenly last Huturdity while on the toad to town. Mr. Purity lm palntt'd his house sml It adds 'much to the gtmeritl appearance, Now If some itmrous hearted man would iiihw tint weeds along the sliln walks, rspeclulty to the cemetery, It would be a favor to the ninny who pass. Khnrr IMxon has been quite sick the mst two weeks, but is better. Miss Ji'tinli" Wisher is seriously III at the home of her sister, Mrs. Miilcliett, The little nephew of Mrs. Fred Cur rlna, who with his mother lately arrived from California. Is quite sick. Mrs. Smally also Is not well. Mr. Thomas Massy and wife and child lift for California the first of the week where they rxwct to reside. Horn to Mr. and Mis. Homer H' KKKle. mm, last Friday, a daughter. A family by the name of Kumbo have moved into the vacant house near Mr. M.deeliims; a family by name of Unlit rtn moved Into J. I. lack's property. The hop house Is nrmlug compli llon under the ntnnagvment of Wily May nmt J. Lewrllyn. Drives w - n i i v iT iKAiJNii 1LD Ftttnitttte and Haidwaie. UR FURNITURE b running day and night to make up for lost time. manufactured and BUREAU PROVED TO BE A PRIZE WINNER, vrrv ar, aVu- -a. f now for this celebrated piece of - furniture which will be June 15th, '$6 : t ' '"j - ) ' Writins Desk A 1 $5.50 v 11 Warranted Steel Range 6 holes, 18; Inch CA oven, high closet P'3U 4f i i re, wnicn will go Cheap. I I ( ?!! Vhoenix 'jfX given on ill h I: j ?4ujo?;fa! W-gaff ?liaiion!r I v7 b!L p4)f I: j fjlUr-Mmiiu Purposes U ' ' : busch T if CTMii! - ' . - m llOlIMki .I! .fnniltuit 4 Hdwarc , Cots, $2.25. A - i' niT-sMsli i , t v Mlllsn Olllettt Is visiting St TTIItsho- ro. ' . Mr. Frank Francis and wife visited rel atives here Saturday and Holiday. Mr, Will Henry of I'tiitlaml visited Mis, Mateheett last Sunday, i Several of our people drove over to NYw Era last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clancy and son from Hub bard, lows, relatives of Mr. Muitows and Mr, Kays and wlfo am vlsltlna them while hern attending lite Lewis ft Clark Fair, Which holds the winning tiond, tleoie or Charley? Homebody knows, but the people, In Kcuei al are gin suing. Pearl, Svlby came home from Washing ton to spend the 4 1 It and attend th Fnlr, and while here lost his pocket book, and supposed ) hud been robbed, but Ills mother while at work looked uiulrr the bed and saw the pockvtbook lyln on the bed springs. What's the mutter, I'earlT you urn surely forgetful after get ting homo and foi getting your sweet heart. It would be u kindness to the public and a moral benefit to thn buys who con ni'dute at ulubt near the ma light on "til and Molalla Avenue If thn parents would control the liinmitin ntid liehuvlor of those boys. A good soilud missionary could do some work time t home. Wo don't think lliei uie any future1 piesi dnits In that crowd, but piihapM a few iienutois may crop out. The children's Jayneis Tonic out blood impurities. Makes Gives tone, vitality and (Jet it from your Jrugjjiit jSjB71"t GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST FACTORY in Oregon City sold, wholesale and retail. i During the I'slr you will bs veto i put up an extra ttl to accotn ' inoilntr your friend H u y i one of our $1.95 ! IRON 50 Full size Bureau, line clear Mirror, made out of thoroughly svaHonud lumber, finished in golden oak, dark cher ry and white maple. Sold for cash only. Special price In doen lots. BEDS Look at our $7.50 Ex. Table RIDLAND. Viola oslebratnd th4th win. ... ttiusinsm inn pninntin tiny tisi)ny 7 VKlops. Mr. Oordoti liny... Wll (h Iliuslnsm the patriotic, tny ?' orator of the day. Among other eltltf contributions to the prog,am J was thn speech of Itnv. V. n n. Veteran of the civil war, urn . ,.,"'. 1 Miss Hamilton, of Viola. Mr. Arthur Barrett and fllW j,, , bullion srti hauling lumber to J,.,', Mr. Elmer Walker, who Is bt.lldlL houss them I Most of thn farmm am nw b ( engaged lt taking em. of their ny J Mrs. Knrrel and Miss Wilcox, of p html Slid Oregon City, respei-1 v'y J1' a few days home celebrating , yJ?1 Fruil and Tom liorkey of puniand w. lecently In our town fishing anj .,, " with old friends, "ln Mr. Carl tlray, who has !. mmh. lit eastern Oregon tin- pan Hpr) "J Hummer, Is now home for the imt .J year. Mis. llonnny Is thn proudest on, u thirn territories, her baby entrled Mist tumors at the rw'Mit baby show, ltev. Mr. I'utlon prea hd In (, u K. Church last Monday, after prolong absrncn of several months, It Is contemplated iy (() Hominy school picnic nt Viola, unl( ' In Annual. Mr, I. C. Itlchardsoii, our palm,.. cotisldi ruble work to do In I,wrP (' M.ssis. Itontiey and Miller havt th suw mill In shup again urn) W commence running. friend Vermifuge strong nerves and muscles. snap. n. T7 V S7& nrrr t V ill has been built up again and Only warranted goods arc OUR SO-CALLED NO. 10 w s v turning vi UVi 9 Y ready for delivery aboul Such a bed is always welcomed in the children's bed room, too. Hammocks We nell a good one for $2.50 DOORS and WINDOWS ARF, YOU GOING TO BUILD? We have some doors lelt that were aliKhtly damaged hy our disastroua f.re, which will go cheap. 17 1 1 r - vvnll i 4