Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 07, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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TZm '"" iiiil.iiliilm.irffliirTT..it.T,r - ..Shrn fl,.l... of lliihtonlim Ion mint Now In tlm (lm to l.uy rimmboimm s r " - ---- 1
Kl t it
Dragging Pains
2S25 Keelov St.,
Chicago, 111., (Vt.,2. 1902.
I suflVr! with falling and con
pfwtion of the womb, with sew-re
iwns through the proine. I suf-fort-d
terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding hradachea
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to trv I knew not. for it
wined that I had tried all and
f illed, but I had never tried Wine
,f r..r.)ni .mi lili'msl rpmedv for
siek women . 1 I mml it pleasant h
to take and soon knew that 1 had
the riirut me ' cine. New blood
seemed to course through ray veins
and after using eleven bottle I
was a well woman.
'VV.N.fcju-l QbMJ54
811 a
Mr. Bush is now in perfect
health because s'.ie took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearnu down ; .is and blinding
hea l i all other remedies
her relief. Any
a.iy Mi ure health bytak-
of Carilui in her home.
The r:-t U;: convinces the pa-
;ie:. iiie is on the mad to health.
F"r advice in cases requiring
-j-hvuiI 'ions, address, giving
symptom. "The Indies' Advisory
lVv'u-!m.i,t," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
throuBh tt nt Interval, and I hear,! the J Seven Dy Beginning With July 9 to be
Three Great Perils To Be Overcome by
Our Republic.
The last time I ever saw Anthony Sher
man was on the Fourth of July, 1S59, In
Independence Square. He was then 99
year old and setting very feeble. But
though so old, his dimming eyes rekin
dled as he graied upon Independence Hall,
which he had come back to look upon be
fore he was gathered home. "Let u9
Into the hall." he said. "I want to ten
you an Incident In Washington's life
one which no one alive knows except
tnyself, and If you live, you will before
long see It verified. From the opening
of the Revolution, we experienced all
phases of fortune. Now good, now 111,
one time victorious and another conquer
ed. The darkest period we had. I think,
was when Washington, after several re
verses, retreated to Valley Forge, where
he resolved to pass the winter of 1777. I
have often seen the tears coursing down
our dear old commander's care-wom
cheeks, as he would be conversing with
some confidential officer about the con
dition of his poor soldiers. You have
doubtless heard the story of Washington
going to the thicket to pray in secret for
aid and comfort from God, whose divine
providence brought us safely through the
darkest days of tribulation. One day. I
remember, the chilly winds whistled
through the leafless trees. Though the
sky was cloudless and the sun shown
brightly, he remained in his quarters
nearly all afternoon alone. , When he
came out, I noticed that his face was a
shade paler than usual and there seemed
to be something on his mind of more
than ordinary' importance. Returning
Just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly
to the quarters of the officer I mentioned,
who was presently in attendance. After
a preliminary conversation of about half
an hour, Washington, gazing upon his
companion with that look of dignity which
he alone could command said to the lat
ter, 'I do not know whether It is owing
to the anxiety of my mind, but this af
ternoon, as I was sitting at this very
table, engaged in preparing a dispatch,
something in the apartment seemed to
disturb me. Looking up. I beheld stand
. lng opposite me a singularly beautiful
female. So astonished was I, for I had
given strict orders not to be disturbed.
that It was some moments before I found
language to Inquire the cause of her
presence. A second, a third and even a
fourth time did I repeat my question
but received no answer from my myster
ious visitor, except a slight rising of the
eyes. By this time I felt strange sensa
tions spreading through me. I would
have risen, but the riveted gaze of the
being before me made volition impos
sible. I essayed once more to address
her, but my tongue had become power
less. Even thought itself had become
paralyzed. A new influence, mysterious,
potent. Irresistible, took possession of
me. All I could do was to gaze steadily
vacantly at my unknown visitant.
" 'Gradually the surrounding atmos
phere seemed as though becoming filled
with sensations, grew luminous. Every
thing about me seemed to rarify, the
mysterious visitor herself becoming more
airy and yet more distinct to my sight
than before. I now began to feel as
one dying or rather to experience the sen
sations which I have Sometimes imagln
ed accompany dissolution. I did not
think, I did not reason, I did not move.
All were alike impossible. I was only
conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at
my companion.
"Presently I heard a voice saying "Son
of the republic. look and learn;" while
,at the same time my visitor extended
:her arm eastward. I now beheld a heavy
white vapor ai some distance, rising
fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated
and I beheld a strange scene. Before me
lay spread out In one vast plain all the
countries of the world Europe, Asia, Af
rica, and America. I saw rolling and
tossing between Europe and America the
billows of the Atlantic and between Asia
and America lay the Pacific. 'Son of the
republic,' said the mysterious voice as
before, 'look and learn.' At that mo
. mer.t I beheld a dark, shadowy being
: like an angel, standing, or rather float
' lng. In mid air between Europe and
"Dipping water out of the ocean in the
hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some
upon America with his right hand while
with the left hand he cast some on Eu
rope. Immediately a dark, cloud arose
from these countries and Joined in mid
ocean. For a while it remained station
ary, and then moved slowly westward,
until It enveloped America in Its murky
. a . .1 ft . ... '
smoinereu groans ami gnei m inn a hut- (
lean people. A second time tno angel
dipped water from the ocean and sprink
led It out as before. The diu'k cloud was
then drawn back to the ocean, In whose
heavy billows It sank from view. A
third time I heard the mysterious voice
saying. 'Son of the republic, look and
learn." 1 cast my eye upon America
and beheld villages and towns and cities
springing up one after another until the
whole land from the Atlantic to the Pa
cific was dotted with them. Again I
heard the mysterious vole say. 'Son of
the republic, the end of the century Com
eth, look and learn.' At this the dark
shadowy angel turned his face south
ward, and from Africa I saw an lllometied
spectre approach our land. It flitted
slowly over every town and city of the
latter. The Inhabitants presently set
themselves In battle array against each
other. As I continued looking I saw a
bright angel, on whose brow rested a
crown of light on which was traced the
word Tnlon.' bearing the American flag,
which he placed between the divided na
tions and said. 'Remember, ye are breth
ren.' Instantly the Inhabitants, casting
from them their weapons, became friends
once more, and united around the national
! standard. And I heard the mysterious
voice saying. 'Son of the Republic, look
and learn.' At this the dark shadowy
angel placed a trumpet to his 'mouth and
blew three distinct blasts, and taking
water from the Ocean, he sprinkled It
upon Europe. Asia and Africa, Then
my eyes beheld a fearful scene from each
of these countries arose thick, black
clouds that were soon Joined Into one.
And throughout the mass there gleamed
a dark red light, by which I saw hordes
of armed men. who, moving with the
cloud, marched by land and sailed by
sea to America, which country was en
veloped In the volume of the cloud. And
I dimly saw these vast armies devastlng
the whole country and burn the villages
and towns and cities that I beheld spring
ing up. As my ears listened to the thun
dering of the cannons, and clashing of
swords, and shouts and cries of millions
In mortal combat. I again heard the mys
terious voice saying, 'Son of the Repub
lic, look and learn.' When the voice had
ceased the dark shadowy angel placed
his trumpet once more to his mouth and
blew a long and fearful blast. Instant
ly a light as of a thousand suns shone
down from above me, and pierced the
cloud which enveloped America. At the
same moment the angel upon whose head
still shone the word 'Union,' and who
bore our national flag In one hand and a
sword In the other descended from heaven
attended by legions of white spirits. These
Immediately Joined the Inhabitants of
America, who I perceived were well nigh
overcome, but who Immediately taking
courage again closed up their broken
ranks and renewed the battle. Again,
amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I
heard the mysterious voice saying, 'Son
of the Republic, look and learn.' As the
voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the
last time dipped water from the ocean
and sprinkled It upon America. Instant
ly the third cloud rolled back, together
with the armies tt had brought, leaving
the inhabitants of the land victorious.
Then once more I beheld villages, towns
and cities springing up where I had seen
them before, while the bright angel plant
ing the azune standard he had brought In
the midst of them, cried with a loud
voice :
" 'While the stars remain and the
heavens send down dew upon the earth,
so long shall the union last,' and taking
from his brow the crown on which blaz
ed the word 'Union.' he placed tt upon
the standard, while the people kneeling
down, said 'Amen.'
The scene instantly began to fade and
dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but
the rising curling vapor I at first beheld.
This also disappearing I found myself
once more gazing upon me mysterious
visitor, who in the same voice I had heard
before, said, 'Son of the Republic, what
you have Been is tnus inierpreieu. i nree
great perils will come upon the republic.
The most fearful is the third. Let every
child of the Republic learrr to live for his
God, his land and Union."
"With these words the vision vanished
and I started from my seat and felt that
I had seen a vision wherein had been
shown me the birth, progress and des
tiny of the United States."
"Such, my friends," continued the nar
rator, "were the words I heard from
Washington's own Hps, and America will
do well to profit by them." The Port
lander, December 25, 1896.
Marked by Many Speclil Events,
Portland. July 6. With four bands en
gaged and many special events Arranged,
the seven days beginning with Sunday,
July 9, will constitute probably the big
gest week so far at the Iwls and Clark
Kxposltlon. There will be something do
ing on every day. and It Is expected that
the attendance, which has been Increas
ing steadily since the opening, will break
all records during this week.
Liberates Famous Italian ltatul, whose
engagement began Juno 29. will play two
concerts dally. Hesides the bund num
bers there will be vocal solos by three
soloists whom the givat Italian band
master takes with him on his tours. 1h
Captlo'a Administration Hand will also
give two concerts dally. The concerts
will be held In the bandstand at the foot
of Ijikevlew Terranee. on the nhore of
Guild's Lake. There Is also a military
band, supplied from some regiment of
the Department of the Columbia, by or
der of ttu secretary of war, which will
give dally " concerts on the Government
Peninsula, where Uncle Sam's magnifi
cent $$00,000 display Is located. The In
dian band from the Sherman Indian In
stitute, which Is said to be one of the
best of the Indian bands, will Also play
On Sunday, July 9, Dr. Newell Dwlght
IIIllls, successor to Henry Ward Ileeeher
nd Lyman Abbott as pastor of the Ply
mouth Church In Brooklyn, will preach
In the Auditorium at the Exposition at
four o'clock In the afternoon. Dr. 1 1 III 1m
Is one of the foremost preachers in the
United States and is a most successful
Monday Is Wyoming and Rock Springs
da)'. On this day, also, the opening ex
ercises for the National Association of
Food and Dairy Commissioners, which
will be in session all week, will be held.
The Northwest lacrosse Championship
will also be decided In the stadium ad
joining the Exposition grounds.
Charles G. Kllpatrlck whom the Ex
position Is paying 1500 a week for thrill
ing bicycle and automobile' foots, will
perform his daring ride down a long
light of steps on a bicycle every day and
his even more exciting ride up a steep
ascent and down again In an automobile.
Kllpatrlck is a one-legged man. his per
formances are free to all. and are given In
the afternoon and evening every day.
Buy It Now.
Now I the time to buy Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It
is certain to be needed sooner or later
and when that time comes you will need
It badly you will need It quickly. Buy it
now. It may save life, For sale by Geo,
A. Hurtling.
And Diabetes
Announcement ot the Discovery
ot the Curo.
Sickening Shivering Fits
of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved and
cured with Electric Hitters. This Is a
pure, tonic medicine; of special benefit
In malaria, for It exerts a true curative
Influence on the disease, driving It entire
ly out of the system. It Is much to be
preferred to quinine, having none of the
drug's bad after-effects. E. S. Munduy,
of Henrietta, Texas, writes: "My brother
was very' low with malarial fever and
jaundice, till he took Electric Hitters,
which saved his life." At Howell &
Jones' drug store; price 60 cents, guaranteed.
The stockholder of the John 3. Fulton Co.
of Bsa Frauolsoo .unouuee to the world the
eunblllty ot Cbrouto Brunt's DIeM and
Dlttwtet baaed on hundreds ot cures toil two
years of demonstration dlvkwliig about of
recoveries. In tllttststlon of these momentous
(sots we present the ntmet ot some ot tb
stockholders, business and imifciwluiml men of
this city, every one of whom hud to he pre
vious opinions reverend tnd be ssllxiW ot the
genuineness of the discovery before luveatlng In
this corporation, vli.l Hon. Hurolay llunley,
Attorney and emwmbor of fongreu; Thus,
Klrkpstrlck. espllsllst; Hen. I). M. Hums,
Preiident Cnmlelirls, Wining Co.; A. E. Bhal
tuck. President I'seltlo Slsles Type Fouudry;
Edwird Mills, President Hnlloek A Jouee Co.;
Cpt. Roberts, President 8uernicnio Trnus
portstlon Co.; D. K. Ikiidor, capitalist; Wm.
Sharp, capitalist; W. 11. llraJfurd, Alaaka
Packers Assn.; C. W. Clark, rspllalUt (Sacrs
ffionto); W. C. Price, eapltalinl (lVutdeua); (1.
E. Dates, Attorney; K. O.' Miller, Attorney;
Chas. McLano, Agenoy Plreolor N. Y. Lite lua.
Co.; Judge Hlgnlow, ex Supreme Judge State of
Nerada; Col. I). II Fairbanks, CaMilcr Pels
luma Savings Uauk; K. D. BemKuia, Attorney
So. Pao. It. K. Co., and many others
The Hat of the cured runs Into hundreds and
Includes dnif glMs and phytti-iunt. The 13
ot failure was largely among raws that were
at death's duor ami many Mu h recovered.
The Specifics that bare at lutt conquered
these dread di'aw are known as the Fulton
Compound. The Krnnl Compound for Ilrtgnt'l
and Kidney Dtacu Is It; the iHutx-trs Com
pound Is It. W. Wo hare established an agi-ncf
In your city and jou will Had pamphlets sad
Oompounds si
Charman & Co., City Drug Store.
Not only is the news of the whole world
covered with unexampled fullness In the
Sunday Issues of The Chicago Record
Herald, but every edition embraces also
an excedelngly choice assortment of Il
lustrated special articles ranking with the
highest products of our best magailnes.
Such well-known and popular writers as
William E. Curtis and Walter Wellmnn
and Frank. G. Carpenter are regular con
tributors to The Chicago Sunday Record
Herald. There are many special arti
cles In each issue of particular Inti-rest
to women, Including the latest fashions,
household economy, art .music and
drama, etc. There Is a beautifully Illus
trated sporting section, which not only
covers all the news of the sporting world
with a thoroughness that satisfies to the
utmost, but Includes also entertaining
departments by sporting experts such as
Tim Murnane, who writes baseball mat
ters; Malachy Hogan, noted for - his'
"Talks on Pugilism," and J. L,. Hervey,
who conducts the department of "harness !
horses." The comic section and other en- I
tertalnlng departments round out this
mammoth Sunday magazine to tho en
tire satisfaction of Its readers.
2,(HK) miles of lung
tance telephone wire ,i
Oregon, V anhingtoi .Cali
fornia and Idaho now ii
operation by the- Pacific
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,25
Quick, accurate, che
All the ftaliBfaction of t
personal communication
Distance no ellect to i
clear understanding. Sj
kane and San Francisco
as easily heard a Port
land. Oregon City oflice tvt-
Hiirdnur's Druir Store
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St.,
New York, at one time had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. 8he writes:
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years,
but nothing would cure It, until I used
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, burns and sores.
25 cents at Howell & Jones drug store.
War Against Consumption.
All nations are endeavoring to check
the ravages of consumption, the "white
plague" that claims so many victims each
year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures
coughs and colds perfectly and you are
In no danger of consumption. Do not
risk your health by taking some unknown
preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar
is safe and certain In results. Ask for
Foley's Honey and Tar and insist upon
having it. Huntley Bros. Co.
Round Trip 35 Cents.
During the Chautauqua Assembly, the
Southern Taclflc Company will operate
a number of trains dally between Oregon
City and Portland and tickets will be
sold at the rate of 35 cents for round
Pronounced by World's best fl I
experts The World's Best B
Whiskey. 1
Grand Prize Highest Award I
St. Louis World's Fair. H j
For 8aie oy
tola Ageney for Oregon City. H
0 A 0
: I
ijob Office!
utef ptisz I
Tho Kind. You lluvo Always Bought, and which lmn hoca
lu mo for over SO yearn, linn homo tho Hlirnaturo of
- ami lmn bwn matlo under hU per
jCt'ffi? nowil sUiporvlHlou ulnco Its In flu try,
WtyV3f Allow no ouo totlfeelvo you In thlft,
AU Couuterfcttit Imitations niul " Jtist-im-ifotMl" nr hud
. Hi pertinents that trlflo with nmlciulanircrtho health of
Iuftuita and ChlldrenFxicrleiieo rural tint Kiporliuvnt.
Crtwtorlu harmless MtihNtltiito for Cantor OH, Pare
goric, Drops uml Mocthliitf Nyrnps, It Is PloaMant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other jXurrotlo
Kubrttanoo. Us ago Is its (ruaranteo. It destroys Worms
And allays lVverlshneH. It cures Dlarrlitru utnl WUnl
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiiNtlpatlou
And Flatulency, It nsgliitllates tho Food, regulates tho
Btouuu'h and llowels, giving healthy and natural itloep,
Tho Chlldrcu'i Panacea-Tho Mother' Friend.
Soars tho Slgnaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
ttta sinus tHMin, rt va. nain, w nn,
U felejSfjd alLa&4 JuL
IN THE OFFICE -Mean comfort for the business
man at his desk.
IN THE HOME Same fan can be used in kitchen,
dining-room or sleeping-room at will.. Afford most
effective method ot drying the hair after washing.
IN RESTAURANTS Quickly cool sweltering hu
manitystimulate jaded appetites drive away
annoying flies purify the atmosphere.
ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost
of current and information regarding
the use of electricity for LIGHT or
POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE,
the STORE and the FACTORY,
promptly furnished upon application to
C. G. Miller at the Company's branch
office, next door to the Bank of Oregon
C. G. Miller, Contract Manager
for Oregon City
Oregon City Enter prise $1.50 per year
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal $ 1 .50 a yt
Subscribe for both now for only
per fear
Oregon Qty Enterprise and Weekly
Oregonian, both 1 year tat only $2.00.