Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 07, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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In the Circuit Court of the Stun
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
C, H. James, Plaintiff.
Anna 8. James, Defendant.
To tli above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
You are hereby notified ami retiulnd !
appear and answer the complaint Mi i'
gainst you In the above entitled conn
and cause, on or before six wreki fion
the date of the first publication of thb
uminona, which la flint published on the
2nd day of June. A. D. 190.
And the date on or before) which you
ai required to appear and answer la the
14th day of July, A. D. 1905, which l
the day preacrlbcd In the order for publi
cation of thla summons, and If you fall
so lo appear and answer on or before
vald 14lh day of July, A. I"). 1905, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded In
aald complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bond of
matrimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant, upoa the grounds of
desertion and cruel and Inhuman treat
ment, rendering life burdensome, and
foi uch other and further relief a to
the Court anal! aeem meet.
Thla aununona la published by order
of the Honorable Thoa. F. Ryan, Judge
of the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamaa.
Made and entered on the i5th day of
May, A. D. 1905.
Altorneya for l'lalnttff.
First publication June S. 1906; last pub
lication July Hth. 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamaa.
J. A. 8weeney. rialntlff,
Florence M. Sweeney, Defendant.
To Florence M. Sweeney the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon you
re hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you In the
above entitled court on or before Friday
the list day of July. 1906, aald day being
lx weeks from the 9th day of June, 1905.
the day of the first publication of this
summons, and If you fall to ao answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for. to
wn :
For a decree of divorce forever dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony between the
plaintiff and the defendant, and for the
care, custody and control of:
Lavaneeur Sweeney, age years,
Lawrence Sweeney of the age of 8
Delia Sweeney of the age of years,
Sidney Sweeney of the ag of S years,
nd Austin Sweeney of the age of 1H
years, the minor children of aald marri
age. Theorder for the publication of thla
aummons waa made by said Court on the
6th day of June, 1905.
W. S. V.RF.N.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of the State of Or
egon, for the County of Clackamas.
In the matter of the Estate of Samuel
Mathcw. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix de bonis non of the
estate of Samuel Mathew, deceased, has
Wed In the above entitled court her final
account of her administration of said es
tate and that the aald court has fixed
Monday, the 31st day of July, 1905, at
the court room of said court, as the time
-and place for hearing objectlona to the
ald final account.
Administratrix de bonis non of the Es
tate of Samuel Mathew. deceased.
Hedges A Griffith. Attorneys for Estate.
Notice Is hervby-glvcn that the under
signed executor of the estate of Juliet
F. Trulltnger. deceased haa tiled In the
County Court, of Clackamas county,
atate of Oregon, his final account aa such
executor of said estate and that Mon
day, the 7th day of August, 1905, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., haa been ap
pointed by the said court for hearing of
objectlona to said report and the settle
ment thereof.
Executor of the estate of Juliet F. Trul
ltnger. deceased.
VRcn A SchuebeU Attorney for execu
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed administrator of th estate of
Andrew P. llauglum, deceased, ha filed
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities
Mr, Robert Q. Bnrtte, Bioera. Sarmto Ce.. N. T., writes: I f'.ti te fcae aa emer
ait cf telUu what autiknl mutts I asve had fnm nsu FOLEY'S K.IDNKY
C JKE arW fearing tn4 &tf advertises
wtlk crept aa4 say iiht was e Impaired that 1 ceal scarcaiy see oa of acy family
mavm tb roam, la fact, 1 was e tadiy usee ep tt-t 1 bad riTo aa bene of beta wfcea 1
l ar,i-4 r M tt try FOLEY'S KIDNKV CURE. OMjKottMtitwwlrfins
4m. aaa before 1 ss take th tturd botiM (be tspcrsoeos Brah k4 gaa. as well as all
ether anrptoma ef Kiaaey tseebt. II fneas wer aarprtaea tfeat 1 was cares, aa tby
all tfeoofat I was gaaag ta asa. Ery few sr sea ee cs from auX aaray sa tears
the aaase t f th waedertel saeoioa t&at cure Sa of Bright' Pauses, aa aot ee that
aa tnaa it haa laU4 he stte4.
ihi t'onntv Court of Ctackaiuaa eoun
. Stale of Oregon, bla final account as
noli administrator of aald estate and
hat Monday, th "th day of August, at
o'clock n. nt baa been appointed by
(HI Court as the time for hearing of ob
cllous to aald report and the settle-
lent thereof.
dnilnlatrntor of tha estate of Andrew
l lliuiglum, deceased.
ated this aoih day of June, 1906.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oie-
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
John Kern, Plaintiff,
Katherlne Maigaret Kern, Defendant.
To Katherlne Margaret Kern, tha nbovu
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon:-
You are hereby required to appear In tha
above entitled court and answer the com-
plaint filed against you In the abov entl-
tied stilt on or before the 22d day of July.
1905; and If you fall so to appear or ana-
wer for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the decree de-
manded In the complaint, to wit. for a
decree of absolute divorce.
This summons Is published pursuant to
an order made upon the 8th d;ty of June,
1905. before the Hon. Thomas A. McBrldo,
Judge of the above entitled court, nnd the
flrat publication la made upon the 9th
day of June, 1906.
Attorneya for Plaintiff.
Date of last publication, July II.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the matter of the estate of Abra
ham Yoder, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the under
signed administrator of the above entitled .
estate has filed In the County Court of j
Clackamas County, Oregon, his final re
port as such administrator, and the Court
has set Monday, the 10th day of July. A.
D.. 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day. In the County Court room In
the county court houae. In Oregon City,
Clackamas County. Oregon, as the time
and rlace for hearing any and all objec
tions to said final report, and the dis
charge of said administrator.
Dated thla 5th day of June. 1905.
Administrator of said Estate.
Dlmlek A Dlmlck Attorneys for Adminis
trator. ft -
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamaa County.
Grace I. Peterson. Plaintiff,
Edwin A. Peterson. Defendant.
To Edwin A, Peterson, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled cause, on or before
the 2d day of September. 1905. said day
being more than six weeks from the 7th
day of July. 1905. the date of the first
publication of thla summons, and the
time specified In the order for publication
hereof. And If you fall ao to answer or
appear herein, for want thereof plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for and demanded In the com
print filed herein, to-wlt For a decree
forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between
plaintiff and defendant, and that plain
tiff be forever divorced from defendant.
This summons la published by order of
the Hon. Thoa. A. McBrtde, Judge of tha
above entitled Court, made and dated on
the 15th day of June, 1905.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
An ordinance establishing the grade of
alley through Block No.
City. Oregon.
of Oregon
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Sec. 1. That the grade of alley in Block
No. :2 shall be as follows: Beginning at
a point 1S0 feet Easterly from the East
erly line of Main street at an elevation
of 11 feet and running thence on a de
scending grade to the Easterly line of
Main Sttvet at an elevation of 110.10 feet
on the Northerly side of said alley and at
an elevation of 110.20 feet on the Souther
ly side of said alley.
Read first time and ordered published
st regular meeting! of the Council of Ore
gon City. Oregon, held July 5th. 1905.
Itv order of the Council of Oregon City.
and cures Kidney and
K4iciaes ae scrawl eantciaa. Before I heema
Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00.
Ralate of Jerry Young, deceased.
Notice la hereby given by thn under
signed, administratrix of the estate of
Jerry Young, deceased, to the creditor
and all persons having claims against
said deceased, to exhibit them with tha
i necessary vouchers within six months
after tha flrat publication of thla notice,
to said administratrix at the office of
V'Uen A Schucbel In Oregon City, Ore
gon, within months after the 2Ntd day
of June, 1906.
. Thla notice da'ed and first publication
hereof Jura JJrJ, 190.
Administratrix of the Kstate of Jerry
Young, decease A,
U'Ren A Schucbel, Attorneys for aald
I" the Circuit Court of the 3'an of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
MI,J Davis. Plaintiff,
v- ,
Adelbert J. Davis. Defendant.
To Adelbert J. Davie, the above named
" e nm of th f Oregon, you
required to appear and an-
'r complaint filed ngnlnat you In
,h Rbov court and suit on or
th plratlon of alx weeka from
nd f,or tnu vt the flr"1 PHc.
lon hl "ummoiw. to-wlt: on or be-
re the 7th day of July. 1906. and If you
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for In her complaint on
file herein, to-wlt: that the bonds of
matrimony now existing between plain
tiff and defendant be dissolved upon the
grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment of the plaintiff by defendant, and
of the practice of personal Indignities
towards her., rendering her life burden
some; and that she be permitted to re
sume her maiden name of Maud F. Page,
and for such other and further relief
aa to the court may seem equitable and
This eumona Is published by order of
the Honorable Thoa. K. Ryan. Judge of
the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Clackamas County, and said order
was made and dated the 23d day of May,
1905, and the date of the first publica
tion of this s unions la the 26th day of
May. 1905.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
Herman Llns. deceased, haa filed In the
County Court of Clackamas County, State
of Oregon, her final account as such ad
ministratrix of said estate, and that Mon
day, the 3d day of July. 1905. at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. has been appointed by
aald Court as the time for hearing of
objectlona to said report and the settle
ment thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of Herman
Llns, deceased. !
Saloon License.
Notice la hereby given that I will ap
ply at the next regular meetlg of the
council of Oregon City for a renewal of
fy llqpor license at my present place of
business. Main street between Fourth
and Fifth streets.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay County War- j
ranta endorsed prior to September 1. 1903.
Interest will cease on such warranta on
the date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, June IS. 1905.
Treasurer of Clackamas county. Oregon.
Deserves Your Patronate.
The growth of a community and the
success of Its local institutions depend
entirely on the loyalty of Its people. It
Is well enough to preach "patronise home
Industry" but except the sen-Ice given
Bt a home Institution equala that of out-
of-town enterprises, thla argument car
ries no weight and Is entirely disregard
ed, as It should be. But with Oregon Clt)
t people It la different. A few months
ago E. L. Johnson established the Cas
cade Laundry. It Is equipped with th
latest Improved machinery and 1 dally
turning out work that is equal to any
and superior to much of th laundry
work that is being done In Portland.
Being a home Institution and furnishing
employment for many Oregon City people
It la enjoying an immense patronage.
The high standard of the work being
done commends it to the general public.
Laundry left at th O. K. barber shop will
be promptly called for and delivered to
any part of the city. Telephone 12M.
E. L. Johnson, proprietor.
Bladder diseases in every
whole system, and the diseases that have
resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear,
because the cause has been removed. Com
mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
having Blight's Disease or Diabetes.
For the Season of 1905,
Jeffries, the beautiful Clydeadale stal
lion, foaled May, 1.W, weight 1900. will
makw the aeawon of 1906 as follows:
Tuesday and Wednesday at Canity;
Thursday and Friday at I loins' feed
stable. Oregon City. Saturday at Mo
lulla. Terms: t!0 to Insure standing
colt; $10 to Insure With foal, season 9,
single leap. $. Season opens Tuesday,
April 18.
M. It. HOY LIC9, Owner,
Molalla, Oregon,
Their Only Chaa.ee,
A party of aolillcrs whh taken ti the
sliootlnK rnngt' for, the tlrat tlino.
Tho iium tlrat flrwl at tar-got NX)
yard itwtiy, u ml not one hit It. Tluy
wow newt tried at h tiirjrot JtK) yards
away, utul at 111 every onu missed. Thoy
wor at lust tried nt one Juat ltx yanla
invny. hut no one hit It,
"Attention!" thundered the drill ser
geant, "Fix bayonets! Charge! Ifi
your only thnnce!"- Khiihhh City Inde
pendent. The situation.
Mrs. Knlckcr-IW j our cook know
her plaee? Mm, UocUer-Ttint's Just
the trouble; she know any number ot
them.-Hurpor'a Utiaur.
Good Digestion More Than Half the Bat
tle. Life Is a ceaseless strugglo for success.
Competition Is everywhere. Everybody
wants to reach the top. 8uccess Is sought
for becauaa It Is supposed to Insure hap
piness. Ambition and ability make for success,
but without health too. failure I more
I than probable.
j If the digestion Is poor, the nerves
i unsteady, the blood thin, the weight less
. than It should tie, and ambition and en
ergy at low tide because of stomach
treuble, failure la almost a certainty.
Whether you make much or little of
life, whether you fall or succeed. yourJ
ingestion largely necuies it. wo continent
are Huntley Bros. Co. that Pepslkola
tablets will renew your energy, steady
your nerves, drive away that tired feel
ing, give tone to the digestion, Improve
your appetite, bring up your weight to
where It should be. put new life Into
your stomach, that they continue to sell
this grand dyspepsia remedy on the money
back plan.
Have confidence. The guarantee ab
solutely protects you. Huntley Bros Co.
will gladly pay back your money If at
the end of the ten days' treatment you
have not been cured or decidedly bene
fitted. The Ueatlemaa.
'The true gentleman." said Cardinal
Newman, "carefully avoUU whatever
may cause a Jar or Jolt lu the minds of
thoae with whom he la i-nat-all clash
ing of oplalon, all cotllalon of feeling
his great concern lielng to make every
one at hla ease asl at home, lie guards
against unreasonable allualous or topic
which may Irritate. He never apeaka
of himself except when compelled,
never defends himself by a mere re
tort. He la scrupulous In Imputing mo
tives to those who Interfere with htm
and Interprets everything for the beat.
He is never mean or little In hts dla
putea, never takes an unfair advantage,
never mistake ersonalltles or sharp
sayings for arguments."
For Infants and CMldxen,
Tlia Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears th
Signature of
Subscribe to The Enterprise.
The large Kentucky Jack will stand
throughout the season of 1906 at the
C. V. Stoker farm, five miles south-east
of Oregon City, near the Lealand School
house. C. V. 8TOKER, Owner.
June 30. Oregon City, Ore
Bear the ) V Haw !san Biflffl
form, tones up the
In the Circuit Court nf the Btal uf Ore
gon, fr Clackamas County,
tliuiigln Long, t'liilnilff,
. vs.
J. 11. l.i'iiK, lH'ffhriiint.
To J. it. Long, defendant above imimul.
In Hie name nf tlie Hlula of Oregon: ,
You aw hereby required lo gpiiear anil
answer I hit complaint lllcil imiiliiHt J"u
In the above entltleil cau on or before
Augtirt ID, 11'i'fi. sulit ilny being more than
six weeks from tha 7 1 It ilny of July. H'b,
(he (bile of thn Itrst publication hl
summon ami If you fall so to answer,
for wuut thereof, tha plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prnyeit for, to
wlt: Kor a decree of anld court forever dis
solving the homla of matrimony now ex
isting between plaintiff ami defendant and
for such oilier ami fuillier relief as to lb
Court aeems Just and eipillnble.
The order for publication of Hummone
In this comt was mmta by the H"
t'homa Mcllilde, jiulg of the above en-
tilled court on the 7th duy of July, Uoo
The data of thn first publication of this
summons Is July Tlh, 1D06, lat of Inst
publication August IK, 1 1)06.
Attorneys for I'lalutlff.
In the Circuit Court of the Hlaln of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamaa,
I'hllena Itomalne, I'lulutlff,
va ,
Wlllbim il, Itomalne. Iiefendaut,
To William II. (toenailing the above nam
ed defendant:
III the name of the Hlaln of Oregon:
You am hereby required to appear In
the Circuit Court of thn Htnto of Oiegon.
for tha Coimlv of Cbu'kitmaa, on Mon
day, the day of August, Il)i&, and as
wer thn complaint of thn plulutlff filed
agalnr-t von In thn above entitled soil,
and if you fall so lo appear or answei.
for Wain thereof, the plaintiff will applv
to the court for thn relief mentioned In
her complaint, namely, for a decree dis
solving thn bond of matrimony now ex
isting between ynurlf and the plain
tiff This summon la published by thn order
of the Honorable Thoa. K. Ilyan, Judge of
the County Court for Clackamaa County,
Hlaln of Oregon, who Ima appointed the
said "1st day of August, ISoti, as thn time
for you to appear and answer. The dale
of thn first publlcntton uf this summons
Is July 7th, and the date of the last pub
lication Is August IK, l'rt.
Attorney for I'lalnllff.
semi-annual report or do a ho
Oregon City. Oregon. July 1, lsot.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of
Oregon City. Oregon.
We submit herewith our aeml-annual
report embodying a statement of our re
ceipts and disbursements during the past
six months In detail.
December Water Collections ...J 1,010.40
January Water Collections 999 45
February Water Collect Ions .
Mart-h Water Collection
April Water Collection 47 50
May Water Collections
June Water Collections
Total paid Treaaurer 7,OH5.&i
Warrant after application of
cash 21.101 M
Lights and Telephone,
Freight and Cartuge,
Commission for collection.
Clumps, tees, plugs, etc.,
Pillow blocks, etc.
Stove and pipe.
Sundries change of pipe,
I lone.
Interest paid on warrants.
11010 00
:cs o
G 31
US 41
:4 4
144 91
21 IS
2.1 M
9 10
40 00
14 40
41 9fi
12 5)
522 Bl
Warranta outsluiullng Jun. 1,
I 3,507.44
24, '1X0. 02
Total t:n,IK7.4i
Hexpcct fully submitted,
W. 11. Zl'MWAl.T,
JOSKI'H K. IIKlHSKfl, I'realdent.
NOTICK Is hereby given that certain
lands In the (irniide Itomle liiillun
Kesenallon. sltuiited In Townships 5 noil
i. south, lunges 7 and west, In the
StHte of Oregmi. will tie offered for Sale
by wpitrate sealed bids, which will In
received by the register and receiver of
ine tllslrlol land otm at Portland, t ire
gm. commencing on (vtober Ird. l'.ior.,
at 9a, m.. and continuing until October
loth, 19"i. at 11 o'clock a. m.. and no bid
will be considered that Is not received
during the jH-rioJ mentioned. The til. In
will t oju-ned by the register anil re
ceiver of the land office mentioned, com
mencing m 1 o clock p. m.. of Tuesday,
October 1. The lands will be sold
In accordance with rules and regulation,
and a sv-htdule particularly describing
the land to be sold, printed copies of
which may be obtained on application to
the register end receiver of the land of
fice named, or upon application to the
General Ijind Office, Washington. O. C.
Patch bid must tw accompanied by a rer
tihcd check for twenty per centum of the
smount of such bid. which will be re
tained and credited as part payment of
the purchase price should the hid le ac
cepted end the purchaser pay the remain
ing amount due, and furnish evidence of
hi ntist-nshtp. or be forfeited If the bid
is accepted and the amount due and ev
idence of rttixenshtp are not furnished
in accordance with the rulea and regula
tion. J. H. KIMl'I.K.
Approved: Acting Commissioner.
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing Is more In demand than a
medicine which meets modern require
ments for a blood and system cleanser,
uch as Dr. Kir.g New Life Pills. They
are Just what you need to cure stomach
and liver trouWca. Try them. At How
ell at Jones' drug store, a cents, guaran-teed.
Women as Well as Men Are hi
liserablo by Kidney
Bladder Trouble.
Kiilney troul.U ,,reys iiM,ii thn i,,n.i
wMHirauesaiiillcaariisaniliitlon: hem.
on: h,.,.i. '
vlk'r and cheerful!
' smtil il aai.t-....
when the kldin,'. ,,;;
out of order or .il
KilltlU I 1
, ""UDICIIlll
.ecoiiie so .revsleni
Unit it is not uncom,
moil for a clilM i
taint flllclr. with
weak kithirvii. If ii,.
chiM urinates tiMMif ten, if the urine t(:Uta
the ikuli, or if, when the child rcttclieln
SKj wlicit it should shlo to control tnl
jssaK. it la yet allllctril wilh lied
tinK.ilciend Uhmi it, thecause of thedifB.
cully i kidney trouble, and tho f)r,t
strp should 1m toward the treatment of
thrne iniHtttaiit(rKaii. Thn uiitilettaant
trouble i due to diseaaetl condition $
the kidney ami tdaddcr ami nut to
habit a most jiroplo iijixhk!,
Women a w ell a men are made. ml,,
able with kidney and bladder trouble
and lailh licctl tlie aatiio great rrmnl.
The mil'l and the imiiiediale effect of
5wamp-Root Is aram realised, It 1 1 sold
by clniKK'i " Iy
cent ami oitcl'jtlur
sueboltlr. You may
have a sample lltle
by mail free, also s Hoaw i iwaa.
pinhlet telling all alx.ut Swamp-Koot,
i uc man
includiiiK many of the thousand of tcsii.
Idler received from ulfrrcri
cured. In wriliittf lr. Ktluirr & Co..
Hinhninton, N. ., be sure and tiicntiosj
thi cr. iHtti't make, any iniiUke,
but rciiiciubrr the name, HwaminKoot,
Ir. Kilmer's Swamp-KcMit, and the id.
drrsa, lliiit-haintou, N. Y., oil ever
tave I'm I land S:4S s. m, dally (rtctpt
Hominy) foriHalein and way points
I.CBV I'ortland S:4I Tuesday, Thurly
and Huturdiiy for Independenc. Al
bany and Corvalll. stage of wit
Wk Day
a. in, a m. pa.
I-ave t'ortland...
00 11:M IN
a. m.
Iave Oregon City.. 10:00
p. m, pa.
Tickets riihanged with O, W. I'. Ry.
Sunday Excursions
I.estr a.m. a.m. am., p I a.
Portland 130 IM 11:M IM IU
lave a.m. a.m. p.m. p m P.
Or. CHy 10:00 11:10 1:30 J JO l
Office and Decai
Foot Taylor Street
Phon Main 40.
Maintain unegcelled ervtc from th
West to the Kaat and South. Making
close connections with trains of all trans
continental lines, passengers are gives
their cholc of route to Chlcgo, Louis
ville, Memphis and New Orh-sn. tad
through these point to th far East.
IToapectlve travelers desiring Informa
tion aa lo the lowet rates are Invited I
correspond with th following reprW
II. II. TIU'MHLXL, Commercial Aftfit.
142 Third Street. Portland .Oregoa,
J. C. MNDHET. Trav. Paaaenger Anl.
142 Third Street, Portland. Oregi
PAL'L II. THOMPSON, l'gasanger Agrat
Colman llultdlng, Seattle, Wish.
(Corrected Wkly.)
Wheat No. 1. 80c to 0e per bushel
Klour Valley, f 4 GO ped hbl. Hr4
wheat 15 15. Portland, 11.25 per
Howard's llest, 91.26 per sack,
Onta-ln sin ks. 1.37 1-2 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled I14ijl5 per ton;
clover, 112 to 111; oat. Ill to 14; mitt
hay, 112 to 111; cheat. 111 to H
Mlllstuffs -llrun, 21 per ton;
122.00 per ton; chop 20 per ton;
rolled 128 per toiu.
Cabbage-COo per dot,
Onions 3o per pound.
Potatoes new 1 40 pound,
l't-us-2 and So pound.
Turnips, Carrots 40a dot bunchct.
Htinwberrlea 11.60 per crate.
Currants' 6c box.
ltaspberrles 7c bog.
Kggs-Oiegon 17 H to 184 per duien.
market strong.
Mutter Uanch. JO to 40; separator and
creamery, 40 to 45.
Cherries S to 6c per pound
Good Apples 11 to 11.26
Honey U to 12V4o per pound.
Irunc(drled) Petite, So per lb; 111"
Ian, large, 5c per lb; medium, Jttc; 8IW
Irled Applca Sun dried, quartered.
4Sc pound; sliced. e; fancy bleached.
7 He.
Dressed Chickens 12Hc per fb.
Livestock and Dressed Meats-B
live 12.00 to 12. 60 per hundred. HoP
live. 5c; hogs dressed. 7 cents; shPj
12.00 to 12.50 per head; dressed ocl Wi
dressed. 6H to 6o; lambs live, H-7 W
12.00 per head.
Bearsti. Jt atfld tOS few stJ W
. nHi in --