Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 07, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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' ft
i ...Short Sidehead Stories... !
Dld In Ntvicli
Mrs. Vkvii M. Woods, nos Phillips, dli'rt
(nidclt'iily nt (liiidfld, Novada, WertiU'mliiy,
Juno UK, Mid, Woods was a i1iiuIiIit of
Mm. Laura I')- 'Huron, fiiiincily of thin
city, now (if I'nrllnml,
C.rd of Thanks
Wo inlinil our heartfelt tlninks to our
f ilen (Id mill nHshhois who havs showed
iin such kind ny mini t tiy unit mshIhIihii-s In
our mul liml sorrowful trouhln, In th
drill h mul luirliil of our mill mul brother.
A mill"" mul Kitthetliin I'liiiinl, Curl uud
i:iliilii lli Molileiihuuer.
Plsstsnt Dancing Party
VUly couple, etijoyud iin Informal ditno
luK pn it y ut Ciinemiih I'mk hint Krliluy
evenliiK Unit wim iclven by I Me, I.ustlKcn
MiM'ilclieii, This clfil) of ymitiK Indie
iniiiiiiilly Klvea it nimiler of nor In I func
tion In the eiiliiitiiliiiiieiit of their frlimd
unit thin (iiicuNlon wim but a repetition of
pine.edltiK sui'iirsst-s.
Dld of Dropsy
Alexander Moors, skimI 76 yemn, died
of dropsy Tuemliiy lit hi homo In thin
elty nrter a Ioiik lllnemi of heitrtfitllurn,
Th deeeimeil, who wan a veternn of the
Civil Wiir mid mi inl.i r of Meiidii 1'ost
of thin elty, Im survived by a wlfo and
thren ctlllillell, Hurlitl aervleea Weri held
Doubt Wadding
JikIko l.lvy Htlp (irTlelnted at ti douhlii
wimMIiik Hutiinluv aflerniKin. Iliuel Com
inona and Noble Clmrli-s, of thla rlty,
wer miirrli-d In hla ofllrs, and while the
rerrmony wna In progress J. 1'. I'reaton
und 1'rsuln Kenyon of I'ortliind, raitm
In on a almllur errand, Kwh wted aa
witnesses for tho other, mid ull went on
their way rejoicing,
Woodcraft Ractptlon
Th Oregon City llnnd rendered aweet
mul nt the homo nf Mr. and Mra. 8. K.
Herlpture, where Holn Clrelo, Women of
WiHHlrruft unve a social on the apitcloiia
lawn on the corner of JKIeventh und
Aduins vtreetH, Hiittndiiy nlKht, and the
event wna injuynl tn ih fullest degree,
by Uts WiHidmen mid their friend,
Ourrtad by Exploding Lamp
In removing from hla relilcnce at (lliid
nlone a lump, thiil hud exploited, C. A.
Nunh, leader of the Oregon City liiind,
wus piilnfully burned litis Friday night.
While the Injuries, which consist of the
horning of the right hand and the aide of
the fine nr most puliiful, they will not
prove aerloua, but Itert wua prevented
from donning hi pretty band stilt and
assisting In ci li'Lnillng the Ulorlotis
Four! h.
Convlcti a Mlnttrala
About !0 convicts at the Oregon Peni
tentiary gave u minstrel allow In 'tho prla
on dining-room thla evening, with about
6H0 resident f Hiilcin li" an audience,
says a Fourth of July dispatch from Ha
lent.. The pilnoneia were accorded gen
erotia apilaue. The tnot poputiir pnrtl
Ipunta wi'ie the tnd men 1'nrker. from
I'ortliind, and Stoke, from Pendleton
mul the leader of the orchestra. Walton,
the young man who held up a atreet cur
In Portland. A rollectlon wim taken up
and 133 received, which aum will be used
for the purchase of lntrtimenta for the
prison orchestra. Thla I the ftrt pub
lic entertainment thnt hna been Riven at
the prison In 16 year, but private, in-ti-i
lulnmriits, to which only convict m e
admitted, are given twice a week.
Would b Separated
Wholesale, charge of Intldellty are pre
ferred ugiiliiHt C. K. lluiiHon, a veterliuiry
7 ff
lydla E. Plnkham's
Vcgetablo Compound
Is a pofiitive cure for all thoNe painful
ailments of women. It will entirely
cure the worst forms of Female Com
jilaints, all Ovarian trottblea. Inflam
mation and Ulceration, Falling and
DlHpluoementB of the Womb and con
aeqtient 8pinal WenkncNS, and is
recti lat ly adapted to the C7iay of
Lift. Every time St will cure
It lias cured more caws of Leucor
rhosa than tiny other remedy the world
lias ever known. It Is almost Infallible
i In Ntich cases. It dissolves and expels
Tumors from tho Uterus in an early
tajre of development. That
Boarlng-down Fooling,
causing pain, weight and headache, Is
instantly relieved and permanently
cured by its use. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or l'ulnful Menstruation,
Weakness of tho Stomach, Indigestion,
Bloating, Flooding, Nervous l'rostra
tion, Ileudache, General Debility. Also
Dizziness, Falntnoss,
Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" and
" want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, exoit
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep
lessness, flatulency, melancholy or tho
"blues," and backache. These are
sure indications of Female Weakness,
some derangement of the Uterus. For
Kldnoy Complaints
and Backache of tittier ex the Vegeta
ble Compound is unequaled,
You can write Mrs. Plnkham about
yourself in strictest confidence.
LIMA I. riHIBil ISO. CO., tins, gait,
surgeon, of I'ortliind, In a milt for a di
vorce filed hern by Mabel C, llunaon, Tho
parties wer married nt I'ortliituJ In June,
IHlhl and tho Irregulur conduct of the
huahand la alleged to huvo begun In
Mini h, lust. In addition to a divorce tha
wlf ii ii U for tha custody of a minor child
and for monthly allowance of 126 from
Hut husband, whom ah. claims, earns at
lenat 175 per month,
Dougherty-Shaver Wedding
A pretty wedding took pluea at the
(Had Tidings M. 10. church on June 2s,
I HUB, at noon, Mla 'Aim It, Hlutver, and
Mr,leorg(i K, Uoiighwrty, s popular yoimic
couplM of Clm knimm county, were united
In marriage, by the ltv. F, H. Cli-rna, pas
tor of tho church, Th church wiu very
prettily decoratiid and was well filled
with the friend of tlm contracting part
lea, I.unch wua eerved ut thn home of
thn brlde'a niotlmr, Mra. Hhaver, and a
lurgn compuiiy ant down to enjoy the oc
caalim. Tho newly wedded pair have the
well Wlahea of a hoat of friends.
Portland Domen Want Divorcee
Two unhappy Portland wives have In
atltuted divorce proceeding In tho Cluck
amaa county Circuit Court. Mlly W.
Weaaela chorgea Curtis F, Wcaaela with
adultery. They were Intermarried at
I'ortlond In October, laof. l'lalntlff asks
for H a month lemrirury alimony, 1100
attorneys fee, and 3G col. Joruilo
M. llarher want to t divorced from
Hininnn Hmlx-r, who among other un
kind thing directed her to "go straight
to ," They were slan mnrrhd at
I'ortliind four year ago. l'lalntlff de
sire to reunion her maiden name, Jennie
M. Hteeln.
Calvin Howell Dl
Calvin Howell, a well-known cltlxen of
Bprlngwater. died suddenly ut hi homo
last Hundiiy momlntt. Mr. Howell, who
had been In poor health for aom time,
wulkrd from Ida liouan to the burn and
while there fell dead, limit dim-lino wua
thn ran of hi deuth. Mr. Howell was
about 75 yeara old and hod realded In
Ctuckuniua county for a number of yeara.
He la aurvlved by a widow and 12 child
ren, nine aona and three daughter. Tho
f uncial wim held from the roldence Wed
ncHduy morning and tho Interment was
at the cemetery at Bprlngwater.
Lauth'i Petition Filed
Tho petition for the commutation of
Ittith' aentence wua iireented to the
governor yeaterdity afternoon by Mayor
(Irani H. IHmlck. of Oregon City, In per
eon, who ulso made strong plea for the
life of the condemned mint, The petition
Is an tiniiKuully Ntrnnu; one In that It
bears the algiiaturr of ull of the county
ofllclul of Clackamas county as well as
thn moat prominent btialneaa men of
Oregon City. There are many features
In the I.iuith case which the governor
feel Inclined to look upon with favor,
but before he will commit himself in
either ca he propoaed to conduct a
searching lnvetlgutlnn to unmire himself
that the ends of Jimtlce will be fully met.
Tueaduy's Hulem Statesman.
Addrenet by Young Collegians
At the regular evening: ai'rvlcea at the
First Congregational church last Sun
day there was a departure from the reg
ular order of service. 1" Hen of the tisunl
sermon by the puxtor, short and rather
spirited patriotic nddreaacs were made by
two Oregon City boys who have Just re
turned home from College. Will Shlvely,
a 1905 graduate of Pnclfln Cnlverslty,
spoke on "Character," und Trafton Dye,
of Oberlln college talked of "The Civic
Duties of a Young Man." Itoth young
men are fluent and pteuslng speakers
und their talks showed u careful study of
tho subejets selected for them. Tho
speechea were fully up to the ' standard
of college, boy graduation (lay oratora.
The pastor, Itev. HnHlngcr, made a speech
before and after each address.
Baseball at Chautauqua
The athletic committee of the Willam
ette Valley Chuutuuqua Association thla
week arranged the tournament of base
ball giimea to be plnyed during this
year's Chautiiiiiua meeting, July H-23.
As was the case last year, there will be
live competing teams, of which three are
from Portland. The live teams arc
Steven's Addition Iln-icbitll Club, Hniln
ard's Maroons, and Y, M. C, A., all of
Portland; Vancouver and Chcmawu, At
a meeting of the Hoard of Directors Wed
nesday, several matters of Importance,
pertaining to thla year's Assembly were
considered, Tho Chnutitiuiua manage
ment has this year installed Its own Hunt
ing plant on the grounds. Qua has been
substituted for electricity and with an
Increased number of lights of the same
capacity ns those formerly used, the
management expects to much more com
pletely and satisfactorily Illuminate the
building and, grounds.
Work at Ogls Mountain
Tom Full-dough, Just returned from
Oglo Mountain, has brought with him
some gold ore of exceptional richness.
Tho ore Is of porphnry and quarts forma
tion and tho deposit Is both extensive and
general. Tho owners of this property are
now building a road Into the mine which
Is located near the headwaters of the
Molalla, Fve miles have been construct
ed and there remains but two mora miles
to build and this will bo completed during
July. Tho purpose of tho road Is to enable-
tha hauling of machinery to the
mine, the management expecting; to have
a mill In operation early this Fall. Until
a thorough test has been made of the
ore, it Is not known what kind of mach
inery will bo purchased but the 1000 feet
of tunneling that has beenniade gives
great promise. The proceeds of two sea
sons' tunneling awaits the Installation of
the machinery.
Reception to New Pastor
Itst Friday evening a reception was
Riven In tha First Baptist Church to Rev,
Henry D. Robins, the new pastor of the
' church, and to Mrs. Robins. Fully 250
people were present, and the church was
beautifully decorated In honor of the
event, The reception took place In the
auditorium of tho church, and was opened
! by singing and scripture reading by Rev.
W. It. Wettltiufer, pastor of the Evan
gelical church followed by a prayer by
Rev. J. R. LandsborotiKh, pastor of the
Presbyterian church. After the rendition
of an anthem by tho choir, Rev, E. S.
Dr. 0, O Own lve alfrt neraonsl attention
to his grml humanitarian contract.
Ill our Almanac for many years post we
have iven unusual advice to those afflic
ted with couli, colds, throat or lung
troubles or consumption. We have told
them if they did not receive any special
benefit after the use of one 75-ccnt size
Isittle of German Syrup, to consult their
doctor. We did not ask them or urge
them to use a large numtier of bottles, as
is the ruse in the advertising of many
other remedies. Our confidence in Ger
man Syrup makes it txsible for us to
give such advice. We know by the ex-js-Hcuce
of over 35 years that one 75-ccnt
littlc of German Syrup will sjecdiy re
lieve or cure the worst coughs, colds,
bronchial or lung troubles and thnt,
even in bad cases of consumption, one
large (Kittle of German Syrup will worV
o:nlers. New trial bottle, 25c; re;
ulur win, 75c. At ull drujj!,'i.ts. 4'
Charman & Co., City Drug Store
1; 1 tan,
Transfer and Express
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Tlolllnger, pastor of the Congregational
church, spoke on behalf of the Ministerial
Association and other churches of the
city. Harvey E. Croaa welcomed the new
new minister on behalf of tho congrega
tion. Stella Kellogg for the Sunday
school Clarence Eaton for the Canemah
Mission School, Maud Booker for the
Juniors, A. 8. Dresser for tho choir, Ken
neth 8. Latouretto for the young people
and Mrs. T. E. Gault for the women of
the church. Mr. Robins responded with
a nttlnsr speech, and after singing "Blest
Ite the Tie That Binds," an adjournment
was taken to the refreshment room,
where delicious edibles were served, and
the peole met the new pastor, who has
created a very favorable Impression dur
ing his short stay here.
Head Rangar Hurt
Adolph Aathoff, head ranger of the
Western Oregon District, lies at 8t.
Vincent's Hospital recovering from ter
rible Injuries sustained In an accident a
few days ago that came near costing him
his life, says the Oregonlun. Alone near
Ixwt Lake, In the vicinity of Mount Hood.
Mr. Asthoff was following a new trail
through the forest. He had with htm his
riding horse and packhorse, as has been
his practice when going any consider
able distance sway from his home mak
ing examinations In his district. At pres
ent great effort Is being made to stop any
Incipient fires that may be started so as
to preserve tho clearness of tha atmos
phere. And so Mr. Asthoft was out on
one of his trips of Investigation. As he
mounted the horse he had been riding
preparatory to following the new trail,
the animal suddenly reared upward and
threw himself backward, pinning Mr.
Asthoff underneath. The horn' of the
saddle was driven through the fleshy part
of his thigh on the Inside, causing a most
painful wound. The l.orse struggled to
his feet, leaving the rider nearly helpless
on the ground, the blood pouring from the
wound In his leg. Fortunately the bones
of the thigh were not crushed. Realising
his Imlnent danger should the blood con
tinue to flow, Mr. Asthoff managed to
drag himself down to a little stream where
he bathed his thigh, and with the aid of
some shoe strings he managed to stop
the bleeding. Then Blowly and painfully
he dragged himself back to the horses
and camp. He was then six miles from
Lost Lake and about 25 miles from his
homo at Asthoff's Hotel. Suffering In
tensely, Mr. Asthoff waited awhile In the
hope soma of the other rangers might
come along. He changed the saddle to
tho packhorse, a safe animal, and mount
ing him started homeward, which he
reached the next day, and was sent to
St. Vincent's Hospitul a few days ago.
Mr. Asthoft has been head ranger for
several years. Ranger Anderson has tak
en his place while Asthoft Is getting well.
It will be about two w,eoks before he will
be fully recovered. Only about a month
ago Mrs. Asthoff was seriously Injured In
a runaway accident near Sandy, and Is
now slowly recovering.
There will be Less Sleepllness When Or
egon City People Learn This.
Can't rest at night with a bad back.
A lame, a weak or aching one.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for bad backs.
They cure every form of kidney Ills,
From common Backache to diabetes.
Mrs. M. Custer, residing at 535 W. 2d
St., Albany, Oregon, says: "As a result
of cold sometime last Fall my back be
came so lame that I could hardly get
about at all. In the morning I felt sore
and lame and my night's rest was brok
en by too frequent action of the kidneys.
A box of Doan's Kidney pills was pro
cured for me. I noticed their good effects
after taking a few doses and In a short
time I was cured. 'When I find a remedy
that does all that Is claimed for It I am
only too pleased to make the fact known
to others."
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon City peoule. Call at C. Q. Huntley's
drug store and ask what his customers
For sale by all dealers, price 60 cents.
Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name, Doans, and take
no other.
.Quality is the fitst importance in selecting a watch and it requires
expert knowledge of the business to actually know the real value.
There are all sorts of watches on the market and all look somewhat
alike. There are differences, however in constructive workmanship, in
finish and decoration, in wearing quality, time keeping and in price.
That is why you must rely entirely upon the party from whom you
purchase your watch.
Our record for honest, straightforward dealings is what has made us
the largest house in Clackamas County. We are constantly adding
new goods of the latest designs and are showing an unusually attract
ive assortment of handsome patterns in solid gold and filled watches.
We have watches in nickel for boys from $1.00 up? for men from
$5.00 up. Ladies and gents gold filled watches from $10.00 up.. We
would like to have you come and see our $15.00 and $20.00 watches.
They are beauties.
We do fine watch repairing and guarantee all work.
I Oregon City I
Suspension Bridge Corner
Having secured the agency for the
Studebaker Company for Oregon
City and vicinity, W. L. Block,the
Furniture man, is now prepared to
supply you wants in another way.
of the Studebaker Company's pro
ducts is too well known to require
any introduction to the people of
this vicinity. The trademark of
stands for the best in the way of
Wagons, Buggies and Carriages.
Delay making any purchases until
you have consulted Mr. Block who
will carry a complete line of Stude
baker vehicles.
Main and Seventh Streets Oregon City, Oregon