Oregon City Enterprise CITY AND COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates'. On year U-jjO Btx months Trial subscription, two months.. 25 Advertising rates on application. Subscribers will find the date of piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment, kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at vhe postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. giMTiipliicaJ center of Clackamas county. This is of mow importance than many will at first realize, luit it means a great dull in favor of the city's future growth ami develop ment. With the wining of better local market. Mter schools, bet tor roads, more railroads and more farmers clearing out the timber and putting more land under cultivation, the establishment of manufacturing industries hew, the importance of Estaeada's location will become bet tor known. The present seat of oounty government is at Oregon City near the northwest corner of the count v where it will remain until the railroad is extended south from Ks tacada. Kstaeada News, o- MUD HOLES IN GOOD ROADS. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1905. A NOTABLE CELEBRATION. Credit belongs to the Oregon City Fire Department for having this year provided for Oregon City one of the most notable Independence Day celebrations and Firemen's Tournament that was ever held in the state. Three days of genuine eport were provided and people flock ed to the City from every section and participated in the enjoyment of the entertainment. The general and sub-coinnnttees discharged their respective duties with a thorough ness and enthusiasm that contributed to making a most successful cele bration. Oregon City may well feel 'proud of its tire department. o SENATOR MITCHELL CON VICTED. . United States Senator J. II. Mitchell was this week found guilty by a jury in the United States court at Portland of having accepted mon ey for services performed as a Unit ed States Senator. The jury took 7 1-2 hours for deliberation and in reporting a verdict recommended the defendant to the leniency of the court. The trial was one of the most not able ever held in the United States and considering that in similar trials in which the prosecution failed al though armed with stronger proof, the verdict of guilty was not gener erallv expected. Senator Thurston and Judge Bennett, counsel for Sen ator Mitchell, will immediately move for a new trial, preparatory to ap pealing the case to tlie Circuit Court of Apjieals and finally the Supreme Court of the Lnitod States. While he stands convicted, it is not believ ed tliat Senator Mitchell is the graft er in the sense that many of the men are who have boon charged with the big frauds of the country. Sen ator Mitchell not only has been but is now a jMKir man. However, the verdict of the jury will be accepted as the final determination of the matter. 0 TOO MiCU POLITICS. There is taking place locally a long-winded controversy regarding the gambling situation in Clackamas county. Thus far it is all talk. 0 am bling continues and the oral argu ment Mween the city and county officials as to whom is rvsjxmsible for the situation, still gives the news reporters something to write about. Each municipality has within it self the right and privilege to regu In the making of good roails in this country there is always a new mud-hole m the wav. Wherefore the work moves but slowly, cnifwy is steady progress toward the desir ed results, but Uie most earnest and active figures in the movement can but admit that, considering the amount of euergy and brains put into the wwk in a decade, results are not what they should be. Bad luck, which is apparently sometimes sent to test the mettle of men and measures, has waited upon the good roads advocates, and when this ol) vious fact is considered, the degree of success attained by them in many state is evidence of an indomitable resolution and an unfaltering faith in the final triumph of public intelli gence. It would seem, at times, as if the hard roads people work the hardest to get out of one mud-hole as possible, how far it tnay le to the as possible, haw far it may bo to the next one. ineir cunosuv, ami uu- tirinn energy in satisfying it, has shown that the holes are never far apart. The ancient and universal prop dice in the rural districts against the cost of such undertakings has of late years shown some signs of abat mg. The farmer has had to be shown that this cost would returrn to him in increased value of lands and better opportunities for gettin his product to market at a saving of time, wmcn, witn tno iarmer as um evervbodv else, is money. He had studied the problem closely, and had reached the point of admitting that it had two sides, before the inagura- tion and rapid extension of rum mail delivery cave the good road ad vocates another argument w ith which to have at him. The extension o electric lines into farm sections has also contributed something to make him more open to conviction. Bu that he is not yet convinced that good roads will be worth what thev cos him, the recent tour of a good road committee of the Illinois legislature through several of the finest agri cultural counties of that state, where the people are as prosiKrous and in tolligent as can be found anywhere, is proof. The objection was no long er as to the disparity between cost and return, but as it was voiced in several meetings, it lies now against "dudes on rublxr tires." There is the new mud-hole in the good road. It is the crazy automo bilist who is turning back the hands on the clock and stopping the whirls of progress. The farmer is getting ready to consider the advisability of taxing himself for pun of wealth, but not for loss of life and limb. And it cannot le denied that, on many good stretches of road in this country, built at the expense of the road lines, unlets, indeed, like the railroads they are willing to incor porate, themselves and put up their own money for their own roadways. St. Iawis 15 lobe Democrat. WEATHER FOR JULY. U. 8. Department of Agriculture Issue Statistics A to Probable Condition!. The following data, covering) a period of 33 year, have boon compiled from the Weather llurvnu record at Portland, Oregon. They are Issued to ahow the. conditions Unit have prevailed dining the month In question, for the above period of years, but must not bo construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming month. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal temperature, 47 de grees. The warmest month was that of 1875, with an average of 70 degrees, also In 1899. The coldest month was that of 1901, with an average of 63. The highest temperature waa 102 do- gteea on July S3, 1S91. The lowest temperature was 43 degrees on July S3, 1904. The earliest date on which first killing frost occurred In autumn October IS. Average date on which first killing frost occurred In autumn, November 1. Average date on which Inst killing frost occurred In spring, March 17, The latest date on which lust klllng frost occurred In spring. Muy 9. PRECIPITATION. Average for the month, 0.68 Inches. Average number of daya with .01 of an Inch or more, 4. The greatest monthly precipitation was 1.80 inches In 1KM. The least monthly precipitation was 0.00 Inches In 1883. The greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any 24 consecutive hours was 1.35 Inches on July 1 and 2. 1902. CLOl'DS AND WEATHER. Average number of clear days, 18. rartly cloudy days, 9. Cloudy days, 6. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the northwest. The average hourly velocity if the wind U 7 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 35 miles from the southwest. ! I ? : The SOAP that sells the fastest A B is PROTECTED BY THE GUARANTEE. No Dyspeptic Should Hesltato to Try Peptlkola Tablets on These Term Thousands who were once the vlotlms of Indigestion and stomach troubles are now well and strong through the use of Pepsikola Tablets. People who have suf fered the agonies of Indigestion for years are dally brought back to perfect health. and the proprietors of this remarkable prescription have such entire confidence In Its virtue and power that they have given a written Guarantee Contract to Huntley Bros Co., agreeing to refund the 25 cents. In each case the remedy falls to benefit as claimed. If you are nervous, despondent, care worn and without energy, or If you have dlny spells, heartburn, coated tongue, or sour stomach just make up your mind to try Pepsikola tablets and obtain relief. The manufacturers are so sure that Pepsikola tablets will aid and strengthen your digestion, make the rich red blood course through your veins and put new life, energy and new vigor Into your stomach that they have Instructed Hunt ley Bros. Co. to tell all dissatisfied cus tomers that they can have their money back, cheerfully and without argument. If you have it you'll agree with me; if you haven't you know nothing about it. Those that arc using it is because it is all soap 100 per cent. pure. It acts like magic on delicate fabrics, rug carpets, woodwork, dishes. Excellent for laundry, leaves the clothes sweet and clean, the hands smoothe and white. 1 AMMONIA is known to everyone as a healthful and powerful disinfector. BENZINE is the highest refined product of petroleum, having all the cleansing qualities found in coal oil without its impurities. Read here how to secut e . a bar of this Soap Free! To the first fifty customers making a cash purchase of fifty cents at my store, you will receive a bar of A B Soap absolutely free. GET IT, TRY IT AND YOU WON'T DENY IT. It - .). s a . . sX)i 3Ho Po Phone 1261 BRIGHTBILL 503 Main Street j; i: It H i i 5 " 'V1'" rtKHlnrr lon.l-- tl,nfo horn late eamWinp. Every uiwntoratcd i , . ' t. , l 1 J 1.1 I'lltl CUIlMilUU VlllHlO IV 111(11 IHV . - i , . i. . .. .5 t chariot race m hon llur. 1 his i v tin uiiu m.u Maiuit-s 111 imt- ever steps may be tnken to suppress pimini; of nil kinds. This emiloss cliain pune that is Wing playetl be tween tin4 eity and eminty officials of the one striving to lav the blame the new mud-hole in the good roads movement, and it must le admitted to be a deep one. The annual con vention of the national hard roads ! society, now in sssion at Portland on the others shoulders is booominu , . J,, i.n: ., . x ,. , . t .r an apival to the automobiiK-ts to exeeedniiriv monotonous. If the . ',' . , , , , ,. it v deire .irain- , ... ... v. . 1..1 . i ptvple of Oregon Ci blinsr, let thorn have poker, craps, ''21." and evervthinc; else frxun dom- irii up. Rut if jnunhlinj: is not wanted here, the vwer rests with the city officers to stop the games and punish the offenders. For that rea son all this talk as to who is re sponsible fer the existing condition has about a nuu-h foundation as the average almanac joke. The same is true of Milwaukie. ; Ixt each nmnieiivvlity manage its i om affairs. I-et the agitation cor.- ' iinue but a short time longer &in ', the result will 1 tliat public stti-1 inent will demand interferenoe on ' the part of the District Attorney and the Oounty Officials and then games of all kinds will bo suppressed throughout the entire county. But this unending harangue is becom ing tiresome. The truth of the matter is that there is involved in the controversy more polities than a sincere desire to promote the public morals. o SOT YET! Estaeada is the only place of any importance that is situated near the To the Farmers, Fruit Growers, Manu facturers, Miner, Business Man and Woman of Clackamas County: If you are Interested In the develop ment and growth of Clackamas County, the promotion of Its industries, the open ing up of Its mineral resources and the marketing and manufacturing of its mag nificent timber, you should come forward and UfHlKt In making a creditable exhibit of what we have; in the Clackamas County Exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition we need and should have an exhibit of every article manufactured in the county, from every farm and orchard, from every berry patch and vineyard and irom every mine and quarry we should have a sample exhibit of the very best we have; do not wait for your neighbor to do this, do somelhlng yourself. tiring or send what you have to either the Clackamas County Exhibit In the Agricultural Building at the Lewis and Clark Exposition Grounds, or to the un dersigned at the Court House In Oregon City; good care will be taken of every thing and due credit will be give every person for every article exhibited. Let us, one and all unite in this mat ter, and prove to the world that we raise make and have In Clackamas County, what can be found in no other county In the state or nation. Information given and articles received at Court House, by THOS. F. RTAN. County Judge and Supt of County Ex hibit. fOU PUT IT DOWN IN rvuuein2 their time schedules ami going out of opposition to the rail- Ayers What ire your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty! Postpone this looking old. Hair Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. " 4Tr"s Hir Vlir rwt-4 tfcs 'or! eoiO U IDT fTST halt. u4 I m ITCUlJ f mm4 It u .l tim ei!m tot n. " WlJ. YiDt. XscWKSTiUs, V I. r t bottle. foi t.C 1TI CO . Dark Hair POPULAR AND PICTURESQUE. Until my nsw building on Main street la completed, I will ba located In ths building on Main ttraet near Fourth street, recently vacated by O. A. Helns. F. C. GADKE The Plumber, That our guarantee Is your CJIbraltrr. We promise a satisfactory enduring Job at the lowest price for good work and stand behind our guarantee at nil time. Why not let us estimate with you? A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near lCiglith Oregon City . . Oregon 9 Oregon SH0?rLlN and union Pacific THREE TRA TO THE EAST -J) A 1 L Y v: Through Pullman standard and Tour ist slreping cars dally to Omaha, Chlrajo, Kpokane; tourist sleeping cis dally IS Kaunas City; through Pullman tourUI sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chlr-ago. Kansas City, recus ing chairs (seats free to ths Hit till?.) W9 The only thing necessary' to make the Denver and Rio Grande the most popular, as It has ever ben known the most pleas ant and most picturesque way to cross the continent has come about. This Is the establishment of throiiKh sleeping car sen Ice. In connection with the O. R. & N. a through Pullman Standard Sleeper is now run from Portland to renver, leaving IVirtland at 8:15 p. m.. arriving at Salt I-ake at 8:40 a. m . the second morning, leaving Salt Lake at 3 50 p. m. and ar riving at Denver 4:20 p. m. the following day. This schedule gives passengers wvtn hours stop-over in Salt Lake, af fording an opportunity to visit the Mor mon Capital as well as a day light ride through the grandest scenery In the world. for reservations In this car and for Il lustrated booklet picturing the scenery contiguous to the Denver & Rio Grande, proving it to be the 'Scenic Line of the World." write to W. C. McBrlde. General Agent, 1:4 Third Street, Portland. You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read oer the nearer and kio Grande Kailroaii, tbt "Scenic Line of the World" BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of inlemt along the line between Ogdrn and benTfr that the trip nerer becomes tiresome. Greatly in Demand. Nothing is more In demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cle&nser, such as Dr. King"a New Life Pills. They ane Just what you need to cur stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At How ell & Jones' drug store. IS cent, guaranteed. If yon are going:it, write or Informa tion and get a pretty book that will tell yon all about It. W. C. McBRIDE, aeneral Agent PORTLAND, OREGON JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELE Near Huntley's Drujc Store, FORTY TEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Chicago- Portland HiM-elal t:lt a. m Atlantlo Kinress 1:10 p. m. Via. Hunt Ington, Rt. Paul Kast Malt :1& p m via Rpo-kane. OASTOIIIa. Basntte Kin Unrx Eaegt Kfaatai af COLUMBIA RIVER SCEE RYlQ rui lldllUdUU I lib uaiibb Regulator Line Steamers "BAILEY GATZERT" "DALLES CITY" "REGULATOR" "METLAKO" "8ADIE B." Btr. "Bailey Gataert" leaves Portland 7 A. M. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days; leaves The Dalles T A. M. Tuea days, Thusrsdays and Saturdays. Str. "Regulator" leave Portland 7 A. M. Tuesdaya. Thurmdaya and Saturdays; leaves The Dallea 7 A, M. Mondaya Wednesday! and IVJaya. Steamera leaving Portland make daily connection at Lyla with C. R. 4 N. train for Ooldendala and Klickitat Vallejr points. C. R. A N. train Waves Ooldendala on Mondays, Wedneadaya and Fridays at 1:10 A. M.. making connection with steamer "Regulator" for Portland and way points. C. R. N. train leaves Ooldendala on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at I: JO A. M., connecting at Tyl wltb steamer 'Uadl B." for Ths Dallea, con necting ther with O. R. A N. trains East and West, 8tr. "Sadl B." leave Cascade Lock dally cpt Sunday) at T A. It, for Ths Dalle and way points; arrive at 11 A. It; leave Ths Dalle I p. at, arrives Cascads Lock I P, II Meal served on all steamers. Fine accommodation tor team and wagons. Landing at Portland at Alder Street Dock. H. a CXitPBKLl Cen. Offlce, Portland. Oregon. HOURS Portland to Chicago No Change of Car. 70 Tim (chedulea. Salt l-ake, Denver, KL Worth. Omaha. Kansa City, St. Unila, Chicago and East. Assim S 25 p m. Rait IJiks, Denver, ht. Worth, Omaha, I. M an. nansa city. 8t. lAiila, Chicago and Walla Walla. Lew- Uton. flpokana, Mln neapolla, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago and KasL 7:11 BV Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. 1:00 A M. Dally. 7; 00 P.M. UNION DEPOT ArrivM. For Mavrera Rainier. i-latskanle, Weatport Clifton, Astorla,War- renton, Kiavel. Ham mond, Fort Stevens, Oearhart Park. 8ea- "iun. Astoria ana ,-ieasnore. Express Dallr. Astoria Express. I Pal 1U0A.H. 3: if pi. C. A. STEWART, roram'l Ag Alder street Phon Main 0. J. C MA TO, O, F. A P. A.. Aatof Ocean and River Sched For San Francisco Kvry five d p. m. For Astoria, way point Portland. Oregon. P- m.; Saturday at 10 p. m.. service (water permitting) on tte and TamhlO river. For detailed Information or The Oregon Railroad A NavlgetU your nearest ticket agent, or . Oeaaral Paaaenger Al A. U CRAl