1 i OPIEQON CITY, ORKOON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1905. NEW TO-DAY TO LOAN AT AND 7 par cont. Farm cunty. . Ullen A Bchubel. MOUTaAOlC UAN8 NKOOTIATED, at lowaat rates, Latouratte's offlca, Commarolat Hunk llulldlni, Oregon City. I,OHT Ncnr Him fountain In Ows-on CMty, IjkIIi'h' KiiIiI wuli li hihI chain, J'IIkIm tiiovmnt No, 1070115(14 ; C No, 7, 171,4113. lli'tiirn to Ilowull ft Junri mid rwnlve reward, Local Events Wanted a (till for Rcrwral houaewnrk, Good wutfi'. Apply at 410 flint h lrMt, At a npi'iliil mmtlnic nt Oiik Oroya Wednesday nlKltt, Mr. lientley waa euwt od director of tha Oak (Jrovn school. Tim ni'it acaslon of Clackamaa I)latrtt Pomonu iruiiK will bo held with Mil waukla (lrun, Wednesday, July 12. Laat Krldny afternoon tha members of the Klrst ConKreaiillonal Sunday achool spent Hi day plt-nlclim nt Mcldrum's lrov. Thursduy County Clerk Orronman Is sued a mnrrliiKD license to Illt-hard Itu dolph Klasllni mid Cnrrta Maud I'fiinnln er. Ixiit In tha vicinity of Clackamas, Thursday evcnln. Huston Hull Terrlor bitch named Mlrt. Reward Adieas Drawer T. Oreon City, Oregon. Mm. Gordon K. Hayes entertained at tii lw mm at Olndxtonn Thuraduy aftfr- nnon In honor of hr nltiter, Minn IxiiiIhk Hlckler. or petr.iu, Micrngnn, wno la aprmllitK tha HuinmiT In Oregon. MurgHiet iJiMiiur, of Muckahtirg, and J, M, Auatln, of Molnlla. wore married In thla city Wednen.Uy, City Itucorder W, A. Ulmlck, oftlclatliiB. huMt Thuratluy afternoon, Mra. U. V. Ornc guva an afieninon In honor of. Mia. Jmnea I try don, of Hilton. Manitoba, and Mil. John llrown. of BMticy, N. V Monty to loan on Farmi. Land Tltltt aamlnad. Dlmlek 4 Dlmlck, Lawyart, Oragon City, Oragon... Itev, Ilnnry Itoblna, pan tor of the Klrnt llaptlal church, haa Iraacd (ha Wllllitm Orltttth Fottaan, Thlrturnlh and Water atrceia, where with hla wife, ha will re Ido. Compliilnlng that har huaband haa been on a rontlnuoua drunk for tha loat yeur, ltillena Itomalna hna tiled ault for di vorce from Wm. II. rtomnlna to whom aha waa married at Puyton, Waahlngton, In 1H2. Bopliua Itobert Kraua, a native of tier- many, haa been granted final cltltenahlp pnpera. He received tho pnpera Bnlurday and on Tuvadny for the flrat time partlcl pated In Independenca Iay featlvltlea aa a full-fledged American cltlien. MORTOAQE LOANS NEQOTAITED at loweat ratee, Iatouratta'a offloa. Com mercial Bank Building. Oregon City. Paint! paint! palntl and get It at Char man ft Co.'a, their prlcea art alwaya Juat right A. H. Orleaaen haa dlapoaed of hla ao- loon bualneaa to E. A. Caaaena ft Com pany, of Portland, who took charge today Mr. Orleaaen la undecided aa to what he will do In the future, but will remain for the preaent at lenat, at Oregon City. At Canemiih Park Wedneaday after noon, Canby defeated the Chemawa In dlana at baaeball by a acora of B to 2. On the preceding day. the Clackamaa coun ty team alao defeated the Mucka, of Port land, the acore being 8 to ( In Canby'a favor. Baby capa and hata greatly reduced Mlaa Ooldamlth'a. Karr & Ooettllng'a new boathouae waa opened for bualneaa Saturday, and la located between tho auaponalon bridge and tho Oregon City Tranaportntlon Com pany'a dock. Both alnglo and double acull boata have been aecured, all clinker built, with outrlggere and adding aeata, Oregon City Red Men to the number of nearly 100, accompanied by the Oregon City Band In Indian coatmne, board n apeclal car Thuraday morning and went to Portland where at the Iwla & Clark Expoaltlon they participated In the ex erelMca Incident to the unveiling of the Sncajaweaatatue. The Autoflllar, the beat aolf-fllllng Fountain Ten, 2.B0 and upwarda. Every pen guaranteed. Charman ft Co., drug glata, aole agenta. Oregon City, again thla year, furnished oratora for Independence Day celebra tions at points In the county. Judge O. E, Hayes delivered an oration heavily charged with patrlotlo sentiments before tho people of Viola and vicinity while ex-Mayor Grant B, Dlmlck performed the saino service for the Wllsonvlllo people. Victor Chrlstonsen, aged 0 years, of Bolton, fell a few days ago nnd suffered tho fracture of an arm Juat below the el bow, In the absence of Its driver, the line driving horse of Dr. H,' 8. Mount, who was called to attend the boy, be came mixed up In a barbed wire fence and was frightfully Injured before being extricated from the wire. Special prices on mllllnory this week at Miss Goldsmith's. Georgia Long, of Portland, yesterday Hied In the Clackamas county court ault for divorce from J. B. Long to whom she was marred In September, 1903. The hus band Is charged with cruet treatment for which at one time he served a sentence In the Multnomah county Jail. Plaintiff asks for the custody of a two-months' old daughter. MONBY Oovcrnor C'hiimlierlaln lw r-fujl to Oiniiinln to Mfe llripilxoM merit thn death sen teni a of Ihoikb W. Lauth who will hi liuiiirml ut Hi slain penitentiary at Hnlfin next Thursday, July 13, The crime for which I ,uiil h must Iiuiik wna commit ted In thin city Inst ScptornlMir whan In a fit of linger, ho prttmtidlttttilly shot and killed hl mistress,, Mm, Lctiorit H, Jonea. fluhNiTllin to tha Knterprlaa, bnatIbcal paper In Wlllamatta Valley, A new record ,for fees In the County Clerk's olllcn for a ilriKlc month wm tuhllshed In June whim Clink (Jrnmun received 1534. NS us HMiilnnt $278,110 for th corresponding month a year hko, Juno wna un exceptional mouth thin year hut with Mich succeeding year thn receipt of thin olflc for that month hav baas steadily Innreualng for the limt several yeara, Wanted Mnn under 84, from Oregon City, to prepare for good position aa Hull wuy Mull Clnrk. Experience In post of- lice not newaaary. Entrance mtlury $H00 per annum, gradual promotion, an ex ceptional opening. Kxum. aoon. Address Immediately, I', 0. Ilox It53, Denver, Colo. Juat bi foro retiring on the nlgbt of July 4, K, C, Oudke decided to look about the pri'inlaea and aallafy hlmaelf that thero were no algna of fire, He waa atartl- d to flml tlumea laaulng from beneath tli iiirih, but thitae were extlngulahed without railing the fire department. Con nlrterlng that aeveral aacka of charcoal were atored near the place where the Are waa (Uncovered, It la not a pleaaant thing to contemphiln what might have re united but for the timely dlacovery of tho blllXe, O. W, P, Ily. Co. Sunday round trip rata to Eatacada 75 centa, Tlcketa tnuit be purchaaad at Company'! offlcea, Maiiagi-ment of the Willamette Valley Chnutauiiia AaMoclntlon haa received aa- auranca llmt Henator John M. Thura tun will deliver patrlotlo addreaa at open ing acaalon of thla year'a Aaaembly, at p. m. Tueaday, July 11. Inaamuch aa Dr. Wm. A. Quayle, of Chicago, will de liver hla fiimoua lecturo on "Abraham Lincoln" on evening of aame day, Initial day will thla year will be designated aa Patriotic Iay." Addition of Henator Thornton aa one of tho apeakera Increaaea value of Assembly. Batavla and Duck and Linen hata, new arrivals, Mlaa Ooldamlth'a. Carel Howell, one of the most well- known pluniMira of Clackiimua county, died at hla home at Bprlngwater, Oregon, it I h. in., July 2. aged 68. Funeral at the Presbyterian church on July 4th at 1 p. m. Deceaaed waa born In Washing ton county, Arkansiia. and croaeed the plains In 1861. He waa a good farmer. a good husband, a good father, a good citizen that Bprlngwater can III apart. Hf leaves a wife, seven aona and three daughters, all living at Sprtngwater. The people of thla district tender their loving sympathy to the bereaved family In their great sorrow. Frank Newton wishes to announce to the people of Oregon City and Clackamas county that he haa opened up new under taking:' parlors In the building formerly occupied by Wilson A Cooke and adjoin' Ing the Commercial Bank. He will car ry a complete line of undertaking goods and will make a specialty of embalming. Undertaking parlor Is provided with a chapel. New modern hearse In connec tion. Calls promptly anewered night or day. Argument for and agatnat the propoaed building of a bridge by the county across the Clackamaa river at Barton waa heard Thursday by the membera of the Clackamaa county court, who have taken the auhject under advisement. Clordon K. Hayes and J. M. Tracy, a prominent tax-payer apoke for tho petitioner and urged favorable action on the part of the court. W. A. Huntley, president of the Oregon City Board of Trade, which la opposing the construction of the bridge, and W. P. Klrchem, a leading farmer, argued negatively on the proposed Im provement, contending that there are al ready a sufllclent number of brldgca for the accommodation of travel without particular Inconvenience to the petition era. The plana and epeclflrntlons sub mitted by Surveyor Klnnalrd estimate the cost of the bridge to be about $8500. but It would cost an equal amount to construct a road to connect with the structure, Petitioners aak the county to assume 70 pur cent of the cost, Methodist Congress at the Lewis Clark Expoaltlon, nd More and more the church la enter ing Into the clvlo life of our country and becoming a factor In Its progress. The Methodist Chuj-ch has been at tho front In pioneer days, and in the Paclllc North west she has had an exceptionally useful career. It Is eminently fitting that this church should take Its place and do Ita purt In connection with nn occasion frought with Much monentoiis signifi cance to this country aa the Lewis and Clark Exposition. To this end the Methodists of thla re gion have arranged for a great Methodist Congress to bo held at the First M. E. Church, Portland, from July 11 to 21. During this time many of the strong men of the church, In this section, will (IIhcuhs the work, problems and resources of tho denomination In this region, On Frldny evening, July 14, Dr. Heritage, president of the Spokane Musical Col lege and one of the greatest chorus direc tors on the continent will lead a grand chorus conceit of 150 voices. This will bo a musical treat no one can afford to miss. Suturday and Sunday, July 15 and 1(1, has been devoted . to the Epworth League. There will bo no afternoon ses sions that tho, tlino may be Bpcnt In sight seeing. The members of a strong committee of Portland business men and ministers have dono all In tholr power to make the Congress a great success and render the stay of visitors pleasant and profitable. A secretary has been secured to give all his time to this work. 1 Good rooms, with modern conveniences . may be had at very reasonable rates Headquarters will bo at the offices of the Pacific Christian Advocate, Commer cial Block, to which place Inquiries should be sent. In the name of the church we bid you all a hearty welcome. DAVID II. MOORE, President. DANIEL L. RADER, Secretary. Personal Mention Itoaoo Morris apent July 4th at fluleni! George W. Ogle, of Molnlla, waa In the city Wednesday, 1 J. M. Poorman, of Woodhurn, waa In the city Wednesday, Mlaa Kllpha Galloway haa returnfid from a visit In Idaho. Dr. J. J. Icavltt, of Molnlla, was Visitor to this city Wednesday. Mra, 3. C. Sawyer lias been quite III for aeveral days but la Improving. Mra. O. W. Kaatham and llttln daughter are visiting with friends at Eugene. Mlaa Klla Shaver has returned from an extended visit at Bpokane, Washington. Merrill and Gordon Moores, of Salem, spent the Fourth with friends In thla city. Mlaa Buraa flcddlck has gone to San Francisco where aha will apend the Sum mer. ft. It, McAlpIn has returned to Oregon City and accepted a place with Adam Uroa. Mr, and Mra. Oeorgn LaKclle have re turned from a fishing trip on tho Col umbia. Mr. and Mra. Howard M. Ecclea, of Canby,, celebrated In Oregon City on the Fourth. Miss Constance Holland, of Portland, waa the guest of Oregon City friends Tuesday. James Houtchlns, editor of the Waits burg, Washington, Oasette, vlalted here thla week. Mr. and Mr, A. Kochcr, of Canby, were among those celebrating the Fourth In thla city. Mra. C. B. Frlasell, who haa been quite III for aeveral weeka. Is slowly but sure ly recovering. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Shull of Kelso, Wash ington, were thla week the guests of friends, here. Archie Morelund, of Woodhurn, vlalted thla week at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. J. Moreland. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Hobson, of Cal ifornia, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith. Mrs. J. B. Iiwrence, of Kansas City, Mo., was this week a guest at the home of E. J. Paulton. Mrs. L. W. McAdam and daughter, Maurlne, of Pendleton, are visiting with Oregon City friends. Mlsa Ixmlae Slckler, of Detroit, Mich igan, la spending the Summer with her sister, Mra. (1. E. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marshall and Will Marshall, of Rusnellvllle, spent the Fourth with relatives In this city.' Mr. and Mra. D, D. Schlndler, of San Francisco, visited this week at the home of Dr. and Mra. J. W. Norrla. Mra. Chas. Wright, accompanied by her granddaughter, haa gone to Eastern Oregon for an extended visit. Mr. and Mra. C. I'. Burlow, of Oakland, California, are visiting with Oregon City and Barlow friends and relatives. Mra. Morry Mayer, and daughter Ruth, of Son Franclaco, are visiting in Oregon City, tho gueata of Mrs. M. Uollack. Mrs. Roae Whltcomb and two daugh ters., of Porneroy, Washington, are vis iting her alater, Mra. T. L. Charman. J. M. Lawrence, editor of the Bend Bulletin, accompanied by hla daughter. Marian, la visiting Oregon City relatives. Samuel Duncan, jtn Montrose county, Colorado, haa been visiting In Oregon City, the guest of hla niece, Mrs. Chas. Catta. Mlaa Nellie Boyd has returned from an extended visit with relatives In East ern Oregon and will spend the Summer in thla city. Misaea Myrtle and Frankle Klncald, of Antelope, Eastern Oregon, are visiting In Oregon City, the guests of Miss Mag gie Mulvey. Mrs. Henry Brown and aaughter, Stel la and Miss Bessie Wheeler, of Salem, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hocye on the Fourth. Mrs. E. W. Livingston and daughter, Mlaa Dorothy, of Capron, were recently the gueata of Superintendent and Mrs. J. C. Zlnser. Mrs. Showers, and daughter, Mlaa Mar jory, have returned from Tacoma after vlaltng with Mrs. Q. E. Hayes and Mra, G. W. .Grace. William Hammond has returned from Gambler, Ohio,1 where he haa been at tending Kenyon College In preparation for the Episcopalian ministry. John Knnpp. who recently returned to his home in this city after attending- the Corvallls Agricultural college, has ac cepted a position with Howell & Jones. Mrs. Arthur H. Williams, of Salem, 'vis ited with Oregon City relatives this week while on her way to Sounth Bend, Wash ington, whre she will spend the Summer. Mrs. Frank DeParequ, and daughters, of Tacoma, Washington, are visiting In thla city at the home of Mrs. DcParcq's parents, Judge and Mrs. T. F. Cowing, John N. Woods, of thla city, has leased the Commercial Hotel at Newberg and he and hla father, Judge J. M. Woods, go to Newberg this week to take posses sion. " Dr. G. E. Stuart, of Monument, East ern Oregon, this week looked after the practice of his son, Dr. C. A. Stuart, while the lutter enjoyed a short recrea tion In the mountains. Mrs. B. C. Plnkham and children, of Mnrcola, Oregon, who have been visiting In the city, the past week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Shaw, returned to their home this morning. f a. J. Howell and family, of Albany, spent the Fourth visiting with friends in this city. Mr. Howell Is a former employe on the Enterprise, but Is now working on the Herald at Albany. 1 Miss Josephine Creelmon, formerly em ployed as Instructor In the city schools, left the first of the week for her old home at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where she will follow her profession next year, . Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, of Sidney, N. D and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dry don, of Hilton, Manitoba, have been visiting In Oregon City, the guests of Mi- and Mrs. E. W. Scott, sisters. ' The three ladles are Martin Rosenbaum, formerly secretary for the Crown Paper Company In this city, has accepted a position as assist ant general manager of the Crown-Columbia, pulp A paper Co. with headquart ers In Portland. John Clark, a prominent attorney of Oregon City, whs in flalem yesterday, ac companled by his wife, on hla way to Spring Valley to visit hla father, Captain P. F. Clark, for a few days, Tuesday's Salem Statesman, A, A. Price left Wednesday for The Dalles where he will conduct tho Cres cent Shoe store, a business In which he will be the principal owner. The many friends of Mr. Price hope he will prosper In his new location. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gllhousen, of Los Angeles, California, ana their two daugh ters, Mrs, Albert Fankhauscr, of Lents, and Mrs. Gilbert Moborly, of Portland, were the guests of Mrs. M. E. Graves at Canemah last Thursday. Dr. E. A. Newton, who has many friends In this city, left Philadelphia yes terday for Germany, via Liverpool, where he will take a two-months' special course In medicine. Dr. Newton will be absent from this country about three months. Mrs, J. W. Baker, accompanied by her children, Misses Maud and' Irene and Master Walter, of Los Angeles, Califor nia, arrived In Oregon City his morn ing and will spend the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. L. Holman. C. J. Reld, an extensive fruit grower of Mllwaukle, has been appointed fruit In spector for Clackamas county under an act of the last state legislature. Mr. Held was the only candidate for the ap pointment and had the Indorsement of many of the fruit growers of the county. Hon. Joa. Colosky, accompanied by his son Louis, of Manvel, North Dakota, la visiting at the Lewie ft Clark Fair and at the aame time visiting hla Bisters Mra. E. D. Olds and Mra. F. II. Harrla, at Oak Grove. Mr. Colosky apeaka highly of the 190S Expoaltlon which he says exceeds In merit and attractiveness anything that he had expected. Miss Etta Cook will leave Sunday morn ing for Oregon City where she will visit with Miss Nan Cochran for several weeks. Mlaa Cook will alao visit friends In Port land and the Expoaltlon before returning home. Miss Nan Cochran, who has been In the employ of the Herald since last January In the capacity of compositor, will leave Sunday for a short vacation and to visit her mother and family at Oregon City. A very pleasant farewell entertainment was tendered her FrhLiy night by her young lady friends In this city. Grants Pass Herald. Drs. II, 17 Beatle ft Beatle, Dentists, Rooms 18, Welnhard Building. THE GRAY WOLF. Hla Can nln a; la Marvelous, and He la Difficult lo Catch. Tbo cunning of the gray wolf Is mar relotis, and it la most difficult to catch Dapping. lie somehow seems to know that Iron Is associated with man. A piece of Iron anywhere will keep Dim at a distance. If you shoot an antelope, for Instance, and Just put your spur on the carcass you may leave It as long as yon like and no wolf will touch it. A pocket handkerchief will do as well. Lobo, a great gray wolf who was the king of the puck at Currumpaw, a vast cattle range in New Mexico, was a thinker as well as a rtler. His pack ate nothing but what they bad killed themselves, and thus poison was no good. At lust a thousand dolbirs was set upon bis bead. Tbls brought a noted wolf bunter from Texas, with bis pack of greut wolfhounds. But again there was failure. Then two other hunters ca,me with subtly devis ed poisons to work his undoing. Then I came on the scene. First I tried poison, and there wus no combination of strychnine, arsenic and prussic acid which I did not use. I put the poisons in cheese melted together with kidney fat, and during the whole process I wore gloves steeped in hot blood. And I scattered the bait all over the ranch. The next morning I went out and found Lobo's tracks, with the bait gone. I was delighted. I followed the track and found another bait gone and yet another. Then I found the carried the first three in his mouth and had taken this means of express ing bis utter contempt for my devices. But Lobo's downfall came about through a big white she wolf who was always with him. I m,yiaged to catch her in a trap. Then I knew we should soon bare Lobo. Night after night be came around, the homestead and mourn ed his mate in long, plaintive howls. I knew he would try to find her body, I set 130 strong steel wolf traps, and in one of these 1 caught him a mar - tyr to constancy. And that was the end of Lobo. lutervlew With Ernest Thompson Setou. A bachelor, old" and cranky, was sit ting alone in bis room. Ills toes with the gout were aching, and his face was o'erspread with gloom, uo little ones' shouts to disturb him from noises the house was free. In fact, from cellar ; to attic 'twas ns still as still could be. ' No medical nid was lacking; his serv- ants answered his ring, respectfully answered his orders and supplied him with everything. But still there was something wanted, which he could not command the kindly words of com passion, the touch of a gentle band. And he said, as his brow grew darker; and he rang for the hireling nurse,! "Well, marriage may be a failure, but this is a Jolly sight worse." A Water Candlestick. , A glass of water makes a fine emer gency candlestick. Weight one end of the candle with a nail just large enough to hold the candle In the water so that the water touches Its top edge, but does not touch the wick, and then light the candle. It will burn until the last vestlse of wick is gone and the 1 flame will not flicker. The melted tal- low that runs down but serves to hold the candle more stationary. 10DMS T DAYS J are M HAPPY 1 Jt . J DAYS. Mi What would you not give now for some pictar es yog might have had Babyf Pets, Ft lends, Picnics, Ex ctffsions, the Old Home See aboot'th t Kodak to-day. So simple a child can cse Itso inexpensive anybody can afford one Brownie Cameras, $1, 2, 5, 9. Pocket Kodaks', $6, 10, 12, 15. Stop and get a catalog today and let cs show yotf how simple it is to make pictures with a kodak. We handle the best Plate Cameras also. Huntley Brothers Co. How Do You Spend Your Money? Are you doing; it in a way to secure substantial bene fits? Are you laying something: aside for a "Rainy Day"? If not, you will never have a better time to be gin than now. To get quickly started in the easiest way, come to this bank and open an account. "A DOLLAR WILL DO IT." .The Bank of Oregon City VrWirryirrWiAWWWrVvVvVVVWvVvVVVyyi UNDER NEW MANAQEflENT Oregon City Planing Mill Co. Doors, Windows, Mouldings And all Kinds Stock Patterns of Mill Work Always on Hand. Estimates on Contracts Made Free of Charge. A SECRET. The richest of pure cream; the juice of ripe, fresh fruits; highest grade flavorings and pure crystal gyg carefully blended and frozen , to a creamy smoothness by skilled ' of the sale Of SWET LAND'S Ice Cream . It is absolutely pure and contains no secret powders or "fillers." This i Tr. r.Mffl nf ftn1iMr la rciveA 1 fresh every day by J. A. TUFTS Sole Agent for Oregon City. FREE SOUVENIR . When visiting Portland, call at Swetland's, 273 Mor- rison St., and present this ad. You will receive FREE an attractive souvenir for the table. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drufr Store FORTY YEARSEXPERIENCE I Great Britain and America. OASTOntA. BsM th A M Kind Yos Haw Always BomS W. KUPPENBEDEB, President BEN. KUPPENBESDEB, Sec & Tress Do You Know Anything ABOUT Eppley's If not you should know. It's a pure article put up in pint Mason jars full weight. Sold by all Leading Grocers C. I U PIONEER Transfer and Express Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES REASONABLE OASTOIIIA. Bean th A The Kind You Hava Always Bougra Mil . Ball Foiisr? am J