OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1908. J KJUt v-0frespuuoeiiv2 vumer Brtef lUts of Gossip From All Part of th County. burg on the glorloua Fourth. Miwt ev erybody and his wife went either to Tort- land and Oregon City, or plonlolng up the Clackamas. The few who remained In CIRCUS PERFORMERS. Correspondents are requested to re new tbeir work. We will furnish all necessary stationery. The news from your neighborhood should appear In these columns every week. town enjoyed themselves In a simple way. "The simple life" has Its compensations. MT. PLEASANT. Mrs. Pan ONeil Is quite HI at her home. Mrs. A. B. Soles, of Walla Walla. Is the guest of Mrs. Elisabeth Warner at Locust Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Andrews of San ta Crui, Calif., are visiting at the home of Mr. Andrew's brother, I H. Andrews. Mrs. L. Hamilton has returned to her home at Oakland, after a pleasant visit at "Rose Farm." Mr. Leigh Andrews has his new home almost completed. Mr. Andrews is a late arrival from Indiana and likes Oregon Well enough to locate here. . Mr. I. Cramm of Glencoe. Oregon, spent Monday with his niece. Mrs. E. E. Kel logg. Mr. S. Williams, of Spokane. Is vis iting her sister. Mrs. R. H. Taber, at "Ill Ion." Mr. Skillman. a retired druggist from South Dakota, has purchased the Dan Williams property and has moved his family here, with the expectation of mak ing this his permanent home. A very pleasant outing and reunion was enojyed last Tuesday by the Andrews family and a few friends, which number ed In all forty-two. Of this number thirty-six were relatives. The party spent the day in the park and a splendid lunch was enjoyed by all. Mrs. A. E. King and children have re turned to Ilwaco, after a three weeks' visit at "Locust Farm." i COLTON. poor Grain is looking fine, berries are crop and hay a little thin. K. Gottberg made a trip to town the last of the week to get a new hay folk among other puroheses for his prosperous farm. The Hubbard residence Is nearlng com pletion. It will be a structure both hand some and roomy and a credit to the neighborhood. Mr. Carlson has gone to Portland to spend a week or two with his daughters and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Gorbett were In the Me troplls last week taking in the sights of the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bonney rave gone to Sherwood to visit the latter's mother who Is quite aged. Walter Gorbett had the misfortune to lose one of his horses last week at Caa adero. School meeting passed off very quietly with the result that Chester Oorbett was re-elected as Clerk and J. Puti as director. BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP. A Good Complexion Must Corns From Within. It Is the natural desire of every ambi tions woman to have a clear skin and a beautiful complexion. Outward applica tions of powders can never do more than partially cover up a poor complexion and la apt to ruin the texture of the skin if used persistently. Constipation is respon sible for not only the greater part of headaches, biliousness, bad breath, tor pid liver, backache and lack of energy, but for sallow, muddy complexion as well. The right way to remove pimples, and ' blotches and clear up a muddy, cloudy complexion is to go right to the root of the trouble. The one remedy that will cure constipation, improve the complex ion, brighten the eyes, quicken the circu lation, cure sick headache and insure a clear, velvety skin is Laxikola Tonic Tab lets. So that there may be no chance for disappointment, and to protect both you and the druggist, we have agreed to re fund the full retail price of 25 cents to Huntley Bros Co. by issuing a Guarantee Contract authorising them to pay back your money if the remedy does not ben efit you as claimed. Cured Brlght's Disease. Geo. A. Sherman, Lisbon Red Mills, Lawrence Co., N. T., writes: "I had kid ney disease for many years and had been treated by physicians for twelve years; had taken a well known kidney medicine and other remedies that were recom mended but got no relief until I began using Foley's Kidney Cure. The first half bottle relieved me and four bottles have cured me of this terrible disease. Before I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure I had to make water about every fifteen minutes day and night, and passed a brick-dust substance, and sometimes a slimy substance. I believe I would have died if I had not taken Foley's Kidney Cure." Huntley Bros. Co. CARUS. Sir. and Mrs. Davis went to the Fair Monday. Mrs. Mary Jones was the guest of Mrs. Ethel Spangler Sunday. Several from here spent their celebra tlon in Oregon City and some at Metro politan Park. A good time was had at both places. Mr. Emmott has sold his farm for $1800 to Mr. Huff. He Intends to move to Redland soon. Mr. Howard has Improved the looks of his kitchen by putting a new floor down Mrs. Schoenborn has been quite sick, Emmerson Spatz is working for S Spence. Everybody around here have been cut ting hay. VIOLA. Mr. Patton, who has been assisting Rev. Branson In holding revival meetings at Eagle Creek is now at home. Viola celebrated the GWrious Fourth as it was celebrated in the good old days gone by. To the Lewis & Clark Centennial. Day light that dawned upon the smiling plain. Ever revealed the weary way; Flowers that blossomed where their path had lain. Withered and seared, the yesterday. Streams that their flood and tide had pushed along, The deep voiced rivulet; Tomorrow's sun heard louder yet the song, Where river, plain and vallty met. Onward, as wings the eagle on his fight. His eyes hard set upon hiB prey; Onward! nor paused from daylight's dawn till night, Herpes of old that blazed the way. Find, find, he cried, beyond the setting sun, The land where rolls the Oregon; The sun his course upon his daily run Awaits a friend to smile upon. High up the cralg, kissed by eternal snows. Now toiling o'er the plain below; Tomorrow plant their feet, only God knows; Strange streams across their pathway flow. Wealth of a continent that then was theirs. Assemble now to honor fame; The harvest of a mighty hundred years, Is gathered here and in their name. IM Them tit t'lrcna Is Very So rlonn Affair. To circus people the circus Is a very nerious thing. When a bareback rider tUps to the ground after a somersault or a loftv tumbler misses the shoulder It is his business to land on the audi ence is nil sympathy, ns If feeling It self how It Is to full before so many people. Very little the performer cares for all the vast multitude. Ills mind Is ou the superintendent, his pirtlcular superintendent, who Is watching him at the side of the arena, and who, when he goes off, Is sure to ask very pointed ly how his eye happened to be Inac curate or his muscles lntirm. There la no place lu the circus for performers who fall. Even the clowns look a little bit seri ous behind the scenes. But perhaps that is only because the black lines they palut ou their whitened visages are always so glum and solemn. And what a wilderness of fun making peo ple there are In the I. .er day circus the Bumpkin, the Loon, the Harlequin, tho Urlmacer, the Merry Andrew, the Austrian Looby, the'.uny, the Pierrot, the Punch, the Motley Fool and Anally the German Broad Face, whose name Is Paddy Burke! Due of the clowns was sitting on his trunk In the dress lug room licking a stick of black palut and rubbing It ou his checks so as to make a most funereal expression. Tlie small boy asked him what kind of a clown he was. He said that he was Just "Funny Frtskey," and he got Ids visiting card out of his trunk. It read. "DL Frlskey, Clown and Comedian," and It had a heavy gold rim, which made It very Imposing. In the four corners It said Europe and Asia and Africa and America, which showed that II. Frlskey's fame had reached the four corners of the card. Until you saw his merry capers In the ring you never could believe that a man with such a serlovte face and such an Im posing visiting card could be either funny or frisky. Metropolitan Maga sine. TRUTH OR PARADOX? GENERAL SUMMARY The past week has been favorable fur normal growth, notwithstanding It v ringed cooler than usual. Haying l o general and although considerable hay bus been out and lying In th" fields when the rains of the early part of the week occurred, no great unmuire ensued, and the hay crop promises to be unusually heavy and of excellent quality. I'"" wheat continues to till nicely and lis harvest will begin an about ten days r two weeks. Fungus diseases and Insect pests are mort troublesome than usual lit this season of the year. Hprlng wheat In portions of the Wlliilmette Valley Is badly Infested with aphis, hut otherwise its condition I promising. Oats are af fected by a red rust fungus, which l causing much apprehension. Barley Is ripening nicely. Corn, gardens, potatoes, field onions and sugar beets continue do ing well. Many lice are reported In hop yetds, especially those situated near Hie river bottoms, and preparations for ex tensive spraying have been made, which will be put In operation If the present warm weather does not cause their ill appearance. Perries are plentiful, and other fruit has made satisfactory advancement. CENTENNIAL NOTES, Liberates famous Italian band of fifty pieces Is now giving two free conceits dally at the Lewi & Clark Exposition. Susan n. Anthony, the leading expo nent of woman's suffrage In the t'nlted States, was the honored guest on Kit day, June SO, at u reception held In the Oregon building at the Iwls and Clark reposition. Saturday, July 1, was Trail Pay at the Fair and on that day amusement street was formally opened to th public. There ate thirty-nve shows on the Trail and It costs only about seven dollars to ses them all. This Is much cheaper than at St. Louis. In the Idaho building at the Iwls and Clark Fair there Is a pyramid of nearly pure lead ore which weighs 80,000 pounds. A single specimen weighs 10.000 pounds. Idaho produce annually forty per rent of the lead mined In the I'nltcd Slates, and twenty-seven per cent of the world's supply. In the Foreign KxhlMl building al the Lewis and Clark Exposition there Is a reproduction of Itaphaee "Hlstlno Ma donna," done entirely In needlework. The reproduction was made by a young Her man glil, Frauleln i'lara lllplierger, and Is considered the most wonderful ex ample of art needlework ever created, Friday, June 30, was Vancouver Pay at the Lewis and Clark Fair. People of tho historic town of Vams'tiver, Washington, to the number of nearly Stioe. swarmed Into the Fair grounds In the morning and paraded with banners and badge. "Van couver tlrows Without Watching" was the slogan of the Vancouver people, The price of admission to the I-wls A Clark Fair Orounds In the evening ha been reduced, by a provision whereby the purchaser of a fifty-cent admission ticket receive with hi ticket rmiiHUiN which admit him to 25 cent worth of show on the Trail. The arrangement I proving popular. The change was made because It was thought that the forty cent charge which merely permitted the visitor to the gmunds was unteusoiiuble, since the exhibit palate are not kept open In the evenings. CANDY, Canby people cflebraled at ninny p es, some going to Portland, sointi t ()f!" gou City, soma to Adkln's J'ark, wli m", a few were with your eorresp,imiHlt J the old Canby turnip' meeting (,flH1J where meeting me In session ami ,,ei lr, T. 11. Ford, of Portland, presehrfl 1 very strong sermon on a pntrtotn th The camp meeting will clour ,,,t j, day evening. The sermon In th mmw dig Is expected to be preached )jy Hh Moore, who Is now on his way trl Alaska. Many distinguished hilnltsra are In attendance. Home little excitement was caused . the Fourth by the report that and buggy had been stolen from th v, ery bam. It developed however, that It was taken by man who had a right to do so. Messrs (Iruham and Case with their families spent the Fourth In th wuwJa ptculcliig and fishing. The t'linhy ball team played at Cans, mall Park on tho Fourth, A Grim TrtgstJy, Is dally enacted lu a thousand hnmn as 1'ciilh claims, lu each nun, unolh.,. victim of t'ousumpilon, or 1'iieumonli, Hut when cough and cold are pniirr; treated, the tragedy I averted. K () Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind , writes; -f wlfo had Hie consumption, and thr, doctor gave her tip. Finally she toufc lr. King' New Jilmovny fur 1'imm.in,,. tlon. Cough and Colds, which cured hw and today she i well and strung" J kills the germs of all diseases, tiim &,m i relieve, (iuaiutileed al 60c and Ittt by Howell A Jones, druggists. Trt bottle free. laymicls Tonic Ve rpilf tutf e givcs rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly children0 And it is good for their elders, too. Ask your druggist for it. GET IT FROM YOUR DRUGGIST , t4$ 1 H t $ U i ! S !! i i i t One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dol lars Earned. The average man dots not save to ex ceed ten per cent of his earnings. He must spend nine dollars in living expens es for every dollar saved. That being the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expenses Very often a few cents properly Invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It Is the same in buying Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar hoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house aften saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. UNION HALL. The school meeting held in district No. 81, on June 19th, the voters elected Wm. Draper for clerk and D. R. Dimlck for director. Mr. Draper sold his farm and moved away and the board met and elected Mr. John Robblns for clerk in the place of Mr. Draper. B. J. Helvey went to Canby yesterday and purchased a new mower from Mr. Andrew Kocher, the Canby Implement dealer. Mr. John Thomas also bought a mower from Mr. Kocher. Mr. Chas. Popka is putting an addition to his house. Sturgis Bros, are going to build a skid road to haul logs to their mill. Mr. Calvin Parker Is aiming to build a new house in the near future, also a new barn. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wheeler, who live in Eastern Oregon, returfned home a few days ago. There Is now a new telephone line from Mulino to Sturgis Bros.' saw mill. There has been considerable work done on the roads in this vicinity this Spring and it needs a lot more yet to bring It to the finishing point, but we are proud to see them as good as they are. Mr. Wm. Smith, of this place, Is build Ing a new house. He has It well under way. That is all right William, let the good work go on. Alvln Phelps is setting posts for anew barn, having torn the old one down some time ago. Life levels all men; death reveals the eminent Liberty means responsibility. That Is why most men dread It. While we bare prisons it matters lit tle which of us occupy the cells. Titles distinguish the mediocre, em barrass the superior and are disgraced by the inferior. Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few. Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. Your word can never be as good as your bond, because your memory can never be as trustworthy as your honor. If you strike a child take care that you strike It In anger, even at the risk of maiming It for life. A blow In cold blood neither can nor should be forgiv en. From George Bernard Shaw s Man and Superman." Frank e Furniture and Harclwai'e. CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live from one Hour to Another, but Cured by Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. Dew ey, of Agnewvllle, Va., was seriously 111 of cholera Infantum last Summer. "We .gave her up and did not expect her to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhoer Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. I five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giving It and before she had tak en the half of one small bottle she was well." This remedy Is for sale by Geo, I A. Harding. CLACKAMAS. The Ladles Aid of the Congregational church will give an Ice cream social In I. O. O. P. Hall Friday evening, July 7. Ice cream and cake ready to serve at 6 o'clock. Program will begin at 8 p. m. Admission free. Field peas are being hauled to market in large quantities. Men, women and children are busy picking In the fields. Fve cents per can is the ruling price for picking. The families of Wm. Phillips and Alex. Robinson, whose house was destroyed by lire Monday night, will occupy the Wells house. Such furniture and belongings as were saved were taken thither the next morning, July 4. Quiet reigned supreme in our little , ELDORADO. Ed. and Al. Jones went to Oregon City Wednesday. Everyone went to Adkln's Park the 4th and time? well it was Just grand. Molalla B. B. 9 played at Adklns base ball grounds the 4th vs. Macksburg, score 4 to 4. Wren Adklns was In our burg Wednes day. B. J. Helvey and son have purchsed a new mower. Henry and Herman Plpka are in Port land sight seeing. Fred Wallace of Oak Point, was up home the 4th. Frank Kimmey and wife spent a few days at Otto Strieker's. Billy Wisemantle has started his new house. Passled by tbe Law. The librarian of the Congressional li brary tells a story of a colored man who came Into the library and asked one of the assistants for a "good law book." lie explained that one of bis neighbors Intended to sue him and he wanted to get a book so he could find out the law. Tbe clerk gave him a copy of a book called "Every Man Ills Own Lawyer." The colored man sat down at one of the desks and turned the pages of the book for an hour. Then he came to the desk of the assistant and said: " 'Deed, boss, caln't you git me sump In easier? Dls yere is d' fifth edition. , 1 Caln't I have de fust edition? Mebbs 5 I c'u'd understan' dat I ain't bin git-1 Z tin' on right smart with dls yere fifth 5 4 one." Baltimore News. o UR FURNITURE FACTORY in Oregon City has been built up again and running day and night to make up for lost time. Only warranted goods are manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail. OUR SO-CALLED NO. SO BUREAU PROVED TO BE A PRIZE WINNER. We arc taking orders for this celebrated piece of furniture which will be ready for delivery about ; now June 15th. irBi i i v :. 1 1 -I ; "-1 v 3 i Full size Bureau.Tine clear Mirror, made out of thoroughly seasoned lumber, finished in golden oak, dark cher ry and white maple. Sold for cash only. Special price in dozen lots. During tbe Fair you will have to put up an extra tied to accom modate your frirnd 11 u y one of our $1.95 IRON BEDS Such a bed it always welcomed in tbe children's bed room, too. 4 The Tool of Genlaa. Some of the greatest discoveries In physics and chemistry have been made with the simplest forms of apparatus and under tbe most modest conditions of laboratory equipment. One need only recall the achievements of the famous ' John Dalton and in later time of Sir Gabriel Stokes to Illustrate the point As regards the latter, a comment of Lord Itaylelgh Is of Interest. Stokes' experimental war!;, he says, was exe cuted with the most modest appliances. Many of his disw ries were made In a narrow pussiie I i-aind the pantry of his house. Into liewindow of which be bad a shutter fixed with a slit in It and a bracket ou which to place crystals and prisms. Loudon Telegraph. ! : ji Two View. I A man s vote is too precious to be sold," said the patriot j T "Perhaps," answered Senator Sor- ghum, "although a number of people of a my acquaintance regard it as too valu- 5 able to be given away." Washington Star. i I A Secret Society. I Z, Carrie I've got a dandy Idea for a girls' secret society. Belle A secret society! Do you think It would be pracUcnl? Carrie Surely. We wouldn't keep secrets; we'd swap them. Puck. 11- i 4 J l m I I I I 4 ; ' J 1 Writing Desk $5-50 Look at our $7.50 Ex. Table Hammocks We sell a good one for $2.50 Warranted Steel Range 6 holes, 18: inch Cf oven, high closet DOORS and WINDOWS ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? We have some doors left that were alightly damaged by our diitantroua fire, which will go cheap. lie ro nil Reason. There be two Individuals who cannot be reasoned with a girl in love and a man who Is determined to run for an office New Orleans Picayune. Love Is never afraid of overwork. Chicago Tribune. OABTOniA. Sean th ) Kind Voa Havt Always Bough? eigaatara SJV , SSrf of Adversity Is sometimes hard upon a man, but for one man who can stand . prosperity there are a hundred who will stand adversity. Goldsmith. f A . As. A II ? v " T-tr-T ' w s in mm t p """ m' Paint your ' Estimates JlL SS4 Pure l Wr Ji Hardware 1 1 W&Mk Paint W(&H,B J and Dim l'' mgEEESM hfc the best MrSr m J Nails rO S 1 1 1 ifl.-, iB-:zio i iii a. wi-Jtx -e-fijajw-A iarj . -41. .sxo I 'll m sAimmit : t t Rubber Garden Hose AlfTTU PIVOT WoWVfoOmS gallon. V Building Hy '''"X O i Z $4.50 for fifty feet. "wayss" a L jawltttS n U 1 53 i 1 1 GMumte Purposes 1 1 uun I-.J.tiBSKrw' . o Furniture 4 tldware Cots, $2.25. j l II I, I. - ..(J J.