OREGON CITY ENTERFKISE, FRIDAY, JUNK 30, 1005. mmmmmmmmnmmmnmmmwmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--- . 1 , i ,-i ? K ' rrr lr" " is QUEER JAPAN. tr, R solids who scrvUn Cubs. (Inr- I i ' "I 111 1 1 "' ' ' """" ' "" ' ''3 Wrj I f I ! Until my new bulldlna on Main street " Is completed, I will be located In the bulldlna on Main street near Fourth street, recently vacated by G. A. Helm. F. C. GADKE The Plumber, YOU PUT IT DOWN IN WW That our guarantee is your Gtbralter. We promise a satisfactory enduring job at the lowest price for good work and stand behind our guarantee at all times. Why not let us estimate with you? A. MIHLSTIN, Main Street, near Eighth Oregon City - Oregon BLACK -DRAUGHT STOCK and POULTRY MEDICINE troubles which are not bowel and liter insularities. Black- I ! i . o. : u ... i n..H.- m.i;. r cine is a bowel and liver remedy for slock.- It puts the orpans of di(jesiut:i in perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers fctvp their herds and flocks healtliv bv irivins them an occa sional '1 ouf ni:ick-Drauf$ht Stock and Poultry Medicine in thoir food. Anv'otoi'k raiser may buy a , lntlo to rirnaur. Cuban Diarrhoea. IT. 8. soldiers who served In Cub dur ing the SimnlHh war know what this illsense Is. nnd that ordinary remedies have little or no effect than so much water. Culmn diarrhoea Is almost as sil vers and dangerous ns a mild attack of cholera. There Is one remedy, however, Hint can nlwiivs b doin'llded upon as In "Mot tjutvr Tlil-it About Japan" PoukIms Sludon snys: "IVrlmps one of the Hcviwst of etlivi'tto tn Jnnun Is that of KUilles. Whoa you have lived in that land of smiles you will learn lu ! will be seen by the following eertltlente time that when you can understand a Japanese wnlle J on may hope to under stand the people. A daunhter-In-hiw must always present a mulling face to her mother-In law; the servant must smile when his mistress dismisses nun. ..... ..... ,11,1 1,1... no aooj, one not- P.ut Ihe uewa of a death must be told j tle f tlug remedy cured him. as our with lauffhter. Laughter Is reserved ! m,hbnrs will testify. I thank God for from Mrs. Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: "I hereby eertlfy that fbamber lalu's Cello, Cholera and pIiiitIhm lletn edy cured my husband of n severe attai k of Cubun diarrhoea, which he brought homo from Cuba. We had several doc tor very special occasions and has no relation to Joy. Smiles nre used on every occasion to conceal real feollut;s. I They nre not always sljjnlth'aut of pleasure. "No wants has the Japauese," the same writer continues. "He can live lu his clothes without a tent, he can ; live on rice or otTal of the sea, and he , Is so accustomed to carrying heavy 1 ! weights and running long distances ho valuable a medicine. ' Geo. A. Harding for salo by Mill V M I 1 IV I mj mJ R-jF 1 i Tn Prevent ltat. A g,jod mhti ie for use as n slush to preveut Ihe rusting of machinery 1st made by dissolving an ounce of coin phor In n pound of incited lard; skim off the Impurities end add enough blaek lend to give the mlxlure an Iron color. After cleaning the machinery carefully menr on Ihe mixture. It can be left ofTh' I me' cine from his dealeV fl even Wn own horse." foi)r houM w, ltvv,,nt ni,t for and ke-p h;s stock in tigorous F If the Japanese are somewhat lax gou)( t,mi) w,i(,n ri.nll,v,Hi, th0 metal hlilv f .r wek. Dcnlers gener ally keep l;! i k-Draucut Stock and Poultry M - i cine. If yours docs not, son 1 c- tit for a sample can to ' m.i'H'fai'turert, The Chattaiu-.'i:i MediciM Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. n..'r.i.:.s. Ok., Ja- , l0t. B!o-D auht Stock and Poultry MeiliJiac i ti bet I erer tried. Our s:oc'i w "ooting bd when yoa snt bis the nu'Jielne and bow they are getting One. They are looking M per osat. oener. 8. P. BHOCKINQTOlf. o regardg their religion, they are nt ihoJJ Hlslu ,vl(l, doth. any rate believers In cleanliness. The j,,,,,,,,,,, ,, wheelwright, writer says: "Personal cleanliness Is a . 'J j virtue which nil Japanese Kcrvauts pos- nretheriy i.o. ,j "u "". "" ! Two uroliieis were nnou ai me oirai- anese servant to apologize to u mistress ford pollo, t.01Irt for lighting In the for not having had time to bathe more street ,.Ul H,nu.k ,,, nllt hu i,t,u, than three times that day." pleaded one brother, "ltut it was quite friendly, sir." he hastened to add. "He SERVANTS IN ENGLAND. , Is my brother, and 1 haven't seen him ! for a long time." - I.omlou Mall. !i T",J 1 1 ni r asss rrum. tri.wi v.ii lf ivrt AlwfivM lliuiirht. nnd vlilrli linn ln A v7 M uii r w - - sK,t in uso for over iJO yrnm, lm loruo tho ulirnnturo of iwul liaii boon ihimIo lintlrr hU pcis. sffl-ftt 0 fonal nupcrvlHlon uliu'o it inntncy, Wi;UA4t Allow no oho todccclvo yon la this. All Counterfeit!, Imitation nndJtiKt-HH-iroooV'nro hut Kxpcrlmcntft tlmt trlflo with timl cmlftnirer tho lioulth of InfiuiU and CUlldrcn-13liTlnce Kalnt Hjpcrltuout, What is CASTORIA Cftittorla U n Imrmles nubHtltuto for Cantor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops nnd Kootlilntf Syrups. It lit lMensunt. It contnlus neUlu-r Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo dubaUuiee. Its ftiro U Un Kuirft,,t,0 It deatroyn Vonn nnd allay lVverlshiiesn. It curc I)larrhMi nod Colic. It relieve Teething Trouble, eure ConstlpiiUoa nnl Flatulency. It assimilate tho Food, restitute tho Stomiuhand Ilowels, gUiiitf healthy and nuturul lee, TUo Children' ranaceaTho Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of ALFALFA. j-jBL.L.OI' 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington , Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation hy the Pacific Station Telephone Com- pany, covering 2,250 towns Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a persona communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drusr Store You Will Be Satisfied WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read over the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World" BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. Alfalfa seed weighs sixty pounds to the bushel. For a hay crop sow twenty to thirty pounds of seed per acre. For a crop of seed sow fourteen to eighteen pounds per acre. Sow clean seed Screen alfalfa seed before sowing, to separate the dodder and other weed seeds. Dodder Is the worst enemy of alfalfa Do not cover the seed to deep. Alfalfa does not attain maturity un til the third or fourth year: therefore do not sow It expecting to get the best results In less time) Alfalfa grows best on a deep, sandy loam, underlaid by a loose and permea ble subsoil. It will not grow If there Is an excess of water In the soil. The land must be well drained. Alfalfa Is a deep feeder. Plow land deeply. Cut for hay when the first flowers ap pear. If cut In full bloom the hay will be woody and less nutritious. Cut for seed when the middle cluster of seed pods are dark brown. To make alfalfa hay, cut In the fore noon and let It wilt; then mako into windrows. It should be cured In wind rows and cocks and stacked or put in barns with as little handling as possible before the valuable leavc-s become too dry or brittle. It Is not safe to pasture cither cattle or sheep on alfalfa, as tney are liable to bloat when It Is fed green. Feed them the hay or pralce soiling. There Is no better or cheaper way of growing hogs than to pasture them on alfalfa. One acre will furnish pastur age for ten to twenty hogs per season. Horses can be pastured on alfalfa. Alfalfa is perennial, a clover-like plant with oblong-shaped leaves and a taproot, which often extends eight or more feet downward. The plant grows to a height of from two to five feet and its blossoms are purple In color, borne in long, loose clusters. Alfalfa hay Is not a complete ration. The best results are got by feeding it with corn fodder, ensilage, wheat or oat straw or oats. Alfalfa contains large amounts of protein. Six to ten bushels of seed is the usual yield per acre. Keep the weds mowel and raked off the first season or they will choke out the crop. The Case ol Muggins, Who WUhed She Were Dead. j The terrors of ethjuette below stairs! i There once atntyed Into my employ a . housemaid whose career hitherto had been confined to lodging houses. Up stairs she always looked frightened, ' and her face had a great attraction for I "suiuts," but she was very willing and I very competent. "It Is not for me to ask madam to send Muggins away, but the rest of us will go If Muggins stays. I don't know where she has lived out before, but he drinks out of her saucer nnd does not even know that we expect her to be down In our sitting room at half past 4 dressed In her black nnd ready to pour out the servants' tea." Of course I gave Muggins notice, recog nizing that the lodging house was her proper sphere, nnd In the month that followed I knew she suffered martyr dom. She used to wipe her eyes stealthily, and ns she wns uot proud I showed her some sympathy. "They ain't nice to tue downstairs like you are, ma'am," she sobbed, "though I'm doing my best. Cook says she won't wipe up the dishes for the likes of me." "Never mind, Muggins. You'll be go ing soon, and, after all, you have learn ed a good deal here," I consoled her. "I wish," said Muggins, "I was dead." Mr. John Lane In Harper's Bazar. If you are going Kast, write or informa tion and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It. W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent PORTLAND, OREGON JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY TEARS EXPERIENCE V Great Britain and America. JE5 The Benefits of Sugar. A correspondent remarks that sugar has modified the history of Europe and of the world in more ways than one. Used in Euglaud four centuries ago almost exclusively lu the preparation of medicines and long afterward an article of luxury only accessible to tho rich. It ha by enlarged production nnd cheapeueo manufacture been brought within the reach of all. The universal I'oMrrlt jr' Itrveniie. Foreign Visitor (In the year C0) You don't seem to have any family trees lu thU country. Native American No; our ancestors destroyed the last of our forestsmoie thau a hundred yars ngo.-Exchange. Ties and Time. Hhe-Whst Is the difference between a uiado up tie and one you tie jout.a U .' lie Oh. aJluut half an hour.-fusett Journal ('use and Kffrrt. MIfkins Wasn't Benedict's death ; rather sudden and unexpected? B!f : kins-Well, It was sudden, but not ' necessarily unexpected. His wife had , Just graduated from a cooking school. Chicago News. Hundreds of lives saved every year j by having Dr. Thomas' Kclertrlc Oil In . the house Just when If Is needed. Cures croup, heals burns, cuts, wounds of ev- ! ery sort DROPSY Do Your Ankles op Limb Swell? Are Your Eye Putty? Ve oro the 6ol Agents tor the Only Thing Known That Cures tho Kldnev Diseases that Causo Dropsy, vlzt Fulton's Compound. It Is now welt known that dropsy Is not In Itself s disease but Is commonly symptom of Bright'! Disease or Diabetes. Hence, up to tbs discovery of the Fulton Compounds, dropsy was incurable. It Is now, however, curable In nearly nine tenths of HI esses. Hera Is sn interesting MMm tn which mm wfrr hv nermliislon. use of this practically pure carbohy- I Mrs. Peter OoyheneU of 928 Fillmore street, urate, wuCU is uoi ouiy u ueeiy uuiu- Ban Tncioo, uccmo .i.imiujij u..,,...... Profltable lnvonflons. No one tlus of luv iilon.i has been so profitable to both the manufacturer and the inventor as, musical Instru ments and appliances for same. Nu merous Improvements to the- piano have been a source of large fortunes, and various devices are at present be ing continuously applied. Radically new Instruments possessing real merit are the Inventions needed in this line. The public Is always ready to adopt almost anything new In both wind and stringed instruments. Inventor. lng fuel aud protetd sparer, but a mus cle food, increasing the power of doing work and lessening fatigue, must have had widespread and benetlclal effects on the national health. Especially In the case of children, whose greed of Her physician had anally to tap ber every few days. She was tapped nearly forty times and grew worse from dsy to day. The physician finally told ber husband that she had Dri.ht't Disease of the Kidneys, that It was In an ad vanced chronic- state and beyond medical aid. Her heart also gars ber the usual trouble and sugar is (he expression of a physlolog- She was In such a serious condition the relatives ( ir.nl nr.! lm tli-it toiui hwii viilnnhlft were sent for. They put her on Fuiton'sCnm. lcai wanr, uas mat toou oetn vaiuaoie d u gu.ea'on Der ttmach, the flri in conducing to growtu, couieutmeuc and well being. St. James' Gazette. A Record Breaker. Among- the array of Loudon car riage drivers Is an Irishman noted for his native wit. It stood him In poor stead ofie day, however. Pat was en gaged by a gentleman to drive to a hydropathic establishment. On arrival nt the gate the faro In quired, "What's your fare, driver?" "Well, sir," said Tat, "the manest Jlntleruan I ever drove here gave me. 2 shillings." "Is that so?" exclaimed the gentle man, icho was a bit of a wng. "Well, here's a shilling fir you. my man. I like the Idea of breaking records." I.ondi.n (ilobe. tning mat nau aone mo iot m wrr. i no m-i-uu w.k ihn drum declined a Utile and the Im provement was then gradual until her recovery ; i was complete. nia caws wm riamiui:u iuw , by rpprewntMlve of the Ban Francisco Star and the Overland Monthly, and the ifenulnenei of the cane and the recovery were fully attested In their columns. Mrs. Thomas Chrlstol of i!t Twenty-seventh street. San Frsnclsco, was also swollen with drnoiY. as a result of chronic llrleht'a Disesxe. to more than seventy-live pounds beyond her i normal weight, and bad to be moved In sheets ! and was close to death's door although she bad I four physicians. She was put on the Kulton Comiounds. Three weeks showed Improvement and in six months she was well, and permits ! this reference. I There Is only one thing known thst will ours I the ctiron.c kidney disease that Is behind dropsy -and that Is Fulton's Compound. The Kuuul Compound for Iiriicbt's and Kidney dUessra, II; -for Dtahetes, II. SO. John J. Fulton Co., t ' Washington street, Bnn Francisco, sole com pounders. Send for pamphlet. W are the Bute : agents for this city. Charman & Co., City Drug Store. II ft i WVVVVVVVVyVVVVyVVVVVVVVVV'VT-TVTTTTTVT-TTTVTTTTrrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT "5? f'Jr 1 Sruf n- Pronounced by World's best experts The "World's Best Whiskey. Grand Prize Highest Award St. Louis World's Fair. For Sale by . E. MATTHIAS -Sole Aoenoy for Oregon City. HAVE YOUR P dim Anting Ente2se DONE AT THE s 1 Jofe.' Office j GOOD WORK. REASONABLE PRICES 4 WyWVWWWrVVWWWWVWVrVWrWW rWWrWwVWVVWVsvr$ The KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. KEEP COOL ELECTRIC FANS MAKE TORRID SUMMER DAYS ENDURABLE IN THE OFFICE Mean comfort for the business man at his desk. IN THE HOME-Same fan can be used in kitchen, dining-room or sleeping-room at will. Afford most effective method ot drying the hair after washing. IN RESTAURANTS Quickly cool sweltering hu manity stimulate jaded appetites drive away annoying Hies purify the atmosphere. THK COST TO OPKRATU AM KUiCTRlC FAX IS SO SMALL IT . WOULD HAKDI.Y II K AITRF. CIAI1LK. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND TUB KLKCTIIIC FAN MAKE A STRONG COMBINATION FOR SUMMER COMFORT. ESTIMATES on cost of wiring, cost of current and information regarding the use of electricity for LIGHT or POWER, in the HOME, the OFFICE, the STORE and the FACTORY, promptly furnished upon application to C. G. Miller at the Company's branch office, next door to the Bank of Oregon City. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. C. Miller, Contract Manager for Oregon City Oregon Gty Enterprise $1.50 per yf Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal $ 1 .50 a yt Subscribe for both now for only $1.75 per year Oregon Gty Enterprise and Weekly Oregonian, both I year for only $2.00.