TV HNTJSItPKlSE, Fill DAY, JUNE 30, 1905. " ' 1 1 " -- - "" - 1 i A REPUTATION. ' . u f All . mm jm r " Milk MR. and MRS. WILBERT THOMPSON, 801 Main St., Peoria, III. MULL'S GRAPE TONIO CURED HIM. Thl Coupon is good for a GOo. Dottlo of null's Grape Tonlo, rill oat this coupon and semi to the Lightning Me.lhlnsOo., 1ST Third" At.., Kork Island, III., and un will receive full !, ttoi. bottle of Mull's Urane Tonle. I have never taken Mull'a Or p. Tonle, but If you will aupply iu with a SOc, Until free, I will Uke Has directed. Nam Htreet No.. "'r W.U.. aivs run aooasaa and waive nativ. MULINO. Ir. II. (iinicher tins a phono In his limine und Is now remly for nny commun ication that the public limy wish. The lain ruin bus been boneneliij to nil garden truck, but six.ll. d some hay and I.kIk.iI somn grain and gruss Mr. and Mrs. Belby are the proud pos aemiors of a fine buby girl, Mother and child doing nicely. At Hut u 11 rt 11 11 1 school meeting Mr. Wiles wns elected director for three years, and Fred Erlcksmi, re-elected clerk. Horn to Mr. and Mrs, Oscar panlels. a son. F. Krlckson and family have recently returned from a trip to the fair and re port having a flue time, nnd one can't spend three or four days to more advant age than at the fulr. Mr. J. A. Davis nnd family spent last Hun.lity with W. It. B.ltser. Thomas Fish, who has been working at C'asedaro, returned home a few days ago. Mr. C. T. Howard Is Improving his place by building an ndltlon to his house. Hevernl around here hnve been cutting liny and are liable to hnve It unfit for fodder. ' GREENWOOD. Farmurs Hint have their hay down are looking rather downcast on account of the rnln, Mrs. Mnggln Martlnsen, of Primrose, Nebrnska, Is visiting her brother, Mr. Robert Clarke, of this place. Ilessle Clarke Is spending a few days with friends In Portland this week. Doss Meade nnd Martin Thompson call ed on Ilessle and Mny Clarke Sunday. Wonder If Elmer Lucas enjoyed his trip to Aurora Hiituniay evening. Never Willie Wilson, R. Edwards, Hlodwen,. town. lay off from work for the girls until you j Thomas A. Steudeman, I.. Duffy. A. I Wanh Smith has made great Improve know they are In ernest. Thomas. Miss Stelly, Mr. and Mrs. Steud- rnent In his residence by three coats of Miss I.eonii Klstler returned blme Inst emon. Lively games were played until fresh paint. Wednesday after a short visit with her friends here. Anna Cahlll had the misfortune of los ing her gold watch Sunday afternoon, Wonder why Ilessle looks so downcast of late? Never mind, lless, there are others. Alfred Gregory was a home visitor Mondiiy. Mrs. Llzzlo Davis of Wardner, Idaho, Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. C. Thomas, of this place. NEEDY. Hurrah! for the glorious Fourth and don't you forget to attend the grand bnll In the Odd Fellow's Hall, here at Needy the evening of July 4th. C. Molson made a business trip to Port liioil Mitmliiir A large crowd from Needy attended the dance In Aurora Saturday night and all report a good time. Mrs. John Klllolt Is visiting her daugh lor. Mrs. Louis Rail of Parkplace, this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Noblett spent Sundny with tho hitter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. (lonelier of Eldorado. Much credit Is given to Miss Nellie Armstrong and her pupils for the pro gram rendered at the children's day ex ercises In Thompson's hall, Saturday uf- ternoon. Dodson Rnnmca expects to leave soon for Pastern Oregon, Albert Elliott, Gilbert Long and Ed-' ward Blrtchet took a trip to the motin- tains Inst week. I Mrs, Mabel Tubbs nee Hardesty, of California, is visiting relatives and , friends here, Otis Townsend was doing business In Canby Monday. Mrs. Fish and daughter Zoo, were the guests of Mrs. C, Nublltt and Miss Jack son, Thursday. OA0TOXIIA. Imi, the The Kind You Haw Always BotiiM Subscribe for the Enterprise. aSilDaittsdl ...v ... LET US GIVE YOU douic aui cnarge For Sale by Howell & BEAVER CREEK. , The lute and present Oregon mist Is doing a great deal of damage to the main If you plense. a f. w of the farmers of this burg have aome wet hay to dry after the rain stops, I guess. The telephone lri" In this burg will be all completed by the end of this week. (iliulys ltlunt Is reported to be rapidly Improving. L. I mrry, 1 1. J 1 me a and A. Htaben re turned home last week. Miss Hteely of Portland called on the tncks of dizziness If raised from the pll Htighes family last week. low. Ills case is considered very Serious, D. Jones and A. Thomas called jon L. owing to his age and extreme feebleness. tJulty last Humlay. Clackamas Grange No. 2'JS will hold a Helittlvi-s nnd friends of Oregon City regular day meeting Saturday, July 1. took dinner with John Huhlnnder and The literary hour will be filled by a chlld fumlly Inst Biinduy. ren's program, the "contest" bulng drop- II, Staben made a short roll on rela- l'd for that day. lives and friends here Inst Sunday. j The continued rains are hard on the E. It. Hughes who has returned home cherries, tho' most of the owners of from the O. A. C, at Corvnllls, colled on cherry trees here have hurried to Sell relatives at Portland last Sunday. j or otherwise dispose of the fruit. A. Illuhm. J. Huhlnnder nnd A. Thorn- I Chautauqua Is now the topic of con- ns, who went to Sandy lust week nnd ' purchased 7 hea.l or bunch grasses, are now busy breaking In the bronchos. Several of the people of this vicinity attended union services at Ilethel lust Sunday, a. Htaben, D. Comerth and E. Jones each purchused a bunch grass this week. Miss Hay Staben called on friends at Oregon City this week. Hoys, get your raltlo traps together as mere are going to be some weddings prelty soon. , There was a surprise birthday party to Mrs. Carl Steudeman last Thursday ev- enlng and those present were: Mr. and Mrs. McGlllls, Edward, Alva and Hertha Hughes, Trehesa, Arthur nnd George , Htaben. Lena Steudeman. Maud Daniels, a late hour when lunch and Ice cream was served, and all returned to their homes well pleased with the night's en joyment. Shannon Ilros. have shut down their saw mill for the summer. O. Price left for Portland this week, The dance at IJcaver Creek hall last Friday night was not much of a suc cess. There will bo a telephone meeting at Heaver Creek hall Saturday night, July 1, everybody come. Curtis Helvey, the wild and wooly broncho buster, from bad creek, started r,(,u ' raii.o wr o. tnmwin i Sunday, but when he started to get on h Kot .tne 8"Jlk''s, " "J"1 t"'lt tl,e n - ... i . .. 1 TV "I shook him off before ho got on. Come I dsck again iiirun, rrea win nave some more horses to ride soon, bring a pillow n,xt tlmB' Macksburg defeated the Shubels last week 12 to 9. Last Last Sunday there was no game on account of the rain. The "i'i;" - -- r, .... I l . -... .A nln., 1. U1IIK uoyn ill. meLi ui'uiiLnu iuir uu mo 4th of July. Como one, come all, and see who gets the money. D, W. Thomas is building a new cellar. That's all this time, thank you, good bye. A Fearful Fate. It' Is a feorful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truth- fully say," writes Horry Colecn, of Ma- sonvllle, Ia., "that for Blind, .Weeding, Itching and Protruding Piles, BucMe.i's Arnica Salve, Is the best uum made." Al- so best for cuts, burns and Injuries, 25c at Howell & Jones, Ji ighU' CLACKAMAS. If not mistaken, It was In June, 1890, that the writer penned her first batch of Items for the Enterprise. A nom de plum was In fashion then, and "Calla" wonders if any other old names are on the stalk. It was a frlerndly group of writers, and many a happy Jest or kind tribute was recorded, A school meeting was held Thursday evening. Mr. Johnston was elected to serve again for three years. C. T. Clark becoming chairman of tho board. It was ADD OIs Gilbert Thompson never knew a well diy until last June he had been constipated all hli life many doctors treated him, but all failed to even help him hit health failed rapidly and on January 21, 1903, Ma Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he also failed to hclo the patlent-NOW HJJ IS WELL, 9 Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs. Thompson first wrote us as follows-. "Mr husband, aged J3, suffers from shsrp pains In bis itomach and somntiinns thinks It Is Ills heart. Let m know bjr return mall what oauses the pain, if you can. Mr. Tiiomuson has treated hj several doctors, hut they have given him up." ' uraiisou vve promptly aavisoa mat a nrsi-ciaas specialist be eouMiiteo;. weniHiiai "We want to sell Mull's Crape V . ' " u ni.wn . " ,.. ..i. " v.,,M, UUI m l"tllU ! IIU 1HJ17U, W ll WIIU a llUman HIS IS SI StaKS and if your htintiand'i case Is as serious as you state, we suititt you commit a rnllable specialist, iiottheadvertlilue: a nd. promptly." At the same time, knowing tlial Mull's (.rape Tonlo could do no harm, we advised Its use until a I'lij "l. I All wJlllu la fWlllMlllLefl . JlLllllarv 2A Mra. 1 ItnmiMLiin rrr,lM that a. rttivalnlari it. - T " n .n.iH . ... u..iw wui..,'.,i an w j n,.i7in. Jill tinBlilinilt wn IWII'WW'l lAlinilllly, J)Ul Vllnre WAS no iMtroepllhln improvement In Mr. Thompson's health. Then he began taking Mull's Grape 'Joule and on Sent , liwa. we received the fullowlux letter from Mrs. Ihoinpsoii; V 1 ' . . - . . . rou win nisimbsr that I wrats to you laat Januarv In regard to my huaband'a haalth. It a four months alnoe ha quit taking Mull' Orapa Tonlo for eonatlpatlon, whloh ha Buffered from alnoe birth. H took lust 24 bottles of It and I perfeotly eured. Ho la muoh stronger and hae gained considerably In fleah. I eannot thank you enough for Mull'a Orape Tonlo. 'It 1 worth He weight In gold.' Just 1 2 eured him and he baa apent hundrede of dollara with doetera who did him no good. Nowl want to state my ease to you and expeot your early reply. I also have eenetl. patlon, have had for three yeara. Kindly let ma know aa I am euro It will euro ma If you aay It will, aa It did all you claimed it would la my huaband'a eaee. I await an earl reply." very reapaotiuiiy youra, . w. H. Tnumruw, Bui Main U, Peoria, III. A 50c. BOTTLE. If you are afflicted with constipation or any of Its kindred diseases wo will buy a 50-ccnt bottle for you of your druggist ami give It to you to try. If you are constipated we know it will cure you. Surely if we have such confidence in our remedy as to pay for a Ixittle of it that you may test for yourself its won derful curative qualities, you should not refuse to accept our offer. Mull's Grape Tonic Is the only cure for constipation known. We do not recom mend it for anything hut CoiiKtipation and its allied diseases. It ia our free gift to you. In accepting this free bottle you do not obligate yourself further tlmn to take ita contents. Mull's Grape Tonic ia jiletuuuit to twice and one bottle will benefit you. We want you to try it and, therefore, if you will fill out the attached coujxm and mail it to us to-day we will instruct your druggist to give you a 50-cent same to us. Jones, Oregon vot-d to enelosd the school grounds with a new fence of boards topped with two barbed wires. Also voted new seats for primary room, and new floor for entire building. Mrs. Elizabeth liuck and Miss Edna Armstrong were retained as teach ers for ensuing year, Saturday aftcmooji WhYIIom PhGllps wu found lying unconscious on the ' giving rain, but It Is clouding up occa ground In his pasture. Ho was taken to slonally, therefore we are not thinking the house and physician called, who pronounced It a case of heart fullure. When seen yesterday, the aged gentle man was rcKtlng easily; but liable to at- vernation, superseding even the Fair. The j Clackamas people are faithful attendants at that literary feast, though not many go Into camp on the grounds. A special meeting of the Mother's Club will soon be called to consider the matter of cleaning, and fumigating the school building, procuring curtains, etc, Th sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered next 8abbath morn- ing at the Congregational church at 11 ...I..... o ciock. several new members are to ho received. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Dougherty of Hills- boro, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Guyer, of Friends, Eastern Oregon, were visitors last week at the home of A. O. Hayward. R. B. Holcomb has lately built a fine burn 28x34 on his premises south of Another day s work under the auspices of tho Mother's Club Is to be done at tho cemetery In the near fufture. Interested please take notice. All STAFFORD. The gentle Oregon rain has been com ing off and on for a number of days, do ing lots of good to gardens, potatoes, etc., nnd as there has been but little wind, but little of the heavy grain which now clothe fields has become lodged. Hcnrv Schatx Is s-ettlnn- nnlte a llttln vmiJKe of buildings around him, and Is " now rnBgcd m building a place to store Formerly Oregon farmers used to bum their straw, but they have found tnat bj, g0 ng mey ron tne tana. Daniel Myers and wife and Mr. Sam Myers, former residents of Stafford, large number of the people attended, but now of Odessa, Washington, are down Mr. Irving Clark and Mr. McNIcol. each to visit tho Fair and greet old friends, are having several acres of brush cut. Mr. Sam Myers Is mayor of that thriving the ladles sewing clety meets this burg; the brother a prosperous farmer, week at the home of Mrs. John Davis. Mrs. Barbara Moser was called to Port- During the vacation months the meet- land last week by the serious Illness of lngs will be held once each month, her elder sister; who underwent an op- Miss Millie Diddle, of Lafayette, is vls- erntlon for appendicitis. Itlng relatives and friends in Harmony. Mr. Oage Is hauling three-year-old oats Little Wanda Danforth, of Portland, to town and realizes a good profit by is visiting her cousin, Lenore Kllton. having kept them. Daryl Chapman, of Hlllsboro, was vis Perry Sharp, who la one of the Grand itlng his parents here last week. Jurors, got excused and made a flying Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilhouser, of Los trip home on Monday, He was not on Angeles, have come to spend the Summer tho Mitchell case. with relatives of this place. Curley sold a cow to Mr. Moser for 131 Good cattle bring a little better price than last year. Mr. Moser Is a practical farmer. He keeps six cows and a horse, a number of hogs and a few hundred chickens on his farm. He grows three or four kinds of produce on each strip of his land. As soon aa one strip Is cut oft and fed out he turns It over and sows It to some other crop, and returns all the compost to the land, so It Is well fed and every thing looks neat and thrifty, He believes In a little land well tilled and hla garden and grounds are a model of neatness. Mr. Scott went to Portland Tuesday after his last load of furniture, and they soon will be keeping house In their new home purchased of Mr. Chowder. Mr. Mays did not accept 18 cents for his hops as reported last week. He said Off Gty he would run the rtek of getting 15 cents. (Missed last week's mall.) Stafford has enjoyed a season of such sunny baking days as only Clackamas county knows how to manufacture, per haps, and except those who have already cut hay we begin to sigh for the llfe- j seriously of sending for the California raln-makerra, especially, as they overdid the thing down there. Tho wife of our postmaster visited a friend In Washington about 25 miles from Vancouver and came back pretty well satisfied. She says the grain fields are being ruined by an aphis, which saps the whole stalk.l till It turns red and lops over, and the gardens and potato fields are noth ing. Early potatoes as large as peas and stunted In growth and no old ones to be had except to send to Portland. She told them they would send them all the old potatoes they were amlnd to pay freight on, which they were glad to do, and will also send them some new ones as big as a teacup to give them a faint Idea of what Stafford can do. Mr. Scott closed the bargain for Mr. Chowder's place last week, and Mr. Chowder and fumlly started back for their windy Kansas, on Thursday of laat week, Some students from O. A. C. accom- punled Mrs. Gage's granddaughter. Miss Agnes Sweek, on a visit to her brand parents this week, and a number of Dleas- ' - i ant days were spent by them. Miss Ag- nes waa one of the successful competi- tors of the Sorosls Society who won the Gatch cup In the recent oratorical con- test at the Corvallls college. We hear that Curley Mays has Just closed a deal for his hoos at 18 cents thereby loslnar. he save, isnn h mkhi have got that much more a few weeks ago. In Mad Chase. Milllona rush in mad chasi after heifh. tinw one extreme of fadd'.sm to another, when, If they would only eat good food, i.nd keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life litis, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and jlck cure for liver and stomach trouble. 26c at Howell & Jones drugstore; guaran teed. HARMONY. - ""' HO VIV.1II1LV wuuiu HP glad to have a change of weather as many of them have hay out Children's Day exercises were obsarv- ea at the church last Sundav. A nnn& program was rendered, as usual, and a Mrs. Ella Cobson and daughter May. of Seattle, were visiting their aunt, Mrs. T T T m ... . . Henry Karr and family, last week. UNDER NEW MANAQEHENT Oregon City Planing Mill Co. Doors. Windows, Mouldings And all Kinds Stock Patterns of Mill Work Always on Hand. Estimates on Contracts Made Free of Charge. How It Is Made and Retained. A good reputation Is not easily earned, and It la only by merit that Doah'e Kid ney pills won their way to the proud distinction attained in this locality. The j public endorsement of scores of people has rendered Invaluable service to the community. Head whut this citizen says: John Cosgrove, carpenter, of 207 1-2 2d Bt., Portland, Or., says: "1 could not begin to tell you the quantity of differ ent medicines I took during the years I was subject to attacks of backache. I tried them all, but Doan's Kidney Pills was the first which acted as represented. It stopped the pain In my back and during the time which has elapsed since I stop ped using them I have not had any re turn of the trouble." Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at C, O. Hunt ley's drug store and ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-MIIburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other. HUTTON'S ONE RECIPE It Included Paper Cutter, Ink Eraser and Itubber Hands. 1'erlmps the most Ingenious and the most original of all schemes for pro curing autograph was from a lady in a western town. Hue was raising funds j for the building and support of a public library, and she had conceived the idea of issuing a volume to be called "The Authors Recipe Book." Authors from 111 over the comitry, the most dlstln lulshed of authors always authors with a capital A had been good enough to send her a list of the favorite dishes of their own construction, with their method of making them. The cookbook was ie of the many forms of literature to wbloJi the recip ient had never turned his attention. lie bad no more idea of cooking than be bad of milking n cow or of harnessing a horse or of setting a hen or of build ing a dynamo. He did not even care what was cooked for him so long as it contained none of the ingredients of tripe and none of the essence of toma to. But be was asked to contribute a paper, which she would have repro duced In facsimile, stating what be could prepare most to his liking upon a kitchen range or In a chafing dish, with his manner of procedure. This quite nonplused him until be bethought himself of one particular and peculiar delicacy In the evolution of which be could safely trust bis reputation as an expert. In reply, for which he received no thanks, be said: "Take a long paper cutter; attach to the same by means of rubber bands, and securely, an Ink eraser; Insert the Ink eraser firmly Into a marshmallow plug and bold the same over a student's lamp or study fire until the marshmal low begins to slzz, drops Into the ashes, puts out the light or burns your hand. And eat while hot!" He has never seen a copy of "The Au thors' Recipe Book!" Laurence Hutton In Critic. BULGING GUN BARRELS. The Rnln That Ia Wrought hr Care lesa Handling. I have sold guns for ten years, and In that time four of them have had their barrels bulged, one by snow, one by dirt, one by sand and one by some thing else getting Into it One man crawling through a fence got a little snow in the muzzle. He could not re- I move it with his finger, so concluded to wait and shoot It out, which be did, but he found a bulge like a pullet's egg on the end of the barrel. Another got some earth in the muzzle and shot it out, and be, too, found the same kind of a bulge on the end of his gun. An other fired his gun at ducks, which knocked him over on his back and fair ly got away from him. When he pick ed up the gun he found a narrow raised band around the barrel fourteen Inches from the muzzle. In this case a wad had probably lodged there. This cus tomer thinks the manufacturers ought to give hitn a new set of barrels. I tell hint if the barrels bad not been good ones it would have been a burst in stead of a bulge, which might have maimed or killed him. Another man ly ing on a point brought down a duck with a broken wing which scurried for the water. The man ran and struck the duck with the muzzle of the gun and in so doing got sand iu it He blew most of it out and shot out the rest of it Well, after that ehot he found a little blister two inches from the muz tie about the size of a man's little fin ger. Moral. Do not snoot obstructions of any kind out of your gun If you value your life or guu Uncle Dan in Ama tour Sportsman. Furious Fighting. "For seven years," writes Geo. W. Hoffman,' of Harper, Wash., "I had a bit ter battle with chronlo stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases, by the use of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don't Intend in the future to be without them In the house. They are , certainly a wonderful medicine, to have cured such a bad case as mine." Sold. under guarantee to do the same for vou. 1 by Howell & Jones, druggists, at 6O0 a . bottle. Try them today. W. KUPPENBEDEK, President BEN. KUPPENBENDEK, Sec.& Treas wt WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Rnr1re,t tin Kv . a - . . -1' v . n umu m vcmaTT sf remarkable and uniform cures, a record uch as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women erer attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feet fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Lencorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "I was a great iuffrr-r for tlx years sod doe tared all the lime with a number of phyician but did not receive any broefil," writes Mrs. George fiogden, of 641 Bond street, 6aginaw (South). Michigan. I had given up all hope of ever getting better. Thought I would write to you. When I received your letter telling tne what to do I commenced to take your ' Favorite Pre-cription ' and follow your advice. I have taken (en bottle in all, alto five vials of the 'Pleaaant pellet..' Am now regular, after hav. Ing miwied two years snd suffered with pain in the head and back. I waa to nervous, could not eat or sleep. Now I can thank you lor my recovery." Don't hesitate to write to Dr. R.V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N.Y., if you want good medical advice from a fully qualified physician as to your per sonal good health. Such letters are always answered free of charge and confidentially. A medicine which lias-outsold all others toe women in the past third of a century and being: recommended by all those who have used it, is a good remedy to tie to. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is purely vegetable and does not con tain a particle of alcohol to destroy the blood corpuscles and weaken the system. Do not permit the dealer to insult your intelligence by suggesting some other com. pound which he trci'mmciin as "just a food." because he nukts it himself. CATARRH r- - mma l . v.w COW 0 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Specific, Sure to Cive Satisfaction. CIVEt RELIEF AT .ONCE. It cleanses, soothes, heals, and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the nostrils and absorbed, large Size, 60 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warrsn St., New York. It'a a dream. So unreal unless you hav enjoyed the real thing. A delicious des sert; an ideal finish for children. EN ERGY, 10c a package. AT ALL GROCERS. SUPPORT SCOTTS EMULSION terns as bridge to carry the weakened sad starved system along until It can flad firm support in ordinary food. Sand for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUts, J09-4IJ Pearl Street, New York. 50c and $.oo all druggist. THE HIGHEST AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S PAIS WAA OIVfcN TO rt0El? WATERPROOF !S3!0,LED CLOTHING Tt slickers, hats 'WlSiS POMMEL SLICKER A- J. TOWER CO.. ESTABLISHED 1836 SOiTON- NtW YOSS- CMICACO TOWtR CANADIAN CO, lmlt.4. TORONTO, CAN PERKINS AMERICAN HERBS Never Sold by Drugjj's's R. W. BAKER, Agent, . Willamette, Or. OASTOniA, Start the A li" M"" isu nafflwtrajs The Kind You Haw Always BouiJit nam.